Sultanum 2021 Leveraging
Sultanum 2021 Leveraging
Sultanum 2021 Leveraging
Figure 1: Transforming (A) a static data-driven article (with text and supporting charts) into a dynamic article by leveraging
text-chart links. Given (B) a text segment, authors can link it to (C) a related chart, and add related chart highlights (in pink);
these links are then used by various (D) storytelling layouts that authors may use to generate (E) dynamic renditions of the
text-chart content to be (F) displayed on various platforms.
ABSTRACT VizFlow, and a reading study with 24 participants comparing ver-
Data-driven articles—i.e., articles featuring text and supporting sions of the same article with different VizFlow intervention levels.
charts—play a key role in communicating information to the pub- Assessments showed our approach enabled a rapid and expressive
lic. New storytelling formats like scrollytelling apply compelling authoring experience, and informed key design recommendations
dynamics to these articles to help walk readers through complex for future efforts in the space.
insights, but are challenging to craft. In this work, we investigate
ways to support authors of data-driven articles using such sto- CCS CONCEPTS
rytelling forms via a text-chart linking strategy. From formative • Human-centered computing → Information visualization;
interviews with 6 authors and an assessment of 43 scrollytelling sto- Visualization systems and tools; Empirical studies in visual-
ries, we built VizFlow, a prototype system that uses text-chart links ization; • Applied computing → Publishing.
to support a range of dynamic layouts. We validate our text-chart
linking approach via an authoring study with 12 participants using KEYWORDS
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or Scrollytelling, Data Stories, Data-Driven Articles, Text-Chart Links
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed ACM Reference Format:
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Nicole Sultanum, Fanny Chevalier, Zoya Bylinskii, and Zhicheng Liu. 2021.
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission with VizFlow. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. (CHI ’21), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
17 pages.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8096-6/21/05. . . $15.00
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
2.1 Authoring data-driven articles 2.3 Text-chart links for data-driven articles
Past works [31, 37] outlined a three-stage process for visual story- While works on authoring of data-driven articles are relatively
telling authoring: (1) exploration of data sets to inform potential scarce, more attention has been dedicated to assess the value of
stories; (2) drafting, to outline a plot and assess possible ways of explicit connections between text and visuals for reader understand-
communicating the story; and (3) presentation, to flesh out content ing. A study on automatic text-table linking found that readers
and visual identity. Our work focuses on the two latter components, perusing documents with explicit cell highlighting significantly
drafting and presentation, with an emphasis on stories with a sub- outperformed those without highlighting, even when automated
stantial presence of text. Related research focusing on these same highlighting was only 50% accurate [22]. Other studies [27, 53]
components includes tools to create visualizations [32, 34, 38] and found that readers with low visual abilities benefited more signif-
to author specific storytelling genres such as data sketches [56], icantly from adaptive chart highlights in data-driven articles. A
data comics [23], and data-driven videos [2], but offer little means study that compared reader experiences with static and dynamic
to add text for context. Ellipsis [37] and Chen et al.’s story synthe- versions of data-driven articles (namely, “stepper” and “scroller”
sis framework [10] feature text annotations as an integral part of forms) [33] found the dynamic versions were preferred by read-
their design, but are tailored towards narrative visualizations and ers. A later study that compared two content layouts (slideshow
not data-driven articles. Finally, authoring tools like Tableau Sto- and vertical) with and without interactive linking [57] found that
ries [51] and GeoTime [14] do support the creation of data-driven linking had a significant positive effect on user engagement. All
articles, but offer little freedom in the presentation aspects. these works underscore the value of dynamic storytelling forms
Most tools to customize presentation of data-driven articles re- and visual highlighting of data-driven articles to support reading.
quire some scripting knowledge. Idyll [12] is a markup language for Following, several works leveraged text-chart connections to
web-based data stories, including interactive widgets and a num- support chart highlighting in data-driven documents. Many have
ber of interactive scrollytelling layouts for text and visuals. Latif proposed strategies to extract links between text segments and
et al. [29] also proposed a markup-based framework to connect charts, including a crowdsourcing method to consolidate text-mark
text and visualizations, which was applied to graph data and node- references from multiple annotators [25] and automatic techniques
link based visualizations [30]. No-programming tools like Adobe based on regular expressions [35] and rule-based matching [22].
Spark [1] and others [15, 45, 47] support content creation with in- Past research also showcased the utility of text-chart links via prac-
teractive storytelling for the web, but are mostly limited to images tical use cases, including facilitated reading of dense data reports
and videos and are not designed with data visualization in mind. with tables [4, 22], an interactive sports story with coupled text and
To our knowledge, our work is the first to offer a no-programming interactive charts side by side [35], and an interactive integration
solution to the authoring of dynamic data-driven articles. of statistical multiverse analysis within academic publications [13].
This diversity showcases the large application space that can benefit
2.2 From visual storytelling to scrollytelling from our proposed approach.
Efforts in visual storytelling have often turned to online articles
to help inform the design space of visual data stories [33, 41, 50]. 3 AUTHORING PRACTICES
Segel and Heer [41] reviewed 58 articles and proposed 7 genres To inform the design of our authoring framework, we conducted
of narrative visualizations, including magazine-style narrative vi- interviews with six authors (A1–A6) of data-driven articles and
sualizations, but also a variety of reader-driven genres that allow learned about their workflows and preferences. Following their
exploratory freedom. Online articles have since gravitated towards feedback, we collected and analyzed 43 data-driven articles from
more guided and author-driven storytelling forms. Tse [55] reports various online sources, to discover popular presentation formats.
how this shift took place in the New York Times as they found the
majority of readers did not engage with interactive segments and 3.1 Formative interviews with authors
“just want to scroll", thus leading to recommendations to trigger To understand current workflows, tools and best practices for scrol-
dynamic changes (e.g., animations and transitions) based on scroll. lytelling, we conducted formative interviews with six authors: three
This scroll-based storytelling format, aptly called scrollytelling, professional communicators from two major news outlets (A1–A3),
has seen increased interest and uptake in recent years [42, 43]. two research communicators from a non-profit organization (A4-
The format has also been widely applied to data-driven articles, A5), and one independent blogger (A6). We present relevant findings
as attested by later assessments of online articles in visual story- alongside respective takeaways (T1-T6).
