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8085 Instructions &

Programming concept
Instruction set of 8085
✓Five type of instructions
1. Data transfer instructions
2. Arithmetic instructions
3. Logic instructions
4. Branch instructions
5. Machine control instructions

Kantaria Mehul
Logical instructions

ANA R AND operation between content of A & R

ANA B : A (AND) B → A
CY =0 & AC=1

ANI 8-bit data AND operation between content of A & 8-bit data
ANI 11H : A (AND) 11 → A
CY =0 & AC=1

ORA R OR operation between content of A & R

ORA B : A (OR) B → A
CY =0

ORI 8-bit data OR operation between content of A & 8-bit data

ORI 11H : A (OR) 11 → A
CY =0

Kantaria Mehul
Logical instructions

XRA R X-OR operation between content of A & R

XRA B : A (X-OR) B → A
CY =0

XRI 8-bit data X-OR operation between content of A & 8-bit data
XRI 11H : A (X-OR) 11 → A
CY =0

CMA - Complement Accumulator data

No flags are affected

CMP R Compare data in R or M (Address in HL) with Accumulator (A - R/M)

M A < R/M: S=1 & Z=0
A > R/M: S=0 & Z=0
A = R/M: S=0 & Z=1

CPI 8-bit data Compare data of Accumulator with 8-bit data

A - 8-bit data → S & Z as per CMP
Kantaria Mehul
Logical instructions
Logical instructions

CMC - Complement the CY flag


STC - Set CY flag


Kantaria Mehul
Logical instructions
✓ANA : AND AND operation between A & Register
✓ANI : AND immediate AND operation between A & 8-bit data
✓ORA : OR OR operation between A & Register
✓ORI : OR immediate OR operation between A & 8-bit data
✓XRA : X-OR X-OR operation between A & Register
✓XRI : X-OR immediate X-OR operation between A & 8-bit data
✓CMA : Complement A 1’s complement of content of accumulator
✓CMP : Compare with accumulator
✓CPI : Compare immediate with accumulator

* Reset the CY flag CY=0

* Z,P and S are modified according answer
Kantaria Mehul
Logical instructions
✓RAL : Rotate Accumulator Left include carry in rotate operation
✓RAR : Rotate Accumulator Right include carry in rotate operation
✓RLC : Rotate Accumulator Left copy d7 in CY but not included in rotate op.
✓RRC : Rotate Accumulator Right copy d0 in CY but not included in rotate op.
✓CMC : Complement the CY 1’s complement of CY
✓STC : Set the CY CY=1

Kantaria Mehul

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