2021 Yds-1
2021 Yds-1
2021 Yds-1
C) deterrent D) submission
E) adherence
C) precaution D) termination
E) prevalence
C) instantaneous D) detrimental
E) preliminary
E) should have signified / moved 11. With concerns ---- the rate of energy demand, the
role of renewable energy, which is generated ----
sources that are naturally replenished, such as wind
and sunlight, is becoming increasingly significant.
A) at / upon B) in / for
E) over / into
12. ---- certain types of fungi have been used throughout 15. The conventional view of dinosaur origins holds that
history for a variety of beneficial purposes, others they were endowed with ---- superior speed, agility,
have been found to contain dangerous toxins that metabolism and intelligence ---- as soon as they
are poisonous to humans. debuted they quickly spread across the globe.
A) Once B) Although A) either / or B) both / and
13. ---- such an intimate connection existed between 16. Books continue to be a major medium for
agricultural intensification and the appearance of communicating scholarly works in the field of
cities, it is not surprising that the earliest evidence history, ---- many other social sciences, where
for cities comes from regions with ancient journal articles are far more important.
agricultural traditions. A) with the help of B) in contrast to
A) Because B) As if
C) due to D) such as
C) Before D) Although
E) on the basis of
E) While
C) Since D) Before
E) Unless
17. 21.
A) having accepted
A) unlike B) despite
B) to have accepted
C) due to D) instead of
C) accepting
E) except for
D) to accept
E) to be accepting
A) as if B) because
C) although D) once
E) unless
A) executed B) recalled
C) converted D) anticipated A) given that B) only when
E) as if
A) at the expense of B) as opposed to
E) in comparison to
31. Even though Egyptian medicine went into decline 33. The many varieties of lime are nearly identical in
about 1200 BCE, ----. shape and appearance, ----.
A) ancient Egyptians began to develop the world’s first A) while their primary use is to flavour foods like salads
sophisticated medical practice sometime before 2000 and cakes
B) although they are widely considered to have originated
B) its reputation as the best in the ancient world in Asia
continued for many centuries to follow
C) given that they are high in vitamin C and contain
C) there is evidence suggesting that most treatments for antioxidants that promote health
disease were based on trial-and-error experimentation
D) but their degree of acidity ranges from nearly neutral
D) it is assumed that Egyptian priests gained their to extremely sour
understanding of the human body by preparing
mummies E) so they can also be utilised to produce perfumes and
suntan products
E) religion in ancient Egypt played an integral role in the
treatment of all kinds of diseases
38. Being overweight after turning 60 may increase the 39. As well as being low in calories, vegetables are a
risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but by losing weight, rich source of vitamins and minerals and can help
people may be able to hinder ageing of their brains reduce the risk of many health problems.
and reduce the likelihood of memory problems later A) Zengin bir vitamin ve mineral kaynağı olan sebzeler
on. aynı zamanda düşük kalorili olduğu için birçok sağlık
A) Aşırı kilolu olmak, 60 yaşına gelindiğinde Alzheimer sorunu riskinin azaltılmasına yardımcı olabilir.
hastalığı riskini artırabilmektedir fakat kilo veren
B) Sebzeler, düşük kalorili olmakla birlikte zengin
insanlar beyinlerinin yaşlanmasını engelleyerek
bir vitamin ve mineral kaynağı olduğu için birçok sağlık
sonrasında yaşanacak olan hafıza problemleri
sorunu riskinin azaltılmasına yardımcı olur.
olasılığını azaltabilirler.
C) Düşük kalorili olmalarının yanı sıra sebzeler, zengin bir
B) 60 yaşından sonra aşırı kilolu olmak, Alzheimer vitamin ve mineral kaynağıdır ve pek çok sağlık
hastalığı riskini artırabilir ancak kilo vererek sorunu riskinin azaltılmasına yardımcı olabilir.
beyinlerinin yaşlanmasının önüne geçebilen insanlar
sonrasında yaşanacak olan hafıza problemleri D) Pek çok sağlık sorunu riskinin azaltılmasına yardımcı
olasılığını azaltabilirler. olan sebzeler, zengin bir vitamin ve mineral kaynağı
olmakla birlikte düşük kalorilidir.
C) 60 yaşına geldikten sonra aşırı kilolu olanlar,
Alzheimer hastalığı riskini artırabilmektedir fakat E) Sebzeler sadece düşük kalorili olmakla kalmayıp aynı
insanlar kilo vererek beynin yaşlanmasının önüne zamanda zengin bir vitamin ve mineral kaynağıdır ve
geçtiğinde sonrasında yaşanacak olan hafıza birçok sağlık sorunu riskinin azaltılmasına yardımcı
problemleri olasılığını azaltabilirler. olmaktadır.
40. Birinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Avrupa otomobil 41. Önemli gelişmelere rağmen beynin tam olarak nasıl
endüstrisi yavaş yavaş toparlanmaya başladı ancak hesap yaptığı hâlâ çözülmemiş bir problemdir,
nispeten düşük gelirler ve yüksek işletme maliyetleri çünkü nöronların bilgiyi nasıl kodladığıyla ilgili pek
gerçek anlamda bir seri otomobil üretiminin ortaya çok soru henüz cevaplanmamıştır.
çıkmasını engelledi. A) The reason why there are still many unanswered
A) It was comparatively low incomes and high operating questions about how neurons code information in spite
costs that hindered the emergence of a real mass of significant progress is that the problem of exactly
production of automobiles although the European how the brain computes has not been solved yet.
automobile industry started to make gradual progress
after World War I. B) In spite of considerable progress, the problem of
exactly how the brain can compute remains to be
B) Following World War I, the European automobile unsolved, as there are many unanswered questions
industry started to improve gradually; however, the about the way neurons code information.
factors that hindered the emergence of a real mass
C) Despite considerable progress, exactly how the brain
production of automobiles were relatively low incomes
computes remains an unsolved problem because
and high operating costs.
many questions about how neurons code information
have not been answered yet.
C) Whereas the European automobile industry began to
recover slowly following World War I, the emergence D) There has been considerable progress, but many
of a real mass production of automobiles was delayed questions about exactly how neurons code information
because of relatively low incomes and high operating remain unanswered, so the problem of how the brain
costs. can compute has not been solved yet.
D) The European automobile industry started to recover E) While there has been significant progress, we still
slowly after World War I, but relatively low incomes cannot solve the problem of exactly how the brain
and high operating costs prevented the emergence of computes, as many questions about how neurons
a real mass production of automobiles. code information have not been answered yet.
E) Having started to improve gradually after World War I,
the European automobile industry prevented the
emergence of a real mass production of automobiles
due to comparatively low incomes and high operating
47. Which of the following is not mentioned as a risk in B) To discourage start-ups from doing business with
business activity? overseas companies
A) Not having enough customers to meet the costs of
C) To show that risks in business far outweigh any
operating your business
possible advantages
B) A competitor offering a better version of your product
D) To explain why risk-taking in business is essential in
certain business models
C) Not being able to get a bank loan to cover your
start-up costs E) To describe how risk-taking contributes to success in
D) Exchange-rate risk in overseas trade
54. Which of the following could be the best title for the
51. It is stated in the passage that contrary to earlier A) Effects of the Power Grip on Cultural Behaviours
research, Neanderthals ----. of Neanderthals
A) were capable of using their finger and thumb to grasp
things B) Historical Records of Manual Activities of
B) expended considerable effort to be able to perform a
precision grip C) A Comparison between Neanderthal and Modern
Human Hand Anatomies
C) learnt to control their hand muscles through activities
like making jewellery with sea shells D) Archaeological Findings on Early Modern
Humans’ Manual Skills
D) were clumsy, and thus incompetent in accomplishing
complicated tasks E) Neanderthal Performance: Power Grip or Precision
E) used power grips even for tasks that required delicacy
55. It is pointed out in the passage that according to the D) it can affect the speed of the planes leading to delays
statistics ----. in flights
A) air travel is more popular than ever, especially in the E) passengers generally prefer to fly in good weather
USA conditions
B) the number of people afraid of air travel is increasing
59. According to the passage, in order for memories to C) The memory experiment tested humans' neural
be deeply rooted, they should be ----. reactions to a set of images of animals and tools.
A) paired with a physical stimulus D) The study provided evidence for how memories can be
manipulated to alter reality.
B) accompanied by stimulating feelings
E) The researchers accompanied the images of tools with
C) linked to the ones that are initially strong an electric shock to make the tool category distinct.
Beth: Jeff:
That sounds strange and uncommon. Why would Neither. Actually, a more viable solution would be
someone have a hobby such as coin collecting? better.
Daniel: Amy:
---- Well, I completely agree that urgent precautions
are needed.
A) Can you please be more specific or at least give some
Well, it’s true that coins represent changes in
clear examples as to how?
trade as well as in international relations.
However, it still seems like a strange hobby to B) What are the two major actions you consider should
me. be taken on this matter at hand?
A) I’m not sure why someone would have a hobby like
this. Perhaps people with large collections feel more C) Governments have neither action nor contingency
powerful than those without. plans for such a gravely important issue, don’t you
B) Some would argue that coin collecting is related to
history and economics. Therefore, this hobby covers a D) Do you mean harsh penalties or increasing ecological
wide range of interests. taxes?
C) My father grew up in America and he collected coins E) I believe that more efforts should be made to increase
because he wanted to learn about metals. public awareness of natural catastrophes. Would you
D) The reasons behind our hobbies are sometimes
unexplainable. I do know that people appreciate
money, so that could be why.
E) Our professor asked us that same question. I’m going
to think about possible reasons this week.
