Current Electricity_test

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TEST Total Marks : 35

1. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a
combination of three identical cells in series, versus current is as
shown in the figure. What is the emf of each cell? [1]
2. Two conducting wires X and Y of same diameter but different
materials are joined in series across a battery. If the number
density of electrons in X is twice that in Y, find the ratio of drift
velocity of electrons in the two wires. [1]
3. If the radius of a copper wire is doubled, will its specific resistance increase,
decrease or remain same? [1]
4. VI graphs for parallel and series combinations of two
metallic resistors are shown in figure. Which graph represents
parallel and series combination? Justify your answer. [1]
5. Define the term ‘Mobility’ of charge carriers in a conductor.
Write its S.I. unit. [1]
6. Using the mathematical expression for the conductivity of a
material, explain how it varies with temperature for
(i) semiconductors (ii) good conductors [2]
7. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms of
relaxation time. [2]
8. Find the magnitude and direction of current in 1Ω
resistor in the given circuit. [2]
9. A conductor of length ‘l’ is connected to a dc source of
potential ‘V’. If the length of the conductor is tripled
by gradually stretching it, keeping ‘V’ constant, how
will (i) drift speed of electrons and (ii) resistance of
the conductor be affected? [2]
10. A potentiometer wire length 1 m, has a resistance of 5 Ω. It is connected to a 8 V battery,
in series with a resistance of 15 Ω. Determine the emf of the primary cell, which gives a
balance point at 60 cm. [2]
11. Calculate the value of the resistance R in the
circuit shown in the figure so that the current
in the circuit is 0.2 A. What would be the
potential difference between points B and E?
12. First a set of n equal resistors of R each are
connected in series to a battery of emf E and internal resistance R. A current I is
observed to flow. Then the n resistors are connected in parallel to the same battery. It
is observed that the current is increased 10 times. What is n? [2]
13. A potentiometer wire of length 1 m is
connected to a driver cell of emf 3 V as shown
in the figure. When a cell of 1.5 V emf is used in
the secondary circuit, the balance point is
found to be 60 cm. On replacing this cell and
using a cell of unknown emf, the balance point
shifts to 80 cm.
(i) Calculate unknown emf of the cell.
(ii) Explain with reason, whether the circuit works, if the driver cell is replaced with a
cell of emf 1 V. [2]
14. Two cells of emfs E1 and E2 and internal resistances r1 and r2 are connected in
parallel. Derive the expression for the (i) emf and (ii) internal resistance of a single
equivalent cell which can replace this
combination. [3]
15. In a meter bridge with R and S in the gaps, the
null point is found at 40 cm from A. If a
resistance of 30Ω is connected in parallel with
S, the null point occurs at 50 cm from A.
Determine the values of R and S. [3]
16. Establish a relation between electric current
and drift velocity. Hence deduce Ohm’s law using the concept of drift velocity. [3]
17. State the underlying principle of a potentiometer. Describe briefly, giving the
necessary circuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used to measure the internal
resistance of a given cell? [5]
TEST Total Marks : 54

1. A resistance R is connected across a cell of emf ε and internal resistance r. A 1

potentiometer now measures the potential difference between the terminals of
the cell as V. write the expression for ‘r’ in terms of ε, V and R.
2. A wire or resistivity ρ is stretched to double its length. What will be its new 1
3. Define the term ‘electrical conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its S.I. unit. 1
4. If potential difference V applied across a conductor is increased to 2 V, how 1
will the drift velocity of the electrons change?
5. The potential difference applied across a given resistor is altered so that the 1
heat produced per second increases by a factor of 9. By what factor does the
applied potential difference change?
6. Two students A and B were asked to pick a resistor of 15 kΩ from a collection 1
of carbon resistors. A picked a resistor with bands of colours brown, green,
orange while B chose a resistor with bands of black, green, red. Who picked
the correct resistor?
7. Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms of the 1
relaxation time of electrons.
8. How does drift velocity of electrons in a metallic conductor vary with increase 1
in temperature? Explain.
9. The figure shows the V – l graph for a parallel and 1
series combination of two resistors A and B. Which
line represents the parallel combination?

