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It is the ability of
muscle to
resistance or act
against resistance.
in other words it
is a amount of
force exert by
muscle or muscles

Static Dynamic
Strength strength

Maximum Explosive Strength

Strength Strength Endurance

The ability of muscle

to act against
resistance in static
position or single
position is called static
strength.it can be
measurement through
dynamometer. Static
strength is also known
as Isometric strength.
It is the ability
of an
individual to
over come
resistance in
movement it
is also known
as isotonic
There •Maximum
are three Strength
types of •Explosive Strength
dynamic •Strength
strength Endurance
It is the ability of an individual to
overcome maximum resistance. It
can be dynamic or static.

Maximum strength is the maximum

force a muscle can exert in a single
maximal voluntary contraction.

Maximum strength is required for the

sports in which heavy resistance is
used or tackled e.g. Weight lifting
and throwing events etc.

It is the ability of an individual to

overcome resistance with greater speed.

This strength is a combination of speed

and strength.

This type of strength is used in

games/sports where resistance have to
be over come quickly. E.g. sprint starts,
weight lifting, shot put, hammer throw,
javelin throw, long jump, triple jump etc.
It is the ability of an
individual to act against
resistance for long duration.

This type of strength can be

static or dynamic.

This strength is required in

combative sports, cross
country races, cycling and
swimming etc.


Iso-metric Isotonic Iso-kinetic

Method Method Method
Hettinger and Muller of Germany introduced this
method in 1953.
He said that through these exercises considerable
strength is gained.

In isometric exercises force of resistance is more than

the force of individual, so movement of muscle is not
visible to the third person.

Isometric derived from Latin word “Iso” means

“Same” and “Metric” means “Length”

An individual feels muscle tension only.

In these type of exercises work is performed but we

cannot prove it because work done = force ×

As resistance is more than the force applied, we can’t

move the resistance.in these exercises muscles
groups do not change their shape and size , only
tension is produced or noticed.
• Frequency = 2-4 days a week
• Intensity = 50-80 % for untrained or beginners
= 80-100 % for advanced sportsmen
• Duration = 5-6 seconds for beginners
= 8-12 seconds for advanced sportsmen
• Repetition = 5-8 each muscle group
• Recovery = approximately 30 seconds. In between the
repetition and complete recovery after one set is over .

These exercises are used for rehabilitation of an injured sportsmen.

It improver static strength as well as maximum strength.

It can be performed any time at any place.

It takes less time.

Less or no equipment's/appratus is required.


It develop only static strength but in most

games and sports we require dynamic strength.

An athlete feels bore if these exercises are

performed for long time.

These exercises are not advisable for children

and heart patients.
In 1954, De Lorme introduced this exercise. In this
exercise, work is done and contraction of muscles
is visible. In this exercise the weight of resistance is
less than the force applied, due to which
contraction of muscle takes place. This Iso-tonic
word is derived from two Latin words “Iso” means
“Same” and “Tonic” means “Muscle tone” when a
person performs isotonic exercises without
weights, with free weights, or with fixed resistance
machines, a constant resistance is moved through
a joints full range of motion and strength gains
occur through the full range of motion. Most daily
activities are Iso-tonic in nature. These exercises
are most common in sports e.g. callisthenic
exercises, on spot jumping and weight training
exercises etc.
Iso-tonic exercises •Eccentric
performed in two
It is the upward
movement of
action in which
the agonist
muscle group
contracts and
muscle group
relaxed .

In this
muscle group

• Intensity = 40-80 %
• Frequency = 2-4 days
• No. of repetitions = 6-12 or more
• No. of sets = 3-5
• Rest = Complete recovery
• Nature of = Fast
It develops both dynamic as well as specific strength.

These exercises are used in almost all games/sports.

These exercises develops muscular endurance.

Hypertrophy of muscle takes place.

In these exercises improvement can be easily measured by the amount of

weight lifted.

