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Faar Field Manual

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Introduction to FAARFIELD
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FAARFIELD is a computer program for airport pavement thickness design. It implements both
layered elastic based and three-dimensional finite element-based design procedures developed by
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for new and overlay design of flexible and rigid
pavements. The thickness design procedures implemented in the program are the FAA airport
pavement thickness design standards referenced in Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5320-6E.

The core of the program is a structural response module consisting of two programs, LEAF and
NIKE3D (version 3.3.2.FAA.1.0). LEAF is a layered elastic computational program
implemented, in this case, as a Microsoft Windows™ dynamic link library (DLL) written in
Visual Basic 2005™. NIKE3D (version 3.3.2.FAA.1.0, as modified by the FAA) is a three-
dimensional finite element (3D-FE) analysis program, written in Intel™ Visual Fortran™ and
linked to the main program through a dynamic-link library. A second Fortran program, INGRID,
is also linked to the main program and generates input files for the 3D-FE analysis. The
remainder of the program is written in Visual Basic 2005™ and operates under Microsoft
Windows™. Both LEAF and NIKE3D are loaded and executed by FAARFIELD when needed
and are not visible to the user. The versions of NIKE3D and INGRID implemented in
FAARFIELD are FAA modifications of software programs originally developed by the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) of the US Department of Energy, and are distributed in
compiled form under terms of a software sharing agreement between the FAA and LLNL.

Design information is entered by means of two graphical screens, one for the structure and one
for the traffic. Default values and ranges for the various input parameters have been set so that
the designs produced by FAARFIELD are compatible with designs produced by the previous
FAA design procedures in AC 150/5320-6D (Chapters 3 and 4) for airplanes up to and including
the B747 (i.e., S, D, 2D and 2D/2D2 gears). Designs for new generation airplanes having 3D
landing gears, such as the Boeing B777 and Airbus A380 series, were not covered by the
previous design procedures. AC 150/5320-6E, in conjunction with FAARFIELD, provides the
necessary information for thickness design when 3D and complex airplane gears are included in
the airplane mix.

FAARFIELD represents a significant departure from previous FAA standards. Apart from the
procedures being implemented as a computer program instead of as nomographs, the main
change in pavement design from the user‟s perspective is that the “design airplane” concept has
been replaced by design for fatigue failure expressed in terms of a “cumulative damage factor”
(CDF) using Miner‟s rule. Also, the major material property of the pavement layers is now
uniformly expressed as an elastic modulus instead of the previous CBR (California Bearing
Ratio) for flexible pavements or k value for rigid pavements. Formulas for transforming CBR and
k values to modulus values are provided where appropriate in the documentation. Automatic
conversion is provided in the program.
It should also be borne in mind that, although layered elastic based procedures, and three-
dimensional finite element models, are normally considered to be mechanistic, and more rational
than the previous procedures, a considerable amount of engineering judgment is still required.
Designs produced by FAARFIELD should comply with the detailed requirements and
recommendations of AC 150/5320-6E. The program does not automatically satisfy all of these
requirements and the recommendations in the AC should be followed in the selection of input
parameters. It is the designer‟s responsibility to use the program and the advisory circular in
conjunction with each other.

A complete description of the design procedures and program structure is not possible within the
confines of a user‟s manual, and these descriptions can be found in other publications. The main
intent of the user‟s manual is to provide sufficient information for operating the program,
selecting input data values, and interpreting the output data. Installation of the program is
described first, followed by descriptions of the various parts of the program and its operation.
Information is then given on the structure data input requirements and how they relate to the
design procedures. Final sections provide a short discussion on program running times, with
possible strategies for decreasing design time for a given design case, a description of the
structure of external data files so that interested users can access the files and incorporate the data
in other applications if desired, and a selection of design examples.

The relationship between the layered elastic and three-dimensional finite element based
thickness design procedures and the previous nomograph-based thickness design procedures in
AC 150/5320-6D is not discussed in the manual. However, it should be pointed out that the
traffic and failure models are fundamentally different and comparisons between the two sets of
procedures are only valid when considering multiple airplane traffic mixes. Single airplane
comparisons misleadingly indicate a degree of conservatism with the LED procedures which is
not present for typical multiple airplane mixes. The program is also primarily intended for use in
designing airport pavements according to a standard procedure. It is not intended to be used to
compare the damaging effects of different airplane by running single airplane designs or CDF
computations, i.e., ACN type calculations.


Installation of FAARFIELD
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Installation of FAARFIELD can be done from either a distribution disk or from a hard drive
directory in which the distribution files have been saved. After placing the disk in a drive or
copying the files to the hard drive, click the Windows Start button in the toolbar, followed by
Settings and Control Panel. Click Add/Remove Programs and then click the Add New Programs
icon. Click the CD button and follow the instructions to locate the correct disk drive. If installing
from a hard drive, click Browse and find and select the directory containing the installation files.
Open the file setup.exe and click Finish. The installation process starts automatically. The default
installation directory is C:\Program Files\FAA\FAARFIELD\. Click Change Directory if you
want to install in a different directory. Click the large button on the left to complete the
installation. The installation directory is created if it does not already exist. A new program group
is created called FAARFIELD. Start the program by clicking the Windows Start button followed
by Programs. Locate FAARFIELD on the Programs Menu and click the FAARFIELD menu

The following files are installed by setup:

FAARFIELD Installation Directory

FAARFIELD.exe Visual Basic 2005 I/O and design program.
LEAFClassLib.dll Leaf compiled as an VB 2005 dynamic link library.
AMClassLib.dll Automesh compiled as an VB 2005 dynamic link library.
ACClassLib.dll Airplane library compiled as an VB 2005 dynamic link
NIKE3D.dll 3-dimensional FEM analysis program compiled as
dynamic link library.
Ingrid3.dll Preprocessor for NIKE3D, compiled as dynamic link
FAARFIELD.chm Help file.
Readme.txt Information on program function.
LEDFAAacLibrary.Ext External airplane library.
FAARFIELD1.xml Working directory information.
DFORMD.DLL File needed to run Ingrid3.dll and NIKE3D.dll.
DFORRT.DLL File needed to run Ingrid3.dll and NIKE3D.dll.
msvcrt.dll File needed to run Ingrid3.dll and NIKE3D.dll.
stdole.dll File needed to run FAARFIELD.exe.
Microsoft.Visual.Basic.Compability.dll File needed to run FAARFIELD.exe.
Interop.Scripting.dll File needed to run FAARFIELD.exe.

The files are stored in one zip file „FAARFIELD.zip‟ before installation. „Setup.Exe‟ in
„FAARFIELD.zip‟ installs the FAARFIELD program.


Program Windows
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The program consists of five main windows rigidly linked together as shown in the figure. The
essential windows for pavement design are STARTUP, STRUCTURE, and AIRPLANE. The
NOTES and AIRPLANE DATA windows are for convenience in entering additional data
describing the structure and traffic, and for viewing data.
Operations within a window are executed by clicking the mouse cursor on a “command button.”
Command buttons are referred to by showing the button name in bold type. For example, “click
the command button called Structure” is abbreviated by “click Structure.”

Program Windows and Linkage


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The startup window has two functions. The first is to allow selection of either the STRUCTURE
or the NOTES window. The second is to organize the basic data storage units, consisting of
“Sections” embedded in “Jobs.” Jobs are stored as ASCII text files containing up to 100 sections.
All job files existing in the working directory are listed on the left of the window. A special job
file called Samples is initialized within the system and does not exist as an external file. It is
always available to create new section data. This is necessary if no other job files are present
because new structures cannot be created from scratch. The Samples structures are also typical of
current pavement design practice and are a convenient starting point for design. The data in the
Samples sections cannot be changed and the structures cannot be “designed.” The sections are
provided only for starting new designs.

Note: The normal Windows menu / file dialog box system is not supported. This was done to
simplify the user interface. File backup and, where necessary, deletion, can be done using
Windows Explorer. All job files have the extension *.job. Individual job files can be saved using
the Save As function described later under DATA FILES – File Management. The directory in
which the job files are stored can also be changed, as described under File Management.

Startup Window

Section data consists of pavement structure properties, airplane names and gross loads, and
annual departures and growth for each airplane. Details of the required information are given in
the section of this document where the data entry windows are discussed.

Jobs are listed in the list box on the left of the window. All sections in the selected job are listed
in the right hand list box. Scroll bars will appear if there are too many jobs or sections to fit in the
boxes. The operations associated with each of the command buttons on the STARTUP window
are briefly described under separate headings. The name of the working directory, in which all
job files listed in the left hand list box are stored, is displayed below the right hand (sections) list

Startup Window

Command Buttons
Previous Next


New Job

Delete Job

Copy Section

Dup. Section

Delete Section








STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons

New Job

Previous Next
New jobs are created by clicking New Job. A dialog box will then appear requesting that a name
be entered for the new job. The name can have up to 36 characters. Normal letters and numbers
are allowed, together with space, hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Clicking OK or pressing Enter
on the keyboard will accept the name, create the file, and close the dialog box. Clicking Cancel
will close the dialog box without creating a new file. When first created, job files are completely
empty. New sections cannot be created from scratch. Instead, old sections are moved and
renamed using Dup. Section or Copy Section.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons

Delete Job

Previous Next

To delete a job file, first select the job to be deleted by clicking the job’s name in the left hand list
box. Then click Delete Job. A message box will be displayed asking if you want to continue.
Click Yes to delete the file and close the message box. Click No to close the message box
without deleting the job. Deleting a job will cause all of the information in a job file to be deleted
from the disk. The delete operation can also be started by highlighting the job file to be deleted
and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.

Note: Whenever, as in this case, information can be destroyed by an action, a message box
with a No or Cancel option is displayed to reduce the risk of accidentally destroying the

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons

Copy Section

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New pavement structures cannot be created from scratch in the STRUCTURE window. Instead,
existing structures in one job are copied to another job (or duplicated and renamed within a
single job as described below). The section list box shows the type of structure for each listed
section so that the desired type of structure can be selected before copying without having to
check the STRUCTURE window. Six types of structure are included:

1. New Flexible.

2. AC on Flexible (asphalt overlay on an existing flexible pavement).

3. New Regid.

4. AC on Rigid (asphalt overlay on an existing rigid pavement).

5. Unbonded on Rigid (unbonded concrete overlay on an existing rigid pavement).

6. Part Bonded on Rigid (partially bonded concrete overlay on an existing rigid

The sequence for copying a section is:

1. Select the job to be copied from by clicking the job name.

2. Click Copy Section. The caption on the button will change to End Copy.

3. Select the section to be copied by clicking the section name in the right hand list box

Select the job to be copied to by clicking the job name. A dialog box will be displayed asking you
to enter the name of the new section. The name can have up to 12 characters, consisting of
alphanumeric, hyphen, or underscore. The old name can be kept provided it does not already
exist in the job the section is being copied to.

Repeat to copy more sections or click End Copy to end copying.

Copying can be stopped at any time by clicking End Copy.

Steps 1 through 3 above can be replaced by a drag and drop operation. Click on the section to
be copied with the left mouse button and hold the mouse button down. With the mouse button
still down, drag the cursor across the screen and drop it onto the target job name. The copy
section dialog box will then appear. Only one file can be copied in this way at a time.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons

Dup. Section

Previous Next

A section can be duplicated within any job and given a new name. First select the job. Then
select the section and click Dup. Section. Enter the new name in the displayed dialog box.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons

Delete Section

Previous Next

To delete a section, first select the job. Then select the section and click Delete Section. The
section data is completely deleted from the job file and cannot be recovered. The delete
operation can also be started by highlighting the section to be deleted and pressing the Delete
key on the keyboard.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

The Help file is loaded by clicking Help in any of the windows except the AIRPLANE DATA
window, or by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

An interactive demonstration of the major functions in the STARTUP, STRUCTURE, and

AIRPLANE windows is started by clicking Demonstration. The demonstration can be run
through all three windows in succession, or individual windows can be selected.

A time delay is inserted between each distinct operation in the demonstration so that the
functions occurring can be observed. The default delay setting is 2 seconds. The delay setting
can be changed any time a demonstration specific message box is displayed by clicking Change
Delay. The demonstration can also be terminated from any of the demonstration specific
message boxes by clicking Cancel.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


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Displays the application “About” box giving a brief description of the application and information
on the configuration of the computer system.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Transfers control to the STRUCTURE window.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


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Transfers control to the NOTES window. This allows incidental section information to be entered
and attached to the job file and a summary of the section data to be viewed. The NOTES
window is described last.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Transfers control to the OPTIONS window.