10. In a potentiometer arrangement for determining the emf of a cell, the balance 1
point of the cell In an open circuit is 350 cm. When the resistance of 9 Ω Is
used In the external circuit of the cell, the balance point shifts to 300 cm.
Determine the internal resistance of the cell.
11. A carbon resistor is marked in red, yellow and orange bands. What is the 1
approximate resistance of the resistor?
12. A wire of 15 Ω resistance is gradually stretched to double its original length. It 1
is then cut into two equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel
across a 3.0 volt battery. Find the current drawn from the battery.
13. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the 2
expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’
14. Define the term current density of a metallic conductor. Deduce the relation 2
connecting current density (J) and the conductivity (a) of the conductor, when
an electric field E is applied to it.
15. Two metallic wires of the same material have the same length but cross- 2
sectional area is in the ratio 1 : 2. They are connected
(i) in series and
(ii) in parallel. Compare the drift velocities of electrons in the two wires in both
the cases (i) and (ii).
16. Using the mathematical expression for the conductivity of a material, explain 2
how it varies with temperature for
(i) semiconductors,
(ii) good conductors. Also draw the graph showing variation of it.
17. Calculate the current drawn from the 2
battery in the given network.

18. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms 2
of relaxation time.
19. A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3Ω is connected to a resistor. If 2
the current in the circuit is 0.5 A, find
(i) the resistance of the resistor
(ii) the terminal voltage of the battery.
20. A 10 m long wire of uniform cross-section and 20-ohm resistance is used in a 2
potentiometer. The wire is connected in series with a battery of 5 V along with
an external resistance of 480 ohms. If an unknown emf E is balanced at 6.0 m
length of the wire, calculate:
(i) the potential gradient of the potentiometer wire
(ii) the value of unknown emf E.
21. The network PQRS, shown in the circuit 2
diagram, has the batteries of 5 V and 10 V
and negligible internal resistance. A
milliammeter of 50Ω resistance is connected
between P and R. Calculate the reading in
the milliammeter.

22. In a metre bridge, the null point is found 2

at a distance of 33.7 cm from A. If now
resistance of 12 Ω is connected in parallel
with S, the null point occurs at 51.9 cm.
Determine the values of R and S.

23. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the 3
expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’
24. Distinguish between emf (ε) and terminal voltage (V) of a cell having internal 3
resistance r. Draw a plot showing the variation of terminal voltage (V) vs the
current (I) drawn from the cell. Using this plot, how does one determine the
internal resistance of the cell?
25. State Kirchhoff’s laws. 3
Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the
potential difference between the points A
and D when no current flows in the arm
BE of the electric network shown in the

26. In the figure, a long uniform potentiometer wire AB is having a constant 3

potential gradient along its length. The
null points for the two primary cells of
EMFs ε1 and ε2 connected in the
manner shown are obtained at a
distance of 120 cm and 300 cm from
the end A. Find
(i) ε1/ε2 and
(ii) position of null point for the cell ε1.
(iii) How is the sensitivity of a
potentiometer increased?
27. (i) Draw a circuit diagram of a meter bridge used to determine the unknown 5
resistance R of a given wire. Hence derive the expression for R in terms of the
known resistance S.
(ii) In the meter bridge experimental set
up, shown in the figure, the null point ‘D’ is
obtained at a distance of 40 cm from end
A of the meter bridge wire. If a resistance
of 10 Ω is connected in series with R1, null
point is obtained at AD = 60 cm. Calculate
the values of R1 and R2.
28. (i) State the working principle of a potentiometer with help of a circuit diagram, 5
explain how the internal resistance of a cell is determined.
(ii) In a potentiometer arrangement, a cell of emf 1.25 V gives a balance point
at 35.0 cm length of the wire. If the cell is replaced by another cell and the
balance point shifts to 63.0 cm, what is the emf of the second cell?

1. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a

combination of three identical cells in series, versus
current is as shown in the figure. What is the emf of each

2. Two conducting wires X and Y of same diameter across a battery. If the number
density of electrons in X is twice that in Y, find the ratio of drift velocity of electrons in
the two wires.
3. A 10 V battery of negligible internal resistance is
connected across a 200 V battery and a resistance of
38Ω as shown in the figure. Find the value of the
current in circuit.

4. The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Why? Give reason.
5. Define the term ‘Mobility’ of charge carriers in a conductor. Write its S.I. unit.
6. A wire whose cross-sectional area is increasing linearly from its one end to the other,
is connected across a battery of V volts. Which of the following quantities remain
constant in the wire?
(a) drift speed (b) current density (c) electric current (d) electric field.
Justify your answer.
7. Define the term ‘electrical conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its S.I. unit.
8. Figure shows a plot of current ‘I’ flowing through the
cross-section 5 of a wire versus the time ‘t’. Use the
plot to find the charge flowing in 10s through the wire.

9. How does drift velocity of electrons in a metallic conductor vary with increase in
temperature? Explain.
10. I – V graph for a metallic wire at two different
temperatures, T1 and T2 is as shown in the figure.
Which of the two temperatures is lower and why?

11. Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms of the relaxation
time of electrons.
12. A potentiometer wire of length 1 m has a resistance of 10 Ω. It is connected to a 6 V
battery in series with a resistance of 5 Ω. Determine the emf of the primary cell which
gives a balance point at 40 cm.
13. Write any two factors on which internal resistance of a cell
depends. The reading on a high resistance voltmeter, when a
cell is connected across it, is 2.2 V. When the terminals of
the cell are also connected to a resistance of 5 Ω as shown in
the circuit, the voltmeter reading drops to 1.8 V. Find the
internal resistance of the cell.
14. Define the terms
(i) drift velocity (ii) relaxation time.
A conductor of length L is connected to a dc source of emf e. If this conductor is
replaced by another conductor of same material and same area of cross-section but
of length 3L, how will the drift velocity change?
15. The temperature coefficient of resistivity, for two materials A and B, are 0.0031/°C
and 0.0068/ °C, respectively.
Two resistors, R1 and R2 made from materials A and B, respectively, have resistances
of 200Ω and 100Ω at 0°C. Show on a diagram, the ‘colour code’, of a carbon resistor,
that would have a resistance equal to the series combination of R1 and R2, at a
temperature of 100°C.
16. A wire of 15 Ω resistance is gradually stretched to double its original length. It is then
cut into two equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel across a 3.0 volt
battery. Find the current drawn from the battery.
17. A battery of emf 6 V and internal resistance 2Ω is connected to a resistor. If the
current in the circuit is 0.25 A, find
(i) the resistance of the resistors;
(ii) the terminal voltage of the battery.
18. Two cells of emfs 1.5 V and 2.0 V having internal resistance 0.2 Ω and 0.3 Ω
respectively are connected in parallel. Calculate the emf and internal resistance of
the equivalent cell.
19. Define resistivity of a conductor. Plot a graph showing the variation of resistivity with
temperature for a metallic conductor. How does one explain such a behaviour, using
the mathematical expression of the resistivity of a material.
20. Calculate the current drawn from the battery by
the network of resistors shown in the figure.
21. The network PQRS, shown in the circuit diagram,
has the batteries of 4 V and 5 V and negligible
internal resistance. A milliammeter of 20 Ω
resistance is connected between P and R.
Calculate the reading in the milliammeter.

22. State Kirchhoff’s rules. Explain briefly how these rules are justified.
23. A cell of emf ‘E’ and internal resistance V is connected across a variable resistor ‘R’.
Plot a graph showing variation of terminal voltage ‘V’ of the cell versus the current ‘I’.
Using the plot, show how the emf of the cell and its internal resistance can be
24. In the circuit shown in the figure, find the
current through each resistor.

25. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain conditions for the

balance condition in a Wheatstone bridge.

Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the value of the current I1 flowing in the circuit
shown in the figure.
26. A potentiometer wire of length 1 m is
connected to a driver cell of emf 3 V as
shown in the figure. When a cell of 1.5 V
emf is used in the secondary circuit, the
balance point is found to be 60 cm. On
replacing this cell and using a cell of
unknown emf, the balance point shifts to
80 cm.

(i) Calculate unknown emf of the cell.

(ii) Explain with reason, whether the circuit works, if the driver cell is replaced with a
cell of emf 1 V.
(iii) Does the high resistance R, used in the secondary circuit affect the balance point?
Justify your answer.
27. The figure shows experimental set up of a meter bridge. When the two unknown
resistances X and Y are inserted, the null point D is obtained 40 cm from the end A.
When a resistance of 10 Ω is connected in series
with X, the null point shifts by 10 cm.

Find the position of the null point when the 10 Ω

resistance is instead connected in series with
resistance ‘Y’. Determine the values of the
resistances X and Y.
28. In the circuit shown, R1 = 4Ω, R2 = R3 = 15 Ω, R4 =
30Ω and E = 10V. Calculate the equivalent
resistance of the circuit and the current in each

29. A uniform wire of resistance 12 Ω is cut into three pieces

so that the ratio of the resistances R1 : R2 : R3 = 1 : 2 : 3 and
the three pieces are connected to form a triangle across
which a cell of emf 8V and internal resistance
1 Ω is connected as shown. Calculate the current through
each part of the circuit.

30. In the figure a long uniform potentiometer

wire AB is having a constant potential gradient
along its length. The null points for the two
primary cells of emfs ε1 and ε2 connected in
the manner shown are obtained at a distance
of 120 cm and 300 cm from the end A.

31. Using Kirchoff’s rules determine the value of

unknown resistance R into circuit so that no
current flows through 4 ohm resistance. Also find
the potential difference between A and D.

