Philippine Canadian Inquirer #617

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NOVEMBER 22, 2024

Vol. 9 No. 617


Adhere to House protocols,

VP Sara told

Traffic enforcer Ramiro Hinojas directs traffic in a Santa Claus
costume along Macapagal Avenue in Pasay City on Wednesday
(Nov. 20, 2024). Hinojas said has wears the costume during the
Christmas season to lighten the mood of motorists caught in
heavy traffic. (YANCY LIM/PNA)

9 21 24 28

Adios amigos? What Trump Why do I feel better when I wake Cryptocurrencies are making From Julefest to Gingerbread
2.0 means for Canada and myself up instead of relying on an investors very rich – and Grove: Christmas Market
Mexico alarm? A neurologist explains the making it harder to stop Destinations to Sleigh For
science of a restful night’s sleep financial scammers


Only 11 Premium Strata Units
UNITS 604 363 0328
symphony hill
2 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Indonesia: Transfer process for Veloso

eyed in December
By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora “Coordinating Minister Yus- a decision on whether to grant However, the ministry con- her suitcase.
Philippine News Agency ril Ihza Mahendra estimates remission or pardon would rest firmed it received the Philippines’ She was given a last-minute
that the transfer process for with the head of state. official transfer request and has reprieve in April 2015 when
Mary Jane will take place in "In the case of Mary Jane, discussed it internally among Manila informed their coun-
MANILA – The Indonesian December 2024. Apart from who was sentenced to death concerned Indonesian ministries. terparts in Jakarta that her re-
government is eyeing to initi- the Philippines, the countries in Indonesia, it is possible that "We have discussed every- cruiters had surrendered.
ate the process of transfer of that have proposed transfer- President (Ferdinand R.) Mar- thing internally in the minis- At that time, eight other
Mary Jane Veloso to a Philip- ring the prisoner are Australia cos Jr. will grant pardon and tries under the coordination drug convicts – seven foreign-
pine prison in December 2024, and France,” it said. change her sentence to life im- of the Coordinating Ministry ers and one Indonesian – were
its Coordinating Ministry for The conditions include Ve- prisonment, considering that for Kumham and Imipas and executed by firing squad.
Legal, Human Rights, Immi- loso serving the remainder of the death penalty has been abol- have reported it to President According to the ministry,
gration, and Correction said. her sentence in the country; ished in the Philippine criminal Prabowo (Subianto) who has former President Joko Wido-
In a statement on Wednes- Manila’s recognition of the In- code, so this step is within the approved this prisoner transfer do has “long been consistent
day, the ministry said Indone- donesian court's final decision full authority of the President of policy," Yusril said. in not granting pardon to con-
sia will carry out the transfer on her case; and the Philippine the Philippines," he said. Veloso was jailed in 2010 victs in narcotics cases" and
process once the conditions it government agreeing to shoul- As of this posting, the Indone- and was sentenced to death in had rejected clemency requests
set for the Philippine govern- der the cost of her return. sian side has yet to issue a formal the same year after 2.6 kilo- both submitted by Veloso and
ment are met. Upon her transfer, Yusril said decision on the Veloso’s return. grams of heroin was found in the Philippine government. ■

US Congress passes reso CICC warns vs. rise

pushing for more joint in crypto, dollar
patrols in SCS investment scams
By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora
Philippine News Agency
ners, to underscore the impor-
tance of freedom of navigation
Defense relations between
the Philippines and the US
in PH
and overflight. deepened under the adminis-
It also conveyed firm objec- trations of Philippine President By Raymond Carl Dela Cruz pecting victims to invest quickly.
MANILA – The United States tion to China’s “false sover- Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and US Philippine News Agency “Scammers also claim that of-
House of Representatives has eignty claims to the South Chi- President Joe Biden, with the fers are limited and assert that
passed a resolution that reaf- na Sea” and called on Beijing latter approving USD500 mil- victims might miss out on an
firms Washington, D.C.’s “un- to “cease its aggressive and lion of foreign military funding MANILA – The Cybercrime incredible opportunity,” he said.
wavering commitment” to the dangerous actions against Phil- to help modernize the coun- Investigation and Coordinat- The 14 victims, he said, had
Philippines’ defense and calls ippine vessels” in the area. try’s external defense. ing Center (CICC) on Thursday been asked to invest between
for “more joint patrols” in the In addition, it reaffirmed In his visit to the Philippines warned the public against a rise USD100 to USD1000 which
South China Sea. Washington, D.C.'s commit- earlier this week, US Secretary in investment scams in the coun- they had to deposit to a foreign
The US House of Represen- ment to invoking the Mutual of Defense Lloyd Austin III said try, particularly cryptocurrency account.
tatives Resolution No. 837 was Defense Treaty in case of an the US commitment to the alli- (crypto) due to its skyrocketing Once the money is deposited,
introduced by Guam’s delegate armed attack against Filipino ance would “transcend chang- prices in the global market. the scammer will cut off com-
to the US Congress James Moy- assets, including Philippine es of administration.” In a statement, CICC Executive munication with the victim.
lan (R) in 2023 and was ap- Coast Guard vessels in the Director Alexander Ramos said He reminded the public to
proved on Nov. 20 (US time). South China Sea. PAGE 7 US Congress passes 14 victims of crypto and dollar do research about any form of
“I am proud to announce that scams have filed complaints with investment before making any
today the House has officially the CICC since last week. payment or deposit.
passed H.Res. 837, reaffirming “This coincides with the re- “Check with government
the ties between the US and lease of the video message of the regulatory agencies if such
the Philippines. This resolution US-based Federal Trade Commis- companies have the license to
reinforces our longstanding sion alerting the public of a surge do business before investing.
friendship, mutual commit- in investment scams in the Philip- Remember, no investment is
ment to security, and economic pines and urged victims to report risk-free,” he said.
partnership,” Moylan said on to CICC and other law enforce- Victims of investment scams
his X account Thursday. ment agencies,” Ramos said. and other cybercrimes may
The resolution calls on the These scammers, he said, are call the Inter-Agency Response
US and the Philippines to “con- mostly foreigners who promise (IARC) toll-free hotline at 1326.
duct more joint patrols in the high-yield investment in crypto- The hotline operates round-
South China Sea,” including currency and often create a false the-clock from Mondays to
with other like-minded part- sense of urgency to push unsus- Sundays, including holidays. ■
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 PHILIPPINE NEWS 3

Adhere to House protocols, VP Sara told
By Filane Mikee Cervantes This prompted the House natin sa ating mga aksyon (For
Philippine News Agency leadership to impose a "lock- me, since we are officials, we
down" as a precautionary secu- should be careful with our ac-
rity measure. tions. We should look into this
MANILA – Leaders of the The House leaders empha- because it will show our char-
House of Representatives on Fri- sized the importance of ad- acter; our character is reflected
day sounded the alarm over what hering to security protocols, in our actions),” Chua said.
they described as a breach of se- regardless of rank or position. On Wednesday, the House
curity after Vice President Sara "Gusto naming ipaalala sa Good Government and Pub-
Duterte remained at the Batasang lahat, lalo na sa mga opisyal lic Accountability cited Lopez
Pambansa complex overnight on ng gobyerno, na may mga pa- for contempt over her "undue
Thursday and refused to leave de- takaran at protokol kaming si- interference" in the panel's
spite repeated requests. nusunod sa Malaking Kapulun- proceedings investigating the
In a joint statement, Senior gan para tiyakin ang seguridad OVP's use of confidential funds.
Deputy Speaker Aurelio Gon- at kaayusan (We would like to ACT Teachers Party-list Rep.
zales, Majority Leader Manuel remind everyone, especially France Castro, who moved to
Jose Dalipe and Deputy Speaker government officials, that we cite Lopez for contempt, cited
David Suarez said Duterte stayed have policies and protocols Vice President Sara Duterte (OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)
the letter sent by the OVP to the
beyond official visiting hours fol- that we follow in the Bigger Commission on Audit, requesting
lowing her visit to Office of the Chamber to ensure security honor the greater responsibil- mabantayan ang pangalawang the commission to disregard a
Vice President (OVP) Undersec- and order)," they said. ities entrusted to them by the pangulo (to protect the Vice congressional subpoena for audit
retary Zuleika Lopez, who is cur- "Hindi ito basta-basta nilala- people?)," they said. President)," Chua said. reports on the office's confiden-
rently detained at the complex. bag, kahit sino pa ang tao. Ka- The House leaders pledged to In her initial letter, Duterte tial expenses in 2022 and 2023.
“Binuksan namin ang pinto pag hindi nasunod ang mga ito, strengthen its security measures appealed to Chua on humani- The OVP's Aug. 21 letter said
ng malasakit para sa kanya, para na rin nating sinira ang re- to prevent similar incidents. tarian grounds, citing Lopez’s the subpoena should not be
binigyan siya ng espesyal na speto sa institusyon na nagsis- “Sisiguraduhin namin na health and well-being. complied with, citing reasons
pahintulot na bisitahin si Atty. ilbi sa taumbayan (These rules hindi na mauulit ang ganitong “For humanitarian reasons, I such as a potential violation of
Zuleika Lopez (We opened the cannot simply be violated, no insidente (We will ensure that request for consideration of her the constitutional principle of
door of compassion for her and matter who you are. If these are such incidents do not happen situation,” Duterte wrote, list- separation of powers.
gave her special permission to not followed, it's as if we have again)," they said. ing six circumstances, including Castro pointed out that Lopez
visit Atty. Zuleika Lopez)," the also destroyed the respect for Duterte plea rejected Lopez’s chronic back problems, signed the letter, violating House
House leaders said. the institution that serves the House Good Government nausea and fears for her safety. rules on undue interference in
"Pero pagkatapos ng oras people)," they added. and Public Accountability Com- Duterte further claimed, the conduct of proceedings.
ng pagbisita na natapos nang They said the House of Repre- mittee Chair Joel Chua, mean- “She has requested me to join Lopez, meanwhile, said the
10:00 ng gabi, hindi siya um- sentatives serves the Filipino peo- while, disclosed in a press con- her so she may have peace of letter was not intended to un-
alis (After the visiting hours ple and must not be treated as a ference that the panel rejected mind and get adequate rest.” dermine Congress.
ended at 10 p.m., she did not private space for personal use. Duterte's request to join Lopez Chua, however, rejected the “The premise is that hindi pa
leave)," they said. "Hindi ito lugar para abu- in detention until Nov. 25. request, citing the strict guide- po final 'yung findings ng audit
According to House Ser- suhin o gawing personal na es- “Hindi naman po natin pa- lines of the Office of the Ser- investigation (findings of the
geant-at-Arms Napoleon Taas, pasyo, kahit pa sino ka. Kung payagan kasi hindi naman po geant-at-Arms. audit investigation are not yet fi-
Duterte arrived at the complex walang respeto sa mga sim- siya detainee (We will not al- Chua also criticized Duter- nal), so we feel that it was not the
at 7:40 p.m. and was allowed pleng patakaran, paano tayo low her [to stay in the deten- te's actions as a “lack of respect right time to release it. It was in-
to stay with Lopez until the fi- magtitiwala na kaya nilang tion premises] because she is for the institution” and its em- conclusive,” Lopez told the panel.
nal cutoff time at 10 p.m. igalang ang mas malalaking not a detainee)," Chua said. ployees, urging her to adhere Lopez appealed for the con-
However, instead of leaving, responsibilidad na iniatang ng Chua further said that given to established protocols. tempt order to be lifted, main-
the Vice President reportedly pro- taongbayan sa kanila? (This Duterte's "high-profile" status “Para sa akin lang, kasi taining that it was just a "re-
ceeded to the office of her brother, is not a place to be abused or as Vice President, ensuring her opisyal tayo, dapat careful spectful request" to the COA.
Davao City Rep. Paolo Duterte, turned into a personal space, security within the complex re- tayo sa ating mga aksyon. However, the panel ruled
and stayed there overnight de- no matter who you are. If there quired considerable resources. Dapat ito ay tinitignan natin that Lopez be detained for five
spite multiple appeals from Taas is no respect for simple rules, "I do not know if we have kasi it will show our character, days, or until the committee’s
to leave the House premises. how can we trust that they can enough security dito para nagre-reflect ‘yung character next hearing on Nov. 25. ■

3 recent typhoons affect 1M families in 8 regions

By Priam Nepomuceno tion and Management Council Visayas and Cordillera Admin- firmed as of this time. Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Bi-
Philippine News Agency (NDRRMC) said in its situa- istrative regions. The number of injured was col and Cordillera regions.
tional update Friday. As of this posting, 67,971 placed at 14 but only 11 were Of the total, 9,197 were to-
In the same report, the families or 244,492 persons are validated. tally damaged.
MANILA – Families affected agency said that the number still being helped in 1,913 evac- Reports of three alleged Agriculture damage was
by tropical cyclones Nika, Ofel of families are equivalent to uation centers while 32,764 missing persons are undergo- placed at PHP52,391,642.75
and Pepito have now reached 3,966,867 persons in 7,199 families or 116,898 individuals ing validation. and infrastructure at
a total of 1,067,656 families in villages in the Ilocos, Cagayan are being aided outside. Houses damaged numbered PHP2,712,898,584.96. ■
eight regions nationwide, the Valley, Central Luzon, Calabar- There were also 12 reported 52,987 and these were report-
National Disaster Risk Reduc- zon, Mimaropa, Bicol, Eastern fatalities but only five are con- ed in Ilocos, Cagayan Valley,
4 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

House panel cites OVP exec for contempt

over 'undue interference'
By Filane Mikee Cervantes Lopez, meanwhile, said that a "loss of trust and confidence". Lopez reiterated that the sole mal opportunity to defend
Philippine News Agency the letter was not intended to She said Duterte instructed reason for Mercado’s removal themselves, raising broader
undermine Congress. her to demand the resignation was Duterte’s "loss of trust and questions about governance
“The premise is that hindi pa of Mercado, who had testified confidence", admitting that the and accountability under Dute-
MANILA – The House Com- po final yung findings ng audit about alleged irregularities, in- former DepEd undersecretary’s rte’s leadership.
mittee on Good Government and investigation (findings of the cluding the reported distribu- attempts to explain herself ‘Physically impossibility' of
Public Accountability on Wednes- audit investigation are not yet fi- tion of cash envelopes to DepEd were dismissed. fund disbursements
day cited Office of the Vice Pres- nal), so we feel that it was not the officials during Duterte’s tenure Other officials dismissed 1-Rider Party-list Rep. Rodge
ident (OVP) Undersecretary right time to release it. It was in- as education secretary. Lopez further revealed that Gutierrez, meanwhile, pointed
Zuleika Lopez for contempt on conclusive,” Lopez told the panel. “I was instructed by the Vice three other DepEd officials — to the "physical impossibility"
Wednesday over her "undue Lopez appealed for the con- President to call USec Mercado Undersecretary Kris Ablan, As- of making cash distributions
interference" in the panel's pro- tempt order to be lifted, main- and tell her that the principal sistant Secretary Christopher in multiple, geographically dis-
ceedings investigating the OVP's taining that it was just a "re- has lost her trust and confi- Lawrence Arnuco, and Under- tant locations on the same day
use of confidential funds. spectful request" to the COA. dence in her,” Lopez told the secretary Jose Arturo de Castro based on the disbursement re-
ACT Teachers party-list Rep- "There was no intention, your House panel. — were also removed on Dute- cords of the OVP and DepEd.
resentative France Castro, who honor, to demand from them, or When asked by Batangas rte’s orders, citing the same Gutierrez presented ac-
moved to cite Lopez for con- to order them, or to commandeer Rep. Gerville Luistro whether “loss of trust and confidence.” knowledgment receipts (ARs)
tempt, cited the letter sent by them into something that they Mercado was given due pro- “When I say isolated, ma’am, that showed suspicious dis-
the OVP to the Commission on did not want to do. It was really cess, Lopez acknowledged that I use the term in a manner that bursement patterns by special
Audit (COA), requesting the something that we requested of no formal complaint, hearing, it is not something I do regular- disbursing officers (SDOs)
commission to disregard a con- the Commission on Audit. And at or resolution preceded the de- ly. It is only upon instruction of from the OVP and DepEd in-
gressional subpoena for audit the end of the day, it is still the mand for her resignation. the Vice President,” Lopez said, volving confidential funds.
reports on the office's confiden- Commission on Audit who will “No, Your Honor,” Lopez said. referring to the dismissals. He cited records showing
tial expenses in 2022 and 2023. decide best," Lopez said. Luistro underscored the seri- Luistro argued that the lack that DepEd SDO Edward Fa-
The OVP's Aug. 21 letter said "I would like to request to ousness of Mercado’s removal, of a complaint, hearing or res- jarda reportedly disbursed
the subpoena should not be the members of the honorable pointing to her three decades olution amounted to construc- funds in seven different loca-
complied with, citing reasons committee to lift that contempt of government service. tive dismissal. tions across the country on
such as a potential violation of order, or to reconsider and “You will agree with me that “What happened to USec Feb. 21, 2023 after encashing a
the constitutional principle of grant my request not to cite me this is a very serious thing, Mercado happened also to PHP37.5-million check.
separation of powers. in contempt," she added. asking somebody to resign — these three other DepEd of- “This is the day after — in
“Dito sa letter na ito, Mr. Despite Lopez’s appeal, Castro somebody who has rendered ficials… And therefore, what seven different locations: Ma-
Chair, may plano talaga ang stood firm on her motion, citing service in the government for you did to them is constructive lolos, Davao, San Francisco
OVP na mag-interfere doon evasive answers and the overall more than 30 years already. dismissal,” Luistro said. (Agusan del Sur), Makati City,
sa ating conduct ng ating pro- conduct of the OVP undersecre- Tama po ba? (Is that correct?)” Mercado and her colleagues Negros Oriental, Negros Occi-
ceedings. (This letter clearly tary during the hearing. Luistro said. were reportedly given no for- dental, and Davao City,” Guti-
shows the OVP intended to in- Castro proposed that Lo- errez said. “Did this not raise a
terfere with the conduct of our pez be detained for five days, red flag of the impossibility of
proceedings)," Castro said. or until the committee’s next this occurring?”
Castro pointed out that Lopez hearing on Nov. 25. He also cited an extreme
signed the letter, violating House The House panel is look- case from March 15, 2023,
rules on undue interference in ing into the alleged misuse of when Fajarda reportedly made
the conduct of proceedings. PHP612.5 million in confiden- 26 disbursements in one day
“May I move na nag-violate tial and intelligence funds allo- across locations spanning Lu-
si Atty. Lopez dito sa ating pro- cated to the OVP and the De- zon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
ceedings or dito sa ating traba- partment of Education under “There is the physical impossi-
ho (I move that Atty. Lopez be Duterte's leadership. bility of the delivery and encash-
cited for violating our proceed- ‘Loss of trust and confidence’ ment of the cash. And now even
ings or in our work)," she said. Lopez told the panel that the the physical impossibility of the
House committee chair and Vice President ordered the resig- disbursement,” he said.
Manila Rep. Joel Chua ap- nation of former DepEd Under- OVP SDO Gina Acosta was
proved Castro's motion after it secretary Gloria Mercado and Office of the Vice President (OVP) Undersecretary Zuleika Lopez
was duly seconded. three other DepEd officials over PAGE 7 House panel cites
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 5

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6 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

