Synthesis of Potassium Sulfate by Conversion of Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate
Synthesis of Potassium Sulfate by Conversion of Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate
Synthesis of Potassium Sulfate by Conversion of Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate
A topical task in potassium industry is to substantially In the last years, particular attention has been given
raise the production of chlorine-free potassium fertilizers. to a study of conversion methods for manufacture of
At present, potassium chloride constitutes about 90% of potassium sulfate, based on the interaction of potassium
potassium fertilizers. However, potassium chloride is far chloride and various kinds of sulfate-containing raw
from being a versatile fertilizer because of containing materials [4] by the reaction
chlorine. Its introduction for a number of crop cultures
is limited, and is inadmissible in certain cases. To plants KCl + МSO4 → K2SO4 + МCln, (1)
of this kind belong potatoes, citrus cultures, some
vegetables, flowers, etc. where M = Na+, NH4+, H+, Ca2+, Mg2+, etc.
The best potassium fertilizers for chlorophobic However, the described conversion methods are to use
cultures are potassium sulfate and nitrate. It has been as raw material potassium chloride, which is a product
found by comparing various forms of fertilizers on obtained in processing of natural potassium salts and
different soils that, in any case, sulfate fertilizers (K2SO4) thus only replace one kind of potassium fertilizers with
are advantageous because of containing sulfur as a sulfate another, rather than raising the output of the product by
ion, which is an irreplaceable nutritional element for plant the potassium industry.
growth [1–3]. In the world, there are several major deposits of natural
The problem of obtaining chlorine-free potassium potassium-magnesium polymineral ores of the sulfate
fertilizers has been recently at the focus of specialists’ type, whose processing can yield potassium sulfate or
attention both in CIS countries and in developed foreign other kinds of chlorine-free potassium fertilizers. To
countries. At present, these fertilizers already are or are these belong the remainder of the Ciscarpathian deposit,
to be manufactured in all countries producing potassium Zhilenskoe deposit of polyhalite ores, hartsaltz German
fertilizers, and also in Japan and Belgium, both having no ores, and the Delowar deposit of langbeinite ores in the
potassium raw materials of their own. At the present-day United States.
amounts of manufacture and consumption of chlorine-free Analysis of published data shows that manufacture
potassium fertilizers they are in deficit. This shows that of chlorine-free potassium fertilizers from natural raw
further development of the manufacture of chlorine-free materials of the magnesium-potassium-sulfate type is
kinds of potassium fertilizers is necessary. based on the solubility diagram of the four-component
water-salt system K+, Mg2+ || Cl–, SO42– –H2O. The titration with Trilon B; Cl–, by direct titration with an
technique for reacting magnesium sulfate and potassium AgNO3 solution in the presence of K2CrO4; and SO42–,
chloride was developed by Kurnakova and Luk’yanova by the gravimetric method. The composition of the
[5]. They found that, to provide the maximum conversion solid phase was additionally monitored by X-ray phase
from chloride to sulfate, the process should be performed analysis.
in two stages to obtain in the first stage an intermediate We used as the completeness criterion of the process
product, schoenite, which decomposes in the second stage the degree of utilization of the K+ ion in the solid phase,
to K2SO4 by the scheme calculated as the ratio between the amount of K+ ions in
the resulting solid phase and the content of K+ ions in
2KCl + 2MgSO4 + 6H2O the starting product.
→ K2SO4·MgSO4·6H2O + MgCl2, (2) Let us consider the effect of temperature, agitation
K2SO4·MgSO4·6H2O + nH2O time, and l : s ratio on the process in which schoenite
(K2SO4 MgSO4·6H2O) is obtained via the interaction of
→ K2SO4 + MgSO4 + (n + 6)H2O. (3) KCl and MgSO4·7H2O by reaction (2).
