Once the mind of a student develops an understanding of mental mathematics, he/she begins to think
systematically and more creatively. In this article, we discussed some of the most basic Vedic maths
tricks for beginners under different categories, with relevant examples and explanations.
Vedic Maths is a collection of techniques/sutras to solve mathematical problem sets in a fast and easy
way. These tricks introduce wonderful applications of Arithmetical computation, theory of numbers,
mathematical and algebraic operations, higher-level mathematics, calculus, and coordinate geometry,
Vedic maths was discovered in the mid-1900s and has certain specific principles to perform various
calculations in mathematics. But the question that arises is that is mathematics only about performing
However fascinating it might be to calculate faster using Vedic mathematics tricks, it fails to make a
student understand the concepts, applications, and real-life scenarios of those particular problems.
Also read:
(1) Find out the number which is closest to the 10s multiple because it is easier to add those numbers.
For example,
7, 8, 9 close to 10
97, 98, 99, are close to 100 ....... and so on. /p>
So, Vedic maths tells us to add 30 and 100 which is 130 and then subtract (3+2) i.e. the deficiency from
130. So the result will be 125.
So, Vedic maths tells us to add 70 and 580 which is 650 and then subtract (4+4) i.e. the deficiency from
650. So the result will be 642.
There is yet another trick to perform addition using Vedic maths which states to add hundreds with
hundreds, tens with tens and ones with ones, and so on.
Vedic maths tells us to break the numbers as per their place values. So, we will break the addition into:
4 + 4 +8 = 16
30 + 10 = 40
For example,
(1) Reduce 9 by 1 which becomes 8 and add a tens place to 8 and make it 18.
(2) Now perform 18 - 7 = 9 and 8 - 4 = 4
Step 1: Perform 5 × 5 = 25
Step 2: Add 1 to the previous number and the result with the previous number.
For example, in the case of the square of 85, Add 1 to 8 = 9 and multiply 9 with 8 = 72
Step 3: The result from step two will become the initial numbers of the final answer and the result of
step one is the ending two numbers of the final answer. So the final answer will be 7225.
Step 1: 5 × 5 = 25
Step 2: 19 × 20 = 380
Step 3: Combining the two results, which will give us 38025 which is the final answer.
Steps for Square Roots Math tricks
For performing square roots, we will have to keep some facts in mind:-
• Squares of numbers from 1 to 9 are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81.
• Square of a number cannot end with 2, 3, 7, and 8.
• We can say that numbers ending with 2, 3, 7, and 8 cannot have a perfect square root.
• The square root of a number ending with 1 (1, 81) ends with either 1 or 9
• The square root of a number ending with 4 (4, 64) ends with either 2 or 8
• The square root of a number ending with 9 (9, 49) ends with either 3 or 7
• The square root of a number ending with 6 (16, 36) ends with either 4 or 6
• If the number is of ‘n’ digits then the square root will be ‘n/2’ OR ‘(n+1)/2’ digits.
1. The number ends with 4. Since it’s a perfect square, square root will end with 2 or 8.
2. We need to find 2 perfect squares (In Multiples of 10) between which 1764 exists.
The numbers are 1600 (40) and 2500 (50).
3. Find to whom 1764 is closer. It is closer to 40. Therefore the square root is nearer to 40. Now
from Step 2, possibilities are 42 or 48 out of which 42 is closer to 40.
4. Hence the square root = 42
Step 2:- Add the two parts which will form the middle number
Let us understand this with the help of an example which will clear the doubts.
Similarly, 75 × 11 = 7, 7 + 5, 5. Because 7+5 = 12, we will carry 1 to the previous digit and our final
answer would be 825.
Multiplying numbers which are close to powers of 10:
It would be easy to directly jump into the example and understand this concept through it. Suppose, we
have 2 questions:
5. Multiply 99 × 97
6. Multiply 103 × 105
Step 1: Find by how much the number is more or less than the power of 100 and write it on the right
side of the vertical line.
Step 2: Either cross subtract or cross add. This will form the first part of the final answer.
Step 3: Multiply the right side of the vertical line and this shall form the right side of the result.
Similarly, suppose we have to find 996 × 997. Our approach will be as shown in the picture below.
Step 2: Multiplying in a cross pattern and adding the results. For example, 3 × 2 = 6 and 1 × 1 = 1 and 6 +
1 = 7.
Step 3: Multiplying the tens digit vertically.
Similarly, if we have to find 12 × 34, our approach will be as shown below:
Firstly, multiply 2 × 4 = 8
Vedic Maths just showcases a process to do things faster. It does not teach a child the underlying
philosophy or the background of the problem set given. Calculating faster is of no use if we fail to
understand the meaning or the learning behind the problem set.
These tricks can do wonders only if used properly after imbibing a proper learning experience. Practice
makes a man perfect but Learning makes a man capable. Therefore, make Vedic Maths a habit only after
understanding its nuances.
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