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How To Guide - CICO Progressive Web App - Version 1.5 Final

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How to Guide

CiCo (Clock in Clock out) application

Exams Transformation
Version 0.9

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Table of Contents
CiCo App.......................................................................................................................3
Synchronising data between CiCo and BOSS..............................................................5
Allocations List page.....................................................................................................6
Clocking into exams......................................................................................................7
Add Staff.....................................................................................................................12
Clocking out exams.....................................................................................................16
Mark Absent................................................................................................................19
Offline Mode................................................................................................................22

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CICO Progressive Web App is available for all smart mobile devices or
computer browser and can be downloaded as an app on your device. It will
enable Supervisors, or Venue Staff with Senior Role, to clock in and clock out
Venue Staff when they start and finish work at the exam venue.

CiCo will replace Venue Staff paper log in/out record sheets (also known as
Venue Staff paper timesheets), resulting in more accurate time logging and
less administrative burden.

However, British Council Exams Teams should continue to deploy Venue Staff
paper timesheets as backup should CiCo fail to work, until the change to using
CiCo becomes fully embedded.

This guide is for Supervisors, Venue Staff with Senior Role, and British
Council Exams Teams who need to cascade CiCo information to Supervisors
and Venue Staff with Senior Role.

See the CiCo processes section below for a breakdown of individual tasks and
who is responsible for doing them.

If you have any questions about CiCo, please contact your British Council
Exams Team.

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CiCo App

Google Chrome

Open your Internet browser, search for https://cico.britishcouncil.org/ ,

example shown below.

In the top of the page, click on Install CiCo

Or open your Internet browser on your smart mobile and search for
https://cico.britishcouncil.org/ , example shown below

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Then click on ‘Add CICO to Home screen’ to install
the application on your mobile

It is also possible to download the CICO app by access the CiCo app through
the browser.
Select the download option on your phone.

Select the option to add this to your Home Screen.

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Synchronising data between CiCo and BOSS
CiCo will automatically synchronise with BOSS (British Council Exams
Back Office Scheduling System) if the smart device is connected to WiFi,
3G or 4G, and the Supervisor and Venue Staff with Senior Role is logged
into CiCo.

This means that Venue Staff assigned to the exam in BOSS will appear in
CiCo on the day of the exam, and Venue Staff clock in and clock out times
along with any exception reasons will appear in BOSS after the exam.

It is therefore essential that the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role
turns on the smart device, connects to WiFi, 3G or 4G and logs into CiCo up
to 3 days before the exam, so the latest data in BOSS is automatically
synchronised with CiCo.

If it is not possible to connect the smart device to WiFi, 3G or 4G at the venue,

the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role can still use CiCo to clock in
and clock out Venue Staff offline. However, data will not synchronise with
BOSS until the smart device is connected to WiFi, 3G or 4G after the exam.

There is no option to manually synchronise data with BOSS.

See the following videos for setting up and using the Multi-Function

https://vimeo.com/738603024/59bf40668b - MFA Set Up

https://vimeo.com/738602388/3f5c40f013 - MFA BAU Process

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Allocations List page
You will be taken to the Allocations List page, example shown below.

The Allocations List page shows details of today’s exams that you are the
Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role for. This includes venue name,
venue address, building floor, exam room name/number, Venue Staff start and
end times, assigned tasks such as exam materials pickup, exam materials
return and if you have Venue Staff with Senior Role status, and any special
instructions. Allocations for the next 3 days will be available to view in CICO,
only today’s exam can be clocked into.

Select Details for more information.

You will see more information on that particular allocation.

The Exam page shows all Venue Staff that are assigned to the exam.

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Clocking into exams
Note the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role must clock into the
exam first, before they clock in all other Venue Staff.

Select Clock me In.

You’ll receive a message advising Clock in sync data in progress.

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The message will then confirm Clock in sync data success.

As soon as the Senior Role has clocked in, they can then go ahead and clock
in all other staff or add staff.

Select the Staff Member to Clock In.

The options on this screen are:

Clock In / Change Role / Mark Absent

Select Clock In.

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The staff member will show as clocked in.

On the Home Page, you will see that 2 of 2 have now been clocked in.

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If you are clocking in more than 15 minutes earlier than your Venue Staff start
time, an Early Arrival Reason page will appear. Click on the radio button
alongside the appropriate reason, as detailed in the table below:

Reason Meaning
Early Arrival (Paid) British Council Exams Team has agreed that you can
start work earlier than your planned Venue Staff start
time, meaning fee paid for extra time worked
Early Arrival (Unpaid) You have arrived early but will not start work until the
planned Venue Staff start time

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If you are clocking in more than 15 minutes later than your Venue Staff start
time, a Late Arrival reason page will appear. Click on the radio button
alongside the appropriate reason, as detailed in the table below:

Reason Meaning
Late Arrival – Exam Materials You have arrived late due to exam materials
Pick Up pick up delays, meaning no fee deduction
Late Arrival You have arrived late not due to exam
materials pick up delays, meaning fee
deducted for time not worked

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Add Staff
Note the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role can add Venue Staff
to the exam if the following conditions are met:

 Venue Staff need to be marked absent before Venue Staff

can be added to the exam, and the number being added cannot
exceed the number marked absent

 Venue Staff being added must not be assigned to a different

exam on the same day and at the same times in BOSS

 Venue Staff being added must meet location, Venue Staff

role and exam product and component format credentials for
the exam in BOSS

Click Add Staff.

