4. Indicate whether the blood vessels in the human embryo develop from ...
A) the mesenchyme of the yolk sac
B) mesenchyma of the trunk
C) the mesenchyme of the yolk sac and the mesenchyme of the trunk
D) endoderms of the primary intestine
E) endoderms
5. In the histological preparation of the heart wall between the endocardium and the
myocardium, there are large cells with a light cytoplasm and an eccentrically located
nucleus. What heart cells have these morphological features?
a) Purkinje cells;
b) contractile cardiomyocytes;
c) lipocytes;
d) endocrine cells;
e) Cell pacemakers.
7. Vessel walls have quite significant morphological differences in the structure of the
middle shell. What is the reason for the appearance of specific features of the structure of
this shell in different vessels?
a) The inductive influence of neurons of the autonomic ganglia;
b) High content of catecholamines in the blood;
c) The influence of the organs of the endocrine system;
d) Regulation by the central nervous system;
e) Hemodynamic conditions.
9. Specify what vessels are characterized by the presence of internal and external elastic
A) muscle type vein
B) arteriole
C) muscle-type artery
D) lymphatic vessel
E) muscle venule
10. Histological specimen presents a vessel the wall of which consists of endothelium, basal
membrane and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?
a) Hemocapillary b) Lymphocapillary c) Artery d)
Vein of muscular type e) Vein of non-muscular type
12. Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of
connective tissue can be expected?
a) Plasmocytes and lymphocytes b) Pigmentocytes and pericytes c) Fibroblasts
and labrocytes d) Adipocytes and adventitious cells e)
Macrophages and fibroblasts
13. In the blood of a 26-year-old man it was revealed 18% of erythrocytes of the spherical,
ball-shaped, flat and thorn-like shape. Other eritrocytes were in the form of the concavo-
concave disks. How is such phenomenon called?
a) Pathological poikilocytosis b)Pathological anisocytosis c)
d) Physiological poikilocytosis e) Physiological anisocytosis
14. In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillares
through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillares is it?
a) Somatical b) Fenestrational c) Sinusoidal d) Visceral e) Lymphatic
15. Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomack
and in the morning. What changes in blood composition can occur if to perform blood
sampling after food intake?
a) Increased contents of leukocytes b) Increased plasma proteins
c) Reduced contents of erythrocytes d) Reduced contents of thrombocytes
e) Increased contents of erythrocytes
16. Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patients blood. Decreased
activity of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it?
a) Lysosomes b) Granular endoplasmatic reticulum
c) Mitochondrions d) Agranular endoplasmatic reticulum e) Golgi
17. In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some
way destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will
be inhibited?
a) Of fibroblasts b) Of lipocytes c) Of pericytes
d) Of macrophags e) Of pigment cells
19. A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by
endothelium, subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched
with smooth myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following
a) Non-muscular vein b) Muscular-type vein c) Elastic-type artery
d) Capillary e) Muscular-type artery
20. In the histological preparation of the vessels, the internal and external elastic
membranes are well expressed and there are many myocytes in the middle shell. What
vessel are we talking about?
a) Extraaortic lymphatic system;
b) A vein with strong muscle development;
c) Elastic type artery;
d) Mixed type artery;
e) Muscle-type artery
21. Large-caliber arteries during systole stretch and return to their original state during
diastole, ensuring the stability of blood flow. What are the elements of the vessel wall that
can explain this?
a) A large number of fibroblasts;
b) Elastic fibers;
c) Reticular fibers;
d) Muscle fibers;
e) Collagen fibers.
22. If there are terminal elastic membranes in the middle shell of the vessel so this is...
A) arteriole
B) venula
C) mixed type artery
D) muscle-type artery
E) elastic type artery
23. The inner shell of the vessel (intima) is lined with epithelium from the inside. Name it?
a) Mesothelium;
b) Transitional epithelium;
c) Multi-row epithelium;
d) Endothelium;
e) The epidermis.
24. The heart wall is represented in the micropreparation. In one of the shells there are
contractile, conductive and secretory myocytes, endomysium with blood vessels. Specify
which shell of the heart these structures belong to?
a) atrial myocardium;
b) ventricular endocardium;
c) adventitial;
d) pericardium;
e) epicardium of the heart
26. A vessel is found on the preparation of the soft meninges, in the wall of which there is
no middle shell, the outer shell is fused with the surrounding tissue, the inner shell is built of
the basement membrane and endothelium. Determine what kind of vessel it is?
a) Fibrous type vein;
b) A vein with a weak development of muscle elements;
c) Arterioles;
d) Mixed type artery;
e) Muscle-type arteries.
27. Patient A. 40 years old suffered a myocardial infarction. Due to what morphological
components did the regeneration of the heart wall occur?
a) Proliferation of contractile and conductive cardiomyocytes;
b) Proliferation of connective tissue cells;
c) Proliferation of contractile cardiomyocytes;
d) Intracellular regeneration of contractile cardiomyocytes;
e) Proliferation of conductive cardiomyocytes
28. The heart wall is represented in the micropreparation. In one of the shells there are
contractile, conductive and secretory myocytes, endomysium with blood vessels. Specify
which shell of the heart these structures belong to?
a) atrial myocardium;
b) ventricular endocardium;
c) adventitious;
d) pericardium;
e) epicardium of the heart.
29. Choose which type this capillary belongs to: endotheliocytes are large,
the basement membrane and pericytes are absent, there are sling filaments?
A) postcapillary venule
B) sinusoidal capillary
C) lymphatic capillary
D) fenestrated capillary
E) somatic capillary
31. The capillary electronogram clearly defines the fenestras in the endothelium and the
time in the basement membrane. What is the type of capillary?
a) sinusoidal; b) visceral; c) shunt; d) atypical; e) somatic.
32. Indicate in the cleavage of the basement membrane, the capillary walls are located:
A) myocytes B) pericytes C) fibroblasts D) adventitious cells E) lipocytes
34. Choose, the tissue composition of the artery wall of various types is determined by:
A) blood pressure, the direction of blood flow
B) the presence of tissues
C) the speed of blood flow
D) the number of shells
37. Choose where smooth myocytes are located in large lymphatic vessels:
A) in the inner shell B) in the middle shell C) in the outer shell
D) in all shells E) missing
39. Specify what is represented by the contractile apparatus of the smooth muscle cell as
part of the inferior vena cava?
A) myofibrils
B) thick, thin and intermediate myofilaments
C) thick myofilaments
D) thin myofilaments
E) intermediate myofilaments
40. As a result of thrombosis of the left coronary artery, the death of a group of contractile
cardiomyocytes (myocardial infarction) occurred. Determine at the expense of which cells
will reparative regeneration mainly occur in the area of damage?
a) preserved cardiomyocytes; b) myosatellitocytes; c) smooth myocytes;
d) fibroblasts; e) myosimplast
41. The cortical substance of the thymus is formed by the following cells:
a) T-blasts and T-lymphocytes b) plasmocytes c) by NK cells d)
46. Specify what causes the removal of the thymus in newborn animals?
A) increased proliferation of lymphocytes in all lymphoid nodules of hematopoietic organs
B) a sharp inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation in all lymphoid nodules of hematopoietic
C) strengthening the synthesis of pituitary hormones
D) acceleration of puberty
E) weakening of the activity of the red bone marrow
48. Alien graft rejection does not occur in mice with removed thymus. Name it, this is due to
the absence of ...