House bills on OFW PBBM urges

remittance fees, free farmers, fishers
financial education OK’d to enroll in gov't
By Jose Cielito Reganit ko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Seminars (PDOS) and Post-Arriv- insurance programs
Philippine News Agency The provisions of the Act shall al Training Seminars (PATS).
be applicable to all OFW remit- It also provides overseas Fil-
tances, whether voluntary or ipino seafarers with the option By Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos tance to uplift their lives and
MANILA – The House of mandated by law, orders, issu- to attend these seminars at Philippine News Agency boost their income.
Representatives on Tuesday ances or rules and regulations. their respective points-of-hire He added that his adminis-
approved on the third and fi- The measure also listed several or within a reasonable time af- tration is committed to mod-
nal reading two bills seeking to prohibited acts, violation of any of ter their return to the country. MANILA — President Ferdi- ernizing and developing cli-
provide free financial education which shall be subject to a penalty Families of OFWs will also nand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday mate resilient agricultural
for the overseas Filipino work- of imprisonment of a minimum of be equipped with financial ed- called on local farmers and processes and equipment.
ers (OFWs) and hefty discounts six months to a maximum of six ucation through online semi- fisherfolk to enroll in the Phil- “Sa kabila ng sunud-sunod
on their remittance fees. years, and a fine of PHP50,000, nars and other feasible means. ippine Crop Insurance Corpo- na kalamidad, hindi po namin
With 174 votes, the House but not exceeding PHP750,000. “This landmark legislation ration (PCIC) programs to help nakakalimutan ang aming
passed House Bill (HB) 10959, The bill prohibits the following: ensures that our overseas Fili- them recover from calamities. prayoridad na maahon sa ka-
or the Overseas Filipino Workers --Misappropriation or conver- pino workers and their families During the distribution of hirapan ang ating mga kaba-
Remittance Protection Act, which sion, to the prejudice of the OFW will receive free comprehensive Certificates of Land Ownership bayan, lalo na ang ating mga
entitles OFWs to a 50 percent dis- or beneficiary, of foreign exchange financial education, equipping Award (CLOAs) and Certificates magsasaka (Despite the series
count on fees or charges imposed remittances received in trust, or on them with the knowledge and of Condonation with Release of of calamities, we do not forget
on remittances, either by banks commission, or for administration, tools they need to secure their fi- Mortgage (CoCRoMs) in Caba- our priority to lift our country-
or non-bank institutions, to their or under any other obligation in- nancial future,” Romualdez said. gan, Isabela, Marcos stressed men out of poverty, especially
families in the Philippines. volving the duty to make delivery “Through mandatory finan- the importance of insurance pro- our farmers),” Marcos said.
Romualdez noted that OFW of, or to return the same, or by de- cial literacy training integrated grams to protect their sources of “Napakahalaga po ng papel
remittances to the Philippines av- nying having received such foreign into pre-departure and post-ar- livelihood in times of calamities. na ginagampanan [ninyo] sa
eraged more than USD30 billion exchange remittance; rival seminars, along with on- “Ito pong insurance na ito sa pagsulong ng ating agrikultu-
yearly – the fourth largest in the --Taking of foreign exchange line resources for OFW families, mga pananim o mga kagamitan ra, pagsiguro ng ating pagka-
world after India, Mexico, and remittances without the con- we are creating a support sys- sa pangingisda ay napakahalaga in sa bawat hapag kainan at
China – keeping the local econo- sent of the OFW or beneficiary; tem that will help OFWs maxi- lalung-lalo na sa mga rehiyon pagpapa-unlad para sa ating
my afloat for several decades now. --Imposition of remittanc- mize their hard-earned income na madalas tamaan ng bagyo o kinabukasan. Nandito po ang
“This is one way of showing our es fees in excess of those pre- and protect them from financial kalamidad (This insurance for pambansang pamahalaan, kat-
unsung heroes, our more than 10 scribed in this Act; scams and pitfalls,” he added. crops or fishing equipment is very ulong ang lokal na pamaha-
million OFWs across the globe, --Failure to post in a conspicu- Under HB 10914, the De- important, especially in regions laan, upang humanap ng mga
that we really care for them, and ous place of the establishment the partment of Migrant Workers that are often hit by typhoons or solusyon sa mga hamon [na]
we have the compassion to help Philippine Peso rate of the foreign and other government agencies disasters),” Marcos said. inyong kinakaharap (The role
them lighten their burden for all currency being transacted; and, will be tasked to educate OFWs “Kaya po hinihikayat ko ang you play is very important in
their sacrifices, being the bread- --Failure to conduct consul- and their families on the topics ating mga magsasaka at mang- the advancement of our agri-
winners of their families,” Ro- tation with DOF, BSP and DMW of consumer protection, protec- ingisda na mag-enroll po sa culture, securing our food for
mualdez said in a statement. before raising remittance fees. tion on mortgaged or collater- programa na ito, ‘yung Philip- every dining table and our de-
The measure, authored main- Free financial literacy alized properties, avoidance of pine Crop Insurance Corpora- velopment for our future. The
ly by Senior Deputy Speaker training exorbitant interests on loans or tion, upang masiguro po ang national government is here,
Aurelio “Dong” Gonzales Jr. The House of Representa- debts, and credit information proteksyon ng inyong mga ka- with the help of the local gov-
(Pampanga third district), was tives also approved on the on micro- and small-scale en- buhayan laban sa mga sakuna ernment, to find solutions to
sponsored in the plenary by third and final reading HB No. terprises to prospective lenders. (That is why I urge our farmers the challenges you are facing).”
House Assistant Majority Leader 10914, or the “Free OFW Fi- The program will also orient and fisherfolk to enroll in this During the event, Marcos led
Jude Acidre (Tingog party-list), nancial Education Act”. them about obligations and con- program, the Philippine Crop In- the ceremonial distribution of
Chairman of the House Commit- The proposed bill requires tracts, credit transactions, inter- surance Corporation, to ensure 456 CLOAs and electronic titles
tee on Overseas Workers Affairs. OFWs to undergo continuously ests, pledges, mortgages, guaran- the protection of your livelihoods for the Support to Parcelization
“This provides incentives to updated financial education or tees, and knowledge of financial against disasters),” he added. of Lands for Individual Titling
encourage remittance centers to literacy training seminars as part products like stocks, bonds, in- Marcos said the Department Project benefitting 346 agrari-
grant the discount. The centers of their Pre-Departure Orientation surance, and mutual funds. ■ of Agriculture (DA) is expand- an reform beneficiaries (ARBs)
may claim the discounts granted ing the insurance coverage for in Isabela province.
as tax deductions based on the farmers and fisherfolk to en- By virtue of Republic Act (RA)
cost of services rendered to OFWs sure their preparedness and 11953 or the New Agrarian
to be treated as ordinary and nec- protection of their crops during Emancipation Act, Marcos also
essary expense deductible from disasters. handed over 25,773 CoCRoMs
their gross income,” Acidre said. He noted that the DA earli- to 21,496 ARBs in Isabela.
Under HB 10959, all banks er distributed indemnity checks Through the CLOAs and
and non-bank financial inter- amounting to nearly PHP25 mil- CoCRoMs, the government as-
mediaries are prohibited from lion to over 1,000 insured Mind- sumes the debt of ARBs amount-
raising their current remit- oro farmers and fisherfolk affect- ing to PHP1,152,916,073.
tance fees without prior con- ed by the recent tropical cyclones. Marcos signed RA 11953 on
sultation with the Departments Marcos also assured the July 7, 2023 to condone all
of Finance (DOF), of Migrant farmers and fisherfolk of the
government’s continued assis- PAGE 7 PBBM urges farmers
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 PHILIPPINE NEWS 7

PBBM studying calls to postpone BARMM polls

By Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos are many) implications because BARMM polls in May 2025. kaysa imadali natin tapos mag- from the Bangsamoro Transi-
Philippine News Agency of the changes that have to be “Marami tayong hindi nakita kagulo lang (There are many tion Authority (BTA).
made kung kaya natin (if we na naging unintended conse- things we did not see that were The BTA in October passed
can). Baka hindi natin kayang quence ng desisyon ng Supreme unintended consequences of Resolution 641, calling for an
MANILA – President Ferdi- gawin (Perhaps, we might not Court. Kaya hangga’t maaari, the Supreme Court's decision. extension of its mandate until
nand R. Marcos Jr. said Friday be able to do it) by May of next ang gagawin namin, isasabay So, as much as possible, we will 2028 to complete critical tasks
he is looking into mounting year,” he said when asked to namin. Pero kung hindi kaya, do it. But if we can't, it's better required for a fully functioning,
calls to postpone the first gen- react to calls to suspend the mas mabuti nang maging tama to be right than to rush it and democratically elected BARMM
eral elections in the Autono- just cause trouble).” government, including passing
mous Region in Muslim Min- The SC, in a unanimous deci- crucial laws, building institu-
danao (BARMM) on May 12, sion dated Sept. 9, ruled that Sulu tions, and creating systems need-
2025. is not part of the BARMM, citing ed to support the region’s transi-
In a chance interview in Lin- the province’s rejection of the tion toward self-governance.
gayen, Pangasinan, Marcos said Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) Senate President Francis Es-
there is a possibility that the during the 2019 plebiscite. cudero has also filed a counter-
BARMM elections might be post- The BOL, enacted on July 27, part measure in the Senate.
poned as an “unintended conse- 2018, is the legal framework Marcos acknowledged that
quence” of the Supreme Court’s establishing the BARMM’s gov- after the SC ruling on Sulu’s
(SC) recent decision on Sulu’s ernance and political structure. separation from BARMM, the
exclusion from the BARMM. House of Representatives BTA needs to work on a new ad-
“We’re still studying it. Some Speaker Martin Romualdez ministrative code, local govern-
of the local officials are saying, on Nov. 6 led the filing of Bill ment code, and electoral code.
because of the Supreme Court 11034, which seeks to post- He said he would assess the
decision of separating Sulu The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao administration pone the BARMM elections, possible implications of the SC
from BARMM, maraming (there building in Cotabato City. (BANGSAMORO GOVERNMENT/FACEBOOK)
in line with the formal request decision. ■

Marcos leads groundbreaking US Congress passes..

The US is an ac- Earlier, the US Embassy in
of world’s largest solar 2
tive participant in the
Philippine-led mar-
Manila confirmed the exis-
tence of Task Force Ayungin

project itime cooperative activities,

joint sails billed as a show of
“collective commitment" to
which allows US forces "to sup-
port Armed Forces of the Phil-
ippines activities in the South
strengthen cooperation for a China Sea." ■
By Darryl John Esguerra hectares across the provinces those that we envisioned when "free and open Indo-Pacific.”
Philippine News Agency of Nueva Ecija and Bulacan. I spoke about energy in my
Initially, it will be connected recent State of the Nation Ad-
to the existing 500-kiloVolt (kV) dress,” the President said. House panel cites..
MANILA – President Ferdi- Nagsaag-San Jose Transmission “We are working towards a
nand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday Line and later linked to the up- steady and reliable power sup- 4 similarly flagged for fy and say that he personally
led the groundbreaking of the coming 500-kV Nagsaag-Mari- ply that will meet the demands reportedly distribut- disbursed this? From north to
Meralco Terra (MTerra) Solar lao Transmission Line. of today and continuously fuel ing over PHP15 mil- south, tip to tip ito ng Pilipinas
Project, which is set to be the Aside from benefiting resi- our ambitions for tomorrow. lion to 103 recipients in a sin- — may Batanes pa rin po (of
largest integrated solar and bat- dents, the project is also set to Projects like Terra Solar bring gle day on Dec. 23, 2022. the Philippines — even includ-
tery storage facility in the world. create over 10,000 job oppor- us closer to that vision,” he The Joint Circular on Confi- ing Batanes),” Gutierrez said.
In his speech during the cer- tunities, boost local economies added. dential Funds requires SDOs to When asked if these irreg-
emony in Gapan City, Nueva and open doors for growth and Marcos called on govern- personally handle and account ularities were flagged during
Ecija, Marcos said the land- development. ment agencies and private for each peso disbursed. the COA review, lawyer Gloria
mark project would position Marcos said the PHP200 bil- sector partners to ensure the Gutierrez, however, suggest- Camora, head of the Commis-
the Philippines as a "leader in lion investment for the project timely completion of the proj- ed some ARs might have been sion on Audit (COA) unit that
renewable energy." “demonstrates confidence in the ect and replicate similar efforts fabricated. reviewed confidential funds
MTerra Solar Project is ex- stakeholders” in the country’s in renewable energy project “It really raises the question: for both agencies, said they ac-
pected to become operation- potential and their commitment initiatives. How did SDO Fajarda certi- cepted the ARs at face value.■
al by 2027 and power over 2 to ensuring a stable, steady and He also commended Meral-
million households and reduce reliable power supply. co, Terra Solar Philippines, Inc.,
carbon emissions of more than “Over the next decade, it is Solar Philippines New Energy PBBM urges farmers..
4.3 million metric tons an- poised to generate nearly P23 Corporation, MGen Renewable
nually, which is equivalent to billion in financial benefits— Energy Inc., and other partners loans, including in- Around 600,000 farmers are
removing three million gaso- resources that will pave the involved in the project for their terests, penalties and said to benefit from RA 11953,
line-powered cars from roads, way for even greater progress. efforts in positioning the Phil- surcharges incurred covering more than 1.7 million
Marcos said. The impacts and advancements ippines as a key player in the by ARBs from previ- hectares of agrarian reform
The project spans 3,500 of this project are amongst global energy revolution. ■ ously awarded lands. lands nationwide. ■
8 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Passage of Magna Carta for Children,

Civil Registration bill urged
By Jose Cielito Reganit “The theme of today’s celebration institutionalize a comprehensive and ro-
Philippine News Agency challenges us to confront the realities of bust framework for protecting, develop-
violence and neglect faced by millions ing, and empowering Filipino children.
CORRESPONDENT/HOSTS of Filipino children. The Magna Carta Its provisions, which include aligning
Arianne Grace Lacanilao MANILA – House Speaker Ferdi- for Children is a proactive step toward national laws with the United Nations
Matte Laurel-Zalko
Violeta Arevalo
nand Martin Romualdez on Wednesday ending these injustices and creating a Convention on the Rights of the Child
Babes Newland urged lawmakers to unite in expediting safer, brighter future for our children.” (UNCRC) and enshrining principles such
the passage of House Bill (HB) 10159, Romualdez said in a statement. as non-discrimination, survival, develop-
or the Magna Carta for Children. Approved by the House Committee on ment, and child participation, leave no
Ginno Alcantara This came as the Philippines cele- the Welfare of Children last May 13, HB aspect of child welfare unaddressed.
Colleene T. Singca brates National Children’s Day with the 10159 is now pending for second reading. Key features of the bill include the
theme “Break the Prevalence, End the A counterpart bill, Senate Bill 2612, elimination of child labor and the des-
ACCOUNT MANAGER Violence: Protecting Children, Creating has been referred to the Senate Joint ignation of children as “zones of peace”
Kristopher Yong a Safe Philippines”. Committees on Women, Children, Fam- in conflict areas.
As the bill’s principal author, the ily Relations and Gender Equality, and It also mandates establishing
DIRECTOR/PRODUCER leader of the House of Representatives Finance, where it has been awaiting de- child-friendly spaces, strengthening in-
Boom Dayupay highlighted the measure’s potential to liberation since March 19. stitutions that serve children and ensur-
address systemic violence and neglect Strengthening Philippine child ing access to education, healthcare, and
PHOTOGRAPHER/VIDEOGRAPHER while fostering a nurturing environ- protection legal aid. It likewise promotes positive
Ginno Alcantara ment for the nation’s youth. The Magna Carta for Children seeks to parenting.
“This bill integrates and strength-
MANAGEMENT ens existing child protection measures,
Alan Yong addressing gaps and ensuring that no
child is left behind. It is a testament to
our collective commitment to secure
the rights and dignity of every Filipino
child,” Romualdez said.
“By prioritizing their welfare, we prior-
itize the future of our nation,” he added.
For photo submissions, please email
Ensuring universal birth registration
At the same time, Romualdez called
For general inquiries, please email
for the swift passage of the Civil Reg-
istration Bill, a critical measure to ad-
For sales inquiries, please email
or visit dress the challenges faced by over 3.7
million unregistered Filipinos, includ-

Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at Children line up for free ice cream during a culminating activity of the Regional Children's Month at
200-13888 Wireless Way, Pasig City Rainforest Park on Saturday (Nov. 23, 2024). (JOAN BONDOC/PNA)
Richmond, BC PAGE 10 Passage of Magna


Philippine Canadian Inquirer

is published daily online, 24/7.
Homeless, street persons need
Copies are distributed free throughout
Metro Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and
Greater Toronto.
responsible help, not alms – DSWD
Philippine News Agency The appeal aligns with Presidential from harm," Dumlao said.
The views and opinions expressed in the
articles (including opinions expressed in
ads herein) are those of authors named, Decree (PD) No. 1563, also known as For groups or organizations conduct-
the Anti-Mendicancy Law, which pro- ing fundraising activities through carol-
and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial
Team. MANILA – The Department of Social hibits begging and soliciting charitable ing, Dumlao encouraged them to secure
PCI reserves the right to reject any Welfare and Development (DSWD) re- donations on the streets by individuals solicitation permits from the DSWD if
advertising which it considers to contain newed its call to the public not to give alms or religious organizations. the scope is region-wide or nationwide.
false or misleading information or
involves unfair or unethical practices. The
to children in street situations, homeless To prevent mendicant activities, She said the permit should be secured
advertiser agrees the publisher shall not individuals and members of Indigenous Dumlao encouraged the public to offer from the concerned LGU for fundrais-
be liable for damages arising out of error
in any advertisment.
Peoples' (IP) groups, whose numbers usu- other forms of assistance, such as con- ing limited within a community, city or
ally grow during the holiday season. ducting organized activities through municipality.
“The DSWD would not like to dampen gift-giving, feeding sessions, medi- A solicitation permit is a certifica-
the Christmas spirit. Gusto pa rin po na- cal missions, storytelling sessions and tion issued by the DSWD and LGUs
tin na magbahagi po ng tulong lalong-la- group caroling in coordination with lo- that gives authorization to individuals,
lo na sa mga bata (We want to share spe- cal government units (LGUs). groups, and other entities to solicit do-
cially to the children) so the responsible "We want to ensure a safe Christmas nations or voluntary contributions for
means of doing that is to reach out to experience for all children. Hence, the charitable or public welfare purposes to
them, remove them from the streets,” importance of parental or guardian's prevent any illegal fund drive that ex-
Assistant Secretary Irene Dumlao said in supervision on children participating in ploits the generosity of the donors and
a news release on Friday. caroling sessions to ensure they are safe intended beneficiaries. ■
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 9

Adios amigos? What Trump 2.0 means for
Canada and Mexico
By Asa McKercher, St. trans-shipment of Chinese goods “would appear to equate the divide its two North American imagined than real — the
Francis Xavier University, — especially auto parts and ve- relations between the Unit- trading partners. Trump administration could not
Adam Chapnick, Royal hicles — through its country in ed States and Canada and the When faced with an over- replace NAFTA with a bilateral
Military College of Canada order subvert tariffs imposed by United States and Mexico.” whelming aggressor, she argued, arrangement without congres-
The Conversation the American and Canadian gov- For Ottawa, it was essential it’s best not to stand alone. sional approval — but Canada
ernments against China. to preserve the notion of a spe- U.S. made side deal still had to move quickly to re-
If Mexico won’t act to pre- cial relationship between Can- This position was backed store a trilateral solution.
United States President-elect vent trans-shipments or im- ada and the U.S. by other ministers as well as CUSMA subsequently came
Donald Trump has vowed to pose its own tariffs on Chinese Even though the three lead- by Ottawa’s trade negotiators into effect on July 1, 2020.
implement an across-the-board goods, Ford explained, “they ers eventually met in Warm even as prominent Canadians The CUSMA negotiations
tariff of at least 10 per cent on shouldn’t have a seat at the ta- Springs, Ga., the “summit” ul- — including former prime min- should offer Ford and the en-
all imports into the country. ble or enjoy access to the larg- timately consisted of separate ister Stephen Harper — called tire Canadian negotiating team
While there could be some ex- est economy in the world.” U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico for ditching the Mexicans. a warning.
emptions for American imports Ford’s comments drew bilateral meetings. At first, the Canadian ap- If Canada is prepared to
of oil, gas and other natural immediate criticism from Four decades later, Canada proach appeared to succeed. leave Mexico behind, Canadi-
resources, it’s not pressed to be in- Freeland herself earned a fear- an officials should be prepared
yet clear wheth- cluded in what some reputation among Amer- for their Mexican counterparts
er Canada will became the North ican officials, with Trump at- to do the same. And while it
be protected by American Free tacking her as a “nasty woman.” seems right now that the U.S.
the Canada-Unit- Trade Agreee- Later, however, Canadian ne- has problems with Mexico and
ed States-Mexico ment — known gotiators thought they saw an its management of America’s
Agreement (CUS- as NAFTA — not opening and offered the Ameri- porous southern border than
... it’s not yet clear whether because of any cans a bilateral deal without no- it does with Ottawa, under the
In fact, when Canada will be protected by fellowship with tifying their Mexican colleagues. mercurial Trump, the situation
the deal comes up Mexico, but to en- Not only did Washington can can change in an instant.
for a mandatory
the Canada-United States- sure that its newly reject the offer, American offi- It’s therefore probably not
review in 2026, Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). won market ac- cials approached Mexico City in Canada’s interest to throw
Trump has said: cess to the Unit- and concluded a separate side Mexico under the bus. ■
“I’m going to have ed States (thanks deal of their own. This time, it
a lot of fun.” to the 1988 Free was Canada left unaware. This article is republished
Given that more Trade Agreement Warning signs from The Conversation under a
than 77 per cent between the U.S. The threat of being cut out Creative Commons license.
of Canada’s ex- and Canada) was of a trade agreement was more
ports go to the United States, Mexican trade officials, but not undercut by a bilateral
Canadians have understandably Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Mexico-U.S. deal.
viewed Trump’s declarations deputy prime minister and Common front?
with alarm. finance minister, was more As we document in our new
And against the likely tor- sympathetic. Concerns about book, Canada First, Not Cana-
rent of American protection- Mexican handling of Chinese da Alone, even if Canada’s sus-
ism, Canada has few good op- goods “are legitimate concerns picions of Mexico about trade
tions. Responding in kind, for for our American partners and matters aren’t out of the ordi-
example, will likely lead to a neighbours to have. Those are nary, they must be considered
rise in inflation. concerns that I share,” she said. against the notion that in deal-
Kicking out Mexico? This is not the first time Ca- ing with the U.S., there can be
One idea, recently floated by nadians have expressed wari- strength in numbers.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, is ness about including Mexico Throughout the early phase
to abandon CUSMA’s trilateral in common North American of the CUSMA negotiations
framework and seek a bilater- arrangements. during the first Trump pres-
al Canada-U.S. trade deal. As Canada’s position on Mexico idency, Freeland herself was
Ford put it: “We must prioritize In 1956, when U.S. Presi- adamant that Canada not
the closest economic partner- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower abandon Mexico in favour of a
ship on Earth by directly nego- proposed a trilateral summit bilateral deal.
tiating a bilateral U.S.-Canada with Prime Minister Louis St. Rather, she pointedly em-
free trade agreement.” Laurent and Mexican President phasized the need to work
The premier’s specific com- Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, Canadi- alongside Mexico to present President Donald J. Trump is joined by Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and
plaint is that the Mexican gov- an diplomats expressed their a common front against the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the USMCA signing ceremony Friday, Nov.

