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Abstract. Pedada seed is one of potential anti-oxidant resources of coastal plants which is under-
utilized. In this current study, pedada seed was formulated in to Robusta coffee to develop a
novel coffee mix. The purpose of this study was to obtain the most ideal formula of pedada-
Robusta coffee mix based on sensory evaluation using Just about Right (JAR) analysis of French-
press brewed coffee mix. The best coffee mix formula was obtained for the mix of 1:1 proportion
between pedada seed and Robusta coffee. There were 18 out of 19 sensory attributes of the best
formula that sensorially accepted by the consumer respondents. Those included vegetative
aroma, brown sugar aroma, musty aroma, sweet aroma, nutty aroma, cocoa aroma, citrus-fruit
aroma, sweet taste, sour taste, body-mouth-feel, mouth-feel strength, nutty flavour, burnt
flavour, chemical flavour, citrus-fruit flavour, beany flavour, roasted flavour and sweet flavour.
The best pedada-coffee mix was also characterized as having mean particle size of 421.5±19.1
µm, total phenolic content of 21.55±0.21 mg GAE/g, antioxidant activity of 48.60±0.94%,
caffeine content of 278.50 ± 4.95 mg/kg, total dissolved solids of 0.4±0.066% and colour with a
value of L=17.0±0.0; a=18.6±0.9 and b=23.6±0.9.
1. Introduction
Manual brewed coffee is one of the drinks that poses high interest of coffee drinker. The uniqueness of
coffee flavour is influenced by many factors, including soil quality, seed maturity, and geographical
conditions of planting, production processes, processing, roasting, and brewing [1]. One of the potential
ways to create uniqueness of coffee is by adding substitutes that may improve its sensory attributes,
functional properties as well as may adjust the selling value of the coffee.
Non-coffee bean sources have been developed to partially substitute the bean such as rice, corn,
papaya and snake fruit seeds. However, poor solubility and taste are still being main issues of non-coffee
bean coffee, regardless most of them can be used as alternative to reduce the caffeine. Another potential
resources that can be used to substitute the coffee beans is pedada seeds (Sonneratia caseolaris). These
seeds can be obtained as a waste of pedada flour or syrup processes [2]. Therefore, the potential of
pedada seeds as coffee substitute were investigated in this current study.
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2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/924/1/012029
2.1. Material
The pedada seeds were obtained from the Rungkut mangrove forest while the Robusta coffee beans
were obtained from Dampit, Malang. Material for analysis included: 96% methanol, DPPH, ciolteau
follicular reagent 10%, 7.5% Na2CO3 and distilled water. The tools used for drying pedada fruit seeds
in this study included analytical scales, cabinet dryers and pans. The tools used for analysis included
analytical scales, UV-Vis spectrophotometers, coffee refractometers, HPLC, French Press, filter paper
and erlenmeyer.
2.2. Methods
The coffee formula was then tested for its physicochemical characteristics including tests of caffeine
content, for the HPLC method, water and methanol as eluents were used in a ratio of 3:7. [24]. Total
phenol, the total phenol test used the Folin Ciocalteau method [24]. Antioxidant activity, analysis of
antioxidant activity using the DPPH method [24]. Color, color analysis in this experiment using a color
reader [24]. Total dissolved solids, total dissolved solids were tested using a hand-refractometer [24].
Particle size, characterization using PSA was used to determine the average size of silver nanoparticles.
PSA uses the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) method that utilizes infrared scattering [24].
In the current study, sensory based optimization through JAR (Just About Right) method [3] was
applied in conjunction with consumer acceptance test followed by penalty analysis [4, 5, 6, and 7]. There
was 107 respondents were involved.