telling [33, 42, 50]. An advantage of this medium is its linear na-
ture [16], making it a good fit to narrative [7]. In addition, scrolling 3.1.1 Procedure and Tasks. After a search for published data-driven
is found to align well with reader expectations and how “we interact articles (both static and dynamic), we sent targeted emails to au-
with computers” [43]. Past assessments on reader perceptions also thors to invite them to a 30-60 minute semi-structured interview.
suggest that scrollytelling is enjoyable and preferable over static Authors were asked to describe their workflow and design decisions
presentations [33]. On the other hand, scrollytelling experiences when authoring one of their past articles, as well as to comment on
are complex and costly to produce [42], and can be easily mis- general design guidelines and tools for authoring such articles. Par-
used [26] (e.g., “scrolljacking”). There is an opportunity to bridge ticipants were compensated with a $20 gift card. Interviews were
the complexity gap while preserving good scrollytelling practices. audio recorded, transcribed, and organized via a thematic analysis.
Emerging themes informed the takeaways described below.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
3.1.2 Findings on authoring processes. Participants outlined simi- 3.2 Assessment of data-driven scrollytelling
lar authoring workflows to those mapped by past works on visual articles
storytelling processes [11, 31, 37]. They reported starting from an
Following the interviews, we chose to narrow our focus to scrol-
interesting dataset to explore, or a particular question to answer
lytelling formats, given their relevance to current authoring prac-
with data. Key story points emerge as they unravel interesting find-
tices (T5). Of over 140 articles collected from past visual storytelling
ings, which they then seek to organize in a linear fashion. Authors
assessments [19, 33, 50] and from popular online sources (e.g., The
reported typically beginning a draft allocating “a chart per point”
New York Times and The Pudding), we analysed 43 data-driven
alongside a set of initial charts, and then flesh out the text around
scrollytelling articles that satisfied our inclusion criteria. This in-
those points and visuals: “I would use the charts to structure the main
cludes 26 articles from past assessments [19, 33, 50] and 17 new
points I want to make. And then the writing is a way to move between
additions. Inclusion criteria were: (a) being data-driven (i.e., con-
them and contextualize them.” (A1). This calls for the support of a
taining data visualization graphics) and (b) containing at least one
content skeleton organized around sections and charts (T1).
scrollytelling segment (i.e., dynamic behaviour mapped to scroll
Participants reported their “fleshing out” process often entailed
interaction). We catalogued common presentation features to help
revisiting the data, e.g., to deepen analysis, fill in story gaps, break
inform reasonable defaults for dynamic behaviour (§A and Fig. 7
down a complex insight, and improve presentation, leading to new
in the Appendix). For a more targeted assessment of highlighting
and refined text, charts and structure. The authoring process may
techniques, we chose to focus on classic charts only and excluded
thus benefit from support of iterative refinement of content
articles featuring primarily spatial visualizations (e.g., maps and
(T2), allowing for sections to be reorganized and charts updated.
3D renderings). We report key scrollytelling features that most
Participants mentioned regularly using various visualization
impacted our system design — content layouts, chart types, and
tools, including Tableau (A6), Excel (A5, A6), R (A4), D3 (A1, A2),
scroll-based effects (i.e. dynamic highlights).
and Illustrator (A1–A3), showcasing a diversity of practices. Most
of them acknowledged having enough freedom to choose what 3.2.1 Scrollytelling layouts. This feature refers to the way charts
tools to use in their practice, and while they felt comfortable and and text are arranged relative to each other and how they leverage
sufficiently empowered by them, some also claimed reluctance to scroll dynamics. While largely consistent within an article, these
try and learn different ones. This raises potential challenges due layouts were often alternated with non-dynamic segments (e.g.,
to lack of common standards, prompting us to strive for wider static paragraphs or blocks of text), or slightly modified to indicate
compatibility within a diverse visualization ecosystem (T3). section breaks (e.g., alternating text location from left to right).
Mobile support was prevalent, with most articles featuring adapted
3.1.3 Findings on storytelling choices. All six participants reported
layouts for mobile aspect ratios. Below, we outline the most com-
having experience authoring traditional (i.e., static) data-driven
mon scrollytelling layouts and their adaptations for mobile (T6).
articles, while five had also authored dynamic data-driven arti-
Layout prevalence (when applicable) is reported as D for desktop
cles (including interactive visualizations and scrollytelling articles).
screen ratio and M for mobile screen ratio. We also include example
Despite the appeal of the latter, participants pointed to several chal-
articles from our list (Appendix §A), referenced by number (Ex: #).
lenges for dynamic stories, aptly summarized as: “The majority of
the work is static [because] it’s easier to get a static chart to work, it’s
easier to read, it’s easier to get it to load on every single device” (A3).
The first challenge is technical complexity, including a need for
programming knowledge, significant time and personnel resources
(as more complex projects tend to be a team effort [11]), and lack of
Side by side [D: 19 (44%) | M: 1 (2%)]: Chart and texts are displayed
integration with publishing platforms. This entails a need to lower
side by side on the screen, with text usually on the left. Text is
the technical barriers to integrate dynamic behaviour (T4).
split into smaller segments (typically ranging from a sentence to
The second challenge is designing for consumption. Authors ar-
a paragraph) that slide up and down as the reader scrolls. Charts
gued that while interactivity and dynamic behaviour are important
update to match the current visible text segment. This layout is
to engage readers, it should be “clear and quick” (A4) and provided
not well suited to mobile displays and most such articles (16/19)
in an "extremely guided way" (A1): "for the most part, people are
featured an alternate mobile layout: the two most common were
just scrolling, you know? it’s very rare for people to pause and ac-
snippets over chart (6/16) (Ex: 26, 35) and snapshots (4/16) (Ex: 23,
tually click on something, pause and actually hover over something,
24), both described below.
pause and do anything at all." (A1). This suggests that dynamic
behaviour should emphasize passive user actions (T5), making
scrollytelling interventions particularly appealing.
