Answers Dawn of The Mayas Questions
Answers Dawn of The Mayas Questions
Answers Dawn of The Mayas Questions
Directions: First, read the article titled, “The Dawn of the Mayas.” Then, answer the
following questions to the best of your ability. You do not have to write complete
1) What area did the Mayas rule? Guatemala, and southern Mexico
3) Define ruins or use the term in a sentence to portray its meaning.remains of human-made
4) Define well-preserved or use the term in a sentence to portray its meaning.maintained in
5) What did Estrada-Belli find while inspecting a tunnel in the ruins of Cival? a very
6) What name is used for ancient southern Mexico and Central America? (use your
7) Define rivaled or use the term in a sentence to portray its meaning.competing for the same
object or goal
8) What does Francisco Estrada-Belli to for a living (his job specialization)? is an
9) What three ancient Mayan cities made up political, economic, and spiritual centers?
○ _Cival
○ _____Tikal, in Guatemala,
○ _____Chichén Itzá____________________
10) What are three examples of Mayan technology?
○ ___astronomy
○ arithmetic.
○ calendar
○ advanced form of writing
11) How did Estrada-Belli determine that Cival was not just a minor Mayan camp? found
12) What was Cival like when the Mayan Empire was thriving?had a population of
10,000 and was the capital, sprawling courtyards, magnificent buildings, and beautiful
ceramic vases.