STARTUP WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Closes all files and exits to Windows.


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The STRUCTURE window allows a pavement structure to be modified and “designed” to carry
the load applied by the selected traffic. On the left of the window is a list of the sections in the
current job. On the right of the window is a table showing the structure with all layers illustrated
and the values of all changeable parameter values displayed. Clicking a new section name in the
list changes the displayed structure to that of the new name.

Structure Window


Command Buttons
Previous Next


Modify Structure

End Modify

Design Structure

Interrupt Design

Save Structure




STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Modify Structure

Previous Next

A structure is modified from the modify mode, generally entered by clicking Modify Structure.
Modify Structure then changes to End Modify and Design Structure changes to Add/Delete. The
only operations allowed until End Modify is clicked are modifications to the structure. Alternative
ways of entering modify mode are double clicking a section name (also changes the displayed
structure) and double clicking the picture of the structure (also starts an associated modification

Modifications which can be made to a structure are:

1. Change the composition of a layer (change layer type).

2. Change the thickness of a layer.

3. Change the modulus value of a layer (except asphalt and PCC).

4. Change the flexural strength of a PCC layer.

5. Duplicate (add) an existing layer.

6. Delete an existing layer.

7. Change the iteration layer for flexible pavement design.

Layer types and modulus values must be selected for compatibility with the layered elastic
design procedures and with FAA pavement design standards and recommendations. The
purpose of this section is simply to outline the operation of the program. Detailed guidelines for
selection are given in a later section. These must be read before using the program to design
pavements to FAA standards. In particular, the use of an undefined layer results in a non-
standard structure.

Structure properties are changed by clicking on the picture of the structure over the displayed
value or setting. Instructions are then given for changing the value or setting.

Layer Types

Clicking on the picture in the layer type column displays the selection box shown. To change the
layer type, click the type you want to select followed by OK. Certain combinations of layers are
not allowed in a structure (aggregate on the top, for example). However, the structure is not
checked during selection and layers can be changed to anything until End Modify is clicked. A
complete check of the structure is then made and a message displayed if the structure is not
valid for design. The reason for disallowing the structure is given in the message. You cannot
leave modify mode until the structure is valid for design.

When the displayed value of a layer thickness or layer modulus is clicked, an input box is
displayed giving instructions on changing the value. In some cases, the modulus value cannot
be changed manually and a description is given of how the program assigns the value

Note: The thickness of the bottom layer is assumed to be infinite and cannot be assigned a
value. The thickness display column in the bottom layer is therefore used to display either the
CBR or the k value corresponding to the modulus value of the bottom layer; CBR for flexible
pavements and k value for rigid pavements. The conversion factors used are given in the section
Layer Types. If the value in either of the two columns is changed, the value in the other column
changes automatically.

Design life, in years, is displayed at the top of the picture of the structure and can be given any
value within the range 1 to 50 years. However, the standard design life is 20 years. If the design
life of a section is different than 20 years the message “Non-Standard Life” is displayed. Clicking
on the message displays a longer message explaining why the life is non-standard. A warning
message is also printed in the Design Info text box in the NOTES window.
Input data for overlay structures also includes the structural condition index (SCI) of the existing
pavement before overlay and, under some conditions, the Cumulative Damage Factor Used
(CDFU) of the existing pavement. (CDFU is related to the remaining life of the existing
pavement.) Recommendations for selecting appropriate values of SCI and CDFU are given in
the discussion of concrete layers in the Layer Types section.

The small arrow in the left margin of the picture of the structure indicates the layer which will be
adjusted during design (see below under Design Structure). The position of the arrow can only
be changed when the structure is a new flexible pavement. Clicking in the margin to the left of
any layer except for the top or bottom layers will select that layer as the adjustment layer for

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Layers can be added or deleted using Add/Delete. After clicking the button you must select a
layer in the picture of the structure. A box is displayed requesting the selection of Add or Delete.
Selecting Add duplicates the selected layer. The properties of the layer can then be changed as
desired. Selecting Delete completely removes the selected layer from the structure.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons

End Modify

Previous Next

Terminates the modify mode. No functions other than structure modifications can be executed
while the modify mode is active.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Design Structure

Previous Next

Clicking this button adjusts the thickness of one of the layers (the “iteration layer”) of the
structure so that the design criteria for the particular type of structure are satisfied. The structure
type is automatically determined from the top two layers and the correct design procedure
executed. The iteration layer is indicated by the small arrow in the left margin of the picture of
the structure. Except for new flexible pavements, the iteration layer cannot be changed. During
design the iteration layer is highlighted by changing its display color. In some cases, if a new
computed layer thickness is unreasonable (such as negative), the thickness of an adjacent layer
is changed. This is only included to prevent unreasonable layer thicknesses and is not intended
to try to optimize the design. If it occurs, the structure should be inspected and changed if
necessary, followed by a redesign.

Information on the state of the design is displayed at the bottom of the picture of the structure.

Details of the design procedures executed by Design Structure for the different pavement
structures are given in the Pavement Thickness Design section.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Interrupt Design

Previous Next

When a design is started by clicking Design Structure, Save Structure changes to Interrupt
Design. Clicking this button during design stops the design calculations and leaves the thickness
of the layer being adjusted at its value at the time of stopping the design. The design can be
restarted with the structure as it existed at the time of interruption by clicking Design Structure
again. Or the structure can be changed and a new design started from the changed condition.
During design, the structure does not become permanent in the job until the structure is saved
(see Save Structure).

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Save Structure

Previous Next

The structure is saved in the current section data record by clicking Save Structure. This cannot
be done in modify mode or during design. Saving the structure after a design has run to
completion marks the section in the data record as being a completed design. Clicking Back
without having saved the structure causes a message box to be displayed which prompts for the
structure to be saved.

Modifications made to a pavement structure do not become permanent until the data is saved
using Save Structure. You can therefore try different designs and return to the original structure
by canceling the save with the following sequence: click Back followed by clicking NO in the
displayed message box. This transfers control to the STARTUP window. Returning to the
STRUCTURE window restores the original structure and all changes will have been lost.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next
Computes the life of the current section in years. This function is not required for design, but is
provided for convenience in computing CDFU and CDF. If design for the section has been run to
completion, the life computed using Life will equal the design life.

CDF and percent CDFU are computed for new pavement design based on the current setting of
design life.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Transfers control to the AIRPLANE window.

STRUCTURE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Returns control to the STARTUP window.


Previous Next

The AIRPLANE window allows for the creation and modification of an airplane list for the
currently selected section in the currently selected job. Other sections or jobs cannot be selected
from the AIRPLANE window. If you want to change to another section, return to the
STRUCTURE window. If you want to change to another job, return to the STARTUP window.

Airplane are selected from a library and placed in a list of design airplane. Except for gross load,
annual departures, and percent annual growth (defined below), all necessary airplane information
for design is stored internally as part of the library and cannot be changed. At the top left of the
window is a list of library airplane groups. Selecting one of these groups will display all of the
airplane in that group in the list box located below the airplane group box.

Airplane Window

At the top right of the window is a table which lists the design airplane for the currently selected
section, with associated data. Airplane are transferred from the library list to the design list by
selecting an airplane in the library list (by clicking the name once) and clicking Add, or by
double clicking the airplane name in the library list. Airplane are removed from the design list by
selecting an airplane in the design list (by clicking the name once) and clicking Remove, or by
double clicking the airplane name in the design list.

Values in the first three data columns of the design airplane list table (gross load, annual
departures, and percent annual growth) can be changed by clicking on the value to be changed.
An input box is displayed which gives instructions and the allowed ranges for data entry.
Scrolling the table columns to the left shows columns for: total lifetime departures, tire pressure,
percent gross load on the design gear, dual-wheel spacing, tandem-wheel spacing, tire contact
width, and tire contact length. None of these can be changed.

For all airplane in the library, the fraction of the gross load carried by the main gear has been set
at 95 percent to make the FAARFIELD design procedures compatible with the requirements of
AC 150/5320-6E. The tire contact lengths and widths are those used in the calculation of pass-to-
coverage ratio for the airplane. An elliptical contact patch is assumed, with its area equal to the
tire load divided by the tire pressure. (In contrast, circular tire contact patches are used in LEAF
because the layered elastic model is axisymmetric.)

Certain airplanes with D or 2D belly gear (DC10-30/40, MD11ER, and A340 series) are treated
as two separate airplanes for design; a two-gear 2D airplane (wing gear) and a single-gear D or
2D airplane (body gear). For example, adding a DC10-30/40 to the design list places the two
airplane for design in the list automatically, and removing one of the two airplane from the design
list removes the other automatically. The data for the two airplane are also tied - changing the
data for one changes the data for the other automatically.

A maximum of 40 airplane can be included in the design list.

The library list contains airplane representative of the most common commercial and military
airplane. Substitutions can be made for airplane not in the list, either by a similar airplane or from
the “Generic” group list. Data for the Generic group are based on the generic airplane types used
to generate the design nomographs in previous FAA ACs.

Annual departures is defined as the airplane departure rate in departures per year. The displayed
value is the number of annual departures for the selected airplane at the start of the pavement‟s
design life. Percent annual growth is defined as the percent change in annual departures per year
over the design life of the pavement. Negative values represent a decrease in annual departures.
The total number of departures for the selected airplane over the design life of the pavement is
given by the equation:


N = total departures
L = pavement design life
a = initial annual departures
b = percent annual growth
Large negative percent annual growth can result in negative airplane departures before the end of
the design life has been reached. The program automatically detects this condition if it occurs,
and assumes zero departures for the airplane from the time at which the departure rate becomes
zero to the end of the design life.


Airplane Lists Containing a Single Airplane Type

Previous Next

Previous FAA thickness design programs (LEDFAA 1.3) displayed a message “Non-Standard
Airplane List” in cases where the airplane list contained only one airplane. This is no longer true
in FAARFIELD. It is recognized that in some cases a single airplane best represents the actual
traffic on a given pavement feature. However, it is emphasized that in cases where the pavement
will be trafficked by a mixture of airplane, the actual traffic mix (departures of each airplane
type) should be entered in the airplane window. Do not first convert airplane to “equivalent”
departures of a design airplane (as was done in previous FAA design procedures).


Command Buttons
Previous Next




Clear List

Save List

Save to Float

Add Float
CDF Graph

View Gear


AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

An airplane is transferred from the library list to the design list by selecting an airplane name in
the library list and clicking Add. The same operation can also be performed by double clicking
an airplane name in the library list.

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

An airplane is removed from the design list by selecting the airplane name and clicking Remove,
or by double clicking the airplane name in the design list.

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Clear List

Previous Next

Deletes all airplane from the design list.

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Save List

Previous Next

Saves the data for all of the airplane in the design list into the data record for the currently
selected section in the currently selected job. All changes made to a design list must be saved,
or discarded, before returning to the STRUCTURE window. The Save operation permanently
changes the airplane data stored in the section data record.
AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Save to Float

Previous Next

An independent, “floating,” list of airplane is provided to allow an existing list to be transferred

easily to a different section. Clicking Save to Float transfers the current design list and airplane
data to the floating list, replacing the existing floating list. The new floating list will remain
available until the next Save to Float operation or the program is terminated. The floating list is
displayed in the list box at the bottom right of the window and is always empty when the program

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

Add Float

Previous Next

Adds the airplane in the floating list to the current design list up to the maximum of 20 airplane.

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

CDF Graph

Previous Next

Displays airplane CDF graph. Button is enabled after running Life or Design in the

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons

View Gear

Previous Next

Transfers control to the AIRPLANE DATA window (discussed under separate heading).

AIRPLANE WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Returns control to the STRUCTURE window. If changes have been made to the design list and
the list has not been saved, a message box is displayed requesting that the changes be saved
or discarded, or that the Back operation be canceled. Control cannot return to the STRUCTURE
window until the changes have been saved or discarded.


Previous Next

An OPTIONS window is provided to give the user the ability to modify many pavement
structure and general options from a single location. It is possible to restore all original (default)
settings by clicking “Restore Default” at the lower right corner of the OPTIONS window. Also,
modified options are in effect only as long as the session is open. Upon closing and reopening
FAARFIELD, the default options settings are restored.

