: DCE/0/15
Revision : 00
Lecture Plan -1
Semester: - Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic:-Introduction To The Syllabus And Introduction Of Microprocessor.
1. Introduction 10 min
The syllabus comprises six chapters and two units, three chapters under each unit.
The microprocessor 8085 and 8086 are the most important chapters in the syllabus.
along with this there are programmable peripheral interface IC 8255,DMA controller
Programmable interrupt controller IC 8259 and programmable interval timer IC 8253.
The MICROPROCESSOR is the most important component of the digital
computer. It acts as the brain of the computer.
3. Conclusion
The central processing unit, which is built on a single IC, is called the
A digital computer in which one microprocessor has been provided to act as a CPU 5 min
Is called a microcomputer.
The CPU of a large powerful digital computer contains more than one
microprocessor. High-end powerful servers, mainframe computers, supercomputers
etc. contains more than one microprocessor to act as the CPU.
These microprocessors are placed in the CPU of the powerful computer in parallel.
These computers are called a multiprocessor system.
4 Question /Answer
Q .what is the word length of 4004 microprocessor?
Ans. it is 4-bit 5 min
Q. what is the difference between the 8085 and 8086 on the basis of world length?
Ans. 8085 is 8-bit microprocessor while the 8086 is the 16-bit microprocessor.
Assignment to be given:-nil
Lecture Plan -2
Semester: - Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :-Introduction To 8085, Architecture Of 8085 Microprocessor
1. Introduction 5 min
Intel 8085 is an 8-bit, n-mos microprocessor. It is a 40 pin I.C. package fabricated on
a single LSI chip. Intel 8085 uses a +5 v dc supply for its operation. Its clock speed is
about 3MHz.the clock cycle is of 320 ns. It has 80 basic instructions and 246
opcodes. t has three main units
1 arithmetic and logic unit
2 Timing and control unit
3 Set of registers
3. Conclusion
ALU performs the arithmetic and logical operations. The TIMING AND
CONTROL UNIT generates the timing and control signals which are necessary for
the execution of the instructions. Along with this, in the 8085, there are a set of 5 min
REGISTERS. These registers are used by the microprocessor for temporary storage
and manipulation of data. Data remain in the registers till they are sent to the memory
or I/O devices.
4 Question /Answer
Q .what are the status flags in the microprocessor 8085?
Ans.8085 has 5 flip flops to serve as the status flags. These are set or reset according
to the conditions which arise during an arithmetic or logical operation. These are 5 min
Carry(CS),parity(P),auxiliary carry flag (AC),zero flag (Z) and sign flag (S)
Q.what is program counter (PC)?
Ans it is a 16-bit special purpose register .it is used to hold the memory address of the
next instruction to be executed
S. No. Topic :-Pin Configuration Of 8085
1. Introduction
Intel 8085 is a 40 pin IC. It is an 8-bit microprocessor. Its data bus is 8-bit wide and 5 min
hence 8-bit data can be transmitted from or to the microprocessor. It requires a 16-bit
address bus as the memory addresses are 16-bits. The 8 most significant bits of the
address are transmitted by the address bus. The 8- least significant bits of the address
are transmitted by address/data bus.
3. Conclusion
Each instruction contains two parts: operation code (opcode) and operand.
The first part of an instruction which specifies the task to be performed by the
computer is called opcode. The second part of the instruction is the data to be
operated on and it is called operand. In some instructions the operand is implicit. 5 min
When the operand is a register it is understood that the data is he content of the
4 Question /Answer
Q .what is the significance of AD0—AD7 pins in the 8085 microprocessor?
Ans. these are time multiplexed address/data bus. They serve the dual purpose.
Q.what is the significance of HLDA pin in 8085?
Ans. it is an output pin. It is a signal for hold acknowledgement. It indicates that the 5 min
hold request has been received.
S. No. Topic :-Addressing Modes Of 8085
1. Introduction
Each instruction requires some data on which it has to operate. These are various 5 min
techniques to specify the data for instruction. These techniques are called the
addressing modes.