A) B-lymphocytes B) macrophages C) T-killers D) monocytes E)
52. Identify which cells are part of the lymphatic follicle of the lymph node?
A) lymphoblasts, B-lymphocytes, macrophages
B) endotheliocytes, pericytes
C) fibroblasts, fat cells
D) tanicytes, ependymocytes
E) osteocytes, process cells
53. The histopreparation presents an organ in which lymphocytes form three types of
lymphoid structures: lymph nodes, cerebral cords and sinuses. Which body is represented?
a) thymus; b) spleen; c) lymph node; d) amygdala; e) red bone marrow
54. The preparation contains an organ in the reticular stroma of which mature shaped blood
elements are located and lymphoid formations are visible. Determine which organ is
represented on the drug?
a) thymus; b) spleen; c) lymph node; d) amygdala; e) red bone marrow.
55. The micropreparation shows an organ of lobular structure, the stroma of which consists
of process-shaped epithelial cells. Which body is represented?
a) thymus; b) spleen; c) lymph node; d) amygdala; e) red bone marrow
56. In the punctate of the myeloid tissue of a 6-year-old child, cells are found in which
pyknosis and removal of the nucleus occur during differentiation. What is the type of
hematopoiesis for which these morphological changes are characteristic?
a) thrombocytopoiesis; b) lymphocytopoiesis; c) monocytopoiesis;
d) erythrocytopoiesis; e) granulocytopoiesis
57. In the histological preparation, the parenchyma of the organ is represented by lymphoid
tissue, which forms lymph nodes; the latter are located diffusely and contain a central
artery. Choose which anatomical formation has this morphological structure?
a) thymus; b) spleen; c) lymph node; d) amygdala; e) red bone marrow.
58. Foci of increased plasmocytogenesis were found in the biopsy of the lymph node in the
cerebral cords. Specify the antigen-dependent stimulation of which immunocompetent cells
caused their formation?
a) interdigitating cells; b) B-lymphocytes; c) macrophages;
d) T-lymphocytes d) dendritic cells.
59. Morphological studies of the spleen revealed activation of immune reactions in the body.
In which structures of this organ does antigen-dependent proliferation of T-lymphocytes
a) the mantle zone of the white pulp;
b) the periarterial zone of the white pulp;
c) the central zone of the white pulp;
d) the marginal zone of the white pulp;
e) red pulp.
75. X-ray examination of the bones of the base of the skull revealed an increase in the
cavity of the Turkish saddle, thinning of the anterior oblique processes, destruction of
different sections, destruction of different sections of the Turkish saddle. Choose which
endocrine gland tumor can cause such bone destruction?
a) pituitary gland;
b) thymus gland;
c) thyroid gland;
d) adrenal glands;
e) epiphysis
80. Indicate, if there is a lack of iodine in the body, the formation of hormones is disrupted:
A) the epiphysis
B) adenohypophysis
C) the adrenal glands
D) thyroid gland
E) parathyroid glands
81. From the ectodermal epithelium of the lining of the upper part of the oral fossa of the
human embryo, a Ratke pocket is formed, which is directed to the base of the future brain.
Specify what develops from this embryonic germ?
a) Anterior hypothalamus;
b) Adenohypophysis;
c) Medial elevation;
d) Neurohypophysis;
e) Pituitary pedicle
83. Indicate whether the microcirculatory bed of the endocrine glands is characterized by
the presence of:
A) sinusoidal capillaries
B) fenestrated endothelium in capillaries
C) developed pericapillary spaces
D) precapillary sphincters
84. Finish the definition. Herring's accumulative corpuscles in the neurohypophysis are:
A) the endings of gliocyte processes on the basal membranes of blood vessels
B) clusters of pituitary
C) dilated and overflowing with blood hemocapillaries
D) axon terminals with neural secret
86. The histopreparation presents parenchymal organs having cortical and cerebral
substance. The cortical is formed by strands of epithelial cells, between which blood
capillaries pass. The strands form three zones. The medulla consists of chromaffinocytes
and venous sinusoids. Determine which organ has these morphological features?
a) kidney;
b) lymph node;
c) thyroid gland;
d) adrenal glands;
e) thymus
87. The patient was given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time, as a result of which
atrophy of one of the zones of the adrenal cortex occurred. Specify which zone is this?
a) fasicular;
b) reticular;
c) glomerular;
d) glomerular and reticular;
88. When examining one of the adrenal glands removed during surgery, large cells were
found that were impregnated with a solution of potassium bicarbonate. Choose which
hormone these cells synthesize?
a) Cholecystokinin;
b) Aldosterone;
c) Thyroxine;
d) Adrenaline;
e) thymosin.
89. In the wall of the follicles and in the interfollicular layers of connective tissue on the
territory of the thyroid gland, large endocrinocytes are placed, the secretory granules of
which are osmium and argyrophilic. Name these cells?
a) Pinealocytes;
b) Pituicites;
c) Calcitoninocytes;
d) Thyrocytes;
e) Parathyrocytes.
92. A 50-year-old male farm worker has been brought to the emergency room. He was
found confused in the orchard and since then has remained unconscious. His heart rate is
45 and his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which
of the following should be prescribed?
a) Norepinephrine, b) Physostigmine, c) Pentamine d) Atropine e) Proserine
93. A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused
atrophy of one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it? a) zona fasciculata
b) zona reticularis c) zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis d) zona glomerulosa
94. Select the hormones produced by the oxyphilic cells of the adenohypophysis
a) oxytocin, vasopressin; b) somatotropin, prolactin c) thyrotropic
d) gonadotropic e) corticotropic
97. A patient has sharply increased daily urine output. What hypothalamic hormone
secretion deficiency could explain this phenomenon?
a) oxytocin b) melatonin c) vasopressin d) serotonin e) prolactin
98. An animal has had its thyroid gland removed. Determine the hypertrophy of which
pituitary gland cells will be found in the animal?
a) basophilic endocrinocytes b) chromophilic cells c) oxyphilic
d) pinealocytes e) follicular cells
102. A patient visited a dentist with complaints of redness and edema of his mouth mucous
membrane in a month after dental prosthesis. The patient was diagnosed with allergic
stomatitis. What type of allergic reaction by Gell and Cumbs underlies this disease?
a) Cytotoxic b) Anaphylactic, c) Stimulating
d) Delayed type hypersensitivity e) Immunocomplex.
103. When the pH level of the stomach lumen decreases to less than 3, the antrum of the
stomach releases peptide that acts in paracrine fashion to inhibit gastrin release. This
peptide is:
a) Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) b) Acetylcholine c) GIF
d) Somatostatin e) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
104. Examination of a 43 y.o. patient revealed that his stomach has difficulties with
digestion of protein food. Gastric juice analysis revealed low acidity. Function of which
gastric cells is disturbed in this case?
a) Endocrine cells b) Neck cells c) Main exocrinocytes
d) Mucous cells (mucocytes) e) Parietal exocrinocytes
105. In the histological preparation of the glandular organ, only the serous terminal sections
are determined. In the interlobular connective tissue, ducts lined with a two-layer or multi-
layer epithelium are visible. Identify this organ?
a) parotid gland;
b) pancreas;
c) liver;
d) sublingual salivary gland;
e) submandibular salivary gland
107. Choose which cells are missing in the glands of the stomach?
A) the main
B) lining
C) mucous membranes
D) G-cells
E) A-cells
108. What cells are missing in intestinal crypts?
A) columnar epithelial cells
B) undifferentiated epithelial cells
C) goblet cells
D) Paneta acidophilic cells
E) parietal cells
109. On electronic micrographs of the stomach's own gland, a large oval-shaped cell is
determined, in the cytoplasm of which a system of intracellular secretory tubules, a large
number of mitochondria are visible. Name this cell?
a) parietal;
b) exocrine;
c) undifferentiated;
d) main;
e) mucous.
