Promotion Order Tech 2024 12

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Asharachta Sae Electeity Darbficn Co t

(A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking)

CIN U40109MH2005SGC153646

fel: 222083


Date: 11.12.2024
No:EE/KTUHR/Prom/Tech To
Promotion Order No: 58193

04.08.2017, on the matter of

The Hon'ble High Court, Bench at Mumbai, has passed judgment in the WP No.2797/2015 on Petition No. 28306/2017 the
eservation in promotion. Against this verdict the Government of Maharashtra has filed Special Leave Maharashtra vide
the Hon'ble Court. Meanwhile the Government of
1on'ble Supreme Court of India. The petition is under consideration of
s GR dated 07.05.2021 (adopted by MSEDCL vide Adm. Circular No.627 dated 09.08.2021) has given instructions to fill all vacant posts
tarmarked for departmental promotion, to be filled in as per seniority position on 25.05.2004, those backward class officers/ employees
seniority as on 25.05.2004 and
Ivaled benefit of reservationand acquired higher position in the seniority shall be held eligible as per their
hose who have joined after 25.05.2004, their original seniority shall be considered for promotion.
Accordingly, review has been taken and prop0sal was submitted to Competent Selection Committee for recommendation and
election to the post of Senior Technician on ad-hoc basis. On the recommendation the Competent Selection Committee and
ursuance of the approval accorded by the competent authority in exercise of the powers delegated to him under Schedule IlI, IV&V
ippended to the MSEDCL Employees Service Regulations, 2005 read with provisions under S.R.5, the following Technician are hereby
iromoted as Senior Technician in the pay scale of 243:32285-730-35935-845-44385-1140-72885 on purely ad-hoc basis, on the following
erms and conditions and posted to work at the offices as shown against their names in Columns No. 4 below.

Sr. Name, CPF No, Caste Present Placel Zone of Posting/ Remarks

Place/Zone Of Working Allotment on Promotion

2 3 4 5

01 Ajay Pandurang Gondane, Kondhali Rural 1 DC Kondhali Rural 1 DC Selected against vacant post
Technician, 22676O8 Nagpur Zone Nagpur Zone
Technician Detail Posting
Sachin Munnaji Dongardiye, Belona DC Belona DC |Selected against vacant post
Technician, 2799456 Nagpur Zone Nagpur Zone
Technician Detail Posting

Terms and Conditions:

The promotion of above Technician as Senior Technician including their seniority in the post of Senior Technician is purely on ad-hoc
asis. This promotion shall be subject to the outcome in Special Leave Petition No. 28306/2017 filed before Honourable Supreme Court
vithout prejudice to claims and seniority of others and directives (íf any) issued in future by Government of Maharashtra in the matter. The
romotions willalso be as per the conditions stipulated therein Circular No. 627 dated 09.08.2021 and without prejudice to claim &seniorty
if others, if any.
The above Promotee shall draw pay in the pay scale of 243:32285-730-35935-845-44385-1140-72885 in accordance with provisions of
;.R.29(a) read with S.R.32(b). However, in respect of such of the promotee who have already been granted the higher grade benefit of the
1ost of Senior Technician, under the provisions of G.0.74/ G.0.111 (P) t.30.04.1974, his pay shall not be re-fixed again in the promoted
ost. Also., the promotion of above Technician As Senior Technician is on purely ad-hoc basis subject to the etition (Stamp) No.
819/2021 &others before the Hon'ble High Court, Bombay regarding reservation for Persons with Disatbility (PWD) in promotion and any
lirectives received from GoM in the said matter
The ad-hoc promotion of the aforesaid officers shall be without prejudice to the seniority of others in whose case the caste validity
:ertificate is awaited in accordance with the provisions of Admn. Circular No. 364 dt.12.11.2001 and No.77 dt.21.09.2006. The promotion as
Senior Technician shall be effective from the date of their joining as Senior Technician in pursuance to this order.
LSuch of the promotee in whose case there is change in Head Quarter are eligible for Transfer TA.. Pav Advance. Joinina Time etc. as
Maharashtra Stase Electricty Dstrbuton Co. LId

(A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking)

CIN = U40109MH2005SGC153645

). In case the above promotee/s refuse the promotion to the post of Senior Technician the benefit of next higher grade if granted to them
n first and second occasion shall be withdrawn from the date of promotion order in terms of the provisions under G.0.74/111 (P)
). The promotee/s should communicate their acceptance or refusal of promotion as the case may be, within 3 days from the date of receipt
T this order. The refusal of promotion will not make the promotee/s entitle to claim retention at the same place on the grounds of retusal of
oromotion and liable for transfer in the same capacity.
. The above promotee/s should be relieved immediately but in any case before 13.12.2024 by making local arrangement wIthout tail by
ollowing the instructions strictly contained in the Adm. Circular No.186 dt. 20.05.1996 read with Adm. circular No. 295 dt.03.12.1998 sO as
0 enable them to report for duties at the place of their posting on promotion. Any of the above employee/s who have been already
1ominated for election duty by the concerned Election Commission Authorities, shall be relieved only after completion of election duties.
3. The relief report ljoining report of the above mentioned promotee/s should be sent to concerned Office / establishment groups in
Corporate Office, Mumbai immediately.
). If the Disciplinary action /Vigilance report / CIO report is found pending against any of the above promotee/s in that case he / she could
iot be relieved until further instruction form the Corporate Office, Mumbai. In-such case, AGM (HR) of zone shall submit detail report to the
oncerned Establishment of Corporate Office, Mumbai on priority for further necessary action
db.This order is made available on Employee Portal hence no hard copy willbe sent to any office

(DipakAbfimanyu Ahao )
Executve Engineer
All the Above Technician
O.& M. Division, Katol

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