Pancreatic Ca2010
Pancreatic Ca2010
Pancreatic Ca2010
review article
Medical Progress
Pancreatic Cancer
Manuel Hidalgo, M.D.
eaths from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, also known as From the Centro Nacional de Investi
pancreatic cancer, rank fourth among cancer-related deaths in the United gaciones Oncológicas and Hospital de
Madrid, Madrid; and Johns Hopkins Uni
States. In 2008, the estimated incidence of pancreatic cancer in the United versity School of Medicine, Baltimore.
States was 37,700 cases, and an estimated 34,300 patients died from the disease.1 Address reprint requests to Dr. Hidalgo
Pancreatic cancer is more common in elderly persons than in younger persons, and at 1650 Orleans St., Rm. 489, Baltimore,
MD 21230, or at [email protected].
less than 20% of patients present with localized, potentially curable tumors. The
overall 5-year survival rate among patients with pancreatic cancer is <5%.1,2 N Engl J Med 2010;362:1605-17.
The causes of pancreatic cancer remain unknown. Several environmental factors Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
have been implicated, but evidence of a causative role exists only for tobacco use.
Smokers have a 2.5 to 3.6% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer, as compared
with nonsmokers; the risk increases with greater tobacco use and longer exposure
to smoke.3 Data are limited on the possible roles of moderate intake of alcohol,
intake of coffee, and use of aspirin as contributing factors. Some studies have
shown an increased incidence of pancreatic cancer among patients with a history of
diabetes or chronic pancreatitis, and there is also evidence, although less conclusive,
that chronic cirrhosis, a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, and previous cholecystec-
tomy are associated with an increased incidence.4-7 More recently, an increased risk
has been observed among patients with blood type A, B, or AB as compared with
blood type O.8
Approximately 5 to 10% of patients with pancreatic cancer have a family history
of the disease.9 In some patients, pancreatic cancer develops as part of a well-
defined cancer-predisposing syndrome for which germ-line genetic alterations are
known (see Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of
this article at In addition, in some families with an increased risk of
pancreatic cancer, a genetic rather than an environmental cause is suspected. The
risk of pancreatic cancer is 57 times as high in families with four or more affected
members as in families with no affected members.10 The genetic bases for these
associations are not known, although a subgroup of such high-risk kindred carry
germ-line mutations of DNA repair genes such as BRCA2 and the partner and local-
izer of BRCA2 (PALB2).11-13
In recent years, there have been important advances in the understanding of the
molecular biology of pancreatic cancer as well as in diagnosis, staging, and treat-
ment in patients with early-stage tumors. Minimal progress has been made, how-
ever, in prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment in patients with advanced disease.
This review summarizes recent progress in the understanding and management
of pancreatic cancer.
Data suggest that pancreatic cancer results from the successive accumulation of gene
mutations.14 The cancer originates in the ductal epithelium and evolves from pre-
malignant lesions to fully invasive cancer. The lesion called pancreatic intraepithe-
collagen and other components of the extracel- genase-2, PDGF receptor, vascular endothelial
lular matrix; stellate cells also appear to be growth factor, stromal cell–derived factor, chemo-
responsible for the poor vascularization that is kines, integrins, SPARC (secreted protein, acidic,
characteristic of pancreatic cancer.24,25 Further- cysteine-rich), and hedgehog pathway elements,
more, stellate cells regulate the reabsorption and among others, which have been associated with
turnover of the stroma, mainly through the a poor prognosis and resistance to treatment.