The effect of temperature on the degree of conversion
All the known industrial plants manufacturing
was determined in the temperature range 25–50°C at the
potassium sulfate employ this scheme with variations,
stoichiometric ratio between the starting components in
depending on the raw material being used. However,
the course of 1 h. It is known that, all other conditions
there is no clear understanding of the process in which
being the same, raising the temperature accelerates a
schoenite is obtained [reaction (2)]. The effects of
chemical process and reduces the viscosity of the medium,
temperature, ratio between the starting components, l : s which must lead to faster collisions between reactant
ratio, agitation duration have been insufficiently studied. molecules. However, the data obtained (Table 1) indicate
Our communication presents the results obtained in that the optimal temperature at which the degree of
synthesis of schoenite and its subsequent decomposition utilization of potassium ions is 67.9% is 25°C. At 50°C,
to K2SO4, with potassium chloride and magnesium this parameter falls to 44.6% because of the increasing
sulfate of reagent grade used as raw materials. Epsomite solubility of the salts. For example, the concentrations of
(MgSO4·7H2O) was used as magnesium sulfate. the MgSO4 and KCl salts in solution at 25°C are 10.83 and
Experiments were performed as follows. Potassium 6.54%, respectively, whereas at 50°C, their concentrations
chloride was poured in the solid form with grain size of increase to 15.13 and 9.12%, respectively. Performing the
1 mm into a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate. The conversion at room temperature is the most economically
conversion was performed under permanent agitation. efficient because of making it possible to carry out the
After a run was complete, the suspension was filtered process without additional energy expenditure for heating
at the temperature of experiment. The starting and final or cooling.
products were weighed and subjected to a comprehensive The optimal time was also determined at the
chemical analysis. K+ was determined by the spectral stoichiometric ratio between potassium chloride and
method (flame photometry); Mg2+, by complexonometric magnesium sulfate. Kinetic curves were recorded
Table 2. Effect of the expenditure rate of KCl on the synthesis of schoenite. Temperature 25°C, agitation duration 60 min
Salt composition, wt %
Expenditure rate of KCl relative Degree of potassium
Product sum of
to stoichiometry KCl MgCl2 MgSO4 K2SO4 H2O utilization, %
80 Schoenite 5.43 5.46 12.19 – 23.08 76.91 71.20
Solid phase – – 29.34 44.79 – 25.87
100 Schoenite 6.71 7.62 9.04 – 23.37 76.63 67.98
Solid phase – – 29.07 47.83 – 26.10
110 Schoenite 8.56 7.04 9.33 – 24.93 75.04 66.70
Solid phase – – 29.71 42.43 – 27.06
120 Schoenite 8.41 7.42 8.35 – 24.18 75.82 64.50
Solid phase – – 30.11 43.29 – 26.59
at agitation durations of 15, 30, 45, and 60 min and formed because their contents of MgSO4, K2SO4, and
temperatures of 25, 35, and 60°C (see figure). H2O are 29.77, 43.30, and 26.93%, respectively (Table 1,
The reaction is fast even at low temperatures of 25 temperature 25°C). That is, it is nearly the same as that
and 35°C and, already during 15 min, the degree of of the chemically pure product (schoenite): 29.9, 43.3,
utilization of potassium ions reaches large values of 64 and 26.5%, respectively. The data were confirmed by
and 63%, respectively. Then the process becomes slower X-ray diffraction patterns measured for these products.
and the ionic composition of the liquid phase starts to The patterns clearly demonstrate that schoenite is formed.
change gradually and slowly. The degree of utilization of The effect of changing the expenditure rate of potas-
potassium ions increased during 1 h of agitation by only sium chloride relative to the stoichiometry was examined
2–3% to become 67.9 and 65.3%, respectively. At 50°C, using reaction (2) with introduction of various amounts of
this parameter reaches the maximum value (44.60%) the potassium salt: 80, 100, 110, and 120% relative to the
already in 15 min. stoichiometry at 25°C and agitation duration of 60 min
The chemical composition of the solid phases obtained (Table 2). It was found that it is the most appropriate to
in the given experiments confirms that schoenite is use in the given case the stoichiometric expenditure rate
of KCl. Raising the expenditure rate of KCl to above
the stoichiometry leads to a decrease in the degree of
ε, %
utilization of potassium ions in the finished product. For
example, this parameter is 71.2% at a 20% deficiency of
KCl and only 64.5% at its 20% excess.