Chances of injuries are more.

Specific equipment's are


A supervision is required for

proper training.
The word “Iso” means “Same” and
“Kinetic” means “Speed” or motion. So
we say that exercises with constant
speed is called isokinetic exercises.
This form of exercise was first
introduced in 1968 by J.J Perrine. In
this method, the muscle is made to
contract maximally through the
whole range of joint movement.
This training method is combination of
both isometric and Iso-tonic methods.

This is perhaps the latest method of strength

improvement. Here both flexor and extensor
muscles are developed equally.

These exercises are highly specific to sports activities.

These exercises develops Explosive, Dynamic & Strength Endurance.

These are effective for almost every game or sport.

Less chances of injuries.

It causes better muscle hypertrophy.

Develops strength faster and is better for recovery from muscular fatigue.

Specific type
are very
are required.

Physiological cross-section of the muscle.

Muscle fiber spectrum.


Energy supply.

Body weight.

Psychic factors.

• Endurance like speed and strength, is a very important

component of physical fitness.

• It is the ability to do work for long time under the conditions of


Endurance is an ability to
sustain an activity under the
condition of Fatigue
• (Dr. Hardyal Singh)
“Endurance is the ability to do sports movements, with the desired quality and speed, under
the condition of fatigue”


Nature Duration
of of
activity activity

It is the ability to do movements involving large number of muscles , at a
slow pace for prolonged periods
E.g. Jogging , Swimming , Walking at moderate speed for periods
lasting more than 30 minutes.
Aerobic activity as it is done at slow pace therefore sometimes referred
as aerobic endurance.
Do not result in appreciable level of Lactic Acid Concentration in the

It is the ability to resist fatigue satisfactorily caused by various

types of activities, which are whole body activities and may be
aerobic or anaerobic in nature or a combination of both.

In simple words, “it is the ability to do all sort of activities,

aerobic or anaerobic, for a sufficiently long time without getting

General Endurance is not specific to any sports and is

developed through general exercises.

As exercises is done through high or low intensity, the energy liberation depends upon
the aerobic and anaerobic activity.

It is the ability to resist fatigue caused by a

specific activity.
Specific endurance largely depends upon the
nature of activity and specific combination of
aerobic and anaerobic capacities.

Speed Short time

Endurance Endurance

Middle Long time

time Endurance

It is an ability to resist fatigue in cyclic

activities lasting up to 45 seconds.

Speed endurance is that ability to

execute actions repeatedly with high
speed under the conditions of fatigue. 50 Meters Butterfly

It is an ability
to resist
fatigue in
lasting from
45 seconds to
2 minutes 800 meters

It is an ability to resist fatigue

in cyclic activities lasting from
2 minutes to 11 minutes.

The middle time endurance

depends both aerobic and Steeple Chase
anaerobic capacity.

It is an ability
to resist fatigue
in cycling
activities lasting
from more than Marathon
11 minutes

