Pre-Ib World Literature Course Syllabus

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Honors 10 English Jay Kirk (425) 431-6166 [email protected].

edu Office hours in D100

Enduring Understandings: During the course, our work will be guided by these Enduring Understandings: Communication enables us to gain and share information about self, others, and the world. Communication can influence or be influenced by society and environment. Communication influences understanding and relationships among diverse cultures/groups. Effective communication requires the use of conventions. Elements of communication forms can be combined and manipulated to express ideas and create effects. Audience and purpose influence choices in content, style, and organization. Writing, reading, and researching are processes used to construct new understanding and meaning. People use analysis to look deeply into ideas in order to fully understand their meaning and structure. People use arguments to persuade, establish credibility, clarify beliefs, solve problems, and test ideas. People use narrative to preserve history and personal identity, and interpret the past.

Essential Questions: During the course, our work will be guided by a daily set of Essential Questions, such as: What is analysis? What is the effect of an authors use of literary elements in a text? How does literature preserve and transmit culture? Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will: Read a minimum of five novels or dramas; Write multi-paragraphed essays in restricted and unrestricted situations; Study literary terms and stylistic devices; Give effective oral presentations; Create and explore various aspects of poetry; Work cooperatively and responsibly on both individual and group projects; Curriculum: The following is a sample of literary works we will be using this year. While the school will provide copies, it is recommended that students purchase copies. Lord of the Flies William Golding The Crucible Arthur Miller (Penguin Plays) The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger (Little, Brown, and Company Edition) The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare (Folger Shakespeare Library)

Content Outline: Semester 1 Lord of the Flies Poetry The Crucible Semester 2 Short Stories The Catcher in the Rye The Tragedy of Macbeth

Films/Media: When films exist that help us to understand topics studied by the entire class, students will view them. I select films carefully and all films used, regardless of rating, have relevance to this curriculum. Parents or guardians may request alternate viewing assignments if they feel that the material is inappropriate for their individual student. If that occurs, an alternate assignment will be created. Assignment/Late Work Policy: Course work falls into one of the following categories: Major Assignments These include (but are not limited to) multi-paragraph essays, group presentations/projects, GPTs, and midterm/final exams As per department policy, major assignments that are turned in late are penalized 10% per calendar day. As mastery of frameworks is paramount, each major assignment must be completed to standard in order to pass this course. Homework/Daily Assignments These include (but are not limited to) quizzes, short writing assignments, and daily reading assignments. If daily homework or in-class assignments are missed because of an excused absence, the student will be given one calendar day to make up the work for full credit. If the due date is missed and the work is turned in within a week, it can receive 50% credit. If that work is turned in more than one week late or not turned in at all, it will receive no credit. Oral Work/Participation This includes (but is not limited to) individual presentations and discussion participation; students must be present in class to receive these points. Scholarly Responsibility/Attendance Due to the fact that English courses are heavily discussion and seminar based, consistent attendance is crucial to a students achievement. More than five (5) unexcused absences in a semester will lead to an I (Incomplete) grade because of insufficient evidence to support assigning that student a grade. Teachers are not required to allow students to make up missed assignments and/or discussions when they have an unexcused absence.

Grading: Grades on individual assignments are based on a point system with letter grades at the end of each grading period awarded on a percentage basis. The Grading Scale for this class is:

93% - 100% = A 90% - 92% = A87% - 89% = B+ 60% - 66% = D Extra Credit:

83% - 86% = B 80% - 82% = B77% - 79% = C+ 59% - 0 = F

73% - 76% = C 70% - 72% = C67% - 69% = D+

There will be no extra credit work offered in this course. Sensitive Materials: One of the goals of English Language studies is to expose students to a variety of perspectives and cultures within society. Thus, it is possible that students may read or be exposed to something that they might find objectionable. We encourage students to individually discuss with us material that they find objectionable; in some cases, alternative assignments may be assigned. Personal and Academic Honesty: Students are expected to do their own work. The E-W definition of cheating includes (but is not limited to): copying or lending assignments; communicating, in any way, during a test; using notes in a situation where notes are not acceptable; plagiarism (the intentional or unintentional failure to give clear credit to the author of any words/ideas not your own) in any form (individual/group work). A first offense will result in loss of grade points for the assignment (for all individuals claiming credit) with no possibility of make-up (and the parent will be notified and documentation of the incident will be placed in the students file). A second offense, regardless of date or previous grades, will result in a loss of semester credit for the course. The staff at EWHS uses as a resource when grading written assignments; students must open an online account and submit work to prior to grading, as directed by the instructor. Work is considered late if it is not submitted to by the due date. Behavioral Expectations: All electronic devices except laptops (used for instruction only) are banned during the school day instructional time (7:30-1:50 PM). Students must treat themselves and others with respect. The following things have no place in our classroom: food/drinks; hats/hoods/sunglasses; rudeness; degrading/harassing remarks or acts; abusive behavior. They will not be tolerated. Attendance/Tardy Policies: Tardies You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings. If you are tardy, do not interrupt the class and make sure at the end of class that I have not marked you absent. An unexcused tardy becomes an unexcused absence 10 minutes into class. Unexcused tardies can result in detentions.

Please go over the syllabus with parents or guardians, fill out this portion, and return by Monday, September 13th Student Contact Information: Name: _____________________________________ Email Address (optional, but helpful): _____________________________________ We have read and understand the course rules/standards and the Personal and Academic Honesty sections of the syllabus. I (student) will abide by the rules/standards and consequences established in these materials. _______________________________ Student Signature Primary Parent/Guardian Contact Information Name: Best Day Phone: Best Night Phone: Email Address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

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