Emerging Trends in Online Marketing: February 2015
Emerging Trends in Online Marketing: February 2015
Emerging Trends in Online Marketing: February 2015
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2.2.3 Greater Flexibility - Make changes on the fly:
Online Marketing, Newspaper, Television, Target Consumers, Social Unlike offline marketing such as placing traditional
Marketing advertisements in magazines, newspapers, television, or a paper
catalogs whose products and prices are fixed until the next
1. INTRODUCTION printing, an online catalog can be adjusted daily or even hourly,
adapting product availability, prices, and promotions to match
With PC penetration growing rapidly across the world and changing market conditions by changing a graphic or wording
the globalized markets, the companies are increasingly using and do it without any problems.
new digital tools ranging from Web sites to wikis extensively for 2.2.4 Access to Global Markets:
customer service, product development and advertising online. The Internet is a global medium, which allows buyers and
The internet has become an essential medium for all the sellers to click from one country to another in seconds.
companies to market their products & services. Online
marketing is becoming increasingly important to small business 2.2.5 Track Real - Time Results:
of all types. Now with increasing local search and people’s new It allows tracking real-time results using online analytics to
habit of searching on the Internet first, all businesses should determine how marketing campaign is performing. There are
include some online marketing in their marketing mix. Online ways to track traditional marketing efforts, but most the time it
Marketing is the art and science of selling products or services cannot be done in real-time.
over digital networks, such as the internet and cellular phone 2.2.6 Target Specific Demographics in Advertising:
networks. The art of online marketing involves finding the right
online marketing mix of strategies that appeals to target market It allows in targeting specific demographics such as gender,
and will actually translate into sales. age, location, specific income levels, education levels and
2. BENEFITS OF ONLINE MARKETING 2.2.7 Variety of Methods:
There is various methods in online marketing such as audio,
Online Marketing provides various benefits to both video, blogging, email, social media and ongoing newsletters.
consumers and also the marketers by way of marketing more
2.2.8 Instant Conversion Ability:
efficiently and effectively along with greater savings. It brings
with it many benefits that are not available with traditional and Through online marketing marketers can get the ability to
offline marketing. convert a customer instantaneously. This is not the case when
evaluating marketing options in traditional media such as
2.1 BENEFITS TO CONSUMERS magazine ads, newspapers or television. Through online
marketing not only potential customer’s information can be
2.1.1 Convenience: captured, but also capture a sale instantaneously by a few clicks
Customers can shop 24 hours a day from anywhere without of a mouse, when it comes to offline marketing it takes more
going to the store physically. time to convert a customer into a sale not to mention the person
power it often requires.
Ads in certain Internet newsgroups set up for commercial Develop a Great Product
purposes. Develop a Web Site to sell
Buy online ads that pop up while people are surfing the Develop a killer marketing strategy
web. Such ads include banner ads, popup windows, Each step plays an important role in the overall strategy and
“tickers” (banners moving across screen), and “road- must be developed to its fullest potential. If even one step fails,
blocks” (full-screen ads that users must go through to get to the chances of success will be minimal.
other screens they wish to view).
NEWSGROUPS, OR WEB COMMUNITIES Try to develop a product which can be delivered to
customers over Internet. With today’s technology, there is
Companies may participate in or sponsor Internet forums, absolutely no reason --- one can’t create one’s own product. The
news groups, and bulletin boards that appeal to specific special knowledge within own mind is extremely valuable. Everybody
interest groups. good at something, has a special talent or some specialized
knowledge. Using this knowledge can help creating a product.
The key to developing a great product is exclusiveness. The
Companies can send out customer newsletters, special product should be unique and not be in competition with- of
product or promotion offers based on customer buying histories. other similar products. Try to give potential customers exactly
Web-casting or “push” programming delivers information of what they want. Develop a high-quality product that fills a void
interest to consumers’ desktops. to increase the chances of success.
Another consideration of great importance is target market
internet is a global marketplace. Develop a product with large
geographic target and a wide appeal. A great product will fulfill
a need or desire and provide instant gratification.
