Higgins was educated at the Ursuline High School,
Wimbledon and Somerville College, Oxford where she
was awarded Master of Arts and DPhil
Higgins in 2019
In 1999, Higgins was elected as a member of the Born Julia Stretton Downes
National Academy of Engineering for the application 1 July 1942[1]
of neutron scattering and reflectivity to polymeric Surbiton, London, England[2]
materials, and for service to the scientific community. Alma mater Somerville College, Oxford (MA,
Higgins chaired the Advisory Committee on
Mathematics Education (ACME) from 2008 to 2012. Awards Sir Frank Whittle Medal (2020)
She is also a former chair (1998–2003) of the Athena Holweck Prize (2006)
Project, which aims for the advancement of women in DBE (2001)
science, engineering and technology (SET), in Higher FRS (1995)
Education. Between 2003 and 2007, she was also chair
FREng (1999)
of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council. Higgins was president of the Institution of Scientific career
Chemical Engineers 2002–03, and president of the Fields Polymer science
British Association for the Advancement of Science
Neutron scattering
2003–04. She was elected a Fellow of the Royal
Society in 1995,[9] and was its foreign secretary 2001– Institutions Imperial College London
In April 2003, she became chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and was
succeeded by John Armitt on 1 April 2007. In June 2006, Higgins was appointed principal of the Faculty
of engineering at Imperial College London. The Faculty of engineering at Imperial College is one of the
largest in the UK, comprising nine departments with 1,000 staff, over 4,200 students and an annual
turnover of around £80 million. She is a member of the World Knowledge Dialogue Scientific Board,
president of the ESPCI ParisTech Scientific Committee.[15]
She is a Patron of WISE, a charitable organisation that encourages young women to pursue careers in
Science, engineering and Construction,[16] as well as a member of the Advisory Council for the
Campaign for Science and Engineering.[17]
She served as president of the Institute of Physics from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2019.[18]
After obtaining a first degree in Physics the candidate undertook research in the field of
Physical Chemistry. She started using neutron scattering as a tool for investigating molecular
structure and dynamics at this stage, first applying the techniques to the study of polymers
while a post-doctoral research assistant in the Chemistry Department at Manchester. She was
closely involved with the development of new techniques, their application in Polymer Science
and the formation of an international community of scientists using these techniques while
employed as a Physicist at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble.[9] Since [sic] returning to the
UK at Imperial she has built an internationally recognised group. She is well-known for her
studies of the dynamics of polymer molecules, especially in the bulk state and, more recently
the thermodynamics and demixing processes in polymer blends. Dr Higgins has a wonderful
ability for recognizing when a new area of polymer science is ripe for experimental study and
has a row of 'firsts' to her credit.[19]
1. "HIGGINS, Dame Julia (Stretton)" (https://www.ukwhoswho.com/view/article/oupww/whoswh
o/U20092). Who's Who. Vol. 2014 (online edition via Oxford University Press ed.). A & C
Black. (Subscription or UK public library membership (https://www.ukwhoswho.com/page/subscri
be#public) required.)
2. Higgins, Julia (2011). "Professor Dame Julia Higgins" (https://sounds.bl.uk/related-content/T
RANSCRIPTS/021T-C1379X0055XX-0000A1.pdf) (PDF). National Life Stories: An Oral
History of British Science (Interview). Interviewed by Thomas Lean. The British Library. Ref
no: C1379/55.
3. Julia Higgins's publications (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=740211972
4) indexed by the Scopus bibliographic database. (subscription required)
4. "Dame Julia Higgins profile" (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/AP/faces/pages/read/Home.jsp?pers
Retrieved 18 April 2014.
5. Professor Dame Julia Higgins' profile (http://www.ingenia.org.uk/ingenia/articles.aspx?Index
=423) Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20150924035139/http://www.ingenia.org.uk/ing
enia/articles.aspx?Index=423) 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Ingenia,
September 2007
6. Symposium Opening speech by Julia Higgins 2008 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB
FIXB2kTjw) on YouTube
7. The Royal Society's The Vision Committee's Vision for the future of Science and Maths
Education (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwSe1nQaiQ4) on YouTube, chaired by Julia
8. Higgins, Julia Stretton (1968). Inelastic scattering of neutrons from clathrate inclusion
compounds and molecules in molecular sieves (http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/OXVU1:LSCO
P_OX:oxfaleph020545024). bodleian.ox.ac.uk (DPhil thesis). University of Oxford.
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ww.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b083n2jg). bbc.co.uk. London: BBC.
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