The third challenge is mobile support, an emerging concern in
visual storytelling research [16, 19]. Authors stated 40% (A5) to
80% (A2) of their readers consume content from mobile devices,
requiring considerations for how their visualizations would look on Snippets over chart [D: 16 (37%) | M: 16 (37%)]: The chart is dis-
handheld devices. Content display and dynamic behaviour should played on the background, with smaller text segments shown as
therefore be considered with mobile friendliness (T6) in mind, snippet blocks sliding over the chart as the page scrolls. This layout
e.g., accounting for the possibility of limited screen real estate.
Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles with VizFlow CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
is well adapted to mobile screens and most articles (10/16) retained effects were used on text, and a majority of articles (23, 53%) did not
the same layout between the two screen ratios (Ex: 13, 37). feature any. We thus focus on chart scroll effects, divided into two
groups: highlighting effects, which encompass additive and in-place
style changes such as revealing (29, 67%) and hiding a chart (13, 30%),
emphasising (16, 37%) and de-emphasising (11, 25%) chart elements;
and transformation effects, which modify chart element shape and
data mapping, such as repositioning elements (23, 53%), morphing
Pinned chart [D: 4 (9%) | M: 2 (4%)]: The chart is in a fixed position elements, (e.g., from a circle to a bar) (13, 30%) and rescaling axes (7,
on the screen as an overlay (often on top), while text scrolls behind 16%). While transformation effects require direct control of chart
it. This layout has the look and feel of a traditional article while elements, highlighting effects can be applied as overlays and enable
maintaining relevant visuals in sight (Ex: 33, 40). wider compatibility (T3).
Following our formative assessments, we created VizFlow, a proof
of concept tool to help authors create dynamic data-driven articles
without coding. It was designed to resemble a regular text edi-
Long chart [D: 6 (14%) | M: 0 (0%)]: A long vertical chart that takes tor with added storytelling features, instrumented by the notions
several scrolls to navigate, and reveals locally-relevant text content of reflow modes, sections, and text-chart links. Our assessment of
upon scroll. In our collection they were used for interactive lists and scrollytelling stories informed 6 storytelling layouts (§3.2.1), 5 of
timelines while interweaving scrolling navigation with storytelling; which are implemented by VizFlow : snippets over chart, side by side,
they also featured deeply customized charts, all of which required pinned chart, long form and snapshots (Fig. 4). In VizFlow we call
non-standard adaptations to mobile (Ex: 31, 41). them reflow modes, and they represent the different layouts authors
can apply to sections. These, in turn, correspond to different parti-
tions of the story and define a scope for unique reflow modes to be
applied (Fig. 4). Reflow modes can be changed with a single click,
allowing authors to freely experiment with different storytelling
formats. Such seamless layout changes required a semantic repre-
Long form [D: 13 (30%) | M: 15 (34%)]: Continuous segments of text sentation to separate the underlying message to be conveyed from
that are not scrolling-responsive and resemble traditional articles. its presentation, which we achieved via author-defined text-chart
In our collection, they were often present after dynamic sections links: they encode meaningful semantic connections between text
(e.g., side by side and snippets over chart) and contained the bulk of segments and individual charts, and each reflow mode makes use
the article (Ex: 15, 20). Charts in long form segments were usually of them in a different way.
static, although some featured interactive elements (e.g., click/tap VizFlow was also intended as a test bed to evaluate the text-chart
or hover to highlight) (Ex: 4, 37). linking approach via interactive user tasks. To this end, we imple-
mented a minimal set of features to support end-to-end authoring
with text-chart links, striving to provide enough functionality to
reduce the burden of peripheral tasks such as chart highlighting.
In the following segments, we present the features and design
rationale of VizFlow and how it may be used within an author-
Snapshots [D: - (-%) | M: 9 (21%)]: A common mobile adaptation ing workflow. We refer to the takeaways (T1-T6) presented ear-
layout where each of the multiple text-related highlights for a single lier (§3.1) to further justify design decisions. We also briefly discuss
chart are displayed as static charts accompanied by its respective implementation details.
text and arranged sequentially. Equivalent desktop screen ratios
included side by side (4/9) (Ex: 6,10), snippets over chart (2/9) (Ex:
4.1 Adding content and structure
12,14), pinned chart (2/9) (Ex: 17, 40) and long chart (1/9) (Ex: 8). After opening VizFlow (Fig. 2), authors are greeted with a ready-
to-edit blank section, where they can start recording key insights
3.2.2 Chart types and scroll effects. We catalogued chart types and corresponding charts generated as part of their data analysis.
present in scrollytelling articles and found a similar distribution as Authors may start typing an outline of points to develop later, and
reported in past visualization web scraping efforts [6, 36, 40]: line possibly assign each point to a new section. New sections can be
charts (14/43, or 32% of articles), bar charts (13, 30%), force-based added via the Add new section buttons shown in-between sec-
layouts (10, 21%), timelines (6, 14%), scatterplots (5, 12%), and area tions, or by splitting an existing section in two using the Section
charts (5, 12%). We note, however, the marked presence of force-
Break option (Fig. 2(B)) or its respective keyboard shortcut. In
based layouts which are often paired with dynamic changes and
this way, VizFlow supports creating content skeletons orga-
entail technical complexity (Ex: 1, 6, 10, 26).
nized around sections and charts (T1). Standard text editing
Finally, we catalogued scroll effects, i.e., interventions on chart
options — bold, italics, and font size — are available via keyboard
and text triggered by scroll transitions. Considerably less scroll
shortcuts and follow author experiences with common text editors.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
Figure 2: Authoring view of VizFlow features a (B) section-based text editor with (B.1) options to rearrange sections, (B.2) format
content and (B.3) choose reflow modes. Text-chart links are highlighted green (B.4), with link details visible on hover (D.4).
