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Conference Paper in PLANT ARCHIVES · August 2024

DOI: 10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2024.v24.SP-GABELS.026

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3 authors, including:

Anushree R K
Marathwada Agricultural University


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Soumya Sucharita Sahoo et al. 1

Plant Archives Vol. 24, Special Issue (GABELS), 2024 pp.169-174 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210

Plant Archives
Journal homepage: http://www.plantarchives.org
DOI Url : https://doi.org/10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2024.v24.SP-GABELS.026


Soumya Sucharita Sahoo1*, B.S. Agarkar2 and Anushree R.K.3
1Department of Food Science and Nutrition, S.D.A.U., Gujarat, 385506, India
2Department of Food Engineering, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani, Maharashtra, 431401, India
3Department of Food Science and Nutrition, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani, Maharashtra, 431401, India

*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]; Contact: 7751857853

Finger millet is a rich source of protein, dietary fibre, calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, other minerals
and vitamins along with some anti-nutrients. The anti-nutrients present in finger millet grains bind with
certain minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc to form soluble as well as insoluble complex compounds.
Thus, these anti-nutrients decrease the bioavailability of these minerals. Malting is a pretreatment that
helps in increasing the bioavailability of nutrients through inducing hydrolytic activity. Thus to optimize
the availability, digestibility and rate of absorption of all the nutrients present in the grains, malting can
be an efficient process. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of malting on nutrient
and anti-nutrient composition of finger millet flour. A local variety of brown finger millet was selected to
evaluate the nutritional changes during the malting process. The nutrient profile of the malted finger
ABSTRACT millet flour showed significant increase in protein (8.64g vs. 7.52g), carbohydrate (68.84g vs. 67.12g),
calcium (372 mg vs. 356 mg), iron (4.42 mg vs. 4.12 mg), magnesium (143.2 mg vs. 137.1 mg) and
zinc (2.54 mg vs. 2.47 mg) content and a slight decrease infat (1.9g vs. 1.3g), dietary fibre (10.71g vs.
9.98g), sodium (3.23 mg vs. 4.67 mg)and phosphorous(216 mg vs. 231 mg) content as compared to
raw finger millet flour per 100 g. The total ash content decreased insignificantly, while the potassium
content increased non-significantly during malting process. Additionally, the total phenol and alkaloid
contents increased during malting. Significant reductions in phytate, tannin and saponin content were
observed in malted finger millet flour as compared to raw finger millet flour.
Keywords: Finger millet, Malting, Nutrients, Anti-nutrients, Bioavailability

Introduction (Gautam, 2000; Bhatt et al., 2003); 1.3-1.8% fat

Finger millet (Eleucine coracana, commonly (Lupien et al., 1990; Bhatt et al., 2003) and 1.7%-
called “ragi, rapoko, mandua”), a major millet of 4.14% total ash (Rao, 1994). Finger millet is the richest
family Poaceae is cultivated in arid and semi-arid source of calcium and iron (Vijayakumari et al., 2003).
areas of Africa and India and consumed as a staple 100g finger millet contains about 344 mg of calcium
food worldwide. The naming of the grain is like this (Bhatt et al., 2003).
because of its morphology showing five finger like Dark brown seed coat of finger millet is rich
panicles radiating from a central point resembling polyphenols in comparison to other cereal grains like
human palm (Sood et al., 2017). Different varieties of rice, wheat and maize (Viswanath et al., 2009) that
finger millet such as light brown, brown, black and show antioxidant activities but also decrease certain
white are cultivated in various regions (Devi et al., nutrients‟ bioavailability by hindering their digestion
2014; Kumar et al., 2016). Finger millet possesses and absorption.Various anti-nutritional factors e.g.
higher content of dietary fibre, carbohydrates, iron and phytates, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols and tannins are
calcium than the other major food crops (Sood et al., present whose concentration differs from one variety to
2016). Finger millet contains 72-79.5% carbohydrates another. Brown finger millet grains have higher
(Bhatt et al., 2003); 15-22% total dietary fibre amount of tannins and phytates as compared to white
(Shobhana and Malleshi, 2007); 5.6-12.75% protein finger millet. Brown finger millet contains 360 mg
170 Effect of malting on composition of nutrients and anti-nutrients in finger millet flour

