Bimaxilary Protrusion
Bimaxilary Protrusion
Bimaxilary Protrusion
ISSN-2706-8994 (P)
ISSN-2707-8868 (O)
Case Report
*Corresponding Author Abstract: Background: Maxillary midline diastema is one of the most frequently
Dr Lishoy Rodrigues encountered esthetic problems in mixed and permanent dentition. Several causes
have been attributed to the midline diastema, including developmental, pathologic
Article History or iatrogenic. It can also be seen as a transient malocclusion in which case any
Received: 26.03.2021 intervention is contraindicated. A wide range of possible treatments like
Accepted: 10.05.2021 restorative procedures, composite build up, surgeries (frenectomies) can be done,
Published: 16.05.2021 based on etiology. Thus, correct diagnosis of etiology and specific early
intervention plays a major role in deciding the treatment plan. Case report: This
case report evaluates the management of Class I malocclusion with spaced anterior
dentition in a 32 year old male patient with maxillary midline diastema and a
generalized spaced upper and lower dentition. The upper arch midline diastema
can be attributed to presence of a thick band of fibrous tissue between the upper
central incisors. The case was treated with routine fixed orthodontic therapy and
frenectomy was performed at the end of the treatment just before closure of
midline diastema space to prevent scar tissue formation. Conclusion: Maxillary
and mandibular arch spaces were closed down . The dental changes and treatment
results were demonstrated. This case report illustrates the interdisciplinary
collaboration of an Orthodontist and Periodontist for treatment of such a case.
With proper case selection, planning and good patient cooperation, we could
obtain significant results.
Keywords: Fixed orthodontic mechanotherapy, Midline diastema, Spaced
dentition, Generalized spacing, Severe proclination, MBT Mechanotherapy,
Unaesthetic smile, Class I malocclusion, Spaced dentition, Aesthetic improvement.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use
provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Bhushan Jawale et al (2021). “Fixed Orthodontic Mechanotherapy for Correction of Generalized Spacing and Severe Proclination of
Anterior Teeth” – A Case Report. Glob Acad J Dent Oral Health; Vol-3, Iss- 3, pp-29-35.
Bhushan Jawale et al; Glob Acad J Dent Oral Health; Vol-3, Iss- 3 (May-Jun, 2021): 29-35
increase in the awareness about orthodontic consonant reverse smile arc. The patient had no
treatment which has led to more and more adults relevant prenatal, natal, postnatal history, history of
demanding high quality treatment in the shortest habits or a family history. On Smiling, there was
possible time with increased efficiency and reduced excessive show of maxillary anterior teeth. The
costs [4, 16-18]. There are many ways to treat Class I patient had a toothy smile. On smiling he also
malocclusions, according to the characteristics showed the presence of spaced anterior dentition
associated with the problem, such as and an unaesthetic facial profile and smile. The
anteroposterior discrepancy, age, and patient patient was very dissatisfied with his smile.
compliance [5-6, 20]. The indications for extractions
in orthodontic practice have historically been Pretreatment extra oral photographs
controversial [7-9, 21]. On the other hand,
correction of Class I malocclusions in growing
patients, with subsequent dental camouflage to
mask the skeletal discrepancy, can involve either
retraction by non-extraction means simply by
utilizing the available spaces or by extractions of
premolars [10, 11]. Lack of crowding or
cephalometric discrepancy in the mandibular arch is
an indication of 2 premolar extraction [12, 13, 22-
25]. Fortunately, in some instances satisfactory
results with an exceptional degree of correction can
Intra-oral examination
be achieved without extraction of permanent
Intraoral examination on frontal view
premolars. This case presents the correction of a
shows presence of an increased overjet and an
Bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion with a Class I
average overbite with severe spacing in upper and
malocclusion in an adult male patient with
lower anterior region. On lateral view the patient
generalized spacing and severely proclined
shows the presence of Class II Division 1 incisor
maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth by
relationship and a Class I Canine and molar
executing a non-extraction protocol. The Non-
relationship bilaterally. There was proclined and
Extraction protocol shown in this case is indicative
forwardly placed upper and lower anterior teeth
of how an unesthetic smile can be converted into an
with presence of upper midline diastema and a
aesthetic and pleasant one by routine fixed
lower dental midline shift to the left by 2mm.