In the conversion of potassium chloride with
magnesium sulfate in the case when the expenditure
rate of KCl is lower than the stoichiometric value, part
of the unreacted magnesium sulfate remains in solution,
which is indicated by its high content in the liquid phase,
about 12.19% against 9.04 and 8.35% at 100 and 120%
expenditure rates relative to the stoichiometry. At the
τ, min same time, raising the expenditure rate of KCl leads to
its accumulation in the liquid phase. Its content increases
Kinetic curves for the process of schoenite synthesis at various
temperature. (ε) Degree of utilization of potassium ions and (τ) from 5.43% at a deficiency of KCl to 8.41% at a 120%
agitation duration. T (°C): (1) 50, (2) 35, and (3) 25. excess of KCl.
The effect of the l : s ratio on the qualitative and was found that the solid phase contains 38.9% schoenite
quantitative characteristics of the process of potassium and 61.1% K2SO4. Presumably, two processes occur in
chloride and magnesium sulfate conversion was studied at the latter case: conversion of KCl and MgSO4 and simple
the stoichiometric expenditure rate, temperature of 25°C, decomposition of schoenite, its incongruent dissolution
and agitation duration of 60 min. The l : s ratio was varied to give a new solid phase of potassium sulfate, just
from 1 : 1 to 3 : 1. The data obtained demonstrate (Table 1) which leads to an increase in the degree of utilization of
that raising the share of water leads to a decrease in the potassium ions to 58.42%.
degree of utilization of potassium ions. For example, at It was found that the l : s ratio of 1.7 : 1 is the
the l : s ratios of 1 : 1, 1.4 : 1, 1.7 : 1, and 2.0 : 1, the optimal for obtaining schoenite by conversion of KCl
degrees of utilization of potassium ions are 82.0, 76.0, and MgSO4. In this case, the total amount of salts in the
67.4, and 41.46%, respectively. The results of the study liquor is 23.4%. The compositions of the liquid phases
demonstrate that lowering the amount of introduced water obtained in run nos. 1 and 2 (Table 3) lie in the solubility
makes higher the content of starting components in the diagram of salts in the system K+, Mg2+ || Cl–, SO42– –
finished product. The content of KCl and MgSO4 in the H2O in the region that is multiple of the point KCl +
solid phase, in addition to schoenite, was 6.1% each at MgSO4·K2SO4·6H2O + MgSO4·7H2O; the compositions
l : s = 1 : 1 and 3.5 and 4.2%, respectively, at l : s = 1.4 : 1. of the liquid phases obtained in run nos. 3 and 4 lie in the
With the l : s ratio raised further, to 1.7 : 1 and 2 : 1, the field of schoenite, and the composition of the liquid phase
solid phase is 100% composed of schoenite. from run no. 5 lies at the boundary between the schoenite
Raising the share of water by a factor of 3 (l : s = 3 : 1) and arcanite formation regions. Further increase in the
makes it possible to obtain K2SO4-enriched schoenite. It l : s ratio to above the value specified above results in
Table 4. Effect of temperature and agitation duration on the composition of the solid phasein the course of schoenite decomposition
by water
Mineralogical composition of the
Agitation Salt composition, wt % Degree of potassium
Т, °C solid phase, %
duration, min utilization, %
MgCl2 MgSO4 K2SO4 H2O schoenite leonite K2SO4
90 – 29.71 43.16 27.13 – 88.5 11.5 21.00
120 – 32.19 48.79 19.09 – 87.7 16.6 22.88
360 – 21.79 58.39 17.91 – 73.4 26.6 25.23
1 day – 23.77 54.36 21.86 – 80.3 19.7 29.23
30 0.70 25.13 47.21 26.96 86.6 – 13.4 –
35 60 0.70 23.19 47.21 26.96 77.52 – 22.48 21.30
90 0.70 21.16 47.21 26.96 75.70 – 24.40 23.10
30 1.37 2.71 80.21 15.72 – 19.79 80.90 51.30
60 1.15 2.35 80.30 16.19 – 19.70 80.30 51.40
the formation of dilute liquors whose utilization cause agitation. In these conditions, the solid phase contains
considerable difficulties in their processing. only 11.5% K2SO4, with the rest represented by leonite. A
