Case Report
Gingival enlargement is caused by gingival inflammation, fibrous overgrowth, or a combination of both, leading to adverse consequences, such
as difficulty in plaque control, mastication, altered speech, and esthetic and psychological problems. A 24‑year‑old male reported with the chief
complaint of spacing between the teeth in the front region of the jaw. This article reported a case of extreme gingival enlargement which was
periodontally treated, by the removal of all gingival tissue excess using gingivectomy and gingivoplasty. After a 6‑month follow‑up period,
the fixed orthodontic treatment is continued with monthly periodontal checkups that were scheduled to control the gingival inflammation. The
collaboration between the periodontist and orthodontist is the most important key to successful treatment of hyperplasia in patients undergoing
orthodontic treatment.
136 © 2020 Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Case Report
A 24‑year‑old male had reported to the Department of
Orthodontics, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital,
Wardha, with the chief complaint of spacing between the
teeth in the front region of the jaw. He was examined
accordingly and was planned for orthodontic treatment.
After 1 year of orthodontic therapy, it was observed that
Figure 1: GE involved marginal and attached gingiva encroaching toward
there was GE in all the regions of the teeth. It was also the orthodontic brackets
observed that the patient was not able to take proper care
of oral hygiene after the GE was evident. Due to the same
reason, he was referred to the department of periodontics
and oral implantology.
On intraoral examination, it was observed that there was a
variation in the severity of GE at different areas of the oral
cavity. In molar and premolar regions, the GE involved
marginal and attached gingiva encroaching toward the
orthodontic brackets [Figure 1]. There were generalized
bleeding on probing and mild inflammation at the marginal
gingiva and the tips of the interdental papilla. The gingiva,
in general, was firm in consistency with loss of contour and
stippling in the posterior areas. The overall pseudopocket
was found to be about 4–5 mm. Considering all the gingival Figure 2: External bevel incisions were given using no. 15 BP blade or
findings, the following treatment plan was given: Kirkland knife
• Thorough scaling and oral hygiene instruction
• Surgical gingivectomy along with gingivoplasty.
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