production of matrix metalloproteinases.26 The However, these proteins may also represent new
stroma is not just a mechanical barrier; rather, it therapeutic targets.27,28
constitutes a dynamic compartment that is criti- The role of angiogenesis in pancreatic cancer
cally involved in the process of tumor formation, remains controversial. Although early data sug-
progression, invasion, and metastasis.22,23 Stromal gested that pancreatic cancer is angiogenesis-
cells express multiple proteins such as cyclooxy- dependent, as are most solid tumors, treatment
Obstruction of the pancreatic duct may lead to tion (Fig. 2C).35 In patients who have large tu-
pancreatitis. Patients with pancreatic cancer often mors, especially in the body and tail of the pan-
have dysglycemia. Indeed, pancreatic cancer should creas, as well as other indications of advanced
be considered in the differential diagnoses of acute disease such as weight loss, an elevated level of
pancreatitis and newly diagnosed diabetes. carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), ascites, or
At presentation, most patients also have sys- equivocal CT findings, a staging laparoscopy can
temic manifestations of the disease such as asthe- accurately determine metastatic and vascular
nia, anorexia, and weight loss. Other, less com- involvement.36
mon manifestations include deep and superficial There are many potential serum biomarkers
venous thrombosis, panniculitis, liver-function for diagnosis, stratification of a prognosis, and
abnormalities, gastric-outlet obstruction, increased monitoring of therapy.37 CA 19-9 is the only bio-
abdominal girth, and depression. marker with demonstrated clinical usefulness and
Physical examination may reveal jaundice, is useful for therapeutic monitoring and early
temporal wasting, peripheral lymphadenopathy, detection of recurrent disease after treatment in
hepatomegaly, and ascites. Results of routine patients with known pancreatic cancer.37-41 How-
blood tests are generally nonspecific and may ever, CA 19-9 has important limitations. It is not
include mild abnormalities in liver-function tests, a specific biomarker for pancreatic cancer; the
hyperglycemia, and anemia.2,21 level of CA 19-9 may be elevated in other condi-
Evaluation of a patient in whom pancreatic tions such as cholestasis. In addition, patients
cancer is suspected should focus on diagnosis who are negative for Lewis antigen a or b (ap-
and staging of the disease, assessment of resec- proximately 10% of patients with pancreatic can-
tability, and palliation of symptoms. Multiphase, cer) are unable to synthesize CA 19-9 and have
multidetector helical computed tomography (CT) undetectable levels, even in advanced stages of
with intravenous administration of contrast ma- the disease. Although measurement of serum
terial is the imaging procedure of choice for the CA 19-9 levels is useful in patients with known
initial evaluation.33 This technique allows visu- pancreatic cancer, the use of this biomarker as a
alization of the primary tumor in relation to the screening tool has had disappointing results.
superior mesenteric artery, celiac axis, superior Universal primary screening for pancreatic
mesenteric vein, and portal vein and also in cancer is currently not recommended, given the
relation to distant organs (Fig. 2B). In general, tools available and their performance.42 Single-
contrast-enhanced CT is sufficient to confirm a institution studies focusing on surveillance of
suspected pancreatic mass and to frame an initial patients at high risk, such as those with a strong
management plan. Overall, contrast-enhanced CT family history or cancer-predisposition syndromes,
predicts surgical resectability with 80 to 90% have used serial endoscopic ultrasonography and
accuracy.34 Positron-emission tomography can be CT. Pancreatic lesions associated with benign
useful if the CT findings are equivocal. intrapancreatic mucinous neoplasia or pancreatic
Some patients require additional diagnostic intraepithelial neoplasia have been detected in
studies. Endoscopic ultrasonography is useful in approximately 10% of these high-risk patients.
patients in whom pancreatic cancer is suspected However, the cost-effectiveness of this approach
although there is no visible mass identifiable on is unclear, and its use is investigational.43
CT. It is the preferred method of obtaining tis-
sue for diagnostic purposes. Although a tissue S taging of Pa ncr e at ic C a ncer
diagnosis is not needed in patients who are
scheduled for surgery, it is required before the Pancreatic cancer is staged according to the most
initiation of treatment with chemotherapy or recent edition of the American Joint Committee
radiation therapy. Endoscopic retrograde cholan- on Cancer tumor–node–metastasis classification,
giopancreatography (ERCP) shows the pancreatic which is based on assessment of resectability by
and bile-duct anatomy and can be used to guide means of helical CT.44 T1, T2, and T3 tumors are
ductal brushing and lavage, which provides tis- potentially resectable, whereas T4 tumors, which
sue for diagnosis. The ERCP technique is espe- involve the superior mesenteric artery or celiac
cially useful in patients with jaundice in whom axis, are unresectable (Table 1). Tumors involv-
an endoscopic stent is required to relieve obstruc- ing the superior mesenteric veins, portal veins, or
splenic veins are classified as T3, since these tients who are treated with neoadjuvant therapy
veins can be resected and reconstructed, provid- before resection or who are referred to other
ed that they are patent. centers for treatment.52 Patients with symptoms
of cholangitis require decompression as well as
M a nagemen t of E a r ly Dise a se antibiotic treatment before surgery.