Here are a few of the top sellers through Online Marketing Online Advertising
Software Directory Listings
Information Participating in Social Media
Private sites Online Networking / Social Networking Sites
Internet services Email Marketing
Before developing the product some sort of research - to be There is no one best strategy that fits in to all the companies. In
conducted so as to find out exactly what people - and develop fact, it is for the company to find out which strategy suits it best. It
product accordingly. The most importance consideration when would depend on the product the company is marketing and the
developing a product is quality. The product should not only type of customers it is targeting. Companies would have to
deliver the quality, but should over deliver by living more therefore keep trying out strategies in order to refine and identify the
importance to customer’s satisfaction. best mix of strategies that they would have to pursue to succeed.
An overview of online marketing strategies which can best fit a
company’s business and its marketing budget are outlined below:
After developing a great product, the next step will be Have a Blog / Website:
developing a web site. The web site must be specifically
The first step to successful marketing online is to have a
designed to sell the product.
home base on the Web. It doesn’t really matter whether it is an
Everything within the web site should have one purpose getting official website or a blog or a combination of both. Either will
the visitor to take action. Words are the most powerful marketing give a Web address where people can find and a convenient way
tools. The right words will turn the visitors into customers. The of referring, two things that will facilitate marketing online
wrong words will cause them to click away and never return. efforts. So even if the company doesn’t sell anything online
The words used in web site are the entire foundation of any directly, it needs a website. Business people should have a blog
business. The product, web site and marketing strategies all on their website or serving as a website because if the
depend upon the words. Fancy graphics don’t make sales but management blog regularly and have something relevant to say,
words can do. Every word, sentence and headline should lead that will develop a following and some of those people will help
the potential customer to order page. Write web site copy as the marketing online efforts by spreading the work about the
management is talking to just one person. Identify a problem and organization and its products or services.
validate that one visitor’s need for a solution. Continue to write Online Advertising:
and explain why the product is the solution of their problem.
Tell them exactly what the product will do or them. Why it will Many small business in particular bother with this marketing
solve their problems and how. Pack with more benefits and online strategy, as they don’t want to spend money. They only
persuade the customers. want to do free marketing online. Traditional online advertising,
on the other hand, takes relatively little time and can be a very
6.3 DEVELOP A KILLER MARKETING effective marketing online strategy. There are two cost models,
CPM stands for Cost per Thousand Impressions. With this
Online Marketing Strategy is the final process of strategic type of online marketing, basically buy space on a web page and
plan. The plan must include both short-term and long-term pay for a certain number of impressions, or the number of times
strategies in order to succeed. the ad is going to be displayed. Many of the banner ads on
Short term marketing strategies are those that bring a various websites are being paid for on a CPM model.
temporary boost in traffic. Although these techniques are very CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click advertising. In this model,
important to overall-all plan, they are only a temporary traffic pay only for the number of times a viewer clicks on the ad, not
source and must not be solely relied upon. on the number of times it’s displayed.
6.3.1 Short Term Marketing Strategies Include: Google Ad Words is perhaps the best known Pay-per-click
Participating in Forums marketing online program. When marketing online with this
program, choose particular keywords that ad to be associated
Search Engines
with. When people search on Google using one of the
Classifieds keywords, the ad may appear next to the search results. The
Social Book Marking Sites theory is that these people are much more likely to be interested
Giving Away Freebies in products or services.
Creating and posting an online video either to own website or
6.3.2 Long Term Marketing Strategies:
to a popular video sharing site such as YouTube is gaining
Long term marketing strategies are those that bring you a strength. An online video can be marketing online gold if it
steady stream of targeted traffic over time. These strategies will becomes popular.
continue to produce results even years down the road. Online advertising through classified are also gaining
Long Term Marketing Strategies include: strength and are particularly suited for small business. But,
Have a Blog / Website privacy issues and resistance to behavioral marketing are likely
to pose stiff challenges to online advertising. But, better ways
are likely to be found to target the customers. Types of ads used Like social media, online networking requires taking a sub-
predominantly include banner ads, link ads, in-text ads, video approach to marketing online. The same basic rule applied to
ads, image ads, fixed banners. online networking that applies to networking face-to-face. Give,
One such trend is better local ad targeting. Several give, give and don’t worry about receiving.