Hannah: Elizabeth:
That’s great! Then everybody can find a way to Well, one study has found that general
enjoy outdoors in spring. practitioners began writing 3% fewer antibiotic
A) What other symptoms do people have when their prescriptions for respiratory infections.
spring allergy starts? A) Some family doctors in Australia and the UK use
tests before they prescribe antibiotics.
B) Which allergens should people watch out for during
spring time? B) Yeah that’s right, and many doctors unnecessarily
prescribe the drugs for viral infections as well.
C) Why don’t people prefer to stay indoors to deal with
spring allergies? C) Fortunately, doctors have been successfully nudged to
cut antibiotic use in recent years.
D) How can people avoid allergies especially throughout
spring? D) To be honest, governments should try raising
patients´ awareness rather than interfering with the
E) How long are allergic people allowed to stay out when doctor’s business.
it is spring?
E) I heard that an initiative to curb the overuse of
antibiotics was introduced, which dramatically lowered
the rates.
69. If the benefits of zoos are negligible, animal 71. Neuroscientists know a lot about how individual
advocates contend, then, keeping wildlife captive neurons operate but remarkably little about how
cannot be justified. large numbers of them work together to produce
A) According to animal advocates, keeping wildlife thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
captive is not justifiable even though zoos have A) Neuroscientists’ comprehensive understanding of the
several benefits. workings of individual neurons may contribute
significantly to what they know about large numbers of
B) Despite the proven benefits of zoos, animal advocates neurons, which are thought to work in cooperation to
believe that keeping wildlife captive is not justifiable. produce thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
C) Animal advocates think that it is not possible to justify B) As they already know how neurons behave
keeping wildlife captive unless there are significant individually, what neuroscientists need to focus more
benefits to be gained from the zoos. on is how large neuron groups collaborate to produce
D) Animal advocates suggest that justifying the need to thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
keep wildlife captive in zoos depends on how much C) Neuroscientists are knowledgeable enough about
benefit they offer.
how individual neurons function during the production
E) Regardless of the benefits of zoos, keeping wildlife of thought, feelings, and behaviours, but they know
captive is unacceptable for animal advocates to justify. little about how large numbers of neurons perform
these duties.
70. Communicative development in the first year of E) Neuroscientists have already discovered enough
all infants occurs in the same way, regardless of the about the functioning of individual neurons, and now
complexity of the language being acquired. they need to expand their knowledge of how
large neuron groups produce thoughts, feelings and
A) While communicative development in the first year of behaviours.
all infants takes place in a similar way, the complexity
of the language being acquired may impact this
B) Deciphering nocturnal symbols may be enjoyable, but B) Parents, however, are one of the primary sources that
in reality, it is much more complicated than it seems. socialise children to communicate emotional
experience in culturally specific ways.
C) Scientific theories are more sceptical than dream
dictionaries about how much dreams actually reveal. C) Some scientists claim that infants may fail to react to a
threat in an appropriate way because it is usually
D) Dreaming has recently been seen as something that difficult for them to appreciate inputs.
opens a window to the working of the mind.
D) Although this process has been established by several
E) Dream interpretations seem relevant to our lives studies, there is some debate about how infants do it.
because they apply equally well to almost everybody.
E) Most infants, on the other hand, pay close attention to
the events that take place in their environment,
particularly after the first month.
74. For centuries, people have bred microorganisms for 75. Striving to eat healthily can, ironically, become an
the production of foods such as cheese and yogurt. unhealthy obsession. People with the condition
Genetic technology takes this process a step further known as ‘orthorexia nervosa’ are fixated on
by manipulating specific genes for practical consuming food in a way that they consider pure,
applications in research, medicine, and agriculture. clean or healthy to the point where their well-being
The manipulation of genes resulted in hundreds of suffers. They can, for example, become
new products at the beginning of the 21st century. malnourished. ---- Some cut out entire food groups
---- The tools used by scientists in this process like fats or carbs. Orthorexia is not yet listed in
include DNA-splitting enzymes and host organisms psychiatric manuals, but it is described in scientific
including a range of bacteria. journals.
A) Usually, one gene prevails over the other and is thus A) The term ‘orthorexia nervosa’, which refers to
called the dominant gene that supresses the other. a pathological fixation on eating only healthy foods,
was coined by Steven Bratman, a Colorado physician.
B) Currently there are a number of technologies that use
genetic engineering. B) Experts generally link orthorexia with perfectionism,
dieting, obsessive-compulsive traits and mental health
C) Genes are individual segments of DNA within struggles.
chromosomes and are known to affect all human
traits. C) That is because, as the disorder progresses, patients
often become increasingly restrictive in what they will
D) Reproduction entails a copy of a gene from the father eat.
and a gene from the mother joining together.
D) If people cannot deal with such problems in a proper
E) Genes from different species are often combined by way, then it could be of high importance for them to
inserting a gene from one organism into another. talk to a mental health professional.