Even if the tumor is fully resected, the out-
Patients with pancreatic cancer are best cared for come in patients with early pancreatic cancer is
by multidisciplinary teams that include surgeons, disappointing. The results of three large ran-
medical and radiation oncologists, radiologists, domized clinical trials, summarized in Table 2 in
gastroenterologists, nutritionists, and pain spe- the Supplementary Appendix, have established
cialists, among others.46,47 For patients with resec- the role of postoperative treatment in patients
table disease, surgery remains the treatment of with resected pancreatic cancer.53-55 The results
choice.48 Depending on the location of the tumor, of the European Study Group for Pancreatic Can-
the operative procedures may involve cephalic cer Trial 1 and Charité Onkologie 1 trial show that
pancreatoduodenectomy (the Whipple procedure), postoperative administration of chemotherapy
distal pancreatectomy, or total pancreatectomy. with either fluorouracil and leucovorin or gem-
A minimum of 12 to 15 lymph nodes should be citabine, a nucleotide analogue commonly used
resected, and every attempt should be made to to treat advanced pancreatic cancer, improves
obtain a tumor-free margin. Data from several progression-free and overall survival. In addi-
randomized clinical trials indicate that a more tion, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
extensive resection does not improve survival but trial 97-04 showed that the combination of gem-
increases postoperative morbidity. Recent studies citabine with fluorouracil administered as a
show that the results of vein resection and vascu- continuous infusion and radiation therapy re-
lar reconstruction in patients with limited in- sulted in a trend toward increased overall survival,
volvement of the superior mesenteric vein and although the increase was not significant, among
portal vein are similar to the results in patients patients with tumors in the head of the pancreas.
without vein involvement.49 Poor prognostic fac- These results are similar to those of large single-
tors include lymph-node metastases, a high tumor institution series that incorporated radiation
grade, a large tumor, high levels of CA 19-9, per- therapy.56
sistently elevated postoperative levels of CA 19-9, Notwithstanding differences in patient popu-
and positive margins of resection.38,40,50,51 lations and therapies, the outcome in patients
Up to 70% of patients with pancreatic cancer treated in these trials was similar, with a median
present with biliary obstruction, which can be survival of 20 to 22 months. Large tumor size,
relieved by percutaneous or endoscopic stent high differentiation grade, and involvement of the
placement. Decompression is appropriate for pa- lymph nodes are risk factors for recurrent disease.
tients in whom surgery is delayed, such as pa- The effect of positive resection margins, however,
is more controversial.57 Thus, gemcitabine alone patients with advanced disease remains palliative,
or gemcitabine in combination with fluorouracil- although these patients should be offered the
based chemoradiation can be considered the stan- opportunity to participate in clinical trials evalu-
dard of care in this setting. The unequivocal dem- ating new treatments when available. A meta-
onstration that postoperative treatment improves analysis of published findings from clinical trials
the outcome in these patients is one of the most showed an improvement in survival among pa-
important advances that has been made in the tients who received chemotherapy; these findings
management of pancreatic cancer. suggest that active treatment is beneficial.61 For
An emerging strategy in patients with resect- more than a decade, gemcitabine has been the
able pancreatic cancer is the use of preoperative treatment of choice on the basis of the results of
(neoadjuvant) treatment. Nonrandomized, phase the randomized trial of gemcitabine versus fluo-
2 studies suggest that this approach is at least as rouracil, summarized in Table 3 in the Supplemen-
effective as postoperative treatment and may de- tary Appendix.64 Multiple new agents with diverse
crease the rate of local failures and positive resec- mechanisms of action in combination with gem-
tion margins after surgery.58 These findings are citabine have been tested in randomized clinical