Intel 8085 uses the following addressing modes:
1 Direct addressing
2 register addressing
3.register indirect addressing
4 immediate addressing
3. Conclusion
Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor. It handles 8-bit data at a time. One byte
consists of 8-bits. A memory location for 8085 is designed to accommodate 8-bit
data. If 16-bit data are to be stored, they are to be stored in consecutive memory
location. 5 min
The address of memory location is of 16 bits i. e. 2 bytes.
There are various techniques to specify the data for the instructions.
Therefore the instructions may be single byte, two byte or the three byte instructions.
4 Question /Answer
Q. in the implicit addressing mode where is the data?
Ans. in the accumulator. These instructions operate on the content of the accumulator.
Q. what is the meaning of MOV A, B?
Ans move the content of register B to register A.
5 min
Assignment to be given:-nil
Doc. No.: DCE/0/15
Revision : 00
Lecture Plan -5
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :-Instruction Set Of 8085 And Data Transfer Instructions And Examples
1. Introduction
Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor. It handles 8-bit data at a time . One byte
consist of 8-bits. A memory location for 8085 is designed to accommodate 8-bit data.
If 16-bit data is stored in consecutive memory location.
The address of memory location is of 16 bits i. e. 2 bytes.
Thee are various techniques to specify the data for the instructions. 5 min
Therefore the instructions may be single byte, two byte or the three byte instructions.
3. Conclusion
In instruction is a command given to the computer to perform a specified operation
on given data. To perform a particular task a programmer writes a sequence of
instructions called a program. Program and data are stored in the memory. The cpu
etches one instruction from the memory at a time and execute it. It execute all the
instructions one by one to produce to the final result.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .how many machine cycles will be required for the MOV r,M instruction?
Ans.two machine cycles
Q. which status flag changes with data transfer instructions?
Ans no status flag is affected by the data transfer instructions.
5 min
S. No. Topic :-Arithmetic Instructions And Examples
1. Introduction
The instruction in this group perform the arithmetic operations such as addition
,subtraction, increment, decrement of the content of the register or the memory.8-bits
or the 16-bits data may be given directly in the instruction itself or the address of the 5 min
memory location , I/O port or the I/O device ,where data resides may be given in the
instruction. In some instruction data is implied while in some instructions two
registers are given and the contents of the two register are the data
3. Conclusion
The necessary step to that a CPU carries out to fetch an instruction and necessary data
from the memory and to execute it ,constitute the instruction cycle. The instruction
cycle consist of fetch cycle and the execute cycle. In fetch cycle a CPU fetches
opcode from the memory. The first byte of an instruction is the opcode. The
necessary step which are carried out to get data if any from the memory and to
perform the specific operation specified by the instruction constitute an execute cycle. 5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .which status flag is not affect ed by the arithmetic instructions?
Ans. all the flags are effected by the arithmetic instruction.
Q. what is the meaning of DAA?
Ans.decimal adjust accumulator it is operated after ADD,ADC etc. instructions . after
the daa instruction the final result comes in the decimal system
5 min
S. No. Topic :-Logical And Branch Group Instructions
1. Introduction 10 min
The instructions under the logical group performs the logical operations such as AND
OR,, COMPARE, ROTATE etc. branch control instructions includes the instructions
for conditional and non-conditional jump. The opcode fetched from the memory goes
to the data register and then to the instruction register. From the instruction register it
goes to the decoder circuitry which decodes the instruction. After the instruction is
decoded ,execution begins.
4 Question /Answer
Q .flags are effected or not by the logical instructions? 5 min
Ans . Logical instructions effect the status flags.
Q. what is the meaning of ANA r?
Ans it AND the content of the register with the accumulator
S. No. Topic :-Stack,I/O And Machine Contol Instructions Interrupt Structure
1. Introduction 5 min
This group includes the instructions for input/output ports, stack and machine control
instruction. PUSH, POP, HLT etc. instructions under this category. The stack is
sequence of memory locations set aside by the programmer to store or retrieve the
contents of the accumulator, flags, program counter and general purpose register
during the execution of the program.
3. Conclusion
Any portion of the memory can be used as the stack. Since the stack works on LIFO
principal ,its operation is faster as compare to normal store /retrieve of memory 5 min
During the execution of a program sometimes it becomes necessary to save the
contents of some registers which are needed for some other operations in the
subsequent steps of the program .the contents of such registers are saved in the stack.