110. In inflammatory diseases of the stomach, the integumentary epithelium of the mucous
membrane is damaged. Choose which epithelium suffers at the same time?
a) simple columnar glandular;
b) simple cubic;
c) stratified cubic;
d) simple flat;
e) simple cubic microvilli.
111. In diseases of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, the absorption function
suffers. Name which epithelium is responsible for this function?
a) simple columnar glandular with a brush-border;
b) simple cubic;
c) stratified cubic;
d) simple flat;
e) simple cubic microvilli
112. When examining a patient with a small intestine disease, violations of the processes of
parietal and membrane digestion were revealed. With the violation of the function of which
cells is this associated?
a) goblet-shaped;
b) columnar epithelium with a brush-border;
c) endocrinocytes;
d) Paneta cells;
e) columnar without a border
114. During the examination of the patient, an anomaly of liver development was revealed.
Please indicate which embryonic source has been damaged?
a) endoderm of the posterior intestine;
b) endoderm of the middle part of the primary intestine;
c) endoderm of the anterior intestine;
d) endoderm of the posterior wall of the trunk intestine;
e) mesonephral strait
116. A patient with chronic enterocolitis (inflammation of the intestine) revealed disorders of
digestion and absorption of proteins in the small intestine due to a lack of dipeptidases in
intestinal juice. Determine in which cells the synthesis of these enzymes is disrupted?
a) goblet-shaped;
b) columnar with a border;
c) endocrinocytes;
d) Paneta cells;
e) columnar without a border.
119. Determine if the pitelium in the middle part of the esophagus is:
A) single-layer flat
B) stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
C) keratinizing
D) multi-row
E) edged
121. During histological examination of the stomach it was found out that glands contain
very small amount of pariental cells or they are totally absent. Mucose membrane of what
part of the stomach was studied
a) Cardiac part b) Fundus of stomach c) Pyloric part d)
Body of stomach
122. A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic
syndrome. What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child?
a) PP hypovitaminosis b) Activation of tissue thromboplastin c) Vitamin K
d) Fibrinogen deficiency e) Hypocalcemia
123. Some diseases of the small intestine are associated with impaired function of
exocrinocytes with acidophilic granules (Paneta cells). Specify where these cells are
a) on the lateral surfaces of intestinal villi;
b) in the upper part of the intestinal crypts;
c) at the junction of the villi in the crypt;
d) on the apical part of the intestinal villi;
e) at the bottom of intestinal crypts.
124. In some diseases of the colon, the quantitative ratios between the epithelial cells of the
mucosa change. What are the types of cells that predominate in the epithelium of the
crypts of the colon normally?
a) goblet cells;
b) endocrinocytes;
c) poorly differentiated cells;
d) cells with acidophilic granules;
e) columnar villous epithelial cells.
125. Rectoromanoscopy revealed a tumor emanating from the mucosa of the intermediate
rectum. Choose from which epithelium this tumor was formed?
a) simple columnar epithelium with a border;
b) simple cuboidal epithelium;
c) stratified squamous non-keratinizing
d) simple squamous epithelium;
e) simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium.
126. During the examination of the patient, an anomaly of liver development was revealed.
Please indicate which embryonic source has been damaged?
a) endoderm of the posterior intestine;
b) endoderm of the middle part of the primary intestine;
c) endoderm of the anterior intestine;
d) endoderm of the posterior wall of the trunk intestine;
e) mesonephral strait.
127. With the proliferation of connective tissue in the liver parenchyma (fibrosis) due to
chronic diseases, there is a violation of blood circulation in the classical lobules. Determine
which direction of blood flow in such lobules?
a) around the lobule;
b) from the center to the periphery;
c) from the periphery to the center;
d) from the top to the base;
e) from the base to the top.
128. Histological examination of the aspiration biopsy of the gastric mucosa in a patient
suffering from peptic ulcer revealed an increase in the number of glandulocytes having
oxyphilic properties of the cytoplasm. Determine the formation of which component of
gastric juice these cells provide?
a) mucus;
b) gastrin;
c) secretin;
d) hydrochloric acid;
e) pepsinogen.
129. In people who are prone to excessive consumption of sweets, certain cells of the
pancreas are constantly in a state of tension. Specify which ones?
a) D-cells;
b) A-cells;
c) B-cells;
d) Acinose-insular;
e) PP-cells.
130. In the histopreparation of the small intestine, villi covered with tissue consisting only of
cells forming a layer that is located on the basement membrane are determined. The tissue
does not contain blood vessels. Choose which tissue covers the surface of the villi?
a) epithelial tissue;
b) dense unformed connective tissue;
c) reticular tissue;
d) smooth muscle tissue;
e) loose fibrous connective tissue.
131. The histological preparation presents an organ of the digestive tract, the wall of which
consists of 4 membranes: mucous, submucosal, muscular and serous. The mucous
membrane has folds and pits. Determine which organ has this relief?
a) stomach;
b) esophagus;
c) small intestine;
d) vermiform process;
e) duodenum.
132. The histopreparation presents a section of the wall of the digestive tube organ, the
relief of the mucous membrane of which is represented by pits. The surface of the pits is
covered with epithelium, in which all the cells lie on the basement membrane, have a
prismatic shape, the apical part of the cells is filled with drops of mucoid secretion.
Determine which organ has this epithelium?
a) stomach;
b) esophagus;
c) small intestine;
d) vermiform process;
e) colon.
133. The histopreparation presents an organ, in its own plate of the mucous membrane of
which there are simple tubular glands, consisting mainly of the main and parietal, as well as
mucous, cervical endocrine cells. Specify the type of glands?
a) cardiac glands of the esophagus;
b) the fundus glands;
c) the cardiac glands of the stomach;
d) pyloric glands of the stomach;
e) esophageal glands.
134. The histopreparation contains iron. Acinuses are determined in the lobules, the
secretory cells of which have two zones: basal-homogeneous basophilic and apical-
zymogenic oxyphilic. Choose which organ has these key morphological features?
a) submandibular salivary gland;
b) sublingual salivary gland;
c) liver;
d) parotid salivary gland;
e) the pancreas.
135. In the histopreparation, parenchymal organs are determined, the structural and
functional unit of which are lobules. The latter have fuzzy boundaries, there is a central vein
inside, radially directed beams, intra-lobular sinusoidal capillaries. The lobule is bounded by
interlobular arteries, veins and bile ducts (triad). Specify which organ these morphological
features belong to?
a) main cells;
b) parietal cells;
c) cervical cells;
d) endocrine cells
136. The patient was admitted to a therapeutic clinic. A decrease in the acidity of gastric
juice has been established in the laboratory. Specify which cells of the gastric glands
caused this condition?
a) Parietal cells;
b) Cervical cells;
c) Mucous membranes;
d) Main cells;
e) Endocrine.
