Asam Fosfat
Asam Fosfat
Asam Fosfat
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unsuitable for the production of commercial fertilizers.
PROCESS FOR PRODUCING WET PROCESS Efforts to remove these contaminants from the phos
PHOSPHORECACID FROM PHOSPHATE ROCKS phate rock before it is used for phosphoric acid manu
CONTAINING FLUOCHLORAPATTE AND facture generally have been only partly successful. Re
RELATED MENERALS moval of iron and aluminum contaminants from the
phosphoric acid product is often practiced, but the
TO RELATED methods employed have resulted in major losses of
phosphorous values in a waste or "raffinate” stream.
This application is a continuation-in-part of copend This waste stream normally is of little economic value,
ing application for U.S. patent Ser. No. 358,613, filed 10 since it is usually unsuitable for use in the manufacture
Mar. 16, 1982, now abandoned. . ... . of a conventional fertilizer product.
TECHNICAL FIELD Finally, other minor mineral contaminants which
occur in some phosphate rocks may cause serious prob
The present invention pertains to the manufacture of lems during the manufacture of phosphoric acid by the
phosphoric acid by the wet process method, and more. 15 wet process. For example, the hard mineral ilmenite,
particularly to the manufacture of phosphoric acid from FeTiO3, can cause severe abrasion to processing equip
rock containing fluochlorapatite and other mineral spe ment. Manganese minerals, such as pyrolusite, MnO2,
cies containing excessive iron or aluminum not encoun contain manganese in a high oxidation state; phosphate
tered in presently exploited phosphate deposits. 20
rock containing such species can yield highly oxidative
BACKGROUND ART phosphoric acid which, under certain conditions, can be
severely corrosive. Since these minerals rarely occur in
In the wet process method of producing phosphoric the phosphate rocks normally used in the manufacture
acid, phosphate rock and sulfuric acid are reacted under of phosphoric acid, methods of using phosphate rock
conditions which result in the formation of reaction 25 containing these species have not been developed.
products, phosphoric acid and gypsum, in accordance In the past, large sedimentary deposits of high grade
with the chemical equation: phosphate rock have been available for the manufacture
of phosphoric acid by the wet process method. Because
of the relatively uniform nature of these deposits, and
30 because they are contaminated by relatively innocuous
As this equation indicates, the major mineral usually minerals such as dolomite, silica sand and various clays,
present in most conventional phosphate rocks is a fluo their beneficiation and use in the manufacture of phos
ride containing species which yields hydrofluoric-acid phoric acid is well understood.
during the reaction. The hydrofluoric acid then reacts As these sedimentary deposits are mined out, the
with active silica normally present in the rock to give 35 more unconventional phosphate rock deposits such as
hydrofluosilicic acid according to the following general those containing fluochlorapatite, iron and aluminum
chemical equation: s' mineral species will have to be exploited. Accordingly,
a need exists for processes for producing and purifying
phosphoric acid by the wet process without undesirable
corrosive effects from these more unconventional and
This latter reaction is of practical importance industri untapped phosphate rocks. y ..
ally since the normally very corrosive hydrofluoric acid
is transformed into the less, corrosive hydrofluosilicic BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
acid. - * . . .. . . For a more complete understanding of the present
Phosphate rock in which a significant amount of 45 invention and for other obvious advantages thereof,
fluoride is replaced by chloride, such as in rock contain reference is now made to the following description,
ing the mineral fluochlorapatite, or phosphate, rock taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing in
deficient in active silica can present very serious corro
sion problems if it is used to manufacture phosphoric which: FIG. 1 is a block diagram
the processes of
acid by the wet process method. This corrosion prob 50 the present invention. - -
lem is associated with the presence of free hydrochloric
and/or hydrofluoric acids dissolved in the phosphoric, DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
acid-gypsum reaction slurry. Efforts to remove the This invention is directed to a process which eco
chloride contaminant economically from phosphate nomically recovers phosphoric acid from phosphate
rock containing fluochlorapatite have been unsuccess rock containing fluochlorapatite and permits the re
ful because the chloride is insoluble and tightly locked 55 moval of undesirable aluminum and iron contaminates.
within the crystal lattice in what is known as channel The invention also describes a process which permits
Some phosphate ores contain other troublesome min the upgrading of phosphoric acid containing excessive
eral species. Iron containing minerals such a hematite, 60 ironAccording
and aluminum contaminants.
to one embodiment of the invention, a
Fe2O3, and geothite, HFeO2, and aluminum containing process is disclosed
minerals such as crandallite, CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.3H2O, the wet process fromforphosphate producing phosphoric acid by
rock containing fluo
will dissolve in the reaction slurry during the manufac chlorapatite. Phosphate rock containing
ture of phosphoric acid by the wet method, yielding a tite is crushed to a size such that from aboutfluochlorapa
50 to about
phosphoric acid which is usually considered unsuitable
for further processing to fertilizer products if the level 65 90% by weight will pass through a -200 mesh U.S.S.
of iron or aluminum contamination is too high, Gener sieve. The crushed rock is mixed in a digestor with
ally phosphoric acid having an (Fe2O3-Al2O3) to recycled phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid to form a
P2O5 ratio much greater than about 0.095 is considered slurry. The oxidation-reduction potential of the slurry is
3 4,485,078
maintained at about -- 150 mv to about --750 mv by the resulting acid may be concentrated to a level of from
addition of a reductant such as sulfur dioxide, ammo about 40% to about 54% P2O5 by evaporation.
nium bisulfite, sodium sulfite or metallic zinc, aluminum
or iron. The F/SiO2 ratio of the slurry is preferably DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
maintained in the range from about 1.9 to about 2.3 to INVENTION
minimize corrosion. The slurry is then filtered to re
move gypsum by-products therefrom to obtain a fil ingThe present invention provides a method of produc
tered phosphoric acid. A portion of the phosphoric acid phosphate rockacid
phosphoric by the wet process method using
is recycled and the remaining portion is concentrated to considered commerciallyheretofore
would have been
for this purpose.