Options Window


Pavement Structure Options

Previous Next


CDF Tolerance

Life Tolerance


Alternate Subgrade

Automatic Base Design

NSection Parameter

Partially Bonded Overlay on Rigid

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

CDF Tolerance

Previous Next

Design of certain pavement types is an iterative process accomplished when CDF equals 1. This
applies to: new flexible pavements, HMA on flexible overlays, new rigid pavements, and PCC on
flexible overlays. CDF tolerance defines the convergence tolerance on the computed CDF (CDF
= 1.0 +/- tolerance). The user can specify CDF tolerance in a range from 0.005 to 0.05. The
larger the specified tolerance, the faster the convergence, but the less accurate the solution will
be. The default value is 0.005 (maximum accuracy).

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

Life Tolerance

Previous Next

Design of certain pavement overlay types is an iterative process accomplished when the
computed life equals the design life of 20 years (or a value specified by the user). This applies
to: HMA on rigid overlays, unbonded PCC on rigid overlays, and partially bonded PCC on rigid
overlays. Life tolerance defines the convergence tolerance on the computed life in years. The
user can define Life tolerance in a range from 0.02 to 0.5 years. The larger the specified
tolerance, the faster the convergence, but the less accurate the solution will be. The default
value is 0.40 years.

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options


Previous Next

An option called “No AC CDF” is included to disable the computation of asphalt surface CDF at
the end of a flexible pavement design. This option is most effective during initial design of
pavement sections with thick aggregate layers and many airplane in the design list. The default
is set for the AC CDF computation to be turned off. To switch on the AC CDF computation
(recommended for a final design check), uncheck the box.

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

Alternate Subgrade

Previous Next
An option called “Alternate SG” is included to allow one of the upper layers to be set as the
subgrade for design. Used in conjunction with relocation of the iteration layer (see subsection
Design Structure), this allows for the inclusion of, for example, stiff bottom layers in the structure.
The procedure is to check the Alternate SG check box and select as the iteration layer the layer
above the alternate subgrade. As long as Alternate SG is checked, the design will always be
based on the vertical strain at the top of the layer below the iteration layer. This option only
applies to flexible pavement design.

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

Automatic Base Design

Previous Next

This option invokes an automatic design procedure for base layer thickness in new flexible
pavements. As described in AC 150/5320-6E, paragraph 314d, the thickness of a standard
crushed aggregate base layer (Item P-209) is designed to protect a subbase layer with an
assumed CBR of 20. This represents the strength properties of a standard subbase material
meeting the requirements of Item P-154. For a stabilized base later, the same computation is
performed, however the required thickness of stabilized base material (P-401) is reduced by an
equivalency factor of 1.6. The default setting is to enable automation base design. This option
applies only to flexible pavements.

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

NSection Parameter

Previous Next

This parameter applies only to unbonded PCC on rigid and partially bonded PCC on rigid
overlay structures. It defines the number of traffic intervals for which the elastic modulus of the
PCC base layer is recalculated. More information on this topic can be found in Rollings, R.S.,
FAA Technical Report DOT/FAA/PM-87/19, “Design of Overlays for Rigid Airport Pavements,”
April 1988, pages 103-107. The default value of NSection is 16. Lower values of NSection will
lead to faster convergence, but less accuracy.

OPTIONS WINDOW > Pavement Structure Options

Partially Bonded Overlay on Rigid

Previous Next

A partially bonded overlay is defined as a PCC on rigid overlay where no particular attempt is
made to either eliminate or achieve bond between the concrete overlay and the existing rigid
pavement. For the same design inputs, the thickness of a partially bonded PCC overlay falls
between bonded and fully unbonded overlays. Partially bonded PCC on rigid overlays are no
longer considered standard FAA designs in AC 150/5320-6E. Therefore, by default, the option to
design partially bonded PCC on rigid overlays is disabled. If a partially bonded PCC on rigid
overlay is selected by checking this option, a message will be displayed: “Non-Standard


General Options
Previous Next



No Out File

Batch Mode

OPTIONS WINDOW > General Options


Previous Next

Throughout the FAARFIELD program, units can be displayed in either Metric or English by
selecting the appropriate radio button. The default setting is English.

OPTIONS WINDOW > General Options

No Out File

Previous Next

Unchecking this option causes FAARFIELD to create certain additional output files. These
additional output files are saved to the working directory. The additional output files created by
FAARFIELD are: LeafSG.out for flexible pavements and NikePCC.out for rigid pavements. The
contents of these files is discussed in the section of this document on Output Data Files. The
default setting is checked (files are not created).

OPTIONS WINDOW > General Options

Batch Mode

Previous Next

A batch option has been included in the program so that a number of time consuming designs
can be executed unattended. The option is activated by double clicking anywhere on the gray
background of the structure window. A check box appears which, when clicked, changes the
caption of the Life button to Batch. The first section to be designed is selected in the list box
and Batch clicked. Each section in the list starting at the one selected to the last will then, in
turn, be designed and the results stored in the job file. The “already designed” and “saving
structure” messages are suppressed. However, if any other message, such as “minimum
thickness for a layer,” is displayed, the batch job will halt until the message is cleared.


Previous Next

The NOTES window is provided for viewing a summary of the design information for the
currently selected section and for entering and saving notes on the currently selected section, such
as size, location, maintenance history, etc.

On the left of the window is a list of the sections in the currently selected job. On the right of the
window is a text box which contains either the design information or the notes for the currently
selected section. The design information is fixed and is taken from the section data record. The
notes are entered by the user and can contain up to 30,000 characters for each section (5 to 20
pages). Text is entered and edited as it would be in the Windows Notepad text editor.

Notes Window


Command Buttons
Previous Next


Design Info




Save XML

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons

Design Info

Previous Next

Displays in the NOTES window text box the design information for the currently selected section.

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Displays in the NOTES window text box the notes for the currently selected section.

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Copies the design information and the notes from the NOTES window to the Windows clipboard.
The text can then be pasted into another application, such as a text editor or word processor.

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Prints the design information and the notes from the NOTES window to the currently selected
default Windows printer.

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons


Previous Next

Saves the notes for the currently selected section in the nts file for the currently selected job.
(Each job file has a corresponding nts file. When initialized, the notes for a section contain only
the section name unless the section was created using Copy Section in the STARTUP window,
in which case the old notes are copied into the new section.)

NOTES WINDOW > Command Buttons

Save XML

Previous Next

Saves the design data for the currently selected section in the Extensible Markup Language
(XML) file format. The generated file has a filename with the extension .xml and contains the
same data displayed in the “Design Information” pane. An XML schema file (FAARFIELD
sample xml schema.xml) is provided as part of the FAARFIELD package. The XML data file can
be imported to any application supporting the XML format. The XML data file can also be
imported directly into FAA Form 5100-1, “Airport Pavement Design” (electronic version) for
inclusion in the Engineer’s Report.


Viewing the Gear Layout

Previous Next

The AIRPLANE DATA window primarily shows the main gear layout for the airplane currently
selected in the design list. The gear layout and the tire contact patches are drawn to scale. An
image of the picture can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the right mouse button on the
picture. An image of the window is printed by clicking Print. Gross load can also be changed by
clicking the Gross Load data display box.

The horizontal locations of the points at which the pavement responses are computed (the
evaluation points) are shown in the picture as small black dots. Precise locations of the evaluation
points are listed in the output data files (see later under Data Files).

Airplane Landing Gear Data


Previous Next

Cumulative damage factor (CDF) is the amount of the structural fatigue life of a pavement which
has been used up. It is expressed as the ratio of applied load repetitions to allowable load
repetitions to failure, or, for one airplane and constant annual departures:

When CDF the pavement will have used up all of its fatigue life.
= 1,
When CDF the pavement will have some life remaining, and the value of CDF will give the frac
< 1, tion of the life used.
When CDF all of the fatigue life will have been used up and the pavement will have failed.
> 1,

Note: In these definitions, failure means failure in a particular structural failure mode according
to the assumptions and definitions on which the design procedures are based. A value of CDF
greater than one does not necessarily mean that the pavement will no longer support traffic, but
that it will have failed according to the definition of failure used in the design procedure, and
within the constraints of uncertainties in material property assumptions, etc. Nevertheless, the
thickness design is based on the assumption that failure occurs when CDF = 1.

Multiple airplane types are accounted for by using Miner's Rule instead of the "design airplane"
concept as in the current procedures, or:

CDF = CDF1 + CDF2 + ... CDFN

Where CDFI is the CDF for each airplane type in the mix and N is the number of airplane types
in the mix.

Note: The same airplane model with two different gross loads represents two different airplane
types. This is because a different pavement load will be applied by each gross load.

Each failure mode included in the design procedure will have a separate CDF. For example, in
flexible pavement design, the thickness is adjusted to make the CDF for subgrade failure equal to
1. An additional computation is then made to find the CDF for asphalt surface cracking. If the
asphalt CDF is less than 1, the asphalt is predicted not to fail in cracking before the subgrade
fails. But if the asphalt CDF is greater than 1, the asphalt is predicted to fail before the subgrade,
and adjustments should be made to base and subbase layers so that asphalt CDF is less than 1 in
the final design.

In the program implementation, CDF is calculated for each 10 inch wide strip along the
pavement over a total width of 820 inches. Pass-to-coverage ratio is computed for each strip
based on a normally distributed airplane wander pattern with standard deviation of 30.5 inches
(equivalent to airplane operation on a taxiway) and used in the above equation for Miner‟s rule.
The CDF for design is taken to be the maximum over all 82 strips. Even with the same gear
geometry, therefore, airplane with different main gear track widths will have different pass-to-
coverage ratios in each of the 10 inch strips and may show little cumulative effect on the
maximum CDF. Removing the airplane with the lowest stress or strain may then have little effect
on the design thickness, depending on how close the gear tracks are to each other.


Introduction and LED References

Previous Next

Eighteen layer types are included for building pavement structures. Some of the types can be
placed at any position in a structure, while others can only be placed in specified positions. The
reason for specifying placement, and specifying types, is that the design procedure executed by
the program is automatically determined by the layer types of the top two surface layers, and the
presence of aggregate layers. Control of default parameter values is also easier when placement is
controlled. Some flexibility is allowed by the inclusion of an “undefined” layer type. The only
restrictions on this type are that Poisson‟s ratio is fixed at 0.35 and modulus must be in the range
1,000 to 4,000,000 psi. (Default values and ranges for all layer types are displayed in the Modify
Structure data entry dialog boxes.) However, undefined layer types do not meet FAA standards
for airport pavement design.

All layer types except undefined are related in some way to layer types identified or specified in
AC 150/5320-6E. This section provides information on the relationship between the
FAARFIELD and AC 150/5320-6E layer types and provides additional guidance on selecting
appropriate layer properties as input data for FAARFIELD.

The requirements and guidelines of AC 150/5320-6E should be followed whenever there is a

discrepancy between FAARFIELD and the advisory circular. For example, minimum allowable
thicknesses for layers have been built into FAARFIELD to conform to the applicable
requirements of AC 150/5320-6E. However, minimum thicknesses from FAARFIELD should
always be checked against the requirements of the advisory circular for the particular pavement
type under design to ensure that the design meets the current standard.

References for specific details of the FAARFIELD design procedures are:

1. Barker, W.R., and W.N. Brabston, Development of a Structural Design Procedure

for Flexible Pavements, Report No. FAA-RD-74-199, September 1975.

2. Parker, F., Jr., W.R. Barker, R.C. Gunkel, and E.C. Odom, Development of a
Structural Design Procedure for Rigid Airport Pavements, Report No. FAA- RD- 77-
81, April 1977.

3. Rollings, R.S., Design of Overlays for Rigid Airport Pavements, Report No.
DOT/FAA/PM-87/19, April 1988.

4. Barker, W.R., and C.R. Gonzalez, Pavement Design by Elastic Layer Theory,
Proceedings, ASCE Conference on Airplane/Pavement Interaction, Kansas City, 1991.
Copies of the FAA reports may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service,
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161


Subgrade Layers
Previous Next

Subgrade modulus values for flexible pavement design can be determined in a number of ways.
The procedure which will be applicable in most cases is to use available CBR values and
substitute in the relationship:

E = 1,500 CBR (E in psi).

This method will provide designs compatible with the earlier flexible design procedure based on
subgrade CBR. Although FAARFIELD performs computations based on elastic modulus, direct
input of CBR values is also acceptable.

Similarly, for rigid pavement design, the foundation modulus can be expressed as the modulus of
subgrade reaction k or as the elastic (Young‟s) modulus E and can be input into the program
directly in either form. However, all structural computations are performed using the elastic
modulus E. If the foundation modulus is input as a k-value it is automatically converted to the
equivalent E value using the following equations (which are equivalent):

or, .


