Research Methodology
This chapter focuses on the methods and techniques to be used in the study. This
will discuss how the researchers will conduct and gain information from different
phenomena for this research. It also includes the population of the study, the research
instrument, collection, and data gathering procedure, the data processing and statistical
Research Design
This study used the qualitative approach, which is research that uses data that
does not indicate ordinal values (Nkwi, P., Nyamongo, I., & Ryan, G. (2001), as cited in
Qualitative Research) (2022). Physophedia). The study employs the Phenomenological
design of Qualitative research. Phenomenological design, according to Nair (2021), is a
type of research that aids in the description of an individual's lived experiences. This
design was chosen as this study aims to learn about students' perceptions of CAOA based
on their experiences with it. Highlighted means to write your own
Research Locale
The study was conducted at Montessori De San Ildefonso, Quijano St., San Juan,
San Ildefonso, Bulacan. The researchers chose this site because of the accessibility and
the number of Senior High Students, as the research respondents, present. This study was
implemented on the students of MDSI from the Grade 12 level. The researchers have
found the area convenient for their study to be conducted.
Sampling and Participants
The teachers at Bahay Pare National High School and Mapaniqui High School who are
40 years old above are the researchers target participants. A total of 10 people will be
interviewed. These individuals were chosen using the purposive sampling technique.
participate in the study based on his or her own judgment. It also known as judgment,
selective or subjective sampling. Seasoned teachers of Bahay Pare National High School
and Mapaniqui High School are eligible to be participants in this study because they are
the teachers born between 1965 and 1980. Therefore, they do not have much knowledge
when it comes on using technology, which is the main teaching tool. (rationalization)
Research Instrument
This study used a guided interview question as the research instrument. According
semi-structured and oral survey that uses guidelines. This research instrument used
follow-up questions to receive a more specific answer. Giereth (2011) also stated that
such interview question utilizes non-standard question to specify certain topics. Guided
interview questions were used in this study to know the experiences and opinions of the
This study also used observation notes or field notes to gather further information
that will be beneficial to the research. Cowie (2009) stated that observation is the act of
The author also mentioned that observation notes are also used in different research to
gather information about a specific subject and to also answer the research questions. The
researchers will conduct observation notes of the teaching approaches that are used by the
The data collection procedure is the process of gathering data and information in
conducting research. There are two phases in data collection, the Preliminaries and Data
researchers created the questions answered by the participants in the interview. Then,
they made an assent form that was given to the participants and a consent form given to
their parents/guardians. If either the participant or the parent disagreed with the said
interview, the researchers would find another participant. If they agreed, they would
proceed to the next phase which is Data Gathering. This is where the researchers
conducted the interview and used the interview questions that they developed for
interviewing. They also recorded the interview as they only used audio recording for the
privacy of the participants and to follow the guidelines of the ethics in research.
Ethical Consideration
Ethical consideration facilitated the purpose of the study, such as insight, truth,
and avoidance of error. Initializing the ethical consideration, an ethical clearance was
obtained from the Grade 11 STEM Students of Bahay Pare National High School.
Official consent and assent forms were distributed to the principal, the participants and
the participants' guardians. The researchers would conform to the following ethical
3. The participants were informed that the information they provided would be
kept confidential and that their identities would not be revealed in association
4. The respondents’ privacy and their responses are individually analyzed and
5. The researchers would objectively show the answers and results delivered by
the participants.
Data Analysis
This study went through a thematic analysis where the researchers gathered and
summarized all the answers of the participants. A qualitative technique for finding,
researchers. This study went through an analogical process. The process of thematizing
identities. Using the themes that emerged from the collected replies, all the significant
details were highlighted. To obtain the data, the themes can also be combined to create
analyzing the data gathered. Triangulation of data is used to connect the data gathered
from the two instruments: guided interview and observation notes. It was used in this
study to provide support on the results of the data gathering. According to Lauri, M. A.
(2011), in triangulation of data, if the results of one data gathering strategy such as
guided interview aligns with the other data gathering strategy, like observation notes,