a level of from about 40% to about 54% P2O5. 10 Unlike more commonly used phosphate rocks, such as
According to another embodiment of the present those obtained from Florida or Morocco, such rock
invention, a process is disclosed for producing phos might contain, for example, from 0.2% to 2.4% chloride
phoric acid by the wet process from a phosphate rock as fluochlorapatite, from 0.4% to 9.5% Fe2O3 as hema
containing fluochlorapatite. Phosphate rock containing tite and geothite, from
fluochlorapatite is crushed to a size such that from 15 lite, from 0.1% to 0.35%0.2% MnO2
to 3.0% Al2O3 as crandal
as pyrolusite, and from
about 50% to about 90% by weight will pass through a 0.4% to 3.0% TiO2 as ilmenite. Phosphate rock deposits
-200 mesh U.S.S. sieve. Crushed rock is mixed in a having this general composition are found, for example,
digestor with recycled phosphoric acid and sulfuric in Sri Lanka. The invention further provides for im
acid to form a slurry. The oxidation-reduction potential proving the quality of the phosphoric acid produced
of the slurry is maintained at about -- 150 mv to about 20 from Sri Lankan or other phosphate rock by eliminating
--750 mv by the addition of a reductant such as sulfur iron and aluminum contaminants, rendering such rock
dioxide, ammonium bisulfite, sodium sulfite or metallic suitable for use in the manufacture offertilizer products.
zinc, aluminun or iron. The F/SiO2 ratio of the slurry is FIG. 1 schematically illustrates the essential steps of
preferentially maintained in the range from about 1.9 to the process in the preferred embodiment of the inven
about 2.3 to minimize corrosion. The slurry is filtered to 25 tion. As shown in FIG. 1, phosphate rock feed contain
remove gypsum by-products therefrom to obtain a ing fluochlorapatite, hematite and geothite, crandallite,
phosphoric acid. A portion of the phosphoric acid is pyrolusite and ilmenite
recycled to the digestor. If the remaining phosphoric fed to a crusher 10 whichin grinds the ranges described above is
the rock to from about
acid contains unacceptable aluminum contamination, 50% to about 90% -200 mesh (U.S.A. Standard) size.
the acid is treated to remove excess aluminum by add 30 If the rock contains more than about 2.5% ilmenite, it
ing sufficient soluble sodium and fluoride containing may be desirable, but not necessary, to pretreat the rock
compounds to the filtered acid to precipitate aluminum to remove excess ilmenite at a pretreatment stage 12
as a crystalline salt. The mixture is stirred in a reactor at shown in FIG. 1. Removal of excess ilmenite is espe
a temperature less than about 70 C. for about 15 to cially important in reducing abrasion which tends to be
about 60 minutes at which time the aluminum precipi 35 a problem in subsequent processing. Ilmenite can be
tate is removed from the solution to obtain an aluminum
removed phosphoric acid. If the filtered acid contains separated ventional
from the bulk of the phosphate rock by con
beneficiation techniques which take account
unacceptable levels of iron, the acid is treated to re of the differences in specific gravity between ilmenite
move excess iron by adding sufficient ammonium hy and the phosphate rock. Such
droxide to the filtered acid to precipitate iron as a crys because ilmenite normally has atechniques are useful
specific gravity of
talline salt. The mixture is allowed to age from about 2 about 4.1-4.8, while most phosphate rocks have an
to about 20 hours at a temperature between about 25°C. overall specific gravity of only about 3.1-3.4. Separa
and the boiling point of the acid, at which time the iron tion of excess
salt precipitate is removed from the solution to obtain advantageous ilmenite because
at this stage is also economically
the by-product ilmenite can also
an iron removed phosphoric acid. 45 be used as a source of titanium or as a source material
According to yet another embodiment of the present
invention, a process is disclosed for reducing the alumi forThe the production of titanium dioxide.
ground, pretreated or untreated phosphate rock
num content of phosphoric acid where the ratio of from crusher
Al2O5 to MgO is at least about 5 to 1. Sufficient quantity conventional 10 is then passed into the digestor 14 of a
of sodium and fluoride containing compound is added 50 Almost any conventionaltypedihydrate
dihydrate phosphoric acid process.
type phosphoric
to the phosphoric acid to precipitate aluminum as a acid process can be used to manufacture phosphoric
crystalline salt, principally in the form of Na2AlF5. The acid from the phosphate rock described herein
resulting mixture is then stirred for about 15 to about 60 modifications are made. Since the equipment isifentirely certain
minutes at a temperature less than about 70° C., at conventional, the digestor and filter functions are repre
which time the aluminum precipitate is filtered from the 55 sented
mixture to obtain an aluminum removed phosphoric that theschematically in FIG. 1, with it being understood
acid. The acid may be further concentrated to a level of particular application can beand
details of filtration digestion adapted to a
supplied by those skilled in
from about 40% to about 54% by evaporation. the art.
According to yet another embodiment of the present
invention, a process is disclosed for reducing the iron areSeveral necessary
preferred adjustments in digestor conditions
to reduce the corrosiveness of the diges
content of phosphoric acid to a desired level. A suffi tor slurry made
cient quantity of ammonia is added to the phosphoric control corrosion,from Sri Lankan phosphate rock. To
acid to precipitate iron as a crystalline salt, principally maintained below the digestor temperature should be
in the form of NH4Fe2H8(PO4)5.4H2O. The mixture is about 70 C. and about 82 85 about C., preferably between
C. Corrosion is further mini
aged from about 2 to about 24 hours at temperatures 65 mized by maintaining the F/SiO2
between about 25 and the boiling point of the acid, at about 1.9 and about 2.3. This ratio weight can be
ratio between
maintained by
which time the iron precipitate is filtered from the mix the addition of active silica, such as diatomaceous earth,
ture to obtain an iron reduced phosphoric acid. The to the digestor.