tannins per 100 g (Rao and Prabhavati, 1982). Tannins month of July, 2023. All chemicals used for the
decline the bioavailability and utilization of proteins by analyses were of analytical grade.
binding to it in digestive tract (Asquith and Butler, Processing of raw and malted finger millet flour
1986).Tannins are polymeric phenolic secondary
metabolites showing astringency widely distributed in The finger millet grains were winnowed, cleaned
legume seeds, millets, cereals, tea, coffee and nuts etc. and washed in running water and soaked overnight in a
(Tamakau et al., 2019).In vitro protein digestibility is volume of water and grains in proportion of 4:1. The
inversely proportional to the tannin content present in water used for soaking was strained and soaked finger
finger millet grains (Ramachandra et al., 1977). The millet grains were tied in white muslin cloth and kept
tannin content of brown finger millet decreases by 54% completely covered in a vessel and left for
during malting (Rao, 1994). Phytate e.g. Inositol germination. The germination was completed after 4
hexakisphosphate is the salt form of phytic acid with days and the germinated grains were opened to dry in
monovalent and divalent cations of sodium, air flow followed by roasting in a pan. The germinated,
magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc accumulated in roasted finger millet grains were rubbed to remove the
seeds during maturation. Phytates interfere with germ shoot and milled and sieved to prepare fine flour
bioavailability and absorption of calcium, iron and zinc using a 60 mesh sieve. Equal portion of finger millet
and also inhibit the protease actions thus limiting the grains were taken, washed and dried and pulverized
protein solubility and digestibility (Cheryan, 1980; into fine flour without any pretreatments application.
Davis and Warrington, 1986). Saponinsare secondary The prepared flour from germinated, roasted (malted)
metabolites present in the form of triterpenoid in seeds, finger millet and raw finger millet grains were kept in
leaves, flowers and roots and being surface active air tight plastic jars separately (Dahiya et al., 2018).
agents possess foaming capacity (Liao et al., 2021). Determination of proximate composition of millet
Polyphenols are secondary plant metabolites that show flour
protective action against various degenerative diseases
like cancer, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, Proximate composition of raw and germinated
osteoporosis and neurological disorders in human flour was determined according to the method of
being (Arts and Hollman, 2005). Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC,
Malting is a combined process of steeping,
germination, drying, roasting, grinding and sieving of Millet flour mineral content determination
grains to improve the total nutritive value and to reduce The mineral composition (magnesium, calcium,
anti-nutritional components. Malting helps finger phosphorous, sodium, potassium, zinc and iron) of the
millet in developing higher amylase activity thus millet flour samples was determined using Association
enhances the protein and starch digestibility in of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 2007)
sorghum and other millets (Malleshi and Desikachar, methods.
1986). The anti-nutrient activity of phytic acid and Determination of anti-nutrientcontent of millet
tannin in brown finger millet are decreased by 58% and flour
54%, respectively during malting (Rao, 1994). Malting
process is very much useful in preparation of The method of Makkar and Goodchild (1996) was
infantformulas for weaning (Verma and Patel, 2013). used to determine the tannin content of millet. Phytate
The present study highlights the effect of malting content of millet sample was determined following
process on nutritional composition as well as the Wheeler and Ferrel (1971). Saponin content of millet
amounts of anti-nutrients present in finger millet with flour was determined according to Brunner (1984). To
following objectives. determine the alkaloid content of millet flour sample,
5g of millet flour was weighed into 200ml of 10%
 To find out the proximate and mineral composition ethanol-acetic acid and was allowed to stand for 4 min.
of raw and malted finger millet flours. This was filtered and concentrated ammonium
 To assess the anti-nutrient composition of raw and hydroxide was added in drops to the filtrate until it
malted finger millet flours. formed precipitate. This was filtered and the extract
was concentrated on a water bath to one quarter of the
Materials and Methods
original volume. Concentrated ammonium hydroxide
Source of Materials (NH4OH) was added drop wise to the extract until the
Finger millet grains of local brown variety were precipitation was completed. The whole solution was
purchased from Parbhani market, Maharashtra in the allowed to settle, the precipitate was collected, washed
with dilute ammonium hydroxide, and then filtered.
Soumya Sucharita Sahoo et al. 171