According to Science of Sports Training (1997) by Dr. Hardyal Singh

Continuous method In this method an exercise is done for longtime without any break
or pause.
Because of the long duration of work the intensity is low.
The continuous method has four variations which are
1. slow continuous method,
2. fast continuous method,
3. variable pace method, and
4. fartlek method
Slow continuous method: -
In this method the speed or pace of exercises is determined according to
heart rate.
For trained sportsperson the heart rate during the exercise should be from
140 – 160 beats per minute.
The volume in terms of total duration should not be less than 30 minutes,
and endurance athletes can go up to 2 hours or even more.
Fast continuous method: -
In this variation the work is done at fast but unchanging pace for
durations without any break.
Heart rate is normally between 160-180 beats/minutes.
Total volume or duration should not be less than 20 minutes for trained
sports persons.
Variable pace method: -
In this method the exercise is done continuously but with changing pace or
The heart rate normally ranges between 140-180 beats/minute.
The total duration or volume ranges from about 15 minutes to 1 hour.
It can be used by trained sportsman only.
Fartlek Method: -
It is a variation of variable pace method.
In fartlek change of pace or speed is not pre – planned.
The sportsman changes the speed on his own during the activity, according to
the terrain, surrounding and his felling.
The heart rate fluctuates between 140-180 beats / minute.
For this athlete needs to be self disciplined.
Interval method is perhaps the most versatile method for improving endurance of various types.
In interval method, the exercise is done at relatively higher intensity with intervals of incomplete recovery.
In interval method, work should be done with sufficient speed and duration so that the heart rate goes up
to 180 beats per minutes.
After this there should be a recovery period and when their heart rate comes down to 120-130 beats
per minute the work should be started again.
The training load in interval method can be controlled by repeatedly checking the heart rate.
The effect of interval method is determined by the variable methods, they are as follow as:
 Speed of work,
 Duration of work,
 Duration of recovery,
 Number of repetitions and
 Nature of recovery .

Interval methods are used by the sports experts to develop Explosive strength, Strength endurance,
Speed endurance, Acceleration speed etcetera.
❑Intensive Interval method (To improving explosive strength)
❑Extensive interval method (To improve strength endurance)
This method is required number of repetitions are to be done with
complete recovery in between the repetitions.
This repetition method is characterized by high intensity(90-100%)
of work with intervals of complete recovery.
It is best method for the development of speed abilities including
speed endurance.
In endurance training , the repetition method is used to improve
components or factors of specific endurance of anaerobic capacity.
Endurance training without participation in sufficient number of
competitions is incomplete.
Competitions are not only essential for the improvement of specific
endurance but also important for various psychic qualities essential
for good endurance performance.
The competition method is used in endurance training in three forms
Endurance Test and Control
Competition in other events , sports with minor changes in distance or
duration etc
Competitions in Specific Event

Aerobic Capacity
Oxygen Intake
Oxygen Transport
Oxygen Uptake
Energy Reserves
Aerobic Capacity
Lactic Acid Tolerance
Movement Economy
Psychic Factors
SPEED Physical Education by Monu Madhukar
SPEED/ गति
Speed ability should not be equated with mechanical speed which is equal to the distance
covered per unit of time.
In several sports actions no distance is covered at all.
Speed ability primarily signifies the ability to execute movements with high speed.
These movements ma
गति की क्षमिा को याांत्रिक गति के बराबर नह ां ककया जाना चाकहए जो समय की प्रति इकाई
िय की गई दरू के बराबर है ।
कई खेल गतित्रितियों में कोई भी दरू िय नह ां की जािी है ।
गति क्षमिा मुख्य रूप से उच्च गति के साथ आांदोलनों को तनष्पाकदि करने की क्षमिा को
दर्ाािी है ।
ये सांचलन प्रकृ ति में चक्रीय या चक्रीय हो सकिे हैं

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢From general point of view we can have five type of speed abilities:
➢ Reaction Ability
➢ Movement Speed
➢ Acceleration Ability
➢ Locomotors Ability
➢ Speed Endurance
➢सामान्य दृत्रिकोण से हमारे पास पााँच प्रकार की गति क्षमिाएाँ हो सकिी हैं :
➢ प्रतिकक्रया क्षमिा
➢ गतित्रिति की गति
➢ त्िरण क्षमिा
➢ लोकोमोटसा क्षमिा
➢ गति िीरज

