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Daffodils in


Hayfield Bonus DK
Oddments of:- 3rd Row. As 1st row.
Bunch of Daffodils 4th Row. As 2nd row.
F013 Hayfield Bonus DK 5th Row. S1, k1, psso, p2, k1, p2, k2tog. 7 sts.
colour A shade 957 6th Row. (P1, k2) twice, p1.
7th Row. S1, k1, psso, p1, k1, p1, k2tog. 5 sts.
colour B shade 978
8th Row. (P1, k1) twice, p1.
colour C shade 819 9th Row. S1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog. 3 sts.
The yarn amounts are based on average 10th Row. P3.
requirements when specified tension and yarn is 11th Row. S2, k1, p2sso. 1 st.
used. Fasten off.

You will also need 1 Pair of 4mm (UK8 – USA6) Trumpet

Knitting Needles for Daffodil. Brooch Pins. Using 4mm needles and thumb method cast on 5 sts.
Green Pipe Cleaners for Bunch of Daffodils. 1st Row. (Knit into front and back of next st) 4
times, k1. 9 sts.
TENSION 2nd Row. (Purl into front and back of next st) 8
22 sts and 28 rows to 10cm, (4in) over stocking times, p1. 17 sts.
stitch on 4mm needles or the size required to give 3rd Row. * K1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1.
correct tension. 4th Row. P1, * k1, p1, rep from * to end.
Check your tension - if less stitches use a thinner 3rd and 4th rows will now be referred to as 1x1 rib.
needle, if more use a thicker needle. Work 6 rows more in 1x1 rib.
IT IS ESSENTIAL TO WORK TO THE STATED Cast off as follows:- * (knit 1st st but do not drop it
TENSION TO ENSURE SUCCESS. from left hand needle, slip st just made back onto
left hand needle) twice, cast off 4 sts, slip st from
ABBREVIATIONS right hand needle back onto left hand needle, rep
C contrast, cm centimetres, DK double knitting, from * to end.
in inch(es), inc increase(ing), k knit, M main, Fasten off.
mm millimetres, p purl, patt pattern,
psso pass slipped stitch over, p2sso pass 2 slipped TO MAKE UP
stitches over, rem remain(ing), rep repeat, Join trumpet seam. Overlap and attach the 6 petals
s1 slip 1 stitch knitways, st(s) stitch(es), to sit around the base of trumpet. Attach brooch pin.
tog together, yfwd yarn forward.
s2 slip 2 stitches knitways – as if to k2tog. BUNCH OF DAFFODILS
Circle the size you wish to make Using A, B and C, make 11 Daffodils, some using one
colour only, some with a
DAFFODIL CORSAGE contrasting colour for the trumpet.
Petal (Make 6)

Using 4mm needles and thumb method cast on 9 sts. TO MAKE UP
1st Row. K1, (p3, k1) twice. Work as given for To Make Up of Daffodil Corsage
2nd Row. (P1, k3) twice, p1. then attach pipe cleaners for stems.

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