Dominique Gosset, Patrick Herter, Vianney Motte
Keywords: When irradiated in a reactor, neutron absorber materials undergo two different damages induced, first, by the
Neutron absorber elastic scattering of neutrons; second by the neutron absorption reactions. In boron carbide irradiated in a fast
Damage rate neutron flux, neutron scattering and the slowing-down of He and Li arising from the (n,α) absorption reaction
Boron carbide both lead to the displacement of B and C atoms which energy ranges up to a few MeV. Simulating the neutron
Ion implantation simulation
damage by ion irradiation requires the calculation of the damage produced in both cases. In this paper we
propose an estimation of the actual defect production rate resulting from the fast neutron irradiation. For this,
we first estimate the energy spectra of both the primary knocked-on atoms and atoms created by the absorption
reactions, here in a Phenix-like neutron spectrum. We then deduce from SRIM calculations the actual energy
distribution of all the atoms displaced along the displacements cascades induced by those primary projectiles. At
last, we obtain an estimation of the number of displaced atoms per produced helium, about 305, most of them
resulting from neutron scattering. This is far from a Kinchin-Pease or NRT estimation, of the order of several
thousands, this arising from the fact that most of the energy is dissipated through electronic interactions. Such
results are then used in order to perform ion irradiations aiming at a realistic simulation of synergetic effects of
helium implantation and damage production.
1. Introduction one. In fast neutron reactor, helium can be produced in large quantities,
about 1022/cm3 (i.e. concentration about 0.1), leading to swelling and
Ion implantations are widely used to simulate the damage and the cracking of the material. 4He and 7Li are emitted with energies in the
composition change arising in materials irradiated in nuclear plants MeV range (mass defect of the main absorption reaction). Owing to the
[1,2]. However, some parameters can hardly be accounted for; for ex- low atomic mass of the constituents of the material, they can then
ample, a reactor irradiation most often last up to a few years to be produce structural defects. On the other hand, in a fast neutron flux, the
compared to a few hours for an ion implantation, this making kinetics primary knocked-on atoms (pka) produced by neutron scattering have
effects difficult to handle. Another parameter is the way the energy is an energy spectrum up to a few MeV, high enough to displace the atoms
dissipated into the material. The slowing-down of the particles happens of the material. In both cases, neutron absorption or scattering, the
according to two different processes [3]; either an interaction with the nuclei emerging from the reaction are light ones (B, C, Li, He). They will
electrons (electronic slowing-down, associated with the electronic slow-down in a matrix also constituted of light nuclei. In that case, it is
stopping power, Se) or with the nuclei (nuclear stopping power, Sn). known that most of the pka energy is dissipated by electronic interac-
The former is of low consequences in metals (energy dissipation in the tion. However, some atomic displacements arise, mostly at the end of
electron sea) but can induce important effects in insulators or semi- the ion paths. The questions which arise are then the ratio of produced
conductors [4]. Moreover, in some conditions, nuclear reactions helium to the total number of displaced atoms, the way energy is dis-
happen (fuel, neutron absorber, tritium blankets in ITER, spallation sipated, and the consequence of the damage on the kinetics of helium,
sources…). In those cases, first the composition of the material is e.g. nucleation and growth of clusters.
modified, but second the reaction products can be energetic enough to Simulating the behavior of helium in boron carbide with ion im-
produce defects. plantations then leads to wonder if the associated damage in reactor can
We are here interested in the behavior of helium in boron carbide. be reproduced as well as the gas concentration. For that, it is necessary
Boron carbide is widely used as a neutron absorber, either in thermal or to perform ion irradiations which parameters such as the damage to
fast neutron flux [5]. The main absorption reaction is the 10B(n,α)7Li helium concentration ratio or the Se/Sn ratio are precisely known and
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Gosset), [email protected] (P. Herter), [email protected] (V. Motte).
Received 20 November 2017; Received in revised form 7 August 2018; Accepted 17 August 2018
Available online 25 August 2018
0168-583X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
Fig. 1. Neutron spectrum at the center of the late French Phenix LMFBR [10]. Fig. 2. Neutron scattering cross sections on the isotopes to be considered, 10
B, 12C, 7Li, 4He, from [11].
representative. Such estimations can be done e.g. with tools such as
SRIM [6]. But the comparison with the reactor conditions requires
making this estimation with the actual reactor parameters. The avail-
able data are the material characteristics, the neutron flux in the reactor
and the interaction cross sections. Here, we detail the route we have
followed from those nuclear data to the atoms displacement rate (ob-
taining the helium production rate is straightforward, by convoluting
the neutron spectrum and the absorption cross section). The first step is
calculating the so-called primary damage spectrum [7–9], i.e. the en-
ergy distribution of the pka and of the created atoms by the absorption
reactions. We then use the SRIM software to estimate the number of
displaced atoms as a function of the pka’s energy and the way energy is
dissipated. At last, those results allow us to estimate the helium to
atomic displacements ratio and the electronic stopping power range.