3.2.1. Particle size. As shown in Table 2, it is known that the average value of the particle size of coffee
formula powder is between 421,510-432,817 µm. The largest particle size is in the 100% robusta coffee
formula at 432,817 µm and the smallest particle size in the ratio of the coffee beans to the pedada fruit:
robusta coffee beans (1: 1) is 421,510 µm. Particle size influences sensory perception. Basically the
coffee brewing process is an extraction process where the coffee brewing result is strongly influenced
by the particle size and surface area of the particles that are in contact with the solvent. The particle size
of coffee grounds is one of the factors that can influence the results of coffee steeping. Similar study
using Dampit Robusta coffee reported that the size was 377.19 µm [3]. The particle size of the results
of the test on the ground coffee formula is larger than the literature allegedly due to the use of different
grinders as well as the use of different brewing methods [3, 11].
2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/924/1/012029
Table 1. Tabulated sensory attributes penalty analysis of pedada-robusta formulated coffee mix.
Pedada and Pedada and Pedada and Pedada and Pedada and
Dampit Dampit Dampit Dampit Dampit
robusta robusta robusta robusta robusta
coffee (0: 1) coffee (1: 0) coffee (1: 1) coffee (1: 2) coffee (1: 3)
Vegetative aroma JAR JAR JAR JAR JAR
Brown sugar aroma TL/THa JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Sweet aroma JAR JAR JAR TL/THa JAR
Cocoa aroma JAR JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Citrus fruit aroma JAR JAR JAR JAR TL/THa
Sweet taste TL/THa JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Sour taste TL/THa TL/THa JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Bitter taste TL/THa JAR TL/THa TL/THa TL/THa
Mouthfeel body JAR JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Mouthfeel strength TL/THa JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Nutty flavor TL/THa JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Burnt flavor JAR JAR JAR JAR JAR
Chemical flavor JAR JAR JAR JAR JAR
Citrus fruit flavor JAR JAR JAR JAR TL/THa
Beany flavor JAR TL/THa JAR JAR JAR
Roasted flavor TL/THa JAR JAR TL/THa TL/THa
Sweet flavor JAR TL/THa JAR TL/THa TL/THa
The Asterisk (*) shows the significant mean drop for non-JAR categories.
TL= too low, TH= too high, JAR=Just About Right
Table 2. Physico-chemical characteristics of Pedada-Robusta formulated coffee mix.
Phenolic Antioxidant Total
(Pedada Particle Caffeine
Content Activity Dissolved L a b
fruit Size (µm) (mg/kg)
(mg (%) Solid (%)
seed :
1:0 429.9±19.1a 13.90±0.2e 52.03±0.6a 0.00±0e 0.18±0.0a 29.60±0.6a 17.80±1.5a 34.80±3.9a
1:1 421.5±19.1a 21.55±0.2d 48.60±0.9b 0.03±0d 0.44±0.1b 17.00±0.0b 18.60±0.9a 23.60±0.9b
1:2 424.32±7.4a 23.12±0.1c 44.47±1.4c 0.04±0c 0.46±0.0b 12.80±0.5c 16.80±1.1a 16.00±0.7c
1:3 429.89±2.6a 31.18±0.2a 40.19±1.1d 0.05±0b 0.53±0.0b 6.60±0.6d 12.60±1.7b 8.40±0.9d
0:1 432.82±1.8a 26.05±0.3b 33.96±1.4e 0.08±0a 0.95±0.1c 5.00±0.7e 5.20±0.9c 4.80±1.3d
Superscript within the same column indicates significant different at 95% confidence level. All values represent
mean of 3 replicates ±standard deviation.
Superscript within the same column indicates significant different at 95% confidence level. All values represent
mean of 3 replicates ±standard deviation.
Superscript within the same column indicates significant different at 95% confidence level. All values represent
mean of 3 replicates ±standard deviation.
Superscript within the same column indicates significant different at 95% confidence level. All values represent
mean of 3 replicates ±standard deviation.
Superscript within the same column indicates significant different at 95% confidence level. All values represent
mean of 3 replicates ±standard deviation.