There are special instructions to save or retrieve the data from the stack. .
4 Question /Answer
Q . On which principal the stack works? 5 min
Ans. LIFO---last in first out
Q. what is interrupt?
Ans. it stops the normal processing of the microprocessor.
S. No. Topic :-Examples Of Assembly Language Programming
1. Introduction 5 min
A computer can do the program what the programmer asks to do. A sequence of
instructions is called the program. A computer can understand the information only in
the form of zeroes(0) and one(1).a program written in this language is called the
machine language program. In the machine language thee is a specific binary code for
each instruction. This is called the low level language. A programmer can easily
write a program in alphanumeric symbols instead of zeroes and one. Assembly
language is one of them and the symbols used in this are called the mnemonics.
3. Conclusion
Assembly language is preferred in real time control applications, the situations where 5 min
small volume of data are to be processed, where cost of memory is a consideration, in
Training kits, in developing a program for microprocessor –based system for
industrial control, in training kits.
4 Question /Answer
Q. what is an assembler? 5 min
Ans. a program which converts an assembly language program into a machine
language program.
Q. what do you mean by mnemonics?
Ans. the symbols of the assembly language program are known as the mnemonics
S. No. Topic :-Examples Of Assembly Language Programming
1. Introduction 5 min
To arrange a data array in ascending order .arrange E5,A9,96,B4 and 15 in ascending
order .these are in the memory locations 2501- 2500
3. Conclusion
Assembly language is preferred in real time control applications, the situations where 5 min
small volume of data are to be processed, where cost of memory is a consideration, in
Training kits, in developing a program for microprocessor –based system for
industrial control, in training kits.
4 Question /Answer
Q. what is an assembler? 5 min
Ans. a program which converts an assembly language program into a machine
language program.
Q. what do you mean by mnemonics?
Ans. the symbols of the assembly language program are known as the mnemonics
S. No. Topic :-Introduction To 8255 PPI
1. Introduction 10 min
A programmable peripheral interface (PPI) is a multiport device. The ports may be
programmed in a variety of ways as required by the programmer. This device is very
useful for interfacing peripheral devices. It is also known as PIA Peripheral Interface
3. Conclusion
The main function of the 8255 is to interface peripheral devices to the
microcomputer. It has three 8-bit ports, namely port A, port B and port C. The port C 5 min
is further divided into two of 4-bit ports, port c upper and port c lower. Thus a total
four ports are available. Two 8-bit ports and two 4-bit ports. Each port can be
programmed as the input or the output port.
4 Question /Answer
Q how many lines are present in the data bus of the 8255?
Ans. 8 parallel lines 5 min
Q. what is the electrical voltage requirement for the operation of the 8255?
Ans.5 V dc supply
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-Pin Diagram Of 8255
1. Introduction
The main function of the 8225 is to interface peripheral devices to the 10 MIN
microcomputer. It has three 8-bit ports, namely port A, port B and port C. The port C
is further divided into two of 4-bit ports, port c upper and port c lower.
3. Conclusion
8255 is a 40-pin IC package. It operates on a single power supply of 5 V dc. Its 5 MIN
ambient temp. Range is 0-700 .voltage on any pin is 0.5 V to 7V.power dissipation is
1 watt.
4 Question /Answer
Q. what is the function of CHIP SELECT pin? 5 MIN
Ans. it is a chip select signal .the low status of this signal enables communication
between the CPU and the 8255.
Q. which pins are used for the ports selection?
Ans. pin A0 and A1 .
Assignment to be given:-
Explain the pin diagram of 8255 PPI chip.
S. No. Topic :-BSR and I/O control word of 8255
1. Introduction
According to the requirement , a port can be programmed to act either as an input port 10 MIN
or output port. For programming the ports of 8255 a control word is formed. Control
word is written in the control word register which is within the 8255. The control
word bit corresponding to a particular port is set to either 1 or 0 depending upon the
definition of the port, whether it is to be made an input ort or the output port.