137. Morphological analysis of biopsy material of the esophageal mucosa taken from the
patient revealed the process of keratinization of the epithelium. Highlight which of the
following types of epithelium covers the mucous membrane of this organ normally?
a) Pseudostratified ciliated;
b) Simple squamous ngle-layer flat;
c) Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
d) Simple columnar;
e) Stratified squamous keratinizing.
138. A patient with poisoning was hospitalized in the clinic. It has been established that
detoxification mechanisms are disrupted in the liver. Determine which of the hepatocyte
organelles caused this condition in the first place?
a) mitochondria;
b) Golgi apparatus;
c) granular EPS;
d) agranular EPS;
e) ribosome
141. A patient aged 50 years complains of increased appetite, thirst, weight loss, fatigue.
Laboratory examination revealed an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood. Choose
which cell dysfunction is associated with the development of this disease?
a) D-cells;
b) A-cells;
c) B-cells;
d) Acinous-insular;
e) PP cells.
142. On a histological preparation, the submucosal base of the small intestine is filled with
the final secretory sections of the protein glands. Which part of the intestine is represented
on the drug?
a) Ileum;
b) Appendix;
c) Duodenum ;
d) Jejunum;
e) Сolon.
143. In the histological preparation, the parenchyma of the organ is represented by lobules
that have the shape of hexagonal prisms and consist of anastomosing plates, between
which lie sinusoidal capillaries radially converging to the central vein. Determine which
anatomical organ has this morphological structure?
a) thymus;
b) pancreas;
c) liver;
d) spleen;
e) lymph node.
144. A patient, 30 years old, went to the doctor with complaints of an increase in body
temperature to thirty-eight degrees, weakness, sore throat. During the examination, it
turned out that the patient's tongue was covered with a white coating. Specify which
histological structures of the tongue are involved in the formation of this plaque?
a) The epithelium of the fungal papillae;
b) Epithelium of the leaf-like papillae;
c) Epithelium of filiform papillae;
d) The epithelium of the grooved papillae;
e) Connective tissue basis of all papillae of the tongue.
145. A gland consisting of several secretory compartments in the form of sacs, which open
into one common excretory duct, was found in the micropreparation. What kind of gland is
a) Simple branched alveolar;
b) Simple unbranched alveolar;
c) Simple branched tubular;
d) Complex unbranched alveolar;
e) Complex branched alveolar.
146. In the histological preparation, the mucous membrane is determined, covered with a
multi-layered flat non–keratinizing, in places - a multi-layered flat keratinizing epithelium.
The composition of the mucous membrane also includes its own plate, there is no muscle
plate. Determine the location of such a mucous membrane?
a) Small intestine;
b) Esophagus;
c) Oral cavity;
d) Trachea;
e) Stomach.
147. In the histological preparation, an organ is determined, the basis of which is skeletal
striated muscle tissue. The organ has cutaneous, intermediate and mucous divisions.
Epithelium – multilayered flat keratinizing in the mucous department turns into a
multilayered flat non-keratinizing. Name this body?
a) Tongue;
b) Lip;
c) Cheek;
d) Hard palate;
e) Gum.
148. In the histological preparation, the muscular formation of the oral cavity is visible,
consisting of two sections: the cutaneous and mucous, in which the upper, intermediate and
lower zones are distinguished. In the intermediate zone of the mucous department, the
epithelium is multilayered, flat, keratinizing. Determine which formation is represented in the
a) Tongue;
b) Lip;
c) Cheek;
d) Hard palate;
e) Gum.
149. The histological preparation determines the formation of the oral cavity, which is based
on bone tissue. It is covered with a mucous membrane, in which a multilayer flat keratinizing
epithelium is visible. In education, fatty, glandular and marginal zones are distinguished. In all
zones of the own plate of the mucous membrane, collagen fibers form powerful bundles
woven into the periosteum. What kind of education is represented in the preparation?
a) Tongue;
b) Lip;
c) Cheek;
d) Hard palate;
e) Gum.
150. Select, the muscle plate of the mucous membrane is determined in:
A) lip
B) cheek
C) gum
D) esophagus
E) tongue
152. Determine whether the mobility of the mucous membrane on the lower surface of the
tongue is provided by:
A) the epithelium of the mucous membrane
B) own record
C) muscle plate
D) submucosal base
E) muscle membrane
155. Explain how the serous membrane differs from the adventitious one:
A) the absence of blood vessels
B) the presence of nerve elements
C) lack of glands
D) the presence of mesothelium
E) an abundance of adipose tissue
156. Choose in which part of the intestine the glands meet in the submucosal base:
A) the vermiform process
B) the colon
C) jejunum
D) duodenum
E) the ileum
157. Specify which cells in the glands of the stomach produce pepsinogen:
A) the main
B) parietal
C) neck
D) endocrine
E) mucocytes
158. Indicate whether the cambial cells in the epithelium of the small intestine are:
A) edged enterocytes of villi
B) capless crypt enterocytes
C) goblet-shaped enterocytes
D) apical-granular enterocytes
E) endocrinocytes
159. List, smooth myocytes in the muscular lining of the stomach form:
A) one longitudinal layer
B) one transverse layer
C) two layers — longitudinal and transverse
D) three layers - longitudinal, transverse and oblique
E) four layers alternating longitudinally and transversely
161. Indicate the source of the development of the epithelial lining of the stomach is:
A) ectoderm
B) endoderm of the intestinal tube
C) mesoderm
D) mesenchyme
E) chorion
165. Specify where in the hepatic lobules the perisinusoidal (Disce) space is located
a) between hepatic beams
b) inside the beams
c) between hepatocytes
d) between sinusoid capillaries and beams
167. Indicate whether the presence of white plaque on the tongue is associated with
impaired rejection of horny scales on the apex of
a) foliate papillae
b) fungiform papillae
c) filiform papillae
d) circumvallate papillae
173. Identify which epithelial cells of the trachea and bronchi produce mucus?
A) secretory
B) bordered
C) goblet-shaped
D) endocrine
E) basal
176. A patient was admitted to the hospital with an asphyxia attack provoked by a spasm of
smooth muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in
the following parts of the airways:
a) Respiratory part b) Small bronchi c) Large bronchi
d) Median bronchi e) Terminal bronchioles
177. Explain, the terminal sections of which glands are located in the submucosal base of
the trachea ...
A) protein
B) mucous membranes
C) endocrine
D) protein-mucosal
E) synthesizing surfactant
178. Specify which of the bronchi contains glands and cartilage in the form of islands in its
A) the main
B) bronchus of the 1st order
C) bronchus of the 2nd order
D) bronchus of the 3rd order
E) small bronchus
179. Determine which sections of the airways are most capable of changing the lumen?
A) larynx
B) trachea
C) medium-caliber bronchus
D) small-caliber bronchus
E) bronchiola
180. Specify which epithelium is lined with the mucosa of the terminal bronchiole?
A) single-layer flat
B) two-row prismatic
C) multi-row flickering
D) simple cuboidal ciliated
E) single-row prismatic
181. An employee of chemical production after inhaling caustic vapors had the death of a
part of the ciliated epithelial cells of the bronchi. Determine which cells will regenerate this
A) ciliated cells;
b) non-ciliated cells;
c) goblet cells;
d) endocrine cells;
e) basal cells;
182. In the histological preparation of the trachea, low oval or triangular cells are visible as
part of the multi-row ciliated epithelium. They do not reach the apical surface of the
epithelium with their apex, mitosis figures are visible in part of the cells. Tell me what
function these cells perform?
a) are a source of regeneration;
b) secrete mucus;
c) produce biologically active substances;
d) secrete surfactant;
e) are part of the mucociliary complex;
183. The patient was admitted to the department with an attack of suffocation caused by a
spasm of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. What are the departments of the
airways with which this attack is mainly associated?
a) respiratory department;
b) small-caliber bronchi;
c) large-caliber bronchi;
d) medium-caliber bronchi;
e) terminal bronchioles;
184. The preparation contains a hollow organ. The mucous membrane is covered with a
double-row ciliated epithelium, which turns into a single-row one. The muscular plate of the
mucosa is well developed in relation to the thickness of the entire wall. There is no cartilage
and glands. Determine which organ is represented in the preparation?
a) larynx;
b) bladder;
c) middle bronchus;
d) trachea;
e) small bronchus;
185. As a result of the pathological process in the bronchi, desquamation of the epithelium
occurs. Choose which cells will regenerate the bronchial epithelium?