ernment has failed to prevent the opposition to anything that Trump administration’s efforts 30, 2018, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (TRUMP WHITE HOUSE ARCHIVED/FLICKR, PUBLIC DOMAIN)
10 CANADA NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Canada is implementing a forced-labour import

ban. Will it help exploited workers?
By Genevieve LeBaron, Judy workers who are experiencing published by the Workers Rights mented in the factory. bled to respond to the WRO.
Fudge, Ali Bhagat forced labour? Consortium — an independent Known within academic and This incident holds an im-
Policy Options There is little reliable data on labour rights monitoring orga- advocacy circles as a “work- portant warning for the archi-
how enforcement of these bans nization — noting serious vio- er-driven social responsibility” tects of Canada’s import ban.
affects the workers who made lations in the factory, including agreement, the Dindigul Agree- Without close consultation with
Without informed input, the the goods, but some advocates indicators of forced labour. ment is a powerful example of workers’ groups, import-ban
ban could worsen life for work- raise concerns that simply ban- However, during the period how worker-led strategies can enforcement can be negative
ers and undermine powerful ning imports could result in between the labour report and improve conditions through for workers and undercut hard-
worker-led strategies that can widespread job loss, unpaid the WRO, workers in the facto- collective action, shop-floor won efforts to improve working
improve poor conditions. severance pay, and other ad- ry had begun to pioneer their monitoring by trained workers, conditions in supply chains.
As the Canadian government verse consequences for workers own solutions, which included and remediation. Three ways that policymak-
considers how to structure and who are already struggling. freedom of association, an in- In the Natchi Apparel case, ers can build safeguards into
implement its promised ban of Policymakers tend to over- dependent union’s access to the evidence provided by the local Canada’s import ban are:
imports made with forced labour, look the potential of forced-la- workers and shop floor, and a union and other labour advo- • before issuing a ban, con-
it is important that policymakers bour import bans to worsen, grievance mechanism, to deal cacy organizations indicated sult with labour stakeholders
take specific steps to ensure that rather than improve, the situ- with these problems. The issuing that the conditions resulting in and develop a risk-oriented
any new measures do not unwit- ation of workers who perform of the WRO threatened to derail forced labour had already been enforcement strategy, incor-
tingly inflict further harm on al- forced labour. Banning products this progress because of econom- remedied. This led the U.S. porating the input of workers
ready-exploited workers. made with forced labour could ic pressures it put on the supplier. Customs and Border Protection who are alleged to be working
Halting the import of goods push workers into more precar- Indeed, in the wake of the agency to modify the WRO and in conditions of forced labour;
made with forced labour is re- ious situations. If a factory or Worker Rights Consortium fac- lift the ban, enabling the Din- • require suppliers and im-
quired under the 2020 Unit- farm closes following an import tory investigation, a women-led digul Agreement to continue to porters to remedy any employ-
ed States(US)-Mexico-Canada ban, employees are often left union of Dalit garment work- be implemented. ment practices giving rise to
Free Trade Agreement. The without work or any alternative ers had negotiated agreements A potentially disastrous re- forced labour and compensate
U.S. ban, which was introduced means of making a living. with major garment companies sult was narrowly avoided. If workers who have been sub-
to protect the U.S. market from If Canada’s import ban is including H&M, Gap Inc., and the WRO had not been lifted ject to forced labour, before the
unfair competition, has been on supposed to combat forced la- Natchi Apparel. These accords, quickly, the ban would like- goods are released or exported;
the books since 1930, though bour, policymakers need to un- called “The Dindigul Agree- ly have undermined the gains • actively encourage work-
enforcement has increased sig- derstand these risks and how ment,” aim to end gender-based that workers had achieved for er-driven social responsibility
nificantly over the last eight to avoid adverse impacts for violence and harassment, and themselves. In the worst case, agreements like the Dindigul
years, with 2,831 shipments workers. Policymakers must had already begun to remediate they could have been laid off agreement, treating them as
detained to investigate forced also ensure that implementa- poor working conditions docu- en masse as the factories scram- a successful remediation of
labour as of March 31, 2024. tion strategies do not under- forced labour.
The EU has recently intro- mine any worker-led initiatives Innovative models of work-
duced a regulation that would that are already addressing er-led agreements such as
prohibit placing goods made poor working conditions in the Dindigul Agreement can
with forced labour in the inter- supply chains. achieve a lot in a short time to
nal market or exporting such One recent U.S. enforcement improve working conditions.
goods from the EU. provides a cautionary tale. It is critical that import bans
Today the stated purpose of In July 2022, the U.S. Cus- are carefully designed so they
the bans is to eliminate forced toms and Border Protection do not derail existing initia-
labour by reducing the mar- agency issued a ban, known as tives that are already helping
ket for goods produced under a Withhold and Release Order end forced labour and other
these conditions. However, as (WRO), against an Indian gar- bad employment practices. ■
these efforts gain momentum ment factory, Natchi Apparel,
and Ottawa prepares to roll which is owned by Eastman Ex- This article first appeared on
out Canada’s ban, it is import- ports, one of India’s largest tex- Policy Options and is repub-
ant to ask: Does this regulato- tile companies. The WRO was lished here under a Creative
ry approach benefit or harm issued after a report had been Commons license.

Passage of Magna..
8 ing more than 1 mil- framework for child protection The Civil Registration Bill, ap- ing the integrity of civil records. protect its youngest citizens.
lion children, accord- and welfare. proved by the House Committee Romualdez called on law- “On this day, let me express
ing to the Philippine “Universal birth registration on Population and Family Rela- makers in both chambers of the 19th Congress’ firm com-
Statistics Authority (PSA). is a cornerstone of equality and tions and now pending in the Congress to act swiftly on these mitment: We will do every-
This bill complements the opportunity. It is unacceptable Committee on Appropriations, transformative measures, em- thing in our power to break the
Magna Carta for Children by that so many of our children proposes accessible and inclu- phasizing that the Magna Carta prevalence of violence, end the
ensuring that all children have remain invisible to the State, sive birth registration services. for Children and the Civil Regis- neglect, and create a safe and
legal recognition and access deprived of access to educa- It aims to remove barriers that tration Bill represent the nation’s equitable Philippines for our
to essential services, there- tion, healthcare, and legal pro- disproportionately affect margin- commitment to fulfilling its con- children. Their future is our
by forming a comprehensive tections,” Romualdez said. alized communities while improv- stitutional and moral duties to legacy,” he said. ■
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 CANADA NEWS 11

Evaluating Canada’s pledge to triple nuclear capacity

By Nicholas Palaschuk jected to exceed $100 billion
Policy Options per year. Coinciding with this
global trend, Ontario’s Inde-
pendent Electricity System Op-
The shift comes at a crucial erator (IESO) has forecast a sig-
time for meeting Canada’s nificant increase in provincial
net-zero commitments. electricity demand, projecting it
As we watch negotiations at to reach 263 terawatt hours by
the COP29 climate change con- 2050. To put this in perspective,
ference and mark the one-year one terawatt can power 70,000
anniversary of Canada’s pledge homes for a year, so Ontario’s
to triple its nuclear capacity by forecast is equivalent to enough
2050, the reality would appear power for more than 18 million
to be clear: there is no feasible households annually.
net-zero future without the de- Numerous studies highlight
ployment of new nuclear power. the necessity for increasing nucle-
This pledge signals a shift for ar energy. They include results of
a country that just three years an International Energy Agency Addressing concerns and risks will be a top priority. partnership for information on
ago excluded nuclear from its report which indicated that glob- Expanding nuclear genera- But to do that the country the nuclear market to enable
clean energy funding programs. al nuclear capacity must double tion raises fair questions that must place nuclear at the fore- decision-making among inves-
Nuclear power, historically con- by 2050. A joint analysis by the governments must address. front of all energy conversa- tors and innovators.
troversial, is increasingly viewed Nuclear Energy Agency and Plants are capital-intensive with tions and policy decisions. We • Build on Energy Minister
by leaders across the political the Organisation for Economic benefits often not realized for need our policymakers to make Jonathan Wilkinson’s com-
spectrum as key to helping re- Co-operation and Development 10 to 15 years. Waste manage- an increase in total power ca- ments earlier this year on
duce greenhouse gas emissions. (OECD) goes a step further. It ment strategies, although they pacity of large-scale nuclear faster approval for nuclear
On the public front, Sask- says tripling current nuclear have advanced, still have gaps. reactors a priority. projects. A working group of
Power’s creation of SaskNuclear power capacity by 2050 is nec- These are genuine concerns, Our allies in the U.S. and federal and provincial repre-
and the federal government’s essary if we are to reach global but there is progress. The United Kingdom are similarly sentatives could develop an ap-
$13.6-million investment in net-zero emissions by then. $26-billion geological reposito- on their own nuclear energy proach that would prioritize a
small modular reactors (SMR) Recent developments in the ry project in Ignace, Ont., is an journey. Their work on regula- project’s efficiency and respon-
research are setting the stage United States show the growing example of how communities tions, funding and innovation siveness to provincial needs,
for regulatory advancements. global momentum behind nu- can benefit from such facilities can provide a blueprint for while maintaining the integrity
In parallel, the private sector is clear energy. These include the while ensuring safe, long-term Canada’s plans to safely and ef- of environmental assessments.
demonstrating confidence in the Biden administration’s $1.5-bil- storage of nuclear waste. ficiently advance the country’s Canada has been a leader in
industry’s economic potential, as lion loan to restore the Palisades But with Ontario’s grid requir- nuclear infrastructure. nuclear energy and research
evidenced by Cameco and Brook- plant and Constellation Energy’s ing three times more generating At the Climate Insider, we since developing the Candu
field’s Westinghouse acquisition partnership with Microsoft to re- capacity by 2040, Canadians recommend the federal gov- reactor in the early 1950s. It
and GE Hitachi’s ground-break- start Three Mile Island. must move beyond traditional ernment: is also a major supplier world-
ing project in Ontario. What does this mean for framing of the energy transition • Launch an advanced nu- wide of medical isotopes. We
This commitment is not only Canada? as an “either-or” debate. clear technology demonstra- have an opportunity to expand
evidence-based and supported by While the Biden administra- We can no longer afford to tion program similar to one in our global status, but this re-
clear science, but also comes at a tion has made concrete plans to rank our clean energy options, the U.S. and create an innova- quires overcoming years of pol-
crucial time when Canada has be- expand nuclear power (some- favoring renewables like solar tion hub. icy inaction while other nations
come a net importer of electricity thing that could change under and wind, while treating nucle- • Create a framework that have modernized their nuclear
for the first time, as reported by Donald Trump’s second term), ar as a backup plan. The scale of shares project risks between strategies. To triple our nucle-
Statistics Canada in April. Canada’s pledge lacks formal our energy challenge demands government and industry, com- ar capacity by 2050, we need
The importance of new nu- commitments for new nuclear that we deploy all low-carbon bined with production-based clear priorities and unwaver-
clear energy plants. This policy gap creates technologies simultaneously. tax incentives making it easier ing political commitment.
In its 2022 report, the In- uncertainty for investors and in- A call to government for to secure financing. The path to a net-zero grid
ternational Panel on Climate dustry stakeholders. It’s crucial action • Modernize regulations — begins here. ■
Change (IPCC) highlighted that we match today’s ambition Canada’s first clean electric- including staged licensing and
the clear role of nuclear pow- with more decisive action so as ity strategy is slated to be re- upfront industry guidelines — This article first appeared on
er in the mitigation of climate to provide a clear direction and leased this year, and the fed- to speed the delivery of new Policy Options and is repub-
change. By mid-century, global maintain our position as a nu- eral government has signalled nuclear technologies. lished here under a Creative
investments in nuclear are pro- clear technology leader. that expanding power capacity • Establish a public-private Commons license.
12 CANADA NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Canada’s first moon rover will soon have a name

as it prepares to explore a hostile lunar region
By Gordon Osinski, Western into the three main objectives
University of the mission:
The Conversation 1. To investigate the geolo-
gy of this unique region of the
moon where, so far, no human
The Canadian Space Agency or robot has ever been.
announced a competition to- 2. To search for water ice, a
day to name Canada’s first-ever major discovery in the decades
rover mission to the moon. This since the Apollo missions. The
unmanned mission will explore moon was thought to be devoid
the south polar region of the of water, but satellite observa-
moon to search for water ice tions suggest deposits of water
and explore its unique geology. ice may be present in this polar
I am a professor and planetary region. But we need boots on
geologist. I am also the principal the ground — or wheels, in our
investigator for Canada’s first case — to confirm these satel-
rover mission to the moon and a lite observations.
member of the science team for 3. To study the radiation
the upcoming Artemis III mis- environment of this region in
sion, the first human trip to the preparation for the return of
moon since 1972. humans to the moon.
A Canadian first Canada’s long involvement
It is almost two years to the in space rovers
day that Canadensys Aero- ported by NASA. In return, Can- picted its Philae lander with a region of the Moon. Over the past two decades,
space Corporation and its team ada gets a launch from NASA. backpack and yellow helmet. The online voting form to the Canadian Space Agency has
was selected to build the Cana- What’s in a name? Four potential names name Canada’s first rover mis- funded the construction of a se-
dian lunar rover. Every mission needs a name, The names of NASA’s series sion to the moon is open until ries of prototype planetary rov-
This mission is hugely signif- but not everything is equal when of Mars rovers are inspiration- Dec. 20, 2024. ers ranging from small so-called
icant because it’s not only the it comes to naming spacecraft. al and capture the quest of The work continues nano-rovers to massive ma-
first rover that Canada will send Satellites, for example, are often exploration. In contrast, the As our team waits for Ca- chines capable of carrying two
to the moon, but it will be the named in a very functional way Apollo and Artemis programs nadians to choose the name astronauts. Our new lunar rover
first-ever Canadian-led mission — like Radarsat, Canada’s flag- and many other space missions of our mission, we are hard at has a lot of heritage behind it.
to another planetary body. ship satellite program. were named after figures in work on all aspects of its de- If not for the delay to the launch
While Canadian technology When it comes to rover mis- Greek mythology. Other mis- sign and implementation. of the European Space Agency’s
has made it to the surface of sions, however, NASA has been sion names have historical In June, we got the green ExoMars rover mission, original-
the moon and Mars before, it’s choosing inspirational names connotations; some also allude light for our preliminary de- ly scheduled for 2022, Canada
always been on missions led by since the early 1990s with its to the culture and values of the sign review aimed at assessing would have already had wheels
other nations. first Mars rover, Sojourner. country leading the mission. whether the original design met on Mars. The wheels, chassis
Not that this is a bad thing: Then came along Spirit and For Canada’s first moon rover, all the requirements set forth by and drive train for the Rosalind
science is only possible through Opportunity in 2004 followed the Canadian Space Agency has the government of Canada, and Franklin ExoMars rover was built
collaboration. But it’s a testa- by Curiosity eight years later. come up with a shortlist of four that the risks, cost and sched- by Canada’s MDA Space. Launch
ment to the calibre of Canada’s The most recent arrival potential names that conjure up ule, were all acceptable. is now set for 2028.
space community that, for the on Mars was Perseverance various characteristics of Cana- We haven’t chosen an easy Canada has also set its sights
first time in history, we are in in 2021, which is currently da as well as capturing the spirit mission for Canada’s first trip on a much bigger moon rover.
the driver’s seat. emerging from a deep meteor- and goals of the mission: to the moon. We are going to Announced in the 2023 federal
Canada’s first rover mission ite impact crater called Jezero. 1. Athabasca — A famous riv- one of the most hostile regions budget, Canada aims to build
is truly a team effort. Sup- NASA’s goal in naming its er that flows from the Rockies of the lunar surface: the South a lunar utility vehicle that will
porting Canadensys are seven rovers is to inspire interest in through Alberta to Lake Atha- Pole. Because of this, our rover help to transport cargo, perform
Canadian companies that will science, technology, engineer- basca. Canada’s rivers have must survive very long and cold science investigations and sup-
build various parts of the rover ing and mathematics (STEM); been used for millennia and lunar nights, where the tem- port astronauts on the moon.
and its science instruments. this has undoubtedly been a continue to be pathways of dis- perature can drop below minus This rover will be a major con-
I am proud to lead the science huge success. covery, transport and exchange. 200C for up to 14 Earth days. tribution to the NASA-led Arte-
team, which includes faculty The connection to rovers has 2. Courage — A name that We also have to pack all the mis program. Following the flight
and students from six Canadian also become deeply personal, would be representative of the hardware, plus our six science of Canadian astronaut Jeremy
universities in Québec, Ontario, evident in the outpouring of work that has led to the Cana- instruments, into the rover, Hansen on the upcoming Artemis
Manitoba, Alberta and British grief when Oppy — the nick- dian lunar rover mission. which is the size of a small cof- II lunar flyby mission, the Lunar
Columbia. In keeping with the name given to NASA’s Oppor- 3. Glacier — Not only are gla- fee table and weighs only 35 Utility Vehicle, Canadarm3 and
spirit of collaboration in space, tunity rover — was declared ciers associated with the polar kilograms. other Canadian contributions to
we also have several scientists “dead” in 2019. regions of Canada, but one of I recently provided an up- the Artemis program will ensure
from the United States and the The European Space Agency the goals of the rover mission is date on the science of our a Canadian will one day walk on
United Kingdom on our team. followed suit with its hugely to find water ice on the moon. soon-to-be-named mission at the moon. ■
One of the science instru- popular animated stories for 4. Pol-R — A word play on the International Astronautical
ments is also being provided the Rosetta mission — the first polar. Canada is a polar coun- Congress in Milan, Italy. In ad- This article is republished
by the John Hopkins University mission designed to orbit and try and the rover mission will dition to talking about our sci- from The Conversation under a
Applied Physics Laboratory, sup- land on a comet — that de- be landing in the south polar ence instruments, I also delved Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 13