3. Conclusion
If a particular port is to be made as output port, the bit corresponding to that port is 5 MIN
set to 1. For making a port as output port , the corresponding bit for the port is set to
4 Question /Answer
Q. the 8255 can be programmed to work in how many modes? 5 MIN
Ans. three. Mode-0, mode-1, mode-2
Q. all the ports can be programmed to work as input or output port in any mode .
True or false?
Ans. false only port A can be programmed to work in mode-2.
Assignment to be given:-Give the status word and control word of 8255 PPI.
S. No. Topic :-Different Modes Of 8255
1. Introduction
The 8255 has following three modes of operation:- 10 min
Mode 0
Mode 1
Mode 2
3. Conclusion 5 min
In Mode 0,a port can be operated as simple input output port. While Port A and Port
B both are designed for strobe input/output.
S. No. Topic :-Programming Of 8255
1. Introduction 10 min
According to requirement, a port can be programmed to act either as input port or
output port.
3. Conclusion
For programming the ports of 8255 a control word is formed. The control word bit is
made 1 or 0 depending on the definition of port.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q . What have to set to make port as input port?
Ans. The bit is set to 1.
Q. What to set to make port as output port? 5 min
Ans. The bit is set to 0.
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-Introduction To DMA Process
1. Introduction 10 min
In DMA data transfer, data are directly transferred from an input / output device to
RAM. Or vice versa.
3. Conclusion
For DMA data transfer, the data and address buses come under the control of the
peripheral device.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .How many pins are there in DMA?
Ans. 40 pins
Q. What is DACK signal? 5 min
Ans DMA Acknowledgement
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-Introduction To Dma Controller IC 8237
1. Introduction 10 min
8237 A is high performance DMA controller .It contains four independent DMA
channels. All channels have autoinitialisation capability.
3. Conclusion
After the end of a data transfer process each channel can auto initialize to its original
condition. It is accomplished by software.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q.What is EOP.
A. End of process
Q.What is DREQ? 5 min
A.DMA request lines
3. Conclusion 5 min
There are three types of peripheral transfer viz DMA read ,DMA write and DMA
verify .these transfer are similar to 8257 transfer except that DACK pulse of either
active high or active low and external EOP is at the rising edge
4 Question /Answer
Q. What is block transfer mode? 5 min
A. all bytes are transferred continuously after each transfer ,it decrements counts
register and increment or decrement address register
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic:- Architecture, Block Diagram Of 8086
1. Introduction
The 8086 contains two independent functional units:-bus interface unit ( BIU) and an 10 min
execution unit (EU).The BIU handles transfer of data and addresses between the
processor and memory/IO devices.
3. Conclusion
Intel 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor. It handles 16-bit data at a time. Its speed is
greater than that of 8085 due to pipelining.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
R. Name the general purpose registers of 8086.
Q. What is code segment register/
A. It points to the starting address of the code segment.
5 min
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-Pin Diagram Of 8086 And Description Of Various Signals
1. Introduction 10 min
The 8086 is a 40 pin Licit uses 20 address lines.It can access upto 1 Mbyte of
memory. The 16 bit data word is divided into low order byte and high order byte.
3. Conclusion
4 Question /Answer
Q . What is ALE signal?
A. Address Latch Enable
Q.What is HLDA? 5 min
A. hold acknowledgement
S. No. Topic: - Details Of Eu,Biu And Various Registers
1. Introduction 10 min
The EU receives opcode of an instruction from the queue ,decodes it and then
executes it. The BIU fetches instruction codes from the memory and stores them in a
3. Conclusion
While EU executes instructions, the BIU fetches instructions. This type of overlapped
operation of functional units of microprocessor is called pipelining. 5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q . How many instruction byte queues is there?
A. Six byte
Q. What is function of BIU? 5 min
A.BIU fetches instruction codes and stores them in a queue.
S. No. Topic: -Memory Segmentation
1. Introduction 10 min
A Segment Register points to the starting address of a memory segment currently
being used.
3. Conclusion
The maximum capacity of a segment may be up to 64 Kbytes. The starting address of
a segment is divisible by 16.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q . What is total memory capacity of 8086?
A. 1 Mbyte
Q. How many segments are there in 8086? 5 min
A. four
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic: - Address Computation ,Program Relocation
1. Introduction 10 min
The actual addresses of 8086 are of 20 bits. It is calculated using the contents of the
segment registers and effective memory address.