2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/924/1/012029
3.2.2. Total phenolic content. Based on the analysis of the various total phenol values in steeping of
each coffee formula showed that the treatment of the difference in the formula of the coffee beans pedada
fruit with robusta coffee beans significantly affected (p≤0.05) on the total phenol brewing coffee
formula. In Table 2 the higher the concentration of coffee beans in the coffee brewing formulation, the
total phenol value of the coffee formula tends to decrease. The low total value of phenols from pedada
coffee beans is suspected due to the lack of phenolic compounds contained in the pedada fruit seeds.
Pedada fruit has 24 components consisting of eight steroids, nine triterpenoids, three flavonoids, and
four carboxyl benzene derivatives [12]. Furthermore, it was reported that the pedada fruit also contains
several triterpenoids and sterols [13]. Robusta coffee beans are known to contain alkaloids, tannins,
saponins and polyphenols [14]. The polyphenol compounds which are most contained in coffee are
chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid [15].
3.2.3. Antioxidant activity. Based on the analysis of various types of steeping coffee formula, it shows
that the different treatment of the coffee formula of the pedada fruit beans with robusta coffee beans has
a significant effect (p≤0.05) on the antioxidant activity of the coffee formula brewing produced. It can
be seen in Table 2 that the higher the concentration of pedada coffee beans in the formulation, the
antioxidant activity of steeping coffee formulas is also increasing. This is evidenced by the results of
the analysis of antioxidant activity of Dampit coffee beans and Robusta coffee beans (0: 1) produces the
smallest antioxidant activity, 33.96%, while the 100% formula of Dampit coffee beans and Robusta
coffee (1: 0) produce the highest antioxidant activity is 52.03%. This proves that the increase in the
concentration of the coffee in the coffee beans can increase the antioxidant activity of the brewed coffee.
It was reported that pedada contains steroid compounds, triterpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins,
tannins, phenols, sapogenins and carboxyl benzene derivatives [12] [16] [17] [18].
3.2.4. Caffeine. Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is one of the most important alkaloid compounds in
coffee beans [19]. Caffeine compounds contribute to the bitter taste of the coffee formula. The high and
low levels of caffeine are used as a consideration for determining comparisons or recipes in mixing
ground coffee. Based on the analysis of caffeine steeping levels of coffee formula shows that the
difference in the treatment of the coffee beans with pedada coffee beans with Dampit robusta coffee
were significantly different from the levels of caffeine steeping coffee formulas produced can be seen
in Table 2.
Based on Table 2 the higher the concentration of coffee beans pedada fruit added to the coffee formula,
the caffeine content decreases. The formula of Dampit robustada coffee and robusta coffee (1: 0) based
on the results of the caffeine test using the HPLC method does not contain caffeine and the highest
caffeine content is in the coffee formula of pedada and robusta coffee (0: 1) of 0.08% . This result is far
below the standard caffeine content in one cup of brewed coffee because according to [20], the standard
content of caffeine in a cup of brewed coffee is 0.9-1.6% in arabica coffee, 1.4-2.9% in robusta coffee
and 1.7% in Arabica and Robusta coffee blends. The research results are also in line with the results of
research substituting zalacca seed powder with arabica coffee, the higher the concentration of zalacca
seed powder substituted in Arabica coffee, the caffeine content of coffee will decrease [21].
