Quiz Number 11 Human Anatomy
Quiz Number 11 Human Anatomy
Quiz Number 11 Human Anatomy
1. As compared to arteries, veins (a) contain more muscle, (b) appear more rounded, (c) stretch more,
(d) are under greater pressure.
2. Return of blood to the heart is not facilitated by (a) venous valves, (b) the skeletal-muscle pump, (c)
skeletal muscle groups, (d) venous pressure.
3. Resistive vessels of the circulatory system are (a) large arteries, (b) large veins, (c) small arteries
and arterioles, (d) small veins and venules.
4. Discontinuous, or fenestrated, capillaries are found in (a) muscles, (b) adipose tissue, (c) the central
nervous system, (d) the small intestine.
5. Compared to veins, arteries contain a thicker (a) endothelium, (b) tunica intima, (c) tunica media, (d)
tunica adventitia.
6. The blood vessels that are under the greatest pressure are (a) large arteries, (b) small arteries, (c)
veins, (d) capillaries.
7. Capillaries provide a total surface area of (a) 50 ft2, (b) 700 m2 (c) 7500 ft2 (d) 1 square mile.
8. Interstitial fluid enters capillaries at the venular end through the action of (a) negative pressure, (b)
colloid osmotic pressure, (c) active transport, (d) capillary pores.
10. Edema is not caused by (a) high blood pressure, (b) increased plasma protein concentration, (c)
leakage of plasma proteins into interstitial fluid, (d) obstruction of lymphatic drainage.
11. A person with a blood pressure of 135/75 has a pulse pressure of (a) 60, (b) 80, (c) 105, (d) 210.
12. Arteries are (a) strong, rigid vessels that are adapted for carrying blood under high pressure; (b)
thin, elastic vessels that are adapted for transporting blood through areas of low pressure; (c) elastic
blood vessels that form the connection between arterioles and venules, (d) strong, elastic vessels that
are adapted for carrying blood under high pressure.
13. The innermost layer of an artery is composed of (a) stratified squamous epithelium, (b) simple
cuboidal epithelium, (c) simple columnar epithelium, (d) endothelium.
14. The tunica externa is relatively thin and consists chiefly of (a) collagenous fibers, (b) elastic fibers,
(c) loose connective tissue, (d) epithelium.
15. The vasa vasorum are minute vessels within (a) the tunica adventitia, (b) the tunica intima, (c) the
tunica media, (d) the meta-arterioles.
16. Sympathetic impulses to the smooth muscles in the walls of arteries and arterioles produce (a)
only, (b) vasodilation and vasoconstriction, (c) vasomotor inhibition, (d) arteriosclerosis.
17. Substances exchanged at the capillary level move through the capillary walls primarily by (a)
18. In the brain, the endothelial cells of the capillary walls are more tightly fused than they are in other
regions. This permits the effective operation of (a) the precapillary sphincters, (b) the astrocytes, (c)
19. The substances in the blood that help to maintain osmotic pressure are (a) lipids, (b) plasma
20. Which venous layer is poorly developed? (a) tunica adventitia, (b) tunica intima, (c) tunica media
21. The accumulation of soft masses of fatty materials, particularly cholesterol, on the inside of the
arterial wall is known as (a) ischemia, (b) atherosclerosis, (c) arteriosclerosis, (d) phlebitis.
22. In the measurement of blood pressure, the cuff of the sphygmomanometer usually surrounds (a)
the radial artery, (b) the dorsalis pedis artery, (c) the brachiocephalic trunk, (d) the subclavian artery,
(e) the brachial artery.
23. If the blood pressure of an individual is measured at 125 over 81, the approximate mean arterial
pressure would be (a) 206, (b) 44, (c) 103, (d) 96.
24. Arterial blood pressure is independent of (a) blood volume, (b) heart rate, (c) peripheral resistance,
(d) blood viscosity, (e) an influx of calcium ions.
(c) An increase in the force of ventricular contraction produces an elevated systolic pressure.
(d) An increase in the force of ventricular contraction produces a decreased systolic pressure.
_____ 1. All capillaries have the same fluid exchange rate because they have similar patterns of
fenestration in the endothelium.
_____ 2. The tunics of both arteries and veins consist of three layers.
_____ 3. To facilitate a high metabolic rate, the capillaries in the brain are characterized by a
fenestrated endothelium.
_____ 4. Factors influencing capillary exchange include surface area, fenestrations, capillary pressure,
and blood osmotic pressure.
_____ 5. The superior and inferior phrenic arteries serve the diaphragm.
_____ 6. The internal jugular veins drain blood from the brain and meninges.
_____ 7. During exercise, the diastolic pressure is greater than the systolic pressure.
_____ 8. Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures.
_____ 9. Baroreceptors monitor changes in blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.
_____ 10. Hypertension is classified as being alpha (essential) and beta (nonessential).
III. Completion
1. The hepatic, splenic, and left gastric arteries arise from the ___________________________________ trunk.
__________________________ arteries serve the external reproductive organs and the gluteal muscles.
3. Three major vessels arise from the aortic arch: the ___________________________________ trunk, the
4. Venous blood returning from the arm passes through the brachial vein to the ________________
10. The tunica ___________________________________ is the outer connective tissue layer of blood vessels
IV. Labeling
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________