When phosphate rock of the Sri Lankan type de or untreated phosphte rock and weak (unconcentrated)
scribed above is used to produce phosphoric acid, the phosphoric acid which is recycled to the digestor. Pref
addition of a reductant to adjust the oxidation reduction erably, the reductant is added directly to the digestor at
potential of the phosphoric acid slurry has an unexpect any point which would ensure good mixing with the
edly beneficial effect in terms of reducing the corrosive
ness of the slurry. Phosphoric acid produced from com slurry in FIG.
or to the recycled phosphoric acid as illustrated
1, although it may also be added to the slurry or
monly used phosphate rocks contains soluble iron in to a mixture of the recycled phosphoric acid and the
two oxidation states, Fe(II) and Fe(III). The relative slurry in a separate stirred vessel (not shown). As shown
proportion of the two iron species generally controls in FIG.1, active silica
the oxidation-reduction potential of wet process phos 10 maintain the F/SiO2may also be added to the digestor
phoric acid. Usually this potential is in the range of to ratio in the range of from about
1.9 to about 2.3. The digestor slurry is then fed to a filter
about +110 mv to about +230 mV, as measured using a 16, to which a water wash is added and the gypsum
platinum working electrode and a saturated calomel by-products
reference electrode. However, Sri Lankan phosphate recycled backareviaremoved. A portion of the filter acid is
path 18 to the digestor and the re
rock, described above, can contain oxidative manganese 15
minerals which assure that virtually all of the dissolved mainder is usually concentrated to a level of about 40%
iron is oxidized to Fe(III). In fact, an excess of the man make and further processed in the conventional manner to
ganese mineral is often present so that the phosphoric fertilizer materials.
acid contains manganese as the soluble Mn(III) com When a phosphate rock having a high iron and/or
plex, H3Mn (PO4)2. The presence of this complex en 20 aluminum content is used to produce phosphoric acid
sures that the solution oxidation-reduction potential is by the wet process method, the resultant phosphoric
always higher than about +250 mv. Generally these acid can contain unacceptably high levels of these two
higher potentials help to reduce the corrosivity of the impurities. The present invention therefore provides
phosphoric acid, since at these potentials, metals are two improved methods of removing these contaminants
usually in a passive state. However, excessive levels of from the phosphoric acid. Each of these methods is
manganese can lead to the production of phosphoric 25 designed principally for the removal of one of these
acid which has a solution potential of -900 mV or impurities. Often treatment of the acid by one or the
higher. At these potentials, the acid again becomes very other of these processes yields a phosphoric acid of
corrosive due to the phenomenon of transpassivity sufficient purity that it is suitable for subsequent use in
when oxidation of the oxide film or the metal which fertilizer production. However, both of these processes
confers passivity is rendered soluble by oxidation. 30 can be used to treat an acid heavily contaminated with
Therefore, phosphoric acid production plants designed both impurities.
to use phosphate rocks of this sort must provide for the If the filter acid is heavily contaminated with alumi
addition of a reductant to the phosphoric acid in order num and iron, which can occur when Sri Lankan phos
to maintain the oxidation-reduction potential between 35 phate rock or other rock such as phosphate rock mined
about -- 150 mv and about +750 mv, and preferably in the Christmas Islands is used, the acid may be unsuit
between --250 mv and --500 mV. This reductant can be able for production of fertilizers. Accordingly, further
added in several ways; preferably it should be added processing may be required to upgrade the acid by
directly into the digestor or into a recycled phosphoric selectively removing the aluminum and/or iron impuri
acid stream. ties.
Various reductants are suitable for use in this process: As shown in FIG. 1, the filter acid may be further
for example, metallic iron, aluminum or zinc, sodium processed by a path 20 to remove aluminum via path 22,
sulfite, ammonium bisulfite or sulfur dioxide. Sulfur remove iron via path 24, or both, by first removing
dioxide is the preferred reductant because as it is con aluminum, then iron or by first removing iron, then
sumed, it is transformed into sulfuric acid, which is the 45 aluminum.
major reactant being added to the digestor. In the aluminum removal process shown in FIG. 1,
If the oxidation-reduction potentials and the other sodium and fluoride compounds are added to the filter
above-mentioned conditions are maintained in the
digestor circuit, certain nickel-based alloys have unex aluminuma stirred
acid in reactor 30 in such amounts that the
precipitates as a crystalline salt having an
pectedly been found to be suitable for use as materials of 0 approximate composition,
construction for all equipment which comes in contact cipitation of large, readilyNa2AlF5. removable
To assure the pre
crystals of Na
with either the reactor slurry or the filter acid. This is
true even though the chloride content of these acidic 2AlF5, the reactants must be mixed well with the phos
materials is as much as about 1%, a level previously phoric acid. Although the reaction can be carried out
considered unacceptably high for the use of most alloys. 55 batch-wise or semi-continuously, it is preferable to
Commercially available alloys having the following carry it out in a continuous fashion in stirred tank reac
composition are especially suitable: tor 30. The residence time in this reactor should be
about 15 to about 60 minutes. Although the precipita
Nickel - Balance
tion of Na2AlF5 can be carried out at higher tempera
Carbon - 0.05% maximum tures on the order of 70° C., more of the aluminum will
Cobalt - 2.50% maximum Copper - 1.50-2.50%
Chromium - 2.0-23.5% Columbium -- tantalum - 1.75-4.50% 60 be removed at lower temperatures. Accordingly, it is
Molybdenum - 5.5-9.5% Phosphorous - 0.04% maximum preferable that the reaction be carried out at tempera
Tungsten - 1.0% Sulfur - 0.03% maximum tures in the range of from about 30" to about 50 C.
