Vladimir Radunovic - DDoS

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DDoS - Available Weapon of Mass Disruption

Vladimir J. Radunovic, DiploFoundation / Singidunum University

Abstract The increasing militarisation of cyber-space

comes in response to fears of critical damage caused by
digital weapons like Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS).
Understanding that the botnets are the key platform behind
DDoS, we compared the costs of running a large-scale attack
with the approximate downtime loss in a country-scale attack
in case of Serbia, showing that DDoS are readily available
weapons of possible mass disruption. Taken as a whole, this
paper suggests responding to risks by combating cybercrime
as the DDoS enabler, rather than by militarisation.
Key words botnet, cyber-attacks, DDoS.

The paper explores the availability and the
consequences of the Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
type of cyber-attacks with focus on economic aspects. In
its first part we outline basic features of the DDoS attacks
based on reports and articles related to cases including
recent ones, and affirms botnets as almost an exclusive
platform for launching the DDoS attacks. In the second
part we analyse the availability of DDoS services and
botnets based on recent reports about the Russian
underground online markets, showing that the investment
in establishing a robust platform capable of performing a
large-scale attack is in the range of only several thousand
Euro. These relatively marginal costs are then confronted
in the third part with tremendous economic loss in case of
cyber-attacks: based on a known calculation method and
related statistical data we showed that the approximate
financial loss in a scenario of a country-scale DDoS attack
on Serbia goes beyond 10 million Euro per day. In the
concluding part, several reflections on the systematic and
policy approaches for preventing and responding to the
large-scale DDoS attacks are offered, as well as the
suggestion about possible further research direction.
Unlike most of the online criminal activities which tend
to access computers and data, the Distributed Denial-ofservice (DDoS) attacks aim at paralysing the targeted
system and thus denying ordinary users to access its
resources. In a DDoS attack many computers
simultaneously send loads of bogus requests to a targeted
system, thereby occupying most of its resources (eg.
bandwidth or computing power), thus temporarily
disabling legitimate requests to be processed.
Vladimir J. Radunovic, DiploFoundation, Gavrila Principa 44a, 11000
Beograd, Serbia (e-mail: [email protected])

Targets of DDoS attacks include web servers of

companies, media, public services or other, corporate or
government servers especially those providing service to
visitors, but also possibly the control servers of national
critical infrastructure (like power or water supplies, traffic
and communications, industry, etc.) and critical
information infrastructure including DNS servers, Internet
Exchange Points or data centres. Motives for performing
DDoS attacks vary significantly: hactivism, competition
and business advantage, support to frauds by distracting
from main activities (eg. bank transfer) or disabling the
prevention of the fraud, extortion, terrorism and warfare,
but also the active defence in form of returning the
DDoS attack to the identified attacking infrastructure
attempting to disable the attackers. However, politically
motivated DDoS attacks seem to be the most visible and
disruptive [1].
Almost all the DDoS attacks today are based on the use
of botnets [2] - networks of hijacked personal computers
(bots) that perform remotely commanded tasks without the
knowledge of their owners. Size of botnets can be
calculated based on various parameters [3], but the order
of magnitude is nevertheless scary: for instance, one
army of 4 million bots from over 100 countries has been
dismantled in 2011 [4]. The bots are being controlled
remotely by the Command and Control (C&C) servers dedicated or hijacked servers which are under a direct
control of the botnet owner (bot herder) who can, if
needed, easily replace them with other compromised
computers to avoid detection. Similarly to bots, the C&C
servers are also dispersed worldwide - most being
recorded in the US, followed by South Korea, China and
Russia [5]. Emerging botnet platforms that are based on
peer-to-peer technology, in which no C&C servers are
needed but the commands are propagated from one to
another bot, are much more difficult to track and
Disruption power of DDoS botnet is mostly described
by the aggregate bandwidth measured at the target end.
During the two weeks of the attacks on Estonia in 2007
that disabled most of the e-government and financial
services and media, several botnets performed 128 attacks
lasting from one to ten hours each, with maximum
bandwidth strength at almost 100Mbps [6]. The largest
attack recorded by Arbor since 2010 was 100Gbps - a
magnitude which can easily overwhelm a majority of
todays Internet access services [7]. In 2013, however,
thanks to many misconfigured DNS servers (Open
resolvers) worldwide, the hosting service CyberBunker
performed a DNS-apmlified DDoS on Spamhaus with

bursts of up to 300Gbps [8].