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢It is the ability to react effectively and quickly to a
➢In sports, signals can be of different type e.g., visual,
tactile, acoustic.
➢The reaction ability can be further differentiated into
simple and complex reaction ability.
➢यह एक सांकेि के तलए प्रभािी ढां ग से और जल्द से
प्रतिकक्रया करने की क्षमिा है ।
➢खेलों में, सांकेि त्रितभन्न प्रकार के हो सकिे हैं जैसे,
दृश्य, स्पर्ा, ध्ितनक।
➢प्रतिकक्रया क्षमिा को आगे सरल और जकटल
प्रतिकक्रया क्षमिा में त्रिभेकदि ककया जा सकिा है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢It is the ability to do a single movement in minimum of time.
➢Movement speed is of high relevance in acyclic sports.
➢In cyclic sports it is important in the initial phase (e.g, start movement) or in some phases
during the total period of cyclic activity eg, turns in swimming and hurdle clearance in hurdle
➢Movement Speed depends heavily on explosive strength and technique.
➢यह कम से कम समय में एक ह गति करने की क्षमिा है ।
➢चक्रीय खेलों में गति की गति उच्च प्रासांतगकिा की है ।
➢चक्रीय खेलों में यह प्रारां तभक चरण (जैसे, गतित्रिति र्ुरू करना) या चक्रीय गतित्रिति की
कुल अिति के दौरान कुछ चरणों में महत्िपूणा है , जैसे िैराकी में मुड़ना और बािा घटना में
बािा तनकासी।
➢आांदोलन की गति त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि और िकनीक पर बहुि अतिक तनभार करिी है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

LOCOMOTOR ABILITY/ लोकोमोटर क्षमिा
➢It is the ability to maintain maximum speed of locomotion for maximum possible duration or distance.
➢Locomotor ability depends to a great extent on mobility of the nervous system which allows for high
movement frequency.
➢It further depends on technique, ability to relax and explosive strength.
➢LA is important for 100m,200,short sprints in track cycling and speed skating
➢Trainability of LA is very low .
➢यह अतिकिम सांभि अिति या दरू के तलए गति की अतिकिम गति को बनाए रखने की क्षमिा है ।
➢लोकोमोटर क्षमिा िांत्रिका िांि की गतिर्ीलिा पर काफी हद िक तनभार करिी है जो उच्च गति आिृत्रि
की अनुमति दे िी है ।
➢यह आगे िकनीक, आराम करने की क्षमिा और त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि पर तनभार करिा है ।
➢ट्रै क साइककतलांग और स्पीड स्केकटां ग में 100 मीटर, 200, छोटे स्पस्प्रांट के तलए एलए महत्िपूणा है
➢एलए की प्रतर्क्षण क्षमिा बहुि कम है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢It is the ability to do sports movements with high speed under conditions of fatigue.
➢ Speed endurance is a combination of speed and endurance abilities.
➢ It is of a different nature in cyclic and non-cyclic sports.
➢ In cyclic sports the speed endurance is required to continue movements with high speed.
➢In non-cyclic sports the speed endurance is required to do movements again and again with maximum possible
speed under conditions of fatigue.
➢यह थकान की स्पस्थति में िेज गति से खेल गतित्रितियों को करने की क्षमिा है ।
➢ गति िीरज गति और िीरज क्षमिाओां का एक सांयोजन है ।
➢ यह चक्रीय और गैर-चक्रीय खेलों में एक अलग प्रकृ ति का है ।
➢ चक्रीय खेलों में उच्च गति के साथ गतित्रितियों को जार रखने के तलए गति िीरज की आिश्यकिा होिी है ।
➢गैर-चक्रीय खेलों में थकान की स्पस्थति में अतिकिम सांभि गति के साथ बार-बार गति करने के तलए गति िीरज
की आिश्यकिा होिी है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

गति क्षमिाओां का तनिाारण करने िाले

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢(A) Mobility of the Nervous System ➢ (ए) िांत्रिका िांि की गतिर्ीलिा

➢B) Explosive Strength ➢ बी) त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि

➢(C) Technique
➢ (सी) िकनीक
➢(D) Bio-chemical Reserves and Metabolic Power
➢ (ड ) बायो-केतमकल ररजिा और मेटाबोतलक पािर
➢(E) Flexibility
➢ (ई) लचीलापन
➢(F) Psychic Factors
➢ (एफ) मानतसक कारक

