Jurnal Kolangiokarsinoma
Jurnal Kolangiokarsinoma
Jurnal Kolangiokarsinoma
Robert F. Schwabe and John W. Wiley, Section Editors
Cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are hepatobiliary can- encasement.3 pCCA is the most common type of CCA. In a
cers with features of cholangiocyte differentiation; large series of patients with bile duct cancer, 8% had iCCA,
they can be classified anatomically as intrahepatic 50% had pCCA, and 42% had distal CCA.4 CCA has a poor
CCA (iCCA), perihilar CCA (pCCA), or distal CCA. prognosis; patients have a median survival of 24 months
These subtypes differ not only in their anatomic after diagnosis. The only curative treatment option is sur-
location, but in epidemiology, origin, etiology, path- gery, for early stage disease.5
ogenesis, and treatment. The incidence and mortality
of iCCA has been increasing over the past 3 decades,
and only a low percentage of patients survive until 5
years after diagnosis. Geographic variations in the inci- Cholangiocarcinoma accounts for 3% of all gastro-
dence of CCA are related to variations in risk factors. intestinal tumors. Over the past 3 decades, the overall
Changes in oncogene and inflammatory signaling path- incidence of CCA appears to have increased.6 The percent-
ways, as well as genetic and epigenetic alterations and age of patients who survive 5 years after diagnosis has not
chromosome aberrations, have been shown to contribute increased during this time period, remaining at 10%.7,8
to the development of CCA. Furthermore, CCAs are In the United States, Hispanics and Asians have the
surrounded by a dense stroma that contains many highest incidence of CCA (2.8 per 100,000 and 3.3 per
cancer-associated fibroblasts, which promotes their 100,000, respectively), whereas African Americans have the
progression. We have gained a better understanding of lowest incidence of CCA (2.1 per 100,000). African Amer-
the imaging characteristics of iCCAs and have developed icans also have lower age-adjusted mortality rates
advanced cytologic techniques to detect pCCAs. Patients compared with whites (1.4 per 100,000 vs 1.7 per 100,000).
with iCCAs usually are treated surgically, whereas liver Men have a slightly higher incidence of CCA and mortality
transplantation after neoadjuvant chemoradiation is an from cancer than women.7 With the exception of patients
option for a subset of patients with pCCAs. We review with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a diagnosis of
recent developments in our understanding of the epide- CCA is uncommon before age 40 years.
miology and pathogenesis of CCA, along with advances
in classification, diagnosis, and treatment. Abbreviations used in this paper: a-SMA, a-smooth muscle actin;
CA19-9, carbohydrate antigen 19-9; CAF, cancer-associated fibroblast;
Keywords: Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts; Distal Chol- CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; CT, computed tomography; CXCR4, chemo-
angiocarcinoma; Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma; kine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4; dCCA, distal cholangiocarcinoma; ECM,
Molecular Pathogenesis. extracellular matrix; EGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; EGFR,
epidermal growth factor–receptor; EMT, epithelial–mesenchymal tran-
sition; ERBB2, v-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene
homolog 2; ERC, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography; ERK, extra-
Globally, hepatobiliary malignancies account for 13% of In the West, PSC is the most common predisposing
cancer-related deaths; 10%–20% of these are attributable to condition for CCA. Among patients with PSC, the annual
CCA. The mean age at diagnosis of CCA is 50 years. The risk of development of CCA is 0.5%–1.5%, with a lifetime
global incidence of iCCA varies widely, from rates of 113 prevalence of 5%–10%17; CCA is diagnosed within 2 years
per 100,000 in Thailand to 0.1 per 100,000 in Australia.9,10 of PSC in most of these patients. A number of potential
Differences in the prevalence of genetic and other risk risk factors for CCA in patients with PSC have been
factors presumably account for this extensive variation. studied, including smoking and alcohol, although defin-
Epidemiologic studies have indicated that the age-adjusted itive data are lacking.8
mortality rate for iCCA is increasing, whereas the mortality Hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infec-
rate from pCCA and dCCA could be decreasing.9–14 A study tion and cirrhosis have been proposed as potential etiologies
of a World Health Organization database reported a sub- of iCCA.23–25 A recent meta-analysis of 11 studies found that
