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1 author:
Vikas Dole
Neville Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research
All content following this page was uploaded by Vikas Dole on 17 September 2021.
broaden market reach and operational 2. Internet Marketing Can Get Drowned by
efficiency of little and medium endeavors Too Much Online Ad Clutter: With both
(SMEs). genuine organizations and sketchy
4. Infinite audience: a web for instance can elements like savages, spammers and
arrive at a whole globe, however on the off tricksters present in the digital marketplace,
chance that fundamental it is likewise the Internet is overflowed by heaps of
conceivable to tailor a digital mission to
online mess. It would truly be doubly hard
arrive at a neighborhood net.
for Internet sponsors to get seen by their
5. Duration: online information is forever
accessible. focused on customers. A couple of
6. Active users approach: the offered online shoppers presently will in general overlook
content is offered to users on an ongoing Internet promoting, causing authentic
basis, and they choose to consume it or not organizations to lose huge traffic and
7. Dialog with and among users: online clearly incomes meanwhile.
marketing permits collaboration among 3. Internet Marketing Will Not be Taken
users and gives the option to free Seriously if Not Done Professionally:
expression of their opinion as to Business owners and digital sponsors
item/administration. should focus in on bringing their Internet
8. Rich content: digital marketing offers marketing efforts to proficient levels, else
practically unlimited content and moreover they will not be focused on by their focused
the possibility to effortlessly refresh the
on customers. Early presentations truly
content when important.
9. Easy measurable: digital technologies matter whether you use conventional or
permit the measuring of impact a lot easy Internet marketing and publicizing
than traditional marketing. channels so it would be to your most
10. Adaptable: It is easy to change online important benefit to remain predictable and
content based on users feedback proficient in whatever channel you are
11. Personalized: digital marketing can make utilizing for your missions.
offers and projects that can be customized 4. Internet Marketing May Not Be
or personalized based on the profiles or Appropriate for Your Product: A couple of
consumer behavior and their preferences. brands, products or administrations have
Disadvantages of Digital Marketing: focused on crowds that may not be reached
by Internet marketing channels. A couple
1. Internet Marketing Campaigns Can Be
of products and administrations center
Copied: One of the dangers in Internet
around the more seasoned and a couple of
marketing is that a particular mission can
rates are technically knowledgeable and
without a very remarkable stretch be
probably won't approach or don't have even
replicated by a competitor, and many have
the remotest clue how to get online. If that
done as such with total dismissal for the
is the circumstance, you might be sitting
legal implications their activities may
around and resources marketing your
bring. Brand names or logos can be used to
products or administrations through
cheat customers and eliminate a sizeable
Internet suggests.
piece of the general industry from you. Not
5. Internet Marketing Involves Too Much
just that, these can moreover be used for
Competition: Actually, similar to the
executing negative and incorrect data about
multiplication of online promotions,
your brand, thing or organization that will
Internet marketing is stood up to with an
demolish your online standing – and lose
uncommon test of a lot rivalry. Digital
huge focused on customers.
publicists are scrambling to improve
position for ideal perceivability for their
marketing and promoting efforts, and with
June 2020 223 www.viirj.org
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 10(2) ISSN 2319-4979
the presence of a lot rivalry, will make it class which can regardless be genuinely
doubly hard and expensive to stand significant as far as numbers.
adequately apart to be seen of focused
Review of Literature
6. Internet Marketing Reputation Can Be There are several studies which deal with
Damaged by Negative Feedback: Digital advantages and disadvantages of digital or
internet marketing (Nadaraja and Yazdanifard,
marketing devices are inclined to their
2013; Todor, 2016; Yurovskiy, 2014; Bart et
enduring issue of negative criticism which
al., 2005; Moreno and Lockett, 2016; Wright,
can hurt your online standing. A solitary 2005; Kirtis and Karahan, 2011; Kutuk, 2016;
post or tweet that scrutinizes or give Gangeshwer, 2013; Stewart and Zhao, 2000).
incorrect cases and negative criticism about Below are a few abstracts:
your products or administrations can scar Nadaraja and Yazdanifard (2013), have posited
and demolish your Internet notoriety for that as of late, social media has become
quite a while. ubiquitous and generally important for social
7. Internet Marketing Is Highly Dependent on networking, content sharing and online
Technology Which Can Be Prone to Errors: accessing. Because of its reliability,
Digital marketing makes use and is consistency and instantaneous features, social
profoundly dependent on technology. In media opens a wide spot for businesses like
various cases, technology can separate and online marketing. Marketing which happens
through social media is known as social media
deliver incorrect outcomes that can
marketing. Social media marketing has made
genuinely impact your Internet marketing feasible for organizations to arrive at targeted
efforts. Non-working connects to consumers effectively, effectively and
significant presentation pages, pay fastens instantly. Besides that, social media marketing
that don't work and other relative stuff like likewise faces a few challenges in the field.