Orthodontic treatment without need for any
extractions simply by utilizing the existing availabe
Pretreatment intra oral photographs
Extra-oral examination
A 32 year old adult male patient presented
with the chief complaint of forwardly placed upper
and lower front teeth with spacing and excessive
show of front teeth. On Extraoral examination, the
patient had an orthognathic facial profile, grossly
symmetrical face on both sides with competent lips
,moderately deep mentolabial sulcus and an acute
Nasolabial Angle, a Mesoprosopic facial form,
Dolicocephalic head form, average width of nose and
mouth, minimal buccal corridor space and a non-
between the maxillary central incisors causing the was addressed. Patient had a pleasant smile and a
diastema. The procedure was planned to be pleasant dentition at the end of the treatment which
executed just before the closure of spaces towards continued over 16 months.
the end of orthodontic treatment.
Post treatment cephalometric readings
Treatment progress Parameters Post-treatment
Complete bonding & banding in both SNA 83°
maxillary and mandibular arch was done, using SNB 82°
MBT-0.022X0.028”slot. Initially a 0.012” NiTi wire ANB 1°
was used which was followed by 0.014, 0.016”, WITS -1mm
0.018”, 0.020” Niti archwires following sequence A MAX. LENGTH 104mm
of MBT. After 6 months of alignment and leveling MAN. LENGTH 97mm
NiTi round wires were discontinued. Retraction and IMPA 96°
closure of existing spaces was then started by use of NASOLABIAL ANGLE 99°
0.019” x 0.025” rectangular NiTi followed by 0.019” U1 TO NA DEGREES 26°
x 0.025” rectangular stainless steel wires. Reverse
U1 TO NA mm 2mm
curve of spee in the lower arch and exaggerated
curve of spee in the upper arch was incorporated in
L1 TO NB mm 1mm
the heavy archwires to prevent the excessive bite
deepening during retraction process and also to U1/L1 ANGLE 132°
maintain the normal overjet and overbite. SADDLE ANGLE 126°
Anchorage was conserved in the upper and lower ARTICULAR ANGLE 145°
arch by using light retraction forces, thus constantly GONIAL ANGLE 130°
monitoring molar and canine relationship. Group A FMA 25°
anchorage was needed in the upper and lower arch Y AXIS 65°
to achieve a Class I incisor relationship and to
maintain the Class I canine and molar relationship Post treatment extra oral photographs
bilaterally. Retraction and closure of existing spaces
was done with the help of Elastomeric chains
delivering light continuous forces and replaced after
every 4 weeks due to force decay and reduction in
its activity. Frenectomy surgery was performed by
the periodontist in upper midline region for removal
of fibrous band of connective tissues resulting in the
midline diastema in the upper arch. Final spaces
were closed down after the frenectomy procedure.
Finally light settling elastics were given with
rectangular steel wires in lower arch and 0.012” Post treatment intra oral photographs
light NiTi wire in upper arch for settling , finishing,
detailing and proper intercuspation. The increased
overjet was corrected with an ideal occlusion at the
end of the fixed apppliance therapy. Patient had a
pleasant and consonant smile arc on smiling along
with significantly improved nasolabial angle. There
was improvement in occlusion, smile arc, profile and
position of chin at the end of the treatment.
Treatment results
All of the original treatment objectives were
achieved. Maxilary midline diastema was corrected.
Spacing in the upper and lower arch was closed. The
maxillary and mandibular arches were well aligned
and coordinated with corrections of the lower
midline deviation. Normal overbite was maintained
and normal overjet was achieved. Class I incisor
relationship was achieved, Class I canine and Class I
molar relationship was maintained. The chief
complaint of forwardly placed upper and lower front
teeth with spacing and excessive show of front teeth
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