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LL.B Semester-I F.M =70
Paper-I Subject- CONST.LAW – I
Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. “The Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in substance.” –Comment.

2. State briefly the salient features of the Indian Constitution.

3. What are the major commitments of the Constitution of India as incorporated in

its preamble?

4. Briefly, discuss the applicability of the Doctrine of Severability under Article

13(1) of the Constitution of India.

5. What kind of role does union parliament function in federal structure of Indian
constitution? What are the procedures followed during enactment of legislation?

6. What do you understand from the phrase parliamentary privileges?

7. How does the President of India get elected? What is H/E’s power in ordinance

8. Describe briefly about distribution of legislative powers between union and


9. As per constitution of India, can the Parliament enjoy to Legislate upon state’s
matters? ------

Critically analyze your answer.

10. Write short notes, any three

(a) Prime Minister is the Real Head (b) Territorial and topical distributions of power

(c ) Doctrine of Pith and Substance (d) Doctrine of Colourable legislation

LL.B Semester-I F.M =70
Paper-II Subject- Law of Contract
Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. What are the essentials of a valid contract?

2. ‘To create a contract there must be a common intention of the parties to enter into legal
obligation’. Discuss.
3. Analyse the law relating to ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ in the making of a contract in India.
4. Examine this statement in light of the definition of the contract given in the India
Contract Act, 1872.
5. Define consideration. Discuss that consideration and objects are unlawful under the
Indian Contract Act, 1872?
6. What conditions are necessary for converting a proposal into a promise; a promise into
an agreement and an agreement into a contract? Illustrate your answer.
7. What are the essentials of a valid offer?
8. “Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to a train of gun powder”. Explain with
reference to its conditions and incidents as dealt with in English and Indian laws. [HJS
1998, BJS 2018, Punjab JS 1995 (1)]
9. “An agreement between the parties is an essential element of a contract, but every such
agreement does not form a
valid contract”. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer with reference to
the Law of Contract.
10. Write short notes , any three ---
(a) Purpose (b) Wagering agreement (c) Doctrine of Frustration (d) Breach of contract
LL.B Semester-I F.M =70
Paper-III Subject- law of
Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. Define tort and distinguish it from crime and contract.

2. ‘The two principal aims of tort law are to compensate the victim and to deter
torts in general.’ Consider the extent to which the doctrine of vicarious
liability helps to achieve both of these aims.
3. Explain the doctrine of “violenti non fit injuria” with various exceptions.
4. What are the basis for Vicarious Liability?
5. Discuss with illustrations the liability of a master for the wrongful acts of his
6. Explain the essential conditions of Tort with decided cases.
7. Comment on the general principles of contributory negligence and what is
‘Doctrine of alternative danger’ ?
8. Define the term ‘ Consumer Protection’ ---- Discuss the salient features and
objectives of the Act .
9. Give salient features of MV Act 1988 . What are the purposes for enacting
this act ?
10. Write short note any three ----
(a) Remoteness of damages (b) False imprisonment
(c) Rule of Res – Ipsa Locuitur (d) Third party risk
LL.B Semester-I F.M =70

Paper-IV Subject- I.P.C

Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. The maxim ‘Ignorantia juris non excusat; (ignorance of law excuses Non)
explain in relation to its application to criminal offences.
2. What is a crime ? Explain the difference between Crime and Tort. Whether a
slight hurt is a crime?
3. Distinguish between Common Intention and Common object. Ten people
gathered with sticks to attack a police station – whether they can be charged
with both Common Intention and Common object.
4. What is force? When does it become a criminal force? Justify lathi charging
by police in VIP duty.
5. What is Kidnapping? Distinguish it from abduction. Age is a factor in
Kidnapping – explain.
6. Distinguish hurt from grievous hurt. In a police firing, a man lost his left eye
whether he can lodge an FIR against the police for grievous hurt?
7. Distinguish ‘rioting from affray’. Explain Communal violence.
8. State the circumstances when culpable homicide does not amount to murder?
What are the aggravating factors?
9. Define adultery. When does the second marriage becomes an offence?
Whether a Muslim can be charged for engaging third marriage. Whether
‘Nikaha Hala’ is adultery?
10. Write Short notes , any three ----
(a) Necessity ( Sec-81) (b) Joint and Constructive Liability
(c ) Extortion (d) Sedition
LL.B Semester-I F.M =70

Paper-V Subject- Pub.Intl.Law

Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. Explain the basis of international law with the help of jurisprudential.theories.