The (D) highlights panel features (D.1) tools to create and style standard annotations. Created annotations and suggestions are
listed on the right (D.2).
chart from a gallery list, the highlights panel (Fig. 2(D)) appears,
displaying the selected chart (and the corresponding text snippet on
top) along with options to annotate the chart. Annotation options
were guided by our assessment of chart types (§3.2.2) and suitability
to raster images (i.e., overlays). They include a small but expressive
set of annotations that can be customized in shape (rectangle,
ellipse, arrow, line and magic wand, i.e., colour-based region se-
think-they-are-santas-naughty-list lection) and style (fill and contours) (Fig. 3). Annotation regions
also allow for inverse selections which can be used for mask-
Figure 3: Examples of combinations of VizFlow annotation like effects. A few possible compositions are illustrated in Fig. 3.
shapes and styles applied to the same pie chart segment. To further streamline user annotations, VizFlow offers automated
annotation suggestions of common chart elements (Fig. 2(D.2)), in-
cluding data marks such as bars and pie segments, and chart labels
As writing unfolds, authors can iteratively refine content (T2) such as title, legend and axis labels. These suggestions are offered
by freely rearranging and removing sections (Fig. 2(B.1)). as a separate annotations list under active annotations, and can be
Accompanying charts can be added by directly copy-pasting easily previewed via hover, added to the list of active annotations
images or their respective URLs into the editor, which are then with a click, or ignored when not appropriate.
displayed on the charts panel to the right (Fig. 2(C)). We designed After adding their desired annotations, authors can confirm their
VizFlow to accept charts as raster images, a compatibility compro- selections and are returned to the authoring view (Fig. 2(B)).
mise to support wider compatibility within a diverse visual- The linked chart now appears to the right of the section and the
ization ecosystem (T3). This facilitates the addition of any chart, linked text segment is highlighted in green (e.g., bottom section
regardless of the visualization toolset used to create it, which in in Fig. 2(B)). Hovering over linked segments allows authors to get
turn allows users to create dynamic versions of most pre-existing both a preview of the annotations (shown directly over the section
static articles available online. chart) as well as a context menu with editing options for the text-
chart link (Fig. 2(D.4)). From there, authors can edit link details, e.g.,
4.2 Linking text and charts re-access the highlights panel to edit its corresponding annotations
After a few paragraphs of text have been fleshed out and charts (Fig. 2(D.5)) or re-link the segment to a different chart. They can
have been uploaded into the editor, authors can link text and charts also Copy Link a segment, replicating text-link properties (chart
via the Add link option on a selected text snippet (or via its and annotations) to another segment of text. With certain reflow
associated keyboard shortcut). After selecting the corresponding
Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles with VizFlow CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Figure 4: Reflow modes implemented by VizFlow, based on scrollytelling layouts. From left to right: snippets over chart, side
by side, snapshots, pinned chart and long form. For pinned chart and long form modes, chart highlights are activated on text
hover (yellow text highlights).
The suggestion module leverages LEAF-Net’s chart parsing mod- for published articles they authored that fulfilled the above criteria.
ule [9], a Mask-RCNN model [18] trained to extract bounding boxes We ended up with 3 of our 4 selected articles being authored by,
for data and labels marks from chart images. This model was trained and assigned to C1-C3. All other participants were unfamiliar with
on and is able to recognize marks from: pie charts, bar charts, box- their assigned articles.
plots, line graphs and scatter plots [9]. To reduce clutter and ease Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and organized via the-
navigation, small hard-to-select marks were filtered out (e.g., tick matic analysis. We also analyzed and compared reflowed articles
labels) and remaining marks were sorted by position (left to right, in terms of the authors’ structural and creative choices, and com-
top to bottom). Given the non-interactive processing times (60- puted overall usability assessment from the SUS questionnaire. In
90 seconds), charts were pre-processed when possible and their the following segments, we report findings from our analysis, con-
extractions stored for later reuse. textualized by frequency of mentions of qualitative feedback in a
(#/12) format. Frequency counts include only explicit mentions and
5 EVALUATION should thus be seen as a lower bound. Links to author-reflowed
To assess our approach to leverage text-chart links for creating articles are provided in the Supplemental materials.
reflowed articles, we conducted two validation studies. The first 5.1.2 Limitations. We considered alternative study setups and their
study looked at author impressions on our concept and consisted of pros and cons. We opted against a comparative study given the lack
a task-based interactive session to reflow a traditional data-driven of a fair baseline: direct manipulation tools like Adobe Spark [1]
article using VizFlow. The second study assessed reader perceptions rely on templates and do not offer the same level of control of our
on different versions of reflowed articles via an online questionnaire. text-chart linking approach, while programming-based approaches
We detail these two efforts in the following subsections. like Idyll [12] would entail a steep learning curve for some users.
We also provided pre-drafted articles instead of asking participants
5.1 Author perspectives on VizFlow to write articles from scratch. While the latter would be more eco-
We conducted a qualitative assessment of VizFlow through an inter- logically valid, we would have extra confounds in comparing author
active task. We recruited 12 individuals with diverse backgrounds to preferences and workflows, while adding significant complexity to
take part in the study. Participants included: 5 communicators (C1– the task that would be peripheral to text-chart linking.
C5), i.e., professionals with newsroom experience, 3 of whom took
part in our formative interview study (A1–A3); and 7 researchers 5.1.3 Overall impressions. Opinions on VizFlow were gener-
(S1–S7), i.e., experts in related fields such as as data visualization, ally positive, corroborated by a SUS score of 77 (i.e., comfortably
storytelling, graphics design experts and data science. Each received above the average SUS score, 68). Participants stated they found
a $30 gift card in their local currency for participation. it easy, intuitive, and straightforward to learn and use (7/12). The
notion of content sectioning was familiar to many, akin to content
5.1.1 Procedure and task. Sessions encompassed (a) a walkthrough management systems (CMS) used in newsrooms and blog platforms
of VizFlow, (b) an interactive reflow task, where participants used (C3) and Jupyter notebooks (S3, S4).