stantial global increase in iCCA mortality, with a decreasing cirrhosis, HBV, and HCV were major risk factors for iCCA,
trend in mortality from pCCA plus dCCA.15 Although this with odds ratios (ORs) of 22.92, 5.1, and 4.8, respectively.26 A
observed increase in the incidence of CCA over the past 30 case-control study from Korea found a significant associa-
years has been recorded as an increase in iCCA, it could result tion between HBV (OR, 2.3) and CCA, but not HCV and
from misclassification of perihilar tumors as iCCAs.16 Ac- CCA. Cirrhosis also was found to be a significant risk factor
cording to the US Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Re- for CCA, with an OR of 13.6. HCV and cirrhosis were asso-
sults database, the age-adjusted incidence rate for iCCA ciated with iCCA in a US case-control study. Compared with
increased from 0.59 per 100,000 in 1990 to 0.91 per 100,000 controls, patients with iCCA had a higher prevalence of
in 2001. It subsequently decreased to 0.6 per 100,000 by 2007. anti-HCV antibodies, with an OR of 7.9.24
Conversely, the incidence rate for pCCA plus dCCA remained CCA development has been associated with other risk
around 0.8 per 100,000 until 2001, and then gradually factors, including inflammatory bowel disease indepen-
increased to 0.97 per 100,000 by 2007. Perihilar tumors were dent of PSC, alcohol, smoking, fatty liver disease, diabetes,
coded as iCCAs before 2001 and subsequently were coded as cholelithiasis, and choledocholithiasis.8,27–29 Additional
pCCAs after implementation of the third edition of the In- studies have associated variants of genes that regulate
ternational Classification of Disease for Oncology. This up- DNA repair, inflammation, and carcinogen metabolism
date likely influenced the aforementioned changes in with CCA development.8 Further studies are necessary to
incidence rates of both CCA subtypes. Similar trends in the verify these potential associations.
incidence of CCA subtypes were noted in the United
Kingdom after the change to the third edition of the Inter-
national Classification of Disease for Oncology in 2008.6,16 Cells of Origin
iCCA is a histologically diverse hepatobiliary ma-
lignancy considered to develop from biliary epithelial cells
Risk Factors or hepatic progenitor cells (Figure 1B). A recently pro-
There are several established risk factors for CCA, posed classification of iCCAs subdivided these tumors
and most cases are sporadic.6,8,17 Geographic variations in into the conventional, bile ductular, or intraductal
incidence rates of CCA are related in part to variations in neoplasm type, or rare variants (combined hepatocellular
risk factors. For example, in Southeast Asia, which has one CCA, undifferentiated type, squamous/adenosquamous
of the highest incidence rates of CCA, infection with the type). The conventional type includes small-duct or pe-
hepatobiliary flukes Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis ripheral type and large-duct or perihilar type.30 Neural cell
sinensis has been associated with the development of CCA. adhesion molecule, a marker of hepatic progenitor cells,
Both parasites cause chronic inflammation and are has been detected in the bile ductular and combined he-
considered carcinogens.8,18 Hepatolithiasis is another risk patocellular CCA types, so these might have originated
factor for CCA (mainly iCCA) in Asian countries.8 Chronic from hepatic progenitor cells.30–32
biliary inflammation secondary to calculi has been pro- Distal and pCCA have been proposed to arise from the
posed to increase the risk of malignancy. Moreover, biliary epithelium and peribiliary glands.33 Extrahepatic
infestation with hepatobiliary flukes has been shown to be bile ducts and large intrahepatic bile ducts are lined by
more common in patients with hepatolithiasis.8,19 The mucin-producing cuboidal cholangiocytes. A recent study
incidence and prevalence of CCA in patients with bile duct showed that mucin-producing iCCAs and hilar CCAs had
(choledochal) cysts are also higher in Asian than in gene expression and immunohistochemical profiles similar
Western countries.20,21 Choledochal cystic diseases, to those of the cylindric, mucin-producing cholangiocytes
including Caroli’s disease, are rare congenital abnormal- that line hilar and intrahepatic large bile ducts.34
ities of the pancreatic and biliary ducts. Choledochal cysts A model in which iCCAs arise from transdifferentiation
can be intrahepatic or extrahepatic, and are diagnosed in and subsequent neoplastic conversion of normal hepato-
patients at an average age of 32 years old.8,17 Thorotrast, a cytes into malignant cholangiocytes has been proposed.
