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In this chapter, the researcher illustrated some information about the

research methodology includes the subject of the research, the setting and

situation of research, technique of collecting the data research instrument and the

technique of analysing of the data. This research was a qualitative research and

the type of the research was case study. This research was categorized into

qualitative research in which it fulfilled the criteria of qualitative research that

stated by Marshal and Rosman in Sugiono, the fundamental methods relied on by

qualitative research for gathering information and participation in setting, direct

observation, indepth interview and document review.1

A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher used a qualitative research while the type of

the research was case study. According to Ary in Dobald that qualitative research

is conducted to describe the current status of phenomena that will exist at the

same time of study2. It was a method of trying to find new problems. In this study,

the researcher used observation, interviews, and document as data collection

method for gathering information related to the problem being studied.

B. Setting and the Subject of the Research

1 ?
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitative dan Kualitative R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2006), p.251
2 ?
Donald, Introduction In Research In Education, (Beltmont. Warsworth thomson
learning, 2002), p.25


1. Setting

This research will be done at SMP S Ruhul Islam, Rayek Kuta. The

researcher choose the class II as a sampling because the most of the students still

have the problem and the difficulties about learning translation as a preparation to

the third class. In SMP S Ruhul Islam as Islamic Boarding School especially to

the second class.

This research was done at Modern Islamic Boarding School of Ruhul

Islam Rayek Kuta. The director in this school is Tgk. H. M. Amri. The building of

the school consisted of 35 rooms to support learning activities, 25 of them were

used for bedroom, 3 room were used as classrooms, 1 class for the first year

students, 1 class for the second year students and 1 class for the third year

students. Almost all of the classes were occupied by 32 up to 43 students. It also

had one room for Director, one room for administrative staffs, two rooms for

teachers, one room for biology and physic laboratory and two rooms for library

consisting many books, such as text books, history books, dictionaries, and etc. in

the corner of the front part of the school, there was a canteen. The school is also

facilitated with a volley ball and basketball court and security baseman. SMP S

Ruhul Islam has teachers that graduated from various parts of science and

discipline of teaching. The English teacher in this school is Siti Rahma who taught

in the second year student and the third class. In SMP S Ruhul Islam has 300

students consist of male and female that each class has 35 student. They are

classified into three classes, the first, the second and the third, each classes that

consist of one class: class I. the second class is class II. The third class is class III.

The population is all members of well defined class of people, event, or objects. 3

The population of this research is all of the first year student at SMP S Ruhuhul

Islam they were 200 students. The sample is a part of population number that

chosen for data base.4

C. Research Procedure

In doing the research, the researcher visited to SMP S Ruhul Islam,

Keude Karieng. And He made observation and interview. After collecting all of

the data the writer reduced and displayed the data, then took a conclusion as the

result of the research. 5

3 ?
Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, Kompetensi dan Praktiknya, (Yogyakarta:
Bumi Aksara, 2003), p. 54
4 ?
Ibid, p. 54

In conducting this study, the researcher followed the steps of case study

as illustrated by Moleong that there are four stages in doing a case study as


Field Study

Field Work

Data Analysis

Evaluation and Reporting

Steps of case study as illustrated by Miles and Huberman in Moleong. 6

D. Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher used observation and interview as the instrument in

gathering data from subject of research, Catherine Marshall and Gretchen B.

Rosman argued that the fundamental method on qualitative research for gathering

information are, participation in setting, direct observation, in depth interviewing,

document review.7 Observation group is that the observations made by a team of

6 ?
Lexi J. Moleong. M. A. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitative, Ed, Revisi. (Bandung :
PT.Remaja Rosda karya, 2006), p. 127-148.
7 ?
Marshall, Gatherine and Gretchen B. Rosman, Designing Qualitative Research, 2nd
ed. (London: Safa Publication International Educational Professional publisher, 1995), p.15

researchers on an issue that was made the object of research 8. An interview is a

process of communication or interaction to collect information by a question and

answer between researchers with informants or subjects. In essence, the interview

is an activity to obtain in-depth information about an issue or theme raised in the

study. It is the process of verification of the information or information that has

been previously obtained through other ways. Because an evidentiary process, it

could have an interview suit or different from the information that has been

obtained in advance. In collecting the data in this research, the researcher used

two instruments to know the teacher’s effort in solving students’ difficulties in

learning English, they are:

1. Observation

Observation also one data collection technique which is very common in

qualitative research methods. Observation is essentially an activity using the five

senses, can be sight, smell, hearing, to obtain the information needed to answer

the research problem. The observations is in the form of activities, events, objects,

conditions or certain mood, emotions and feelings. Observations carried out to

obtain the real picture of the teaching learning process to observe the students’

difficulties and to see the teacher’s effort in solving the difficulties.

2. Interview

An interview is a process of communication or interaction to collect

information by a question and answer between the researcher with informants or

subjects. In essence, the interview is an activity to obtain in-depth information

8 ?
Bungin, M. Burhan. Penelitian kualitatif : Komunikasi, Ekonomi, Kebijakan Publik,
dan Ilmu Sosial lainnya. (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2007 ), p. 115 – 117

about an issue or theme raised in the study. It is the process of verification of the

information or information that has been previously obtained through other

techniques. Because an evidentiary process, it could have an interview suit or

different from the information that has been obtained in advance. In the research,

the researcher will interview the teacher and the students.

E. Research Instrument

The instruments which would be used to collect the data in this research

were observation Form and Interview guide.

1. Observation Checklist

Observation checklist is the instrument used by researcher in the research

to collect the data, that in this way, the researcher observe the teaching learning

process are include to teacher and student activities to mark all of information

during teaching learning process based on the criteria of evaluation aspect.

2. Interview Guide

Interview guide is the instrument in doing the research that the form of

questions will be asked to the informan. The researcher set up ten general

questions to the teacher for asking about the problem and difficulties faced in

learning English.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

In analizing qualitative data obtained from the observation checklist,

field notes guidelines, and interview the researcher used Miles and Huberman’s

model. Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono said “activity of analyzing data for

qualitative is done by interactive and continue until finished, the activity in

analyzing data are data reduction, data display and conclusion.9

a. Data reduction

Data reduction means the researcher tries to reduce the unimportant data

and rearrange the data in good range and makes summary to get data more clearly,

so in the next step the researcher could focused in continuing which data should

be collected by the researcher.

b. Data display

After reducing the data, the researcher would display the data in narrative

text. By displaying process, it would be easy to understand what researcher would

do as the next step in analyzing the data.

c. Conclusion

Previously, it had been told the ways of analyzing the data for qualitative

by reduction the data and displaying the data in narrative text, finally the

researcher made a conclusion. Third step in data analysis qualitative based on

according to Miles and Huberman of conclusion withdrawal. The conclusion of

early opened still be tentative, and will change when it is not found by a strong

evidence supporting next data collecting. But if conclusion stated at early step,

supported by valid data and consistence when the researcher returned to field to

collect the data, so the conclusion opened that will represent the credible


9 ?
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D , (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2006), p. 337.

Based on the conclusion in research of qualitative will be reply the

problem were formulated in the chapter one of the background, because such as

those which have been opened by that the problems were formulated of the

research qualitative still be tentatively and will expand after researcher in the


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