2. Discuss the status of individual in international law.
3. Briefly discuss the general principles of law recognised by international law.
4. How far international treaties bind Indian Courts ? Discuss in detail the Indian
practice of implementation of treaties in municipal legal system.
5. Explain the basis of ‘Treaties’ as a source of international law.
6. “The relationship between international law and municipal law has been an
uneasy compromise between Monism and Dualism.”
7. How far do you agree that international law is true law ?
8. Explain critically the following:
(a) Distinction between recognition of a State and recognition of
(b) Distinction between recognition ‘de facto‘ and ‘de jure’.
(C) Retroactive effect of recognisation and International law.
9. What do you understand from the two terms ‘ Asylum’ & ‘ Extradition ‘ ?
Illustrate your answer with suitable examples critically analyzing about the
two terms .
10. Write short note , any three ----
(a) Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
(b) Acquisition of State Territory
(c ) Essential Elements of Customs
(d) Jurisdiction
LL.B Semester-I F.M =70

Paper-VI Subject-
Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .
1. Discuss the nature, scope and subject matter of jurisprudence?
2. Jurisprudence is the eye of law ? discuss
3. "Law is the command of the sovereign." Critically examine this
statement of Austin in the light of present-day circumstances.
4. Explain Austin definition and show how Salmond makes an
improvement over it ?
5. Discuss Savigny theory of Volkgeist and its relevance in Indian
condition ?
6. "The movement of progress society has hitherto been from status to
contract" - Maine, Discuss
7. What are the fundamental principles of Sociological School and what
has been the contribution of this school in
legal development ? Discuss
8. Realism is not a school of legal theory but it is a movement. Discuss
the contribution and weakness of Realist School?
9. Elaborate the concept and theories of Justice focusing upon various legal
theories .

10. Write short note , any three ----

(a) Anthropological theory of law (b) Social Engineering

(c ) Post Modernism (d) Natural Law

LL.B Semester-I F.M =70

Paper-VII Subject-
Examinee has to attempt total 5 questions amongst Q.10 is compulsory . All Questions are of equal value .

1. Describe in brief The need and Importance Of Legal Language.

2. Write a letter to The Supdt. Of Police explaining the problem of eve teasing in your college.
3. Write an essay on any of the following:
A.Human Rights in Indian context B.Judicial Activism
C.Eve Teasing –An increasing Menace D. Freedom of Press-A boon or a bane
4. Precedents are a source of law. Critically analyze the statement with the help of decided cases.
5. Provide meaning of the following legal terms and use them in sentences
(a) Ab – Initio (b) Ad- Valoram (c ) Alibid
(d) Ambiguitas Latens (e) Amicus – curiae (f) Animus – Possidendi
(g) Audi alteram partem (h) Caveat emptor (i) De facto modus operandi
(j) Prima facie
6. Correct error
(a) He lament for his failure . (b) The Sun rise in the east .
(c ) Never, tell lie . (d) Always , speak truth .
(e) The Ganga regarded as holy river to Hindus .(f) It has raining from yesterday evening .
7. Change the forms of sentences as directed .
(a) Ram was playing football . ( Turn in to present indefinite )
(b) They had gone to school . ( Turn in to past continuous )
(c ) Robin will buy a bicycle . ( Turn in to present continuous )
(d) The Police are chasing the dacoits . ( Turn in to present perfect continuous )
(e ) The ‘mother’ awoke in the mother when her dead child was kept on her lap . ( Turn in to simple
present )
8. Change the voice .
(a) Children were playing football . ( Turn in to passive voice )
(b) It is too good to believe . ( Turn in to passive voice )
(c ) The aeroplane is flying above my head . ( Turn in to active voice )
(d) The dacoits were being chased by the Police . ( Turn in to active voice )
(e) The saint blessed his disciples . ( Turn in to passive voice )
9. Translate in to Hindi .
India had been considered as a land of prosperity from centuries . That’s why foreign invaders had
attacked her several times for plundering . Repeatedly , doing so , they noticed that Indians were not
united and divided in to fragments in the name of religions , castes , race , creeds , behaviors , rituals etc
. , naturally , they began to rule upon this country and natives remained help less. They only blamed the
God without trying to resist invaders . So , this land remained under foreign rules for centuries .
10. Translate In to English .
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LL.B Semester-I F.M =70
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