A) ciliated cells;
b) insertion cells;
c) goblet cells;
d) endocrine cells;
e) basal cells;
186. Upon autopsy of a deceased 65-year-old man who suffered from lung disease, the
pathological process was mainly localized in the bronchi, where the glands, cartilaginous
islands and a multi-row cylindrical ciliated epithelium were clearly visible during histological
examination. Indicate in which bronchi changes were detected?
a) terminal bronchioles;
b) medium bronchi;
c) large bronchi;
d) main bronchi;
e) small bronchi;
187. When examining a patient with diphtheria, changes in the soft palate and tongue were
revealed. Which epithelium was injured at the same time?
a) stratified squamous non-keratinizing
b) multilayer cubic;
c) multi-row ciliated;
d) multilayer flat keratinizing;
e) single-layer prismatic.
188. A patient with acute rhinitis has hyperemia and increased mucus formation in the nasal
cavity. Which mucosal epithelial cells are more active?
a) ciliated cells;
b) microvilli cells;
c) goblet cells;
d) endocrine cells;
e) basal cells;
189. Electronic microphotographs of biopsy material show the lung of a premature baby.
The collapse of the alveolar wall was detected due to the absence of surfactant. Specify
the dysfunction of which cells of the alveolar wall cause this picture?
a) fibroblasts;
b) type II alveolocytes;
c) alveolar macrophages;
d) type I alveolocytes;
e) secretory cells;
188. It is known that an important component of the aerogematic barrier is the surfactant
alveolar complex, which prevents alveolar subsidence during exhalation. Choose which
alveolar cells synthesize phospholipids that go to build surfactant membranes?
a) respiratory cells;
b) type II alveolocytes;
c) alveolar macrophages;
d) capillary endothelium;
e) bordered epithelial cells;
189. Indeed, diphtheria croup occurs as a result of the deposition of fibrin films firmly
connected with the epithelium on the real vocal cords. Specify which of the following types
of epithelium is lined with the mucous membrane of these vocal cords?
a) stratified squamous non-keratinizing
b) multilayer cubic;
c) multi-row ciliated;
d) multilayer flat keratinizing;
e) single-layer flat.
190. The histological preparation presents an organ whose wall consists of mucous,
submucosal, fibrous-cartilaginous and adventitial membranes. The epithelium is multi-row
ciliated. Mucosal-protein glands are located in the submucosal base. Hyaline cartilage
forms large plates. Choose which organ has these morphological features?
a) esophagus;
b) large bronchus;
c) larynx;
d) small bronchus;
e) trachea;
191. Electronic micrographs of biopsy material show structures that include surfactant, type
I alveolocytes, basement membrane and fenestrated capillary endothelium. Determine
which histo-hematic barrier in the human body these structures belong to?
a) aerogematic;
b) hematothymus;
c) hematotesticular;
d) hematolytic;
e) blood-brain;
192. In the histological preparation of the airways, the integumentary epithelium contains
ciliated and goblet-shaped cells that form a mucociliary complex. Specify which function
belongs to this complex?
a) hormone secretion;
b) humidification of the air;
c) respiratory;
d) air purification from dust particles;
e) air warming;
193. The electronic micrograph shows structures in the form of open bubbles, the inner
surface of which is lined with a single-layer epithelium, which is formed by respiratory and
secretory cells. What are these structures?
a) Bronchioles;
b) Alveolar passages;
c) Terminal bronchi;
d) Alveoli;
e) Acinuses;
194. In the epithelium of the airways there are cells with a domed apecal part, on the
surface of which microvilli are placed. The synthetic apparatus is well developed in the cell,
and secretory granules are in the apical part. Name this cell?
a) A cage without a border;
b) Cambial;
c) Goblet-shaped;
d) Clara cell;
e) Endocrine;
195. Premature infants develop respiratory failure syndrome. Specify the insufficiency of
which component of the aerogematic barrier underlies this pathology?
a) The basement membrane of the endothelium;
b) The endothelium of the capillaries;
c) Surfactant;
d) The basement membrane of alveolocytes;
e) Alveolocytes;
199. Find out which structure of the respiratory system is lined with mesothelium?
A) larynx
B) trachea
C) bronchi
D) pleura
E) lungs
201. Choose which cells are found in the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa, but are not
present in the epithelium of the nasal cavity
A) ciliated
B) endocrine
C) Clara cells
D) basal
E) goblet-shaped
202. What is the epithelium covering the lungs from the outside?
A) mesothelium
B) ciliated epithelium
C) connective tissue capsule
D) multilayer squamous epithelium
E) elastic membrane
209. Choose which tissue forms the papillary layer of the skin?
A) dense connective tissue
B) loose connective tissue
C) dense decorated
D) reticular
E) lymphoid
211. Specify in which layer of the epidermis the cambial cells for keratinocytes are located?
A) granular
B) Brilliant
C) basal
D) horny
E) spiky
213. Determine whether melanocytes connect with each other using ...
A) synapses
B) nexuses
C) desmosis
D) half-cosmos
E) lie freely
215. Name which cells the epithelium of the sebaceous glands consists of?
A) myocytes
B) endocrinocytes
C) serocytes
D) mucocytes
E) sebocytes
216. Specify in which layer of the skin are the end sections of the sebaceous glands located?
A) thorny
B) sprouts
C) basal
D) papillary
E) reticular
217. Name, the growth of the hair occurs due to the cells ...
A) the cuticle of the hair
B) hair bag
C) hair follicles
D) the brain matter of the hair
E) the cortical substance of the hair
218. Choose, the muscle that lifts the hair consists of ...
A) collagen fibers
B) elastic fibers
C) smooth muscle cells
D) myofibrils
E) reticular fibers
220. Which cells form skin pigment and give a positive reaction to DOPA oxidase?
A) Merkel cells
B) Langerhans cells,
C) keratinocytes
D) Schwann cells
E) melanocytes
222. Indicate whether the intermediate filaments of epithelial cells consist of ...
A) actin
B) keratin
C) desmina
D) tubulin
E) vimentina
223. In the histological preparation of a biopsy of the epidermis of the skin of a healthy
adult, dividing cells are visible in the basal layer. Choose which process these cells provide?
a) apoptosis;
b) physiological regeneration;
c) adaptation;
d) differentiation;
e) reparative regeneration.
224. During wound healing, a connective tissue scar develops in the area of a skin tissue
defect. Which cells provide this process?
a) melanocytes;
b) fibroblasts;
c) fibrocytes;
d) macrophages;
e) mast cells.