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

MOBILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM/िां त्रिका िां ि की गतिर्ीलिा

➢During all speed performances the muscles have to contract and relax at maximal possible
speed e.g, in sprints.
➢ This rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles is possible only if the concerned motor centers
in the CNS can undergo rapid excitation and inhibition.
➢ This is called the mobility of the nervous system.
➢The mobility of the nervous system is trainable to a limited extent. /िांत्रिका िांि की गतिर्ीलिा
एक सीतमि सीमा िक प्रतर्स्पक्षि होिी है ।
➢It seems to be determined to a great extent by genetic factors. /आनुिांतर्क कारकों द्वारा काफी
हद िक।
➢When muscles contract and relax repeatedly in a definite sequence then the nervous system
tends to adapt to this thereby resulting in 'speed barrier.
➢जब माांसपेतर्याां एक तनस्पिि क्रम में बार-बार तसकुड़िी और तर्तथल होिी हैं , िो िांत्रिका िांि
इसके अनुकूल हो जािा है , स्पजसके पररणामस्िरूप 'गति अिरोि' होिा है
Physical Education by Monu Madhukar
EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH /त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि
➢The speed performances depend to a great extent on explosive strength/ त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि of the
muscles concerned.
➢This fact is especially vital for speed performances in which some resistance has to be tackled.
➢ गति प्रदर्ान के तलए यह िथ्य त्रिर्ेष रूप से महत्िपूणा है स्पजसमें कुछ प्रतिरोिों का सामना
करना पड़िा है ।
➢Because of the importance of explosive strength and its high trainability most of the times speed
performances are improved by improving explosive strength.
➢त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि के महत्ि और इसकी उच्च प्रतर्क्षण क्षमिा के कारण अतिकाांर् समय त्रिस्फोटक
र्त्रि में सुिार करके गति प्रदर्ान में सुिार ककया जािा है ।
➢Explosive strength further depends on muscle composition, muscle size and muscle co-ordination
(inter and intra-muscular co-ordination).
➢Except muscle composition all other factors can be improved through training
➢माांसपेतर्यों की सांरचना को छोड़कर अन्य सभी कारकों को प्रतर्क्षण के माध्यम से सुिारा जा
सकिा है

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Technique is an important factor determining speed performance.
Unlearnt and difficult movement cannot be done at high speed.
Moreover, good technique enables the sportsman to fully utilize his ability to achieve high
िकनीक गति प्रदर्ान का तनिाारण करने िाला एक महत्िपूणा कारक है ।
अनसीखा और ककिन गति िेज गति से नह ां की जा सकिी।
इसके अलािा, अच्छी िकनीक स्पखलाड़ को उच्च गति प्राप्त करने की अपनी क्षमिा का पूणा
उपयोग करने में सक्षम बनािी है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

