Unit 3
Let's practice.
1. Consider this hypothetical question and its response. Does it follow the
recommendations from the text on page 3? Justify your answer.
No, it does not. The answer must include the person's reflection about
the hypothetical problem and he/she should also give examples and
justify his/her answer.
2. Imagine that you are at a job interview and the interviewer asks you
these questions. Answer them. Remember what to include in the answer.
3. What would you do if you had to solve a problem and there were no
time to contact your boss?
I would take a minute to reflect upon the options so as to take the best
Unit 3
Unit 3
solve a problem, ordered online. But when I went to collect her order, I
but you dealt with found that the dress had accidentally been put back
a dissatisfied on the sales floor. I was bought by another customer. I
customer. called another of our store locations and asked them
to hold the same dress in the customer´s size. She
received the order within 2 days for free. A week later,
I found out that the customer had called our
corporate headquarters to mention how much she
appreciated the gesture.
When I was working as a catering manager, we were informed the night before
an event that the ingredients we needed to prepare the meal were not going to
be delivered on time and would arrive after we needed them. We needed to
find an alternative way to get the ingredients quickly. I got the list of the
ingredients é needed and made a stop on my way to the event. My team and I
were able to make the appetizers just in time for the party. All of the guests
enjoyed them so much that the planner mentioned them in her online review.
Unit 3
a. When I was working as an office manager, the CEO of our company told me
that employee productivity was down and that I needed to come up with a
solution. I decided to ask the team members by conducting interviews and
sending out short surveys. After gathering this information, I was able to see
that employees didn’t have a way to keep track of and organize tasks. I
recommended that the CEO implemented a new project management system
and productivity increased by 10 % after implementation.
1. Complete Bethany’s answer with the verbs in brackets in the
correct tense and voice. What question is she answering?
Bethany Williamson
Unit 3
/COULDN’T AGREE (not agree) with each other on how to approach the
proposal and the deadline 5 WAS (be) near. We 6 HAD TRIED (try) different
ideas but there was always something wrong in them. We had even combined
our ideas with no result. It 7 WAS (be) obvious that we 8 NEEDED (need) to
work better as a team, so I 9 INVITED (invite) them both to lunch, outside the
office. Having lunch and listening to each other’s plans 10 GAVE (give) them
the opportunity to see that they had similar visions of the big picture but
disagreed about details. After hearing both their plans, we 10 MADE (make) a
single list with the most efficient ideas that we all agreed on. In the end, we 11
OFFERED (offer) our client a solid proposal and we 12 WERE
CONGRATULATED (congratulate) on by our boss and our happy client.
Scott Nguyen
Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
In Unit 2, we learnt that the IMRAD model is a standard accepted and used by
scientific communities to produce and publish new knowledge. Standards are
something established and followed to make new concepts easier, simpler and
clearer to follow, find and share.
It is important to say that there are standards not only for the sections, but also
for the content each section has to contain.
Unit 3
It was at that moment, when that deal closed, that I realized that
I loved selling and solving problems for customers more than I
C 5
loved programming.
And I’ve been in sales and marketing ever since!
2. Identify the situation, task, action, and result in the previous story.
Unit 3
3. Complete this job interview story with the verbs in brackets in the Past
Simple tense or Past Continuous tense.
Describe a time when you went beyond what was required to get the job
"I have always been willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job
done, but one time does stand out in my mind. Our team 1WAS
PREPARING (prepare) a major proposal for a prospective client. Our
technology team leader 2WAS (be) ill and he 3HAD NOT COME (not
come) to work for several days. I 4JUMPED (jump) in to learn how to
construct some complex macros in Excel to showcase some key data
and took the lead with creating presentation slides for our pitch.
I 5NEEDED (need) to work several evenings until midnight to get the
work done in time while I 6PERFORMED (perform) my regular duties
during the daytime. The client 7ENDED (end) up accepting our proposal
and cited the quality of our presentation exhibits as a key reason they
went with us.”
4. Complete this job interview story with the verbs in brackets in the
correct tense and voice.
Unit 3
A few years back I WAS WORKING (work) as a Service Advisor at a
car dealership. One morning in our department staff meeting the Service
Manager 2ANNOUNCED (announce) that we 3HAD RECEIVED /HAD
BEEN RECEIVING (receive) an unacceptable amount of negative
reviews for the service we had been providing our customers. His
solution was to create a committee that would analyze the situation and
put forth actionable improvements, and for this he 4ASKED (ask) for
I was eager for an opportunity to show that I was capable of taking on
more responsibility, and since I 5AM (be) a person who 6ENJOYS (enjoy)
working in group situations, I was the first to volunteer. I 7WAS QUICKLY
MADE (quickly- make) the leader of the committee by my Service
Manager, which put me in the position of the leader of a group of 4 other
people who 8 WERE TASKED (task) to come up with a solution.
Over the next three weeks we 9ANALYZED (analyze) each of the
customer services reports and DISCOVERED (discover) that the vast
majority of negative reviews were a result of lengthy wait times for
customers. Knowing that we had to come up with a solution to decrease
the amount of time our customers were left waiting, I then 11LED (lead)
brainstorming sessions to find a way in which the problem COULD BE
FIXED (can fix). We zoned in on changing the way our mechanics
worked on each work order.
After implementing my suggestion, mechanics were able to focus mainly
on their specializations, which MEANT (mean) they worked faster and
more efficiently, which translated to wait times dropping by 18%.
5.Read the answer in activity 6 quickly and choose the question the
applicant is answering.
Unit 3
The trucks at the retail store at which I worked as an assistant manager came
loaded by personnel at a distribution center, box-by-box. AFTER / WHEN
receiving a few trucks, I noticed that my employees were unloading broken
merchandise that took a lot of time to clean up BEFORE / AFTER the rest of the
truck could be finished. The broken glass, paint, or whatever material it was
prevented the employees from proceeding farther into the truck, causing more
person-hours than normal. I noticed that the merchandise was broken DUE TO /
BECAUSE heavier boxes were on top of lighter boxes. After a couple of days of
this situation, with productivity decreasing, I learned that the rest of the stores in
my district faced the same problem SO / BUT nobody seemed to be able to find
a solution. HOWEVER / AS A RESULT, I asked each store to take pictures of
the mess AS / SO the distribution centers could see exactly what was
happening. MOREOVER / THEREFORE, I asked each one to write down how
many additional person-hours it took to clean up the mess. After we gathered
this information for a four-week period, we had a pretty good estimate of how
much the company was losing. I took the information to my district manager.
Once he realized how much money his district was losing each month
BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF broken merchandise in the trucks, he contacted his
regional manager, and the trucks after that were loaded more carefully.