Unit 1 Goals of Biopsy
Unit 1 Goals of Biopsy
Unit 1 Goals of Biopsy
sametime. Identical behaviors may occur for different reasons and thus may be ini
tiated by different physiological mechanisms. Therefore, we must understand "psy
chologically" why a particular behavior occurs before we can understand what
physiological events made it occur.
Let me provide a specificexample: Mice, like many other mammals, often build
nests. Behavioral observations show that mice willbuild nests under two conditions:
when the air temperature is low and when the animal is pregnant. A nonpregnant
mouse will build a nest only if the weather is cool, whereas a pregnant mouse will
buildone regardless of the temperature. The same behavior occurs for different rea
sons. In fact, nest-building behavior is controlled by two different physiological
mechanisms. Nest building can be studied as a behavior related to the process of
temperature regulation, or it can be studied in the context of parental behavior.
In practice, the research efforts of physiological psychologists involve both forms
of explanation: generalization and reduction. Ideas for experiments are stimulated
by the investigator's knowledge both of psychological generalizations about behay
ior and of physiological mechanisms. Agood physiological psychologist must there
fore be both a good psychologist and a good physiologist.
Figure 1.4
A woodcut from De homine by René Descartes, published in 1662.
Descartes believed that the "soul" (what
on the pineal body. His explanation is
we would today call the
mind) controls the movements of the muscles
through its influence
movements of the body, while the