Starboard Socks
Pattern Number: 90503AD
These cushy slipper socks are great for wearing around the house or inside of boots
during the winter.
Free Knitting Pattern from Lion Brand Yarn
Lion Brand Wool-Ease ® ®
Starboard Socks
Pattern Number: 90503AD
SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Intermediate
CORRECTIONS: None as of Jan 6, 2010. To check for later updates, click here.
• 620-174 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Yarn: Avocado
1 Ball (A)
• 620-099 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Yarn: Fisherman
1 Ball (B)
• Lion Brand Double-Pointed Needles - Size 10
• Lion Brand Stitch Markers
• Lion Brand Stitch Holders
• Large-Eye Blunt Needles (Set of 6)
16 sts = 4 in. (10 cm) in St st worked in the rnd (k every rnd) with 2 strands held tog.
BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your
project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the
pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you less stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm]
square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a
larger size hook or needles.
ssk (slip, slip, knit) Slip next 2 sts as if to knit, one at a time, to right needle; insert left
needle into fronts of these 2 sts and k them together – 1 st decreased.
Holding the 2 needles parallel with wrong sides of fabric together, thread a blunt needle with
yarn end and work as follows: Insert needle as if to purl into the first stitch on front piece.
Insert needle as if to knit into the first stitch on the back piece. Then follow steps 1-4 below.
1) Insert needle as if to knit through the first st on the front needle and let the st drop from
the needle.
2) Insert needle into the second st on the front needle as if to purl and pull the yarn through,
leaving the st on the needle.
3) Insert needle into the first st on the back needle as if to purl and let the st drop from the
needle, then
4) Insert needle as if to knit through the second st on the back needle and pull the yarn
through, leaving the st on the needle. Rep 1-4 until all sts have been grafted. When finished,
adjust tension as necessary.
K1, p1 Rib (in the rnd over an even number of sts)
Rnd 1: *K1, p1, rep from * around
Rep Rnd 1 for K1, p1 Rib worked in the rnd.
SOCK (make 2)
With 2 strands of A held tog, cast on 26 (34) sts. Divide sts onto 3 double-pointed needles. Place marker for
beg of rnd and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in K1, p1 rib for 10 (12) rnds. Join 1 strand of B,
drop 1 strand of A. Do not cut the unused strand of A. With 1 strand each of A and B held tog work in St st
worked in the rnd (k every rnd) for 3 rnds. Drop B strand but do not cut yarn. With 2 strands of A held tog,
work in St st for 2 rnds. Cut 1 strand of A and continue with 1 strand each of A and B for remainder of sock.
With 1 strand each of A and B held tog, work in St st worked in the rnd until piece measures about 7 (8 1/2)
in. (18 (21.5) cm) from beg.
Heel Flap
Row 1: K13 (17) sts, turn, place rem sts on holder for top of foot (instep).
Note: Heel flap is worked back and forth in rows over 13 (17) sts only. Rem 13 (17) sts will be worked after
heel shaping has been completed.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: K1, *sl 1, k1; rep from * to end of row. Rep last 2 rows 5 (6) more times.
Turn Heel
Note: Short rows are now worked to shape the heel. When working short rows, not all heel flap sts are
worked on every row. Turn when instructed.
Row 1: Sl 1, k6 (10), k2tog, k1, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1, p3 (7), p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3: Sl 1, k4 (7), k2tog, k1, turn.
Row 4: Sl 1, p5 (8), p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 5: Sl 1, k6 (10), k2tog, turn.
Row 6: Sl 1, p5 (9), p2tog, turn – 7 (11) sts heel sts rem.
Shape Gusset
Note: Work now proceeds in rnds. The first rnd is set up by working across the heel sts, picking up sts along
the side of the heel flap, working across the instep sts from the st holder, picking up sts along the other side
of the heel flap, and finally working back to the center of the heel sts.
Set Up Rnd: Knit across 7 (11) sts of heel, with same needle, pick up and k8 (12) sts along side of heel flap;
with 2nd needle k13 (17) instep sts from holder; with 3rd needle, pick up and k8 (12) sts along rem side of
heel flap, with same needle, k3 (5) sts of heel – 36 (52) sts at the end of this rnd. Beg of rnd is at center of
heel sts. Place marker for new beg of rnd.
Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: K to last 3 sts on 1st needle, k2tog, k1; k across instep sts on needle 2; on 3rd needle, k1, ssk, k to
end of rnd. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until 26 (34) sts rem.
Work even in St st until foot measures about 7 (9) in. (18 (23) cm), or 2 in. (5 cm) less than desired total
Shape Toe
Rnd 1: K to last 3 sts on 1st needle, k2tog, k1, on 2nd needle k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1, on 3rd needle,
k1, k2tog, k to end of rnd.
Rnd 2: Knit. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until 14 (18) sts rem. Cut yarns, leaving a long tail of A, shorter tail of B.
Divide remaining sts onto 2 needles and using long A tail, graft toe together.
Weave in ends.
Click for explanation and illustration
beg = begin(s)(ning) k = knit
k2tog = knit 2 together p = purl
p2tog = purl 2 together rem = remain(s)(ing)
rep = repeat(s)(ing) rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side sl = slip
St st = Stockinette stitch st(s) = stitch(es)
tog = together
Every effort has been made to have the knitting and crochet instructions accurate and complete. We cannot be responsible for variance of individual
knitters and crocheters, human errors, or typographical mistakes.
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