TutorialWeek03 Solutions

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The University of Sydney

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Solutions to Week 3 Board Tutorial

MATH1023: Multivariable Calculus and Modelling Semester 2

(Week 2 lectures)

1. Consider the differential equation = 2xy .
(a) Compute the general solution of the equation.
Solution: The family of curves is y = Aex .
(b) Compute and sketch the particular solution that passes through (x, y) =
(0, 2).
Solution: y = 2ex
2. Which of the following differential equations are separable? For those that are not,
justify your answer. Write those that are in separated form and solve them.
dy dy x+1
(a) =5 (d) =
dx dx 2xy
Solution: This equation is sep- Solution: This equation is sep-
arable and the solution is found dy x+1
arable: 2y = .
through direct integration y(x) = dx x
So we can solve
5x + C
x+1 1
dy 2y dy = dx = 1+ dx ,
(b) = xy + 5 x x
giving solution y 2 = x+ln |x|+C .
Solution: This equation is not
separable. Assume it is. Write dy p
(e) = x 4 − y2
f (x)g(y) = xy + 5. If f (0) = 0, dx
then f (0)g(y) = 0 = 5, a con- Solution: This equation is sep-
tradiction. If f (0) 6= 0, then arable: p = xdx
g(y) = 5/f (0), a contradiction to 22 − y 2
f (x)g(y) depending on y. Looking at the table of integrals
we obtain sin−1 ( y2 ) = x2 + C giv-
dy x2
(c) = x+y ing solution y = 2 sin 2
Solution: This equation is not dy x + cos y
(f) = √
separable. Assume it is. Write dx 3
x x2 − 16
f (x)g(y) = x + y. If f (0) = 0, Solution: Not separable. It
then f (0)g(y) = 0 = y, a con- suffices to show that f (x)g(y) =
tradiction. Same for g(0) = 0. x + cos(y) is not possible. Similar
Hence, both f (0) 6= 0 and g(0) 6= approach to (c) but evaluating at
0. But then g(y) = y/f (0) and g(π/2) instead of g(0).
f (x) = x/g(0), a contradiction to dy ey
f (x)g(y) = x + y. (g) = + 3ey
dx (a − x)

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Solution: This equation is sepa- 1
ey = − cos(2x) + C
dy 1 2
rable: e−y = (3 + )dx .
dx (a − x)  
So we want to solve 1
y(x) = ln − cos(2x) + C
1 2
e dy = 3dx + dx
(a − x) dy (9 + y 4 ) sin(x)
(j) =
and therefore the general solution dx y
Solution: This equation is sep-
y(x) = − ln (−3x + ln |a − x| − C) arable: 322y
+y 4
dy = 2 sin(x)dx. Us-
dy ing the substitution u = y 2, du =
(h) y = (x − y 2 ) sin y 2ydy we obtain
Solution: This equation is not
separable. Again, it suffices to du = 2 sin(x)dx
32 + u 2
show that f (x)g(y) = x−y 2 is not
possible. Same approach as (c).
1 u
dy sin 2x tan−1 ( ) = −2 cos(x) + C ′
(i) = 3 3
dx ey
Solution: This equation is sep- y2
arable: ey dy = sin(2x)dx. = tan(−6 cos(x) + C)
e dy = sin(2x)dx
y = ± 3 tan(−6 cos(x) + C)
3. The velocity v of objects falling in viscous fluids varies in t according to
= g − kv. (1)
where g ≃ 9.81m/s2 is the gravitational aceleration and k is the friction constant.
(a) Compute the particular solution with initial condition v(0) = 0.
Solution: This is explained in detail in the lecture notes, pages 28 and 29
with k = 18 q2 (ρµρ s
0 −ρs )
. General solution is v(t) = kg − Ae−kt . Initial condition
yields A = g/k and thus particular solution v(t) = kg (1 − e−kt ).
(b) What is the terminal velocity of the falling object and when is it obtained?
When does the falling object attain 99% of its terminal velocity?
Solution: Since e−kt is monotonically decreasing, and converges to 0, v(t)
is monotonically increasing with t and approaches g/k meters per second as
t → ∞.
The object attains 99% of its terminal velocity at 1 − e−kt = 0.99, hence
e−kt = 0.01 and thus for t = ln(100)
(note that ln(1/100) = − ln(100)) .
(c) Compute the terminal velocities of a glass marble with diameter 1cm sinking
in: (i) honey and (ii) olive oil. In viscous fluids k = 18 q2 (ρµρ s
0 −ρs )
, where ρs and
µ are, respectively, the density and kinematic viscosity of the surrounding
medium and ρ0 and q are, respectively, the density and diameter of the falling
object. The densities of honey, olive oil and glass are roughly ρhoney =
1450kg/m3, ρoil = 910kg/m3 and ρglass = 3000kg/m3 respectively. The

kinematic viscosities of honey and oil are µhoney = 73.6 × 10−6 m2 /s and
µoil = 43.2 × 10−6 m2 /s.
Solution: Terminal velocity is g/k. For a marble in honey this gives us
roughly 0.79m/s, for a marble in oil roughly 2.89m/s.
(d) What are the terminal velocities for a marble with diameter 10cm?
Solution: The terminal velocity grows with the square of the diameter
(q 2 ) and thus an increase of diameter by factor 10 leads to an increase in
the terminal velocity by a factor 100. For marbles of diameter 10cm the
velocities obtained in the previous question have to be multiplied by 100,
i.e., 79m/s for honey and 135m/s for olive oil.

4. (a) Describe all solutions to the differential equation dx
= e−x y 2 − e−x + y 2 − 1.
Hint: Use partial fractions.
Solution: First, notice that y = 1 and y = −1 are both explicit solutions.
For all other solutions, rewrite as dy/dx = (e−x + 1)(y 2 − 1). This gives us

dy = (e−x + 1)dx.
y −1

For the LHS we have y21−1 = y+1A B

+ y−1 and A(y−1)+B(y+1)
y 2 −1
and thus 1 =
y(A + B) + (B − A). Comparing coefficients yields A = −B and B − A = 1.
Hence, B = 1/2 and A = −1/2. Altogether we have

1 −1/2 1/2 1
dy = dy + dy = (ln |y − 1| − ln |y + 1|).
y −1 y+1 y−1 2
After integrating the RHS we obtain
= e2(x−e +C) .

This can then resolved for y yielding

1 + g(x)
1 − g(x)

Where g(x) = e2(x−e

−x +C)
(b) Determine particular solutions satisfying initial conditions y(e) = 1 and
y(0) = 1−e .
Solution: First initial condition y(e) = 1 yields particular solution y = 1
(notice that we cannot have ln(0)). Same would happen for initial conditions
y(a) = 1, a ∈ R arbitrary.
second initial condition y(0) = 1+e
yields particular solution implicitly given
by C = 3/2.

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