particularly relevant for patients who have so- trials, with no improvement in outcome.2,65,66
called borderline-resectable tumors with limited The only agent that, in combination with
vascular involvement; in these patients, preopera- gemcitabine, has shown a small, but statistically
tive treatment may result in tumor-free resection significant improvement in survival among pa-
margins.59 tients with advanced pancreatic cancer is erloti
nib, a small-molecule inhibitor of the epidermal
growth factor receptor (EGFR) (Table 3 in the
M a nagemen t of L o c a l ly
A dva nced a nd S ys temic a l ly Supplementary Appendix).67 As shown in other
A dva nced Dise a se studies of agents targeting the EGFR, patients in
whom drug-induced rashes developed had a better
Approximately 30% of patients with pancreatic outcome. However, the high frequency of KRAS2
cancer receive a diagnosis of advanced loco mutations in pancreatic cancer probably limits
regional disease, and an additional 30% of pa- the benefits of an EGFR inhibitor; this limita-
tients will have local recurrence of tumors after tion is similar to that observed in other cancers
treatment for early disease. The treatment of pa- such as colon cancer. As compared with erlotinib
tients with advanced locoregional disease is palli- alone, the combination of gemcitabine and erlo-
ative; with current treatments, the median over- tinib has more toxicity, particularly gastrointes-
all survival ranges only from 9 to 10 months. tinal symptoms. Together with the rather mod-
Management options range from systemic chemo- est improvement in survival, the toxicity of this
therapy alone to combined forms of treatment combination has limited its wide acceptance as
with chemoradiation therapy and chemotherapy. the standard of care. A recent meta-analysis of
A series of randomized trials conducted over the randomized trials showed that patients with
past two decades established that chemoradia- minimal disease-related symptoms and otherwise
tion therapy was superior to radiation therapy good health may benefit from combination che-
alone in these patients.60,61 The results of more motherapy with gemcitabine and either a plati-
recent studies, summarized in Table 3 in the num agent or a fluoropyrimidine.66,68 Thus, at the
Supplementary Appendix, suggest that chemo- present time, the accepted treatment approach
therapy is indeed the critical component in the for patients with advanced disease is either gem-
treatment approach and that combined treatment citabine given alone or gemcitabine combined
with chemotherapy and chemoradiation therapy with a platinum agent, erlotinib, or a fluoropy
is an effective, though more toxic, approach. How- rimidine.
ever, randomized clinical trials of such combined Once the disease progresses, there is no ac-
treatments have had low enrollment, precluding cepted standard of care; most patients at that
a firm conclusion.60,62,63 point are too sick to receive any other treatment.
The majority of patients with pancreatic can- In a highly selected group of patients with mini-
cer either present with metastatic disease or mally symptomatic disease, second-line chemo-
metastatic disease develops in them, mainly in therapy has modest efficacy, and it can be offered
the liver and peritoneal cavity. The treatment of to patients with good functional reserve (i.e., pa-
phate) by deoxycytidine kinase is by 1 wk rest, then weekly for 3 of every cytopenia (10%), elevated AST level
incorporated into the nascent DNA 4 wk; or weekly for 3 of every 4 wk (10%)
and blocks DNA replication
Fixed-dose infusion of gemcitabine Prolonged exposure to gemcitabine 1500 mg/m2 given as 10 mg/m2/min IV Neutropenia (49%), thrombocytopenia Tempero et al.71
increases accumulation of dFdC infusion weekly for 3 of every 4 wk (37%), anemia (23%), nausea and
triphosphate vomiting (21%)
Gemcitabine plus oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin is a diaminocyclohexano Gemcitabine: 1000 mg/m2 given as Neutropenia (20%), peripheral sensory Louvet et al.72
Gemcitabine plus cisplatin Cisplatin is a DNA-binding alkylating Gemcitabine: 1000 mg/m2 given as 30- Nausea and vomiting (22%), anemia Heinemann et al.73
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
