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The medical history was non-contributory; however, the silk suture material from one side of the lesion to the other
patient gave a positive history of lip biting since for year. and surgical knot was tied, leaving space between the knot
General examination did not reveal any abnormality. On and the lesion (Figure 2). The patient was advised to apply
intraoral examination, swelling was present on 2-3mm below 0.5% chlorhexidine gel for 7 days post-operatively to prevent
vermillion border of right lower lip region with a bluish any secondary infection. The patient was recalled after 7 days
translucent hue, which was approximately 1×1 cm in diameter for the suture removal. In the event of loss of the suture, the
with round to oval shape. (Figure 1) The swelling was non- patient was instructed to visit the operating pediatric dentist
tender, soft to the touch and non-compressible. No secondary immediately.
alterations such as ulceration, fistula formation, infection or In the present case, the sutures were maintained for 7 days, by
discharge were observed. Based upon the signs and which mucocele was compressed, epithelization was seen and
symptoms, a clinical diagnosis of oral mucocele of the lower complete healing had occurred. The patient was told to return
lip was made. The area was disinfected with a 0.1% povidone if there were any signs of recurrence. The patient was
iodine solution and a topical anesthetic gel was applied over followed up every 3 months. No recurrence has been reported
the entire surface of the lesion for approximately 3 minutes. in the six-month post-surgery (Figure 3).
Single interrupted suture was placed bypassing number 3.0
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Micro-marsupialization might be a treatment option for
children as well as in adolescents with mucoceles. This
method is simple to execute, minimally invasive, requires no
local anesthesia, and has a less postoperative complications
rate, and is well tolerated by patients.
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