32. Calculate the value of the resistance R in the

circuit shown in the figure so that the current
in the circuit is 0.2 A. What would be the
potential difference between points B and E?

33. Write the expression for the current in a conductor of cross-sectional area A in terms
of drift velocity.
34. State the principle of a potentiometer. Describe briefly, with the help of a circuit
diagram, how this device is used to compare the emf’s of two cells.
35. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the
expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’
36. State the working principle of a potentiometer with
help of a circuit diagram, explain how the internal
resistance of a cell is determined.
In the given potentiometer circuit AB is a uniform wire
of length 1 m and resistance 10 Ω. Calculate the
potential gradient along the wire and balance length
AO (= l).

37. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a

distance of 60.0 cm from A.

If now a resistance of 5 Ω is connected in series

with S, the null point occurs at 50 cm. Determine
the values of R and S.

Relation between electric current and drift velocity : Consider a uniform metallic wire
XY of length l and cross-sectional area A. A potential difference V is applied across the ends X
and Y of the wire. This causes an electric field at each point of the wire of strength :

Due to this electric field, the electrons gain a drift velocity Vd opposite to direction of electric field.
If q be the charge passing through the cross-section of wire in t seconds, then, current in wire, I =
The distance transversed by each electron in time (t) = drift velocity × time = Vdt

If we consider two planes P and Q at a distance V dt in a conductor, then the total charge
flowing in time t will be equal to the total charge on the electrons present within the
cylinder PQ.

The volume of this cylinder = cross sectional area × length = A Vdt

If n is the number of free electrons in the wire per unit volume, then the number of free
electrons in the cylinder = n(A Vdt)
If charge on each electron is -e (e = 1.6 × 10-19 C), then the total charge flowing through a
cross-section of the wire,

This is the relation between electric current and drift velocity. Negative sign shows that
the direction of current is opposite to the drift velocity.

Working of Meter Bridge :

Metre Bridge is special case of Wheatstone Bridge

It is a device based on Wheatstone bridge to determine the unknown resistance of a wire.
Principle : Meter bridge is based on the principle of wheatstone bridge, i.e. when bridge is

Circuit : To find the unknown resistance S, the circuit is completed as shown in figure. The
unknown resistance wire of resistance S is connected across the gap between points C and D
and a resistance box (R) is connected across the gap between the points A and D. A cell, a
rheostat and a key (K) is connected between the point A and C by means of connecting screws.
In the experiment when the sliding jockey touches the wire AC at any point, then the wire is
divided into two parts. These two parts AB and BC act as the resistances P and Q of the
Wheatstone bridge. In this way the resistances of arms AB, BC, AD and DC form the resistances
P, Q, R and S of Wheatstone bridge. Thus the circuit of meter bridge is the same as that of
Wheatstone bridge.

Method : To determine the unknown resistance first of all key K is closed and a resistance R is
taken in the resistance box in such a way that on pressing jockey B at end points A and C, the
deflection in galvanometer is on both the sides. Now jockey is slided on wire at such a position
that on pressing the jockey on the wire at that point, there is no deflection in the galvanometer G.
In this position the points B and D are at the same potential, therefore the bridge is balanced. The
point B is called the null point. The length of both parts AB and BC of the wire are read on the
scale. The condition of balance of Wheatstone bridge is,

If r is the resistance per cm length of wire AC and l cm is the length of wire AB, then length of
wire BC will be (100 – l) cm
∴ P = resistance of wire AB = lr
Q = resistance of wire BC = (100 – l)r
Substituting these values in equation (i), we get

As the resistance (R) of wire (AB) is known, the resistance S may be calculated.

19. Calculate the value of the resistance R in the circuit shown in the figure so that the
current in the circuit is 0.2 A. What would be the potential difference between points B
and E? (All India 2012)

22. In a meter bridge shown in the figure, the balance
point is found to be 40 cm from end A. If a resistance
of 10 Ω is connected in series with R, balance point is
obtained 60 cm from A. Calculate the value of R and
S. [2]
24. A 5 V battery of negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V battery and a
resistance of 39 Ω as shown in the figure. Find the value of the current.

25. Why is the terminal voltage of a cell less than its emf?
26. Plot a graph showing temperature dependence of resistivity for a typical
semiconductor. How is this behaviour explained?
27. How does one explain increase in resistivity of a metal with increase of temperature?
28. Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms of the relaxation
time of electrons.
29. Define current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer. Increasing the
current sensitivity may not necessarily increase the voltage sensitivity of a
galvanometer. Justify.
30. In the given circuit, assuming point A to be at zero potential, use Kirchhoff’s rules to
determine the potential A at point B. (All India 2011)

31. A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3Ω is connected to a resistor. If the

current in the circuit is 0.5 A, find
(i) the resistance of the resistor;
(ii) the terminal voltage of the battery.
32. The network PQRS, shown in the circuit diagram, has the batteries of 4 V and 5 V and
negligible internal resistance. A milliammeter of 20 Ω resistance is connected between
P and R. Calculate the reading in the milliammeter.