ESG = Resilient modulus of the subgrade, psi

k = Foundation modulus of the subgrade, pci

For existing pavements the E modulus can be determined in the field from non-destructive testing (NDT) such as
falling-weight deflectometer (FWD) tests and this may be necessary if direct testing of the subgrade is impractical. If
the subgrade is accessible then the k-value can be determined directly by plate-load testing. If the k-modulus can be
determined by plate load testing, or is otherwise available, then the k-value should be input directly into the
FAARFIELD program without first converting to E modulus.

In cases where CBR data are available, the conversion from CBR to k-value for the subgrade can be achieved using
the following formula:

(k in pci)

The equations for converting CBR and k to E modulus are based on empirical data and were used
in the development of the flexible and rigid pavement failure models. As given in the following
section (Pavement Thickness Design), the failure models represent the relationship between
computed pavement response (strain or stress) and coverages to failure measured in full-scale
tests. Resilient modulus of the subgrade was not typically measured during the full-scale tests,
most of which were run before 1974. Therefore, conversions were required to estimate resilient
modulus for use in the layered elastic computations of strain and stress. CBR was used for
flexible pavements and k value for rigid pavements. The conversion equations are therefore an
integral part of the design procedures when measured values of CBR or k are used for design.
Details of the development of the conversion equations are given in references 1 and 2.


Asphalt Layers
Previous Next

Two types of hot mix asphalt (HMA) layers are included: asphalt surface and asphalt overlay.
(For HMA used as a stabilized base layer, see the section on Stabilized Layers.) Both types have
the same properties, with modulus fixed at 200,000 psi and Poisson‟s ratio fixed at 0.35. The
asphalt overlay type can be placed over asphalt surface or PCC surface types. The asphalt overlay
type can also be placed over a Rubblized PCC Base type. The asphalt surface type can only be
placed on the top of a structure, or under an asphalt or PCC overlay.


Concrete Layers
Previous Next

Four types of concrete layers are included: PCC surface, PCC unbonded overlay on a rigid
pavement, PCC partially bonded overlay on a PCC pavement, and PCC overlay on a flexible
pavement. The PCC surface type can be placed on the top of the structure for new designs or next
to the top for overlays. The overlay types can only be placed on the top of the structure. PCC
overlay on flexible pavement can be placed on an asphalt or undefined layer.

The modulus of all PCC types is fixed at 4,000,000 psi except for PCC surface when it is part of
an overlay structure (see below). Poisson‟s ratio is fixed at 0.15 in all cases. Flexural strength can
be varied in the range 500 to 800 psi. (PCC modulus is considered to be independent of flexural

Overlaid rigid pavement designs require the SCI of the existing pavement as an input. For
unbonded overlays, it is assumed that the existing pavement may have suffered serious
deterioration before the overlay and SCI can be given values in the range 100 (none to negligible
structural cracking) to 40. For overlays on existing PCC with SCI=100, see Cumulative Damage
Factor Used (CDFU).
For partially bonded overlays, it is assumed that the existing pavement is in sound to barely failed
condition before the overlay and SCI can be given values in the range 100 (none to negligible
cracking) to 77 (slightly worse than the FAARFIELD definition of end-of-design-life of SCI =
80). Note that partially bonded overlays are no longer considered a standard FAA design in AC
150/5320-6E. By default, this option is inactive in FAARFIELD; it can be activated from the
Options window. However, if a partially bonded overlay is selected, a message will appear:
“Non-Standard Structure.”


Cumulative Damage Factor Used (CDFU)

Structural Condition Index (SCI)

LAYER TYPES > Concrete Layers

Cumulative Damage Factor Used (CDFU)

Previous Next

When SCI = 100 for overlay design of an existing rigid pavement, an additional input is required
to define the amount of life that has been used by the existing pavement up to the time of the
overlay. The input is in terms of “CDF used to first crack” (CDFU) and is equivalent to equation
42, p 98, in reference 3. For aggregate base layers, and assuming that traffic on the pavement
has been constant over time, a good estimate of CDFU can be obtained from:


LU = number of years of operation of the existing pavement until overlay

LD = design life of the existing pavement in years

This equation was derived from the empirical relationship between traffic coverages and SCI
given in reference 3 and applies to pavements on conventional (aggregate) base. However,
FAARFIELD implements a modification of this empirical relationship for higher quality base
materials to account for the observed performance of rigid pavements on stabilized bases. This
modification essentially increases the percent of design life remaining after the SCI starts to drop
from 100 if the base and subbase layers are of higher quality than an 8-inch (203 mm)
aggregate subbase (aggregate base thicker than 8 inches (203 mm) or stabilized base thicker
than 4 inches (102 mm)). Hence, the simple relationship given above is not valid for such
structures. In FAARFIELD, the percent CDFU is computed and displayed when the Life button is
clicked in the STRUCTURE window.

The procedure for computing percent CDFU for a rigid pavement with SCI = 100 is as follows:
1. Setup the structure based on the original design assumptions.

2. Estimate the traffic which has been applied to the pavement and enter into the airplane
design list.

3. Set design life to the amount of time the pavement will have been in operation up to
the time of overlay.

4. Run Life.

Percent CDFU will be displayed when the computation is completed. Values of percent CDFU
greater than 100 indicate that the procedure predicts that the SCI of the pavement should be
less than 100. A value of 100 should then be entered for percent CDFU as input data for the
overlay design. However, since the computation of percent CDFU will be based on estimated
structure properties and traffic, the value is likely to be unreliable. An alternative procedure is to
run Design Structure for the original structure with design life set to the actual design life. Then
repeat the steps given above and use the new value of percent CDFU.

If it is suspected that the pavement has been subjected to more, or heavier, traffic than assumed
in the Life computation, percent CDFU should be increased from the computed value. Setting
percent CDFU to 100 will give the most conservative design.

For both partially bonded and fully unbonded concrete overlays, the modulus of the base
pavement is varied as a function of SCI of the base pavement when SCI is less than 100
according to the relationships given in reference 3. The computation is automatic and
transparent to the user.

LAYER TYPES > Concrete Layers

Structural Condition Index (SCI)

Previous Next

The ranges of the SCI inputs correspond to specific ranges of the factors cb and cr used in the
earlier method of overlay design based on the thickness deficiency approach (refer to AC
150/5320-6D). If the c factor is available for a particular pavement, but not SCI, it is possible to
obtain an estimate of SCI from this information.

For a concrete overlay on rigid pavement the following, taken from reference 3, can be used to
relate the c factor in the previous FAA procedure with SCI required for input in FAARFIELD:

Asphalt overlays on rigid pavements also require the input of a value for SCI of the existing
pavement. The range is 100 to 67. The following, taken from reference 3, can be used to relate
the c factor in the previous FAA procedure with SCI required for input in FAARFIELD:
The range for c is specified in an earlier version of the advisory circular, AC 150/5320-6D (FAA,
1995). Note that the relationship is not valid when SCI is between 75 and 100.


Aggregate Layers
Previous Next


Crushed Aggregate

Uncrushed Aggregate

Modulus Values of Aggregate Layers

LAYER TYPES > Aggregate Layers

Crushed Aggregate

Previous Next

Crushed Aggregate in FAARFIELD corresponds to Item P-209, Crushed Aggregate Base

Course or Item P-208, Aggregate Base Course. The use of Item P-208 as a base material is
limited by AC 150/5320-6E, paragraph 309, to pavements designed for gross loads of 60,000
lbs. (27,000 kg) or less. Accordingly, if P-208 is used as a base material and airplane in the
airplane list exceed 60,000 lbs., a message will be displayed, “Non-Standard Structure.” Item P-
208 can be used as a subbase layer without restriction.

The modulus of crushed aggregate layers is computed automatically and cannot be changed

LAYER TYPES > Aggregate Layers

Uncrushed Aggregate

Previous Next

Uncrushed Aggregate in FAARFIELD corresponds to Item P-154, Subbase Course.

The modulus of uncrushed aggregate layers is computed automatically and cannot be changed
LAYER TYPES > Aggregate Layers

Modulus Values of Aggregate Layers

Previous Next

The modulus values of aggregate layers are calculated automatically. The “Modulus” procedure
used to compute the modulus values was developed by the US Army Corps Waterways
Experiment Station (WES) for the LEDNEW program, which was a predecessor of FAARFIELD.
In the “Modulus” procedure, sublayering is performed automatically. (Maximum sublayer
thicknesses are 8 inches for uncrushed aggregate and 10 inches for crushed aggregate.) The
modulus values of the sublayers decrease with increasing depth of a sublayer within the
aggregate layer, and are also dependent on the modulus of the layer below the aggregate layer.

Note: Sublayering of aggregate layers is not performed in rigid pavement designs.

Aggregate layers can be placed anywhere in the pavement structure except at the top or bottom.
The following additional restrictions also apply:

1. Only one crushed layer and one uncrushed layer may be present in a structure. This is
for compatibility with the Modulus procedure. (Sublayering by the Modulus procedure
accounts for thick layers, and multiple layers of a single aggregate type are not
necessary.) The maximum number of aggregate layers which may be present in a
structure is therefore two, one of each type.

2. If crushed and uncrushed layers are adjacent, the crushed layer must be above the
uncrushed layer (to be compatible with the modulus procedure).

For efficiency in iterating to a valid thickness design, a two-stage process is used during design
with thick aggregate layers. When CDF is outside the range 0.5 to 2.0, the aggregate layers are
not sublayered for Leaf, but are treated as a single layer with modulus equal to the average
modulus of what would be the sublayers. When CDF is within the range 0.5 to 2.0, full
sublayering is used according to the Modulus procedure. One consequence of this is that the
CDF can increase when sublayering first occurs, apparently indicating an error in the procedure.

The modulus value displayed in the structure table for an aggregate layer is the average value of
the sublayer modulus values. The only exception is for newly created layers, in which case the
“defaults” of 75,000 and 40,000 are displayed for crushed and uncrushed respectively. These
defaults are never used in calculations.

Sublayering by the Modulus procedure also causes a discontinuity in computed CDF when the
number of sublayers changes as the total thickness of an aggregate layer crosses over the
threshold during design. For example, if the thickness of an uncrushed aggregate layer
increases from 15.99 inches to 16.01 inches the number of sublayers increases from 2 to 3, and
the CDF may jump from a value above 1 to a value below 1. This can result in a condition in
which a given combination of structure and traffic does not have a CDF of 1, whatever the
thickness of the iteration layer may be, and the thickness of the iteration layer changes back and
forth across the threshold continuously. To stop the continuous iteration, the number of
sublayers in a structure is fixed when CDF is within the range 0.7 to 1.4. The condition can be
detected by running Design Structure again after a design has been completed. If the second
design gives a different thickness than the first, then the condition exists. A further consequence
is that pavement life computed using Life will not agree with the design life, and sudden
changes in AC layer CDF may occur for flexible pavements.


Stabilized Layers
Previous Next

Two categories of stabilized layers are included, classified as stabilized (flexible) and stabilized
(rigid). Within each category, both fixed-modulus and variable-modulus layer types are available.
The variable stabilized layers can be assigned modulus values within a range. For stabilized
layers in flexible pavements, the upper and lower limits of the modulus range were established by
comparison with the equivalency factors used in the previous FAA (CBR –based) design
procedure. The fixed modulus types correspond to standard material items. Property values are:

Type Modulus, psi Poisson‟s

Stabilized (flexible) 0.35

Variable Minimum 150,000

Variable Maximum 400,000

P-401/P-403 Asphalt 400,000

Stabilized (rigid) 0.20

Variable Minimum 250,000

Variable Maximum 700,000

P-301 Soil Cement Base 250,000

P-304 Cement Treated Base 500,000

P-306 Econocrete Subbase 700,000

Because the modulus values were determined on the basis of producing thickness designs
comparable with the CBR design procedure, typical laboratory test data for stabilized materials
should not be used in preparing input data for FAARFIELD designs. If it is necessary to establish
a modulus value for a variable stabilized base layer, the user should refer to the guidance
contained in AC 150/5320-6E, paragraph 314d (flexible pavements).