225. An alien body got into the skin, which led to inflammation. Specify which connective
tissue cells are involved in the skin's reaction to a foreign body?
a) melanocytes;
b) macrophages;
c) neutrophils, macrophages, fibroblasts;
d) lipocytes;
e) adventitious cells.
226. The study of fingerprints of the epidermis of the fingers [fingerprinting] is used in
criminology to identify individuals, as well as to diagnose genetic abnormalities, in particular
Down's disease. Which layer of skin determines the individuality of the prints?
a) basal;
b) reticular;
c) papillary;
d) shiny;
e) horny.
227. One of the rules of surgery is to make incisions along the so-called Langer lines (skin
tension lines). Which of the following tissues forms a strong mesh layer of the dermis?
a) epithelial;
b) dense decorated connective tissue;
c) reticular connective tissue;
d) loose fibrous connective tissue;
e) dense irregular connective tissue
228. Patient A., 12 years old, has white spots on the skin that do not have pigment. Spots
appeared after 10 years, constantly increasing in size. Name the absence of which skin
cells led to the appearance of such spots?
a) Tissue basophils;
b) Melanocytes;
c) Langerhans cells;
d) Keratinocytes;
e) Merkel Cells.
229. In the third week of embryogenesis, the central part of the epiblast cells (ectoderm)
bends and the neurulation process begins. Determine in which direction the remaining cells,
ectoderms, differentiate?
a) Skin;
b) Somites;
c) Yolk bladder;
d) Chords;
e) Intestines.
231. On an electronic micrograph of the epidermis of the skin, process cells are
distinguished among cubic cells, in the cytoplasm of which there is a well-developed Golgi
apparatus, many ribosomes and melanosomes. Name this cell?
a) Tissue basophils;
b) Melanocytes;
c) Langerhans cells;
d) Keratinocytes;
e) Merkel Cells.
232. Specify whether the trophic function of the skin is performed by a layer ...
A) granular
B) basal
C) spiky
D) papillary
E) reticular
233. List which fabric forms the mesh layer of the skin…
A) dense irregular
B) loose unformed
C) dense decorated
D) reticular
E) lymphoid
236. Choose, the main tissue of the mesh layer of the dermis of the skin is:
A) loose connecting
B) dense decorated
C) dense irregular
D) smooth muscle
E) striated muscle
237. Highlight, the growth of the nail plate occurs due to cell division:
A) its root
B) her body
C) the nail matrix
D) epidermis of nail rollers
E) supra-elbow plate
238. Determine whether the center of the proliferative unit of the epidermis is considered:
A) keratinocyte of the basal layer in the interphase
B) keratinocyte of the basal layer in mitosis
C) pigment cell
D) intraepidermal macrophage
E) Merkel's cage
239. In a fall, a child scraped the skin of his palm. Which epithelium was damaged in the fall?
A) stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
B) stratified ciliated epithelium
C) simple cuboidal epithelium
D) simple double-row epithelium
E) stratified squamous non keratinizing epithelium
240. A patient with a fractured index finger came to the trauma center. Select which of the
injured tissues regenerates the fastest?
A) loose connecting tissue
B) dense regular connective tissue
C) dense connective tissue
D) stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
E) skeletal muscle tissue
241. A patient with suspected glomerulonephritis has the presence of albumins (albuminuria)
and glucose (glucosuria) in the secondary urine for two weeks. Choose which parts of the
kidney function is impaired?
a) juxtaglomerular apparatus;
b) proximal tubules;
c) loop of Henle;
d) distal tubules;
e) collecting tubes.
242. Histological examination of the kidney in the cortical substance determines a tubule
lined with a single-layer cubic edged epithelium, the cytoplasm of which is colored
oxyphilically. Specify which segment of the nephron is detected in the drug?
a) distal rectus canaliculus;
b) proximal convoluted canaliculus;
c) Henle loop;
d) distal convoluted tubule;
e) collecting tube.
243. An electron micrograph of a fragment of a renal corpuscle shows a large epithelial cell
with large and small processes. The latter are attached to the basement membrane of the
capillaries. Name this cell?
a) juxtavascular cell;
b) podocyte;
c) endotheliocyte;
d) mesangial cell;
e) smooth myocyte.
244. An electron micrograph of a kidney fragment shows a bearing arteriole, in which large
cells containing secretory granules are visible under the endothelium. Determine this type
of cells?
a) an increase in the amount of testosterone;
b) aspermatogenesis;
c) polyspermia;
d) monospermia;
e) a decrease in testosterone synthesis
245. Leached erythrocytes were found in the patient's urine. Name which part of the
nephron is damaged?
a) the membrane of the renal corpuscle;
b) proximal convoluted tubule;
c) Henle loop;
d) distal convoluted tubule;
e) collecting tube.
246. Kidney biopsy material is examined by electron microscopy. The selected electron
microphotographs show: a fenestrated endothelium with a basement membrane, on the
outside of which process epithelial cells are attached. Specify which kidney formation is
represented in electronic microphotographs?
a) filtration barrier;
b) proximal nephron;
c) Henle loop;
d) distal nephron;
e) juxtaglomerular apparatus.
247. Cells with large secretory granules in the cytoplasm are determined on electronic
micrographs of the kidney site in the wall of the bringing and taking out arterioles.
Determine the structural formation of the kidney, which includes these cells?
a) the renal corpuscle;
b) the proximal nephron;
c) the Henle loop;
d) distal nephron;
e) juxtaglomerular apparatus
248. Leached erythrocytes were found in the analysis of the patient's urine. Where is the
localization of the pathological process possible?
a) filtration barrier;
b) proximal convoluted tubule;
c) Henle loop;
d) distal convoluted tubule;
e) collecting tube.
249. A 50-year-old patient with chronic nephritis developed anemia. Determine what was
the most likely cause of anemia in this patient?
a) Decrease in erythropoietin production;
b) Violation of the synthesis of adrenaline;
c) Immunological damage to erythropoiesis progenitor cells;
d) Lack of iron;
e) Lack of vitamin B12.
250. Sugar was found in the urine of a 30-year-old patient with its normal amount in the
blood. What structural and functional mechanisms of the kidney are damaged?
a) Filtration process;
b) The process of rearbsorption in a thin tubule;
c) The process of rearbsorption in the distal part as a result of insufficient secretion of ADH;
d) The process of rearbsorption in the proximal nephron;
e) The process of rearbsorption in the distal part of the nephron.
251. During a clinical examination in a 35-year-old woman with kidney disease, blood cells,
fibrinogen, were found in the urine, probably due to a violation of the renal filter. Determine
what structures this filter consists of?
a) Capillary endothelium, basement membrane;
b) Three-layer basement membrane;
c) Endothelium of glomerular capillaries, three-layer basement membrane, podocytes;
d) Podocytes, basal membrane;
e) Endothelium, podocytes.
252. Electron microscopy of the kidney revealed tubules lined with cubic epithelium. There
are light and dark cells in the epithelium. There are few organelles in light cells. The
cytoplasm forms folds. These cells ensure the reabsorption of water from the primary urine
into the blood. Dark cells resemble the parietal cells of the stomach in structure and
function. Specify which tubules are represented on the electronogram?
a) filtration barrier;
b) proximal convoluted tubule;
c) Henle loop;
d) distal convoluted tubule;
e) collecting tube.