Silicon - 1.0% maximum Iron can be about 3%, or in the After the reaction has been carried out in reactor 30
Manganese - 1.0-2.0% range of 18.0 to 21.0%
maximum for the requisite time, the precipitate is then filtered
65 from the acid in a filter 32, or alternatively, removed by
settling or centrifugation. Since the Na2AlF5 is fairly
Referring once again to FIG. 1, a slurry is formed in insoluble, the precipitate may be washed with a small
the digestor 14 by mixing sulfuric acid, crushed, treated amount of water to remove residual phosphoric acid.
4,485,078 8
The Na2AlFs can be discarded, sold as a by-product or erable from the by-product material, Na2AlFs, or those
preferably decomposed to recover fluoride and/or so that are inexpensive and readily available.
dium values for recycling. The filtered phosphoric acid The second add-on process for upgrading wet pro
can then be subjected to additional purification steps, cess phosphoric acid is designed to remove iron as an
can be processed to finished products, or can be sub insoluble, crystalline salt having a composition approxi
jected to the iron removal process via path 34. Phos mately represented by the formula, NH4Fe2H8(PO4)5.4-
phoric acid having a concentration from about 17% to H2O. As shown in FIG. 1, this process is carried out by
about 54% P2O5 can be treated successfully by this adding a small amount of ammonia to the filtered phos
process, although the process is principally designed for phoric acid from filter 16 via path 24 or from aluminum
up-grading phosphoric acid having a concentration 10 removed acid from filter 32. The mixture is allowed to
between about 25% and about 32% P2O5. The process age in a stirred reactor 40 during which time the iron
is most successful when used to treat phosphoric acid containing precipitate forms crystals which are easily
containing relatively little magnesium relative to alumi removed from the acid by filtration, settling or centrifu
num. Generally the Al2O5 to MgO ratio in the phos gation. The precipitation reaction can be carried out
phoric acid should be at least about 5 to 1. If the Al2O3 15 from about 25 C. to the boiling point of the phosphoric
to MgO ratio is too low, the salt NaMg,Al2-x(FOH)6.- acid. However, the precipitation reaction proceeds
H2O will form. This material normally precipitates as most rapidly to give an easily filterable precipitate be
very small crystals which are extremely difficult to tween the ranges of from about 50 C. to about 110° C.,
remove from the phosphoric acid with conventional even more preferably between about 70° C. and about
techniques. 20 95 C. Prior to filtration, the reaction mixture can be
In order to effect precipitation of aluminum, the fluo optionally cooled to from about 30° C. to about 50 C.
ride level must be adjusted so that the concentration of to effect more complete precipitation of the iron. The
free fluoride in the phosphoric acid is at least about 1.86 aging time required to effect good crystallization of the
times the concentration of aluminum as Al2O3. The precipitate is from about 2 to about 24 hours, preferen
term "free fluoride' as used herein means any ionic 25 tially between about 8 and about 20 hours. The exact
fluoride not complexed with silicon as the fluosilicate aging time is dependent upon the phosphoric acid com
ion. A convenient method for calculating the total position and temperature, and is best determined for
amount of fluoride that must be added to a given quan each different type of phosphoric acid.
tity of phosphoric acid can be calculated by using the When the mixture has aged in the stirring reactor 40
following equation: 30
for the requisite time, it is passed into the filter 42 where
X = 1.86 (Al2O3)+1.90 (SiO2)-(F) the solid iron-containing phase is removed by filtration;
the solid phase then can be optionally washed with a
where: small amount of water to remove as much of the resid
X=The amount of fluoride to be added. 35
ual phosphoric acid as possible. Since the P2O5 content
Al2O3=The amount of alumina in the phosphoric of the precipitate is mostly soluble in neutral ammonium
acid. citrate solution, it can be considered a valuable available
SiO2=The amount of soluble silica in the phosphoric plant nutrient. Thus, the solid can be processed to a
acid. fertilizer by drying or ammoniation. Alternatively, the
F=The total amount of fluoride already present in precipitate can be removed from the phosphoric acid by
the phosphoric acid. centrifugation.
The sodium level must be adjusted so that sufficient Following removal of the iron precipitate, the iron
sodium is present not only to precipitate aluminum as removed acid which typically has a concentration of
Na2AlF5, but also to react with the fluosilicate ion to about 27-28% P2O5 is passed to a concentrator 44
form Na2SiF6. The amount of sodium which must be 45
where the concentration is increased from about 40% to
added to the phosphoric acid can be calculated by using about 54% P2O5 by evaporation. If the filter acid is
the following formula: processed first to remove iron and further processing is
desired to remove aluminum, the iron reduced acid is
Y=0.90 (Al2O3)+0.76 (SiO2)-(Na) then sent to stirred reactor 30 via path 46 and is pro
where: 50 cessed to remove aluminum impurities as described
Y=The amount of sodium to be added. Generally, it is best to reduce the iron content of
Al2O3=The amount of alumina in the phosphoric heavily contaminated phosphoric acid to just below a
acid. level typical for phosphoric acid produced from Florida
SiO2=The amount of soluble silica in the phosphoric phosphate rock. For 30% P2O5 Florida type of phos
acid. 55
Na=The total amount of sodium already present in phoric acid, the Fe2O3 content is usually about 0.9% to
the phosphoric acid. about 1.3%. If the iron removal is thus limited, the
Many compounds can be used to adjust the sodium and residual level of ammoniacal nitrogen left in the phos
fluoride content of the phosphoric acid. Sodium levels phoric acid will be less than about 1%, and the genera
tion of the iron containing byproduct can be minimized.