previously used contrast agent that is now banned, was Fan et al35 showed in mice that overexpression of Notch1
found to increase risk for CCA by 300-fold in a Japanese and AKT resulted in the development of invasive cys-
study.22 tadenocarcinomas via conversion of hepatocytes into
to excess nitric oxide with resultant single-stranded, dou-
ble-stranded, and oxidative DNA lesions, as well as inhi-
bition of DNA repair enzymes.38 Interleukin (IL)-6, an
inflammatory mediator secreted by CCA and stromal in-
flammatory cells, can function in an autocrine or para-
crine manner to promote cell survival and provide
mitogenic signals.39,40 Myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1
(MCL1) is an anti-apoptotic BCL2 family member that
mediates tumor necrosis factor–related resistance to
apoptosis-inducing ligands in CCAs.41 IL-6 increases the
expression of MCL1 via constitutive activation of signal
transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling
and protein kinase B (Akt).40,42 MCL1 transcription is
activated by IL-6 via a p38 mitogen-activated protein ki-
nase (MAPK)-dependent pathway.43 IL-6 binds to the
gp130 receptor, leading to its subsequent dimerization
and activation of the gp130-associated janus kinases,
including janus kinase 1 and janus kinase 2, which leads
to STAT3 activation.44,45 Epigenetic silencing of suppressor
of cytokine signaling 3 results in sustained IL-6 signaling via
STAT3.46 Inflammatory signaling pathways therefore
appear to promote the development of CCA by causing
DNA damage and blocking the apoptosis normally
induced by the DNA damage response. These cytokines
also promote cell proliferation. The combination of DNA
damage, evasion of apoptosis, and cell proliferation are all
components of cell transformation.
Epidermal growth factor–receptor (EGFR) signaling
also contributes to cholangiocarcinogenesis and CCA
progression. Activation of EGFR leads to activation of
extracellular-signal regulated kinases (ERKs) 1 and 2 (also
Figure 1. Anatomic localization of CCA and cells of origin in CCA. (A) known as p44/42 MAPK). EGFR inhibitors decrease
Anatomic localization of CCA. CCA is divided into 3 subtypes, based expression of cyclooxygenase-2 by CCA cells.47 V-erb-b2
on anatomic location. Modified with permission from Elsevier and
avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2
Razumilava et al.17 (B) Cells of origin in CCA.
(ERBB2) is another member of the EGFR family that
cholangiocyte precursors of iCCA.35 Sekiya and Suzuki36 contributes to CCA development. In mice, overexpression
also showed that in mice, Notch-mediated conversion of of ERBB2 led to formation of tumors along the biliary
hepatocytes into biliary cells leads to macronodular epithelium.48 Hepatocyte growth factor (hepapoietin A;
cirrhosis and iCCAs. Therefore, iCCAs may not have a scatter factor) (HGF) is a stromal paracrine mediator that
single lineage, but instead derive from different cells of regulates tumor invasiveness and metastasis.49–51 Activa-
origin. In support of this theory, a recent study showed tion of MET, the receptor for HGF, up-regulates several
that transformed hepatocytes, hepatoblasts, and hepatic signaling pathways, including those involving phosphati-
progenitor cells can give rise to a broad spectrum of liver dylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K)–AKT,
tumors, ranging from CCA to HCC.37 These studies STAT3, and MAPK.52 CCAs express higher levels of MET
indicate that multiple cell types, rather than only chol- and HGF than nontumor tissues.53,54 MET overexpression
angiocytes, transform and develop into CCAs. Additional was associated with activation of members of the EGFR
animal models of CCA and lineage tracing studies are family, particularly of ERBB2.54,55
necessary to help identify the cells of origin for CCA. Cholestasis also contributes to the development of
CCA, and bile acids have important roles in this process,
activating growth factors that mediate proliferation. Bile
Inflammation acids activate EGFR and increase expression of
CCAs frequently arises under conditions of cyclooxygenase-2 via a MAPK cascade.56 In addition to bile
inflammation, which is believed to contribute to patho- acids, cyclooxygenase-2 overexpression is induced by oxy-
genesis. A variety of cytokines, growth factors, tyrosine sterols and inducible nitric oxide synthase.57 Oxysterols
kinases, and bile acids can contribute to alterations in are overlooked in the pathogenesis of CCA.58 These
proliferation, apoptosis, senescence, and cell-cycle regula- oxidative degradation products of cholesterol are abun-
tion required for cholangiocarcinogenesis.5 Inflammatory dant in bile. They are endogenous ligands for the
hedgehog signaling pathway59—a developmental pathway compared with 17% in iCCAs.71 In a transcriptome profile
implicated in CCA progression.60 analysis of 104 CCAs and 59 matched nontumor samples
Figure 2. IDH mutations. (A)
Function of wild-type and
mutant IDH (mIDH). Wild-type
enzymes catalyze a reaction
that converts isocitrate to
a-ketoglutarate and reduces
NADP to NADPH. The mutant
enzymes acquire a neomorphic
activity that converts the normal
metabolite a-KG to 2-HG, and
consumption rather than pro-
duction of NADPH. 2-HG leads to
inhibition of certain dioxygenases,
which has been postulated to
result in cancer-promoting
events. (B) Potential of personal-
ized medicine for CCA, using
mIDH inhibitors, as an example.