2. Data
• B: 25 eV
In order to have a good estimation of the damage on all the atoms,
including the neutron capture products, we consider a highly irradiated
boron carbide sample. We have chosen a 1022.cm−3 capture density • C: 28 eV
• He: 2 eV
(most often called burnup). The boron concentration in non-irradiated
B4C boron carbide is about 1.1x1023.cm−3. As a result, the mean atomic • Li: 15 eV
composition of the irradiated material is taken as B0.72C0.2He0.08Li0.08.
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
with γ = (M + m)2 2
⎛ ' ⎞
Integrating the contribution of all the neutrons through the whole E0 ⎜ E + 1⎟
⎝ E0 ⎠
spectrum ϕ with σelast the elastic cross section leads to the number of pka dN ' ϕ (E ) σabs (E ) dE
per second and pka energy unit given by: dE '
= ∫ (at−1. s−1. eV −1)
2 4E0' E
⎛ ' ⎞ E0
E0 ⎜ E − 1⎟
dN ′ 1 dE −1 −1 '
⎝ E0 (3)
= ∫E ⩾ E′/ γ ϕ (E ) σelast (E ) (at . s . eV−1) ⎠
dE′ γ E (1)
Similar formulas are derived for Li.
Calculation are performed by a numerical method with a log scale
for the energies (lethargy units).
3.2. Energy spectra of produced He and Li
4. Results
The He pka kinetic energy E′ resulting from fission induced by a
neutron absorption of 10B does not only depend on the fission energy 4.1. Primary spectra
but also on the impacting neutron kinetic energy E . In the center of
mass referential, He is emitted with about 1.8 MeV and Li with 1.0 MeV. The primary spectra for the different isotopes are reported on Figs. 4
Those energies have to be evaluated to take into account the energy of and 5. They span from the eV range (depending on the threshold dis-
the impinging neutron and its space distribution. We assume that the placement energies) to the MeV range (depending on the atom mass
loss of mass due to the fission is negligible. Conservation laws of energy over neutron mass ratio). In the case of helium (lithium is similar),
and momentum lead to formulas depending both on the masses of the Fig. 4 clearly shows the two components: displacements by the neutrons
parent isotope 10B (M ) and the fission products 4He (mHe ) and 7Li (mLi ). (“elastic” component) and energy distribution of He produced by the
Let the two characteristic energies be: absorption reaction (“fission” component). The latter is proportional to
E0' = Efission m +Lim (He energy resulting from a neutron of null en- He concentration and is here calculated for a He concentration of 1022/
He Li
ergy, equal to the value in the center of mass referential) cm3. Taking into account the energy distribution of the absorbed neu-
mLi M + m
E0 = Efission m (neutron energy leading to a He staying at rest tron, He atoms (resp. Li) are emitted with an energy distribution
He m
after its creation) spanning over several energy groups of the neutron spectrum. On Fig. 5,
The kinetic energy E ' of the created He may be expressed in the the curves are limited on the low energy side by the threshold dis-
following form: placement energies. The steep decrease of the curves on the high energy
side justifies not having taken into account the 10B(n,2α)T reaction.
E E Integrating the primary spectra curves shows that most of the pkas have
E ' = E0' ⎡1 + +2 cos (2πX ) ⎤
⎢ E E ⎥ energy above 10 keV (Fig. 6).
⎣ 0 0 ⎦
This calculation can then be used to estimate the pka formation
where is a uniform random number between −1 and +1 (due to the rates (Table 1).
isotropic recoil direction in the mass center coordinates), which leads to
a probability density function of the pka energy E ' given by the formula: 4.2. Displacements induced by pka’s and created atoms
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
Fig. 5. Primary spectra for all the isotopes in irradiated B4C, for an initial 10B enrichment = 48% and a 1022/cm3 burnup. a: per isotope; 12
C and 11
B show very
similar profiles. b: reported to an equivalent B4C atom with 1022 (n,α)/cm3.