Climate entropy: reflections on the ground
from COP29
By Isabela del Alcázar, IE their portfolios and transition- tance, often framed as a NIMBY We are still waiting for the Kyoto Protocol and seeks to es-
University ing to more sustainable business (not in my backyard) cause, is magic “commitment number” tablish clear rules to deter fraud
The Conversation models. The current market is not only an aesthetic or territo- – the figure that developed and double emission counting.
not, however, designed to make rial issue – it also houses deeper countries decide to allocate The entropy lesson
clean energy as profitable as concerns about the preserva- to developing nations to fund COP29 offers a clear lesson:
If I had to sum up COP29 in a oil and gas – complex systemic tion of unique ecosystems that their climate transition. tension and complexity are in-
single word, it would be entro- issues present roadblocks to a could be lost forever. Why is this so important? herent to the climate challenge.
py. Borrowed from thermody- competitive transition. As industries grapple with Because many of these coun- Much like entropy itself, the en-
namics, this concept describes The cost of solar energy being competitive, the stakes tries lack the resources to im- ergy transition is a constantly
the delicate balance between has plummeted by 88% since are even higher for countries plement renewable energy shifting system with opposing
order and disorder, a principle 2010, and onshore wind by themselves. China and India projects and adapt their infra- forces that need to be balanced.
that governs both natural and 68%. While this has helped are heading the technological structures to reduce climate Solving this puzzle demands
human systems. An ecosystem, to foster key industries such race, so falling behind could change. However, this funding more than just funds and techno-
much like the climate negoti- as electric vehicles and solar lead to economic disaster. This is not just a matter of charity. It logical breakthroughs. It requires
ations, is not static; it is con- panels, clean energy is still far is the main reason why figures is also a way to ensure that all bold leadership, international
stantly evolving, adapting and from being self-sufficient. Its like ExxonMobil CEO Darren countries, regardless of their cooperation, and the ability to
reconfiguring itself. success depends on a much Woods are encouraging Don- resources, can contribute to the navigate a system where tensions
In a curiously organic way, a more complex interplay be- ald Trump to join the climate fight against climate change. – decarbonisation vs conserva-
COP also works like this, as a tween industry, governments negotiations – not out of altru- In this sense, Article 6.4 of tion, efficiency vs climate justice
chaotic yet seamless gathering and infrastructure. ism, but as a strategic necessity. the Paris Agreement represents – have to be carefully managed
of voices, interests and per- In Spain, for instance, renew- The energy transition re- a step towards a more orderly and balanced.
spectives. ables account for 61.5% of in- quires more than just invest- system by setting out a global Energy is the driving force
The endless summit corridors stalled capacity, with 78,968 MW ment in renewables; it also framework for carbon credit behind this process, not only in
are packed with almost 60,000 of production, yet the stark real- means designing a system that trading, under UN oversight. It the physical sense, but also in
participants, each navigating ity is that there are 130 GW of can combine efficient grids, aims to prevent double count- the political and social realms.
their way to uncertain outcomes renewable projects waiting to be streamlined processes, stable ing and fraud, as well as to The question is whether we can
at predetermined destinations: connected to an electricity grid public policies, conservation restore confidence in a mar- channel COP29’s chaos into a
a negotiating table, a round- that is not ready to handle them. efforts and the needs of local ket that fell to $723 million in more sustainable and orderly
table discussion or a profound Outdated infrastructure and communities. Ignoring any of 2023 after multiple scandals. future. Entropy may be a chal-
conversation on the future of slow bureaucratic processes these elements will not only Under this system, countries lenge, but it is also an opportuni-
the climate. In this global mi- are creating a bottleneck that further delay the transition, it will be able to trade carbon ty, a reminder that there is room
crocosm, where governments, prevents clean energy from will also expose us to fresh en- credits produced by projects to build something extraordi-
businesses, NGOs and academ- being monetised, undermining vironmental and social crises. anywhere in the world, gener- nary, even within disorder. ■
ics converge, the interplay of its profitability and slowing its There are no easy solutions to ating revenue to fund their own
interests is never stable, yet the uptake. The complexities don’t these complex problems. transitions. It replaces the for- This article is republished
wheels of the system remain stop there – further progress is The price of saving the mer Clean Development Mech- from The Conversation under a
constantly in motion. also sorely needed in energy planet anism established under the Creative Commons license.
My watch (and feet) can attest storage and data management,
to the sheer scale of this gather- as well as in building optimised
ing. During my time here I have distribution networks.
been clocking over 25,000 steps Renewable energy vs bio-
per day, roughly half a mara- diversity?
thon, in my efforts to keep up There is a paradoxical ele-
with the rushing, incessantly ment to the climate struggle. As
conversing human tides. we move towards decarbonisa-
The energy transition tion, some renewable projects
maze: complexity and inter- are having a highly detrimental
dependence impact on the environment, af-
It is easy to point fingers at fecting precisely one of the oth-
the more than 1,700 represen- er major global challenges: the
tatives from the oil and gas sec- recovery of biodiversity.
tors attending COP29, yet their The Maestrazgo Cluster in
role in the energy transition is Castellon, Spain, which envis-
absolutely crucial. After COP28, ages the installation of over 125
even giants like ExxonMobil and wind turbines in Natura 2000
Shell acknowledged that their protected areas, is a clear exam-
future depends on diversifying ple of this conflict. Local resis- COP29 (IRENA/FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
14 WORLD NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Trump’s criminal conviction won’t stop him

from getting security clearance as president
By Dakota Rudesill, The Therefore, because Trump security clearances. To assess dictment or conviction, or a civil Trump’s businesses have
Ohio State University was elected to a second term, he a candidate’s trustworthiness, judgment involving fraud, they recorded six bankruptcies. A
The Conversation will again have expansive access investigators interview the generally cannot get clearance. US$450 million fraud judg-
to classified information and candidate, review their appli- Such a court record suggests ment from February 2024 has
control over it as of noon on Jan. cation and search databases. disrespect for the law, dishon- put Trump’s finances in jeopar-
Former President Donald 20, 2025, when his term begins. Some investigations involve esty and problems following dy. There is credible evidence
Trump is the president-elect. He He will also have control over a polygraph of the candidate rules, which are integral to pro- that his business finances have
is also a convicted felon, thanks secrets and clearances available and interviews of people they tecting classified information. been linked with foreign gov-
to a jury verdict after a trial in to others. The American elector- know. Once a clearance is No reasonable background ernments, particularly Russia.
New York state court for a hush ate made that decision. granted, investigators continue investigator would ignore the Third, there is abundant evi-
money conspiracy before he be- Before Trump again takes to monitor clearance holders. staggering evidence against dence that Trump is a political
came president the first time. office, his access to classified Key factors the investigators Trump if he were to apply in extremist. Trump told a violent
Normally, a president-elect information is in the hands of consider include loyalty to the the normal way. militia before the 2020 election
gets access to highly classified the current and outgoing pres- United States, respect for rules Under the commonly used to “stand back and stand by.”
information, including a ver- ident, Joe Biden. Typically, a and the rule of law, psycholog- SMICE rubric, for example, The U.S. House Jan. 6 commit-
sion of the President’s Daily sitting president authorizes ical stability, good judgment Trump is all red flags. SMICE tee found in 2022 that Trump
Brief on intelligence. And the the major party nominees, in- and good character in terms stands for categories of temp- was part of a “multi-part con-
sitting president has more ac- cluding their opponent if the of trustworthiness and integ- tations to put personal inter- spiracy” to overturn the lawful
cess and authority over the na- incumbent is running, to have rity. Substance abuse, marital ests over one’s obligations to results of the 2020 presidential
tion’s secrets than anyone else. access to classified briefings infidelity or financial problems the nation and to protect clas- election, an effort that includ-
A criminal conviction, how- during the campaign. Although can suggest poor judgment and sified information: sex, money, ed the violent attack on the
ever, is a long-standing dis- U.S. intelligence officials had vulnerability to blackmail or ideology, crime and contra- U.S. Capitol spearheaded by
qualifier for holding a security planned to do the usual brief- other kinds of coercion. band, and ego. that same militia, the Proud
clearance – a license to access ings this year despite Trump’s The president’s broad power First, sex: There is exten- Boys. Even Trump’s own White
national security secrets, in- criminal record, Trump refused The president oversees the sive evidence that Trump com- House chief of staff, chair-
cluding documents marked them. He said he worried that country’s entire national securi- mitted sexual misconduct. man of the joint chiefs of staff
Top Secret. Just being charged the briefers would leak them ty secrecy system. The president Trump’s conviction on 34 felo- and secretary of defense have
criminally can mean denial or and blame him. has the authority to read all ny counts resulted from pros- warned that Trump fits the
loss of clearance too. Now that the election has classified documents, to classify ecutors at trial convincing the definition of a fascist, meaning
Trump also was criminally been decided, reports indicate and declassify almost any piece jury of what Trump continues he is a violent authoritarian
charged in Georgia state court that Trump will begin receiving of information and to oversee to deny: his participation in a and a threat to democracy.
and the Washington, D.C., intelligence briefings. the security clearance system. conspiracy to falsify business On contraband, the Justice
federal court in relation to his It is not yet completely clear, There is no other government records to facilitate hush mon- Department presented over-
efforts to overturn the 2020 but Trump’s election does ap- official who decides whether ey payments to a porn star with whelming evidence that Trump
election, and he was criminal- pear to be pushing aside his nu- the president should have ac- whom Trump had sex in 2008 knowingly retained thousands
ly charged in federal court in merous criminal cases. In New cess to the nation’s secrets. while he was married and his of pages of classified documents
Florida for obstruction of jus- York state court, the judge is The Supreme Court has held wife was pregnant. after the end of his term in of-
tice and wrongful retention of considering whether to dismiss that authority over classifica- Even marital infidelity on its fice – at which point his authority
a trove of highly sensitive docu- the case in which he has already tion and clearances flows in own can endanger a clearance, to have them expired – and op-
ments after his first term ended. been convicted. And the Geor- part from the power the Con- because it suggests disloyalty posed lawful government efforts
This dilemma is one that I, gia state case may face years stitution gives the president. and deception. It creates a dirty to retrieve them. That case was
as a law professor who teach- of delay. Because of the Justice In a dangerous internation- secret, creating a risk of black- later dismissed for other reasons.
es and writes about secrecy Department’s long-standing al security environment, the mail. The public record contains Finally, ego: The public re-
and who earlier in my career policy against prosecuting a president needs to be able to considerable evidence of Trump’s cord is awash with testimonials
handled classified information sitting president, special prose- know secret information about misconduct and infidelity. In re- from people who have worked
while working for the U.S. in- cutor Jack Smith is moving to foreign threats, communicate cent civil cases, the writer E. Jean closely with Trump that he is a
telligence community and a abandon both federal cases and confidentially with foreign col- Carroll won judgments against narcissist. Although that kind of
U.S. Senate committee, would resign in advance of Trump’s leagues and subordinates, and Trump for sexually assaulting her mental health assessment can
never have expected. threat to fire him. act with what Alexander Ham- in the 1980s and making know- be problematic for nonprofes-
The good news is that the The US secrecy system ilton called in the Federalist ing harmful false statements sionals to make without a for-
law has clear answers. Most U.S. government em- Papers “secrecy, and dispatch.” about it. There are other credi- mal assessment, the common
Access because of his elect- ployees and contractors do not Like the president, members of ble allegations, as well. In 2005, claim here is that Trump has a
ed position have or need a security clear- Congress get access to classified Trump bragged on tape about his grandiose sense of self-impor-
Those answers start with this ance. But those whose jobs information by virtue of election, sexual assaults, saying that he tance. Critics, including former
legal certainty: Presidents get involve handling sensitive in- not by going through the regular will “just start kissing” women colleagues, say he expects spe-
access to classified information formation must apply for clear- security clearance process. without consent, and that “when cial treatment, avoids account-
because of the office they hold, ance. If their record suggests Normally, Trump wouldn’t you are famous they let you do ability and is so self-absorbed
not because they meet criteria trustworthiness, they can re- get clearance anything.” that he cannot act responsibly
in executive orders and admin- ceive permission to access one The dilemma is obvious: Second, one of the most com- or with appropriate empathy.
istrative rules. The president or more of the several levels of Trump will lead a national se- mon reasons for clearance de- For all of these reasons, there
technically does not even have classified information, includ- curity enterprise that surely nial or suspension is credit card is no question: If he were treat-
a clearance. Practically and le- ing Confidential, Secret and would have denied him a secu- debt or other financial prob- ed like anyone else, Trump
gally speaking, the president Top Secret. rity clearance if he had to fol- lems. They create a motive for would never get clearance.
also sits at the apex of the exec- Federal investigators care- low the rules that apply to his taking bribes or doing business But the voters have decided
utive branch’s massive secrecy fully screen applicants for na- former and future subordinates. deals in exchange for leaking
apparatus. tional security positions and If someone has a criminal in- secrets or other disloyalty. PAGE 30 Trump’s criminal
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 WORLD NEWS 15

Italy’s ban on international surrogacy is part of a

drive towards an ultra-conservative idea of family
By Dafni Lima, Durham – where the surrogate receives And in 2019 it issued an advi- A UK study found that most our civilisation”. Meloni’s poli-
University compensation – is allowed. sory opinion on the matter. surrogates don’t view themselves cies, from banning surrogacy to
The Conversation Other countries, including While it found no consensus as the mother and would support restrictions on abortion, curtail
France and Germany, prohibit on the lawfulness of surrogacy recognising intended parents as reproductive choice – ideologi-
surrogacy. This means that the arrangements, it decided that the legal parents from birth. cally driven by an emphasis on
The Italian Senate recently surrogate is the legal mother rights of children born through Meloni’s government, led by “natural” motherhood.
passed a law making surrogacy when the child is born. But they surrogacy require “a possibility of the far-right Brothers of Ita- While it is mostly straight Ital-
a “universal crime”. In a coun- still typically allow the intend- recognition of a legal parent-child ly, has consistently focused on ian couples who use surrogacy
try where surrogacy is already ed parents to establish a legal relationship”. Italy’s absolute ban policies that promote what it by going abroad, many of them
illegal, and has been since bond with the child by other goes against this reasoning. sees as a “traditional” form of will hide the fact that they had a
2004, this decision takes re- means, for example by giving In 2019, the British supreme family. Running on a platform child this way. Same-sex couples
strictions to a whole new level. legal recognition to the genetic court also invoked the child’s focused on the fascist motto of are even more restricted since
While Italian law already father alongside the surrogate welfare as the main driver for “God, family, fatherland”, Melo- they obviously cannot fly under
prohibited surrogacy within It- mother or to both parents via judges to recognise intended ni’s government has been open the radar in the same way. Un-
aly, the new ban will make it a adoption, in cases where surro- parents as legal parents. To do about its anti-LGBTQ+ stance. der Italian law, they also have no
crime for Italians to access sur- gacy has been sought abroad. otherwise in most cases, it con- Banning surrogacy was in the other choices for having a child
rogacy abroad – even in coun- In the UK, the surrogate is the cluded, risks leaving the child party’s manifesto, along with together: they are banned from
tries where the practice is legal. legal parent at birth but courts “legally parentless (and possibly policies against same-sex mar- accessing IVF or adopting.
The use of the term “univer- can transfer parenthood to the also stateless)” – because they riage and same-sex adoption. While legal scholars and ac-
sal crime” (reato universale) intended parents through a pa- would be legally tied to a person During the debate in the Senate, tivists question whether the law
to describe the ban has raised rental order, a surrogacy-spe- living abroad and who did not a Brothers of Italy senator called can hold up to legal scrutiny or
further concern. The language cific mechanism designed to be intend to be their parent. motherhood “the foundation of how it will be applied in prac-
evokes the wording of the Ital- less burdensome than adoption. tice, same-sex parents express
ian criminal code for crimes Italian prime minister Gior- fear that they are faced with two
considered so serious that they gia Meloni called the new sur- impossible options: leave their
contravene “universal values”. rogacy ban “common sense” country indefinitely, or stay in It-
The wording therefore puts sur- and celebrated it as protect- aly and face prison time. Under
rogacy on a par with genocide ing women and children from the new law, they face up to two
and crimes against humanity. “commodification”. Others see years in prison and a fine of up
Countries are not aligned on the ban as the opposite of pro- to €1 million (£836,000).
whether surrogacy should be tecting women and children. Italy’s surrogacy ban is per-
allowed or prohibited. Several International rulings haps no surprise in an era
allow it, albeit with different The European Court of Hu- of populist politics, where
restrictions and safeguards. In man Rights often examines LGBTQ+ and women’s rights
Greece, non-commercial surro- events in its member countries are increasingly weaponised,
gacy has been legal since 2002, (which include Italy) to deter- but it should still worry us. ■
allowing the intended parents mine whether there is broader
to have legal parenthood at consensus on an issue. In 2014 This article is republished
birth. In California, even so- it looked into surrogacy in its from The Conversation under a
called commercial surrogacy Mennesson v France judgment. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (VALSTS KANCELEJA/STATE CHANCELLERY/FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Creative Commons license.

UNICEF says over 3 children killed in Lebanon

daily in last 2 months
Anadolu met with inertia from those able dren in Lebanon." the spokesperson said, adding added, calling it "a horrific and
Philippine News Agency to stop this violence," UNICEF Listing the "chilling" similari- that UNICEF’s latest appeal has unacceptable new normal."
spokesperson James Elder said in ties between Gaza and Lebanon, less than 20 percent funding. Israel has been engaged in
a press briefing in Geneva. he said hundreds of children "In Lebanon, much the same as cross-border warfare with Leb-
GENEVA – UNICEF said Tues- "For the children of Lebanon, have been made homeless in has become the case in Gaza, the anon, launching an air cam-
day that more than three chil- it has become a silent normaliza- the country, medical facilities intolerable is quietly transforming paign against what it claims
dren on average have been killed tion of horror," Elder lamented, are under attack, all schools are into the acceptable. And the ap- are targets of the Hezbollah
in Lebanon every day for the last adding that at the same period, closed, "alarming signs" of emo- palling is slipping into the realm group in late September.
two months, lamenting that “the "many, many more" have been tional turmoil are becoming evi- of the expected," Elder said. More than 3,500 people
intolerable is quietly transform- injured and traumatized daily. dent in children, and lastly, "the "And once more, the cries have been killed by Israeli at-
ing into the acceptable.” He said, "We must hope hu- escalation of children killed is of children go unheard, the tacks in Lebanon, with nearly
"Despite more than 200 chil- manity never again witnesses eliciting no meaningful response world’s silence grows deafen- 15,000 injured and more than
dren killed in Lebanon in less than the ongoing level of carnage of from those with influence." ing, and again we allow the a million displaced since last
two months, a disconcerting pat- children in Gaza, though there As the attacks intensify, the unimaginable to become the October, according to Lebanese
tern has emerged: their deaths are are chilling similarities for chil- level of need also intensifies, landscape of childhood," he health authorities. ■
16 WORLD NEWS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Gaza: outlook for Palestinians bleak under

a Trump presidency that looks set to go
‘all the way’ with Netanyahu
By Clive Jones, Durham “how it defends itself – even as can get their hands on. These them and their power base, full Hezbollah. Along with a recent
University Hamas cruelly hides among ci- people are vicious animals who annexation of what they refer fillip in his poll ratings and an
The Conversation vilians – matters a great deal”. did horrifying crimes.” to as “Judea and Samaria” re- opposition that remains divid-
Judging by the first appoint- A month out from the election, mains a mitzvah – a command- ed, Netanyahu appears to be in
ments made by the US presi- on October 5, Biden appeared at ment that must be fulfilled if an unassailable position.
The amount of aid reaching dent-elect Donald Trump to his a White House press briefing and the long-awaited messianic era Still, he also knows that
Gaza has fallen to an 11-month foreign policy team, the tone of commented on speculation Trump is a transactional
low according to Israeli figures. US support for Israel is likely to that Netanyahu’s apparent president elected on a plat-
And the hijacking, by an armed change. unwillingness to agree a form to end US involve-
Palestinian gang, of a convoy Trump’s pick for ambassador ceasefire was motivated by ment in foreign conflicts.
of 109 trucks on November 16 to Israel, former Arkansas gov- US politics: “Whether he’s Netanyahu Netanyahu also knows that
has exacerbated the situation. ernor Mike Huckabee, has long trying to influence the elec- must view the the Gaza conflict has – for
Food prices are soaring and been associated with the Chris- tion, I don’t know – but I’m now at least – put paid to
parts of the enclave, where Is- tian evangelical right, which not counting on that,” he election result any prospect of the normali-
raeli troops are battling Hamas wholeheartedly supports Jewish said, adding that: “No ad- and Trump’s sation of relations with Sau-
fighters, are believed to be al- sovereignty over the West Bank. ministration has helped Is- di Arabia and other Arab
ready experiencing famine. Huckabee made his position rael more than I have. None, selection countries, something that
The administration of out- clear in a 2017 interview with none, none,” he said. “And of strong Trump counts as one of the
going US president, Joe Biden, CNN, saying: “There is no such I think [Netanyahu] should foreign policy achievements
has been consistent in its polit- thing as a West Bank. It’s Ju- remember that.” supporters of of his first administration.
ical and military support for Is- dea and Samaria [the territory’s Netanyahu must view the his government Calling Israel’s military
rael and its war against Hamas biblical name]. There’s no such election result and Trump’s actions in Gaza genocidal,
in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, thing as a settlement. They’re selection of strong support- as vindication Crown Prince Muhammed
the Houthis in Yemen and of communities, they’re neighbour- ers of his government as of an approach bin Salman has made any
course Israel’s retaliatory strikes hoods, they’re cities. There’s no vindication of an approach moves towards a formal
against Iran. But all the while such thing as an occupation.” that now sees Israel, mil- that now peace deal with Israel con-
Biden has urged moderation. The proposed secretary of itarily at least, in the as- sees Israel, ditional on meaningful steps
Speaking at the G20 this state, Republican senator Mar- cendant. Israel’s offensive being taken by the Jewish
week, Biden repeated his mes- co Rubio, is on the record as be- in northern Gaza shows militarily at state and its ally the US to-
sage that “Israel has the right ing against a ceasefire in Gaza. no sign of slowing. And, as least, in the wards Palestinian statehood.
to defend itself after the worst He told journalists recently that more and more people are Netanyahu will know
massacre of Jews since the Ho- “I want them [Israel] to destroy forced southwards, a new ascendant. that any move in that di-
locaust” – but he stressed that every element of Hamas they motive for the continuing rection would fracture his
military operation appears coalition. But he will also
to be coming into sight. suspect that the Saudis
Pressure from the right and other Gulf monarchies
Many on the political right – is to be hastened and their vi- will try to leverage the influ-
including members of Netanya- sion of Zionism realised. ence they also have in Wash-
hu’s government – are now ad- In Trump, Smotrich and Ben ington to put diplomatic pres-
vocating for reoccupation of the Gvir believe they have the inter- sure on Trump.
north of the Gaza strip by Jewish national backing to achieve this Reading Trump’s intentions
settlers. These settlers regard the – regardless of the wider conse- is not for the fainthearted. But
2005 decision to evacuate the quences for Israel’s claim to be even so, Netanyahu will think
Gaza strip not just as a strategic both Jewish and democratic. For the incoming US president is
mistake, but as “hillul hashem”, most observers, full annexation likely to afford him a period of
a blasphemy against God. would effectively mark Israel as political grace to conclude his
And, just as IDF outposts in an apartheid state – unless full wars. Much, of course, remains
the West Bank have often been citizenship with equal political uncertain. But as ever it will
the used as the sites for the con- rights were to be conferred on be the Palestinian people who
struction of settlements, many all Palestinians. This is unlikely. bear the heaviest burden.
now suspect a similar pattern Netanyahu’s calculations As well as lacking effective
will be repeated in at least the Netanyahu knows this. But leadership in Gaza or on the
northern half of the Gaza strip as the changing dynamics of Isra- West Bank, they can look for-
its 2 million Palestinian inhabi- el’s domestic politics means he is ward to scant support from the
tants are compressed ever more no longer so reliant on Smotrich Arab world. Now they face an
in an ever decreasing space. and Ben-Gvir. The addition to Israeli premier in victory mode
For the two most notable Re- his coalition of a small bloc un- and the prospect of a US presi-
ligious Zionists in Netanyahu’s der Gideon Sa'ar has given him a dent prepared to go all the way
government, interior minister greater margin of support. to support him. ■
Itamar Ben-Gvir and finance Recent polls also show his
minister Bezalel Smotrich, the approval rating has rallied con- This article is republished
election of Trump is the gift siderably since Israel’s incur- from The Conversation under a
that will keep on giving. For sion into Lebanon to take on Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 17