a-KG, a-ketoglutarate; 2-HG,
2-hydroxyglutarate; NADPH,
nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
tide phosphate.
Another evolutionary conserved, developmental insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.92 PDGF-
pathway is the Hedgehog signaling pathway. Hedgehog mediated interactions between CAFs and tumor cells
signaling is deregulated in many types of tumors, have been observed, such as recruitment of CAFs by
including CCAs. Inhibition of hedgehog signaling with PDGF-D secreted by CCA cells.60,100,101 PDGF-D stimu-
cyclopamine impedes CCA cell migration, proliferation, lates CAF migration via its receptor platelet-derived
and invasion.87,88 Hedgehog signaling also has been growth factor receptor (PDGFR), which is highly
implicated in survival signaling by myofibroblast-derived expressed on CAFs, and activation of small Rho guanosine
CCAs. PDGF-b protects CCA cells and promotes tumor triphosphatases and the JNK signaling pathway.100
survival in mice with CCAs, but cyclopamine reverses these Activated CAFs also secrete paracrine factors that pro-
effects.60 mote initiation and progression of cancer. These include
Wnt signaling also is required for intrahepatic bile duct matricellular proteins, growth factors, chemokines, and
development and proliferation.89 Wnt-inducible signaling ECM proteases. Periostin is a matricellular protein that is
pathway protein 1v is overexpressed in stroma nests overexpressed by CAFs compared with normal fibroblasts;
around CCAs, and levels of Wnt-inducible signaling its presence correlates with shorter survival times of pa-
pathway protein 1v are associated with reduced survival tients. Knockdown of the periostin receptor, the a5 sub-
times of patients. Wnt-inducible signaling pathway pro- unit of integrin, with small interfering RNA, reduced
tein 1v stimulated the invasive activity of CCA cell lines by stimulation of tumor proliferation and invasion by peri-
activating MAPK1 and MAPK3.90 ostin.102 The ECM that surrounds pancreatic tumors also
has been shown to overexpress periostin, which promotes
tumor invasiveness.103 Tenascin-C, another ECM protein
Tumor Microenvironment produced by CAFs, also promotes tumor migration and
Carcinogenesis in CCA includes alterations in the invasiveness.92 In CCA cell lines, HGF promoted inva-
stroma, recruitment of fibroblasts, remodeling of the siveness and motility by inducing phosphorylation of Akt
extracellular matrix (ECM), changing patterns of immune and ERK 1/2.104 Similarly, stromal cell–derived factor-1,
cell migration, and promotion of angiogenesis through activation of its receptor chemokine (C-X-C
(Figure 3A).91 iCCAs and pCCAs are characterized by a motif) receptor 4 (CXCR4), induced CCA cell invasion via
dense and reactive desmoplastic stroma (Figure 3B) that ERK 1/2 and Akt.105,106 This process was disrupted by the
contains many a-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA)–positive CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100.106
myofibroblasts, also known as cancer-associated fibro- ECM degradation and remodeling is required for tumor
blasts (CAFs). The tumor stroma surrounds the malignant progression. MMPs degrade and remodel the ECM during
ducts and glands and comprises most of the tumor fibrogenesis and carcinogenesis. MMP1, MMP2, MMP3,
mass.92,93 The stroma promotes tumor progression via and MMP9 are strongly expressed in CCAs and are asso-
reciprocal communication between the stromal cells and ciated with invasive tumors.107,108 Fibroblast activation
cancer cells.92 protein is a stromal protein; its high expression by CAFs
The precise origin of CAFs is unclear, although several has been associated with tumors with an aggressive
cell types, including hepatic stellate cells, portal fibro- phenotype.109
blasts, and bone marrow–derived precursor cells, have The exact mechanisms by which tumor and stroma
been proposed as candidates.92,94–96 The EMT also has communicate are not clear. However, the importance of
been proposed to produce CAFs.93 During tumorigen- the desmoplastic stroma in CCA progression indicates
esis, the EMT is characterized by the presence of tumor that it could be a new therapeutic target, perhaps via se-
cells that express mesenchymal markers such as vimen- lective targeting of CAFs.110
tin, tenascin, fibronectin, and the zinc finger protein
Snail.92 Immunohistochemical studies have shown the
expression of these markers by human CCA cell Animal Models
lines.97–99 In mice, xenograft tumors grown from Animal models are essential for the development of
enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-expressing new therapeutic strategies and diagnostic tools.111 Animal