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Either search for the person’s name in the Search field or select the drop-
down option to search for names who have a particular role.

Select the role to add another VS eligible for that role.

Select a name from the filtered list.

Tick the box and select OK.

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A message will pop up confirming that staff member has been added.

You will see the staff that you have added. Click on their name.

Click Clock In, to clock them in.

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Clocking out exams
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Note the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role must clock out all
other Venue Staff of the exam first, before they clock out of the exam

Select the staff member you wish to Clock Out.

Select Clock Out.

If you are clocking out the Venue Staff selected more than 15 minutes earlier
than the Venue Staff end time, an Early Clock out reason page will appear.

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Click on the radio button alongside the appropriate reason, as detailed in the
table below:

Reason Meaning
No Show - Candidates No candidates have shown up to take the test
Leave Early (Paid) Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role has
agreed that Venue Staff selected can leave early
due to illness or family emergency, meaning no fee
Leave Early (Unpaid) Venue Staff selected is leaving early without a valid
reason, meaning fee deducted for time not worked

Select a Clock Out reason. Select OK.

If you are clocking out the Venue Staff selected more than 15 minutes later
than the Venue Staff end time, a Late Stay reason page will appear. Click on
the radio button alongside the appropriate reason, as detailed in the table

Reason Meaning
Late Stay (Paid) British Council Exams Team has agreed that Venue
Staff selected can work later than their planned
Venue Staff end time, meaning fee paid for extra time
Late Stay (Unpaid) Venue Staff selected is leaving late due to reasons
within their control, meaning no fee paid for extra
time worked

You will then receive a message advising that the Exam Day is closed.

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Mark Absent

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If the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role is absent, but Venue
Staff present at the exam have a smart device with access to CiCo,
Venue Staff present need to contact the British Council Exams Team
immediately. The British Council Exams Team need to go to the Venue
View and Planning page in BOSS to mark one of the Venue Staff present
with the Senior Role. This newly marked Venue Staff with Senior Role
needs to log in to CiCo on the smart device and complete the clocking in
and clocking out steps.

Note if you have any concerns about Supervisors being absent in advance of
an exam, and Venue Staff present at the exam will have a smart device with
access to CiCo, you can always mark one of the Venue Staff with a
non-Supervisor role with the Senior Role on the Venue View and Planning
page in BOSS. This means that you have back-up to complete the clocking in
and clocking out steps, should the Supervisor be absent from the exam

Note the Supervisor or Venue Staff with Senior Role must mark absent
any Venue Staff who do not arrive at the exam venue.

Select the Staff member.

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Select Mark Absent.

Select the appropriate option as detailed in the table below and click OK.

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Reason Meaning
Absent Authorised Venue Staff selected has contacted British Council
(Unpaid) Exams Team to say they are going to be absent,
meaning no fee paid
Absent Authorised Venue Staff selected has contacted British Council
(Paid) Exams Team to say that they are going to be
absent, but British Council Exams Team confirms
that their fee will still be paid
Absent Unauthorised Venue Staff selected has not contacted British
(Unpaid) Council Exams Team to say that they are going to
be absent, meaning no fee paid
Cancelled Venue Staff selected has contacted British Council
Exams Team prior to exam day to say that they are
no longer available, but British Council Exams
Team did not cancel their assignment in BOSS

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Offline Mode
The functionality in the CiCO app will still be the same even if you are in
Offline mode. You can still carry out all of the above actions in offline mode.

The system will provide a message advising you are in Offline Mode as well
as the Offline icon at the top of the screen.

Select Clock me in, to clock in as before.

Select Scan QR Code.

Use your camera to scan the code.

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Your details will appear, select Clock in.

As you are clocking in early, it will ask you for a reason.

Select the reason and click OK.

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You will see an amber syncing icon. Click Allocations to return.

You will see messages advising you that the Data is not synched.

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You can also still Add staff in Offline mode.

Click on Add Staff.

Add the member off staff.

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You will see the amber synching icon and the message advising Data not

You can still click on the staff member to Clock them in.

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Once you go back online, the data will upload.

This means you can complete everything offline, however you will need to go
online at some point to ensure that all data is uploaded.

You may see the following error message – Some data has not been

On the allocations page it will advise you there has been a Sync Error.

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If the sync error message appears, there should be an error icon next to one of the
VS names and clicking on the VS will then show the error message as below.

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