253. A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between
the afferent and efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei;
basal membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called:
a) Juxtavascular cells b) Macula densa c) Juxtaglomerular cells d)
Mesangial cells
255. Blood in the renal arcuate arteries flows next into which vessels?
a) Afferent arterioles b) Efferent arterioles c) Glomerular
capillaries d) Interlobar arteries e) Interlobular arteries
256. Which cell type comprises the visceral layer of Bowman capsule?
a) Endothelial cells b) Juxglomerular cells c) Mesangial cells
d) Podocytes e) Extraglomerular mesangial (or Lacis) cells
257. Which type of epithelium lines the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle?
a) Pseudostratified columnar b) Simple columnar c) Simple cuboidal
d) Simple squamous e) Transitional (urothelium)
258. Which cell is a modified smooth muscle cell that secretes rennin?
a) Macula densa cells b) Mesangial cells c) Podocytes
d) Juxtaglomerular cells e) Endothelial cells
259. Epithelial cell membrane domains containing many stiffened plaques of protein are an
important feature in which part of the urinary system?
a) Juxtaglomerular apparatus b) Bladder mucosa c) Collecting ducts
d) Renal pyramids e) Membranous urethra
262. A 14-year-old patient in the nephrology clinic with fatigue, malaise, anorexia, abdominal
pain, and fever. She reports a loss of 6 lb in the past 2 month. Serum gamma globulin as
well as the immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM are all elevated. Her serum creatine is 1.4
mg/dL (normal 0.6-1.2 mg/dL) and urinalysis of glucose and protein are 2+ on a dipstick
test, confirmed by laboratory at 8.0 g/dL and 0.95 g/dL, respectively. A renal biopsy is
prepared for light microscopy and an infiltrate containing lymphocytes, plasma cells, and
Eosinophils is found among tubules having cells with prominent brush borders. Which one
of the following statements correctly pertains to these epithelial cells?
a) Impermeable to water despite presence of ADH
b) The primary site for the reduction of the tubular fluid volume
c) The site of the countercurrent multiplier
d) The site of action of aldosterone
e) Indirectly involved in the release of rennin
263. A 45-year-old man presents with nephrolithiasis or kidney stones. The process of
calcium oxalate stone formation as seen in this patient begins with Randall plaques found in
the basement membranes of which one of the following structures found only in the renal
a) Proximal convoluted tubules b) Distal convoluted tubulesc) Thin loops of Henle
264. A 15-year-old male presents with hematuria, hearing loss, lens dislocation, and the
onset of
cataracts. Genetic analysis reveals a mutation in the COL4A5 gene. Transmission EM
examination of a renal biopsy confirms that the disorder has affected a component of
renal corpuscles in which damage disrupts normal glomerular filtration. Which one of
following structures would most likely be abnormal in the TEM of this patients biopsy?
a. Pedicels
b. Filtration slits
c. Slit diaphragms
d. Glomerular basement membranes
e. Fenestrated endothelium of glomerular capillaries
266. Specify the source of testicular development ...
A) the epithelium of the paramesonephral ducts
B) thickening of the coelomic epithelium of the primary kidneys
C) the epithelium of the mesonephral ducts
D) the epithelium of the pariental leaf of the splanchnotome
E) coelomic epithelium
267. Determine whether the primary germ cells are formed for the first time ...
A) in the mesenchyma of the trunk
B) in somites
C) in the wall of the yolk sac
D) in the primary kidney
E) in the amnion
268. Specify what does not develop from the wolf ducts?
A) appendages of the testis
B) bulbourethral glands
C) seminal vesicles
D) Vas deferens
E) testicular network
269. Specify the structure from which the scrotum develops ...
A) genitourinary sinus
B) floor rollers
C) sexual tubercle
D) wolf's duct
E) Muller's channel
270. What does not characterize the development of male sexual structures?
A) in the rudiments of the male sex glands the brain substance receives predominant
B) The Y chromosome controls the critical stage of sexual differentiation...
C) primary germ cells differentiate in spermatogony
D) under the action of the Muller inhibitory factor, the wolf ducts
they differentiate into male sexual structures
E) primary germ cells migrate from the wall of the yolk sac into
the genital rollers
273. Name the type of tissue that is formed by the stroma of the testis ...
A) dense connective tissue
B) loose connective tissue
C) reticular tissue
D) epithelial
E) muscular
274. Specify the path of movement of spermatozoa in the genital tract of men ...
A) straight tubules - seminal tubules - convoluted excretory tubules - duct of the
appendage - vas deferens - ejaculatory canal
B) convoluted outflow tubules - seminal tubules - straight tubules - duct of the appendage -
ejaculatory canal
C) seminal tubules - straight tubules - convoluted outflow tubules - duct of the appendage -
vas deferens - vas deferens
D) seminal tubules - convoluted outflow tubules - straight tubules - ejaculatory canal
E) seminal tubules - straight tubules - duct of the appendage - vas deferens - vas deferens
275. Determine which cells are located between the seminal tubules and synthesize
A) supporting cells
B) fibroblasts
C) adventitious cells
D) interstitial cells
E) reticular cells
277. Determine which of the functions are not performed by the supporting cells of the
A) provide nutrition to developing germ cells
B) protect developing germ cells from harmful effects
C) phagocytic degenerating germ cells and residual bodies
D) synthesize follicle-stimulating hormone
E) synthesize androgen-binding hormone
279. List, spermatogenesis successively goes through the following phases ...
A) formation - reproduction - growth - maturation
B) reproduction - growth - maturation - formation
C) growth - reproduction - maturation - formation
D) maturation - growth - reproduction - formation
E) maturation - reproduction - growth formation
280. Choose which functions are performed by Leydig cells?
A) synthesize luteinizing hormone
B) synthesize testosterone
C) protect the germ cells from harmful effects
D) serve as supporting elements for germ cells
E) synthesize estrogen
282. Specify whether the spermatozoa from the straight tubules fall into ...
A) the carrying tubules
B) ejaculatory duct
C) testicular network
D) the duct of the appendage
E) ampoule of the vas deferens
284. In case of mechanical injury of the testis in a man, a violation of the integrity of the
walls of many tubules was noted. Choose what it will lead to?
a) Aspermatogenesis;
b) An increase in the amount of testosterone;
c) Reduction of testosterone synthesis;
d) Monospermia;
e) Polyspermia.
285. In the study of familial fluid in a patient aged 25 years, an insufficient number of germ
cells was revealed. Which of the cells of the male sex glands, dividing, provide a sufficient
number of spermatozoa for fertilization?
a) Spermatogonia;
b) Supporting cells;
c) Leydig cells;
d) Sertoli Cells;
e) Sustentocytes
286. On the histological section, we see an organ that is externally covered with serous and
albuminous membranes. The stroma of the organ is made up of loose connective tissue, in
which Leydig cells are located, the parenchyma is represented by tubules, the inner surface
of the tubules is laid out by spermatogenic epithelium. Name what kind of organ is this?
a) Testis;
b) Ovary;
c) Prostate;
e) Mammary gland.
287. In case of mechanical injury of the scrotum, violations of the epithelial lined network of
the testis were revealed in the patient. Specify which epithelium was injured?
a) Simple cuboidal;
b) Single-layer prismatic;
c) Transitional;
d) Double-row;
e) Multilayer flat.
289. Specify the epithelium, which consists of high cylindrical cells with cilia, and low cubic
cells with microvilli lining ...