human CCA cells were found to be surrounded and models of CCA (Table 1) include mice with xenograft
infiltrated by a-SMA–expressing CAFs. Interestingly, tumors,43,112–119 mice with genetic changes that lead to
EGFP was not co-expressed with a-SMA, indicating that CCA formation,86,120–124 rats with orthotopic tu-
the EMT does not produce CAFs in CCAs.100 Based on mors,125,126 and animals that develop CCAs after exposure
combined evidence, a-SMA–expressing CAFs appear to to carcinogens.55,127–129 Although these models offer an
be a heterogeneous population of cells that originate opportunity to bridge the chasm between in vitro findings
from several cell lineages, but not from epithelial cancer and clinical applicability, they have limitations. The tumor
cells. microenvironment is an important feature in CCA devel-
CAFs produce factors that stimulate ECM production, opment. It sometimes can be a challenge to study in-
leading to a fibrogenic response (Figure 3C).92 Factors teractions between cancer cells and the stroma in mice
produced by CAFs include transforming growth factor-b, with xenograft tumors because the tumor is not growing
PDGF isomers, connective tissue growth factor, and in the same microenvironment as it does in human beings.
A model described by Sirica et al,125 in which rat CCA candidates. After surgical resection, the median time of
cells were injected into rat biliary trees, is unique in disease-free survival is 26 months; reported rates of recur-
that the stroma and epithelial cells were derived from the rence are 60%–65%.136,137 Approximately 60% of patients
same species. These animals allow for investigations of survive for 5 years after resection. Factors associated with
tumor–stroma interactions that more closely resemble recurrence and reduced survival time after resection include
those of patients. Although transgenic models do allow vascular invasion, lymph node metastasis, multiple tumors,
for study of the tumor microenvironment, they tend to be and cirrhosis.4,138 Nuclear expression of S100A4, a member
technically challenging and expensive. Animals with ge- of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins, in
netic alterations that lead to production of CCAs that neoplastic ducts was associated with metastasis and
resemble human tumors are needed. reduced time of survival after surgical resection in a subset
of patients with CCA.139
Liver transplantation as a curative option for iCCA is
Diagnosis and Management highly controversial. iCCA was reported to recur in 70% of
It can be a challenge to diagnose CCA because of patients within 5 years of liver transplantation, and the
its paucicellular nature, anatomic location, and silent median disease-free survival time was 8 months in a series
clinical character. Diagnosis requires a high index of sus- of 14 patients with iCCA or mixed HCC-iCCA.135 Patients
picion and a multidisciplinary approach that involves with very small iCCAs (<2 cm) in the context of cirrhosis,
clinical, laboratory, endoscopic, and radiographic analyses. however, do as well as patients undergoing liver trans-
plantation for HCC. Locoregional therapy, including
iCCA transarterial chemoembolization and radiofrequency
iCCA is divided into mass-forming, periductal ablation, has garnered interest as a therapeutic option for
infiltrating, and intraductal growth types.130 The clinical patients with unresectable iCCA.140 The standard practice
manifestations of iCCA include nonspecific symptoms of care for advanced-stage iCCA is systemic chemotherapy
such as abdominal pain, cachexia, malaise, fatigue, and with gemcitabine and cisplatin.141
night sweats.2 iCCA frequently presents as an intrahepatic
mass lesion; imaging modalities including computed to- pCCA
mography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pCCAs can have exophytic or intraductal macro-
aid in the diagnosis. The use of contrast enhancement scopic growth patterns. The exophytic or mass-forming
improves the sensitivity of MRI for detection of iCCA type can be of the nodular subtype or the periductal sub-
because these tumors typically have progressive uptake of type (the most common subtype).142 There are also sub-
contrast during the venous phase. HCCs, on the other types of intraductal patterns, including the intraductal
hand, are characterized by rapid contrast uptake during growing type, mucin-producing type, papilloma type, and
the arterial phase, followed by a delayed venous washout cystic type.17 Patients with pCCA can present with
phase.131 CT and MRI have similar utility in the evalua- nonspecific symptoms including abdominal discomfort,
