Finger Millets
Finger Millets
Finger Millets
Received:- 27 January 2022/ Revised:- 05 February 2022/ Accepted:- 11 February 2022/ Published: 28-02-2022
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Abstract— This review focuses on overview of nutritional and phytochemical composition of Finger millet (Eleusine
coracana). Finger millet is also known as Ragi or mandua in India, which is one of the minor cereal crop largely grown in
Asian and African regions of the world. It is well known for its health benefits due to the presence of macro and micro
nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals) as well as phytochemicals (Tannins, steroids,
polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, balsams, lignans, phytooestrogens, phytocyanins, Gallic acid, ferulic
acid, quercetin, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, sinapic acid, quercetin and proanthocyanidins) in correct proportion. Being staple
food in India, it is highly advantageous to low income group people. Studies have concluded its effectiveness against lipid
per oxidation, ageing, diabetes, hyperactivity, wounds, cancer and osteoporosis. Therefore, the need of value addition of
finger millet is highly needed to combat growing issues in children as well as in aged people.
Millets are small seeded annual cereal crop species belonging to family ―poaceae‖. Millet is a French derived word ―mille‖
which means thousand (Ramashia et al., 2019). One of the wonder varieties of millet family is Finger millet (Eleusine
coracana) which is commonly popular as Ragi or manduain India belonging to grass family Gramineae or Poaceae (Singh,
2012). It is native from Ethiopia region but largely grown in Asia and Africa regions of the world.It is a self pollinated crop
species with chromosome no. 36 (allotetraploid) distributed in about 10 genera and 20 species in all (Kakri et al., 2020).
Finger millet grains are globular in shape of 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter. The finger millet kernel consists of 3 main parts
namely; seed coat, endosperm and embryo. The outermost layer of the millet is known as pericarp or glume (Ramashia et al.,
2019) which has little nutritional significance. The seed coat or the testa of finger millet is multilayered (five layered) making
it unique as compared to other members of the millet family. The seed coat, germ, and the endosperm cell walls of the millet
are endowed with poly phenols making it rich in phytochemicals (Shobana et al., 2013). The crop was cultivated around
5000 years BC and still is one of the most produced grain species worldwide. Finger millets stands sixth in production in
India and fourth in the world after major crops such as wheat, rice, maize, sorghum and bajra (Chandra et al., 2016). India is
the largest producer of finger millet accounting to about 60% of world production followed by Ethiopia (Gull et al., 2014).
Finger millet is a staple food to many parts of the world primarily in developing countries. It is popular among the low
income groups of society and is considered as poor man’s food (Maharajan et al., 2021). It is majorly grown in dry areas in
tropical and sub tropical regions with temperature requirement of 8-10 degree Celsius (Singh, 2012) with acidic soil (alluvial,
loamy, and sandy) and higher rainfall of 600- 1200 cm, matures within a time span of 100-130 days (Gull et al., 2014). It has
several varieties (yellow, white, tan, red, brown, or violet color) and apart from all the varieties, red colored variety is mostly
cultivated all over the world (Chandra et al., 2016). Finger millet is associated with number of health benefits such as
antioxidant, anti-ageing, anti- diabetic, hyperactivity, healing property, anticancer property (Antony Cesar et al., 2018) and
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maintaining bone health for which it is gaining importance in the field of health and nutrition. This review focuses to get
insights of nutritional and health prospects of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) so that value added products can be made out
of it.
Finger Millets are nutritionally superior to other cereal crops of same variety such as rice and wheat because it serves as an
excellent source of carbohydrate (80%), proteins (7–9%) with essential amino acids as well as non essential amino acids like
valine, methionine, and tryptophan, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron) as well as vitamins (thiamine,
niacin, and riboflavin), and fats for which they are extensively been researched (Murtaza et al., 2014).
1 Carbohydrates 72.6
Kakri et al., 2020
2 Proteins 7.7
3 Fats 1.5
Kumar et al., 2016
4 Crude fiber 3.6
Finger millet is found to be rich in vitamins as well as some minerals, which prove its significant utilization in human diets as
well. Vitamins such as vitamin A (Retinol), vitamin B1 (Thiamine), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin C
(Ascorbic acid) and minerals (phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and zinc) are abundantly found in
finger millet at valuable composition.
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Sr. No. Nutrients Composition mg/100g Sources
1 Phosphorus 130-250
2 Potassium 430- 490 USDA, 2016
3 Magnesium 78- 201
4 Calcium 398
Patel et al., 2014
5 Sodium 11
6 Iron 3.9
Muthamilarasan et al., 2016
7 Zinc 2.3
1 Vitamin B2 (Thiamine) 0.12- 0.42
Ramashia et al., 2019
2 Vitamin B1 (Riboflavin) 0.2-0.48
Finger millet is a complete source of essential as well as non essential amino acids which are required by human body in
sufficient amount for proper growth and development of body cells. Essential amino acids such as Valine (4.9-6.9g),
methionine (2.5-3.1g), tryptophan (1.1-1.5), Phenyalanine (4.1- 5.2g), histidine (2.2), isoleucine (4.3g), leucine (6.6-9.5g),
threonine (3.4- 4.2g) and non essential amino acids such as Aspartic acid (6.5- 7.9g), glutamic acid (20.3- 27.1g), alanine
(6.1- 6.2g), arginine (2.77- 4.5g), cystine (1.7- 2.6g), glycine (2.14- 4.0), proline (7.0- 9.9), serine (3.6- 5.1g) and tyrosine
(2.79- 3.6g) are found in Finger millet (Ramashia et al., 2019; Thapliyal and Singh, 2015).
Finger millet is found to be rich in certain phytochemicals such as Tannins, steroids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids,
cardiac glycosides, balsams, lignans, phytooestrogens and phytocyanins. Some phenolic acid derivatives (Hydroxybenzoic
Gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid), hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives
(Ferulic acid, trans—cinnamic acid, p- coumaric acid, caffeic acid, sinapic acid) and some flavonoids such as Quercetin ,
Proanthocyanidins and condensed tannins (Devi et al., 2011), which are important in healing, aging, prevents deterioration of
human health, lowers blood pressure, lowers risk of diabetes, and helps combating the metabolic syndromes (Thilagavathi et
al., 2015).
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Celiac disease (caused by consumption of gluten protein) is one of the most common auto-immune genetic disorders that
affect people worldwide. The treatment includes consumption of flour that is free from gluten protein and similar protein
structure and non-glutinous nature can be found in finger millet instead of wheat. Chandrasekara and Shahidi, 2012).Finger
millet is high in soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, which are resistant to digestion and help in prevention of gastrointestinal
problems, colon cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Polyphenols, present in outer skin, can help to reduce peptic
inflammation and ulcers too (Kumar et al., 2016). Consumption of food products made from finger millet can increase the
satiety level, lower calorie intake, and aids weight loss.
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