Since variable stabilized layers do not correspond to standard FAA materials, including a variable
stabilized layer in a pavement structure will cause a message to display: “Non-Standard


Undefined Layer
Previous Next

This layer type is included to allow the use of layers not covered by the most common structural
materials and to investigate the effects of using new, or otherwise nonstandard, materials.
Properties of the layer type are:

minimum modulus = 1,000 psi

maximum modulus = 4,000,000 psi
Poisson‟s ratio = 0.35 (fixed)
minimum thickness = 2 inches

There are no restrictions on placement of the undefined layer. If an undefined layer is the topmost
layer of a pavement structure, either the new flexible or an asphalt overlay pavement design
procedure is automatically selected, depending on the composition of the second layer. For
flexible pavements, and using the Life option, this allows for computing estimated asphalt CDF
values with asphalt modulus different than the fixed value of 200,000 psi. It is very important to
recognize that flexible pavement thickness designs made with the top layer modulus value greater
than 200,000 psi will result in nonconservative designs compared with the current FAA design

The modulus value for asphalt layers as a function of temperature can be estimated using the
relationship (Witczak, M.W., Report II, Asphalt Mixture Material Characterization,
University of Maryland, May 1989):

where E = asphalt modulus with units of 105 psi

and T = asphalt temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

Rearranging gives:
The design procedures executed when an undefined layer is present in one of the top two layers
of a pavement structure are summarized below.

Top Layer Second Layer Design Procedure

Undefined Asphalt Surface Asphalt Overlay on Flexible
Undefined PCC Surface Asphalt Overlay on Rigid
Undefined Any Overlay Not valid for design
Undefined Any except the above New Flexible
Asphalt Surface Undefined New Flexible
PCC Surface Undefined New Rigid
Asphalt Overlay Undefined Asphalt Overlay on Flexible
PCC Overlay Undefined PCC on Flexible (New Rigid)

If a structure contains one or more undefined layers, the message “Non-Standard Structure” is
displayed. Clicking on the message displays a longer message explaining why the structure is
non-standard. The long message is also displayed in the Design Info text box in the NOTES


General Design Procedure

Previous Next

Thickness designs can be made for seven different types of pavement structure:

1. New flexible.

2. HMA overlay on existing flexible.

3. New rigid.

4. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) overlay on existing flexible.

5. Unbonded concrete overlay on existing rigid.

6. Partially bonded concrete overlay on existing rigid*.

7. HMA overlay on existing rigid.

Non-Standard Structure in AC 150/5320-6E

New flexible, HMA overlay on flexible, and new rigid pavements are designed with the
following general procedure:
1. Create a structure, a design airplane list, and set the design life.

2. Click Design Structure in the STRUCTURE window. This causes the thickness of a
prescribed layer to be automatically adjusted by the program until the design criteria are

3. Inspect the structure when the design program has stopped running and, if necessary,
manually adjust the thickness of other layers in the structure and click Design Structure
again. Repeat until the thickness design is satisfactory.

4. Click Save Structure. This permanently saves all the information for the new
structure in the job file and makes the section as being a completed design.

The automatic adjustment of the prescribed layer in step 2 is done by FAARFIELD as follows:

1. Calculate the maximum stress or strain at a layer interface in the structure for each
airplane in the design list.

2. Calculate the allowable number of airplane departures to failure for each airplane
based on a defined relationship between allowable departures and stress or strain.

3. Find the ratio of actual departures to allowable departures for each airplane. This is the
CDF for each airplane.

4. Add the airplane CDFs together to find the CDF for the structure.

5. Adjust the thickness of the prescribed layer until structure CDF = 1. (Increasing
thickness decreases CDF.)

Design for overlays on rigid pavements is generally similar in terms of structure definition,
airplane list selection, and program execution, but the design procedures require more steps
because deterioration of the existing pavement is included. More details are given below for
design of each of the different types of pavement structure.


New Flexible and HMA Overlay on Flexible

Previous Next

Subgrade vertical strain and horizontal strain at the bottom of the top layer are the design criteria
for both pavement types. With the fixed default asphalt modulus value of 200,000 psi, horizontal
strain only becomes the dominant criterion when the structure is very deep and is heavily loaded.
Under these conditions the horizontal strain also has a tendency to increase as the pavement depth
increases, the opposite of the trend for subgrade strain. Overlap of the CDFs can therefore occur
and a proper design never realized. For these reasons, and to save run time, the subgrade strain is
used to iterate to a subgrade CDF of one. Only one evaluation depth needs to be sent to LEAF
and the run time is approximately halved for deep, many layered, structures (compared to
computing subgrade and asphalt strain each time). When the subgrade criterion has been
satisfied, a final calculation is made to find the asphalt CDF (again using only one evaluation
depth). If the structure is saved after design without making any modifications, the section data is
marked as being a completed design and the asphalt CDF stored in the job file section data
record. The value of the asphalt CDF can be viewed in the Design Info text box in the NOTES
window. One consequence of delaying asphalt CDF calculation until after satisfying the subgrade
criterion is that the design continues to run after the displayed (subgrade) CDF has reached its
terminal value. A message is displayed stating that asphalt CDF is being computed. The value of
asphalt CDF is displayed when the computation is complete.

For new flexible design, the thickness of the layer next to the subgrade (the design layer,
indicated by the small arrow to the left of the structure) is adjusted to make the subgrade CDF
approximately equal to one. The default error control is that the design will terminate when CDF
is in the range 0.995 to 1.005. This tolerance can be temporarily changed from the Options
window. If the layer next to the subgrade becomes thinner than its specified minimum thickness,
the thickness of the layer above is halved, or set at its minimum thickness, and the procedure
continued. If the CDF is less than one with both of the adjusted layers at their minimum
thicknesses, the CDF is displayed and the design terminated. This procedure is not intended to
“optimize” a design. It is intended only to protect from inappropriate input data.

In AC 150/5320-6E, Table 3-9 lists the minimum aggregate base course thickness requirements.
For stabilized base courses, the minimum thickness is 5 inches. In FAARFIELD, for a new
flexible pavement structure with a standard crushed aggregate base layer (P-209 or P-208) and
standard subbase layer (P-154), the base course thickness is computed as the thickness required to
protect a subgrade of CBR 20. This computed thickness is compared with the minimum thickness
requirements listed in AC 150/5320-6E, Table 3-9. The larger of the two thicknesses is used in
the final thickness design. For a standard stabilized base course (P-401 or P-403), a similar
procedure is used, except that the required structural thickness of base course to protect a CBR 20
subbase is reduced by an equivalency factor of 1.6, and the structural thickness thus obtained is
compared to the 5 inch minimum stabilized base thickness.

For overlay design, the top layer is always the design layer. The thickness of the top layer is
automatically adjusted to make the subgrade strain CDF equal to one. The procedure is
terminated, with a message, if the top layer becomes thinner than its minimum thickness.

The failure model used to find the number of coverages to failure for a given vertical strain at the
top of the subgrade is:


C = number of coverages to failure

= vertical strain at the top of the subgrade
The failure model used to find the number of coverages to failure for a given horizontal strain at
the bottom of the surface asphalt layer is:


C = number of coverages to failure

= asphalt modulus, psi
= horizontal strain at the bottom of the surface asphalt layer

New Rigid Pavement

Previous Next

For new rigid design CDF is calculated using the horizontal edge stress at the bottom of the PCC
layer. To make the FAARFIELD design procedure compatible with the historical FAA thickness
procedure (which uses 0.75 of the Westergaard edge stress for design), free edge stress is
computed for the gear load and reduced by 25%. The general procedure is to compute 75 percent
of the free edge stress with the gear oriented parallel to the slab edge, and 75 percent of the edge
stress with the gear oriented perpendicular to the slab edge, and then select the higher of the two
cases as the working stress for design. However, for the majority of gear configurations it can be
predicted which orientation will yield the critical stress, so it is not necessary to FAARFIELD to
do more than one computation per gear. Edge stresses and interior stresses for rigid pavements
are computed using the three-dimensional finite element model. The slab dimensions are fixed by
the program and cannot be changed by the user.

The rigid pavement failure model used in FAARFIELD has the general form:


SCI = Structural Condition Index

DF = design factor defined as R/, where R is the concrete flexural strength is the computed
concrete tensile strengthand

FCAL = stress calibration factor, FCAL = 1.13

F′s = stabilized base compensation factor (see below)

Parameters: a = 0.5878, b = 0.2523, c = 0.7409, d = 0.2465.

Failure for a rigid pavement in FAARFIELD is defined as SCI= 80. For a new rigid pavement,
the program iterates on the thickness of the PCC layer (the design layer) until the failure model
predicts a value of SCI=80 at the end of the design life (20 years for standard designs). The
number of coverages to failure (C) is therefore the number of coverages for SCI = 80 at any given
value of R/ (reference 2).

The failure model above assumes that the SCI deteriorates under traffic as a linear function of the
logarithm of coverages (after first reaching the first structural crack). The factor F′s is used to
adjust the slope of the line when the structure includes a higher quality (stabilized) base. When
the concrete slab is placed on an 8-inch thick crushed aggregate layer, or on a 4-inch thick
stabilized layer (500,000 psi), the value of F′s is one and the basic (uncompensated) failure model
is recovered. But if the thickness or quality of of the base/subbase structure is greater than either
of these two conditions, F′s decreases, and the number of coverages to failure increases. In this
way, the sensitivity of the FAARFIELD design thickness to base/subbase material quality is
adjusted to be compatible with that of the previous FAA design procedure given in AC 150/5320-
6D (1995).


Concrete Overlay on Flexible Pavement

Previous Next

When the PCC overlay on flexible layer is placed over an asphalt surface or undefined layer, the
new rigid pavement design procedure is automatically executed. This is analogous to the use of
the new PCC design curves in AC 150/5320-6D as described in paragraph 71 of the AC.


Concrete Overlay on Rigid Pavement

Previous Next

Two types of PCC overlay on rigid pavement are considered in the program: fully unbonded and
partially bonded. A third type of overlay, bonded concrete overlay, should be treated as a new
rigid pavement with the thickness of the PCC layer equal to the sum of the overlay and existing
PCC thicknesses, according to the applicable provisions of AC 150/5320-6E (405d.(2)). . For
both unbonded and partially bonded overlays, the maximum tensile stress at the bottom of the
overlay is used as the critical response in the calculation of CDF. Within the three-dimensional
finite element model, an appropriate value of horizontal interface stiffness is assigned internally,
based on the overlay type selected. Partially bonded PCC overlays are longer considered standard
designs in AC 150/5320-6E. Therefore, by default, design of partially bonded PCC on rigid
overlays is disabled. The option may be enabled from the Options window. However, if a
partially bonded PCC on rigid overlay is selected, a message will be displayed: “Non-Standard

The design starts with a trial overlay thickness selected by the user. CDF is calculated for the
concrete overlay layer using the same model as that used in new rigid pavement design. But the
elastic modulus of the existing pavement is assumed to decrease during the period of time when
the SCI of the existing pavement is less than 100. The tensile stress of the overlay layer therefore
varies during the life of the overlaid pavement and the CDF of the structure must be computed by
numerical integration. This results in solution times which are typically much longer than those
for the other pavement types. After the CDF has been calculated, the thickness of the overlay is
adjusted to bring the next calculated CDF closer to a value of 1 for the correct design life. The
design is terminated when the calculated value of CDF is in the range 0.995 and 1.005 and the
difference between the calculated and desired design life is less than a given tolerance, which by
default is 0.4 years.


HMA Overlay on Rigid Pavement

Previous Next

The design of HMA overlay on rigid pavement is similar to that of PCC overlay on rigid
pavement. In both cases, the deterioration of the SCI of the existing PCC is considered. The
design terminates when the terminal SCI is reached, and the difference between the calculated
and desired design life is less than a given tolerance, which by default is 0.4 years. The value of
the terminal SCI in the life computation is either 40 or 57, depending on the base/subbase
structure. FAARFIELD no longer considers the contribution of reflection crack propagation
through the HMA overlay thickness to the computed life of the overlay.


Solution Times
Previous Next

For flexible pavements, the execution time required to design a structure is almost completely
dependent on the floating point performance of the computer when performing the layered elastic
strain and stress calculations. Execution time is roughly proportional to the total number of
“design” wheels for all of the airplane in the design list, and is proportional to a small power of
the number of layers in the structure. (The inner loop in LEAF consumes almost all of the
solution time.)

The next most important factor is disk access time, but this mainly affects the response of
Windows when performing other tasks while a design is in progress and not the total solution

In general, rigid pavement designs take longer to execute than flexible pavement designs. This is
because the 3-dimensional finite element models used in the rigid pavement procedure are
computationally intense. The run time for finite element based designs depends on many factors,
including the processor speed and available RAM, the number of airplane in the design mix, and
the size of the largest gears in the mix (multiple axle gears take longer than single axle gears due
to a larger mesh). Rigid overlay designs take significantly longer to execute than new rigid

FAARFIELD implements a number of computational strategies designed to minimize

computation time. Among these is the use of a preliminary design running LEAF prior to
performing the final design iterations based on the three-dimensional finite element model. This
eliminates time-consuming and unnecessary finite element computations and also allows airplane
makinig a negligible contribution (<0.005) to the CDF to be removed from the analysis during
finite element processing. (These airplane will still appear in the airplane list in all program
output, but their CDF contribution is reported as 0.)