"Hello, Love, Again" reaches P566M in Philippine
box office, pledges support to typhoon victims
ABS-CBN ing mahihiling pa,” Kathryn said. The first collaboration of ABS- Filipino film in America. tralia, New Zealand, Guam, and
“Maraming salamat sa CBN’s Star Cinema and GMA Directed by Cathy-Garcia Saipan. It will also premiere
pagmamahal at suporta na Pictures opened at no. 8 in the Sampana, the romantic drama in Singapore, Malaysia, the
Kathryn and Alden’s film binibigay niyo sa amin at sa US box-office top 10, grossing film is showing in over 1,000 Middle East, Cambodia, Hong
sets new box-office record with pelikula. No words can express $2.4 million and setting the re- cinemas worldwide including Kong, and Macau this month.
P131 million single-day gross how grateful we are for the cord as the biggest opening for a the US, Canada, Europe, Aus- Witness the continuation
“Hello, Love, Again,” the hit turnout and we’re very happy of Joy (Kathryn) and Ethan’s
film starring Kathryn Bernardo na maraming naka-appreciate (Alden) story in “Hello, Love,
and Alden Richards, has shat- nito,” Alden added. Again” now showing exclusive-
tered another box-office record, Part of the proceeds of the film ly in cinemas worldwide. For
grossing an unprecedented will go towards helping the vic- more details, follow Star Cin-
P131 million in a single day last tims of Typhoon Pepito. Mean- ema on Facebook, X (formerly
Saturday (Nov 16). The film while, Kathryn and Alden will Twitter), Instagram, YouTube,
has now reached P566 million attend the Asian World Film Festi- and TikTok.
as of Monday (Nov. 18). val, wherein “Hello, Love, Again” For other updates, follow
“We’re so blessed because bini- will serve as the closing film. @abscbnpr on Facebook, X
gyan ng mga tao ng chance yung The record-breaking film (Twitter), Instagram, and
pelikula namin at lahat ng na- made history with the biggest TikTok, or visit www.abs-cbn.
re-receive namin. Wala na kam- opening day at P85 million. Kathryn Bernardo, Alden Richards, and Cathy Garcia-Sampana (ABS-CBN)
com/newsroom. ■

Gladiator II: a wavering thumbs up for a rehashed

sequel that can’t escape the ghost of Russell Crowe
By Daniel O'Brien, University office, in the hope of another in- (2022) and All of Us Strangers and Derek Jacobi as Gracchus, ful, highlighting the actor’s
of Essex stalment. Where the original used (2023) assured me that this film while Denzel Washington’s Mac- range. This is lost in the se-
The Conversation a progressive incline of believable would be in good hands. rinus is something of a distorted quel, with its forced narrative
gladiatorial set pieces that ramp Similarly, Pedro Pascal’s com- echo of Oliver Reed’s Proximo. of sibling rivalry that appears
up the danger, the sequel punch- pelling television work, particu- Elsewhere, the sadistic sib- to come out of nowhere in or-
“I will not be your instrument es through outlandish combat larly The Last of Us (2023-2025), ling emperors Geta and Cara- der to hurry the film along.
in this life or the next,” utters sequences before a finale that, in The Mandalorian (2019-2023) calla, played by Joseph Quinn The third act of the film seems
Paul Mescal’s Lucius halfway contrast, seems to fizzle out. and Game of Thrones (2011- and Fred Hechinger (who ap- to accelerate into a frantic rush
through Ridley Scott’s sequel to The action makes for a flu- 2019), filled me with confidence. parently modelled their look towards a crossroads – at which
his 2000 blockbuster, Gladiator. id 148-minute runtime, but Both actors do a perfectly fine and mannerisms on Johnny point a symbolic neutral thumb
These words are far from an perhaps plausibility is no lon- job, but the extent of their acting Rotten and Sid Vicious), jointly may point upwards to a lucra-
isolated nod to iconic moments ger an important factor of the range feels restricted. replace the complexity of what tive franchise, or downwards
in that original film, but one of modern blockbuster. I believe Their craft is perhaps too sub- Joaquin Phoenix achieved sin- to a quick death, based on the
a litany of rehashed moments this played an important role in merged by the spectacle, and gle-handed in his portrayal of chants of the viewers.
which are often done bigger – establishing the original Gladi- hindered by a respect for Crowe – Commodus. The joint casting, Either way, it raises the ques-
but not necessarily better. ator as an epic classic, so I’m which means Mescal shies away like the action, seemingly re- tion of intention: why bring
As expected, there is bloody not convinced this sequel will from “out-Maxing” Maximus, lies on “bigger is better” perfor- back a richly enjoyable story
action from the outset, as well as have the same lasting impact. whose presence haunts Gladiator mances, while the original em- like this without advancing it
killer baboons, rhino-riding war- From an audience perspective, II through gestures, props and ployed a less-is-more approach. in some way? Huge sums of
riors and even a shark-infested it may be difficult to move past costume. Mescal recreates the di- Again, it was Phoenix’s plau- money and the technical chal-
Colosseum. But this comes at Russell Crowe’s absence from the alogue, posture and leadership, sibility as a performer, and the lenge of outdoing the original
a cost, as Gladiator II sacrifices role he embodied in blood, sweat but doesn’t quite own the role in more carefully staged dramat- in special effects are doubtless
subtlety and plausibility. and fury: he was Gladiator. But the way Crowe did. ic arc within the original film, the driving factors, but what
It’s hard to escape the feeling Mescal is a wonderful actor, and There are reprisals of roles that allowed viewers to see his
this film is just chasing the box his subtle brilliance in Aftersun from Connie Nielson as Lucilla transition from pitiful to spite- PAGE 30 Gladiator II: a wavering
18 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Netflix’s First Korean Ready, Steady, Romance:

Space Romance India’s Favorite Couple
When the Stars Returns December 13 with
Gossip Premieres Season 3 of ‘Mismatched’
January 4, 2025! Netflix Life at Aravali Institute, Jai-
pur, may be behind them, but
Ahsaas Channa, Abhinav Shar-
ma, and Muskkaan Jaferi re-
the gang is back together, this turning, plus fabulous new
Netflix thrilling. The cold coffee is brewing time in tech-central Hyder- faces Lauren Robinson, Gari-
• Kong Hyo-jin plays Com- once more, as is the love and abad. They find themselves ma Yajnik, and Akshat Singh,
mander Eve Kim, a no-nonsense connections in Netflix’s popular wading through adulting for the drama has been turned up
Netflix is set to launch its perfectionist leading her first YA series the very first time, needing to to eleven. Will old flames re-
first Korean Earth-to-space ro- space mission. Her unflinching Rishi and Dimple are back to put in the work for their rela- ignite? Will the gang learn to
mance, When the Stars Gossip, professionalism faces new chal- remind us why we fell in love tionships, and diving headfirst balance love and ambition?
premiering January 4, 2025 lenges as the stakes soar. with them in the first place. Their into the world of apps. From Settle in for a new season of
(KST). Combining stellar vi- • Oh Jung-se transforms into journey from young love to adult- juggling love and ambition to feels as Mismatched navigates
suals with an A-list cast, this Kang Kang-su, a thrill-seeking ing woes is as adorable as ever. carving out their identities, the adulting, staying in love, tak-
romantic comedy promises to scientist studying fruit flies Fans of the beloved series journey has never felt more ing new leaps, and everything
redefine the K-romance genre. while escaping the mundane. franchise were delighted today real — or more relatable. in between — streaming on
When the Stars Gossip, • Han Ji-eun captivates as to see their favorite on-screen With Prajakta Koli, Rohit December 13 only on Netflix,
penned by acclaimed writer Choi Go-eun, the ambitious couple, Prajakta Koli (Dimple) Saraf, Rannvijay Singha, Ta- perfectly in time for your hol-
Seo Sook-hyang and directed heiress to MZ Group and Gong and Rohit Saraf (Rishi), walk- aruk Raina, Vidya Malavade, iday-season watchlist. ■
by Park Shin-woo (It’s Okay Ryong’s dazzlingly indepen- ing hand in hand and recalling
to Not Be Okay, Don’t Dare to dent girlfriend. their sweet beginnings, only to
Dream), takes viewers to an Supporting the leads are a be hilariously interrupted on
entirely new frontier—space. dynamic ensemble, including their way to a date. But here’s
The groundbreaking series Kim Joo-heon as a veteran as- the twist — they hand over
stars rom-com icons Lee Min- tronaut, EL as an Earth-bound a cup of their signature cold
ho and Kong Hyo-jin, along- mission chief, and Lee Cho-hee coffee revealing that Season 3
side Oh Jung-se, Han Ji-eun, in a dual role as twin sisters of Mismatched will stream on
and more, in a tale that blends with opposing personalities. Netflix from December 13!
interstellar adventure with With its cosmic setting, visu- Produced by RSVP Movies
heartfelt romance. ally stunning effects, and rich- and based on Sandhya Menon's
• Lee Min-ho stars as Gong ly layered characters, When book When Dimple Met Rishi,
Ryong, an OB-GYN-turned- the Stars Gossip offers a fresh the young-adult series returns
space-tourist with a secret mis- twist on K-romance. Don’t miss with deeper connections, new
sion. As the enigmatic guest the stellar debut on Netflix this mates, and more heartbreaks.
aboard a space station, his January 4, 2025 ■ Mismatched Season 3 is set to
journey is as mysterious as it is take you on a whirlwind journey. (NETFLIX)

BINI reimagines Christmas classic "Joy To The World"

ABS-CBN also dropped “Joy To The cedes the three-day “Grand
World’s” Christmas-themed an- BINIverse” concert on Nov. 16-
imated official video on BINI 18 at the Araneta Coliseum.
MTV EMAs Best Asia Act Official YouTube channel. It follows the group’s newest
winner drops back-to-back It features colorful imagery milestone as the winner of "Best
Christmas offering depicting Filipino Christmas Asia Act" in the 2024 MTV Eu-
The nation’s girl group BINI ig- traditions including Noche rope Music Awards (EMA).
nites the holiday spirit with their Buena, a display of Christmas Celebrate the Yuletide spirit
remake of the classic Christmas lanterns, and many more. with BINI’s “Joy To The World.”
song “Joy To The World.” The latest “Joy The World” Fil- Get regular updates by following
BINI’s “Joy To The World” ipino version has additional lyr- @BINI_ph on Facebook, X (Twit-
version was released simulta- ics and musical composition by ter), Instagram, and TikTok, and
neously with their Christmas Christopher James Moore Lopez subscribing to their official You-
remix of “Cherry On Top” last aka Moophs and BINI’s vocal Tube channel, BINI Official.
Thursday night (Nov. 14). coach Anna Achacoso-Graham. For more details, follow Star
Simultaneous with the song Its original version was written Music on Facebook, X (Twit-
drop on digital streaming plat- by Isaac Watts in 1719. ter), Instagram, TikTok, and
forms, the female pop group BINI’s newest offering pre- YouTube. ■
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 19

Reading dark romance:
The ambiguities of a fascinating genre
By Magali Bigey, Université resenting a significant portion. where young women are often
de Franche-Comté – UBFC Once relegated to the fringes, subjected to paradoxical ex-
The Conversation the genre is now widely avail- pectations. Dark romance pro-
able in bookstores, libraries, and vides a space to examine these
even boasts its own event – the tensions without real-world re-
A literary subgenre that Festival New Romance in Lyon. percussions, making emotional
emerged in the 2010s and Central to dark romance’s suc- engagement the cornerstone of
gained widespread popularity cess is the role of online literary the reader’s experience.
in the 2020s, dark romance communities. Platforms such One of the reasons dark ro-
falls under the umbrella of un- as TikTok amplify these novels’ mance maintains its popularity is
healthy love stories. These nov- visibility through thousands of its ability to offer a sense of re-
els often depict relationships videos featuring recommenda- assurance amid the complexities
that challenge moral and legal tions, excerpts, and emotional of real-world relationships. The
boundaries, raising questions analyses. Enthusiastic readers recurring theme of the heroine
about their growing appeal. become influencers, driving in- “healing” her abuser or gaining
What does the success of these terest and propelling titles to control over the relationship pro-
provocative stories, frequently success – sometimes even before vides a redemptive arc that ap-
marked by violence and com- official publication. Viral sensa- peals to readers seeking resolu-
plex power dynamics, reveal tions like Captive owe much of tion. While the initial depictions
about contemporary society? their popularity to this digital of violence may be troubling, the
Fueled by social media plat- word-of-mouth model. eventual mastery and closure
forms such as TikTok – particu- The allure of emotional in- provide a controlled space for
larly under the hashtag #Book- tensity readers to explore challenging
Tok – the meteoric rise of dark Dark romance explores the emotions without endorsing such
romance underscores a shift in murky areas of love and desire, behaviours in real life.
how narratives about love and often characterised by fraught In many households, the in-
desire are consumed. The genre’s power dynamics and implicit Contrary to fears that dark al tools to process such content troduction to dark romance
ability to provoke intense emo- or explicit violence between romance promotes violence or effectively. This underscores comes from familial connec-
tional responses has captivated protagonists. Yet, these stories unhealthy relationships, many the importance of providing tions, such as mothers or older
a predominantly young, female, typically have a positive, albeit readers engage critically with guidance and fostering environ- sisters sharing their own discov-
and highly engaged audience. complicated, conclusion. these narratives. A 2024 study ments where young people can eries. These shared experiences
While controversial, these novels Protagonists in these novels of high school students revealed discuss these narratives openly, often lead to discussions, fos-
allow readers to explore forbid- are often young women in sub- that young readers often in- whether with trusted individ- tering critical thinking and re-
den or complex emotions within missive roles paired with dom- terpret such content through uals or within critical reading flection on the content. In more
a controlled, fictional environ- inant male characters. Despite a lens of awareness, acknowl- communities. Such approach- open-minded environments,
ment. How can society better un- frequent criticism for their por- edging the troubling dynamics es mitigate risks of superficial such exchanges transform read-
derstand this phenomenon, and trayal of toxic relationships, while recognising their fictional interpretations or unchecked ing into a communal and ana-
more importantly, guide young these narratives resonate with nature. “It’s good to show read- immersion, especially on plat- lytical activity, steering readers
readers toward critical engage- readers by offering an emo- ers the violence of these acts so forms like Wattpad, a collab- away from simplistic or poten-
ment without dismissing their tional intensity unmatched by they can understand how absurd orative storytelling site where tially harmful interpretations.
preferences? other romance subgenres. it is,” one student told Arnaud moderation can be minimal. Toward a more nuanced
A genre on the rise For many, the appeal lies in Genon, a professor at INSPÉ in Dark romance often serves approach
The success of Fifty Shades the safe exploration of extreme Strasbourg. This sentiment un- as a form of catharsis, allowing Rather than condemning
of Grey by E.L. James in the emotions within a fictional derscores the idea that reading readers to engage with power- dark romance, society should
early 2010s helped establish framework. Similar to the thrill these novels can foster a critical ful and conflicting emotions in a focus on guiding its reader-
new romance as a dominant of horror movies, readers can ex- awareness of harmful behaviours controlled and safe environment. ship. Demonising the genre
force in publishing, paving the perience fear, tension, or desire, rather than normalising them. The genre enables readers to nav- risks alienating young readers,
way for subgenres like dark knowing they remain in control Far from being a mere in- igate themes of control, freedom, while fostering open dialogue
romance. Series such as 365 of the story. This emotional ca- citement to violence, dark ro- and submission – concepts many encourages critical reflection.
Days by Blanka Lipińska and tharsis may reflect broader soci- mance can serve as a tool for young women grapple with amid Teenagers often engage with
Captive by Sarah Rivens have etal unease, particularly among introspection and emotional societal pressures. Within these these stories as a form of experi-
garnered millions of readers, young people navigating con- processing – though its impact fictional realms, readers remain mentation, rather than a desire
cementing dark romance as a versations around gender equal- varies significantly based on in control of the narrative, cre- to emulate the characters or
popular niche. ity, consent, and power dynam- the reader’s maturity and age. ating a boundary that separates relationships depicted. Social
By 2023, romance account- ics in the post-#MeToo era. Concerns often arise regarding fantasy from reality. media reactions like “Oh, Ash
ed for 7% of the French book Recognising excess with- very young readers, particularly This exploration is partic-
market, with dark romance rep- out normalizing it girls who may lack the emotion- ularly relevant in a society PAGE 21 Reading dark romance:
20 LIFESTYLE FRIDAY November 22, 2024

‘For the very first time I really enjoyed sex!’