The residue was the alkaloid, which was dried and contributed to the net carbohydrate pool (Gokavi and
weighed (Harborne, 1973). Total phenol content of Malleshi, 2000).
millet flour sample was determined following The malted finger millet flour was found to
Singleton et al. (1999). possess significantly lower amount of fat (1.9g per 100
Statistical analysis g) in comparison to the raw finger millet flour (1.6g
The mean and standard error of means of the per 100 g). Similar results were also reported by
triplicate analyses were calculated. The paired „t‟ test Banusha and Vasantharuba (2013), Tiwari et al.
was performed to determine significant differences (2018), Bansal and Kaur (2018), Hiremath and Geetha
between the means. (2018) and Owheruo et al. (2019). This might be due
to oxidation of fatty acids to carbon dioxide and water
Results and Discussion to provide energy for germination as well as due to
Proximate composition of raw and malted finger activation of lipase during germination process (Hahm
millet flour et al., 2008; Choudhury et al., 2010).
Table 1 describes the proximate composition of The protein content of malted finger millet flour
both raw and malted finger millet flour. The moisture was estimated to be 8.64g per 100 g which was
content of pre-treated malted finger millet flour significantly higher than the protein content of raw
(10.28%) was found to be significantly higher than that finger millet flour that was found to be 7.52g per 100
of raw finger millet flour (8.96%). Similar results were g. This finding was similar to the results of Tiwari et
reported by Tiwari et al. (2018). This increase in al. (2018) and Owheruo et al. (2019). It might be due
moisture content might be due to enhanced water to utilization of carbohydrates by microorganisms to
absorption by finger millet grains during soaking prior form amino acids with simultaneous hydrolysis of
to germination. proteins by activation of protease enzyme activation to
produce amino acids and peptides (Kirk-Uthmar,
The total energy content of malted finger millet 2007).
flour was estimated to be 321.7 Kcal per 100 g which
was higher than the total energy content of raw finger Total dietary fibre of finger millet flour decreased
millet flour that was 316 Kcal per 100 g. This net significantly during malting process from 10.71g per
increase in calorific value of malted finger millet flour 100 g to 9.98g per 100 g. It might be due to mechanical
might be the result of increase in total carbohydrate loss of seed coat fractions during soaking, germination,
content during malting process. This finding was grinding and sieving. Similar results were reported by
similar to the results discussed by Tiwari et al. (2018), Bansal and Kaur (2018).
Bansal and Kaur (2018) and Hiremath and Geetha The total ash content of malted finger millet flour
(2019). (1.98g per 100 g) was observed to be decreased
The carbohydrate content of malted finger millet insignificantly as compared to the ash content of raw
flour (68.84g per 100 g) was found to be significantly finger millet flour (1.94g per 100 g). This decrease in
higher than that of raw finger millet flour (67.82g per ash content might be loss of pericarp and other parts of
100 g) which is similar to the results reported by the grains during soaking, germination, kilning and
Bansal and Kaur (2018) and Hiremath and Geetha milling process. Similar results were obtained by
(2019). This increase in carbohydrate content might be Banusha and Vasantharuba (2013), Tiwari et al.
observed as amylopectin might got partially degraded (2018), Owheruo et al. (2019) and Hiremath and
and increased content of amylose might have Geetha (2019).
Table 1: Proximate compositions of raw and malted finger millet flours
Sr. Nutrients per 100 Increase /
Raw flour Malted flour ‘t’ value
No g decrease
1 Moisture (%) 8.96 ± 0.02 10.28 ± 0.04 397.00** +1.32
2 Energy (Kcal) 316 ± 4.16 321.7 ± 4.04 14.02NS +5.70
3 Carbohydrate (g) 67.12±0.11 68.84 ± 0.62 3.36NS +1.72
4 Fat (g) 1.9 ± 0.04 1.3 ± 0.03 19.00** -0.6
5 Protein (g) 7.52 ± 0.03 8.64 ± 0.09 35.32* +1.12
6 Dietary fibre (g) 10.71± 0.06 9.98 ± 0.03 50.47** -0.73
7 Total Ash (g) 1.98 ± 0.02 1.94 ± 0.03 1.38NS -0.04
Note. Values represent mean of triplicate ± standard deviation. *significant at 5% level of significance, **significant at 1%
level of significance, NS: non-significant
172 Effect of malting on composition of nutrients and anti-nutrients in finger millet flour