3.2.5. Total dissolved solid. The level of smoothness is a factor that needs to be justified to get optimal
brewing results. The smaller the size of the coffee grounds, the more optimally the coffee will be
extracted, however, this process will produce a more bitter and astringent taste. Ground coffee granules
have a large surface area so that the compounds that form aroma and taste are easily soluble in hot water
[11]. Based on the Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) test, it was found that the Total Dissolved Solid of
various coffee formulas ranged from 0.18 to 0.95%. The formula of pedada coffee beans with Dampit
robusta coffee beans (0: 1) gets the biggest percentage that is 0.95% and the formula of pedada fruit
seeds with the smallest Dampit coffee beans (1: 0) is 0.18% can be seen in Table 2. The results of the
Total Dissolved Solid test showed that the smaller the concentration of Dampit Robusta coffee in
steeping coffee formulas, the lower the solubility value. These results are in line with the results of the
percentage of Total Dissolved Solid pedada fruit formula with the lowest Dampit robusta coffee beans
2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/924/1/012029
(1: 0), then when the coffee fruit concentration of pedada beans increases in the brewing coffee formula
the percentage of Total Dissolved Solid steeping coffee formula decreases. The results of the Total
Dissolved Solid test on various types and mixes of coffee differed, namely a mixture of 70% robusta
coffee (from Africa and India) and 30% arabica (from South America) (% TDS = 0.90) , 100% arabica
(% TDS = 0.80), 100% Indonesian Arabica coffee beans (% TDS = 0.82), 100% Kenyan Arabica coffee
beans (% TDS = 0.73), 100% Guatemalan Arabica coffee beans ( % TDS = 0.76), 100% Arabica coffee
beans (% TDS = 0.8), 100% Indian Arabica coffee beans (% TDS = 0.81), and 100% Colombian Arabica
coffee beans (% TDS = 0.78) [22]. These results indicate that the percentage of Total Dissolved Solid
is influenced by the type of coffee beans used and in line with the results of this study that each coffee
formula has a different percentage of Total Dissolved Solid.
3.2.6. Appearance test. Based on Table 2 it is known that the brightness intensity of the pedada fruit
seeds formula with the highest Dampit robusta coffee beans (1: 0) (L = 29.6) and the lowest intensity in
the formula of the pedada fruit seeds with Dampit robusta coffee beans (0: 1) (L = 5.00). Differences in
notation between coffee formulas (p-value˂0.05) indicate that differences in coffee formulas produce
different brightness levels. The increasing concentration of Dampit Robusta coffee in steeping coffee
formulas results in a darker color. The higher the value of L or close to 100 indicates the color of the
sample tends to be white or bright [23].
The value of greenish color intensity in the formula of pedada fruit seeds with Dampit robusta coffee
beans (1: 0) the highest (a = 17.80) and the lowest intensity in the formula of pedada fruit seeds with
Dampit robusta coffee beans (0: 1) (a = 5.20). The difference in notation between coffee formulas (p-
value˂0.05) indicates that different coffee formulas produce different greenish color intensities. The
increasing concentration of Dampit Robusta coffee in steeping coffee formulas results in a denser or
older green color.
The intensity of the yellowish color formula of the pedada fruit seeds with Dampit robusta coffee
beans (1: 0) the highest (b = 34.80) and the lowest intensity in the formula of the pedada fruit seeds with
Dampit robusta coffee beans (0: 1) (b = 4.80). The difference in notation between coffee formulas (p-
value˂0.05) indicates that different coffee formulas produce different yellowish color intensities. The
higher the concentration of Dampit Robusta coffee in steeping coffee formulas, the intensity of the
yellow color decreases which makes the color of the coffee looks darker.
4. Conclusions
The most optimum coffee formula is the formula of pedada fruit coffee beans and Dampit robusta coffee
(1: 1), from 19 sensory attributes, there are 18 attributes that have been optimum (p-value≥0.05) and 1
attribute not yet optimum (p-value˂ 0.05). Physico-chemical properties of the coffee formula pedada
fruit seeds: Robusta Dampit coffee (1: 1) which has a mean particle size of 421.5 ± 19.1 µm, a total
phenol value of 21.55 ± 0.21 mg GAE / g, activity antioxidant of 48.60 ± 0.94%, caffeine content of
278.50 ± 4.95 mg / kg lower than the caffeine content of the coffee formula of pedada fruit seeds and
Dampit Robusta coffee (0: 1) of 817.00 ± 1.41 mg / kg, total dissolved solids were 0.44 ± 0.066% TDS
and color with a value of L = 17.0 ± 0.0; a = 18.6 ± 0.9 and b = 23.6 ± 0.9.
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