Acid Buffer Reaction Analysis Basic Acid Salt Reaction Analysis
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
F 43.11 9.22, 56.89 3.92 2.49 20 OH 41.56 14.65 58.44 4.29 2.19 2.10
A. 43.16 9.22 56.84 3.79 2.46 1.34 F 4.53 12.03 58.47 3.91 2.24 1.68
P 43.29 9.78 56.71 3.86 2.20 1.67 A 4.54 11.67 58.46 3.86 2.48 1.37
B 42.88 9.52 57.2 3.91 2.50 1.4 P 4.71 11.9 58.29 3.77 2.35 1.42
V 44.08 9.33 55.92 3.74 2.6 1.4 B 40.97 12.75 59.02 3.86 2.48 1.38
IB 43.41 9.54 56.57 3.83 2.44 1.39 V 42.00 15.35 58.00 3.93 2.38 55
IV 43.67 9.85 56.33 3.77 2.53 1.24 25 IB 42.62 10.78 57.38 3.87 2.68 i.19
IV 41.25 14.41 58.75 3.73 2.53 1.2
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
Acid Buffer Reaction Reductions
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic 30 Basic Acid Salt Reaction Reductions
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
F --.89 15.49 .64 6.22 8.79 2.75
A. - 1.01 15.49 .73 9.33 9.89 7.58 OH 2.73 -34.29 -2.07 -2.64 19.78 - 44.83
P - .32 10.35 .96 7.65 1941 - 5.18 F 2.8 - 10.27 -2.12 6.45 17.94 - 15.87
B -.36 12.74 .24 6.45 8.42 2.75 35 A 2.78 -6.97 -2. 7.65 9.15 5.5
V -3.16 14.48 2.34 10.52 4.76 21.37 P 2.38 -9.17 -1.8 9.8 13.91 2.06
IB - 1.6 1255 i.2 8.37 10.62 4.13 B 4.11 - 6.87 -3.08 7.65 9.15 4.82
IV -2.2 9.71 1.62 9.8 7.32 4.48 V 1.7 - 40.7 - 1.3 5.98 12.82 -6.9
IB 25 1.19 -.21 7.41 1.83 17.93
All reductions in percent of original analysis IV 3.46 -32.09 -2.61 0.76 7.32 17.24
Negative sign means increase
F = formic acid 40 All reductions in percent of original analysis
A = acetic acid Negative sign means increase
P = propionic acid F is formic acid
B = butyric acid A = acetic acid
W = valeric acid P = propionic acid
IB = iso-butyric acid B = butyric acid
IV = iso-valeric acid W = valeric acid
45 IB = iso-butyric acid
IVs iso-valeric acid
Acid Salt Analysis TABLE 9
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Peracid Analysis
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur 50 Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
F 42.55 11.12 57.45 3.89 2.1 1.79 Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
A 41.52 12.17 58.48 3.99 2.28 1.71 H2O2 43.14 9.03 56.86 3.37 2.28 77
P 43.15 10.57 56.85 4.02 2.8 1.84 F 43.28 8.91 56.72 3.41 2.32 .76
B 42.45 9.72 57.55 3.94 2.4 54 A. 43.33 8.67 56.67 3.26 2.46 46
V 43.94 10.35 56.05 4.01 2.55 1.46
IB 41.23 13.96 58.77 3.79 2.39 14. 55 Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
V 43.5 9.97 56.85 3.81 2.57 1.24
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis. TABLE 10
Peracid Reductions
TABLE 6 60 Vol. Total Organic Pyritic
Matter Ash Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
Acid Salt Reaction Reductions
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic H2O2 -.96 17.23 19.37 6.48 46.89
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur F - 1.29 8.33 18.42 15.01 47.58
A. - 1.41 20.53 22 9.89 68.27
F .42 -1.93 -.34 6.93 23.07 -23.45
A. 2.83 -11.55 -2.4 4.54 16.48 -- 7.94 All reductions in percent of original analysis
5 Negative sign means increase
P -99 3.11 .7 3.82 20.14 -26.9 F = formic acid
B .65 10.9 -.5 5.74 2.08 -6.21 H2O2 = 1 M in H2O2
V -2.84 5.13 2.11 4.06 6.59 -.69 A = acetic acid
IB 3.51 -27.96 -2.64 9.33 12.45 3.44
7 4,701,
Peracid Buffer Analysis Pressurized Acid Reductions
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur 5 Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
F 42.75 9.36 57.25 3.46 2.345 77 H2O O 2. -.02 7.41 3.29 17.93
A 42.87 9.59 57.13 3.52 2.80 .73 F 09 9.8 -.09 8.85 3.66 20
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis. A. -.05 13.29 O 7.89 - 4.4 32.4
F -- A .14 12.64 -.3 8.37 - 0.99 11.72
All reductions in percent of original analysis