can be adjusted by using, for example, sodium chloride, 60 The amount of ammonia which must be added to the
sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate and sodium hydrox phosphoric acid in order to achieve a desired residual
ide. Fluoride levels can be adjusted using hydrofluoric iron level can be estimted using the following relation:
acid, ammonium fluoride, ammonium bifluoride or cal
cium fluoride. Both the sodium and fluoride levels can
be adjusted by using sodium fluoride and sodium bifluo 65
ride. Generally any sodium or free fluoride containing -5 rv2
material which dissolves in phosphoric acid is suitable, A = 0.126 (, – 12 + 396 x (P)
but the preferred materials are those most easily recov
where: phosphoric acid produced was held between 27.23%
A=The amount of ammonia required. P2O5 to 29.09% P2O5. The oxidation-reduction poten
I=The initial amount of iron present (as Fe). tial of the slurry was maintained between +301 mv and
If =The final amount of residual iron desired (as Fe). --456 mv by the addition of sulfur dioxide gas directly
W=The total weight of acid to be treated. The resid 5 into the stirred reaction mixture.
ual amount of ammoniacal nitrogen which will At the end of the test, the Hastelloy G impeller
remain in the treated acid after removal of the iron showed a corrosion-erosion weight loss equivalent to 37
precipitate can be estimated by the following for mils per year. Most of the loss was caused by abrasive
action due to the high ilmenite content of this ore; cor
rosion measurements using a corrosion meter indicated
= 491 x 108
If (W) a corrosion rate of only 5 mils per year, even though the
phosphoric acid produced had an average chloride
content of 0.82%. No pitting-type corrosion was ob
N=Residual amount of ammoniacal nitrogen. 15 served.
If =The final amount of residual iron. EXAMPLE 2
W=The total weight of acid treated. To demonstrate the effect of using a rock having a
The amount of P2O5 removed with the iron can be lower ilmenite and manganese content, a phosphoric
estimated using the following equation: 20 acid pilot test was carried out as in Example 1, but a
P=342 (Ii-If) rock having the following composition was used.
where: Component Percent
P=The amount of P2O5 that will be removed with P2O5 35.04
the iron. - ;' - 25 CaO 46.89
I=The initial amount of iron in the phosphoric acid. Fe2O3 4.52
If =The final amount of iron in the phosphoric acid. Al2O3 1.79
The following examples illustrate the invention with Cl
out limiting its scope in any way: MgO O.04
EXAMPLE 1. 30 MnO2 0.131
Na2O 0.179
A phosphate rock was roughly crushed and then was FeTiO3 (ilmenite) 2.05
ground in a ball mill to the following screen size:
The rock was ground to give the following screen
Screens Percent of Total 35 analysis:
--35 2.6
-35, -100 200
-100, -200 15.6 Screens Percent of Total
-200 61.8
--35 6.6
40 -35, -100 20.5
After grinding the rock was found to have the follow - 100, -200 19.4
ing analysis: -200 53.5
Component Percent During the test, the digestor temperature was held
45 between 68 C. and 73 C.; free sulfate averaged 2.87%,
P2O5 33.70 and the concentration of the phosphoric acid produced
CaO 43.60
Fe2O3 7.54 averaged 29.15%. The oxidation-reduced potential of
Al2O3 1.91 the slurry ranged from +370 mv to +660 mV. The
Hastelloy G impeller showed a corrosion-erosion
MgO 0.025 50 weight of only 4.24 mils per year; no pitting of the metal
MnO2 0.316 was observed, even though the chloride content of the
Na2O 0.55 phosphoric acid averaged 0.609%.
FeTiO2 (ilmenite) 3.97
This rock was used to prepare phosphoric acid in a 55 To demonstrate the effect of raising the temperature
single tank, pilot phosphoric acid unit during a 98 hour of the digestor slurry, a test as in Example 2 was carried
continuous acidulation test. An impeller constructed of out, except that the digestor temperature was raised to
the alloy, Haselloy G, was used to stir the reaction between 76° C. and 83 C. In addition, a second impeller
slurry; the tip speed of the impeller blade was main constructed of Inconel 625 was also tested. The corro
tained between 2.2 and 4.3 meters/second throughout sion rates for the Hastelloy G and Inconel 625 impellers
the test. The impeller blade was weighed at the begin were found to be 6.67 mils per year and 8.35 mils per
ning and at the end of the test in order to determine the year, respectively.
weight of metal lost due to corrosion plus abrasion. EXAMPLE 4
Corrosion rates were also measured during the test
using a Petrolite Model 103 Corrosion Meter. 65 To demonstrate the use of a rock having a higher
During the test, the digestor temperature was main manganese content, where the oxidation-reduction po
tained between 70° C. and 73° C.; free sulfate was held tential was uncontrolled, a rock sample having the fol
between 1.02% and 1.56%; the concentration of the lowing composition was tested:
Component Percent.
A continuous pilot unit designed for the removal of
50.54 5
aluminum from phosphoric acid was operated for 5
Fe2O3 2.70 hours. Sodium fluoride and hydrofluoric acid were
Al2O3 0.73 added to phosphoric acid having the following compo
Cl 109 sition:
F 2.40
MgO 0,071
MnO2 0.261 10 Component Percent
Na2O 0.15 P2O5 29.82
FeTiO3 (ilmenite) 2.53 Al2O3 1.68
Fe2O3 2.48
Na2O 0,12
The test was carried out as in Example 2, except the F 1.44
oxidation-reduction potential was not controlled by 15
addition of sulfur dioxide. The potential rose to as high
as --950 mV. The corrosion rates for the Hastelloy G 3.64Fluoride grams
was added at the rate of between 3.58 and
of F per 100 grams of phosphoric acid; so
and Inconel 625 impellers were found to be 11.71 mils dium was added at the rate of between 1.82 and 1.91.
per year and 15.77 mils per year, respectively. 20 grams of sodium per 100 grams of phosphoric acid.