– how lesbian escort agencies became
a form of self-care in Japan
By Marta Fanasca, Università ti-prostitution law in 1956 that sexual desires, even with their dispatching a sex worker to a greater protection and ensures
di Bologna bans the practice, which it ex- partners. This often leads to un- hotel where she meets the cli- clear working conditions.
The Conversation clusively defines as penetrative, satisfactory sexual experiences, ent is called in Japanese “deri- And as a marker of how the
paid sex between a man and a which can pave the way for sex- heru,” or delivery health, stress- industry has grown, Tokyo
woman. As a result, any paid-for less relationships– something ing the connection with the alone is currently home to over
In Japanese society, prostitu- activity that falls outside of this which is increasingly common- iyashi realm. Also, a 90-min- 10 rezu fūzoku agencies, ac-
tion is often framed as a nec- definition – such as homosexual place in Japan and a situation ute session with a professional cording to my research.
essary evil – a way to maintain sex – is not considered illegal. that many users of rezu fūzoku sex worker for women is often ‘A refuge for the heart’
social harmony by providing For my research, I interviewed services shared with me. called “wellness course,” which Yet, despite the existence of
men with an outlet for their a man named Obō, the founder As Yuriko, a 35-year-old ties sex to physical and psycho- services aimed at women’s sex-
pent-up sexual desires. of the Lesbian Girls Club, an heterosexual client of rezu logical well-being. ual well-being, gender inequal-
While there are a number of agency with branches in Osaka fūzoku, explained, “For the Sex workers themselves also ity remains rampant in Japan.
issues with this view – such as and Tokyo providing female sex very first time I really enjoyed emphasize the connection be- Women still face significant
the implication that men are workers for female clients. sex! Rezu fūzoku gave me the tween their occupation and social and economic barriers.
inherently unable to control Obō started out his career chance to try new things and to iyashi practices, often referring According to the World Eco-
their sexual impulses – it also as a web developer but soon feel good.” to themselves as “therapists” nomic Forum’s 2024 Global
has a critical flaw: It frames became burned out and disil- Sex is wellness or “cast” and downplaying the Gender Gap Report, Japan
prostitution as something that lusioned. In my interviews, the term sexual aspects of their work, ranks 118th out of 146 coun-
only men want or need. “I wanted to start my own “iyashi” often popped up. instead highlighting the well- tries for gender equality and
In Japan, female sexuality is business, and since I was It means “healing” and re- ness-related ones. Aware of the holds the lowest position
often seen through the narrow building websites for several fers to activities or services that positive impact their services among G7 nations.
lens of heterosexual romance adult entertainment shops, I provide relief from daily stress have on women, many of them By catering to women’s sex-
and motherhood. decided to try something simi- and negative feelings. Just as expressed pride in their work ual desires outside of the tradi-
“Rezu fūzoku” upends this lar. It quickly became clear that yoga classes or massages are during our interviews. tional heterosexual framework,
view. while the market was flooded seen as forms of iyashi, sex – “It’s rewarding,” Moe, who rezu fūzoku challenges conven-
Rezu fūzoku, which roughly with services for men, there especially commercial sex – is has been in the industry for six tional narratives about women’s
translates to “lesbian sexual en- were almost none for women.” also branded this way in Japan. years, told me. “When a cus- sexuality. In a country that has
tertainment,” refers to agencies So Obō opened Lesbian Girls “Men do not understand tomer tells me she was really been experiencing falling mar-
where female sex workers pro- Club in 2007, an agency ar- women and their bodies,” Yuriko struggling but now feels she can riage and birth rates, listening
vide sex to female clients. And ranging meetups between sex said. “But sexuality is a funda- try a little harder because we to women and understanding
in Japan, it’s entirely legal. I be- workers and female clients in mental part of life, and ignoring met, I feel glad I chose this job.” their needs has become increas-
gan investigating female-to-fe- hotels, rather than at a broth- it only leads to frustration and Her colleague, Makiko, agreed. ingly important.
male commercial sex and escort el. Since then, it’s become an dissatisfaction. Sex is iyashi.” “I am proud of this job. It’s very This legal form of sex work
services in 2023. After initially institution in Japan, with some The use of this word shows important to me, and I believe it’s clearly fills a need, offering
studying the phenomenon of of his original sex workers still how prostitution in Japan is not quite needed in society.” women a safe place to try new
female-to-male crossdressers working for Obō. always viewed as something to Despite the widespread stigma things and entrust their sexu-
offering nonsexual, romantic A diverse clientele be ashamed of but can also be against sex workers in Japanese al pleasure to an expert – who
dates to female clients, I decid- Initially a niche market, rezu seen as a form of self-care. society, the legal status of rezu happens to be another woman.
ed to expand the investigation fūzoku gained wider attention For instance, the practice of fūzoku services offers employees One thing that stood out in
to focus on clients seeking sex when the manga artist Nagata my research was how popular
and romance. The names of the Kabi used Obō’s agency and the service was among women
sex workers and clients I in- later chronicled her experience in heterosexual relationships
terviewed in my research have in her work “My Lesbian Expe- who seemed eager to explore
been changed in this article to rience with Loneliness.” desires that may be difficult to
protect their anonymity. The award-winning manga, share with a partner.
Tapping into a niche market which was also released in the But what female clients seek
Unlike in many countries U.S. and Europe, introduced often goes beyond sex itself.
that historically criminalized the service to many Japanese Many women simply want inti-
homosexual acts, Japan only women who hadn’t previously macy – being hugged, cuddled
briefly outlawed them in the known about it. and cared for in a way that is
1870s, during an era of rapid Despite the term “rezu” – missing not only in the lives of
Western-inspired legal reforms. lesbian – in the name, Obō’s single women but also in those
After that period, the coun- agency welcomes women of all of women in relationships.
try did not reintroduce laws sexual orientations. “I use this service for com-
criminalizing homosexual acts, “Some of our clients are les- fort and healing,” said Sachi,
allowing same-sex relation- bians,” he told me. “But many a 42-year-old woman who’s
ships to exist largely without are straight, also married. Most married to a man. “It is a kind
legal interference – even if are between 26 and 35 years of refuge for the heart offering
they remained frowned upon old, though we also have cli- emotional richness.” ■
in Japanese society. ents in their 60s and 70s.”
Furthermore, homosexual Many Japanese women still This article is republished
prostitution has never been ille- find it difficult to explore their from The Conversation under a
gal. Japan did enact a strict an- sexuality and express their Creative Commons license
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 LIFESTYLE 21

Why do I feel better when I wake myself up

instead of relying on an alarm? A neurologist
explains the science of a restful night’s sleep
By Beth Ann Malow, healthy brain, so they can learn ment. Light too late in the eve-
Vanderbilt University and remember. ning, including from screens,
The Conversation Waking up naturally can interfere with your brain’s
When you wake up in the production of a chemical called
morning on your own, it’s usu- melatonin that promotes sleep.
Why do I feel better rested ally as you come to the end of But in the morning when you
when I wake myself up than I whatever stage of sleep you wake up, you need to be ex-
do if my alarm or another per- were in. Think of it like getting posed to light.
son wakes me up? – Calleigh off the train when it comes to Morning light helps you syn-
H., age 11, Oklahoma a stop at the station. But when chronize, or align, your circa-
We’ve all experienced this: an alarm or someone else dian rhythms with the outside
You’re in the middle of a lovely wakes you up, it’s like jump- world and makes it easier to
dream. Perhaps you’re flying. ing off the train between stops, fall asleep at night. The eas-
As you’re soaring through the which can feel jolting. That’s iest way to do this is to open
air, you meet an eagle. The ea- why it’s good to wake up natu- up your shades or curtains in
gle looks at you, opens its beak rally whenever possible. your room. In the winter, some
and – BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! People can actually train people use light boxes to simu-
Your alarm goes off. Dream their brains to wake up at a late sunlight, which helps them
over, time to get up. consistent time each day that align their rhythms.
Many people – kids and is a natural stopping point. Benefits of a good night’s
adults alike – notice that when Brains have an internal 24- sleep
they wake up naturally from called non-REM Stage 1. REM vs. REM sleep? In the sleep hour clock that dictates when A good sleep routine entails
sleep, they feel more alert than This is followed by deeper lab, we can tell from their brain you first start to feel sleepy and both a consistent bedtime and
if an alarm or another person, stages of sleep, called non- waves, eye movements and the when you wake up. This is re- wake time and regularly get-
like a parent, wakes them up. REM stages 2 and 3. Each stage tension in their muscles, like in lated to our circadian rhythms. ting enough sleep. That usual-
Why is that? of non-REM is deeper than the chin. These are measured Training the brain to wake ly means 9-11 hours for school-
I’m a neurologist who stud- the one before. Then, about by putting sensors called elec- up at a consistent time age kids who are not yet teens,
ies the brain, specifically what 90 minutes after you first fall trodes on the scalp, around the First, it’s important to go to and 8-10 hours for teens.
happens in the brain when asleep, you enter the fourth eyes and on the chin. bed at a consistent time that This will help you be at your
you’re asleep. I also take care stage, which is REM sleep. This These electrodes pick up allows you to get enough sleep. best to learn at school, boost
of children and adults who is a stage of lighter sleep where brain activity, which varies If you stay up too late doing your mood, help you maintain
don’t sleep well and want to you do much of your dream- from waves that are low in am- homework or looking at your a healthy weight and promote
sleep better. My research in- ing. After a few minutes, you plitude (the height of the wave) phone, that can interfere with many other aspects of health. ■
volves working with parents to return to non-REM sleep again. and relatively fast to waves that getting enough sleep and make
help them teach their children These cycles repeat them- are high in amplitude (a tall- you dependent on an alarm – or Hello, curious kids! Do you
good sleep habits. selves throughout the night, er wave) and relatively slow. your parents – to wake you up. have a question you’d like an
To understand how to sleep with most people having four When we are awake, the height Other things that can help expert to answer? Ask an adult
better, and why waking up nat- to six cycles of non-REM sleep of the waves is low and the you fall asleep at a healthy to send your question to Curi-
urally from sleep helps you feel alternating with REM sleep waves are relatively fast. In con- time include getting physical ousKidsUS@theconversation.
more alert, you need to start by each night. As the night goes trast, during sleep, the waves activity during the day and com. Please tell us your name,
understanding sleep cycles. on, the cycles contain less get higher and slower. avoiding coffee, soda or other age and the city where you live.
The sleep cycle non-REM sleep and more REM Non-REM Stage 3 has the drinks or foods that contain And since curiosity has no age
The sleep cycle consists of sleep. This is why it’s important tallest and slowest waves of caffeine. Physical activity in- limit – adults, let us know what
four stages. One of these is to get enough sleep, so that the all the sleep stages. In REM creases brain chemicals that you’re wondering, too. We won’t
REM, which stands for rap- body can get enough of both sleep, brain waves are low in make it easier to fall asleep, be able to answer every ques-
id eye movements. The oth- REM sleep and non-REM sleep. amplitude and relatively fast, while caffeine does the oppo- tion, but we will do our best.
er three are non-REM stages. REM vs. non-REM sleep and the eye movements are site and keeps you awake. This article is republished
When you fall asleep, you first How do researchers like me rapid, too. People need both Second, you need to be from The Conversation under a
go into a state of drowsiness know that a person is in non- non-REM and REM stages for a aware of light in your environ- Creative Commons license.

Reading dark romance:..

19 is so handsome; I’d es, observes: “Cultural tastes ground where readers can safe- works that encourage thought- narrative. ■
love a guy like that” cannot be understood inde- ly explore desires, frustrations, ful engagement. When sup-
are frequently playful pendently of the context in and fantasies while remaining ported by open discussions and This article was originally
provocations rather than genu- which they are expressed; they grounded in the understanding critical analysis, this provoca- published in French
ine aspirations. are shaped by social situations that these stories are fictional. tive genre can serve as a space This article is republished
As Hervé Glevarec, a CNRS and networks of sociability.” The challenge lies in ensur- for readers to confront com- from The Conversation under a
sociologist specialising in con- Dark romance, in this light, ing young readers encounter plex emotions on their terms Creative Commons license.
temporary cultural practic- becomes an emotional play- dark romance within frame- – and ultimately dominate the
22 FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Are professional footballers overworked? Their
performance and wellbeing are definitely at risk
By Wasim Ahmed, University and Kane – should maybe give called up by their country. ered as a “moderate” workload Hernández (Rodri) claimed that
of Hull, Ronnie Das, The those players the benefit of the A report by FIFPro, which over a season, and that players players were seriously contem-
University of Western doubt. For the demands of the represents 65,000 profession- should not participate in more plating strike action. A few weeks
Australia modern game in an overloaded al footballers across the world, than 55. This season, a star after making that statement he
The Conversation football calendar are having a suggests the difference for na- player like Phil Foden (Man- suffered a serious injury which is
serious impact on players’ well- tional team players is stark. chester City and England) is expected to see him sidelined for
being and performance. According to its calculations, a expected to play a total of 77. the rest of the season.
For some professional footbal- For example, one official re- club player who participated in A sporting chance Of course, there may be some
lers, the ultimate sporting hon- view indicates a rise of 11% in Euro 2024 spent 88% of their Footballers too have been who struggle to sympathise with
our is to play – and hopefully player injuries in the Premier days that season on footballing vocal about the demands they the work load of extremely well
win – for their country. A place in League during the 2023-24 commitments. For a player who face. Dani Carvajal (Real Madrid paid football players. It is im-
the international squad is highly season compared to the pre- didn’t take part in the Europe- and Spain) has argued that it is portant to recognise that play-
prized and hard fought for. vious one. And aside from the an tournament, it was 81%. impossible to play more than 70 ers at this elite level are athletes
But for the men’s England physical damage, those injuries The same report cites ex- games a season at full capacity. who put huge strain on their
team, perhaps some of the (most of which occur during perts who believe that 25 to And Manchester City (and bodies, under extreme pressure.
shine has come off. Captain the first half of the game) cost 39 matches should be consid- Spain) midfielder Rodrigo And the governing bodies
Harry Kane has openly crit- Premier League clubs £266 responsible for the sport and
icised his fellow players for million on salaries for players its players should be mindful
excusing themselves from in- who were unable to play. of this. The impact of travel,
ternational duty before match- The new Champions League different time zones and men-
es in November 2024 against format has also introduced tal burnout should all be tak-
Greece and Ireland. controversy in terms of the ad- en into account to protect the
A total of nine players ruled ditional number of games it de- players’ health.
themselves out, including Cole mands. Under the new system, Squad depth is extremely
Palmer (Chelsea) and Trent teams are required to play eight important in protecting players
Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), first-round matches instead of career longevity, but clubs are
who both withdrew from the six. Some will then need to play restricted by financial regula-
squad citing injuries. additional play-off games to tions. Meanwhile, FIFPro has
And of course, injured play- reach the round of 16. filed legal claims against Fifa
ers cannot perform as well as And while some analysis con- for alleged violation (through its
they or their fans might wish. cludes that there has been no calendar of fixtures) of players’
But the implication seems to be significant increase recently in fundamental employment rights
that the players are not priori- the number of matches played including freedom of work and
tising the national team. at club level, it can be a differ-
Yet data suggests that fans – ent story for individual players PAGE 30 Are professional

IM Garma secures first win in World Senior

chess tourney
By Jean Malanum on Porto Santo Island, Portugal. Garma, with an Elo rating of Also with 2.0 points are GM Master Mario Mangubat set-
Philippine News Agency The 60-year-old Garma, 2217, will face Poland's Tomasz Eduardas Rozentalis of Lithu- tled for a draw with Michael
handling the white pieces, pre- Sielicki (Elo 1976) on Tuesday. ania, GM Victor Mikhalevski Strokes of England after 57
vailed after 23 moves of the Si- He lost to Paul Obiahiwe of Ni- of Israel, GM Boris Chatalba- moves of the Modern Defense
MANILA – Filipino Internation- cilian Defense. geria (1848) last Sunday. shev of Denmark, GM Mikheil in the 65 and over category.
al Master Chito Garma defeated "I hope to sustain my momen- Grandmaster Kiril Georgiev Kekelidze of Georgia, IM Georg "I got lucky to salvage a draw
German Michael Hoffman in the tum in the next round," said the of Bulgaria (2553), the No. 1 Seul of Germany, GM Michael despite my losing position. It's
second round of the 32nd World 34th-seeded Garma, a two-time seed, downed IM Sergio Rocha Krasenkov of Poland and IM an awesome gift for my birth-
Senior Chess Championships on Asian Senior champion in the of Portugal (2314) for his sec- Uffe Vinter-Schou of Denmark.
Monday at the Hotel Villa Baleira 50 and above category. ond straight win. Meanwhile, Filipino FIDE PAGE 29 IM Garma secures
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 23

Why Donald Trump’s election win
fuelled a stock market surge
By Daniele D'Alvia, Queen bonds. Promises of corporate tax related to COVID lockdowns
Mary University of London cuts and deregulation tend to collided with the 2021 Ameri-
The Conversation encourage financial innovation, can Rescue Plan Act (a US$1.9
making markets more active. trillion government package to
These and others can be support workers in the pandem-
Following Donald Trump’s defined as “Trump trades” – ic) to send costs shooting higher.
victory in the US presidential financial market trends influ- This combination of high-
election, Bitcoin was one of enced by the president-elect’s er inflation and interest rates
the assets that surged in val- win. These trends emerge as could make many of the ideas
ue. This was widely felt to be investors adjust their strategies Trump talks about either riski-
a response to Trump’s promise based on the economic poli- er or more costly than before,
to establish a strategic Bitcoin cies, regulatory changes and especially as unemployment values. But stocks will stay high Trump’s unpredictability
reserve – essentially holding a geopolitical impact associated is very low. When more peo- only if Trump follows through and controversial character
large stock of the cryptocur- with a Trump presidency. ple are employed, increased with a light-touch approach to might seem like red flags for
rency as a security. On Novem- When Trump last became consumer demand can lead to regulation to scale back some of investors. Yet markets often
ber 13, the week after Trump’s president in 2017, prices for higher prices amid competition the reforms undertaken by Presi- take a pragmatic approach, fo-
win, Bitcoin broke through the consumer goods had risen al- for goods and services. dent Biden’s administration. cusing more on outcomes than
US$90,000 (£71,340) price most 5% over the previous four But markets are in euphoria Since 2021, the regulatory personal traits. For example,
threshold for the first time, and years. By contrast, since Janu- territory right now. The word burden faced by the finance in- Trump’s potential trade war
the value of the global crypto ary 2021 those same prices are speculator comes from the Lat- dustry has increased. Agencies with China might spark mar-
market topped US$3 trillion up by around 20%. This is a in “speculum”, meaning mirror. like Securities and Exchange ket volatility. But investors will
for the first time in three years. dramatically different econom- Hence, investors and specula- Commission and Consumer Fi- adapt as they see tariffs as part
US stock markets the Dow, ic backdrop in which inflation tors in the US capital market nancial Protection Bureau have of a broader strategy to secure
S&P 500 and Nasdaq also hit has been a global phenomenon today are simply mirroring introduced enforcement cam- better terms for US businesses.
record levels, with investors since the onset of the COVID Trump’s promises of economic paigns against financial firms in By contrast, even if markets
expecting to price in Trump’s pandemic in 2020. growth and protectionism. order to protect consumers from become volatile or fall (as hap-
promises of tax cuts and tariffs, Supply chain issues, shifting Trump is definitively market bad practice. This challenged pened with the US bond mar-
fuelling the dollar and spark- consumer spending patterns, the and economy-friendly – and this things like private equity deals
ing a sell-off in US government cost of living and other quirks creates short-term surges in stock and cryptocurrency trades. PAGE 30 Why Donald Trump’s

PH calls for scaled-up climate finance in COP 29

By Anna Leah Gonzales and loss and damage that are life and death. That is why here The DOF delegation, com- strategies, and expanded ca-
Philippine News Agency aligned with the urgent needs at COP29, the Philippines is ag- posed of finance negotiators pacity-building initiatives.
of developing nations. gressively pushing for bold ac- from the Climate Finance Pol- The Philippines also de-
Representing Finance Secre- tions and sustained, increased icy and International Finance mands climate justice, noting
MANILA – The Philippines, tary Ralph Recto, Chief of Staff financing once and for all for Groups, also advocates dis- that nations least responsible
through the Department of Fi- and Undersecretary Maria Lu- countries that are perpetually mantling barriers to climate for climate change are bear-
nance (DOF), is leading nego- walhati Dorotan Tiuseco leads on the frontlines of catastrophic finance, including prohibitive ing its heaviest costs and that
tiations for scaled-up climate the DOF delegation in negoti- typhoons," said Tiuseco during capital costs, currency risks, those most accountable must
finance flows to vulnerable ations for the New Collective the High-Level Ministerial Dia- and debt burdens, which cur- address this inequity.
nations during the 29th Con- Quantified Goal (NCQG) -- a logue on Climate Finance. rently raise investment risks COP 29 is taking place from
ference of the Parties to the post-2025 global finance com- “And on the part of the DOF, for vulnerable countries. Nov. 11 to 22, 2024 with a cen-
United Nations Framework mitment designed to meet the we remain resolute in mobiliz- To improve access, the Phil- tral focus on mobilizing finance.
Convention on Climate Change evolving climate adaptation, ing all available resources and ippines is calling for stream- The conference emphasizes
(COP 29) in Baku, Azerbaijan. mitigation, and resilience deploying tools across our fiscal lined, transparent, and equi- the need for trillions of dollars
In a statement on Monday, needs of developing countries. and financial sectors to bolster table financing processes that to help countries achieve signif-
the DOF said it is pushing for “We have been given an un- disaster resilience, minimize simplify policy implementa- icant reductions in greenhouse
an initial climate finance tar- missable opportunity to shore economic impacts, and secure tion, tracking, and verification. gas emissions and safeguard
get of USD1.3 trillion annual- up the global climate finance financial protections for Filipi- Key priorities include direct lives and livelihoods from the
ly from developed countries war chest, which for many vul- nos affected by these climate-in- access to financial mecha- escalating impacts of climate
for adaptation, mitigation, nerable countries is a matter of duced disasters,” she added. nisms, support for country-led change. ■
24 BUSINESS FRIDAY November 22, 2024