3. Conclusion
The effective memory address is computed in variety of ways. It depends on the
addressing modes.e.g. The contents of stack pointer and contents of stack segment
registers are used to compute the address of the stack location to be accessed. 5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .How destination addresses for string operations are computed?
A. Using the contents of DI and ES.
Q.Name the four segments registers of 8086. 5 min
A. Stack segment, Data segment, Extra segment, Code segment
Lecture Plan-24
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :-Addressing Modes
1. Introduction- 10 min
The way by which an operand is specified for an instruction is called addressing
3. Conclusion
An instruction performs specific operation on the specified data. The way by which
an operand is specified for an instruction called addressing mode.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .1 What is direct addressing?
A. the operand is given in the instruction as an 8-bit or 16 –bit displacement.
Q.2 What is base addressing? 5 min
A. It is the content of bas register BX or BP.
S. No. Topic :-Instruction Format
1. Introduction- 10 min
The instructions of 8086 are much powerful than those of 8085.the 8086 is a general
purpose register type processor.
3. Conclusion
We use a template for each basic instruction type and fill in bits to indicate desired
addressing mode, data type etc.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .1 what is W if moving a byte is there?
A. W=0
Q .2 what is W if moving a word is there? 5 min
A. W=1
Assignment to be given:-Give coding example for move between register and memory location
S. No. Topic :-Instruction Execution And Timing In 8086
1. Introduction- 10 min
Bus timing for minimum mode and maximum mode. here the interfacing of the
memory and i/o devices are shown with the basic maximum mode configuration .the
connections for memory and input /output devices are similar to that of minimum
mode configuration .however the generation of control signals from 8086 is done by
external bus controller
3. Conclusion
4 Question /Answer
Q .1 what are the different mode of 8086?
A . register addressing mode
Direct addressing 5 min
Immediate addressing
Register addressing mode
Base index mode
Register indirect addressing mode
Assignment to be given:-Give coding example for move between register and memory location
Lecture Plan-27
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :- Instruction Execution Timing Assembler Instruction Format,
1. Introduction- 10 min
It tells about the instruction set of 8086 and execution timings involved.
3. Conclusion
The EU takes a definite number of clock periods to calculate the effective address of
an instruction.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .1 How many clock pulses does mov take from register to memory?
A. two
Q.2 instruction sets of 8086 is classified in how many groups? 5 min
A. six
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :- Data Transfer
1. Introduction- 10 min
Data Transfer involves transfer of a byte or word from the source to destination
operand. Arithmetic instructions perform mathematical operations.
3. Conclusion
8086 Performs mathematical operations. Data transfer group transfers a byte or word
from source to the destination.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .1What is POPF?
A. Retrieve the top of stack contents to the flag register.
Q.2 What is SAHF? 5 min
A. Store the AH register into the low order byte of the flag register.
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :- String Data Transfer Instructions
1. Introduction- 10 min
These instructions copy a byte or a word from a location in the data segment to
allocation in the extra segment. The offset of the source byte or word in the data
Segment must be in the DI register.
3. Conclusion
If the directional flag is zero then SI and DI will be incremented by 1 after move and
they will be incremented by 2 after a word move
5 min
4 Question /Answer
A . it sends
5 min
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-NOP, HLT& FLAG manipulation instruction
1. Introduction 10 min
Discussion about the machine control instructions, and the instructions in which flag
register is affected.
3. Conclusion
In all these instructions like jump if carry, jump if zero, jump if greater than equal to
or jump if not zero jump condition take place according to flag status register.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .What is JLE?
A. jump if less than equal to
Q.What is JNGE? 5 min
A. jump if neither less nor equal
Reference Readings:-
Doc. No.: DCE/0/15
Revision : 00
Lecture Plan -31
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
1. Introduction 10 min
These three instructions come under the category of bit manipulation instructions.
Logical instructions include like logical AND,OR,XORetc.
3. Conclusion
The shift count may be specified as a constant 1 .AF flag is undefined in shift
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .What is SAR?