EXAMPLE 5 Hydrofluoric acid was added to the phosphoric acid
prior to being pumped to the reactor-crystallizer; so
In order to demonstrate the process designed to re
move aluminum, wet process phosphoric acid of the dium fluoride was added to the agitated reactor by a
vibrating trough feeder. The reactor vessel was main
following composition was treated: 25 tained at a temperature between 60 and 65 C.
The overflow from the reactor entered a stirred ves
Component Percent sel maintained at 40 C. Slurry was periodically re
P2O5 26.67
moved from this vessel and filter to remove the crystal
Fe2O3 2.41 line precipitate. The average residence time of the phos
Al2O3 2.06 30 phoric acid in this pilot unit was about 45 minutes. The
MgO 0.051 treated phosphoric acid has the following composition:
F 1.51
Na2O 0.1
Component Percent
Sodium fluoride (26.0 grams) and 50% hydrofluoric 35 POs 29.08
acid (21.0 grams) were added to 500 grams of the phos Al2O3 0.05
phoric acid at 70° C. A fine white precipitate immedi Fe2O3 2.48
ately formed. Continued stirring and cooling to 25 C. Na2O
resulted in further precipitation and thickening of the 40
slurry. The solid was removed by filtration; subse
quently the solid was reslurried with water, filtered and The aluminum containing precipitate had the follow
dried at 80° C. The treated acid had the following com ing analysis:
45 Component Percent
Component Percent Na 20.91
Al 13.54
P2O5 25.05 F 42.40
Fe2O3 2.33 P2O5 7.41
Al2O3 0.017 Ca 1.15
MgO mil 50 Fe 0.54
F 0.94 Mg 0.27
Na2O 0.64 K 0.21
This illustrates the improvement in analysis obtain Ammoniation of the treated acid, followed by drying,
able in fertilizer materials produced from phosphoric gave a solid having the following analysis:
acid treated by the aluminum removal process. 10
Component Percent
N 16.6
To demonstrate the iron removal process, wet pro P2O5 46.3
cess phosphoric acid having the following composition H2O 2.3
was treated: 15
The crystalline by-product material had the follow
Component Percent ing analysis:
N Ole
P2O5 29.72 Component Percent
Fe 2.38 20
Al 0.77 N 1.07
total P2O5 47.2
water soluble P2O5 9.3
Ammonium hydroxide solution (24% NH3, 36 grams) citrate-insoluble P2O5 11.2
was added to 1400 grams of the phosphoric acid with 25 Fe
stirring. The mixture is then brought to 80° C. and at
this temperature for 16 hours; the reaction vessel was
equipped with a reflux condenser to minimize moisture Since most of the P2O5 present in the by-product can
loss. At the end of this time, the mixture was allowed to be considered available plant nutrient, it is a useful fer
cool to room temperature; it was then filtered to re 30 tilizer material. Thus only about 1.5% of the P2O5 in the
move the pinkish crystalline precipitate which had original phosphoric acid can be considered to be lost in
formed. The precipitate weighed 139 grams. The phos a nonuseful form.
phoric acid weighed 1220 grams and had the following We claim:
analysis: 1. A process for producing phosphoric acid from
35 phosphate rock containing fluochlorapatite, comprising
Component Percent the steps of:
N 0.38
(a) crushing the phosphate rock to a size such that
P2O5 28.40 from about 50% to about 90% by weight thereof
Fe 0.90 will pass a -200 mesh U.S.S. sieve;
Al 0.69 40 (b) mixing the rock crushed in step (a) with sulfuric
acid and recycled phosphoric acid to form a slurry;
The crystalline precipitate had the following analysis: (c) adding a reductant to the digestor slurry formed in
step (b) to maintain the oxidation-reduction poten
tial of said slurry in the range from about +150 mv
45 to about -- 750 mV; and
Component Percent (d) filtering the resulting slurry of step (c) to remove
N 1.66 gypsum by-products therefrom to obtain a phos
P2O5 48.3 phoric acid.
1.21 50
2. The process of claim 1 further comprising the steps
(e) recycling a portion of the acid obtained in step (d);
EXAMPLE 9 (f) concentrating the unrecycled portion of said acid
Phosphoric acid containing 29.36% P2O5, 2.15% Fe obtained in step (d) to a level of about 40% to about
and 0.75% Al was treated by the method outlined in 55 54% P2O5.
Example 8, except that only 20 grams of ammonium 3. The process of claim 1 wherein sufficient quantity
hydroxide solution was used, and the mixture was held of reductant is added in step (c) to maintain the
at 80 C. for only 12 hours. At this level of treatment, oxidation-reduction potential of said slurry from about
the P2O5 loss into the precipitate phase was limited to +250 mv to about --500 mV.
about 6.5% of the total. The treated acid contained 4. A process for producing phosphoric acid from
29.72% P2O5, 1.70% Fe and 0.75% Al. phosphate rock containing fluochlorapatite, comprising
Ammoniation of the untreated acid, followed by dry the steps of:
ing to a solid, gave a material having the following (a) crushing the fluochlorapatite containing phos
analysis: phate rock to a size such that from about 50% to
65 about 90% by weight thereof will pass a -200
Component Percent
mesh U.S.S. sieve;
N 16.3
(b) mixing the rock crushed in step (a) with sulfuric
acid and recycled phosphoric acid to form a slurry;
5 16
(c) filtering the resulting slurry of step (b) to remove 20. The process of claim 16 wherein the sodium and
gypsum by-products therefrom to obtain a phos fluoride containing compounds added in step (g) are
phoric acid; and sodium fluoride or sodium bifluoride.