A) the vas deferens
B) straight tubules
C) ovarian network
D) the duct of the appendage
E) urethra
293. Interstitial cells of Leydig have an important function in male gamete production.
Because of this function, which of the following organelles is abundant within these cells?
a) Lysosomes b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c) Peroxisomes
d) Polyribosomes e) Golgi complexes
294. While studying a germ cell line developed from a patient’s testicular biopsy, the
researcher notes that colchicine-treated cells blocked in metaphase have 46 chromosomes.
From which of the following regions of the male genital tract would you expect these cells
to have originated?
a) Within the rete testis b) At the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule
c) In the middle region of the germinal epithelium
d) Within the adluminal compartment of the seminiferous tubule
e) Within straight tubules
297. As sperm pass through the male genital ducts, proteins and low molecular weight
products are added from several sources producing semen. Which of the following
provides a nutritive, fructose-rich secretion?
a) Interstitial cells of Leydig b) Bulbourethral (Cowper) glands c) Prostate
d) Epididymis e) Seminal vesicles
298. A 29-year-old presents with testicular pain and a burning sensation during urination.
Tests reveal the presence of Neisseria gonorrhea and penicillin in prescribed. Gonorrhea
often produces acute or chronic inflammation of the testes and frequently involves the
channels that connect testis to the epididymis. What the name of these channels?
a) The mediastinum testis b) The rete testis c) Efferent ductules
d) The straight tubules (tubuli recti) e) The seminiferous
299. A 39-year-old man undergoing an extensive series of tests for infertility is found to
have genetic mutation that prevents formation of a functional synaptonemal complex during
meiosis, causing almost complete failure of sperm formation. Which cells would be directly
affected by the mutation?
a) Primary spermatocytes b) Spermatogonia c) Secondary spermatocytes
308. The ovarian cycle includes the following sequence of events ...
A) follicle growth - formation of the corpus luteum - activity of the corpus luteum - its
B) follicle growth - ovulation - formation and active function of the corpus luteum - its
regression - growth of a new follicle
C) ovulation - follicle growth - formation and functioning of the corpus luteum
D) follicle growth - ovulation - growth of a new follicle
E) follicle growth - ovulation - follicle regression - growth of a new follicle
316. With cyclic changes of the uterus, the most pronounced morphological rearrangement
is subjected to:
A) myometrium
B) the basal layer of the endometrium
C) functional layer of the endometrium
D) perimeters
E) the entire wall of the organ
317. Mass atresia of ovarian follicles, accompanied by estrogenization of the body, occurs
A) embryonic
B) prepubescent
C) pregnancy
D) climacteric
E) senile
319. A cesarean section operation was performed on the patient, while the uterine wall was
cut for a considerable length and the fetus was extracted. By what mechanism will healing
occur in the area of the bruised myometrium?
a) formation of a connective tissue scar;
b) formation of striated muscle fibers;
c) hypertrophy of smooth myocytes;
d) proliferation of myosatellitocytes;
e) neoplasm of smooth muscle tissue;
320. Gonoblasts, progenitors of germ cells, were detected in the embryo for 2-3 weeks. In
what material do these cells differentiate?
a) in the yolk sac;
b) in the rudimentary ectoderm;
c) in the rudimentary endoderm;
d) in the dermatome;
e) in the mesenchyme;
321. In the ovarian preparation, along with follicles of different orders, there are atretic
bodies and a developed yellow body. Specify which stage of the ovarian-mental cycle
corresponds to such a state in the ovary?
a) regenerative;
b) follicle growth;
c) menstrual;
d) postmenstrual;
e) premenstrual;
322. In the histopreparation of a woman's ovary, structures with a large cavity are
determined. The ovocyte of the first order in them is surrounded by a transparent shell, a
radiant crown and is located in the egg-bearing tubercles, the wall is formed by a layer of
follicular cells and a folder. Specify which structure of the ovary these morphological
features belong to?
a) primary follicle;
b) primordial follicle;
c) mature follicle;
d) yellow body;
e) atretic body;
324. Normal implantation of a human embryo can only take place with a corresponding
change in the endometrium of the uterus. Find out which endometrial cells are quantitatively
increased at the same time?
a) myocytes;
b) neurons;
c) fibroblasts;
d) decidual cells;
e) macrophages;
325. An increased amount of estrogens was found in the woman's blood. Specify which
ovarian cells are involved in the formation of these hormones?
a) Interstitial and follicular cells of secondary follicles;
b) Follicular cells of primary follicles;
c) Follicular cells and ovocytes;
d) Follicular cells of primordial follicles;
e) Ovocytes;
326. Irregular shapes of bright pink color (stained with hematoxylin and eosin) are observed
on a slice of a normal ovary. As a result, what formed these figures?
a) White body formation;
b) Necrosis of the follicle;
c) Formation of the corpus luteum;
d) Ovulation;
e) Follicle atresia;
327. A blood test of a non-pregnant woman at the age of 26 revealed a low concentration
of estrogens and high progesterone. Determine at what stage of the ovarian-menstrual
cycle was the analysis done?
a) Menstrual phase;
b) Desquamation phase;
c) Endometrial proliferation phase;
d) Premenstrual phase (secretory);
e) Postmenstrual phase (proliferative);
330. A patient with pituitary adenoma (neoplasms in the anterior pituitary gland) has an
increase in the duration of the phase of large follicle growth. What is the duration of the
period of large growth of ovocytes in the process of ovogenesis normally?
a) 28 days;
b) 12-14 days;
c) After birth and before puberty;
d) Several years (from 10-13 to 40-50) after birth;
e) From 3 months of prenatal development until birth;
331. A human embryo was found in the uterine cavity, not attached to the endometrium.
What stage of development does the embryo correspond to?
a) Zygotes;
b) Gastrules;
c) Neurules;
d) Blastocysts;
e) Morules;
332. The preparation of the uterine endometrium is presented. On the preparation, the
endometrium is covered with a cylindrical epithelium without cilia, the uterine glands are
straight, decidual cells are absent or there are few of them. Determine which stages of the
menstrual cycle demonstrate this drug?
a) menstrual;
b) premenstrual;
c) postmenstrual;
d) pregnancy;
333. The preparation of the uterine endometrium is presented. On the preparation, the
endometrium is covered with a high ciliated epithelium, branched glands, many decidual
cells. Indicate which stages of the menstrual cycle demonstrate this drug?
a) menstrual;
b) premenstrual;
c) postmenstrual;
d) pregnancy;
335. In the ovary specimen colored with hematoxylin-eosin, follicle is determined where
cubic-shaped follicle epithelium cells are placed in 1-2 layers, and scarlet covering is seen
around ovocyte. Name this follicle:
a) Atretic b) Primary c) Secondary d) Primordial e) Mature
337. Which stage of the ovarian follicle development is characterized by an initial period of
follicular fluid accumulation?
a) Graafian follicle b) Mature follicle c) Primordial follicle
d) Oocyte e) Secondary follicle
339. Which of the following hormones is primarily responsible for inducing ovulation?
a) Relaxin b) Luteinizing hormone c) Progesterone
d) Follicle-stimulating hormone e) Estrogen
340. Endometrial glands are typically most fully developed and filled with product during
which day(s) or phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle?
a) Menstrual phase b) Day 1-4 c) The day ovulation occurs
d) Proliferative phase e) Day 15-28