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
Fig. 7. SRIM calculation for a C atom with initial energy 1 MeV in B4C with 1022/cm3 He and Li. a: number of displaced atoms along the ion range. b: electronic
Fig. 9. Range of 100 eV 4He in B4C (with 1022/cm3 burnup). The back-scattered
Fig. 8. Partition of the energy losses for C atoms in ‘B4C’ as a function of C atoms yield is estimated by extrapolating a Gaussian profile fitted on the helium
initial energy. Electr.: electronic losses. Ball.: ballistic losses. distribution into the material.
damage arising in a fast neutron reactor with ion irradiation in boron atoms in the reactor, i.e. B and C with energy up to a few MeV.
carbide requires a high ballistic component together with low elec- Preliminary tests have been performed [20,21] aiming at reprodu-
tronic losses. This can be achieved by using slow heavy ions. But in this cing the helium to damage ratio together with a significant helium
case, the ion range is very short and the damage zone is strongly su- concentration. We have irradiated a high density boron carbide sample
perimposed to the implantation one, which is not desirable. This is of with a dual beam on the Jannus-Saclay facility [22]:
course no longer acceptable if helium has to be implanted in the da-
mage zone. An acceptable compromise is to use heavy ions with in- • 10 16
/cm2, 500 keV He (peak at 1.2 µm depth, FWHM ∼ 0.1 µm)
termediate energy (a few MeV): in that case, the ballistic damage can be • 10 15
/cm2, 10 MeV Au (peak at 2.2 µm, FWHM ∼ 0.25 µm).
made realistic and the electronic slowing down is a bit too high but still
far from the range where specific damage such as ion tracks appear The implantations have been performed at 500 °C, close to the
[19]. In the case of dual-beam experiments, it is worth noting that we temperature range boron carbide undergoes in a sodium fast neutron
are interesting in creating a realistic damage in the zone where helium reactor. The flux ratio has been chosen to be close the He to dpa ratio
is implanted. We then only consider the atom displacements in the we estimated here above, taking into account the accelerators re-
damage region of the slowing-down of the heavy ions, not in the quirements. The maximum He concentration is about 7.1020/cm3. The
stopping region. As a consequence, the structure of the damage, i.e. the total damage (Au + He) in the He implanted zone is about 1.2 dpa, the
space distribution of the displaced atoms does not include all the cas- damage to He ratio is then about 200. After annealing at 1100 °C for
cades. This is an important point to consider since it is known that the one hour to allow the formation of helium clusters, transmission elec-
largest cascades are produced at the end of the heavy ion course: in the tron microscopy has been performed on samples prepared with FIB. The
damage region, most of displacements arise from small cascades which single beam implanted sample show a low density of parallel platelets
structure is rather close to those created by the stopping of the matrix in the implanted zone. The dual-beam implanted sample show a high
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
Fig. 10. Number of displaced atoms in B4C (with burnup 1022.cm−3) per impinging atom (C, B, Li, He) as a function of the impinging atom energy as evaluated by
SRIM. Dots: calculated values. Lines: polynomial fitting.
Table 2 Table 3
Atom displacements rates (s−1 × 109) for an equivalent ‘B4C’ atom irradiated in Main characteristics of some ion irradiations of B4C boron carbide. Collision
Phenix reactor, for a 1022.cm−3 burnup. With/without (n,α): taking into ac- (density of displaced atoms), Se (electronic stopping power) and Sn (ballistic
count or neglecting the contribution coming from the slowing-down of He and stopping power) are given at mid-range.
Li produced in the (n,α) reactions.
ion Energy Range Straggling Collision Se Sn
B C He Li (MeV) (µm) (µm) (at./Å) (eV/Å) (eV/Å)
(1022.cm−3) (1022.cm−3)
Au 1 0.188 0.023 2.5 440 350
with (n,α) 973 252 365 150 4 0.650 0.065 1.5 550 250
without (n,α) 890 233 333 136 10 1.67 0.16 0.8 550 160
Bi 0.8 0.155 0.017 2.8 400 300
Ar 0.8 0.509 0.070 0.22 140 27
C 0.6 0.735 0.063 0.025 80 2
density of small bubbles (Fig. 11). Note they also both show bubbles in
Fe 10 3.14 0.18 0.08 280 10
the grain boundaries. This clearly evidences the role of damage in the S 100 21.5 0.15 0.0015 500 0.15
formation of the helium bubbles, this explaining the high density of
bubbles observed after irradiation in reactors [23]. As mentioned
above, helium mobility is much higher than the B and C ones, which helium production in boron carbide irradiated in a fast neutron spec-
stimulates the nucleation and growth of the clusters. trum. A value about 305 atom displacements per produced helium is
obtained. Most of the energy of the displaced particles is dissipated via
electronic processes, with stopping power Se lower than or around
5. Conclusion 150 eV/Å. Such results are to be used in order to simulate the behavior
of helium produced in boron carbide. Dual-beam ion implantations can
We have estimated the ratio of the number of displaced atoms to
D. Gosset et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 434 (2018) 66–72
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