जैि-रासायतनक भांडार और चयापचय र्त्रि
➢For maximal speed performance the muscles need high amount of energy at a very high
rate of consumption.
➢ For this purpose the phosphagen stores in the muscles should be enough to provide the
energy to the muscles
➢Acceleration ability, locomotor ability and speed endurance are particularly dependent
on the bio-chemical reserves and metabolic power.
➢अतिकिम गति प्रदर्ान के तलए माांसपेतर्यों को खपि की बहुि अतिक दर पर उच्च
मािा में ऊजाा की आिश्यकिा होिी है ।
➢ इस उद्दे श्य के तलए माांसपेतर्यों में फॉस्फेन स्टोर माांसपेतर्यों को ऊजाा प्रदान करने के
तलए पयााप्त होना चाकहए
➢त्िरण क्षमिा, लोकोमोटर क्षमिा और गति िीरज त्रिर्ेष रूप से जैि-रासायतनक भांडार
और चयापचय र्त्रि पर तनभार हैं ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢Flexibility includes the stretchability of the muscles and mobility of the joints.
➢ Good flexibility allows for optimum range of movement without much internal resistance, thereby
positively affecting speed.
➢Flexibility also enables full utilization of explosive strength.
➢Low flexibility leads to excessive internal resistance, muscle tension and less than optimum strength
➢ लचीलेपन में माांसपेतर्यों का स्पखांचाि और जोड़ों की गतिर्ीलिा र्ातमल है ।
➢ अच्छा लचीलापन अतिक आांिररक प्रतिरोि के त्रबना गति की इििम सीमा की अनुमति दे िा है ,
स्पजससे गति पर सकारात्मक प्रभाि पड़िा है ।
➢लचीलापन त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि के पूणा उपयोग को भी सक्षम बनािा है ।
➢कम लचीलापन अत्यतिक आांिररक प्रतिरोि, माांसपेतर्यों में िनाि और इििम र्त्रि से कम उपयोग
की ओर जािा है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Optimum level of arousal and motivation, attention and concentration and various Psychic
Factors affects the speed ability of an individual
उिेजना और प्रेरणा का इििम स्िर, ध्यान और एकाग्रिा और त्रितभन्न मानतसक कारक
एक व्यत्रि की गति क्षमिा को प्रभात्रिि करिे हैं

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

SPEED DEVELOPMENT METHODS /गति त्रिकास के िर के
Acceleration runs:
It is the ability to increase speed from jogging to running and finally sprinting.
It depends on explosive strength, the frequency of movement & technique.
To attain maximum speed from a stationary position this is practiced after learning proper
त्िरण races :
यह जॉतगांग से लेकर दौड़ने और अांि में स्पस्प्रांकटां ग िक गति बढाने की क्षमिा है ।
यह त्रिस्फोटक र्त्रि, गति और िकनीक की आिृत्रि पर तनभार करिा है ।
एक स्पस्थर स्पस्थति से अतिकिम गति प्राप्त करने के तलए उतचि िकनीक सीखने के बाद
इसका अभ्यास ककया जािा है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar


Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

➢Pace run or races:
➢ A competitive pace race is a timed race in which the objective is not to finish in the least
time, but to finish within the prescribed time and in the best physical condition.
➢ In some races, the prescribed time is very narrowly defined and the winner is the
competitor who finishes closest to the prescribed time.
➢Complete recovery is ensured between two repetitions.
➢This means to run the whole distance of a race at a constant speed. In this, the athlete runs
the race with uniform speed.
➢इसका मिलब दौड़ की पूर दरू को एक समान गति से दौड़ाना है । इसमें एथलीट एक
समान गति से दौड़ लगािा है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

DEFINITION OF FLEXIBILITY /लचीले पन की पररभाषा
Flexibility is defined by Gummerson as "the absolute range of movement in a joint or
series of joints that is attainable in a momentary effort with the help of a partner or
a piece of equipment.“
This definition tells us that flexibility is not something general but is specific to a
particular joint or set of joints.
गमरसन लचीलेपन को "जोड़ या जोड़ों की श्ृख ां ला में गति की पूणा सीमा के रूप में
पररभात्रषि करिा है जो एक साथी या उपकरण के एक टु कड़े की मदद से एक
क्षस्पणक प्रयास में प्राप्त ककया जा सकिा है ।"
यह पररभाषा हमें बिािी है कक लचीलापन कोई सामान्य चीज नह ां है बस्पल्क यह
ककसी त्रिर्ेष जोड़ या जोड़ों के समूह के तलए त्रितर्ि है ।

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

In common usage flexibility is often equated with stretch ability, elasticity, suppleness,
mobility etc.
But as a scientific term flexibility means much more than what is conveyed by any of these
Flexibility can be defined as the ability to execute movements with greater amplitude or
Elasticity - the ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being
stretched or compressed; stretchiness.
Stretchability-The extent to which something is stretchable.
Suppleness - the quality of being able to bend easily or be bent easily
Mobility - Mobility is the ability of a joint to move freely through a given range of motion
(ROM) without restriction from surrounding tissues.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

