A) adjustment A) attaches
B) vulnerability B) occupies
C) efficacy C) considers
D) severity D) inhabits
E) inspection E) encompasses
2. The food industry, encompassing 5. World War II was a catastrophic event that
businesses that produce, package, prepare, was by far the most deadly and destructive
and serve foods and beverages, brings us a war in human history as it raged on for almost
food supply which is ---- and readily available. six years in Europe and ---- the death of
millions of civilians.
A) decisive
A) resulted in
B) abundant
B) stemmed from
C) obsolete
C) took over
D) futile
D) turned into
E) implicit
E) amounted to
E) under / against
A) Therefore
B) In addition
A) against
C) For instance
B) under
D) However
C) across
E) Similarly
D) upon
E) off
18. -----; furthermore, research suggests that 20. When long-tailed ducks venture beneath
people may be trained to partially recover the waves in search of fish, ----.
their mental function apparently lost during
A) their surviving numbers are estimated
between 6.2 and 6.8 million
A) The mental faculties of most older people
B) they are largely found in the oceans of the
remain functioning when challenged by a
Northern Hemisphere
commitment to lifelong learning and activity
C) they are able to reach depths as great as 60
B) Senescent cells are no longer able to
protect organs and blood vessels, and possibly
contribute to aging D) fewer young are hatched as populations
decline due to overhunting
C) It is known that our cognitive skills tend to
be on the decline as we age E) their body length and weight differ
according to what they feed on
D) Experiments reveal that the build-up of
oxidised protein, the result of free-radical
attack, may cause brain cells to age
19. ----, traditional Muslim medicine is still 21. If old-growth forests are to always be a
being practised widely in many Muslim component of Earth's natural biodiversity, -----
societies. .
A) Because major political and socioeconomic A) the number of scattered and dead trees,
transformations have occurred in the Muslim both standing and lying on the forest floor
world should increase
B) Despite the profound Westernisation of B) then human societies will have to preserve
medical theory and the medical establishment them in large ecological reserves
in the Muslim world
C) those forests will be rarely managed by
C) Whereas Muslim medicine has always been foresters as a renewable, natural resource
in contact with other medical systems through
translations D) a really long time must pass for a typical
old-growth forest to develop
D) By the time European texts were translated
into Muslim languages as part of the move E) then they occur in places or regions where
from traditional to Western medicine catastrophic disturbances are rare
E) The countries around the Baltic sea C) Trust, which is an essential human instinct
prospered with the help of advertising to our survival, is known to have first
appeared during our life in small tribes and
probably benefitted us in times of conflict.
Frank: Josh:
My first test in computer science is on I’ve just read an article about a team of
Monday. So, can you summarise memory researchers at MIT who analysed 126,000
since you’re the expert? stories posted on social media between 2006
and 2017. They found that lies spread more
rapidly and farther than facts.
Sure, just remember the term ‘memory’ is
used a bit loosely. A memory unit is the part
where information is stored. Technically, it ----
can be either of two things: RAM or ROM.
Frank: ----
Actually the opposite. The typical person
Sue: spreading lies tended to have few followers
and showed little activity. What made false
RAM stores the programs and data you are
stories popular was that they tended to be
using in your current work session. When you
more exciting than the truth.
turn off your computer, the information in
RAM is lost. ROM stores the information your Christie:
computer needs to perform basic functions
Sounds interesting. I’ll remember this the
and run programs that are built in your
next time I see a story on social media.
A) Do you think the research also explains why
so many of us are fooled by lies in the first
Thank you. place?
A) So, RAM and ROM are two kinds of B) So, Mark Twain was right when he said that
memory, then what do the abbreviations “A lie travels halfway around the world while
stand for? the truth is still putting its shoes on,” wasn’t
B) I need to be able to explain them, so what
is the difference between RAM and ROM? C) Can we say that we shouldn’t trust the
majority of the stories posted on social
C) Technically speaking, what are the distinct
physical features of these two memory types?
D) Could it be because lies were being spread
D) So, can you briefly describe what happens if
by popular social media users?
a memory unit is used at its limits?
E) Did the researchers compare all those
E) What difference does it make if I upgrade
stories posted on social media?
one of these units with a newer one?
35. Considering both numbers of animals 36. Research suggests that when you hear a
involved and the extent to which they are song for the first time, it is more challenging
harmed, factory farming causes more harm to than enjoyable because your brain has to
animals than does any other human practice. figure it out.
A) Other human practices are more harmful to A) According to research, unless a song is
animals than factory farming when both challenging for the brain to figure out when
numbers of animals and how much they are we hear it for the first time, we consider that
damaged are taken into consideration. song pleasant.
B) Not only factory farming but also other B) Research demonstrates that it is less
human practices have caused considerable enjoyable for the brain to figure out a
harm to animals, resulting in an increase in complicated song when you hear it for the
the number of animals being damaged. first time.
C) The number of animals suffering from the C) Research indicates that trying to figure out
harmful effects of factory farming has a song in order to enjoy it is very challenging
increased, making factory farming the most for the brain when it is the first time.
dangerous human practice to affect animals.
D) As supported by research, amusing songs
D) Factory farming, which causes more could be challenging to figure out for the brain
animals to suffer from its negative effects, is even if we do not hear them for the first time .
one of the main contributors to the damage to
E) Research shows that as the brain has to
animals along with other human practices.
figure out a song when heard for the first
E) Factory farming is more harmful to animals time, it is challenging rather than being
compared to other human practices when entertaining.
numbers of animals as well as the degree of
the damage are taken into account.
37. Adolescence is an exciting time. It is also a 38. If you use a mobile phone, drive a car or
time that can be very confusing. Boys and girls watch a television, the chances are that at
become much more interested in each other. - least one of those objects will have been
--- In fact, during adolescence, most boys and made in Korea. Korea is one of Asia’s 'tiger'
girls care a lot about what other adolescents economies, a provider of high technology for
think of them. They may also be very the world. ---- However, it is not how Koreans
concerned with how they fit into their world. see themselves, for Korea has always been
Often adolescents choose to spend time with pivotal in relations between China and Japan,
their friends rather than with their families. and it has a long tradition of technological
innovation. It was Korea, for example, that
A) When it is time, boys grow facial hair,
pioneered movable metal type, and it did so
develop stronger muscles, and their voices
well before it was utilised in Europe.
A) It has long been divided between a
B) At the same time, they may worry about
communist north and a capitalist south,
their appearance, and they are sometimes
severely hindering technological
easily embarrassed.
C) As adolescents grow emotionally, they
B) By the year 900, Korea was already a rich,
begin to take on new responsibilities and gain
urbanised country and a major player in global
new freedoms.
trade, based at the end of the famous Silk
D) The fact that they act and think more Road.
independently mean that they are on their
C) Economic relations since the early 1990s
way to becoming adults.
have significantly benefited Chinese start-ups
E) Another change in the body during in the absorption of advanced technology.
adolescence is the development of the
D) Most countries see the technology gap
reproductive system.
between the Western world and Korea as
A) I B) Il C) III D) IV E) V
1. C 21. B
2. B 22. A
3. B 23. A
4. E 24. C
5. A 25. C
6. B 26. E
7. A 27. B
8. D 28. C
9. C 29. D
10. C 30. A
11. D 31. B
12. C 32. E
13. D 33. B
14. C 34. D
15. B 35. E
16. C 36. E
17. C 37. B
18. A 38. E
19. B 39. C
20. C 40. C