tion of tumor size and detection of satellite lesions. cachexia, weight loss, and malaise. However, their presen-
However, CT may be better for assessment of vascular tation typically is consistent with biliary obstruction pre-
encasement, identification of extrahepatic metastasis, and senting with jaundice, and less commonly cholangitis.17
determination of resectability.17,132 Hypertrophy–atrophy complex, a phenomenon character-
Serum levels of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), a ized by hypertrophy of the unaffected liver lobe and atro-
tumor biomarker, can aid in diagnosis, but this assay phy of the affected lobe, presents as unilobar palpable
detects iCCA with only 62% sensitivity and 63% speci- prominence on physical examination.2 Laboratory analyses,
ficity.133 Moreover, increased levels of CA19-9 also have including measurements of alkaline phosphatase and bili-
been observed in patients with benign diseases such as rubin levels, do not provide specific information because
bacterial cholangitis or choledocholithiasis.5 Nonetheless, they typically reflect concomitant cholestasis and chol-
very high levels of CA19-9 (1000 U/mL) have been angitis. For the same reason, serum levels of CA19-9 are less
associated with metastatic iCCA, so this assay might be specific in detecting pCCA than iCCA. IgG4 disease can
used in disease staging rather than diagnosis.134 Mixed present in a similar manner, so its presence should be
tumors are characterized by histologic and imaging fea- excluded by evaluation for serum levels of IgG4.2
tures of HCC and iCCA. In these cases, immunohisto- In addition to MRI and CT, magnetic resonance chol-
chemical analysis for cytokeratins 7 and 19 can be angiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde cholangi-
useful—tumors positive for cytokeratins can be considered ography (ERC), and endoscopic ultrasound are used in the
to be mixed hepatocellular CCA.17,135 A definitive diag- diagnosis of pCCA (Figure 4). Of these, MRI plus mag-
nosis of iCCA requires liver biopsy analysis. According to netic resonance cholangiopancreatography is the preferred
the World Health Organization classification criteria, imaging modality because it can assess resectability and
iCCAs can be adenocarcinomas or mucinous carcinomas.2 tumor extent with an accuracy of up to 95%.2 Endoscopic
The treatment of choice for iCCA is surgical resection. ultrasound aids in evaluation for the presence of regional
Patients should undergo surgery only if they have lymphadenopathy and omental metastasis via fine-needle
potentially resectable tumors and are appropriate surgical aspiration. However, fine-needle aspiration should not
be performed on the primary tumor because it can account vascular encasement and parenchymal value of
disseminate the tumor.143 ERC serves a diagnostic and the potential remnant lobe.3 Surgical resection entails
therapeutic purpose—it is used to assess and sample the lobar hepatic and bile duct resection, regional lymphade-
biliary tree via brush cytology and endoscopic biopsy, as nectomy, and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Potential
well as dilatation and stent placement in cases of biliary contraindications to curative surgical resection include
obstruction. contralateral or bilateral vascular encasement and pCCA
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in- extension bilaterally to the level of the secondary biliary
creases the sensitivity of cytology in diagnosing pCCA.144 branches. The presence of regional lymphadenopathy does
FISH can detect polysomy or amplification of at least 2
chromosomes: tetrasomy and trisomy 7. Of these, polys-
omy in the presence of a dominant stricture is considered
sufficient for the diagnosis of pCCA, especially if the
polysomy can be confirmed over time.145 Tetrasomy can
be seen during the M phase of mitosis and should be
interpreted with caution.5 Trisomy 7 often is observed
with inflammation of the biliary tree. Detection of polys-
omy by FISH also has been shown to predict the devel-
opment of malignancies in patients with PSC with no
mass and equivocal cytology. In a recent study, patients
with PSC who had polysomy and levels of CA19-9 greater
than 129 U/mL all went on to develop cancer, mainly
within 2 years (Figure 5).146
The only curative options for pCCA are surgical resec-
tion and neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by liver
transplantation. The Bismuth–Corlette staging classifica-
tion is based on the anatomic location of the CCA within Figure 5. Time to diagnosis of a cholangiocarcinoma based on FISH