33. An ammeter of resitance 1 Ω can measure current upto 1.0 A

(i) What must be the value of the shunt resistance to enable the ammeter to measure
upto 5.0 (A)?
(ii) What is the combined resistance of the ammeter and the shunt?
34. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the
expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity
35. Describe briefly, with the help of a circuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used to
determine the internal resistance of a cell.
36. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the value of the current I 1 flowing in the circuit
shown in the figure. (Comptt. Delhi 2013)

37. A battery of emf E and internal resistance r when connected across an external
resistance of 12 Ω, produces a current of 0.5 A. When connected across a resistance of
25 Ω, it produces a current of 0.25 A. Determine
(i) the emf and
(ii) the internal resistance of the cell.
38. Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross-
sectional area 2.5 × 10-7 m2 carrying a current of 2.7 A. Assume the density of
conduction electrons to be 9 × 1028 m-3.
39. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain conditions for the balance condition in a Wheatstone
40. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the potential difference between the points A and D
when no current flows in the arm BE of the electric network shown in the figure.

41. Two cells of emfs 1.5 V and 2.0 V having internal resistance 0.2 Ω and 0.3 Ω
respectively are connected in parallel. Calculate the emf and internal resistance of the
equivalent cell.
42. Draw a graph to show a variation of resistance of a metal wire as a function of
its diameter keeping its length and material constant.
43. The figure shows a plot of terminal voltage ‘V’ versus the current ‘i’ of a given cell.
Calculate from the graph
(a) emf of the cell and
(b) internal resistance of the cell.

44. A potentiometer wire of length 1 m is connected to a driver cell of emf 3 V as shown in

the figure. When a cell of 1.5 V emf is used in the secondary circuit, the balance point
is found to be 60 cm. On replacing this cell and using a cell of unknown emf, the
balance point shifts to 80 cm.

(i) Calculate unknown emf of the cell.

(ii) Explain with reason, whether the circuit works, if the driver cell is replaced with a
cell of emf 1 V.
45. The figure shows experimental set up of a meter bridge. When the two unknown
resistances X and Y are inserted, the null point D is obtained 40 cm from the end A.
When a resistance of 10 Ω is connected in series with X, the null point shifts by 10 cm.

Find the position of the null point when the 10 Ω resistance is instead connected in
series with resistance ‘Y’. Determine the values of the resistances X and Y.
46. Write the principle of working of a potentiometer. Describe briefly, with the help of a
circuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used to determine the internal resistance of a
given cell.
47. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of 40 cm from A. If a resistance
of 12 Ω is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 50.0 cm from A.
Determine the values of R and S ?
48. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of 60.0 cm from A.

If now a resistance of 5 Q is connected in series with S, the null point occurs at 50 cm.
Determine the values of R and S.
49. Write any two factors on which internal resistance of a cell depends. The reading on a
high resistance voltmeter, when a cell is connected across it, is 2.0 V.

When the terminals of the cell are also connected to a resistance of 3Ω as shown in the
circuit, the voltmeter reading drops to 1.5 V. Find the internal resistance of the cell.
50. A conductor of length L is connected to a dc source of emf e. If this conductor is
replaced by another conductor of same material and same area of cross-section but of
length 3L, how will the drift velocity change?
51. In the figure a long uniform potentiometer wire AB is having a constant potential
gradient along its length. The null points for the two primary cells of emfs ε 1 and
ε2 connected in the manner shown are obtained at a distance of 120 cm and 300 cm
from the end A.

Find (i) ε1/ε2

(ii) position of null point for the cell ε1
How is the sensitivity of a potentiometer increased ?
52. Using Kirchoff’s rules determine the value of unknown resistance R into circuit so that
no current flows through 4ω resistance. Also find the potential difference between A
and D. (Delhi 2012)

53. Define relaxation time of the free electrons drifting in a conductor. How is it related to
the drift velocity of free electrons? Use this relation to deduce the expression for the
electrical resistivity of the material.
54. A resistance R is connected across a cell of emf ε and internal resistance r. A
potentiometer now measures the potential difference between the terminals of the
cell as V. write the expression for ‘r’ in terms of ε, V and R.
55. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three
identical cells in series, versus current is shown alongside. What is the emf and
internal resistance of each cel l?

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