VizFlow to create a reflowed version of a traditional (i.e., static) Participants found VizFlow useful and timely (5/12). Commu-
data-driven article, followed by (c) a System Usability Scale (SUS) nicators acknowledged its value for lowering barriers to create
questionnaire [8], and (d) a semi-structured interview to reflect on “scrollers”, which are “annoying to do manually” (C1), that it can
their experiences with the tool. For the reflow task, each participant be particularly useful to novices (C3, C5) such as “editorial re-
was assigned 1 of 4 publicly available static data-driven articles porters [because] you don’t need a developer” (C3) as well as a quick
(Fig. 6). Articles were pre-loaded into VizFlow, with text content prototyping tool for data stories: “there’s always a question of
provided as a single section and supporting charts in the charts what would this look like as a scrollyteller (...) And this lets you answer
panel (Fig. 2(C)), but no text-chart links. Participants were asked to that question very quickly” (C1). A researcher in visual storytelling
link to all the charts in the article, and to use reflow modes however liked that VizFlow was “focused on really storytelling” (S7) instead
they found appropriate. Interview questions covered impressions of just visualization authoring, and that it was “very needed” (S7).
of the tool and the concept, their design decisions when creating As for the limitations, some participants missed more fine
the dynamic article, their opinions on reflow modes, and thoughts grained control over the presentation, e.g., layout customiza-
about the future of this concept as informed by their practices. tions (S4) and better control of pacing with spacing between sec-
Due to time constraints with their professional engagements, tions (S2), to a lack of more exploratory modes of interaction, e.g.,
sessions with the communicator group (C1-C5) were synchronous embedded annotations and callouts when hovering over chart ele-
and tailored for a 1-hour duration. Participants in the researcher ments (S3). More importantly, a few raised limitations about the
group (S1-S7), on the other hand, were given the opportunity to linking approach itself, on “being forced into thinking in terms
complete the exercise on their own, after watching a 7min video of each sentence needs to be its own annotation, or each annotation
walkthrough of VizFlow and completing the reflow task at their needs to be a complete sentence” and that it would be important to
own pace. In the end, both groups completed the same task, and “think about ways to break out of that model” (C1). Also, while the
interviews covered the same topics. linking and reflow approach may confer simplicity to the process, it
The articles used in the study were selected for content diversity, may constrain creativity: “the paradigm is still, I have some text,
featuring a variety of writing styles and chart types (e.g., bar, pie, I have some charts and I’m going to try to link parts of the chart to
line, bubble and interval) (Fig. 6). To narrow our search space and parts of the text (...) rather than "let’s start with a graphic and figure
expedite sessions for our professional participants, we first looked out how we want to ride around it", if there’s like a more nonlinear
Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles with VizFlow CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Figure 6: Overview of articles used in the author and reader studies, plus features and links to the original source article. Each
article illustration features a close-up (left) and small-scale full overview (right).
way of telling the story” (C1). Another related downside is the po- While our study did not assess how authoring practices would
tential for overuse, as “the default in the tool is to get you to make a change if working on an article from scratch, we asked participants
section that has a highlight in it”, but “a lot of the charts are fairly how they envisioned their workflows may be affected. Most par-
straightforward” and “don’t always need highlights” (C2). ticipants in the researcher group (6/12) believed their writing style
may change, to be more connected to the chart (S2, S5, S6), more
5.1.4 Authoring workflows. The researchers who created reflowed
chart-centered (S1, S4), more analytical (S3).
versions of articles on their own (S1–S7) reported spending between
30 minutes and 2 hours on the task, including time to experiment 5.1.5 Reflow mode and layout choices. Dynamic reflow modes
and learn the tool. With in-session support (i.e., usability guidance were prevalent among participants. Out of all 103 sections cre-
and support on error recovery), communicators (C1-C5) were given ated, 28 (27%) were mapped to snippets over chart and another 28
up to 25 minutes to work on the articles, and all of them were able to side by side. All participants used at least one of these dynamic
to complete the task within the allotted time. This suggests articles modes. Most participants prioritized one mode over another: 4 par-
can be reflowed in a fairly efficient manner using VizFlow. ticipants used only snippets over chart, 4 used only side by side,
Reported (researcher) and observed (communicator) workflows and 4 used both. Choices tended to be based on personal preference,
were generally similar, including for those working with their but many still acknowledged that each mode had its pros and cons,
own articles. After reading the article, some participants began “all made degree of sense” (C4), and the choice should depend on
splitting content into sections while others alternated between the situation, e.g., the best fit for a chart’s aspect ratio or mobile
splitting sections, looking for text segments to link, and choosing display. Some argued that dynamic modes could be less suited than
reflow modes as they went. On a first pass, participants added text- the static ones for more straightforward stories (C1), and care must
chart links as connections between charts and text were found, e.g., be taken not to overuse them (C2).
“Whenever I see numbers, I will look for the same numbers on the plot, Pinned chart and snapshots, i.e., the static reflow modes, were
and if I had the opportunity to highlight them I would highlight them” used less often and were only mapped to a total of 4 and 8 sections,
(S4), but several tweaks would be made to improve flow and pacing. respectively. This may be attributed to an initial desire to experi-
We can expect this workflow to be more iterative if participants ment with the more dynamic VizFlow modes, but as participants
use VizFlow to author from scratch: “we are writing the piece were fairly positive towards these layouts we could expect higher
and making the charts all in tandem (..) you’re constantly tweaking uptake in the long term. They were particularly appreciated as a
the chart, you’re exporting it out, you are making a JPEG or you are less distracting option that still offered reader support (8/12), albeit
running a script, and then you are re-importing it into the tool, and with room for improvement, e.g., make pinned chart interaction
then you’re seeing how it looks in the piece” (C2). more mobile friendly, by making it sensitive to scroll instead of
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
click/tap (3/12). Finally, the long form reflow mode was used in 35 animating chart elements (C4, C5). A communicator also empha-
sections (33%), mostly for plain text sections and only occasionally sized the importance of fine grained control over presentation
featuring static charts (3/35). Beyond serving as a reasonable de- aspects: “a lot of the work that we did relied on things looking quite
fault, the long form mode was used as a buffer between other polished (..) from an aesthetic graphics perspective. We’d spend an
reflowed sections to confer some “breathing room” (S2) and help inordinate amount of time thinking about colours and line weights
set a more balanced “rhythm” (S5). and how much to curve this arrow and you know whether it should
These findings illustrate the diversity of preferences and de- be a straight line or how thick the arrowhead should be” (C1).
