Document (3)
Document (3)
Document (3)
Reg id : bc240415645
Assignment no 1
Question: 1
Subject: Science
1. Remember
Objective: Students will be able to recall the main stages of the water Cycle
—evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection.
Activity: Begin the lesson by presenting a diagram of the water cycle And
explaining each stage briefly. Students will then be given a Worksheet with
an unlabeled water cycle diagram and a word bank Containing the terms for
each stage. The task is for students to label the Diagram correctly and match
each term with its definition. This activity Allows students to familiarize
themselves with the terminology and Process in a straightforward, recall-
based exercise.
2. Analyze
Objective: Students will analyze the connections between the stages of The
water cycle and discuss how each stage impacts environmental Conditions
and ecosystems
Activity: Divide the class into small groups, assigning each group a set Of
questions to discuss, such as “How does evaporation affect weather
Patterns?” and “What role does precipitation play in sustaining plant Life?”
Each group will then be asked to discuss these questions and Write a brief
report on the inter to their peers.
3. Create
Activity: Each student (or group) will be tasked with creating a small scale
model or experiment to represent a specific stage of the water Cycle. For
instance, they could simulate evaporation by placing a small Amount of
water in a transparent container and heating it under a lamp. As the water
warms, it will start to evaporate, and condensation may Form on the
container’s lid, mimicking cloud formation. Students will Record their
observations, describe their model in a report, and explain How their
experiment represents the chosen stage in the water cycle. They will then
present their model and findings to the class.