Thick aggregate layers increase the solution time more than would be expected because of the
sublayering used to represent variation of modulus with depth. Thin concrete overlays on rigid
pavements have the longest solution times of all the structure types.


Previous Next

A batch option has been included in the program so that a number of time consuming designs can
be executed unattended. The option is activated by double clicking anywhere on the gray
background of the structure window. A check box appears which, when clicked, changes the
caption of the Life button to Batch. The first section to be designed is selected in the list box and
Batch clicked. Each section in the list starting at the one selected to the last will then, in turn, be
designed and the results stored in the job file. The “already designed” and “saving structure”
messages are suppressed. However, if any other message, such as “minimum thickness for a
layer,” is displayed, the batch job will halt until the message is cleared. The results can be viewed
in the NOTES window after the batch job has finished.

An additional option called “No AC CDF” is included to disable the computation of asphalt
surface CDF at the end of a flexible pavement design. This option is most effective during initial
design of pavement sections with thick aggregate layers and many airplane in the design list.

If a lengthy design computation is underway, a second instance of FAARFIELD can be started

and section data edited. Design computation is only allowed from the first instance of the
program. Alternatively, any other application can be run from Windows while a design is in

The criterion for the design of new flexible pavements is to limit the vertical strain at the top of
the subgrade to a specified value. An option called “Alternate SG” is included to allow one of the
upper layers to be set as the subgrade for design. Used in conjunction with relocation of the
iteration layer (see subsection Design Structure), this allows for the inclusion of, for example,
stiff bottom layers in the structure. The procedure is to check the Alternate SG check box and
select as the iteration layer the layer above the alternate subgrade. As long as Alternate SG is
checked, the design will always be based on the vertical strain at the top of the layer below the
iteration layer.


Previous Next

A batch option has been included in the program so that a number of time consuming designs can
be executed unattended. The option is activated by double clicking anywhere on the gray
background of the structure window. A check box appears which, when clicked, changes the
caption of the Life button to Batch. The first section to be designed is selected in the list box and
Batch clicked. Each section in the list starting at the one selected to the last will then, in turn, be
designed and the results stored in the job file. The “already designed” and “saving structure”
messages are suppressed. However, if any other message, such as “minimum thickness for a
layer,” is displayed, the batch job will halt until the message is cleared. The results can be viewed
in the NOTES window after the batch job has finished.

An additional option called “No AC CDF” is included to disable the computation of asphalt
surface CDF at the end of a flexible pavement design. This option is most effective during initial
design of pavement sections with thick aggregate layers and many airplane in the design list.

If a lengthy design computation is underway, a second instance of FAARFIELD can be started

and section data edited. Design computation is only allowed from the first instance of the
program. Alternatively, any other application can be run from Windows while a design is in

The criterion for the design of new flexible pavements is to limit the vertical strain at the top of
the subgrade to a specified value. An option called “Alternate SG” is included to allow one of the
upper layers to be set as the subgrade for design. Used in conjunction with relocation of the
iteration layer (see subsection Design Structure), this allows for the inclusion of, for example,
stiff bottom layers in the structure. The procedure is to check the Alternate SG check box and
select as the iteration layer the layer above the alternate subgrade. As long as Alternate SG is
checked, the design will always be based on the vertical strain at the top of the layer below the
iteration layer.


Copying to the Clipboard

Previous Next
In addition to copying the design and notes information to the clipboard from the NOTES
window, any of the program windows can be copied to the clipboard as a bitmap using the
Windows Alt-PrintScreen function. The bitmap can then be pasted into another application and
printed or saved. First make sure that the window to be copied is the active window by clicking
the mouse within the window area. Then hold down the Alt key and press the PrintScreen key. If
the window is not copied to the clipboard, check your computer documentation for the equivalent

The picture of the structure in the STRUCTURE window can also be copied to the clipboard by
placing the mouse pointer within the area of the picture and clicking the right mouse button.
Similarly, the picture of the gear layout in the AIRPLANE DATA window can be copied by
right clicking on the picture.


File Management
Previous Next

In general, file management, such as backup and deletion, should be done with Windows
Explorer. However, two extra functions have been added to FAARFIELD to simplify working
within the program.

The first extra function allows job files to be saved in a selected directory other than the working
directory. In the STARTUP window, right click on the job file to be saved. A standard Windows
Save As dialog box will appear. The job file can then be saved anywhere within the computer‟s
resources, with or without changing the name. Only one file can be saved at a time.

The second function is to create a new working directory or to change the current working
directory. Right click in the box displaying the name of the working directory. A standard
Windows Save As dialog box will appear. Navigate to the correct directory and press the create-
a-new-folder icon to create a new directory. Navigate to the directory you want to be the current
working directory and press Save. No action is taken other than returning the name of the new
directory to FAARFIELD. The new name is displayed in the box in the STARTUP window and
the names of any job files existing in the new working directory are displayed in the left hand list
box, replacing the ones already there.


Output Data Files

Previous Next

At the end of the structural design or life computation, details of the structure, airplane loads, and
pavement responses are stored in an ASCII text output file and placed in the current working
directory. The output files always have the same names, depending on the pavement type, and
overwrite the files generated by the previous computation. The filenames are:

1. LeafSG.out (subgrade responses for a flexible pavement)

2. LeafAC.out (asphalt surface layer responses for a flexible pavement)

3. NikePCC.out (PCC surface layer responses for a rigid pavement)

For flexible pavements, stresses, strains, and displacements are given for each evaluation point
for each airplane in the traffic mix. Principal and octahedral stresses are included. LeafSG.out
contains the responses computed at the top of the subgrade, and LeafAC.out contains the data for
responses computed at the bottom of the asphalt surface layer.

For rigid pavements, NikePCC.out contains the maximum computed horizontal stress on the
bottom of the slab for each airplane in the traffic mix. In addition, the 3-dimensional finite
element stress computation model produces a number of output files:

1. Nike3d.txt (3-dimensional finite element summary output file)

2. N3dhsp (3-dimensional finite element detailed output file – Note: this file can be

3. Pltdata.dat (generated 3-dimentional mesh data that can be imported to a postprocessor

program for viewing)

Note: Output files will NOT be created if the “No Out File” option is checked. To activate the
output files, double click anywhere on the gray background of the Structure window. This will
cause four option check boxes to appear. Unchecking the box marked “No Out File” will cause
output files to be created on subsequent runs. Clicking on the gray background a second time will
hide the option boxes.


Storage Files
Previous Next

Permanent information for layered elastic design is stored in *.job and *.nts files. *.job files
contain all of the data required by FAARFIELD for all of the sections in one job. *.nts files
contain user entered information not needed by FAARFIELD but which may be useful in
identifying features of the pavement sections, tracking design history, etc. Both files can be read
by other applications if necessary.

*.JOB.xml Files

LEDFAA *.job File Format

Example of a *.job File with 2 Sections

Layer Codes

*.nts File Format

DATA FILES > Storage Files

*.JOB.xml Files

Previous Next

FAARFIELD stores job data using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. This allows
for easy import of job and section data to applications supporting XML, such as MicrosoftTM
ExcelTM. Information on the XML format may be found in several publications or online at:

The following XML schema describes the structure of the *.JOB.xml file. A description of the
XML elements follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

<xsd:element name="JobInfo">



<xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="SectionInfo">



<xsd:element name="SectionName" type="xsd:string" />

<xsd:element name="jobDesigned" type="xsd:string" />

<xsd:element name="S" type="xsd:string" />

<xsd:element name="jobCDFAsp" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobLife" type="xsd:integer" />

<xsd:element name="jobSCIB" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobLifeExistPCC" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobNPLayers" type="xsd:integer" />

<xsd:element name="jobNAC" type="xsd:integer" />

<xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="LayerInfo">



<xsd:element name="jobThick" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobModulus" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobLCode" type="xsd:decimal" />




<xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="AircraftInfo">



<xsd:element name="jobACName" type="xsd:string" />

<xsd:element name="jobGL" type="xsd:decimal" />

<xsd:element name="jobRepsAnnual" type="xsd:integer" />

<xsd:element name="jobRepsInc" type="xsd:integer" />











XML Element:Subelement Description

jobCDFAsp Asphalt Layer CDF
jobLife Design Life (years)
jobSCIB Structural Condition Index
jobLifeExistPCC Percent CDFU
jobNPLayers Number of Layers
JobNAC Number of Airplanes
LayerInfo:jobThick Layer Thickness (inches)
LayerInfo:jobModulus Layer Modulus (psi), or Flexural Strength
(psi) when the layer is PCC
LayerInfo:jobLCode Layer Code
AircraftInfo:jobACName Airplane Name
AircraftInfo:jobGL Gross Taxi Weight (lbs)
AircraftInfo:jobRepsAnnual Annual Departures of Airplane
AircraftInfo:jobRepsInc % Annual Growth for Airplane

For each section, element LayerInfo is repeated up to the number of pavement layers in the
section. Likewise, element AircraftInfo is repeated up to the number of airplanes in the traffic
mix. Note that the above values are stored in English (US Customary) units, even if the screen
display is set to Metric.

DATA FILES > Storage Files

LEDFAA *.job File Format

Previous Next

Note: The following information pertains to the old *.job format that was used by LEDFAA. It is
provided for reference.

FAARFIELD saves new job data in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. However,
FAARFIELD will read older job files created in the *.job format. When FAARFIELD encounters
*.job files in the working directory, it will automatically read them and convert them to the new
*.JOB.xml format. When this is done, the original *.job files are moved to a subdirectory of the
working directory called old_job_files. Subsequent changes will be saved only to the *.JOB.xml
files; the original *.job files will not be affected.

The format of the old *.job files is as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6




Date Time DateTime ACCDF


Thick(1) Modulus(1) LC(1)

Thick(2) Modulus(2) LC(2)

Thick(3) Modulus(3) LC(3)

Thick(I) Modulus(I) LC(I)

Thick(NL) Modulus(NL) LC(NL)

ACName(1) GL(1) Rps(1) %Growth(1)

ACName(2) GL(2) Rps(2) %Growth(2)

ACName(J) GL(J) Rps(J) %Growth(J)

ACName(NA) GL(NA)Rps(NA) %Growth(NA)

Blank Line (for expansion)

Blank Line (for expansion)

Next set of section data, starting with the name

Explanation of *.job File Field Names

Format# = File format identifier; Type = string; current =


SectionName = section name; Type = string

Date = date of completed design; Type = string; Format =


Time = time of completed design; Type = string; Format =


DateTime = date and time of completed design in VB format;

Type = double precision real

Field Width = 20

Note: When a design has not been completed for the section,

Date = 11/01/71, Time = 00:00:00, DateTime = 26238

Name Description Type Field

ACCDF Asphalt Layer CDF Real 12
Life Design Life Integer 4
SCI Structure Condition Index Real 8
%CDFU Percent CDFU Real 8
NL Number of Layers Integer 4
NA Number of Airplane Integer 4
Thick(I) Thickness of Layer I Real 12
Modulus(I) Modulus of Layer I * Integer 12
LC(I) Layer Code for Layer I Integer 8
ACName(J) Airplane Name for Airplane J String 21
GL(J) Gross Load for Airplane J Integer 9
RPS(J) Annual Repetitions for Airplane J Integer 8
%Growth(J) Percent Annual Growth for Airplane J Real 12
* Flexural strength when the layer is PCC.