Aqueous decomposition of schoenite. Production certain increase in the content of potassium sulfate in the
of potassium sulfate by decomposition of schoenite is solid phase to 16.6% is observed as the agitation duration
one of the main and final procedures in processing of is raised to 3 h, and to 27.8% in 6 h. About the same
polymetallic ores. Schoenite is rather easily dissolved results were obtained in decomposition of schoenite at
in water. In its nature schoenite belongs to the class 35°C. The only difference is that the content of potassium
of incongruently soluble double salts, i.e., schoenite is sulfate is somewhat higher: 24.4% in 1.5 h, which exceeds
dissolved with decomposition of the crystal hydrate, by 13% the results obtained at 25°C. Decomposition
with potassium sulfate remaining in the solid phase. of schoenite at 50°C makes it possible to reach a high
Schematically, the process of schoenite decomposition degree of schoenite conversion to potassium sulfate. In
can be described by the reaction this case, the content of potassium sulfate in the finished
product already after 30 min of agitation is up to 80.9%;
2K2SO4·MgSO4·6H2O + nH2O → [K2SO4 + 2MgSO4 the degree of utilization of potassium ions increases to
+ (n + 6)H2O]sol + K2SO4↓. (4) 51.3%. At the same time, making longer (60 min) the
agitation duration at 50°C has no noticeable effect on the
Experiments of decomposition of schoenite with water schoenite decomposition process.
were performed in a single stage. In single-stage runs, the Effect of the l : s ratio on the process of schoenite
process was commenced at 77–78°C; after a prescribed decomposition by water. An important parameter in
time the slurry was cooled to 50 or 35°C and the agitation obtaining K2SO4 by decomposition of schoenite with
was continued for 20–30 min more to eliminate the water is the minimum amount of water at which the
supersaturation with potassium sulfate. For comparison, degree of utilization of potassium ions is at the optimum
we first carried out experiments on decomposition of and the content of K2SO4 in the finished product is high.
schoenite of the same composition at temperatures of 25, An increased expenditure of water will lead to a large
35, and 50°C, with the decomposition time varying from amount of solutions to be evaporated, which will require
30 to 90 min (to 360 min at 25°C). a greater expenditure of thermal energy.
The results obtained are listed in Table 4. The data in Experiments were performed at 50°C, because this
Table 4 suggest that the process depends on the temperature temperature is optimal in decomposition of schoenite with
of experiment. It was found that no decomposition of water at l : s ratios of 0.95 : 1, 1 : 1, 1.1 : 1, and 1.5 : 1.
schoenite is observed at 25°C, even upon 90 min of The agitation duration was 60 min.
Table 5. Effect of the l : s ratio on the composition of sulfate liquor and solid phase in decomposition of schoenite
The experimental results are listed in Table 5. sulfate salts to give schoenite, with its subsequent
As expected, raising the l : s ratio changes the salt decomposition by water to potassium sulfate.
concentrations in both liquid and solid phases. For (2) The optimal conditions of both stages of the
example, the content of MgSO 4 and K 2SO 4 in the process were determined: first stage: temperature 25°C,
liquid phase is 18.95 and 12.77%, respectively, at l : s = interaction duration 1 h, stoichiometric amounts of
0.95 : 1, whereas at l : s = 1.1 : 1, it decreases to 16.64 the starting components, l : s = 1.75 : 1; second stage:
and 10.98%, respectively. Because of the enhanced temperature 48–50°C, agitation duration 1–1.5 h, l : s =
dissolution of the salts, the degree of utilization of 0.95 : 1.
potassium ions decreases from 55.39% at l : s = 0.95 : 1
to 37.64% at l : s of 1.5 : 1. However, the content of REFERENCES
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