(d) adding sufficient reductant to a portion of the 21. The process of claim 16 wherein the reaction in
phosphoric acid obtained in step (c) to be recycled 5 step (g) is carried out in a stirred reactor for a period
to the digestor to maintain the oxidation-reduction from about 15 to about 60 minutes.
potential of the slurry formed in step (b) from about 22. The process of claim 16 wherein the reaction in
-- 150 mv to about --750 mV. step (g) is carried out at a temperature below about 70
5. The process of claim 4 further comprising the step 10
of: 23. The process of claim 22 wherein the reaction in
(e) concentrating the unrecycled portion of the phos step (g) is carried out at a temperature in the range from
phoric acid in step (d) to a level of about 40% to about 30' C. to about 50 C.
about 54% P2O5. 24. The process of claim 1 or 4 further comprising the
6. The process of claim 4 wherein a sufficient quantity 15
steps of:
of reductant is added in step (d) to maintain the (i) treating the filtered phosphoric acid obtained in
oxidation-reduction potential of said slurry from about step (d) to remove excess iron by adding a suffi
--250 mv to about --500 mV. cient quantity of ammonia to precipitate iron as an
7. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant insoluble crystalline salt; and
is metallic iron. (j) removing the iron precipitate from the solution in
8. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant 20 step (i) to obtain an iron reduced phosphoric acid.
is metallic aluminum. 25. The process of claim 24 wherein the amount of
9. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant ammonia added in step (i) is determined by the relation
is metallic zinc.
10. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant 25
is sodium sulfite.
11. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant A = 0.126(I; - p + 396 X ;-5 W.II/2
is ammonium bisulfite.
12. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the reductant where A is the amount of ammonia required, I is the
is sulfur dioxide. 30
13. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein sufficient initial amount of iron present (as Fe), If is the final
active silica is added to the slurry to maintain the amount of residual iron desired (as Fe), and W is the
total weight of acid to be treated.
F/SiO2 weight ratio of said slurry from about 1.9 to 26. The process of claim 24 wherein step (i) is carried
about 2.3.
14. The process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the tempera out in a stirred reactor for a period of from about 2 to
35 about 24 hours.
ture of said slurry is maintained below about 78 C. 27. The process of claim 26 wherein the process is
prior to filtering of the gypsum by-products therefrom. carried out from about 3 to about 20 hours.
15. The process of claim 14 wherein the temperature 28. The process of claim 24 wherein step (i) is carried
of said slurry is maintained in a range from about 70° C. out at a temperature in the range from about 50° C. to
to about 85°C. prior to filtering of the gypsum by-pro about 110° C. and prior to removing the precipitate in
ducts therefrom.
16. The process of claim 1 or 4 further comprising the step (j), the mixture is cooled to a temperature in the
steps of: range from about 30° C. to about 50° C.
(g) treating the phosphoric acid obtained in step (d) to 29. The process of claim 24 wherein step (i) is carried
remove excess aluminum by adding sufficient solu 45 out at a temperature in the range from about 70° C. to
ble sodium and fluoride containing compounds to about 95 C.
said phosphoric acid to precipitate aluminum from 30. A process for producing phosphoric acid from
said solution as a crystalline salt; and phosphate rock containing from about 0.2% to about
(h) removing said aluminum precipitate from the 2.4% chloride as fluochlorapatite, from about 0.4% to
solution of step (g) to obtain an aluminum removed 50 about 9.5% Fe2O3 as hematite and geothite, from about
phosphoric acid. 0.2% to about 3.0%. Al2O3 as crandellite, from about
17. The process of claim 16 wherein the amount of 0.1% to about 0.35% MnO2 as pyrolusite, and from
fluoride (X) added in step (g) is determined by the rela about 0.4% to about 3.0% TiO2 as ilmenite, comprising
tion: X= 1.86 (Al2O3) -- 1.90 (SiO2)-(F) and the the steps of:
amount of sodium containing material (Y) is determined 55 (a) crushing the phosphate rock to a size such that
by the relation: Y=0.90 (Al2O3)+0.76 (SiO2)-(Na), from about 50% to about 90% by weight thereof
where Al2O3 is the amount of alumina in the phosphoric will pass a -200 mesh U.S.S. sieve;
acid, SiO2 is the amount of soluble silica in the phos (b) mixing the rock crushed in step (a) with sulfuric
phoric acid, F is the total amount of fluoride already acid and recycled phosphoric acid to form a slurry;
present in the phosphoric acid and Na is the total 60 (c) adding a reductant to the slurry formed in step (b)
amount of sodium present in the phosphoric acid. to maintain the oxidation-reduction potential in the
18. The process of claim 16 wherein the fluoride range from about -- 150 mv to about -- 750 mv,
containing compound added in step (g) is hydrofluoric wherein said reductant is metallic iron, aluminum
acid, ammonium fluoride, ammonium bifluoride or cal or zinc, sodium sulfite, ammonium bisulfite or sul
cium fluoride. 65 phur dioxide;
19. The process of claim 16 wherein the sodium con (d) adding sufficient active silica to the digestor
taining compound added in step (g) is sodium chloride, slurry obtained in step (b) to maintain the F/SiO2
sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide. weight ratio of said slurry between 1.9 and 2.3;
4,485,078 18
(e) filtering the resulting slurry of step (d) to remove reduction potential of the slurry in the range from about
gypsum by-products therefrom to obtain a phos --250 mv to about --500 mv,
phoric acid; .' 38. The process of claim 30 wherein the crushed rock
(f) treating the phosphoric acid obtained in step (e) to of step (c) is pretreated prior to step (b) to reduce the
remove excess aluminum by adding sufficient solu- 5 ilmenite content below about 2.5%.
