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(U3) Solution Y = Y (c)+ Y(Pi)

Rules for Y(c) (complementary function)

(1) Roots are real and different (M1,M2,M3.....Mn)

(2)roots are real and two roots are equal(M1,M1,M2,M3....)

(3)roots are real and three roots are equal(M1,M1,M1,M2....)

(4)one pair of roots are complex and remaining are real ( +i , -i ,M3,...

(5)two pairs of roots are complex and remaining are real

_ iβ,,
_ iβ,α +
(α +
Yc=e [ (C1+C2X)CosβX + (C 3+C4 X)SinβX ]
(6) A pair of roots are irrational ( + , - ..)
YC = e [C1Cosh√βX + C2Sinh√βX]
(7) two pair of roots are irrational ( _
+ , _
+ ..)
Yc = e [ (C 1+ C2X)Cosh X + (C 3+ C4 X) Sinh X]
Unit 2
Bernoulli Equations Non Exact DE
+ P(X).Y = Q(X).Y
n # first check ∂M/∂y & ∂N/∂x
# this happens ∂M/∂y ∂N/∂x
Case(1) n 1 d(XY) =Xdy + ydx d(x/y) = (ydx - Xdy)/y^2
if case(1) is exist then we change d(y/x) = (xdy-ydx)/x^2
given Bernoulli equation into a d[(X^2 + Y^2)/2] = xdx+ydy
d[log(y/x)] = (xdy-ydx)/xy
linear differential equation format
d[log(x/y)] = (ydx-xdy)/xy
+ P(X).(1-n).u = (1-n).Q(X) d[log(xy)] = (ydx+xdy)/xy
dx -
d[Tan '(x/y)] =(ydx-xdy)/x^2 +y^2
#in this equation we put P(X),Q(X) and
'n' values which are observed in
d[Tan '(y/x)] =(xdy-ydx)/x^2 +y^2
d[log(x^2 + y^2)] = 2(xdx+ydy)/x^2 +y^2
Bernoulli equation
d(e^x / 5) =[(y.e^x)dx-(e^x)dy]/y^2
#Solve this using linear
#Method(2)[when method 1 failed]
differential equations concept
it is homogeneous function
and we get solution with variables (U,X) 1
Integrating factor(I.f) = _______
n-1 Mx+Ny
#at last substitute U=Y
#Method(3)[2nd method failed]
Exact DE Form :- y.F(x,y)dx + x.g(x,y)dy=0
Form:- M(X,Y).dx + N(X,Y).dy = 0 Integrating factor(I.f) =
Condition for Exact DE:-
#Method(4) [3rd method failed]
∂M ___
= ∂N 1 _
F(X) = N [(∂M/∂y)-(∂N/∂x)]
∂y ∂x ∫ f(x)dx
General solution Integrating factor(I.f) = e
#Method(5) [when f(x) in 4th
∫ M dx + ∫ N dy = C method has both x,y variable)
y =constant only those terms
g(y)=1/M [∂N/∂x - ∂M/∂y]
which do not
∫ g(y)dy
contain 'x' I.f = e
Method of variation of
(U3)parameters (U3)Particular integral
1) First find Complementary
function ( YC ) (1) X
2) After finding (Yc) ...denote
Common out least degree
Coefficient of constants C1
& C2 as U & V term from F(D) and send F(D)
YC = C1 U + C2V to numerator
3) Find U(V)' - V(U)' F(D) becomes F(D)
-1 2 3 4
4) IN this variation of
(1+X) = 1 - X + X - X +.....
parameters method the
formula for particular integral (2) Sinbx / cosbx
2 2
YP = AU + BV Replace D = - b
where ______
1 X
Cosbx = ___ Sinbx
A= ∫
_ ______
VR dx
U(V)' - V(U)'
D^2 + b^2 2b
use this formula when Denominator
become zero while substitute
(3) e
∫ ______
UR dx
U(V)' - V(U)'
Replace D = a
differentiate F(D) when it becomes zero
and multiply numerator with X

ax ax
R = Q(x)
5) Hence the general solution is
(4) e X
(or) e Sinbx
Replace D = D+a
Y = YC + Y after substitute D=D+a
P neglect e^ax and do
remaining terms method
(U3)(D + 4)y = Sec2x using variations of parameters
Unit 2
(1) Newton's law of cooling (3)Orthogonal Trajectories
(Cartesian form)
According to Newton's law of cooling
dθ ( θ - θo ) Working rule
dt (1) Let given F( X,Y,C )=0
(2) Eliminate 'C' from F(X,Y,C)=0 by
__ = +K (

- o)
temperature of
differentiate F(X,Y,C)=0.
dt body increasing in
question) (3) After eliminating 'C' it becomes
F( X,Y,Y' ) _____
__ = -K ( (when
__ dx
- θo) temperature of
body decreases in
(4) Replace
dx → dy
In the
F( X,Y,Y')= 0 it becomes F(X,Y,-__ dx )=0
=> __
dθ = K (θ - θo) dy
dt (5) F( X,Y,-__
dx )
= Differential equation
dθ = K dt (6) Solve this differential equation
(θ - θo) using suitable methods like
Apply integration on both sides (a) Linear ,(b) Bernoulli
(c) Variable separable
(d) Y=Vx(Homogeneous)
(7) Solution of this differential
equation is the equation of family
of orthogonal Trajectories
Orthogonal Trajectories
substitute given values of θo ,
at t=0, = a (given) in eq(1) to get C value
(polar form)
(1) Let given F( r, ,C )=0
(2)Law of growth/decay (2) Eliminate 'C' from F(r, ,C)=0 by
Growing/Increasing differentiate it w.r.to
dr - __
2 dθ
X = Ce+Kt (3) Replace
dθ → r
Decay/Decreasing __ )
(4) we get F( r,θ,-r 2 dθ
X = Ce-Kt (5) solve this DE
(U4) Maxima & minima
Extreme values
Given an function In x,y ...F(x,y)
Functional dependence 1) Find ∂f/∂x and ∂f/∂y
Given U(X,Y,Z) V(X,Y,Z) W(X,Y,Z) 2) put ∂f/∂x = 0 and ∂f/∂y = 0 ,we
find Ux find Vx find Wx get 2 equations solve them to get
find Uy find Vy find Wy
some different pairs of (x,y) values.
find Uz find Wz 2
find Vz
∂__F = r ___2
∂X ∂Y )
∂ __
To prove U,V,W are functional
∂ F
∂Y 2
=t (
∂F = S

| |
dependent ,their Jacobian must be zero

(U,V,W) Ux Uy Uz (1) r.t - s2 > 0 , r < 0
Jacobian= = Vx Vy Vz
∂(X,Y,Z) Wx Wy Wz Maximum value
(2) r.t - s2 > 0 , r > 0
Euler's theorem Minimum value
Given function U= F(X,Y)
(3) r.t - s2 < 0
Find ∂U/∂x
Saddle point (no Maxima &
Find ∂U/∂y rectangular box
minima exist)
X. __ + __ = 2U
∂U Y. ∂U 2 surface area :
(4) r.t - s = 0 XY+2XZ+2YZ
∂x ∂y can't Decide Volume =XYZ

Taylor's series expansion

F(X,Y) = F(a,b) + (X-a).Fx(a,b) + (Y-b) Fy(a,b)

[ 2
(X-a) F xx(a,b) + 2(X-a)(Y-b)Fxy(a,b) + (Y-b) Fyy(a,b)]

+ __
[(X -
a) Fxxx(a,b) + 3 (X-a)
2 3
+ 3(X-a)(Y-b) Fxyy(a,b) + (Y-b) Fyyy(a,b) ]

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