Assignment 4

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Name: Khatera Mohamadi

ID: 212134
Assignment: 4
Word: 1600

“The personal is political” feminist analyses

“The Personal is Political” is an essay written by Carol Hanisch in 1969. This essay was
a feminist movement. She delves into the connection between personal experience and
politics. In this essay, I am going to analyze her essay from a feminist perspective.

Firstly, the main idea of Carol in her essay is that politics are not separate from personal
experience. Both of them have connections and our problems are connected to bigger
issues in society like who has power and who is treated unfairly. She said we should not
separate personal experience from politics. If we have personal problems, we should
consider them a part of society's issues. We need to fix the problem together and it is
individual responsibility for societal injustice.

The feminist concern she mentioned is how feminism is more than just gender
oppression. She also said that things like race and class have significant roles in it.
Women need to talk and work together and fight against what is happening. There is
one assumption: She said that we should not blame women for what is happening.
Instead of it, we should consider how society treats women unfairly. She believes that
our personal experience is caused by the society around us and we should think of it as
a bigger systemic problem.

The ideas presented in the reading deconstruct established knowledge systems such as
focusing only on individual problems. Instead of this, we should focus on how society
treats women unfairly. Stop blaming women for their problems and work together to
solve the systemic issues and unfair treatment.

However, there is one conflict in the idea of Carol is how we should balance working
together and make change for individuals by respecting their choices and problems.
Also, there is inconsistency between different types of feminist perspectives and ideas
about how individuals live or make decisions.

Moreover, Carol wants to make a change through these three things such as
understanding, working, and fighting. She wants to make people understand everything
that is going to happen and wants them to work together and fight against unfair threats
that society does to women. All should support each other and women and understand
that women can make their lives better. She includes all women and is against
patriarchy but maybe in her idea, there are women based on factors such as race,
class, and ability exclusion.
To sum up, Carol's idea is very important to us. She reminds us that we should fight
against unfair treatment in society. We should keep fighting make our own choices and
decisions and never forget that our problems have connections to the bigger problems.
It is our responsibility to work together and support each other to bring a better life for all
of us.

“The Female Eunuch” analyzes

“The female eunuch” was written by Germaine Greer and published in 1970. In this
book, Germaine wrote about various aspects of women's lives in Western societies and
the cultural and social expectations. In this essay, I am going to analyze the book and
her ideas.

Firstly, in this book, the main point is that Germaine argued about traditional gender
rules. She said that the traditional expectations of society on women and patriarchy hold
women back and limit their freedom. She compares a woman's situation to a eunuch. It
is a historical figure that is stripped of power. It means women are also stripped of

Moreover, she indicates the gender inequality, stereotypes, and objectification of

women as feminist concerns. Also, she says that social expectations of women such as
marriage, having kids, and being objective are not fair. She assumes that this gender
inequality is systemic by society and it keeps going because of our culture. She says
that we should not accept the traditional rules and expectations.

In addition, Greer disagrees with the idea that women should be objective and do
whatever men want. Women should not think of themselves as powerless. They should
have the power and right to make their own decisions. Also, she said it is not right that
women are comparing themselves with men and masculinity to being feminine. Women
should know what is being feminine without comparing them with men or based on men.

However, there are some inconsistencies in Greer's idea that people are saying she
only focuses on liberation and independence. Greer did not focus on other women of
color or from poor backgrounds. Also, her beliefs on women's freedom do not match her
idea that she said gender and sexuality are unchangeable.

Furthermore, in the book, she indicates some programs of change such as gender
behavior and how they should act. She also wants to break the rule that men have more
power than women. She wants women to educate themselves try to have jobs and
never accept social expectations. She includes white and middle-class women and
excludes marginalized groups as well as women who do not fit her idea of liberation.

To sum up, In today's world still, her ideas are important for gender equality, women's
rights, and feminism. This book still helps feminism. it talks about how men and women
act cause gender discrimination and how women should have rights of their own
choices in their lives. They should have rights to education, freedom and opportunities
equal to men.

“The Master’s Tools will never dismantle the Master’s House”

This is an essay written by Audre Lorde in 1979. Her ideas inspire all people to work
together and fight for justice. In this essay, I am going to analyze her essay.

The main idea of her essay is to inspire people to think and find new ways to achieve
liberation and justice to society. She said we can not fix the problem with the same tool
and method that makes the problem. Moreover, there are some feminism concerns that
the writer indicates such as intersectionality, silencing the marginalized groups' voices,
and the limitation of mainstream feminist movements.

Moreover, there is one assumption that she believes that traditional methods of fighting
against oppression are not enough to solve all problems. She said that if we use our
differences instead of trying to be the same then we can be stronger.

In addition, Lorde deconstructs the idea that all oppression can be solved with a single
plan. However, she does not think about the marginalized voices that can be heard if
they join and represent the existing power structure. She also talked about the
importance of marginalized voices to included but we know it is not that easy to bring
people from different experiences together to make them agree.

The program change that she mentioned is coming together and fighting against all of
the oppression. We should fight all of the unfairness face-to-face to achieve liberation. It
is very important to use different voices and different ways to achieve justice. Accepting
people who are always left out and respecting them and respecting and accepting
people's differences can make things better for all. Lorde includes marginalized voices
and might exclude people who do not want to give up their power in her essay.

To sum up, Lorde's idea is important because fighting for rights, liberation, and feminism
includes everyone. Her idea makes us stop oppression and listen to marginalized

“Understanding Patriarchy”

“Understanding patriarchy” 2002 is a book written by Bell Hook. in this book, Hook said
that patriarchy is a social structure that has a lot of effect on a society. Hook delves into
the complex patriarchy and its origin and also mentions that patriarchy is more than just
a system. It has effects on all genders. In this, I am going to analyze the book from a
feminist perspective.
The main idea of this book explores the patriarchy as a big deal. Patriarchy is not only
men's dominance, it also has effects on all such as families, religion, politics, and
media. It has connections with other types of discrimination like homophobia, and
racism. Its very important to understand this because it can help us to fight to make a
better life.

Moreover, Hook discusses some feminist concerns such as inequality and gender
inequality. She also mentioned how women get hurt due to the patriarchal system. She
also said that fighting against patriarchy is important and we should break down the
traditional gender roles like patriarchy to make a better society.

Furthermore. There are some assumptions in this reading. One of them is that
patriarchy is a social structure that has impacts on individual life and all aspects of
society. The second one is that patriarchy harms women and other genders who are left
out of the power. Also, if we want to bring change in our society and life we have to take
action regarding the patriarchal system of domination.

In addition, the idea deconstructs the patriarchal system of domination in which men
have power. It also explained that patriarchy has impacts more broadly. It also
deconstructs the idea of gender inequality and discrimination that people say is natural
and unavoidable. She explained how society creates these and all of them are a kind of
social expectation. Additionally, in the reading, there is one contradiction that says
patriarchy has a role in all types of gender discrimination and affects all genders
equally. But in reality, it affects only women and marginalized groups.

In this reading she wants people to work together and break down the patriarchy. Fight
against all inequalities and create a society where all genders are equal. She wants
people to support each other to achieve equal rights and power. Moreover, she includes
all women and marginalized genders who are left out but it seems like she excludes the
women who have benefited from the patriarchal system of domination.

To sum up, understanding patriarchy is important because patriarchy and gender

inequality still exist everywhere. It also makes us understand that all types of oppression
connect and have connections. This book has good ideas to fight against patriarchy and
bring justice and gender equality.

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