the biliary tree and is meant to help guide decision mak- analysis and CA19-9 levels. Reprinted with permission from Wiley
ing. Recently, this classification was expanded to take into InterScience and Barr et al.146
Table 2. Criteria for Liver Transplantation in pCCA Diagnosis is made on the basis of the presence of a
Diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma dominant stricture and positive cytology and/or detection
of polysomy by FISH.2 Surgical treatment of dCCA typi-
Positive transluminal biopsy
Positive biliary brush cytology cally entails a Whipple procedure. Only 27% of patients
Malignant-appearing stricture on ERC with a CA 19-9 level > 100 U/mL survive for 5 years after surgical resection that attains
and/or FISH polysomy
negative margins.4 The role of neoadjuvant chemo-
Mass lesion on cross-sectional imaging and malignant-appearing
stricture on ERC/MRCP radiation is limited. For patients who are not candidates
Tumor size for surgical resection, chemotherapy may be considered.17
Radial tumor diameter of 3 cm
Tumor confined to biliary tree
Absence of intrahepatic or extrahepatic metastasis Future Directions
Unresectability Treatment options for CCA are limited and overall
Unresectable hilar tumor (above the cystic duct)
survival rates are low. Earlier detection of CCA increases
CCA in a PSC patient (owing to skip lesions, the field defect, and
parenchymal liver disease) the chance of having curative treatment options. However,
despite recent advances in diagnosis, such as improved
MRCP, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography.
imaging and cytology techniques, including FISH, further
work is necessary to overcome the challenge of diagnosing
not necessarily preclude surgery.147 Occasionally, a tumor CCA at an earlier stage. CCA often still is diagnosed based
may be resectable but the remnant lobe has limited vol- on clinical criteria, such as a malignant-appearing bile
ume. In such cases, resectability can be achieved by pre- duct stricture, increased serum levels of CA19-9, appear-
operative relief of biliary obstruction and portal vein ance of a mass during MRI, normal serum levels of IgG4
embolization of the affected lobe with resultant compen- level, and so forth.
satory hyperplasia of the contralateral unaffected liver There are significant geographic and ethnic variations
lobe.147 Rates of 5-year survival after surgical resection in the incidence of CCA, so genetic factors are likely to
with negative margins range from 11% to 41%.147 contribute to its pathogenesis. Inflammatory and onco-
With the advent of new liver transplantation protocols, genic signaling pathways also are involved in chol-
neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by transplantation angiocarcinogenesis, and are potential therapeutic targets.
has become an appealing option for patients selected care- Further studies are necessary to elucidate the role of ge-
fully using stringent criteria (Table 2). Sixty-five percent of netic aberrations, particularly in regions encoding key
patients who were treated with neoadjuvant therapy followed components of signaling pathways. In addition, the role of
by liver transplantation at 12 large-volume transplant centers miRs as biomarkers remains to be fully elucidated. CCAs
survived for 5 years.148 Rigorous selection is imperative for are heterogeneous; treatments are likely to be designed
successful outcomes. Eligibility criteria include radial diam- based on features of each individual tumor.150 Potential
eter of tumor of less than 3 cm, absence of intrahepatic or therapeutic targets could include the MET tyrosine re-
extrahepatic metastasis, and, in the case of patients without ceptor kinase, FGFR2, the PI3K–Akt–mTOR pathway, and
PSC, unresectability.149 Because of the presence of paren- IDH mutations. Molecular profiling of tumors, to identify
chymal liver disease, patients with PSC typically require liver their specific mutations, could make it possible to offer
transplantation rather than surgical resection. targeted therapies in personalized treatments (Figure 2B).
For patients who are not candidates for surgical resection Although cancer cells contain many genetic and functional
or liver transplantation, systemic chemotherapy with gem- aberrations, the tumor stroma appears to be more uniform
citabine and cisplatin is recommended. For patients with and has strong potential as a target for new combination
biliary obstruction, adequate drainage is essential to relieve therapies. Further work is needed to highlight the dynamic
cholestasis and increase tolerance to chemotherapy.17 reciprocal communication between tumor and stroma.
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