In common usage flexibility is often equated with stretch ability, elasticity, suppleness, mobility etc.
But as a scientific term flexibility means much more than what is conveyed by any of these terms.
लचीलेपन को अतिक आयाम या सीमा के साथ आांदोलनों को तनष्पाकदि करने की क्षमिा के रूप
में पररभात्रषि ककया जा सकिा है ।
लोच - ककसी िस्िु या सामग्री की स्पखांचाि या सांपीकड़ि होने के बाद अपने सामान्य आकार को
कफर से र्ुरू करने की क्षमिा; स्पखांचाि।
िन्यिा- िह सीमा जहााँ िक कोई िस्िु स्पखांची जा सकिी है ।
कोमलिा - आसानी से झुकने या आसानी से मुड़ने में सक्षम होने का गुण
गतिर्ीलिा - गतिर्ीलिा आस-पास के ऊिकों से प्रतिबांि के त्रबना गति की एक तनस्पिि सीमा
(ROM) के माध्यम से स्ििांि रूप से स्थानाांिररि करने के तलए एक सांयुि की क्षमिा है

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar


Active Flexibility /सकक्रय लचीलापन

The ability to do movement stretching a joint by a sportsman himself without any
external help.
Active flexibility is always less than the passive flexibility .
Static ,Dynamic
Passive Flexibility/ तनस्पष्क्रय लचीलापन-- stretching exercise with the help of a

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Internal influences

 bony structures which limit movement

 the elasticity of muscle tissue (muscle tissue that is scarred due to a previous injury is not very elastic)
 the elasticity of tendons and ligaments (ligaments do not stretch much and tendons should not stretch at
 the elasticity of skin (skin actually has some degree of elasticity, but not much)
 the temperature of the joint and associated tissues (joints and muscles offer better flexibility at body
temperatures that are 1 to 2 degrees higher than normal)

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

External influences
 the temperature of the place where one is training (a warmer temperature is more conducive to increased
 the time of day (most people are more flexible in the afternoon than in the morning, peaking from about
 the stage in the recovery process of a joint (or muscle) after injury (injured joints and muscles will usually offer
a lesser degree of flexibility than healthy ones)
 age (pre-adolescents are generally more flexible than adults)
 gender (females are generally more flexible than males)
 one's ability to perform a particular exercise (practice makes perfect)
 one's commitment to achieving flexibility
 the restrictions of any clothing or equipment

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Ballistic method- This is perhaps the oldest method of doing stretching exercises.
In this method a joint is stretched rhythmically to its maximum range.
The stretching movement is done with a swing hence the name ballistic method

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

In this method the joint is slowly stretched to the maximum limit and is hold there for a few
seconds before returning to the original position.
For best effect the joint must be held in a state of maximum stretch from 3-8 seconds.
Longer durations do not increase the effects.
For better effect the help of a partner should be taken in this method.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

In the past few years a new method of doing stretching
exercises has evolved.
It is called post iso-metric stretch and is based on the principle
of proprio-ceptive neuro-muscular facilitation.
In this method a muscle is first contracted iso-metrically for 6-
7 sec.
The iso -metric contraction should be maximal.
After this the muscle is gradually stretched to its maximum
limit and is held in this position for 8-10 sec.
This procedure is to be repeated 4-8 times for each muscle

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar


Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Coordinative abilities are those abilities which stabilized and generalized pattern of motor control.
These abilities help the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect.
Coordinative abilities primarily depend upon the central nervous system. In sports, the coordinative
abilities are under :
1. Differential ability1. त्रिभेदक क्षमिा
2. Orientation ability 2. अतभत्रिन्यास क्षमिा
3. Coupling ability 3. युग्मन क्षमिा
4. Reaction ability 4. प्रतिकक्रया क्षमिा
5. Balance ability 5. सांिुलन क्षमिा
6. Rhythm ability 6. िाल क्षमिा
7. Adaptation ability 7. अनुकूलन क्षमिा

