Promotion Order Tech 2024 12
Promotion Order Tech 2024 12
Promotion Order Tech 2024 12
fel: 222083
Date: 11.12.2024
No:EE/KTUHR/Prom/Tech To
Promotion Order No: 58193
Sr. Name, CPF No, Caste Present Placel Zone of Posting/ Remarks
01 Ajay Pandurang Gondane, Kondhali Rural 1 DC Kondhali Rural 1 DC Selected against vacant post
Technician, 22676O8 Nagpur Zone Nagpur Zone
Technician Detail Posting
Sachin Munnaji Dongardiye, Belona DC Belona DC |Selected against vacant post
Technician, 2799456 Nagpur Zone Nagpur Zone
Technician Detail Posting
). In case the above promotee/s refuse the promotion to the post of Senior Technician the benefit of next higher grade if granted to them
n first and second occasion shall be withdrawn from the date of promotion order in terms of the provisions under G.0.74/111 (P)
). The promotee/s should communicate their acceptance or refusal of promotion as the case may be, within 3 days from the date of receipt
T this order. The refusal of promotion will not make the promotee/s entitle to claim retention at the same place on the grounds of retusal of
oromotion and liable for transfer in the same capacity.
. The above promotee/s should be relieved immediately but in any case before 13.12.2024 by making local arrangement wIthout tail by
ollowing the instructions strictly contained in the Adm. Circular No.186 dt. 20.05.1996 read with Adm. circular No. 295 dt.03.12.1998 sO as
0 enable them to report for duties at the place of their posting on promotion. Any of the above employee/s who have been already
1ominated for election duty by the concerned Election Commission Authorities, shall be relieved only after completion of election duties.
3. The relief report ljoining report of the above mentioned promotee/s should be sent to concerned Office / establishment groups in
Corporate Office, Mumbai immediately.
). If the Disciplinary action /Vigilance report / CIO report is found pending against any of the above promotee/s in that case he / she could
iot be relieved until further instruction form the Corporate Office, Mumbai. In-such case, AGM (HR) of zone shall submit detail report to the
oncerned Establishment of Corporate Office, Mumbai on priority for further necessary action
db.This order is made available on Employee Portal hence no hard copy willbe sent to any office
(DipakAbfimanyu Ahao )
Executve Engineer
All the Above Technician
O.& M. Division, Katol
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