Lecture (1)

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Course coordinator

Dr.Eng/ Hagar Alm ElDin


Professor of Mechanical Power Engineering

Lecture (1)
An Introduction to
Computational Fluids Dynamics
Fluid Dynamics
Fluid dynamics is the study of the movement of
fluids, including their interactions as two fluids come
into contact with each other.
In this context, the term "fluid" refers to either
liquid or gases. It is a macroscopic, statistical
approach to analyzing these interactions at a large
scale, viewing the fluids as a continuum of matter
and generally ignoring the fact that the liquid or gas
Why use CFD?
• Why use CFD?
– Analysis and Design
• Simulation-based design instead of “build & test”
– More cost effectively and more rapidly than with
– CFD solution provides high-fidelity database for
interrogation of flow field
• Simulation of physical fluid phenomena that are
difficult to be measured by experiments
– Scale simulations (e.g., full-scale ships, airplanes)
– Hazards (e.g., explosions, radiation, pollution)
– Physics (e.g., weather prediction, planetary boundary
layer, stellar evolution)
– Knowledge and exploration of flow physics

Analysis and Solving of Any
Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Problems
Analytical Fluid
Dynamics (AFD)
Analytical Fluid Dynamics (AFD)
• Applying The theory of mathematical physics problem
• Using the classical Control volume & differential
• We Get the Exact solutions only exist for simple
geometry and conditions

• Examples:
(Definition and fluids properties - Fluid statics - Fluids in motion-
Continuity, momentum, and energy principles - Dimensional
Analytical Fluid Dynamics (AFD)
Friction factor:
8 |w
8 w dx 64
f  
 

V 2
V 2

Head loss:

p1 p2
 z1   z2  h f
 
Experimental Fluid
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
• U s e o f e x p e r im e n t a l m e t h o d o l o gy a n d
procedures for solving fluids engineering
• Including full and model scales, large and table
top facilities, measurement systems
• Sol ution done by (instrum e ntation, data
acquisition and data reduction, uncertainty
analysis, and dimensional analysis and similarity)
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
EFD philosophy:

• Decisions on conducting experiments are governed

by the ability of the expected test outcome, to
achieve the test objectives within allowable
• Integration of UA into all test phases should be a
key part of entire experimental program which
consist of:
• Test design, and instrumentation selection.
•Admit the trial version of the test rig.
•Conduct the final version after modifications of test rig
• Determination of error sources
• estimation of uncertainty
• documentation of the results
Experimental Fluid
Purpose Dynamics
• Science & Technology: understand and investigate a
phenomenon/process, substantiate and validate a

• Research & Development: document a process/system,

provide benchmark data (standard procedures,
validations), calibrate instruments, equipment, and

• Industry: design optimization and analysis, provide data

for direct use, product liability, and acceptance

• Teaching: instruction/demonstration
Experimental Fluid Dynamics(EFD)

Applications of EFD

Application in science & technology Application in research & development

Picture of Karman vortex shedding Tropic Wind Tunnel has the ability to create
temperatures ranging from 0 to 165 degrees
Fahrenheit and simulate rain
Experimental Fluid
Applications of EFD (cont’d)

Example of industrial application

NASA's cryogenic wind tunnel simulates flight Application in teaching
conditions for scale models--a critical tool in Fluid dynamics laboratory
designing airplanes.
Experimental Fluid Dynamics(EFD)
Full and model scale

• Scales: model, and full-scale

• Selection of the model scale: governed by dimensional analysis
and similarity
Measurement systems
• Load cell to measure forces and moments
• Pressure transducers
• Pitot tubes
• Hotwire anemometry
Data acquisition
• Serial port devices
• Desktop PC’s
• Plug-in data acquisition boards
• Data Acquisition software - Labview
Data analysis and data reduction
• Data reduction equations
• Spectral analysis
Experimental Fluid
EFD process Dynamics(EFD)

“EFD process” is the steps to set up an experiment and

take data
Computational Fluid
Computational Fluid Dynamics
• CFD is use of computational methods for
solving fluid engineering systems, including
modeling (mathematical & Physics) and
numerical methods (solvers, finite differences,
and grid generations, etc.).
• Rapid growth in CFD technology since advent
of computer

ENIAC 1, 1946 IBM WorkStation

Computational Fluid Dynamics
• The objective of CFD is to model the continuous
fluids with Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)
and discretize PDEs into an algebra problem,
solve it, validate it and achieve simulation based
design instead of “build & test”
Computational Fluid Dynamics

Simulation of physical fluid phenomena that are difficult to be

measured by experiments
Scale simulations (e.g., full-scale ships, airplanes)
Hazards (e.g., explosions, radiation, pollution)
Physics (e.g., weather prediction, planetary boundary layer, stellar

Knowledge and exploration of flow physics

• Aerospace
• Automobile and Engine Applications
• Appliances
• Boats
• Computers
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Numerical Scheme
• Mathematical physics problem formulation of fluid
engineering system
• Governing equations: Navier-Stokes equations (momentum),
continuity equation, pressure Poisson equation, energy
equation, ideal gas law, combustions (chemical reaction
equation), multi-phase flows (e.g. Rayleigh equation), and
turbulent models (RANS, LES, DES).