sign considerations and underscores the value for an expanded
and improved list of reflow modes. Suggestions for additional 5.2 Reader perspectives on reflowed articles
modes included a dynamic mode where snippets appear as scroll- After learning the benefits and shortcomings of our approach from
triggered annotations over the chart (C3), a more space-efficient authors, we wanted to assess whether readers found value in the
version of snapshots (C1), and a static layout where the colour types of articles created with VizFlow. While past studies found
of linked text matches its corresponding chart entities (S3). Other that dynamic formats [33] and linking [57] have a positive effect
ideas for improvement entailed more fine grained control over lay- on readers, they did not assess why these elements are considered
outs, such as alternating location of text on side by side (S4, S6), appealing. Understanding reader preferences can inform best prac-
adjusting white space between sections (S2), and adjusting size and tices for authoring and the design of authoring tools. To do so, we
position of charts in both static and scrollytelling modes (C5). conducted a survey study with 24 reader participants who were
5.1.6 Links and highlights. To check whether linking behaviours asked to compare and provide qualitative feedback on 3 versions of
are consistent across participants, we conducted an analysis of link the same article with different degrees of reflow intervention:
overlap between participant-reflowed versions of the same article. (1) Dynamic: Mostly scrollytelling-based reflow layouts, includ-
Each article was assigned to three participants; for every segment ing snippets over chart and side by side.
of text containing a link, we counted how many of the three partic- (2) Light: Mostly static-based reflow layouts, including pinned
ipants tagged that same segment. If a link A tagged by one partici- chart and snapshots.
pant spanned two or more links B and C from another participant, (3) Baseline: Mimics the layout of the original article without
then B and C each counted towards a separate individual linking any text-chart links.
segment, and A was counted as a match for both segments. Of the We used the same 4 articles from the authoring evaluation. For
81 total linked text segments across our four articles: 30 (37%) were the dynamic versions we repurposed author-created reflowed ar-
tagged by all three participants, 24 (29%) by two participants, and ticles from the prior study with minor tweaks for improved uni-
27 (33%) by one; that is, about 66% of segments were tagged by at formity and flow. From these, we created the light versions by
least two participants. Articles with higher agreement, Art-C and replacing most of the scrollytelling segments with static reflow
Art-D, follow a more data-centric, report-like writing style modes (pinned chart and snapshots), while retaining the same text-
with clearer mentions of chart elements, whereas Art-A and Art-B chart links. The baseline versions were created to mimic the layout
are presented in a more narrative style with more peripheral con- of the original static article without links. All three versions of each
nections to the charts. Even in the cases where participants tagged article were provided exclusively through VizFlow’s preview mode.
the same text segment, they did not always match it to the same Links to all 12 reader interventions (4 articles × 3 versions) are
chart — about 30% of text segments in Art-B and 33% in Art-A were provided in the Supplemental Materials.
linked to different charts. While an author starting from scratch will Each participant was presented with three versions of the same
often have a clear interpretation of how text and charts go together, article (dynamic, light, and baseline) in a counterbalanced order to
this assessment shows that there is still room for subjectivity avoid ordering effects. From the six possible order permutations of
and creativity in choosing text segments to link, enough to 3 versions, we derived 24 independent trials (4 articles × 6 presenta-
make full automation of text-chart linking challenging [22, 25, 35]. tion orders). Participants were asked to (a) list pros and cons of each
We also assessed choices of highlighting styles. Participants version based on their “open-ended impressions from a reader per-
produced 263 highlights across 145 links (about 1.8 highlights per spective”, and then to (b) pick a favourite version and explain why.
link). Out of those, 57% used contour styles, 35% used masks (i.e., Responses were analyzed via open and axial coding. Participants
inverse selection plus fill), 20% used fill, and only 13% received a $5 gift card in their local currency for participation.
used arrow and lines. Similarly to reflow modes, choices were
5.2.1 Participants. The 24 readers (R1-R24) were recruited from the
mostly guided by personal preference, but were largely con-
general population via mailing lists and social media posting. They
sistent within an article. While this can be partly attributed to
included 14 women, 8 men, and 2 who did not specify gender. Ages
VizFlow caching and applying the most recent style to created
varied from 18-25 (9), 26-35 (12) and 36-45 (3). Occupations included
shapes, several participants stated deliberately seeking consistency
students (16), post doctoral fellows (3), professionals in a variety of
in their highlights (5/12), an aspect identified in past research [24].
fields (4) and a family manager (1). Self reported familiarity with
As for our range of supported highlights, a few said the “ar-
data visualization ranged from unfamiliar (2) and neutral (10) to
rows and boxes” (C2) were expressive enough and they did not
familiar (6) and very familiar (6).
