The document outlines strength and mobility targets for male and female athletes. It provides exercise recommendations with weight and repetition guidelines to build an athletic, resilient physique without muscle imbalances. The targets can be achieved through scalable training programs. The document encourages contacting the trainer via Instagram to review exercise form or validate progress.
The document outlines strength and mobility targets for male and female athletes. It provides exercise recommendations with weight and repetition guidelines to build an athletic, resilient physique without muscle imbalances. The targets can be achieved through scalable training programs. The document encourages contacting the trainer via Instagram to review exercise form or validate progress.
The document outlines strength and mobility targets for male and female athletes. It provides exercise recommendations with weight and repetition guidelines to build an athletic, resilient physique without muscle imbalances. The targets can be achieved through scalable training programs. The document encourages contacting the trainer via Instagram to review exercise form or validate progress.
The document outlines strength and mobility targets for male and female athletes. It provides exercise recommendations with weight and repetition guidelines to build an athletic, resilient physique without muscle imbalances. The targets can be achieved through scalable training programs. The document encourages contacting the trainer via Instagram to review exercise form or validate progress.
They are things most people can’t do without training, but they are possible to achieve with scalable training. The goal of these are to build a resilient, athletic body with no tight or weak links!
◻︎Tib Bar Raise - 1x15 @ 20% BW
◻︎Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise - 1x10/10 @ 33% BW ◻︎Single-Leg KOT Calf Raise - 1x15/15 @ 25% BW ◻︎Marty St. Louis Nordic - 1x5 @ 100% BW *shoulders above hips on the way up, :04 down each rep ◻︎Heel-Elevated 6” Step Up - 1x15/15 @ 50% BW ◻︎Petersen 6” Step Up - 1x15/15 @ 50% BW ◻︎Heel Up Split Squat - 1x8/8 @ 25% BW/hand ◻︎Heel Down Split Squat - 1x8/8 @ 25% BW/hand ◻︎VMO Squat - 1x20 @ 25% BW ◻︎KOT Squat - 1x5 @ 100% BW *getting knees all the way down to a 2” mat on the floor ◻︎Garhammer Raise - 1x12 @ 100% BW *Thighs stay above parallel ◻︎Hip Flexor Lift- 1x20/20 @ 10% BW ◻︎Couch Stretch - 1x:45/:45 *touch your shoulders to the wall with glutes contracted and shin against wall ◻︎Incline Pigeon Stretch - 1x:45/:45 *touch your head to foot, lowest incline ◻︎Butterfly - 1x1 @ 12.5% BW/hand *knees to floor ◻︎Seated Pancake - 1x:45 *head to floor ◻︎Seated Goodmorning - 1x10 @ 66% BW *getting abs to bench ◻︎Full-Stretch RDL - 1x12 @ 100% BW *getting lower back below parallel without rounding, and with knees behind ankles ◻︎Jefferson Curl - 1x10 @ 25% BW *getting wrists below toes ◻︎Back Extension - 1x8 @ 50% BW *SLOW AND CONTROLLED ◻︎45° Teapot - 1x10/10 @ 25% BW ◻︎Chinup - 1x10 @ 100% BW ◻︎Dip - 1x10 @ 100% BW ◻︎45° Incline DB Press - 1x8/8 @ 40% BW/hand ◻︎Behind The Neck Press - 1x8 @ 66% BW ◻︎Seated DB Shoulder Press - 1x8 @ 33% BW/hand ◻︎Cross-Bench DB Pullover - 1x10 @ 25% BW *getting elbows and hips below shoulders ◻︎DB External Rotation - 1x8/8 @ 10% BW *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Powell Raise - 1x8/8 @ 10% BW *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Trap-3 Raise - 1x8 @ 10% BW/hand *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Neck Bridge - 1x3 @ 100% BW *feet on the floor, head on a bench, holding for :08 on each rep ◻︎Neck Flexion - 1x10 @ 10% BW If you want me to check your form or officially validate your performance, DM me on Instagram @nwfit.nolan FEMALE ATHLETE ROADMAP The targets below are just that - targets. They are things most people can’t do without training, but they are possible to achieve with scalable training. The goal of these are to build a resilient, athletic body with no tight or weak links!
◻︎Tib Bar Raise - 1x15 @ 12% BW
◻︎Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise - 1x10/10 @ 25% BW ◻︎Single-Leg KOT Calf Raise - 1x15/15 @ 15% BW ◻︎Eccentric-Only Nordic - 1x5 @ 100% BW *shoulders above hips, :04 down each rep ◻︎Heel-Down 6” Step Up - 1x15/15 @ 40% BW ◻︎Heel-Elevated 6” Step Up - 1x15/15 @ 40% BW ◻︎Heel Up Split Squat - 1x8/8 @ 15% BW/hand ◻︎Heel Down Split Squat - 1x8/8 @ 15% BW/hand ◻︎VMO Squat - 1x20 @ 15% BW ◻︎KOT Squat - 1x5 @ 100% BW *getting knees all the way down to a mat height that puts your shins parallel to the floor ◻︎Garhammer Raise - 1x12 @ 100% BW *Thighs stay above parallel ◻︎Hip Flexor Lift- 1x20/20 @ 6% BW ◻︎Couch Stretch - 1x:45/:45 *touch your shoulders to the wall with glutes contracted and shin against wall ◻︎Incline Pigeon Stretch - 1x:45/:45 *touch your head to foot, lowest incline ◻︎Butterfly - 1x1 @ 10% BW/hand *knees to floor ◻︎Seated Pancake - 1x:45 *head to floor ◻︎Seated Goodmorning - 1x10 @ 40% BW *getting abs to bench ◻︎Full-Stretch RDL - 1x12 @ 80% BW *getting lower back below parallel without rounding, and with knees behind ankles ◻︎Jefferson Curl - 1x10 @ 15% BW *getting wrists below toes ◻︎Single-Leg Back Extension - 1x8/8 @ 20% BW *SLOW AND CONTROLLED ◻︎45° Teapot - 1x10/10 @ 10% BW ◻︎Chinup - 1x1 @ 100% BW ◻︎Dip - 1x1 @ 100% BW ◻︎45° Incline DB Press - 1x8/8 @ 20% BW/hand ◻︎Behind The Neck Press - 1x8 @ 45% BW ◻︎Seated DB Shoulder Press - 1x8 @ 15% BW/hand ◻︎Cross-Bench DB Pullover - 1x10 @ 12% BW *getting elbows and hips below shoulders ◻︎DB External Rotation - 1x8/8 @ 7% BW *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Powell Raise - 1x8/8 @ 7% BW *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Trap-3 Raise - 1x8 @ 7% BW/hand *controlling down for :04 on each rep ◻︎Neck Bridge - 1x3 @ 100% BW *feet on the floor, head on a bench, holding for :08 on each rep ◻︎Neck Flexion - 1x10 @ 7% BW If you want me to check your form or officially validate your performance, DM me on Instagram @nwfit.nolan
Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1