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Differential ability: It is the ability to determine the position of the body & its parts in time
& space in relation to gravity, object.
Orientation ability: It is the ability of a person to adjust himself as per the time and
condition of the place.
This ability has different importance in each game. Ex. Playground . ball games
Coupling ability: It is the ability of a player to move his physical organs in order to do his
For example. Coordinative between hands and eyes, feet and eyes etc.
For example, In volleyball, the smasher smashes the ball according to the lift of the ball
and blockers coordinating the movements of his hands head and feet.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Reaction ability: It is the ability to react immediately quickly and effectively to a signal.

Balance ability: As the ability to maintain balance during the complete body movement &
to regain balance quickly after the balance disturbing movement.

Rhythm ability: To observe or perceive the rhythm of a movement & to do the movement
with external rhythm - music or express.
Adaptation ability : To adjust or change the movement effectively on the basis of changes
or anticipated changes in the situation
It is the ability to adjust or completely change the movement .

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

1. Practicing physical exercise.
2. Correct and conscious movement
3. Additional means to improve the motor sense
4. Variation in exercises
5. Degree of difficulty

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Technique means the way of doing a particular task scientifically.
The technique is defined as the single motor procedure for taking and tackling a
motion or motor task. ...
It just tells us in what way the movement should be done to effectively tackle a given
motor task.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Techniques are characterized by
Time Saving Techniques in sports leads to time saving for
the sportsperson.
Sportsperson will be able to perform optimally within less
The player will be able to practice more within the saved
time. This would increase his chances of succeeding.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Reduces Injuries A good technique reduces the chances of Sports injuries.
Sports injuries leads to decline in performances Or sportspersons and even ends their
A player adopting a g0od technique reduces the occurrence of injuries.
Improves Performance Adoption of a specific technique leads Developments in new.
techniques has led to of sportspersons. improvement in performances to drastic
improvements in the performances of sportspersons.
Self Confidence If technique improves performance it Continuously improves a necessary
component of performance of a player. If a player adopts a poor technique. or be able
to perform effectively which reduces they will not able to improve their confidence.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar


Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar
Skill is an athlete's ability to choose and perform the right techniques at the right
time, successfully, regularly and with a minimum of effort.
Athletes use their skill to achieve athletic objectives, e.g. sprinting a 10.0 second 100
Skill is acquired and therefore has to be learned

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Gross skills: involve large muscle movements which are not very precise and include
many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running and jumping. The shot
putt is an example of a primarily gross skill.

Fine skills: involve intricate, precise movements using small muscle groups and
generally involve high hand-eye coordination levels. A snooker shot or playing the
piano are examples of fine skills.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Open skills: sports such as Netball, Football, and Hockey involve open skills.
The environment is continually changing, so movements have to be often adapted.
Skills are predominantly perceptual and externally paced, for example, a pass in football.

Closed skills. These skills occur in a stable, predictable environment, and the performer
knows what to do and when.
Skills are not affected by the environment, and movements follow set patterns and have a
clear beginning and end.
The skills tend to be self-paced, for example, a free throw in Basketball and serving in
Squash or Tennis.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Individual skills are those performed in isolation. e.g. high jump.
Coactive skills are those performed at the same time as others but without confrontation.
e.g. swimming.
Interactive skills are those performed where other performers are directly involved. e.g.
rugby, netball.

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

Strategy defines your long-term goals and how you’re planning to achieve them. In
other words, your strategy gives you the path you need toward achieving your
organization’s mission.
Tactics are much more concrete and are often oriented toward smaller steps and a
shorter time frame along the way. They involve best practices, specific plans,
resources, etc. They’re also called “initiatives.”

Physical Education by Monu Madhukar

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