TABLE 12 10 Negative sign means increase
Basic Acid Salt Reaction Reductions H2O = water blank reaction run
A = acetic acid
Wol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic F = formic acid
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur F - A = formic and acetic acid combination
F -.05 14.2 0. 7.22 14.1 46.89
A. -.33 12.09 .22 15.78 -2.57 49.65 15
All reductions in percent of original analysis
Negative sign means increase Pressurized Acid Buffer Analysis
F = formic acid Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
A = acetic acid
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
20 F 42.75 9.88 57.25 3.94 2.65 1.28
TABLE 13 A 42,03 0.15 57.99 3.80 2.58 1.2
Peracid Salt Analysis F -- A 42.46 0.38 57.54 4.08 2.77 1.31
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
F 42.52 11.00 57.48 3.69 2.63 1.04 25 TABLE 20
A. 42.92 9.26 57.08 3.47 2.55 90
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis. - Pressurized Acid Buffer Reductions
Wo. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
TABLE 14 F -.08 9.44 0. 5.74 2.93 11.72
Peracid Salt Reductions 30 A 1.61 6.96 - 1.28 9.09 5.49 17.24
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic F- A .6 4.85 -.49 2.39 - 1.47 9.65
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur All reductions in percent of original analysis
F 49 -.83 -39 11.72 3.66 28.27 Negative sign means increase
A -.45 15.12 31 16.98 6.59 37.93 F is formic acid
A = acetic acid
All reductions in percent of original analysis 35 F - A = formic and acetic acid combination
Negative sign means increase
F = formic acid
A sin acetic acid TABLE 21
Pressurized Acid Salt Analysis
TABLE 15 40 Wol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic
Basic Peracid Salt Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic F 41.84 11.25 57.51 3.89 2.45 1.45
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur A 42.32 0.89 57.68 3.86 2.52 1.32
F 42.55 13.88 57.45 3.63 2.59 1.02 F- A 42.72 1.82 57.28 4.1 2.71 1.38
A. 42.97 9.69 57.03 3.58 2.76 .8 45 Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis.
TABLE 16 Pressurized Acid Buffer Reductions -
Basic Peracid Salt Reductions 50 Vol. Fixed Tota Organic Pyritic
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur F 2.08 -3.12 - .44 6.93 10.25 0
F .42 -27.23 -.34 3.15 5.12 29.65 A. .95 .18 -.74 7.65 7.69 8.96
A -57 11.18 .4 14.35 - i.1 44.13 F -- A .02 -8.35 -.04 1.91 73 4.82
All reductions in percent of original analysis 55 All reductions in percent of original analysis
Negative sign means increase Negative sign means increase
F = formic acid F is formic acid
A = acetic acid A = acetic acid
F - A = formic and acetic acid combination
Pressurized Acid Analysis 60 TABLE 23
Vol. Fixed Total Organic Pyritic Sulfur Reductions of Reacted -60 Mesh Coals
Matter Ash Carbon Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Total Organic Pyritic Sulfate
H2O 42.73 10.68 57.27 3.87 2.64 1.19 Run No Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur
F 42.69 9.84 57.31 3.81 2.63 1.6 1 16.03 8.40 41.38 - 177.8
A 42.75 9.46 57.25 3.85 2.85 98 65 2 4.35 5.34 49.66 -300.0
F- A 42.67 9.53 57.33 3.83 3.03 1.28 3 24.03 79.44 -22.5 -80.00
Analysis percentages are in dry ash free basis except ash which is in dry basis. 4. 3.33 19.80 - 19.18 - 100.00
5 5.34 28.35 -62.22 0.00
4,701, 183
9 10
TABLE 23-continued TABLE 27
Sulfur Reductions of Reacted -60 Mesh Coals Preoxidation reations
Total Organic Pyritic Sulfate RUN #2O1 % % Reduction
Run No. Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur ot. S. 2.99 28.4
6 23.51 46.99 12.96 - 100.00 Org. S. 238 9.1
Pyr. S. 0.40 72.4
All reductions in percent of original analysis Sul. S. 0.21
Negative sign means increase