ble sodium and fluoride containing compounds to 39. A process for reducing the aluminum content of
said phosphoric acid to precipitate aluminum as a phosphoric acid having a P2O5 concentration from
crystalline salt, when the aluminum content of the about 17% to about 54%, wherein the ratio of Al2O5 to
acid obtained in step (e) is unacceptably high; MgO is at least 5 to 1, comprising the steps of:
(g) removing the aluminum precipitate from the solu 10 (a) adding sufficient sodium and fluoride containing
tion of step (f) to obtain an aluminum removed compounds to the phosphoric acid to precipitate
phosphoric acid; aluminum as a crystalline salt principally in the
(h) treating the phosphoric acid obtained in step (e) to form of Na2AlF5, wherein the amount of fluoride
remove excess iron by adding sufficient ammonia 15 added is determined by the relation X=1.86 (Al
to the filtered acid to precipitate iron as a crystal 2O3)-- 1.90 (SiO2)-(F) and the amount of sodium
line salt, when the level of iron in the acid obtained containing material (Y) is determined by the rela
in step (e) is unacceptably high; tion Y=0.90 (Al2O3)+0.76 (SiO2)-(Na) where
(i) removing the iron precipitate from the solution of Al2O3 is the amount of alumina in the phosphoric
step (h) to obtain an iron reduced phosphoric acid; 20 acid, SiO2 is the amount of soluble silica in the
and phosphoric acid, F is the total amount of fluoride
(j) concentrating the acid obtained in steps (e)-(i) to a already present in the phosphoric acid and Na is
value of about 40% to about 54% P2O5. the total amount of sodium present in the phos
31. The process of claim 30 wherein the fluoride phoric acid;
containing compound in step (f) is hydrofluoric acid, 25 (b) stirring the mixture obtained in step (a) from about
ammonium fluoride, ammonium bifluoride or calcium 15 to about 60 minutes at a temperature less than
fluoride and the sodium containing compound in step (f) about 70° C.; and
is sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate or (c) filtering the aluminum precipitate from the mix
sodium hydroxide. ture of step (b) to obtain an aluminum removed
32. The process of claim 30 wherein the sodium and 30 phosphoric acid.
fluoride containing compounds used in step (f) are so 40. The process of claim 39 further comprising the
dium fluoride or sodium bifluoride. step of:
33. The process of claim 30 wherein the amount of (d) concentrating the acid obtained in step (c) by
fluoride added in step (f) is determined by the relation: evaporation to a level of about 40% to about 54%
X=1.86 (Al2O3)+1.90 (SiO2)-(F) and the amount of 35 P2O5.
sodium added in step (f) is determined by the relation: 41. The process of claim 39 wherein step (b) is carried
Y=0.90 (Al2O3)--0.76 (SiO2)-(Na), where Al2O3 is out at a temperature in the range from about 30° C. to
the amount of alumina in the phosphoric acid, SiO2 is about 50 C.
the amount of soluble silica in the phosphoric acid, F is 42. The process of claim 39 wherein the sodium con
the total amount of fluoride already present in the phos taining compound added in step (a) is sodium chloride,
phoric acid and Na is the total amount of sodium pres sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide.
ent in the phosphoric acid.
34. The process of claim 30 wherein the amount of 43. The process of claim 39 wherein the fluoride
containing compound is hydrofluoric acid, ammonium
ammonia added in step (h) is determined by the relation: . . fluoride, ammonium bifluoride or calcium fluoride.
45 44. The process of claim 39 wherein the sodium and
fluoride containing compounds in step (a) are sodium
A = 0.126(I; - p + 896 X ; W fluoride or sodium bifluoride.
45. A process for reducing the iron content of phos
where A is the amount of ammonia required, It is the 50 (a) addingacid to a desired level, comprising the steps of:
initial amount of iron present (as Fe), If is the final sufficient ammonia to the phosphoric acid
amount of residual iron desired (as Fe) and W is the to precipitate iron as a crystalline salt, principally
total weight of acid to be treated. in the form of NH4Fe2H8(PO4)5.4H2O, where the
35. The process of claim 30 wherein steps (b)-(c) are amount of ammonia to be added is determined by
the relation:
carried out at a temperature below 78° C., step (f) is 55
carried out at a temperature below about 70° C., and
step (h) is carried out at a temperature in the range of A = 0.126(1- p + 396 X ;-5f Lv2W.
from about 50 C. to about 110' C.
36. The process of claim 35 wherein steps (b)-(e) are
carried out at temperatures in the range from about 70 60 where A is the amount of ammonia required, I is the
C. to about 85°C., step (f) is carried out attemperatures initial amount of iron present (as Fe), If is the final
in the range from about 30° C. to about 50 C., step (h) amount of residual iron desired (as Fe) and W is the
is carried out at temperatures in the range from about total weight of the acid to be treated;
70° C. to about 95 C. and the mixture obtained in step (b) aging the mixture obtained in step (a) from about
(h) is allowed to cool to a temperature of from about 30 65 2 to about 24 hours at a temperature from about 25
C. to about 50 C. prior to carrying out step (i). C. to about the boiling point of said acid; and
37. The process of claim 30 wherein sufficient reduc (c) filtering the iron precipitate from the mixture of
tant is added in step (c) to maintain the oxidation step (b) to obtain an iron reduced phosphoric acid.
19 20
46. The process of claim 45 further comprising the 48. The process of claim 45 wherein step (b) is carried
out at temperatures in the range from about 50 C. to
step of: about 110' C.
(d) concentrating phosphoric acid obtained in step (c) 49. The process of claim 45 wherein step (b) is carried
5 out at temperatures in the range from about 70° C. to
by evaporation to a level of about 40% to about about 95 C.
54%. 50. The process of claim 45 wherein the mixture of
step (b) is allowed to cool to a temperature in the range
47. The process of claim 45 wherein step (b) is carried from about 30 C. to about 50 C.
out for a period of about 3 to about 20 hours. 10