Nevertheless, since most servers will become paralysed
under several thousand connections per second, even a
relatively modest DDoS botnet can put most of them
down. For instance, size of the attack on Estonia
regardless of the hard consequences, was not considered
significant in scale from the technical point of view [9]. It
is the attacking tactics that can improve the effect:
attacking the servers that are not public may require
finding out the IP addresses of particular critical services;
choosing a particular time of attack when the target server
is already likely to be very busy; or amplifying the attack
through exploiting existing public flaws like the Open
The possibly devastating consequences of DDoS attacks
on critical infrastructure - and thus on national security are often used an excuse for the increased militarisation of
the cyber-space [10]. The botnets as the bases for
launching the DDoS attacks, however, are not part of the
military arsenal but are rather a key part of the
infrastructure for cybercrime [11].
User-friendly DDoS tools have become readily
available on the black online market. A 2012 research by
Trend Micro Incorporated [12] explored the services
available for sell at the Russian underground market from renting the DDoS attack as a service, to building own
DDoS botnet.
The simplest way is to rent the entire DDoS service,
which costs less than 50EUR per day or 100EUR per
week; no specific skills are required except for the way to
find such offers online. Renting a DDoS botnet, with an
option to customise the performances of the attack, costs
about 500EUR. These rented services however have some
limits. Unlike other types of crimes such as ID theft which
may remain unnoticed for long time, the DDoS attacks
cause highly visible consequences and can often trigger
counter-measures (in form of counter-attacks, complaints
to the ISP to cut the service of C&C servers, or
investigation by the authorities). The DDoS botnets thus
have a higher risk of being dismantled, and the
commercial offers are harder to find and are commonly
limited in terms of the possible targets (targeting
government institutions for instance might not be
An option more attuned to larger DDoS attacks is to
rent an existing botnet and upgrade it with a DDoS
capability. A smaller botnet of about 2,000 bots can be
rented for about 150EUR; the attacker would then also
need to purchase a specific DDoS bot kit, which costs
from about 250EUR to about 500EUR, depending on
configuration options and ease of use. Renting such a
botnet would still likely not allow the attacks (such as on
important institutions) that could cause a retort and threat
the network existence.
In case of performing a severe attack on important
targets including the public institutions or a country-scale
attack, a custom-built DDoS botnet might be needed. This
would involve several steps:

1. A malware to initially infect large number of

computers. A backdoor trojan can be purchased for
less than 20EUR, while a malware crypter that would
hide it from security software is another 30EUR.
Alternatively, a socks bot which may avoid firewalls
and can further download malware files (like .exe)
from any source would cost about 70EUR.
2. Renting a Pay-per-install service (PPI) to spread the
infecting malware around the Internet. PPI inserts the
code in various popular online services - fraudulent
web sites (porn sites being among most popular),
bogus web-ads, user generated content sites and
social media tools [5] - tricking the visitors to
download it. A European mix of targets costs about
60EUR per 1000 downloads of malware, while a
global mix costs as few as 10EUR per 1000
downloads. For a DDoS botnet with greater attacking
potential, a strong portion of bots from developed
countries is needed due to their greater average
Internet bandwidths; reaching out to such a mix of
50,000 computers with would yield about 2,000EUR.
3. The initially infected bots now need to receive a
DDoS-bot code which would allow for remote
control and specific instructions to be issued. A
DDoS bot kit, including also the (usually graphic)
command and control interface costs about
300EUR (with possible regular monthly upgrades).