can demolish your hold of your focused on This article contends on social media
crowds and lose extraordinary business. marketings advantages and disadvantages in
8. Absence of trust: Firmly related with the present time.
issue of safety and assurance is the issue of According to Todor (2016), it is a self-evident
nonattendance of trust on the piece of actuality that we are in the digital period and
customers which has been seen an internet marketing and social media
uncommon test on the technique for online fundamentally affect the manner in which
consumers behave, organizations work together
marketing improvement. What's more, it is
and it is an unquestionable requirement for
the motivation behind why online trust is
organizations to adapt to the new reality.
filling in significance as a subject of study Because of the quick evolution of the
and its impact on internet marketing technology, the continuous increase in demand
systems is expanding. and supply, the inventory network elongation
9. Internet Marketing Is Not Yet Embraced by and the large measure of date, the only solution
All People: Finally, not all individuals have to confront the major changes is the automation
effectively gotten tied up with the chance of all the cycles. However, specialist propose
of Internet marketing, liking to pick or put that organizations ought not ignore traditional
more significance to products that they can techniques, and to attempt to mix digital
really contact before they purchase. Many marketing with traditional campaigns in order
are at this point concerned and have to accomplish their objectives.
authentic inquiries in the security of online According to Yorovskiy (2014), in the period
of globalization internet assumes a vital part in
exchanges that they fear going into one for
all circles of life and industries. Internet is
business purposes. Centering just in
exceptionally well known nowadays for
Internet marketing will keep you from satisfying people with different services
connecting with focused crowds in this identified with different fields. It is an
June 2020 224 www.viirj.org
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 10(2) ISSN 2319-4979
adaptable facility which can help you in popularity going forward. Given its popularity
completing numerous tasks effectively and and potential, the limitations need to be
conveniently with few ticks. It can be any work overcome in order to tap the benefits fully.
of every day utilization or a particular help
which needs a ton of research and formalities to
be done beforehand, just as this marketing is Internet has revolutionized each part of life
not an exception either. Online marketing, including economy and marketing. The major
which is additionally called internet marketing, advantages of digitalmarketing are its
involves utilization of interactive, virtual spaces Empowering effect, Elimination of geographic
for the sole purpose of promoting and selling barriers, target reaching, immediate results,
products and enterprises. Notwithstanding, this cost effective, reaching wider or international
effectivemehtod, new technique additionally audience, measurable result, can be
involves its disadvantages, for example absence personalized, relationship building, 24 hours by
of personal contact, security and protection, and seven days availability. However, this
so on which ought to be considered. technique is not free from its disadvantages, for
example, copying, too much clutter, unserious
Analysis perception, unconformity to the item, too much
Digital marketing is a doubly edged sword. competition, harm by negative feedback,
While there are so many advantages, there are technology reliance, is not embraced by all
a few limitations. The certain disadvantages people and absence of trust.
such as copyright, internet penetration, virtual As the Internet continue to develop, new
experience, lack of trust, not embraced by technologies in digital marketing will arise and
everyone, high dependence on technology are will define how products and services will be
real and they may pose limit on the marketing promoted sooner rather than later. Getting a
method. better understanding of Internet marketing by
The outcome of the debate between digital and giving an extensive glance at its advantages
traditional marketing should be a blended and disadvantages will plan business
approach where each other’s disadvantages are proprietors and digital advertisers in years to
overcome. There is no need to pay 100% come.
attention to only one marketing method when Given that digital marketing has several
both are available to the marketer. limitations, a blended approach i.e., a
The technology space is rapidly evolving and combination of digital and traditional
perhaps digital methods will gain higher marketing is recommended.
1. Bart, Y., Shankar, V., Sultan, F., & Urban, 4. Kütük, A. (2016). Social media marketing
G. L. (2005). Are the drivers and role of in tourism industry and role of the social
online trust the same for all web sites and media on consumer preferences: A survey
consumers? A large-scale exploratory on the effects of social media sites on the
empirical study. Journal of marketing, buying decision making process.
69(4), 133-152. 5. Moreno, A. G., & Lockett, N. (2016).
2. Gangeshwer, D. K. (2013). E-commerce or Social media use in European hotels:
Internet Marketing: A business Review benefits and main challenges. Tourism &
from Indian context. International Journal Management Studies, 12(1), 172-179.
of u-and e-Service, Science and 6. Nadaraja, R., &Yazdanifard, R. (2013).
Technology, 6(6), 187-194. Social media marketing: advantages and
3. Kirtiş, A. K., & Karahan, F. (2011). To be disadvantages. Center of Southern New
or not to be in social media arena as the Hempshire University, 1-10.
most cost-efficient marketing strategy after 7. Stewart, D. W., & Zhao, Q. (2000). Internet
the global recession. Procedia-Social and marketing, business models, and public
Behavioral Sciences, 24, 260-268.
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 10(2) ISSN 2319-4979
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