agent min IV infusion every other wk; cis (13%), pain (12%), leukopenia
Oxaliplatin plus capecitabine Oxaliplatin is a diaminocyclohexano Oxaliplatin: 130 mg/m2 given as 120- Oxaliplatin: fatigue (13%), diarrhea Xiong et al.69
platinum analogue that binds and al min IV infusion every 3 wk; and (5%), vomiting (3%); capecitabine:
Medical Progress
kylates DNA; capecitabine is convert capecitabine: 2000 mg/m2 daily, hand–foot syndrome (3%), abdomi
ed in the tumor to fluorouracil and orally for 14 days every 3–4 wk, nal pain (3%)
inhibits thymidilate synthetase divided in two daily doses
* AST denotes aspartate aminotransferase; dFdC difluorodeoxycytidine; FOLFIRI.3 regimen of fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan; FOLFOX regimen of folinic acid, fluorouracil, and
Target Agent Drug Class Mechanism of Action Phase Reference
SPARC Nanoparticle albumin- Cytotoxic agent SPARC, expressed in cancer cells and stroma in the pancreas, binds nanoparticle 3 Li and Saif 75
bound paclitaxel albumin-bound paclitaxel, increasing local drug delivery
IGF-IR MK 0646, AMG 479, R1507 Monoclonal antibody Inhibits ligand binding activation of the IGF-IR and cell proliferation 3 Hewish et al.78
Death receptor AMG 655, CS1008 Monoclonal antibody Agonist antibodies to membrane death receptors induce apoptosis 2 Li and Saif,75
Derosier et al.79
Mucin-1 90Y-hPAM4 Radioimmunoconjugate Targets mucin-1 expressed in pancreatic-cancer cells and delivers radiation load 1–2 Gold et al.80
Hedgehog GDC-0449, IPI-926 Small-molecule inhibitor Inhibits smoothened receptor, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation; targets 1 Olive et al.,29 Jimeno
pathway cancer stroma and cancer stem cells in the pancreas et al.32
MEK AZD6244 Small-molecule inhibitor Targets and inhibits MEK, decreasing cell proliferation 2 Chung et al.81
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
Src AZD0530, dasatinib Small-molecule inhibitor Targets and inhibits Src kinase, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation and 2 Rajeshkumar et al.77
RAS Sarilasib Small-molecule inhibitor Dislodges all forms of RAS from the plasma membrane, inhibiting RAS signaling 2 Haklai et al.82
tients who are ambulatory and minimally symp- that the tumor microenvironment and cancer
tomatic).69,70 Table 2 lists commonly used first-line stem cells are critical components of pancreatic
and second-line therapeutic regimens. cancer has led to the development of agents, such
as the hedgehog inhibitors, that target these
F u t ur e Dir ec t ions components.23,29,31,32 The availability of preclini-
cal models that recapitulate the complexity of
There is much room for improvement in all as- this disease will probably help in establishing
pects of treatment for pancreatic cancer. Screen- priorities and strategies for the development of
ing of high-risk persons by means of either in- new treatments.77,86 The complexity of the genome
novative imaging methods or measurements of of pancreatic cancer indicates that it is a hetero-
serum biomarkers for early diagnosis is criti- geneous cancer and that methods to individual-
cal.42,43,76 A better understanding of the biology ize therapy will be required.11,87
of pancreatic cancer is opening new avenues for
Dr. Hidalgo reports receiving grant support from Roche and
treatment, and an increasing number of new tar- Daichi; being the principal investigator and receiving grant sup-
geted agents are in clinical development (Table 3). port for clinical studies of nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel
These agents include small-molecule inhibitors of from American Biosciences, of erlotinib from Roche, of AGS-
1C4D4 from Agensys, and of MORAb-009 from Eisai; and receiv-
oncogenes and signaling pathways such as RAS, ing consulting fees from American Biosciences, OSI–Genentech,
Src, and MEK, monoclonal antibodies targeting Merck, and Agensys. No other potential conflict of interest rele-
cell-membrane proteins such as mesothelin and vant to this article was reported.
I thank Wells Messersmith and Anirban Maitra for critical
the so-called death receptors, and new nanotech- comments on an earlier version of the manuscript and Sofia
nology and adenoviral agents. The recognition Perea for editorial assistance.
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