Fig. 1. A scheme of a DDoS Botnet attack

4. Several servers (Fig.1) need to be rented to perform
C&C servers (though some can be obtained by
hacking the servers on the net). To avoid being taken
down due to abuse complains, bulletproof-hosting
dedicated servers can be rented for about 150EUR
each. In case of planning severe DDoS attacks that
might provoke a DDoS retaliation on Master C&C
server (once it is uncovered), a special bulletproof
hosting service with DDoS protection and 1Gb
Internet connection is available for rent for
5. As an additional precautious measure, for about
30EUR the attacked may rent a VPN connection

from his own computer to the Master C&C, to avoid

suspicion of his own ISP and strengthen his
In total, a botnet of about 40,000 DDoS bots can be
built for about 6,000EUR. While it is certainly more
expensive than renting the service, it has no limits in
choosing the targets, can perform very dangerous attacks,
and has a number of protective measures. Even if some
C&C servers are unmasked and dismantled, an owner of
this network can re-heard the botnet by downloading
new code to bots with different instructions and pointing
to new C&C servers. Yet, new bots need to be recruited
approximately every six months to replace the disinfected
ones [11].
Dubendorfer, Wagner and Plattner [13] offer an
approximated calculation for a financial loss suffered
during the Internet outage which can be caused by the
DDoS attack. They define the downtime loss as the sum of
the productivity loss (i.e. due to limited effectiveness of
the employees) and the revenue loss (i.e. due to the
inability of an institution or company to fulfil customer
requests). In addition to the downtime related loss, they
also consider the loss due to disaster recovery, liability due
to service level agreements to customers (and possible
claims for compensation payments by customers in case of
a severe disruption of the service), and the customer loss
due to the degraded reputation of the service provider.
The total costs of the Internet outage for the
corporations (like main Internet providers, industry or
insurance) are predominantly in the liability costs, due to
often sky-high claims for penalties defined in the
contracts, which exceed the downtime loss and disaster
recovery costs by order of magnitude and more. Of the
same level of magnitude can be the loss as result of the
lost customers - especially with services like e-shops
where customers can easily switch to other providers of
the service.
It is however interesting to perform the calculation for
the national outage scenario - similar to the attack on
Estonia in 2007 - in which a country-scale DDoS attack is
launched by an unknown party lasting for one day (24
hours). According to [13], the value of the total downtime
related loss (LD) is the sum of the productivity and revenue
loss during the downtime interval:


To contribute to findings relevant to developing

economies, we will consider the imaginary case of a DDoS
attack on Serbia. The following parameters are used:
- Eca (EUR/year) is the annual costs per employee.
Since the average gross monthly salary for period
January-August 2013 was 59,797 RSD [14], we can
take the average annual value as 6,295 EUR1.
- da (hours/year) is the working time per employee per
year. Taking the average of 40 hours a week, with 25

For this and other calculations the exchange rate at the time of writing
was used: 1 EUR = 114 RSD