• Coordinates: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical

coordinates result in different form of governing
Numerical Scheme

• Initial conditions (initial guess of the solution)

and Boundary Conditions (no-slip wall, free-
surface, zero-gradient, symmetry,
velocity/pressure inlet/outlet)

• Flow conditions: Geometry approximation,

domain, Reynolds Number, and Mach Number, etc.
Where is CFD used? (Aerospace)
• Where is CFD used?
– Aerospace
– Appliances
– Automotive
F18 Store Separation
– Biomedical
– Chemical Processing
– Hydraulics
– Marine
– Oil & Gas
– Power Generation
– Sports Wing-Body Interaction Hypersonic Launch Vehicle

How Does a CFD Code Work?
CFD codes are structured around the
numerical algorithms that can tackle fluid
flow problems

•Three main elements:

1. Pre Processor
2. Solver
3. Post Processor
CFD process
Dinosaur example
Dinosaur mesh example

Velocity vectors around a

Velocity magnitude (0-6 m/s) on a

Pressure field on a dinosaur

Grid Resolution

Advantages of CFD
Advantages of CFD
• Low Cost
– Using physical experiments and tests to get essential
engineering data for design can be expensive.
– Computational simulations are relatively inexpensive, and
costs are likely to decrease as computers become
more powerful.
• Speed
– CFD simulations can be executed in a short period of
– Quick turnaround means engineering data can be
introduced early in the design process
• Ability to Simulate Real Conditions
– Many flow and heat transfer processes can not be
(easily) tested - e.g. hypersonic flow at Mach 20
– CFD provides the ability to theoretically simulate any
physical condition
Advantages of CFD (2)
• Ability to simulate ideal conditions.
– CFD allows great control over the physical process, and provides the

ability to isolate specific phenomena for study.

– Example: a heat transfer process can be idealized with adiabatic,

constant heat flux, or constant temperature boundaries.

• Comprehensive information.
– Experiments only permit data to be extracted at a limited number of

locations in the system (e.g. pressure and temperature probes, heat

flux gauges, LDV, etc.).
– CFD allows the analyst to examine a large number of locations in the
region of interest, and yields a comprehensive set of flow parameters
for examination.
Limitations of CFD
Limitations of CFD
• Physical Models
– CFD solutions rely upon physical models of
real world processes (e.g. turbulence,
compressibility, chemistry, multiphase flow,
– The solutions that are obtained through
CFD can only be as accurate as the
physical models on which they are based.
Limitations of CFD

• Numerical Errors
– Solving equations on a computer invariably
introduces numerical errors
• Round-off error - computererrors due to finite word size
available on the
• Truncation error - error due to approximations in the
numerical models
– Round-off errors will always exist (though they
should be small in most cases)
– Truncation errors will go to zero as the grid is
- so mesh refinement is one way to deal with
truncation error.
Limitations of CFD (2)
• Boundary Conditions
– As with physical models, the accuracy of
the CFD solution is only as good as the
initial/boundary conditions provided to the
numerical model.
– Example: Flow in a duct with sudden
• If flow is supplied to domain by a pipe, you should
use a fully-develComputational
ped profile for velocity Domain
than assume uniform conditions.
Fully Developed
Uniform Inlet Inlet Profile
poor better
• CFD is a method to numerically calculate heat
transfer and fluid flow.
• Currently, its main application is as an
engineering method, to provide data that is
complementary to theoretical and experimental
data. This is mainly the domain of commercially
available codes and in-house codes at large
• CFD can also be used for purely scientific
studies, e.g. into the fundamentals of
turbulence. This is more common in academic
institutions and government research
laboratories. Codes are usually developed to
specifically study a certain problem.
Commercial software
• CFD software
1. FLUENT: http://www.fluent.com
2. FLOWLAB: http://www.flowlab.fluent.com
3. CFDRC: http://www.cfdrc.com
4. STAR-CD: http://www.cd-adapco.com
5. CFX/AEA: http://www.software.aeat.com/cfx
• Grid Generation software
1. Gridgen: http://www.pointwise.com
2. GridPro: http://www.gridpro.com
• Visualization software
1. Tecplot: http://www.amtec.com
2. Fieldview: http://www.ilight.com
• CFD Online:
• http://www.cfd-online.com/
Software and resources
• CFD software was built upon physics, modeling, numerics.
• Two types of available software
– Commercial (e.g., FLUENT, CFX, Star-CCM, COMSOL)
– Research (e.g., CFDSHIP-IOWA, U2RANS)
• More information on CFD can be got on the following website:
– CFD Online: http://www.cfd-online.com/
– CFD software
• FLUENT: http://www.fluent.com/
• COMSOL http://www.comsol.com/
• CD-adapco: http://www.cd-adapco.com/
– Grid generation software
• Gridgen: http://www.pointwise.com
• GridPro: http://www.gridpro.com/
– Visualization software
• Tecplot: http://www.amtec.com/
• Fieldview: http://www.ilight.com/
You Must Study CFD

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