A. Shift arithmetic right.
Q.What is RCR? 5 min
A. Rotate right through carry
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :-Introduction To Assembler Directives & Operators
1. Introduction 10 min
Assembler directives & operators are the instructions to the assembler concerning the
program being assembled, they also are called as Pseudo instructions or Pseudo op-
codes. These instructions are neither translated into machine code nor assigned any
memory locations in the object file.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q.Define DD.
A. Double Word ,It creates storage for 32-bit double word variable.
Q.Explain ENDP.
A. End of Procedure
Assignment to be given:-Nil
Doc. No.: DCE/0/15
Revision : 00 Lecture Plan-33
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :- Programming Examples
1. Introduction- 10 min
Write a assembly language program
3. Conclusion
Using 8086 program like addition subtraction and multiplication can be done
5 min
4 Question /Answer
A1. sets the carry flag
A2. compliments the flag
A3. sets the directional flag
Assignment to be given:-nil
S. No. Topic :- Pin Diagram Of 8259 A
1. Introduction 10 min
The programmable interrupt controller,8259A is a 28 pin IC. . It manages 8 levels of
interrupts, can be configured in master-slave or cascade mode to handle up to 64
3. Conclusion
It has a bidirectional non multiplexed lines .it has an active low control input line .it is
used to read contents of internal register. It has INT and other pins
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q1. INT symbol
A1. It is an interrupt out put line .it goes high when ever a valid interrupt request is
activated. 5 min
S. No. Topic :- Block Diagram Of 8259 PIC
1. Introduction 10 min
The programmable interrupt controller,8259A is a 28 pin IC. . It manages 8 levels of
interrupts, can be configured in master-slave or cascade mode to handle up to 64
3. Conclusion
The programmable interrupt controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an
interrupt driven system environment. It accepts requests from the peripheral
equipment, determines which of the incoming requests is of the highest priority, 5 min
ascertains whether the incoming request has a higher priority value than the level
currently being serviced, and issues an interrupt to the CPU based on this
determination. This IC is compatible with µp 8085,8086 and 8088.
4 Question /Answer
Q. What does IMR stands for ?
A Interrupt mask register
Q2 what is the working of IMR 5 min
A. it is a programmable register. It is used to make out unwanted interrupt request
Assignment to be given:-nil
Lecture Plan-36
Semester: -Vth Class:-ECE Course Code:-EE-309-F
S. No. Topic :- Programming On Interrupt Controller 8259 PIC
1. Introduction 10 min
The programmable interrupt controller,8259A is a 28 pin IC. . It manages 8 levels of
interrupts, can be configured in master-slave or cascade mode to handle up to 64
3. Conclusion
The programmable interrupt controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an
interrupt driven system environment. It accepts requests from the peripheral
equipment, determines which of the incoming requests is of the highest priority, 5 min
ascertains whether the incoming request has a higher priority value than the level
currently being serviced, and issues an interrupt to the CPU based on this
determination. This IC is compatible with µp 8085,8086 and 8088.
4 Question /Answer
Q. How many 8259As are required to have 64 interrupt inputs?
A. 9
Q.What is the purpose of IRR in the 8259A. 5 min
A. The IRR indicates which interrupts level are masked.
S. No. Topic :-Programmable Interval Timer
1. Introduction 10 min
There are two basic modes of timer delay and counter.To operate a counter a 16- bit
counter is loaded in its register and ,one command begins to decrement the count until
it reaches 0
3. Conclusion
Operating frequency ( DC to 8 MHz and 10 MHz for 8254-2)
24 pin dual in –line package
Single + 5V supply 5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .What is function delay mode?
A . it can provide delay of any value ,but it uses soft ware to implement delay
Q What is function counter mode? 5 min
A .can count the pulses arriving at the port
S. No. Topic :-Programmable Interval Timer 8253
1. Introduction 10 min
The 8253 is a programmable counter/timer chip. It is organized as 3 independent 16-
bit counters, each with a count rate up to 2 MHz.
3. Conclusion
8253 includes three counters (0, 1, and 2), a data bus buffer, read/write control logic,
and a control register.
5 min
4 Question /Answer
Q .What is function of mode 0?
A. Interrupt on terminal count
Q.What is function of mode 4? 5 min
A. Software triggered strobe.