days of vacations per year, this yields to 1,880 hours

per year.
- do (hours) is the working hours overlapping outage
time; we take 8 hours which is the average work time
per day.
- Eno is the number of employees affected by the
Internet outage. To approximate this we will firstly
take 1,727,048 as the total number of employees in
Serbia in 2012 [15]. Observing latest statistics about
the Internet usage in Serbia among the population
and in companies [16] we will estimate that some
50% of all employees use Internet regularly for their
work; with the 24h Internet outage, we can further
estimate that only some 60% of these would be
affected (mostly in large enterprises and in some of
the SME). We will thus take the approximate value
of 518,114. It is worth noting that these percentages
will only grow with further digitalisation of the
Serbian market.
- Epo is the productivity degradation during the outage.
To estimate this, we will take into consideration
several factors: while most of the public
administration in Serbia is still not dependant of the
Internet (hard copy is still largely the default), the
work of the corporate sector is increasingly
digitalised; most of the communications rely on email exchange, while cloud services such as shared
documents and databases are growingly used; not the
least, work productivity increasingly depends on the
regular search for information online (though
productivity may even rise with the inaccessibility of
social media tools). Thus, we will take as a very
rough approximation that the average productive
online time of an employee in Serbia is 20%. Again,
it is worth noting that this value will only go up in
the years to come.
- Ra (EUR) is the total annual revenue which, in case
of Serbia in 2012, equals to 27.75 billion EUR [17].
- dsa (hours) is the service operating hours per year,
which we will take is 24/7 yielding to 8,760.
- dso (hours) is a service operation time affected by
outage, which equals to the duration of the attack - 24
- Ro is a part of the revenue affected by the full outage.
Since the Internet outage will have a stronger impact
on services than on industry and agriculture, and
since services present about 60% of the Serbian GDP
[18], having in mind the estimated value for Epo, we
will approximate this value to 10% to be on a safe
side. Once again, it is worth noting that this value
will only go up in the years to come.
- So is a degree of service degradation. Since the
scenario refers to a country-wide outage, we will
consider it 100%.
The calculated productivity loss based on (1) yields
2,775,768.2EUR, while the revenue loss yields
7,602,739.7 EUR. Thus, the total calculated downtime loss
for an imaginary country-scale DDoS attack on Serbia
lasting for 24 hours is approximated to 10.4 million EUR.
For comparison, the same scenario for Switzerland would

produce a loss of almost 500 million EUR.

Even though the result is only the approximation,
possible loss is significant and will only grow with time.
Here we should note that the other costs were not
included: liability costs mainly stay within Serbia; most of
the customers that could possibly be lost are also from
Serbia and would not have much alternative choice due to
country-wide outage; disaster recovery costs including the
efforts to clean the infected computers across the country
would be marginal comparing to downtime loss in this
Additional risk for developing economies is the slow
incidence response due to inexistence of Computer
Emergency Response Teams (CERT), which may result
with the extended duration of DDoS attack (as was the
case with Estonia in 2007). In such case, the downtime
loss grows steeply, since the values of affected employees
(Eno), productivity degradation (Epo) and part of the
revenue (Ro) will be greater than those for 24h attack
DDoS tools and services are readily available on the
market for anyone with almost basic understanding of the
potentials, and can be rented or built with symbolic
investments in range of several hundred to several
thousand Euro, depending on complexity, robustness and
strength. The financial consequences of a mass disruption
such tools can cause to corporate sector or government
services are several orders of magnitude higher, with a
calculated loss in case of a 24-hours long country-scale
Internet downtime in Serbia over 10 million Euro.
Consequences can be more devastating in case of the
attack on the servers controlling the national critical
To reduce risks, states should have policies in place
related to prevention of and incident response to DDoS
attacks. In terms of prevention, a focus on proper
computer hygiene (regular patching and updates of
software, firewalls and antiviruses) and responsible online
behaviour - among users and especially within companies
and institutions - can prevent the spread of malware
infections and the emergence of bots. Proper configuration
of key network equipment, including disabling the Open
resolvers, can reduce the risks as well. Additionally,
following also the cyber-security strategy of the European
Union which puts the combat against botnets and malware
as one of the priorities [19], a cross-border cooperation in
fighting the malware and botnets (both through technical
and the legal means) should be strengthened.
In terms of incident responses, the existence of CERT
on national, government and corporate levels has become
a must. Unfortunately, many countries including Serbia
still dont have the CERT which increases the risks of
extended duration attacks with more severe consequences,
as well as of active defence DDoS responses targeting
the compromised computers acting as C&C servers (some
of which may in fact be important controllers of the
critical infrastructure) due to inexistence of a countrys
single point of contact for incidents. While CERT should
also help identifying the existing bots and C&C servers,

cleaning them up by users and experts may be costly and

may not effectively dismantle the botnet since they can be
rebuilt easily with modest payments to PPI services.
Further research work is thus needed with regards to the
efficient combat against the botnets as the main platform
for running the dangerous DDoS attacks.
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