The rapid neutron-capture process needed to build up many of the elements heavier than iron
seems to take place primarily in neutron-star mergers, not supernova explosions.
Anna Frebel; Timothy C. Beers
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ll of the hydrogen and most of the helium in the
universe emerged 13.8 billion years ago from the
Big Bang. The remainder of the chemical elements,
except for a tiny amount of lithium, were forged
in stellar interiors, supernova explosions, and
neutron-star mergers. Elements up to and including iron are made in the hot cores
of short-lived massive stars. There, nuclear fusion creates ever-heavier elements as it
powers the star and causes it to shine. Elements heavier than iron—the majority of
the periodic table—are primarily made in environments with free-neutron densities
in excess of a million particles per cubic centimeter. The free neutrons, if captured
onto a seed nucleus, result in a heavier, radioactive nucleus that subsequently decays
into a stable heavy species. The so-called slow neutron-capture process, or s-process,
mostly occurs during the late stages in the evolution of stars of 1–10 solar masses
(M⊙). But the s-process accounts for the formation of only about half of the isotopes
beyond iron. Creating the other half requires a rapid capture sequence, the r-process,
and a density of greater than 1020 neutrons/cm3 that can bombard seed nuclei. The
requisite neutron fluxes can be provided by supernova explosions (see the article by
John Cowan and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, PHYSICS TODAY, October 2004, page 47)
or by the mergers of binary neutron-star systems.
09 December 2024 13:22:08
In 2016 a tiny, faint galaxy, a satellite of the FIGURE 1. A COSMIC DANCE Mergers of orbiting neutron stars, as we
Milky Way called Reticulum II (Ret II), pro- with a fiery end. This artist’s have noted, meet the criteria for the produc-
vided evidence that the supernova-explosion conception visualizes, from left tion of r-process nuclei. Figure 1 illustrates such
scenario that had long been favored could not to right, the ripples in spacetime a merger. But even the recent LIGO–Virgo de-
created as two neutron stars
be the main mechanism for the production of tection of two neutron stars coalescing has
orbit each other and eventually
the heaviest elements. Instead, the chemical added only one piece to the puzzle of under-
coalesce. During the merger,
composition of the stars in Ret II strongly sug- standing the origin of the heaviest elements.
copious amounts of heavy ele-
gests that neutron-star mergers are the uni- Nuclear physicists are still working to model
ments are produced. (Courtesy
verse’s way to make elements such as gold and of NASA.) the r-process, and astrophysicists need to es-
platinum. The neutron-star formation scenario timate the frequency of neutron-star mergers
is supported by striking observations reported to assess whether r-process heavy-element
in October of last year: the Laser Interferometer Gravitational- production solely or at least significantly takes place in the
Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo interferometer measure- merger environment.
ments of gravitational waves from the merger of a pair of To test r-process models, nuclear physicists will need to
mutually orbiting neutron stars1 and associated weeks-long obtain measurements or solid predictions of the fundamental
outbursts of electromagnetic radiation pointing to a kilonova properties of heavy, unstable nuclei that lie far from the valley
Dy Fe
0.8 Fe
Ce Er Ce
Ce Ce Ce
Y Ce Dy
0.6 Gd Ce
0.4 Co La
0.2 Fe
HE 1523–0901 HD 122563
Zr Pt
Mo Ru Os Pb
Ba Nd
0 Pd Dy
Sm Gd Er
Ce Yb Ir
Y Hf
−1 La
Nb Ag Eu Ho
Pr Tb Au Th
Tm Lu
40 50 60 70 80 90
Their predictions must be consistent with con- Two decades ago Christopher Sneden and
The abundance pattern of
straints derived from astronomical observa- colleagues identified CS 22892-052, the first
r-process elements in the typical
tions of the abundances of heavy elements in r-II star CS 22892-052 (blue data highly r-process-enhanced star in the galactic
the ultimate laboratory, the universe itself. In points) aligns with the r-process halo.9 The announcement came as a great sur-
that regard, Nature has shown scientists a solar-system abundances, shown prise. Even though its measured abundances
kindness by sprinkling the galaxy with chem- as a gray jagged line for compari- of iron and elements with similar atomic num-
ically primitive stars that exhibit high levels of son. (Courtesy of Erika Holmbeck, bers were about 1000 times lower than those
a b
Prior to 2006 only a handful of dwarf satellite galaxies were Earth, Ret II is quite close for an orbiting satellite. Still, detailed
known to orbit the Milky Way. Indeed, their apparently small high-resolution spectroscopy is necessary for an accurate esti-
numbers challenged formation models of large galaxies like mate of the chemical composition of its individual stars and
ours. Theory and numerical simulation had predicted that many thus of its natal gas. To obtain the spectra, a spectrograph
more smaller systems should be orbiting the Milky Way, like mounted at the telescope splits starlight into its rainbow colors.
bees swirling around a giant hive. Once the Sloan Digital Sky As a result, the starlight is distributed over many detector pix-
Survey (SDSS) completed its imaging of the northern sky in els; each individual pixel has only a small signal. Long exposure
persisted among nuclear physicists. In hindsight, given the The r-process-enhanced stars in Ret II and those in the
host of issues with supernova models, it has become clear that galactic halo have basically identical elemental-abundance sig-
an understanding of the birth environment is crucial. A knowl- natures. The only thing that separates them is that the dwarf
edge of, for example, the mass of a birth galaxy or the dy- galaxy stars have known birthplaces, whereas individual halo
namical processes taking place therein could enable astro- stars do not. From consideration of how the r-process-enhanced
physicists to estimate the degree to which an r-process yield stars were formed in Ret II, it seems that the r-I and r-II halo
is diluted. Theory could then be compared with the observa- stars were born in systems of a similar nature. In that sense,
tional data and finally, perhaps, we’ll be able to answer the Ret II may be viewed as a missing link that connects the r-I and
questions of when, where, and how the r-process created the r-II stars strewn throughout the halo of the Milky Way.
heaviest elements, including the jewelry-store elements gold Meanwhile, Terese Hansen and colleagues recently found
and platinum. another UFD galaxy—Tucana III, somewhat more massive than
At least for Ret II, one can clearly rule out a supernova ori- Ret II—that exhibits signs of r-process-element enrichment
gin for r-process-element production. The observed r-process from a neutron-star merger.12 They used high-resolution spec-
enhancement would have required hundreds to thousands of troscopy to observe the brightest of its stars, which they showed
supernovae, and a small UFD galaxy simply does not have suf- to be an r-I star. The astrophysical community is waiting for
ficient binding mass to have survived such a large number of data from additional stars to firm up any conclusions about
cataclysms. Of course, some supernovae must have exploded Tucana III, but in any case, more than a dozen r-I stars had been
in Ret II, but a small number would not produce significant previously identified among dwarf galaxies that are not UFDs,
amounts of r-process elements. including Draco, Ursa Minor, Sculptor, and Carina. Such ob-
On the other hand, as figure 5 demonstrates, the predicted servations imply that enrichments from neutron-star mergers,
r-process heavy-element yield of a single neutron-star merger though rare, are not unique to the UFDs.
does agree well with element abundances observed in Ret II.
Furthermore, the merger picture passes a timing test that it Putting it all together
could in principle have failed. It turns out that once the first The above-discussed clues to the astrophysical origin of the
generation of stars in a system like Ret II explodes and injects r-process have generated great excitement and spurred new ef-
energy into the system, the galaxy needs about 100 million years forts to identify r-I and r-II stars in the galactic halo. The goal
to cool sufficiently for another round of star formations. That’s is to find about 500 r-I stars and 100 r-II stars and use them to
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