feel “short handed” (S2), but others wanted highlights that felt
more “native to the graphic” , e.g., magnify (S6, S3, C4, C5) and 5.2.2 Findings. Participants submitted an average of 300 words
(2-3 paragraphs) of feedback. Most participants preferred reflowed
Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles with VizFlow CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Version Baseline Light Dynamic # Words # Charts 6 DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK
Art-A 0 3 3 731 5
Our evaluations suggest that an authoring framework based on text-
Art-B 3 1 2 505 3
chart links has a lot of potential. While the concept of separating
Art-C 0 4 2 463 6
semantics and presentation is not new [37], applying these concepts
Art-D 2 2 2 738 3
to data-driven articles called for a deeper understanding of how this
Total 5 10 9 particular medium is structured and created. Even though our proof
Table 1: Reader-preferred versions for each article. of concept, VizFlow, was heavily informed by scrollytelling media as
articles: 10 chose the light version, 9 chose the dynamic version, a first iteration, our overall strategy is fundamentally modular and
while only 5 preferred the baseline version. Reasons to favour the can accommodate a range of storytelling formats that leverage text
light and dynamic versions most often cited the highlights and how with supporting visuals. Also, while our main focus was lowering
they helped guide the reading (7/18) and added more information technological barriers, the tool was found relevant even for more
(4/18), as well as improved story flow (3/18). Those who preferred technically experienced authors as a quick means to prototype story
the baseline version appreciated the clean (2/5) and concise (2/5) flows. Our reader assessment also revealed that there is a wide and
presentation, and that it encouraged one’s own analysis (1/5) and diverse range of layout preferences and that the readership could
was easier to navigate and skim (2/5). The light version was said to benefit from the ability to seamlessly transition across different
strike a balance between the dynamic and baseline versions (4/10) presentation formats on demand. Our assessment also highlighted
featuring highlights in static form or on demand, within a familiar weaknesses of our approach, namely, a potential to stifle creativity
and navigable layout. The above suggests that reflow strategies can by conditioning storytelling to the creation of text-chart links. This
add value to a diverse set of readers, and there is room to investigate reflects the ever-existing tension between supporting simplicity
personalized reflowed versions to suit reader preferences. and providing flexibility within creativity support tools (i.e., low
Beyond personal preferences, feedback also suggests that read- threshold and high ceiling [44]) and deserves further investigation.
ers would choose different reflow versions depending on the task, Below is a summary of lessons learned from our studies, in
level of analysis, and the article content. A breakdown of version the form of design recommendations (D1–D8) to inform related
preferences for each article (Table 1) shows that participants who efforts on text-chart linking for authoring dynamic data-driven
read chart-heavy articles (Art-A and Art-C) tended to favour re- articles. Several lessons align with authoring recommendations
flowed versions, whereas the baseline version was preferred by for interactive articles [20]. We also discuss remaining questions
most readers of the simpler (Art-B) and more text-oriented (arti- within each, which we hope will encourage further research.
cle Art-D) articles. This indicates that different types of articles Support early drafting and ideation stages (D1). While our
may benefit from different levels of reflow. evaluation with authors suggests our proposed concept would ex-
Further analysis of pros and cons also revealed that despite per- tend well in the wild, we did not directly assess the impact on
sonal preferences, participants consistently noted the merits authoring workflows when working on articles from scratch. From
of the three different versions. Readers cited occasions in which formative findings, we learned that authors spend significant time
they would choose alternative reflow modes, (e.g., getting a quick iterating on their stories; in the evaluation, they envisioned writing
overview versus close reading) which we summarize below. styles could change to make full use of the added dynamic features,
The baseline version was found to be familiar (7/24), more concise and some were interested in using VizFlow as a tool for prototyping
(5) and easier to skim and scroll (4), but also requiring more time dynamic behaviour. We argue there is value in supporting these
(5) and effort (6) since highlights are not easily provided (10). It was interventions earlier in authoring workflows, and that it may better
found effective to obtain a “global picture of the article” (R24), guide storytelling design. Some automated support, e.g., in reducing
easier “to go back and forth” (R14), and to let readers “analyse the the burden of manually linking text and charts, is an important
figures entirely and see if reached the same conclusions” (R2). related concern, which we further detail under D4.
The dynamic version favoured chart analysis (13/24) through Aesthetics matter (D2). Both communicators and researchers
a guided (12), interactive (5), easy (3) and engaging (3) format; in our evaluation study underscored the importance of stories that
though potentially confusing (5), distracting (4), hard to skim due to “look nice” in increasing reader engagement. These concerns ranged
scrollytelling interventions (6), misguiding when overemphasising from the visual design of the charts and their transition effects to
visuals over text (4), and entailing a learning curve for unfamiliar the general pacing of the article and spacing between sections;
readers (5). It was found best suited to “short attention spans” (R6) they also align well with recent research on visual aesthetics in
and for “a step by step explanation of what is in a graph” (R20). digital stories and their effect on engagement and learning [17].
Finally, the light version supported chart analysis (19/24) while Future efforts can focus on providing more fine-grained control of
providing a clear (7), familiar (3) and well paced (5) layout more presentation aspects, including options to further customize reflow
amenable to skimming (3). It was also found potentially long (4), modes (e.g., choosing whether to place text on the left or right on a
repetitive (10), and misguiding (3). It reportedly enabled “no dis- side by side layout), to more polished and powerful chart authoring
traction in terms of complex scrolling” (R16) but “still had a lot of capabilities, which we discuss under D3.
graphics that were broken down in a more understandable way” (R3). Support integration with visualization authoring
tools (D3). As we focused on authoring and on the rele-
vance of text-chart links, we purposefully kept our highlighting
capabilities simple. But our assessment of scrollytelling articles plus
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
participant feedback show that there is much to gain by integrating something our proposed approach could support. Similar to the idea
visualization authoring tools into the workflow. It would enable of adapting visualizations to different devices [19], we propose that
effects more native to the chart (e.g., repositioning, morphing) as adapting storytelling formats to different readers and reading con-
well as more complex chart layouts (e.g., force layouts). In particu- texts has potential to significantly transform the reading experience.
lar, it would also better support the notion of using consecutive It opens up space for future explorations not only in the adaptive
text-chart links as keyframes of a visual sequence, in something visualizations space [5, 27, 53] but also in defining what a relevant
akin to slideshow transitions or video animations. We should spectrum of storytelling modes for data-driven articles may look
also acknowledge that this would add complexity to authoring like given preferences and reading tasks of a wider audience.
