Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a particularly malicious form of cyber-attack which Types of DDoS attack
occurs where multiple compromised computer systems are controlled and used to target a There are many types of DDoS attack techniques (called ‘vectors’) that can be used to over-
single system or end user. This overwhelms not just the end victim but also the associated whelm the victim. Examples are HTTP floods, TCP/SYN floods and UDP floods. The more
network links, firewalls and web servers soaking up bandwidth and causing a severe denial of complex attacks consist of a blend of different attacks referred to as ‘multi-vector attacks’.
service. DDoS attacks can have many motives - political, commercial, financial or personal, and may
also be a smokescreen for other malicious activity such as data theft. Performing a DDoS
The attacker gains control over a large network of online devices in order to carry out the attack is extremely easy since they simply can be ordered on the internet. An amateur can have
attack. Home computers and other internet connected devices infected with malware turns the power to shut down a whole network if they pay enough money.
each one into a ‘bot’. The attacker has remote control of many bots (collectively called the
‘botnet‘) which may consist of hundreds of thousands of devices. With remote control
established, the bots can be instructed to send data (attack traffic) to the victim and overwhelm
it. As a result, the victim becomes either slow to respond or unresponsive. This has a severe
impact since it can completely paralyze your business for multiple days.
vice implementation
The initial setup of the mitigation is done in close cooperation with the customer and will
anges generally be finalized with 2 weeks. In the event that a beginning customer is being threatened
IP rangeswith
included in the DDoS Protection Service reflect the IP ranges of the Business
an attack, LG will put in all effort to speed this process up.
net or IP Transit services.
Service pricing and billing
initial setup pricing includes
the mitigation is doneanininitial
closesetup fee (one with
cooperation time the
charge) and a fixed
customer monthly
and will
recurring charge. The price will not be affected by the quantity of attacks.
erally be finalized with 2 weeks.
ice pricing and billing
Customer Portal
S servicePart of theincludes
pricing service is
ana initial
customer portal.
setup fee This
(one portal provides and
time charge) the customer with detailed
a fixed monthly
information about his Anti-DDoS service like detailed profile information and a history of DDoS
rring charge.
omer Portal
of the service is a customer portal. This portal provides the customer with detailed
mation about his Anti-DDoS service like detailed profile information and a history of DDoS