PH economic growth to pick up to 6% in Q4

By Anna Leah Gonzales quarter), supported by stronger mize Opportunities for Reinvig- points this year. terest rate and improved con-
Philippine News Agency domestic demand that is likely orating the Economy (CREATE It also reduced banks' RRR sumer sentiment as inflation
to be bolstered by lower pol- MORE), would help support the by 250 basis points, which continues to stabilize," said
icy rate and inflation, as well continuation of private sector in- Chutchotitham said would re- Chutchotitham.
MANILA – Philippine eco- as the recent RRR (reserve re- vestments and foreign direct in- lease more liquidity into the Infrastructure projects are
nomic growth is expected to quirement ratio) cut that would vestments growth. banking system and likely con- also expected to proceed at a
accelerate in the fourth quarter continue to support credit ex- The bill cuts the corporate tinue to support strong credit faster pace in the fourth quar-
of the year to 6 percent from pansion," Citi economist for the income tax rate to 20 percent expansion. ter of 2024 and first quarter of
5.2 percent in the third quar- Philippines and Thailand Nalin from 25 percent, provides addi- Inflation, meanwhile is well 2025.
ter driven by a strong domestic Chutchotitham said in a report tional deductions on power ex- within the government's 2 to 4 Full-year 2024 economic
demand, easing inflation, and released on Monday. penses, and streamlines the val- percent target, settling at 2.3 growth, meanwhile, is project-
lower policy rates, an econo- Looking ahead, Chutchotitham ue-added tax refund processes. percent in October this year. ed to settle at 5.8 percent and
mist from Citi said. said the recent enactment of the The Bangko Sentral ng Pili- "Household consumption is further accelerate to 6.0 per-
"We expect growth to pick Corporate Recovery and Tax In- pinas (BSP) has so far cut pol- expected to continue improv- cent in 2025. ■
up to 6 percent in Q4 (fourth centives for Enterprises to Maxi- icy rates by a total of 50 basis ing, supported by a lower in-

Cryptocurrencies are making investors very rich –

and making it harder to stop financial scammers
By Samuel A. Beatson, long-term relationship (wheth- retrieve funds thanks to crypto Donald Trump’s landslide victory cessibility, innovation and long-
University of Nottingham er romantic or business). wallets, offshore accounts and in the US presidential election. term plans for adoption boost
The Conversation Once they’ve struck, the cryptocurrencies that offer to- At US$88,000, just one Bit- momentum among speculators.
criminals convert traditional tal anonymity, like Monero. coin is worth 33.8 times the Ultimately, investors and the in-
currencies into digital assets The crypto millionaires price of an ounce of physical dustry itself anticipate very long-
Fraudulent payments – like cryptocurrencies. This en- Despite the dark side of DeFi, gold – US$2,600 – despite term demand for their services.
where people are tricked into ables large volumes of money the global demand remains gold’s momentous rally over How can we explain the pos-
sending money to criminals – to move quickly and undeclared high. For example, fintech firm the past year. Around 85% of itive sentiment alongside such
cost consumers £460 million in across borders. The blockchain Revolut (which was only estab- crypto asset owners are gen X, high volumes of scamming and
England and Wales last year. To technologies that make this lished in 2015) was valued at gen Z and millennials. crime? Behavioural finance
give consumers more protec- possible are celebrated as the US$45 billion in the latest fund- The news is not all bad. speaks of irrational exuberance
tion, the UK government now cutting edge in financial tech- ing round. This rivals tradition- Scamming and stolen funds (where investors’ enthusiasm
plans to give banks 72 hours to nology, but they also pose risks al banks like Barclays (around were actually down year-on- drives prices higher than they
delay completion of potentially by serving as avenues for mon- US$47 billion), demonstrating year and the planned UK legis- merit), over-optimism bias, fear
fraudulent transfers. ey laundering, scams and other their potential for rapid growth. lation demonstrates a commit- of missing out, envy or greed and
The growth of the decen- illegal activities, from narcotics More than 172,000 crypto ment to stopping the scams. resultant “herding” behaviour,
tralised finance sector – includ- trafficking to funding terrorism. millionaires exist in a market Challengers to traditional which can spark both specula-
ing cryptocurrencies and the The scale is difficult to gauge, worth US$2.3 trillion. This is banking, like Binance, Coin- tive bubbles and volatility.
platforms that facilitate their but published figures vary from 54 times more than the num- base, Kraken and Revolut have According to loss aversion
trade – offers an alternative about 1% to 3% of global trans- ber of ISA millionaires (which thrived. They offer digital wal- theory, consumers tend to be
to mainstream finance. But as actions, a range of US$24 bil- are government-backed, tax ef- lets, lending and transactions more upset by losses than they
well as new opportunities, the lion (£19 billion) to US$72 bil- ficient and generally safer). into and out of blockchain are happy with equivalent
growth of DeFi (as it’s known) lion – just Bitcoin – annually. In short, crypto millionaires products like cryptocurrencies. gains. But on the other hand,
has brought serious risks of fi- The speed and sophistication have become rich fast. Bitcoin has The combination of techno- the average consumer is over-
nancial crime and scams. of the evolution of scams against rocketed to all-time highs since logical advances, privacy, ac- confident of their financial
On the one hand, the block- businesses and consumers has knowledge and capability.
chain technology used in cryp- made it difficult for regulators So criminals can use psycho-
tocurrencies has been herald- to keep pace. Phone calls and logical vulnerabilities combined
ed as a means of increasing phishing emails have mutat- with technology to persuade
transparency and efficiency for ed into deepfaked boardroom potential victims, winning their
banks and other corporations. meetings, with AI voiceovers, trust and compliance. Promot-
On the other hand, DeFi pres- targeting those with financial ing financial literacy, as well
ents a longstanding problem sign-off powers and causing as healthy scepticism of offers
of criminal use – anonymising companies to fall victim too. that seem too good to be true,
and masking illicit transac- DeFi specialist lawyers can are key to helping people avoid
tions and facilitating the global instigate proceedings and trac- scams. The emotional and finan-
movement of crime proceeds. ing if they are informed before cial harms to vulnerable people
The grooming processes that the money leaves their jurisdic- of falling prey to scammers can
fraudsters use to gain the trust tion. However, the risk increas- be profound and long lasting.
of victims can be sophisticated, es over time and in less robust If you experience fraud, you
with slick websites, pseudo-ex- legal systems. It very quickly
pertise, or promises of gain or a becomes difficult to trace or PAGE 29 Cryptocurrencies are
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 25

AI feels like an unstoppable force.
But it is not a panacea for businesses or society
By Akhil Bhardwaj, as “how to drive an automatic ter its size, can provide training tography. Innovative photog- ing bullets prohibitively expen-
University of Bath, Anastasia car”. It is unlikely to complete for every potential action a pe- raphers were able to change sive. By suggesting a remedy
Sergeeva, University of Bath it with “how to drive an aero- destrian could take. AI cannot the way in which the business that involved “bullet control”
The Conversation plane”. Google establishes this yet compete with human dis- was done – the history of pho- rather than gun control to curb
by looking at the history of cretion in situations like these. tojournalism is an example of violence, Rock got laughs tap-
what words come after “how But more worryingly, AI can how something that started as ping into the cultural zeitgeist
In Greek mythology, Pro- to drive”. The larger the data- diminish human capabilities to a way of illustrating the news and presenting an innovative
metheus is credited with giv- set upon which it has been the extent that the ability to de- gradually acquired storytelling solution. In doing so, he also
ing humans fire as well as the trained, the more accurate its termine when to intervene might power and was elevated to the highlighted the absurdity of the
“spark” that spurred civilisation. prediction will be. be lost. Researchers have found status of an art form. situation – something that re-
One of the unintended conse- Variations of this logic are that use of AI leads to skill de- Similarly, fashion designers quires human perception.
quences of Prometheus’s “gift” used in all of its current appli- cay – a particular concern where such as Coco Chanel modernised AI shows its shortcomings
was that the need for celestial cations. AI’s strength, of course, workplace decisions involve life- women’s clothing, freeing them when what previously worked
Gods diminished. Modern hu- is that it can process untold or-death consequences. from uncomfortable long skirts loses its relevance or prob-
mans have been up to all sorts of amounts of data, and extrapo- Amazon learned the hard and corsets that lost their rele- lem-solving power. AI’s past
things that present similar unin- late it to apply to the future. way about letting “prediction vance in the post-war world. success means it will roll out in
tended consequences, from us- But this strength is also its machines” make decisions The founder of sportswear ever-widening circles – but this
ing CFCs that led to a hole in the weakness – it makes it vulnera- when its internal hiring tool manufacturer Under Armour, itself constitutes a confidence
ozone layer to building systems ble to a phenomenon manage- discriminated against women former college football player trap that humans should avoid.
that they do not understand or ment scholars refer to as the as it was trained on a database Kevin Plank, used the discom- Prometheus was ultimately
cannot fully control. “confidence trap”. This is the spanning a ten-year period fort from sweaty cotton un- rescued by Hercules. No such
In dabbling with artificial in- tendency to assume that since that skewed towards males. dershirts as an opportunity to god stands in the wings for hu-
telligence (AI), humans seem earlier decisions have led to These are, of course, examples develop clothing using microfi- mans. This implies more, rather
to have taken on the role of positive outcomes, continuing that we are aware of. As LLMs bres that draw moisture away than less, responsibility rests
Prometheus – apparently gift- in the same way in future will get more complex and their from the body. AI can improve on our shoulders. Part of this
ing machines the “fire” that continue to be OK. inner workings become more on these innovations. But be- includes ensuring our elected
sparked civilisation. Consider an example: the in- opaque, we might not even re- cause of how it operates in its representatives provide regula-
Predicting the future is best tervals between maintenance alise when things go astray. current form, it is unlikely to tory oversight for AI. After all,
left to shamans and futurol- of critical aeroplane parts. If Looking backwards be the source of novelties. we cannot let the technocrats
ogists. But we could be better increasing the intervals in the Because AI mirrors the past, it Simply put, AI is unable to play with fire at our expense. ■
informed about the dangers past has worked out fine (no might also be limited in its abil- see or show us the world in a
that follow from how AI op- failures), these might be ad- ity to spark radical innovation. new way, a shortcoming we This article is republished
erates and work out how to opted widely and there might By definition, a radical innova- have termed the “AI Chris Rock from The Conversation under a
avoid the pitfalls. be a push to increase the in- tion is a break from the past. problem”, inspired by a joke the Creative Commons license.
First, we must recognise that tervals further. Yet, it turned Consider the context of pho- comedian cracked about mak-
AI holds immense promise for out that this was a recipe for
human society. AI is becoming disaster. Alaska Airlines flight
ubiquitous – from mundane 261 crashed into the Pacific
tasks such as writing emails to Ocean killing all 88 people on
complex settings that require board because – perhaps influ-
human expertise. enced by previous success – a
AI – by which we mean large decision was made to delay the
language models (LLMs) that maintenance of a critical part.
appear to “understand” and AI might just exacerbate this
produce human language – are tendency. It can take attention
prediction machines. They are away from signs that there are
trained on large datasets that problems as AI analysis feeds
enable them to establish sta- into the picture to inform deci-
tistical associations between a sion-making.
huge number of variables and Or AI can extrapolate the
to predict what is next. results of the past and take
If you have used Google, you decisions without human in-
might have experienced some tervention. Take the example
version of this through its pre- of driverless cars, which have
dictive prompts. For example, been involved in more than a
you might type “how to drive” dozen cases of pedestrians be-
and Google will complete it ing killed. No dataset, no mat-
26 TECHNOLOGY FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Blurry, morphing and surreal – a new AI

aesthetic is emerging in film
By Holly Willis, University of formation. In one short, “The political punch. They comment 4. Nostalgia of characters down the seeming-
Southern California Beast,” a burly man mutates on assumptions about gender Sometimes filmmakers turn ly endless aisle of a school bus,
The Conversation from a two-legged human into and age, for example, while to AI to capture the past. through the high school cafete-
a hunched, skeletal cat, before also tackling contemporary is- Rome-based filmmaker An- ria and out onto the highway at
morphing into a snarling wolf. sues such as pollution. drea Ciulu uses AI to reimagine night. The video perfectly cap-
Type text into AI image and The metaphor – man is a mon- On the darker side, in a mu- 1980s East Coast hip-hop culture tures the zoominess of time and
video generators, and you’ll ster – is clear. But what’s more sic video titled “Forest Never in “On These Streets,” which de- the collapse of space for someone
often see outputs of unusual, compelling is the thrilling flu- Sleeps,” the artist known as picts the city’s expanse and ener- young and in love haplessly ca-
sometimes creepy, pictures. idity of transformation. There’s Doopiidoo offers up hybrid octo- gy through breakdancing as kids reening through the world.
In a way, this is a feature, a giddy pleasure in seeing the pus-women, guitar-playing rats, run through alleys and then spin The freewheeling camera
not a bug, of generative AI. figure’s seamless evolution that rooster-pigs and a wood-chop- magically up into the air. also characterizes the work
And artists are wielding this speaks to a very contempo- ping ostrich-man. The visual Ciulu says that he wanted of Montreal-based duo Vallée
aesthetic to create a new story- rary sensibility of shapeshifting chaos is a sweet match for the to capture New York’s urban Duhamel, whose music vid-
telling art form. across our many digital selves. accompanying death metal mu- milieu, all of which he experi- eo “The Pulse Within” spins
The tools, such as Midjour- This sense of transformation sic, with surrealism returning as enced at a distance, from Italy, and twirls, careening up and
ney to generate images, Runway continues in the use of blurry a powerful form. as a kid. The video thus evokes around characters who are cut
and Sora to produce videos, and imagery that, in the hands of 3. Dark tales a sense of nostalgia for a mythic loose from the laws of gravity.
Luma AI to create 3D objects, some artists, becomes an aes- The often-eerie vibe of so time and place to create a mem- In both music videos, viewers
are relatively cheap or free to thetic feature rather than a much AI-generated imagery ory that is also hallucinatory. experience time and space as
use. They allow filmmakers vexing problem. works well for chronicling Similarly, David Slade’s a dazzling, topsy-turvy vortex
without access to major studio Theo Lindquist’s “Electron- contemporary ills, a fact that “Shadow Rabbit” borrows black- where the rules of traditional
budgets or soundstages to make ic Dance Experiment #3,” for several filmmakers use to un- and-white imagery reminiscent time and space no longer apply.
imaginative short films for the example, begins as a series of expected effect. of the 1950s to show small chil- Right now, in a world where
price of a monthly subscription. rapid-fire shots showing flashes In “La Fenêtre,” Lucas Ortiz dren discovering miniature an- algorithms increasingly shape
I’ve studied these new works as of nude bodies in a soft smear Estefanell of the AI agency Spe- imals crawling about on their everyday life, many works of
the co-director of the AI for Media of pastel colors that pulse and cialGuestX pairs diverse image hands. In just a few seconds, art are beginning to reflect
& Storytelling studio at the Uni- throb. Gradually it becomes sequences of people and plac- Slade depicts the enchanting how intertwined we’ve become
versity of Southern California. clear that this strange fluidity of es with a contemplative voice- imagination of children and with computational systems.
Surveying the increasingly flesh is a dance. But the abstrac- over to ponder ideas of reality, links it to generated imagery, What if machines are suggest-
captivating output of artists from tion in the blur offers its own privacy and the lives of artifi- underscoring AI’s capacities for ing new ways to see ourselves,
around the world, I partnered unique pleasure; the image can cially generated people. At the creating fanciful worlds. as much as we’re teaching them
with curators Jonathan Wells be felt as much as it can be seen. same time, he wonders about 5. New times, new spaces to see like humans? ■
and Meg Grey Wells to produce 2. The surreal the strong desire to create these In his video for the song “The
the Flux Festival, a four-day Thousands of TikTok videos synthetic worlds. “When I first Hardest Part” by Washed Out, This article is republished
showcase of experiments in AI demonstrate how cringey AI watched this video,” recalls the filmmaker Paul Trillo creates an from The Conversation under a
filmmaking, in November 2024. images can get, but artists can narrator, “the meaning of the infinite zoom that follows a group Creative Commons license.
While this work remains diz- wield that weirdness and craft image ceased to make sense.”
zyingly eclectic in its stylistic it into something transforma- In the music video titled “Clos-
diversity, I would argue that tive. The Singaporean artist er,” based on a song by Iceboy Vi-
it offers traces of insight into known as Niceaunties creates olet and nueen, filmmaker Mau
our contemporary world. I’m videos that feature older wom- Morgó captures the world-wea-
reminded that in both literary en and cats, riffing on the con- ry exhaustion of Gen Z through
and film studies, scholars be- cept of the “auntie” from South- dozens of youthful characters
lieve that as cultures shift, so east and East Asian cultures. slumbering, often under the
do the way we tell stories. In one recent video, the aun- green glow of video screens. The
With this cultural connec- ties let loose clouds of powerful snapshot of a generation that has
tion in mind, I see five visual hairspray to hold up impossible come of age in the era of social
trends emerging in film. towers of hair in a sequence media and now artificial intelli-
1. Morphing, blurring imagery that grows increasingly ridic- gence, pictured here with phones
In her “NanoFictions” series, ulous. Even as they’re playful clutched close to their bodies as
the French artist Karoline Georg- and poignant, the videos cre- they murmur in their sleep, feels
es creates portraits of trans- ated by Niceaunties can pack a quietly wrenching.
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 TECHNOLOGY 27

AI and criminal justice:

How AI can support — not undermine — justice
By Benjamin Perrin, erations in Canada. ing to criminal justice is para-
University of British Clearview AI continues to mount. There is undoubtedly a
Columbia operate, citing success sto- need for new laws, regulations
The Conversation ries of helping to exonerate a and policies specifically designed
wrongfully convicted person to address these challenges.
by identifying a witness at a The European Union’s AI Act
Interpol Secretary General crime scene; identifying some- bans AI for uses such as untar-
Jürgen Stock recently warned one who exploited a child, geted scraping images off the
that artificial intelligence (AI) which led to their rescue; and internet or CCTV, real-time re-
is facilitating crime on an “in- even detecting potential Rus- mote biometric identification
dustrial scale” using deepfakes, sian soldiers seeking to infil- in public (with limited excep-
voice simulation and phony trate Ukrainian checkpoints. tions), and assessing recidi-
documents. There are longstanding and vism risk based solely on pro-
Police around the world are persistent concerns, however, filing or personality traits.
also turning to AI tools such as that facial recognition is prone Canada’s laws have not kept
facial recognition, automated to false positives and other pace, and those that have been
licence plate readers, gunshot errors, particularly when it proposed have challenges.
detection systems, social media comes to identifying Black and At the federal level, Bill C-27
analysis and even police robots. other racialized people, exac- (which includes an Artificial
AI use by lawyers is similarly erbating systemic racism, bias Intelligence and Data Act) has
“skyrocketing” as judges adopt and discrimination. been stuck in committee for
new guidelines for using AI. Some law enforcement over a year, and it is unlikely to
While AI promises to trans- agencies in Canada that were be adopted by this Parliament.
form criminal justice by in- caught up in the Clearview Ontario’s proposed AI legis-
creasing operational efficiency AI controversy have since re- lation, Bill 194, would exempt
and improving public safety, it sponded with new measures, police from its application and
also comes with risks related to such as the Toronto Police Ser- fails to include provisions on en-
privacy, accountability, fairness vice’s policies on AI use and the suring respect for human rights.
and human rights. RCMP’s transparency program. Canada should vigorously
Concerns about AI bias and Others, however, like the enforce existing laws and pol-
discrimination are well docu- Vancouver Police Department, icies that already apply to AI
mented. Without safeguards, promised to develop policies concerns about the potential but a reality in many parts of use by public authorities. The
AI risks undermining the very but haven’t, while at the same use of deepfakes. the world. Canadian Charter of Rights
principles of truth, fairness, time seeking access to city traf- Jurors could be especially Automated algorithmic de- and Freedoms includes numer-
and accountability that our jus- fic camera footage. prone to doubts about poten- cision-making is already being ous fundamental freedoms,
tice system depends on. The regulation of police uses tial deepfakes given high-pro- used in various countries for de- legal rights and equality pro-
In a recent report from the of AI is a pressing concern if file deepfake incidents involv- cisions on access to government tections that bear directly on
University of British Colum- we are to safely navigate the ing celebrities or their own use benefits and housing, assessing these issues. Likewise, privacy
bia’s School of Law, Artificial promise and perils of AI use. of AI technologies. domestic violence risk, making legislation, human rights leg-
Intelligence & Criminal Jus- Deepfake evidence in court Judges are also sounding the immigration determinations islation, consumer protection
tice: A Primer, we highlighted Another area where AI is alarm about the challenges of and a host of criminal justice legislation and tort law all set
the myriad ways AI is already presenting challenges in the detecting increasingly sophisti- applications from bail decisions important standards for AI use.
impacting people in the crim- criminal justice system is cated deepfake evidence admit- to sentencing to prison classifi- The potential impact of AI
inal justice system. Here are a deepfake evidence, including ted in court. There are concerns cation to parole outcomes. on people in the criminal jus-
few examples that reveal the AI-generated documents, au- that a wrongful conviction or People impacted by these al- tice system is immense. With-
significance of this evolving dio, photos, and videos. acquittal could result. gorithms typically fail to gain out thoughtful and rigorous
phenomenon. The phenomenon has al- I’ve personally heard from a access to their underlying pro- oversight, it risks undermining
The promises and perils of ready led to cases where one number of legal practitioners, prietary software. Even if they public confidence in the justice
police using AI party alleges that the other including judges and lawyers, could, they are often “black system and perpetuating exist-
In 2020, an investigation by party’s evidence is a deepfake, that they are struggling to ad- boxes” that are impossible to ing problems with real human
The New York Times exposed casting doubt on it, even if dress this issue. It is a frequent penetrate. consequences.
the sweeping reach of Clearview it’s legitimate. This has been subject at legal seminars and Even worse, research into Fortunately, Canada has
AI, an American company that dubbed the “liar’s dividend.” judicial training events. Until some algorithms has found not yet gone as far down the
had built a facial recognition A high-profile example of we have a clear statement from serious concerns about racial road of widespread AI adop-
database using more than three allegations involving deep- appellate courts on the matter, bias. A key reason for this tion in criminal justice as other
billion images scraped from the fake evidence arose in the case legal uncertainty will remain. problem is that AI models are countries. We still have time to
internet, including social media, of Joshua Doolin, who faced Risk assessment algorithms trained on data from societies get ahead of it. Policymakers,
without users’ consent. charges related to the January Imagine an AI algorithm that are already embedded courts and civil society must
Policing agencies worldwide 6, 2021, insurrection at the that you couldn’t understand with systemic racism. “Garbage act swiftly to ensure that AI
that used the program, includ- U.S. Capitol for which he was deemed you a flight risk or in, garbage out” is a commonly serves justice rather than un-
ing several in Canada, faced ultimately convicted. Doolin’s at high risk to re-offend, and used adage to explain this. dermines it. ■
public backlash. Regulators in attorney contended that pros- that information was used by a Fostering innovation while
multiple countries found the ecutors should be required to judge or parole board to deny safeguarding justice This article is republished
company had violated privacy authenticate video evidence your release from custody. This The need for legal and ethical from The Conversation under a
laws. It was asked to cease op- sourced from YouTube, raising dystopian reality isn’t a fiction AI in high-risk situations pertain- Creative Commons license.
28 FRIDAY November 22, 2024