companies, such as Local.com, LinkedIn and Face book, have Email Marketing:
announced that they’re getting into the local targeting game by
Email marketing is one of the best and most powerful ways
offering geography-based advertising along with the standard
of marketing online. Once an email --- has been developed,
demographic or keyword targeting can be expected. Local (notice the word developed, not bought marketing message can
targeting is already prevalent in search engine marketing and it’s be sent directly to people who have already indicated some
good to know that display ads are heading in the same direction.
interest in products or services. Email is an excellent tool for Directory Listings: building a relationship with customer letting the organizations
Adding business to appropriate directory listings (local build both repeat business and good word-of -mouth through
directory listings, business directories, etc,) is another way of marketing online efforts.
marketing online that takes little time and is relatively Newsletters can be sent to the email list from the people with
inexpensive. Whatever local business groups that the business provided the necessary information on website, for instance
belongs to, such as local Chamber of Commerce, probably have providing these potential customer with news updates about
websites where they allow members to list their business online company, upcoming events and/or special offers and, of course,
and perhaps even place ads on the site at special rates. Search reminding them that the business exists and that maybe it’s time
out other local sites, especially those related to tourism, and for another visit. Email programs easily allow to customize
make sure it’s listed there, too. There are also a lot of email to potential customer so customized message can be sent
specialized online networking groups/sites that promote to selected customers according to their interests and actions.
marketing online. With the proliferation of mobiles, mobile email will account Participating in Social Media: for 30% of email in future. So, it is necessary to target mobile
Joining the conversation on Twitter, Face book and forums, users as the chances of them immediately opening their email are
high. Advertising and messaging to mobile phones is definitely a
posting on Flicker and YouTube, commenting on other people’s
hot topic among marketers. In the past, most mobile marketing
blogs, are all opportunities for marketing online. Marketing
tools focused on only one aspect of mobile marketing, such as
online through social media requires a much more subtle
text-messaging, application development or mobile websites.
technique than marketing online through advertising or directory
listings. With all social media, the trick is to participate Those tools are now converging as integrated solutions.
intelligently and actual attempt to converse rather than just
advertising your produce or services. 7. CONCLUSION
Social media advertising is already accessible and affordable
to small business, but affordability isn’t the only reason invest in In the digital marketplace, content and its presentation are the
a particular form of advertising. Don’t invest in new social most important factors that decide the fate of any online
media tool or advertising strategy until the ability to track results business. Easily accessibility and quality content can catapult
and compare them against other opportunities. Small business the website within the top rankings. Business have data were
can’t afford to invest in everything. harnessing the power of online marketing. Good market -------
facmultiplty the sales of a good product. Even a flawed ----, can
The downside of marketing online through social media that be sold with great marketing, but only once.
it’s time-consuming. The upside is that it’s free and - really
generate a lot of buzz about the products or service if something By creating and implementing a balanced marketing strategy,
that the organization has done online such as post, a video, or an using both short-term and long-term strategies, one can drive a
article becomes really popular. steady stream of targeted traffic to their web site. This simple
strategy of any business can guarantee the success of online Online Networking: marketing. Companies would however have to be on the lookout
LinkedIn deserves special mention in any discussion of for changing trends in the marketplace and use it to their advantage.
online networking. Its stated purpose to help the world’s For example, marketing through face book is a concept which
professionals connect with one another to accelerate their has gained relevance today. But, would face book continue to be
success. As of this writing, LinkedIn has over 40 million the leader in future or not is not known. Whether a company
members in over 200 countries and territories around the world. continues to use face book or not depends upon the future
It’s a powerful tool for marketing online giving the opportunity acceptance of face book. So, companies would forever have to
to connect with potential customer partners and colleagues. change their marketing ploys according to the emerging trend.
And don’t forget the “older” online groups such as Yahoo
Groups. Doing a Yahoo groups search on “small business” REFERENCES
brings up almost 40,000 different groups currently. Besides
being a great source of support and information, groups such as [1] Philip kotler and Gray Armstrong “Principles of
these also provide some online marketing opportunities. Other marketing”, 8th Edition Prentice Hall, 1998.
members may be potential customers or referral sources as they
get to know about the company.
[2] Online market research available in Accessed on 12.11.14 [4] Online business available in
http://www.inc.com/guides/biz_online/online-market- http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/onlinebusiness/a/marketi
research.html. ngonline.htm.
[3] Online strategies accessed in LinkedIn available in