efforts, and striking a balance between simplicity and flexibility on Support authors in making balanced authoring
this front may prove to be a significant undertaking. First steps choices (D7). While readers appreciated the easy experi-
could allow VizFlow to link to visualizations created with more mentation enabled by our approach, authors warned for a
accessible tools like Tableau [52], Vega-Lite [39] and Observable potential to overuse reflow modes that would lead to distracting
notebooks [21], providing vector-based representations that are or frustrating reader experiences. An important next step after
more amenable to native effects, transitions, and interaction. That obtaining a better understanding of reader preferences and tasks
said, in view of the diverse charting practices reported by authors listed above (D6) is providing actionable and integrated guidance
in our studies, we argue that vector chart authoring options should to authors to avoid such authoring pitfalls and make more informed
be offered as an addition — and not a replacement — to our more storytelling choices.
chart-agnostic approach, i.e., still allowing authors work with their Support collaboration (D8). A core tenet of our no-coding
current external tools even if only leveraging limited highlighting approach was to reduce dependence on programming expertise and
capabilities. forced team effort. However, many stories still demand synergistic
Provide automation support while maintaining author- creative efforts between various experts such as data scientists,
ing freedom (D4). There is potential to automate many tasks journalists, and graphic designers [11]. Supporting collaborative
within our workflow that would be especially useful in early au- authoring is especially key in professional settings like newsrooms,
thoring stages. Real-time automatic detection of text-chart links to ensure that time using the tool is spent on authoring and creation
could provide link suggestions while authors are drafting content, and not on figuring out how to effectively collaborate around it.
and also help re-map or maintain linkage consistency as content
evolves. Another opportunity is detecting what chart elements 7 CONCLUSION
should be highlighted within a text-chart link, which builds on ex- In this work, we explored an approach to storytelling authoring of
isting efforts to enable automatic chart element extraction [9, 36, 40]. data-driven articles that separates semantics and presentation in
In the interest of visual consistency [24], a third opportunity for the form of text-chart links and storytelling layouts. Our approach
automation is enabling automatic style consistency across all charts was grounded on existing authoring practices, which informed the
when a chart is modified. VizFlow could also be used as a tool for design and development of VizFlow, a proof of concept authoring
annotating articles in support of training the kinds of automated tool to create dynamic data-driven articles. Our evaluation findings
models proposed above. However, we underscore that authoring is with authors and readers underscore the value of this approach
a fundamentally creative effort and there is significant room for sub- towards more efficient and effective addition of dynamic behaviour
jectivity even within simpler tasks, as evidenced by our assessment to data-driven articles, and help make a wider variety of consump-
of link overlap (§ 5.1.6). As such, these interventions should not be tion formats more readily available for the medium. Our work also
implemented as fully autonomous actions, but rather as supporting contributed to a deeper understanding of scrollytelling approaches,
features offered to authors to help expedite their workflows. which to our knowledge, had not yet been systematically assessed.
More (reflow modes) is better (D5). While our reflow options It has never been more critical to deliver fact-based and data-
were limited to popular layouts based on our scrollytelling assess- driven information to the general public. Ultimately, we hope our
ment, our author and reader evaluations hint at a wide range of pref- work and proposed directions for future investigation can con-
erences and reading tasks. Author evaluation also found that quick tribute to empower both authors and readers towards a more data-
experimentation with storytelling layouts was one of the highlights aware and well informed world.
of their experience, suggesting that having more options readily
available would be valuable to authoring, and is something our ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
extensible framework easily enables. For instance, additional story- We thank the anonymous reviewers, Naeemul Hassan, Ben Shnei-
telling formats could include horizontal scrollers (Ex: 40), dynamic derman and Vidya Setlur for their feedback to improve this manu-
direct linkage between text and charts [28, 49], and scroll-based ver- script, and Sumit Shekhar for his support with LEAF-Net. We also
sions of traditional steppers [33, 51, 57] (Ex: 42). Reader assessments thank the exceptionally talented and insightful authors who took
suggest that static text-chart layouts are also worth considering, part in our studies.
e.g., a small multiples version of the snapshots mode (Ex: 37).
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(9) S. Yee, T. Chu. A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning. 2015. (30) S. Vickars. What makes a titletown?. 2018. 2018/11/titletowns/
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CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Sultanum et al.
ID (McKenna et al.)
No adaptation
Rescale Axes
Pinned chart
Pinned chart
Side by side
Side by side
Long chart
Long chart
Long form
Long form
Title Author Year
10 Scientific Proof that Americans are Completely Addicted to Trucks A. Pearce et al. 2015 2 34 x - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - x - -
11 How the U.S. and OPEC Drive Oil Prices J. Ashkenas et al. 2015 12 - x - - - - x - - - - - x - x x - x -
17 This is Who Republican Presidential Contenders Follow on Twitter S. Yaccino et al. 2015 53 - - x - - - - - - x x - - - x x - - -
I. Boudway, C.
18 2016 30 x - - - - - - - - x - - - - x x - - -
The Year Ahead 2016: 50 Companies to Watch Lindblad
Film Dialogue from 2,000 Screenplays, Broken Down by Gender H. Anderson, M.
19 2016 46 - - x - x - - - - - - x x - - - x x -
and Age Daniels
22 Could Trump Really Deport Millions of Unauthorized Immigrants? H. Park, T. Griggs 2016 - x - - x - x - - - - - - x x x x - -
37 Falling through the gap: How the UK's gender pay gap sizes up C. Guiborg et al. 2019 - x - - x - - - - x - - x - x - x - -
R. Goldenberg, A.
38 2019 21 - - - - x - - - - x - - - - - - x - -
How many high school stars make it in the NBA? Thomas
C Aguilar Garcia, P.
39 2019 - x - - x - x - - - - - x - x - x x -
Why 7,000 people die needlessly every day Whiteside
43 How does water security affect China’s development? China Power 2020 - x - - x - x - - - - - x - x - x - -
Figure 8: Preview of a complete reflowed article, featuring all reflow modes and transitions between sections. Live VizFlow pre-
views can be accessed here: [] [