Mineral composition of raw and malted finger bioavailability of these minerals. The zinc content of
millet flour malted finger millet flour increased significantly than
Table 2 shows the mineral composition of finger that of raw finger millet flour which might be due to
millet flour before and after the malting process. The dissociation of phytates through leaching during
calcium and iron contents of malted finger millet flour steeping and germination with simultaneous increase in
i.e. 372 mg per 100 g and 4.42 mg per 100 g, bioavailability of both the minerals. This result is at par
respectively were found to be significantly higher as with the findings of Tiwari et al. (2018) and Owheruo
compared to the calcium content of raw finger millet et al. (2019). The phosphorous and sodium contents of
flour (356 mg per 100 g and 4.12 mg per 100 g, malted finger millet flour were observed to be
respectively). This is similar to the results reported by decreased significantly in comparison to that of raw
Tiwari et al. (2018) and Owheruo et al. (2019). This finger millet flour due to their solubility in water and
might be due to decrease in anti-nutrients such as their loss through leaching into water during soaking
phytates, oxalates and tannins through leaching during for long hours. Similar results were also given by
soaking and germination, thus increasing the total Tiwari et al. (2018) and Owheru et al. (2019).

Table 2 : Mineral compositions of raw and malted finger millet flours

Sr. Nutrients Increase /
Raw flour Malted flour ‘t’ value
No per100 g decrease
1 Calcium (mg) 356 ± 3.05 372 ± 1.52 27.71** +16.00
2 Phosphorous (mg) 231± 4 216 ± 0.01 7.01* -15.00
3 Sodium (mg) 4.67 ± 0.03 3.23 ± 0.02 38.3** -1.44
4 Potassium (mg) 398.7± 4.04 403.34± 3.31 1.54NS +4.64
5 Iron (mg) 4.12 ± 0.03 4.42 ± 0.04 46.00** +0.30
6 Zinc (mg) 2.47 ± 0.01 2.54 ± 0.01 6.06* +0.07
7 Magnesium (mg) 137.1± 4.18 143.2 ± 1.63 2.86NS +6.1
Note. Values represent mean of triplicate ± standard deviation. *significant at 5% level of significance, **significant at 1%
level of significance, NS: non-significant

Anti-nutrient composition of raw and malted finger lower than that of raw flour (1429 mg per 100 g) which
millet flours could be the result of loss of soluble phytate during
Table 3 depicts the concentrations of various anti- soaking and germination process and also dissociation
nutritional factors such as tannin, phytate, saponin and of phytate complex on application of heat during
other phenolic compounds present in raw and malted soaking (Shimelis & Rakshit, 2008). This result was at
finger millet flours. The tannin content of raw finger par with the result of Owheruo et al. (2019). Saponin
millet flour was found to be decreased significantly content decreased from 1902 mg to 1746 mg per 100 g
from 1624 mg to 1561 mg per 100 g flour during due to leaching in water during soaking as shown in
malting process. This might be due to leaching of previous studies (Shimelis & Rakshit, 2008). The
tannin from the germinated mass and decreased alkaloid and phenol contents increased in malted finger
activity of metabolic enzymes i.e. polyphenoloxidase millet flour as compared to the raw finger millet flour
(Shimelis & Rakshit, 2008). Similar results were found which was similar to the findings of Owheruo et al.
by Owheruo et al. (2019) during studying (2019). This increase in phenol content during
physicochemical properties of malted finger millet and germination might be due to enzymatic activation and
pearl millet. The total phytate content of malted finger release of bound phenolic compounds (Maillard and
millet flour (1236 mg per 100 g) was observed to be Berset, 1995).

Table 3 : Anti-nutrient composition of raw and malted finger millet flour

Anti-nutrients Increase/
Sr. No. Raw flour Malted flour ‘t’ value
(per 100 g) decrease
1 Tannin (mg) 1624 ± 12.82 1561 ± 6.48 6.123* -63.00
2 Phytate (mg) 1429 ± 3.06 1236 ± 8.47 24.799* -193.00
3 Saponin (mg) 1902 ± 10.34 1746 ± 14.16 48.940** -156.00
4 Alkaloid (%) 3.76 ± 1.08 5.12 ± 1.23 8.365* +1.36
5 Phenol (mg) 1572 ± 4.26 1625 ± 2.40 14.020** +53.00
Note. Values represent mean of triplicate ± standard deviation. *significant at 5% level of significance, **significant at 1%
level of significance
Soumya Sucharita Sahoo et al. 173

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