Colon 2014597 D FHT
Colon 2014597 D FHT
Colon 2014597 D FHT
The Open Colorectal Cancer Journal, 2014, 7, 1-4 1
Open Access
Colorectal Cancer Causes and Treatments: A Minireview
Department of Natural Sciences, Lebanese American University, Beirut 1102 2801, Lebanon
Abstract: Colon cancer is the cancer of the epithelial cells lining the colon. This type of cancer occurs in many people
that are either genetically predisposed or exposed to risk factors. Colorectal cancer is mainly divided into different stages
according to invasiveness and metastatic ability of the tumor. Many mutations are acquired, leading to this malignancy.
Treatment of colorectal cancer range from surgery in early stages to palliative care in most advanced stages. In this
minireview, we summarize the latest findings on colorectal cancer.
Keywords: Colon cancer, Oncogenes, Apoptotic proteins, genetics, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Crohn’s disease.
Colorectal cancer, commonly known as bowel cancer, well associated with this type of cancer. The most common
occurs in the colon, rectum, or appendix. Genetic analysis is known as the Lynch syndrome, or the hereditary
shows that tumors in these three locations are genetically of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) [4]. Familial
the same cancer [1]. Colorectal cancer is the second most adenomatous polyposis (FAP) [10] and Gardner syndrome
commonly diagnosed cancer in females, the third in males [11] are both as well strongly associated with this type of
[2], and the forth around the world [3]. More than a million cancer.
cases are yearly detected globally [4]. It is widespread in
developed countries, where around 60% of the cases were Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
diagnosed [5], most of which lead to death [6].
A third cause is the incidence of the Inflammatory Bowel
There are several causes for the onset of colorectal Diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease [12].
cancers, which are nowadays better diagnosed and classified The longer the onset of these diseases [13], and the worse the
according to several criteria. Consistently, different inflammation [14] will directly affect the risk of having
treatments and prognostic measures are currently used to try colorectal cancer. However, only about 2% of this cancer is
and successfully cure this type of cancer [4]. associated with the previously mentioned diseases [12].
oncogene PI3K. However if PTEN is mutated, it becomes precise. T stands for the depth of the tumor, and to which
deactivated [16]. level did it penetrate the colon wall. N refers to the
involvement of lymph nodes. M stands for the degree of
Apoptotic Proteins metastases that took place or whether the tumor has spread
or not [22].
Other than the defects mentioned above, additional
mutations must take place for the cells to acquire more Another less used system is the Duke’s system [23]. It
cancerous characteristics. One of these mutations occurs in was then modified and became the Modified Dukes Staging
the p53 protein, which is produced by the TP53 gene. This System. This system classifies the tumors under four main
categories, i.e. A, B, C, and D. Modified Duke Stage A is the
apoptotic protein monitors normal cell division. It kills the
tumors that only reach the mucosal wall. B is the ones that
cells if they acquire any defect in the Wnt signaling pathway.
penetrate through and out of the wall. C is the advancement
Its mutation will change the tissue from a non-invasive of the tumor into the lymph nodes. D is when tumors are
adenoma into an invasive carcinoma [17]. In some cases, the depicted in other organs, such as the liver, lung and bone
gene encoding for BAX, another protective protein, is [24].
mutated, instead of the TP53 gene [16].
Other apoptotic proteins are frequently mutated and SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSIS
deactivated in colorectal cancers. A major protein is the Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer greatly depend
TGF-β, which in at least half of colorectal cancers has a on its location and ability to metastasize. These include
deactivating mutation. In some cases, TGF-β is not the fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, and blood in
protein mutated, but its downstream protein SMAD (16). stool. In people older than fifty, common symptoms are
Another protein is the DCC protein, or Deleted in Colorectal nausea, vomiting anaemia, and rectal bleeding [25]. It is
Cancer. It acquires a deletion of its chromosomal segment important to note that the most evident symptoms are weight
[18]. loss and rectal bleeding [26]. Without them all other
symptoms can be indicative of several different
Oncogenes gastrointestinal diseases [27].
Normal genes that encode proteins, known as Colorectal cancers occurring on the right side of the
oncoproteins, responsible for the regulation of cell growth colon, i.e. the ascending colon and cecum, usually cause
and differentiation are known as proto-oncogenes. They are severe fecal obstruction and anaemia. This is because these
mainly involved in signal transduction. When activated, tumors tend to grow outward from a location of the bowel
increased expression or mutations will result in the wall. However, left-sided tumors, i.e. tumors of the
transformation into oncogenes, which are tumor-inducing descending colon, cause constipation. These tumors are most
agents [19]. These are overexpressed in colorectal cancer, likely circumferential [28].
such as genes encoding the proteins PI3K, RAF, and RAS The first step towards diagnosis is to take tumor biopsy
[20]. during wither colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. After
confirming the presence of the cancer, imaging tests are
Under normal conditions and in response to growth
performed of the patient’s chest, abdomen and pelvis, to
factors, these proteins will stimulate the cell to divide. determine the extent of the disease. These tests include CT
Acquired mutations will lead to the over-activation of cell scan, PET, and MRI. Based on these results, the physician
proliferation. In some cases, the chronological order of can establish a clear idea of the stages of the cancer,
mutations is crucial for the progression of cancer. To depending on the TNM system of classification [4].
illustrate, if at first a KRAS mutation occurred, this will lead
to a self-limiting borderline lesion. On the other hand, if the PATHOLOGY OF THE TUMOR
KRAS mutation occurs after an APC mutation, it often leads
to cancer [21]. After biopsy or surgery, a pathology report explicitly
determines the cell type and grade of the tumor. In 95% of
All the previously discussed mutations occur in one type the cases, the colon cancer type is adenocarcinoma [29]. It
of colorectal carcinomas, known as the hypermutated tumor originates from the glandular epithelium, invading the wall
type. These tumors have mutated forms of BRAF, TCF7L2, and infiltrating all layers. Tumor cells have irregular
SLC9A9, MSH3, MSH6, TGFBR2, and ACVR2A. Genome- structures and might secrete mucus. Depending on the
scale analysis reveals that the non-hypermutated tumor type predominant cellular pleomorphism, gland architecture, and
contains mutated ARIDIA, ATM, SOX9, and FAM123B. secretion of mucus, adenocarcinoma is separated into three
What is in common among the genes in both carcinomas is differentiation levels: poorly, moderately, and well
their involvement in the TGF-β and WNT signaling differentiated. Other than adenocarcinoma, rare types of
pathways. This, in turn, will result in the hyper activity of the colorectal cancer include squamous cell carcinoma and
central player in colorectal cancer, MYC [1]. lymphoma [30].
Besides, the majority of colorectal cancer tumors are
CLASSIFICATION OF COLORECTAL CANCER cyclooxygenase-2, or COX-2, positive. This enzyme is
The most widely used classification system is the TNM abundantly found in cancerous tissue of the colon. It aids in
Staging System. It is considered the most descriptive and abnormal cell growth [31].
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Received: September 20, 2013 Revised: November 19, 2013 Accepted: November 19, 2013