Classroom Resources
Primary Textbook (Techbook)
● Discovery Education
**Curriculum structured through the primary textbook and supported by primary source documents, supplemental
readings, and resources from educational resources and Web sites including, but not limited to:
Students are assessed on how well they meet content standards by demonstrating a deep understanding of historical
concepts. The course grade will be determined primarily through various types of assessments.
70% Assessments: tests, quizzes, individual/ cooperative group projects, formal writing, Socratic Seminars
30% Homework/Classwork: work providing background knowledge to prepare for assessments (i.e. readings,
outlines, worksheets, maps, etc.)
Students are responsible for their own success. Students who need help understanding course work or concepts should
take the initiative to see their teacher for assistance. (See communication section of this syllabus)
CMS Academic Honesty Policy (plagiarism and cheating)
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in all students involved earning a referral, a zero for the
assignment, and a lowered citizenship grade. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
● Copying
● Working with a partner or a group on an individual assignment
● File sharing and/or providing copies of work for other students to earn credit
● Failure to quote, paraphrase, and/or cite sources when using outside material in work
● When testing:
○ Text messaging, or any other form of communication during test situations
○ Navigating to any other resource other than the testing window (other websites, apps,
extensions, etc.)
*Please refer to the CMS Academic Honesty Policy in the CMS handbook.
Late Work
Late homework/classwork assignments earn reduced credit (60%) and late assessment assignments earn a reduction of
25%. ALL assignments are only accepted until the close of the current unit of study.
Students with excused absences will be given five school days to make up missed assignments (excluding projects and
tests; these are due upon the date of return) before these assignments become late. It is the responsibility of the student
to check PowerSchool for assignments when absent, get all assignments missed during an absence, and to schedule
makeup assessments with Mr. Smith.
**If you are turning in late or absent work, you must print out the assignment and follow the instructions posted by the
late/absent turn in basket. Do not attempt to submit the assignment online to the PowerSchool Dropbox.
Students at CMS are expected to show good character and follow The 8 Keys of Excellence: In compliance with CMS policy, all students begin with
an S in citizenship; E’s are only awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding citizenship on many levels. Please
refer to the school guidelines for citizenship grades in the CMS Student Handbook.
Behavior Policy
Our classroom is a space that facilitates the learning process for all students. Respectful behavior towards teachers, guests
and other students is expected at all times. Students who disrupt the learning process of others will be given an alternate
setting in which to complete classwork.
Students are required to use technology daily to complete and keep track of coursework and grades. All students are
required to abide by the CMS Technology Acceptable Use Policy found in the student handbook, and signed at
Students without reliable access to technology outside of school must have a plan to access classroom resources via the
Internet. Students can access the Internet for free in CMS classrooms, the CMS library, and the Coronado Public Library.
PowerSchool is the classroom communication tool to connect students, parents, and teachers. Students and parents are
expected to check PowerSchool regularly for all communication relating to this class. Students and parents can access
grade data 24/7 on PowerSchool.
A variety of Google apps will be utilized in this class; Google apps are to be used for academic purposes only. Students
are expected to use their CUSD Google accounts for all school-related work and collaboration.
Discovery Education
Students will have a hard copy of their textbook available in class, in addition to the online techbook and additional
resources. Students will need to access the techbook online at home to complete homework.
“Students Helping Students” Discussion Board: If you have questions and/or concerns that other students may benefit
from learning the answers to, or that students could help answer, please use this discussion board.
Email: I may be reached by email through the PowerSchool inbox. Please use email only for questions/concerns that are
specific to you; otherwise, use the “Students Helping Students” discussion board for questions that may benefit other
students, that other students can help answer, or that you need an immediate response to.
Appointments: If you would like help or support during lunch or afterschool, please email me or see me in class so we
can schedule a time to meet.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s class work, progress and/or grade, please speak with your child
before contacting me. If there is still a question or concern, I will be happy to discuss it with your child first. This will
help our students to begin advocating for themselves, and to build confidence, responsibility, and initiative in their
academic identities.
Phone: 619.522.8921 ext. 3105
Email: via PowerSchool inbox or [email protected]
Please detach this page and return it by Friday, August 30.
I have read and agree to the class guidelines and requirements. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact Mr.
Smith as soon as possible.
PARENTS: Is there anything else you would like me to know about your child?
STUDENTS: Is there anything you would like me to know about you?