DATA FILES > Storage Files

Example of a *.job File with 2 Sections

Previous Next



11/01/71 00:00:00 11/01/71


20 0.00 100.00 4 3

5.0000 200000 1

8.0000 400000 14

10.0000 75000 6

0.0000 15000 4

DC10-10 458000 2263


B747-200B Combi Mixd 873000 832


B777-200 ER 634500 425



11/01/71 00:00:00 11/01/71


20 0.00 0.00 4 3

14.0000 700 5

6.0000 700000 17
6.0000 75000 6

0.0000 15000 4

DC10-10 458000 2263


B747-200B Combi Mixd 833000 832


B777-200 ER 634500 425


DATA FILES > Storage Files

Layer Codes

Previous Next

= Undefined
1 = P-401/P-403 Asphalt Surface
2 = Not Used
3 = Not Used
4 = Subgrade
5 = P-501 PCC Surface
6 = P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course
7 = Variable Stabilized Base (rigid)
8 = P-154 Subbase Course (uncrushed aggregate)
9 = Variable Stabilized Base (flexible)
10 = P-401/P-403 Asphalt Overlay
11 = P-501 PCC overlay fully unbonded
12 = P-501 PCC overlay partially bonded
13 = P-501 PCC overlay on flexible
14 = P-401/P-403 Stabilized Base (flexible)
15 = P-301 Soil Cement Base Course
16 = P-304 Cement Treated Base Course
17 = P-306 Econocrete Subbase Course
18 = P-208 Aggregate Base Course
19 = Rubblized PCC Base Course
DATA FILES > Storage Files

*.nts File Format

Previous Next
*.nts files contain user entered information about sections in a job stored as strings. The format
consists of a sequential list of each section name, the length of the notes string for that section,
followed by the notes string. A Visual Basic 2005 routine to read the data for a specified section
(ISECT) in a *.nts file is as follows:

NFNo = FreeFile

Open FileName$ For Input As #NFNo

For I = 1 To ISect

Line Input #NFNo, S$ ' Section name.

Input #NFNo, SLen ' Length of NotesString.

NotesString$ = Input$(SLen, #NFNo)

Input #NFNo, SS$ ' Get CRLF.

Next I

Close NFNo

All data in the notes for section ISect is left in the string NotesString$.


Previous Next

Four design examples are given: new flexible, new rigid, concrete overlay on rigid, and asphalt
overlay on rigid. In the first 2 examples, it is assumed that external job files have not been created
and the designs are started from the internal Samples job. Examples are also given to illustrate
overlay design on composite pavements and the effects of sublayering in aggregate layers.

All of the design examples have the same traffic mix, representing a very heavily loaded
pavement as would be found at a major port:

Airplane Gross Weight, lbs Annual Departures

B737-400 150,500 360
B747-400 877,000 4,200
B757-200 256,000 360
B767-200 ER 396,000 720
B777-200 Baseline 537,000 720
MD83 161,000 600
DC10-30/40 583,000 360
MD11ER 633,000 700
L-1011 498,000 320

Percent annual growth is assumed to be zero in all of the examples. Also, layer thickness results
are all given to 1 decimal place. Rounding would be done before writing the final design


New Flexible Design Example

Previous Next

The pavement in the new flexible pavement design example is to service airplane of greater than
100,000 lbs gross weight, and must therefore have a stabilized base and subbase as specified in
AC 150/5320-6E. Item P-401, Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement, is selected for the base course
and Item P-209, Crushed Aggregate Base Course, is selected for the subbase. The thickness of
the HMA surface layer is 5 inches, which exceeds the minimum thickness of 4 inches required by
AC 150/5320-6E, paragraph 314c. The ubgrade CBR for the example is 8. The design life is 20
years, complying with AC 150/5320-6E. The determination and selection of suitable base and
subbase thicknesses is discussed below after describing the initial setup of the example.

When FAARFIELD is first started, the STARTUP window is displayed and, if there are no
external job files, a message is displayed stating that there are no job files in the working

1. Clear the message by clicking OK and press the New Job command button.

2. Enter a name for the new job in the displayed dialog box and click OK.

3. Reselect the Samples job by clicking on its name in the left hand list box.

4. Click Copy Section to start the procedure for copying from the Samples job to the new

5. Select the new flexible sample section in the right hand list box by clicking on the
NewFlexible section name.

6. Copy the selected section to the new job by clicking on the new job file name in the
left hand list box and entering, in the displayed dialog box, the section name to be used in
the new job.

7. End the copy procedure by clicking End Copy.

8. Select the new job file in the left hand list box and double click on the section name in
the right hand list box (or click Structure) to transfer to the STRUCTURE window.

The new flexible pavement structure from the Samples job will be displayed after transfer to the
STRUCTURE window. But before starting design of the structure, information for the traffic
mix listed in the introduction to the design examples must be entered in the AIRPLANE
window. To do this:

1. Click Airplane to transfer control to the AIRPLANE window.

2. Click Clear List and answer Yes in the displayed message box. All airplane stored in
the new flexible section of the Samples job will be deleted from the table of design

3. Select one of the airplane groups in the top left hand list box to display the airplane
contained in that group in the lower left hand Library list box.

4. Select the first airplane in the group to be added to the table of design airplane by
clicking on its name in the library list. Transfer the airplane to the table by clicking Add.
(Double clicking the name will also transfer the airplane.)

5. “Default” values of gross weight, annual departures, and percent annual growth will be
displayed in the table. Any of these values can be changed within a specified range by
clicking on the number in the table. An input box is displayed which also gives the default
value and the range within which a new value can be entered. Enter the new value and
click OK.

6. Select the rest of the airplane to be added to the design airplane table from the group
one at a time and change the default data values as required. If a mistake is made and the
wrong airplane added to the table, the airplane can be removed by selecting its name and
clicking Remove (or by double clicking its name).

7. Repeat the process for each group until all airplane in the traffic mix have been added
to the table. Note that the L-1011 in this example is contained in the Other Commercial

8. Click Save List and answer OK to the displayed message.

9. Click Back to return to the STRUCTURE window.

Next, modify the structure in the STRUCTURE window. Initially, the only change that needs to
made is to change the subgrade CBR from the default value of 15 to the actual value of 8. Click
Modify Structure, click on the CBR box in the Subgrade layer, enter the correct value, and click
OK. Then click End Modify.
The thickness of 8 inches for the P-401/P403 base layer will be used as a starting point. By
default, FAARFIELD will automatically compute the required base layer thickness to comply
with the structural requirements and minimum thickness required by AC 150/5320-6E. The
procedure followed by FAARFIELD is described in the section on Pavement Thickness Design
(New Flexible and HMA Overlay on Flexible).

Click on Design Structure. . The program will automatically compute base and subbase
thicknesses. In this case, the computed base thickness is 10.64 inches and the subbase thickness is
14.95 inches.

Based on the initial run, select a base thickness of 11 inches, which satisfies the design

To perform the final design run, first modify the structure in the STRUCTURE window. Click
Modify Structure, click on the thickness box in the P-401/P-403 base layer, enter the new base
thickness of 11 inches, and click OK. Click End Modify. Click Save Structure to save these

Next, click the Back button to return to the STARTUP window. Click Options to open the
OPTIONS window, and uncheck the box labeled “Enable Automatic Base Design.” Also,
uncheck the box labeled “No AC CDF.” Click OK. Click Structure to return to the
STRUCTURE window. Again, click on Design Structure. The program will now keep the base
thickness unchanged at 11 inches, but will compute a new subbase thickness. In this example, the
computed subbase thickness is 14.2 inches.

For this example, a base thickness of 11.0 inches was finally selected. After the final design run,
the subbase thickness of 14.2 inches gives a total pavement thickness of 30.2 inches. From the
NOTES window, Design Info button, the design information for the final design is:

The structure is New Flexible. Asphalt CDF = 0.0046.

Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 P-401/ P-403 HMA Surface 5.00 200,000 0.35 0
2 P-401/ P-403 St (flex) 11.00 400,000 0.35 0
3 P-209 Cr Ag 14.23 46,418 0.35 0
4 Subgrade 0.00 12,000 0.35 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 30.23 in

Airplane Information

Gross Wt. Annual % Annual

No. Name
lbs Departures Growth
1 B737-400 150,500 360 0.00
2 B747-400 877,000 4,200 0.00
3 B757-200 256,000 360 0.00
4 B767-200 ER 396,000 720 0.00
5 B777-200 Baseline 537,000 720 0.00
6 MD83 161,000 600 0.00
7 MD11ER 633,000 1,200 0.00
8 MD11ER Belly 633,000 1,200 0.00
9 A340-200 std 568,563 3,650 0.00
10 A340-200 std Belly 568,563 3,650 0.00

Additional Airplane Information


No. Name
Contribution for Airplane Ratio
1 B737-400 0.00 0.00 1.30
2 B747-400 0.55 0.55 0.59
3 B757-200 0.00 0.00 0.68
4 B767-200 ER 0.03 0.03 0.59
5 B777-200 Baseline 0.01 0.01 0.45
6 MD83 0.00 0.00 1.33
7 MD11ER 0.33 0.33 0.63
8 MD11ER Belly 0.00 0.05 1.21
9 A340-200 std 0.08 0.08 0.64
10 A340-200 std Belly 0.00 0.03 1.20

Note that the wing gear and the belly gear for the MD11 and A340-200 are treated as separate
airplane in the design procedure. Also, the thickness of the subgrade is given as 0.00 inches. This
is not an error, but reflects the assumption in the layered elastic representation of the structure is
that the subgrade is infinitely thick.


New Rigid Design Example

Previous Next

The new rigid design example uses the same traffic mix as the new flexible design example, and
the pavement for the new rigid design example must therefore have a stabilized subbase course to
satisfy the requirements of AC 150/5320-6E. A 2-layer subbase has been selected with Item P-
304, Cement Treated Base, at the top and Item P-209, Crushed Aggregate Base Course below.
The subgrade k value is 120 pci and the surface is Item P-501, Portland Cement Concrete
Pavement, with a design flexural strength of 725 psi. Design life is 20 years.

The design can be started by copying the NewRigid section in the Samples job to the same job
file as used in the new flexible example. Since the airplane mix is the same as in the flexible
example, some time can be saved by using the floating airplane list:

1. Select the NewFlexible design example while in the STRUCTURE window and
transfer to the AIRPLANE window by clicking Airplane.

2. Click Save to Float to copy all of the airplane in the design airplane list to the Float
Airplane list.
3. Click Back to return to the STRUCTURE window and select the NewRigid section.

4. Go to the AIRPLANE window and clear the design airplane list with the Clear List
command button.

5. Click Add Float to copy the airplane in the float list to the design airplane list.

6. Save the newly created airplane list and return to the STRUCTURE window with the
Back button.

All of the information for the Samples job structure is correct for this example except for the
upper subbase layer, the subgrade modulus value, the PCC flexural strength, and, depending on
the design engineers judgment, the subbase layer thicknesses (the Samples job values are 6 inches
for each layer). Start the design by changing the subbase material:

1. Click Modify Structure.

2. Click the box containing the name of the material for the upper subbase layer (P-306
Econocrete in this case). The Layer Type Selection box will be displayed. Click on P-304
Cement Treated Base under the heading Stabilized (rigid) and click OK. The box will
close and the layer in the pavement structure will change to P-304.

The subgrade k value and the PCC flexural strength are both changed by clicking in their
respective boxes and entering the new values in the input boxes. Thicknesses of structural layers
above the subgrade can be changed by clicking the respective Thickness boxes and entering the
new values. The thickness of P-304 CTB is changed from 6 inches to 8 inches in this example.

Clicking End Modify, followed by Design Structure causes the thickness of the top layer to be
changed until the CDF for tensile stress at the bottom of the surface layer has a value of 1. In this
case the computed surface thickness is 16.7 inches for a CDF of 1.

Various design options for subbase thicknesses can be tried, with the Design Structure function
executed after each change. The design in this case was finalized with a Cement Treated Base
(CTB) layer thickness of 8 inches, a lower subbase thickness of 6 inches, and a surface thickness
of 16.7 inches. The final design information from the NOTES window, Design Info button, is
given below for the structure only (Note that while the airplane information is the same as in the
new flexible example, the computed P/C ratios and CDF contributions for the airplane are not the
same in the two examples). The information in the Design Information pane of the NOTES
window can be copied to the clipboard for pasting into an application or written to an XML data
file using the “Save XML” function from the NOTES window.

The structure is New Rigid.

Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 PCC Surface 16.66 4,000,000 0.15 725
2 P-304 CTB 8.00 500,000 0.20 0
3 P-209 Cr Ag 6.00 30,518 0.35 0
4 Subgrade 0.00 12,152 0.40 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 30.66 in

Airplane Information

Gross Wt. Annual % Annual

No. Name
lbs Departures Growth
1 B737-400 150,500 360 0.00
2 B747-400 877,000 4,200 0.00
3 B757-200 256,000 360 0.00
4 B767-200 ER 396,000 720 0.00
5 B777-200 Baseline 537,000 720 0.00
6 MD83 161,000 600 0.00
7 MD11ER 633,000 1,200 0.00
8 MD11ER Belly 633,000 1,200 0.00
9 A340-200 std 568,563 3,650 0.00
10 A340-200 std Belly 568,563 3,650 0.00

Additional Airplane Information


No. Name
Contribution for Airplane Ratio
1 B737-400 0.00 0.00 3.51
2 B747-400 0.18 0.61 3.46
3 B757-200 0.00 0.00 3.90
4 B767-200 ER 0.00 0.02 3.60
5 B777-200 Baseline 0.00 0.00 4.25
6 MD83 0.00 0.01 3.43
7 MD11ER 0.00 0.22 3.68
8 MD11ER Belly 0.56 0.56 3.01
9 A340-200 std 0.00 0.10 1.89
10 A340-200 std Belly 0.25 0.25 2.99

Concrete Overlay on Rigid Design Example

Previous Next

Design of an overlay on a rigid pavement normally starts with an existing pavement structure
having a known SCI. In the design example, an unbonded overlay is to be applied over an
existing rigid pavement which has an SCI of 70. The same traffic mix as used in the new
pavement design examples is to be applied for 20 years after overlaying. For the PCC overlay, a
concrete strength of 700 psi will be used. The properties of the existing structure are:
Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 PCC Surface 14.00 4,000,000 0.15 725
2 P-304 CTB 8.00 500,000 0.20 0
3 P-209 Cr Ag 6.00 30,518 0.35 0
4 Subgrade 0.00 12,152 0.40 0

After setting up the structure to match the information above and setting the traffic information,
as described in the new pavement design examples, an overlay layer is added in the
STRUCTURE window as follows:

1. Click Modify Structure.

2. Click Add/Delete Layer.

3. Click anywhere within the PCC surface layer in the picture of the structure. A
duplicate of the surface layer will be added to the structure adjacent to the original surface

4. Click on the layer material box in the new surface layer, while still in modify mode,
and select Overlay fully unbonded from the Layer Type Selection box under the heading
PCC: All P-501. After clicking OK to close the Layer Type Selection box, the new
surface layer will change to an overlay and two additional data entry boxes will appear to
the right of the design life box, SCI and %CDFU (percent cumulative damage factor

5. Click on the SCI box and change the value to 70. %CDFU will default to a value of
100. %CDFU cannot be changed in this example because SCI is less than 100.

6. If Life is not already set to 20, click in the Des. Life box and enter a value of 20. This
will give the pavement a life of 20 years after overlaying.

7. Click End Modify to leave the modify mode.

Run the design by clicking Design Structure. Initially, the thickness of the overlay layer will
change in increments of 2 inches. After 2 successive thicknesses have bracketed the correct
design thickness, the thickness of the overlay layer will iterate to the correct thickness. This
process will take considerably longer than in the new pavement designs.

For the PCC overlay, FAARFIELD computes a thickness of 12.80 inches. Normally, this will be
rounded to the nearest 0.5 inch, or 13 inches, following AC 150/5320-6E. From the NOTES
window, Design Info, the final structure with airplane information is:

The structure is Unbonded PCC Overlay on Rigid.

SCI of the existing pavement = 70.
Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 PCC Overlay Unbond 12.80 4,000,000 0.15 700
2 PCC Surface 14.00 4,000,000 0.15 725
3 P-304 CTB 8.00 500,000 0.20 0
4 P-209 Cr Ag 6.00 30,518 0.35 0
5 Subgrade 0.00 12,152 0.40 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 40.80 in

Airplane Information

Gross Wt. Annual % Annual

No. Name
lbs Departures Growth
1 B737-400 150,500 360 0.00
2 B747-400 877,000 4,200 0.00
3 B757-200 256,000 360 0.00
4 B767-200 ER 396,000 720 0.00
5 B777-200 Baseline 537,000 720 0.00
6 MD83 161,000 600 0.00
7 MD11ER 633,000 1,200 0.00
8 MD11ER Belly 633,000 1,200 0.00
9 A340-200 std 568,563 3,650 0.00
10 A340-200 std Belly 568,563 3,650 0.00

Additional Airplane Information


No. Name
Contribution for Airplane Ratio
1 B737-400 0.00 0.00 3.51
2 B747-400 0.61 0.61 3.46
3 B757-200 0.00 0.00 3.90
4 B767-200 ER 0.01 0.02 3.60
5 B777-200 Baseline 0.00 0.00 4.25
6 MD83 0.00 0.01 3.43
7 MD11ER 0.25 0.25 3.68
8 MD11ER Belly 0.00 0.48 3.01
9 A340-200 std 0.14 0.14 1.89
10 A340-200 std Belly 0.00 0.20 2.99

In the output from the NOTES window, the modulus of the PCC surface layer of the existing
structure is given as 4,000,000 psi. But this is not the value used during design when the SCI of
the layer is less than 100. The value used is calculated from the relationship (given in reference


SCIExist = SCI of the existing PCC layer as it deteriorates during the life of the overlaid
EExist = modulus of the existing PCC layer at SCIExist

E100 = modulus of the existing PCC layer when its SCI is 100 (4,000,000 psi in this case)

The modulus of the CTB layer is also set at its default value of 500,000 psi, which is appropriate
for design of new structures. But if, from field surveys, the layer is known to be seriously
deteriorated, it can be replaced in the representation of the structure by a lower quality layer type
or by the variable stabilized layer type with its modulus value set to less than 500,000 psi.


HMA Overlay on Rigid Design Example

Previous Next

HMAoverlays on existing rigid pavements are designed in exactly the same way as concrete
overlays except that the HMA Overlay layer type is selected from the Layer Type Selection box.
The modulus of the existing PCC surface layer is adjusted during the design, so the value of
4,000,000 psi reported in the design information from the NOTES window is an upper limit for
the modulus values used in the life computations. Subbase material substitutions are appropriate
where there is evidence of serious deterioration from field surveys.

For the same existing pavement and airplane traffic as used in the concrete overlay design
example, FAARFIELD computes a required HMA overlay thickness of 8.6 inches. The total
structure thickness is 36.6 inches. The final structure with airplane information from the NOTES
window, Design Info, is:

The structure is AC Overlay on Rigid.

SCI of the existing pavement = 70.
Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 P-401/ P-403 HMA Overlay 8.64 200,000 0.35 0
2 PCC Surface 14.00 4,000,000 0.15 725
3 P-304 CTB 8.00 500,000 0.20 0
4 P-209 Cr Ag 6.00 30,518 0.35 0
5 Subgrade 0.00 12,152 0.40 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 36.64 in

Airplane Information

Gross Wt. Annual % Annual

No. Name
lbs Departures Growth
1 B737-400 150,500 360 0.00
2 B747-400 877,000 4,200 0.00
3 B757-200 256,000 360 0.00
4 B767-200 ER 396,000 720 0.00
5 B777-200 Baseline 537,000 720 0.00
6 MD83 161,000 600 0.00
7 MD11ER 633,000 1,200 0.00
8 MD11ER Belly 633,000 1,200 0.00
9 A340-200 std 568,563 3,650 0.00
10 A340-200 std Belly 568,563 3,650 0.00

Additional Airplane Information


No. Name
Contribution for Airplane Ratio
1 B737-400 0.00 0.00 3.51
2 B747-400 0.07 0.24 3.46
3 B757-200 0.00 0.00 3.90
4 B767-200 ER 0.00 0.01 3.60
5 B777-200 Baseline 0.00 0.00 4.25
6 MD83 0.00 0.01 3.43
7 MD11ER 0.00 0.06 3.68
8 MD11ER Belly 0.65 0.65 3.01
9 A340-200 std 0.00 0.01 1.89
10 A340-200 std Belly 0.29 0.29 2.99


Overlays on Composite Pavements

Previous Next

Design of overlays on existing rigid pavements which already have an asphalt overlay cannot be
done directly using FAARFIELD because a PCC surface layer cannot be placed further down
than the second layer in a structure. One method of representing such a structure is to replace the
PCC layer in the existing pavement with an undefined layer or a variable stabilized layer. The
modulus of the substitute layer can be selected based on the design engineers judgment of the SCI
of the existing PCC layer and application of the equation for PCC layer modulus given in the
concrete overlay design example.


Effects of Sublayering in Aggregate Layers

Previous Next

As discussed in the section on aggregate layers, sublayering of aggregate layers is included in the
design procedures. The maximum sublayer thicknesses are 8 inches for uncrushed aggregate and
10 inches for crushed aggregate (except when the number of layers is fixed to avoid continuous
iteration). The following example illustrates the effects of the sublayering caused by changes in
effective stiffness of an aggregate layer when the number of sublayers changes. The example
structure has a 6 inch thick asphalt surface layer over aggregate base and subbase layers and a 9
CBR subgrade (modulus of 13,500 psi). Airplane in the mix are B-747-400, MD83, and B777-
200 Baseline. Note that the structure as shown is a non-standard structure, since AC 150/5320-6E
would require a stabilized base for the given airplane mix. However, it is used in this example for
illustrative purposes.

The structure is New Flexible. Asphalt CDF = 0.6926.

Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 P-401/ P-403 HMA Surface 6.00 200,000 0.35 0
2 P-209 Cr Ag 11.00 66,802 0.35 0
3 P-154 UnCr Ag 16.04 26,466 0.35 0
4 Subgrade 0.00 13,500 0.35 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 33.04 in

Airplane Information

Gross Wt. Annual % Annual

No. Name
lbs Departures Growth
1 B747-400 873,000 2,500 0.00
2 MD83 150,500 16,000 0.00
3 B777-200 Baseline 537,000 500 0.00

The design was run by setting the subbase as the iteration layer and starting from an arbitrary
subbase thickness. Automatic base layer thickness design was disabled. But running Life after the
design was completed gave a life of 21.5 years, a subgrade CDF of 0.93, and an asphalt CDF of
0.60, which do not agree with the design information. Then, without changing any of the
properties of the structure or the airplane mix, Design was run again, resulting in the following

The structure is New Flexible. Asphalt CDF = 0.6022.

Design Life = 20 years.

Pavement Structure Information by Layer, Top First

Thickness Modulus Poisson's Strength

No. Type
in psi Ratio R,psi
1 P-401/ P-403 HMA Surface 6.00 200,000 0.35 0
2 P-209 Cr Ag 11.00 68,791 0.35 0
3 P-154 UnCr Ag 15.88 26,865 0.35 0
4 Subgrade 0.00 13,500 0.35 0

Total thickness to the top of the subgrade = 32.88 in

From the first to the second design, the thickness of the subbase decreased from 16.04 to 15.88
inches and crossed the threshold for sublayering from 2 sublayers to 3. The modulus values of
both aggregate layers also changed, as did the asphalt CDF. The changes in the structure are
summarized in the table below, with the sublayer modulus values included (read from the Leaf.str

Property Design 1 Design 2

Subbase thickness 16.04 15.88
Modulus of base sublayer 1 78,267 79,939
Modulus of base sublayer 2 55,337 57,643
Average modulus of the base 66,802 68,791
Modulus of subbase sublayer 1 30,440 32,497
Modulus of subbase sublayer 2 22,492 27,398
Modulus of subbase sublayer 3 no sublayer 20,699
Average modulus of the subbase 26,466 26,865
Design life after Life 21.5 18.6
Subgrade CDF after Life 0.93 1.07
Asphalt CDF 0.69 0.60
Asphalt CDF after Life 0.60 0.70

All of the values given are for the structure at the end of design except where noted that they
were obtained after running Life. For the first design the subbase has 2 sublayers instead of the 3
required by its thickness of more than 16 inches. This is because, during the final stages of
design, the number of sublayers was fixed when the thickness of the subbase was greater than 16
inches. Then, when Life was run, the correct number of 3 sublayers was created and the life
computations made for a slightly different structure. Also, when the second design was run, the
structure started with the number of 3 sublayers, the number of sublayers was fixed at 3, and the
design completed with 3 sublayers and a thickness of less than 16 inches. If the number of layers
had not been fixed at some stage, the design would have cycled back and forth across the
threshold thickness of 16 inches with CDF values of 0.93 and 1.07 repeated endlessly.

Two other interesting aspects of this example are:

1. Removing the MD83 from the airplane list and running Life on the second design
decreases the subgrade CDF from 1.07 to 1.02 (4.7 percent), but decreases the asphalt
CDF by a much larger relative amount, from 0.60 to 0.24 (60 percent).

2. Changing the base material to variable stabilized at 150,000 psi on the second design
decreases the subgrade CDF to 0.25 and decreases the asphalt CDF to 0.05 (a negligible

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