From Julefest to Gingerbread Grove:
Christmas Market Destinations to Sleigh For
BOOKING.COM mark attractions and newly fering stunning views of the city, el along the village streets. Learn cozy up to the fire pit for extra
trending spots. to Singapore Zoo, which holds more about Danish traditions warmth and comfort. Surround-
Where to stay: The Luxury a Christmas set lunch at Forest and Solvang history whilst sing- ed by a variety of vineyards and
The season when the world Panoramic Vilnius Apartment Lodge during the festive period. ing carols during a candlelight wineries, part of Santa Barbara’s
turns merry and sparkly is ap- is a great base. Featuring one After a wander round the city’s tour. The main event, Christmas wine country, are also within a
proaching, so now’s the time bedroom and a terrace offering Christmas happenings, head to shopping, takes place in the short drive of this hotel.
to book those festive escapes! views over the Neris River, the the Marina Bay Sands complex to Maker’s Market, offering unique Trento, Italy
With so many places hosting apartment boasts modern inte- shop the plethora of retailers and gifts and treats under the stars Nicknamed ‘Città del Na-
Christmas markets, we have riors, providing a homely feel tick off some gifts on Santa’s list! of Solvang Park. If travelers stick tale’ or ‘Christmas Town,' the
shortlisted some of the great for guests to settle into. This Where to stay: A great choice around long enough, they can snow-dusted peaks of the sur-
spots beyond the usual clas- property is located near popu- if looking for some winter sun witness the Christmas Tree Burn, rounding Dolomite mountains
sics that pull in the crowds. lar points of interest, including after some market strolling, a fire safety demonstration mark- peeping out from behind Tren-
The perfect activity for a long the Museum of Occupations and Park Royal Collection Marina ing the end of Julefest. Take time to’s grand Romanesque Gothic
weekend getaway, travelers can Freedom Fights, Vilnius Gaon Bay is perfect to enjoy some to also explore the wonders of Cathedral are magical at any
experience different traditions Jewish State Museum and Vilni- R&R. Offering elegant rooms this slice of Denmark in Califor- time of the year, but especially
at a Christmas market, from us Church of St Michael & Con- with dramatic views of the city, nia, with Danish architecture and so at Christmas. The Christmas
sampling local food and drinks, stantine, and of course, the city’s a wide range of dining options four wooden mills to explore, not Market itself offers a lively at-
browsing the artisan crafts or popular Christmas markets. from a fresh seafood buffet to forgetting authentic local baker- mosphere, with wooden huts
purchasing bespoke gifts to sur- Singapore City, Singapore international delights served ies to sample delicious foods. For throughout the village adorned
prise friends and family. With Singapore’s biggest merri- up at the halal-certified Pepper- those who fancy a break from with colorful lights. Featuring a
over a third (38%)* of travelers ment, the Christmas Wonder- mint Restaurant, and a luxuri- all the Christmas activities, this wide range of local produce, in-
keen to have a day dedicated land at Gardens by the Bay, is a ous mineral water pool, this ho- Solvang Showdown Scavenger cluding handicrafts, Christmas
to shopping on their next trip, must-see experience in an un- tel has it all. Situated in a great Hunt is an immersive adventure decorations, candles and nativ-
a Christmas Market getaway is likely festive climate. Much like location, Gardens by the Bay, where travelers can discover an ity scenes, it’s the ideal place
the ideal solution to ring in the Singapore itself, the celebrations where the Christmas Market is alternate reality, featuring locals’ to wander around and pick up
festivities and kick start the fes- include larger-than-life displays, held, is just a short walk away. favorite hidden gems off the festive gifts and keepsakes to
tive shopping season. attractions and activities, with Solvang, California beaten trails and creatively inter- take home. Visitors should sam-
Vilnius, Lithuania the ambition of bringing people Solvang is the Danish capi- pret fun art, history, and culture ple the local specialities, such as
While a hidden gem all year together. From Mistletoe Alley to tal of America, and although an clues - for points! Tortel de Patate, an iconic dish
round, Vilnius truly sparkles the Gingerbread Grove, there is unexpected combination to be Where to stay: Located in the of Trento cuisine containing only
during the holiday season with plenty to see, do and eat, with a found in California, it is the place heart of Solvang, The Landsby three ingredients: potatoes, oil
its magnificent Christmas tree fantastic spread of stalls offering to be at Christmas. Hosting a boutique Californian hotel offers and salt. Wash delicious snacks
nestled between the Cathedral food and gifts under twinkling month-long merry extravaganza, Scandinavian-inspired rooms, down with some mulled wine,
Bell Tower and Gediminas' Christmas lights. This is a great Julefest, Solvang’s Christmas cel- with hand-crafted furnishings hot chocolate or parampampoli,
Tower. Lithuania’s capital city is spot to kick off the festive feel- ebration makes a sparkling start and is within walking distance a traditional Italian winter drink
known for hosting the city’s fes- ing, but don’t forget to make the to the season with a Tree Lighting to the town’s shops and restau- made with coffee, wine and
tivities, with multiple Christmas most of more super sights and Ceremony, followed by a parade rants. Guests can relax in the honey. For the real foodies, take
markets taking place through- attractions, from the Singapore where visitors can watch floats, hotel courtyard after a long day a small group Pasta and Tira-
out December, offering tradi- Flyer, an observation wheel of- marching bands and horses trav- of exploring the markets, and misu class and learn how to roll
tional food, crafts and enter- 'sfoglia' (fresh pasta) by hand
tainment to visitors. For those and how to prepare two simple
who are looking for unique kinds of pasta (filled pasta and
presents, the markets based in fresh pasta) from scratch.
a former prison courtyard and Where to stay: Boasting city
another in Design Square of- and mountain views Casa Trenti-
fer beautiful handmade gifts. ni - Atemporary Art Apartments
Alongside shopping, travelers is a picturesque central base
can also enjoy the stunning in Trento. This property offers
light and window displays in guests a spacious one-bedroom
the Glass Quarter, showcasing apartment to tuck into, following
elaborate installations and fairy a busy day of exploring the great
lights while a Christmas train sights and markets, while on
runs from Cathedral Square to its doorstep the Piazza Duomo,
City Hall. Soak up the sights Buonconsiglio Castle and Torre
amongst all the merriment on Civica are must-visit attractions.
this Bike Tour, which offers a
combination of must-see land- PAGE 30 From Julefest to
FRIDAY November 22, 2024 29

Eating less sugar would be great
for the planet as well as our health
By Paul Behrens, University Another alternative is to use supply chain. Sustainable agri-
of Oxford, Alon Shepon, Tel the redirected sugar to produce culture is being discussed at the
Aviv University bioplastics, which would replace UN’s climate summit, Cop29, in
The Conversation around 20% of the total mar- Azerbaijan this week. Sustain-
ket for polyethelyne, one of the able sugar production should
most common forms of plastic factor into these global talks
Sugar addiction is on the and used to produce anything given the many environmen-
rise. Globally, sugar intake has from packaging to pipes. Or to tal problems and opportuni-
quadrupled over the last 60 produce biofuels, producing ties from changing the way we
years, and it now makes up around 198 million barrels of grow and consume sugar.
around 8% of all our calories. ethanol for transportation. We also suggest that groups
This sounds like sugar’s Brazil already produces of countries could come to-
keeping us fed, but added sug- around 85% of the world’s eth- gether in sugar transition part-
ars are actually empty calories anol and they produce it from nerships between producers
– they are bereft of any nutri- sugar, but instead of having to and consumers that encourage
ents like vitamins or fibres. The grow more sugar for ethanol a diversion of sugar away from
result is massive health costs, we could redirect the sugar peoples’ diets to more benefi-
with sugars linked to obesity from diets instead. This estima- cial uses. This could be coordi-
around the world. Some es- uated sugar’s environmental gest opportunity is using sugar tion is based on a world where nated by the World Health Or-
timates suggest that half the impacts and explored avenues to feed microbes that make we reduce dietary sugar to the ganization which has called for
global population could be for reducing sugar in the diet protein. Using saved sugar for maximum in dietary recom- a reduction in sugar consump-
obese by 2035. to recommended levels either this microbial protein could mendations (5% of daily cal- tion. Some of the money to
A limited 20% reduction through reducing production produce enough plant-based, ories). The benefits would be fund these efforts could even
in sugar is estimated to save or using the saved sugar in en- protein-rich food products to even larger if we reduced sugar come from part of the health
US$10.3 billion (£8.1 billion) vironmentally beneficial ways. regularly feed 521 million peo- consumption even further. savings in national budgets.
of health costs in the US alone. By phasing out sugar, we ple. And if this replaced animal Supply chain challenges We can’t hope to transition
Yet, sugar’s impacts go far be- could spare land that could be protein it could also have huge This sounds like a big win- the way we produce and eat
yond just health and money. rewilded and stock up on car- emission and water benefits. win: cut sugar to reduce obe- sugar overnight. But by explor-
There are also many en- bon. This is especially import- We estimate that if this pro- sity and help the environment. ing other uses of sugar, we can
vironmental problems from ant in biodiverse tropical re- tein replaced chicken, it could But these changes present a highlight what environmental
growing the sugar, like habitat gions where sugar production reduce emissions by almost huge challenge in a sugar sup- benefits we are missing out on
and biodiversity loss and water is concentrated such as Brazil 250 million tonnes, and we’d ply chain spanning more than and help policymakers map a
pollution from fertilisers and and India. But a different, see even bigger savings for re- 100 countries and the millions resource-efficient path forward
mills. But overall, sugar hasn’t more politically palatable op- placing beef (for reference, the of people that depend on sug- to the industry while improv-
received a lot of attention from tion might be redirecting sugar UK’s national fossil fuel emis- ar’s income. ing public health. ■
the scientific community de- away from diets to other en- sions are around 300 million National policies like sugar
spite being the largest cultivat- vironmentally-beneficial uses tonnes). Given sugar has a taxes are vital, but having in- This article is republished
ed crop by mass on the planet. such as bioplastics or biofuels. far lower climate impact than ternational coordination is also from The Conversation under a
In a recent article, we eval- Our study shows that the big- meat, this makes a lot of sense. important in such a sprawling Creative Commons license

Cryptocurrencies are.. IM Garma secures..

25 should report it imme- panies. However, these are nu- rate users away from those that 22 day on Tuesday," said moves of the English Opening.
diately to the police’s anced and difficult problems. For do not (so-called privacy coins). the Cebuano who is Bagamasbad, back-to-back
Action Fraud service example, compensation schemes This will mean a serious reck- turning 66. Asian Senior champion in the
and the Financial Conduct Au- for fraud victims have themselves oning with the technological and Mangubat (2052), who lost 65 over category, will take on
thority. Speedy reporting can opened the door to fresh scams. economic benefits of decentralised to top seed GM Zurab Sturua Hans Joller of Switzerland in
make all the difference when it Governments should collabo- finance and the malevolent forces of Georgia (2502) in the first the third round.
comes to recovering assets. rate with industry and research- that seek to exploit it. ■ round, will be up against Bart "I will do my very best to win my
Regulation and consumer edu- ers on traceable blockchains Stam of the Netherlands. next game," said the 68-year-old
cation will be crucial to mitigating and protocols that enable This article is republished Filipino IM Jose Efren Bag- Bagamasbad, a native of Cama-
risks and reducing DeFi’s potential accounts to be frozen, while from The Conversation under a amasbad bowed to American FIDE rines Norte. He is seeking a third
for harm to consumers and com- nudging individual and corpo- Creative Commons license. Master Lester Van Meter after 81 and final Grandmaster norm. ■
30 FRIDAY November 22, 2024

Gladiator II: a wavering.. Trump’s criminal.. Are professional..

17 about the audience? A New Hope) that goes in with little absent in Gladiator II. 14 to restore Trump to 22 healthy working con-
Gladiator II is so big spectacular set pieces while To me, this would have been the White House and ditions.
limited by its homage neglecting a compelling plot to better served as a ten-part series in the process again For football more
to the original that it even taps develop the gladiator story. – one which keeps the scale of invest him with the central role generally, acting to improve
the lexicon of Spartacus (1960), Gladiator II is undoubtedly the action, but also offers a space in the government’s massive players’ wellbeing will not only
in what is another heavy-hand- worth watching, if not remem- for the drama and characterisa- secrecy apparatus. That was increase performance levels
ed moment. An animated tapes- bering. Pascal’s four-minute tion too. It might yet happen. their choice. It was an unusu- and career longevity, but also
try of vignettes from the origi- arena battle as Oberyn Martell Maybe the blockbuster is no ally informed one, too, thanks likely improve the quality and
nal film opens this sequel, and in Game of Thrones is perhaps longer the space for character de- to the various court cases and competitiveness of major tour-
later we see a close-up of Lu- more likely to stick in the cul- velopment, but that’s not to say other evidence in the public re- naments. If England – or any
cius’s hands, intercut with the tural memory than some of I was not entertained. After all, cord. Appropriately, the Biden other side – crash out of tour-
iconography of Maximus gen- the fighting in Gladiator II. was that not the point of ancient administration has respected naments because key players
tly brushing his fingers against Not because the fighting or gladiators? But go and see it for the electorate’s judgment by are injured, the responsibility
waving stalks of wheat. cinematography in Game of yourself – at the very least, it will moving to provide classified should be borne at a higher lev-
Although it’s not a shot-for- Thrones is necessarily superior, make you want to watch Russell briefings during this presiden- el rather than on the shoulders
shot remake, it’s certainly a but because characterisation Crowe in the original again. ■ tial transition period. ■ of hardworking athletes. ■
scenario-for-scenario dupli- and vengeance are revealed
cate (similar to George Lucas’s during that battle, peppering This article is republished This article is republished This article is republished
2015 Star Wars: The Force the action with story, drive and from The Conversation under a from The Conversation under a from The Conversation under a
Awakens and 1977’s Star Wars: intention – all of which feel a Creative Commons license. Creative Commons license. Creative Commons license

Why Donald Trump’s..

23 ket in the aftermath tions. The EU could face tariffs, For Europe, this might mean investors. Tariffs and sanctions care about tangible actions,
of Trump’s win), in- particularly on sectors like au- losing a key ally in global cli- often trigger sell-offs in affected and Trump seems determined
vestors might still see tomotive manufacturing. This mate initiatives, forcing the bloc sectors, but can create opportu- to deliver on his promises. But
it as an opportunity for profit. protectionist approach could to recalibrate its strategies for nities for speculators, who often only time will tell whether his
Active traders often thrive on disrupt European exports and addressing climate change and anticipate these moves. economic agenda is merely
sharp market moves, and many global trade flows. advancing technology. It may For example, hedge funds in wishful thinking.
investors are selling their long- And the UK, hoping for a also escalate tensions around the US ahead of Trump’s victo- Trump has only four years as
term treasury bonds ahead of US trade deal post-Brexit, may tech regulations, especially if ry began short selling energy president and he is in a hurry to
any further rises in long-term find itself in a weaker negoti- Trump’s policies align with fig- and renewable stocks. They move forward with his econom-
rates (bond prices fall as inter- ating position under a Trump ures like Tesla boss and Trump’s gained US$1.2 billion once the ic agenda. The chances are that
est rates rise). administration that emphasis- incoming efficiency lead Elon value of their shares fell sharp- at least some of his economic
Impact on the EU and UK es US dominance. Musk, who often clashes with ly over concerns that tax cred- policies will have a sugar-rush
The re-election of Trump could Under Biden, the US collabo- EU regulatory frameworks. In its for green energy will end. effect and cause markets to
have significant implications for rated with the EU on green en- this sense, Musk can be seen as Despite Trump’s rhetoric, surge before their impact fades
both the UK and the EU, touch- ergy and technology policies. a financial risk factor. markets are underpinned by away once higher interest rates
ing on things like trade, geopoli- A Trump presidency, with its Under a Trump administra- uncertainty rather than under- slow the economy. ■
tics and global economic stability. rollback of environmental reg- tion, the combination of tariffs, mined by it. Uncertainty is after
Trump’s “America first” pol- ulations and scepticism of in- climate policy rollbacks, and all the main source for profit in This article is republished
icies may pose challenges for ternational agreements, could geopolitical dynamics could our western model of capitalism. from The Conversation under a
the UK and the EU in trade rela- undermine these efforts. have significant implications for It is also true that markets Creative Commons license

From Julefest to..

28 Cusco, Peru produced food items, ranging elers can catch the distinct and guests can easily discover the ico, 800 from Colombia, 1,800
In the south east from stunning figurines to tra- rare mineral stripes that give nearby markets with ease. ■ from Brazil, 800 from Argenti-
of Peru is Cusco, the ditional treats such as Ponche, a the mountain its name, nestled na, 1,800 from India, 800 from
country’s historic capital with a warm rum punch, and the locals amongst the snowy peaks and *Research commissioned by China, 500 from Hong Kong,
wealth of museums, cathedrals, much loved paneton and hot beautiful Peruvian landscapes. and independently 800 from Thailand, 800 from
and narrow cobbled streets that chocolate winter combination. Where to stay: Enjoy the conducted among a sample of Singapore, 500 from Taiwan,
attract travelers from all over the Other highlights of this historic cheerful season with a stay at 32,300 respondents across 32 800 from Vietnam, 800 from
world. Its charm goes up a notch city include Plaza de Armas, the the Antigua Casona San Blas. markets (including 2,000 from South Korea, 1,800 from Japan,
at Christmas when celebrations central square in the old city, Here, guests are provided with the US, 800 from Canada, 1,800 500 from UAE). In order to par-
run for most of December and where visitors can admire the a home away from home feel at from Australia, 500 from New ticipate in this survey, respon-
its streets are bedecked with carved wooden balconies and this stylish family-owned bou- Zealand, 800 from Spain, 800 dents had to be 18 years of age
live nativity scenes. The main Incan wall ruins while the ba- tique hotel. Featuring majestic from Italy, 1,800 from France, or older, had to have traveled for
square fills with locals drawn roque Santo Domingo Convent, rooms covered with feathered 1,800 from the UK, 1,800 from leisure in the past 12 months in-
to the bustling Santurantikuy built above the Incan Temple of beddings, a private spa for the Germany, 800 from the Nether- cluding an overnight stay, plan-
market, most commonly seen on the Sun, also displays remains ultimate relaxation routine, as lands, 500 from Denmark, 500 ning to travel for leisure in 2024
December 24 to mark the start of Inca stonework. While there, well as an in-house restaurant from Sweden, 400 from Croatia, and involved in travel planning.
of the city’s festive period. The don’t miss out on this 1 Day and bar, this Travel Proud prop- 800 from Switzerland, 800 from The survey was taken online
market features artisans selling Adventure Tour to the Color- erty is just steps away from Belgium, 800 from Ireland, 500 and took place in January and
the finest handicrafts and home ful Rainbow Mountain. Trav- Cusco’s main square, meaning from Austria, 1,800 from Mex- February 2024.
November 1, 2020
22, 17,
20242023 cx328



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30 FRIDAY November 22, 2024

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