Hariram Packaging Price List Nagpur 01-Aug-24

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Hariram Packaging & Polymers

Head Office : Plot No.30-A Corporation Colony, Nagpur -10

Phone : +91-9372333950 Email : [email protected]
Nagpur Stock Point: Plot No.D-1 MIDC Hingna, Nagpur - 16
CSA & Delcredere Agent Of HPL Date 1-Aug-2024

Price List For Nagpur


Immediate Credit Immediate Credit

Grade Basic Cash Disc. Sub Total Freight
Payment (14 Days) Payment (14 Days)

Film F5400 103061 1100 101961 2013 103974 105074 103824 104924
B5500 100927 1100 99827 2013 101840 102940 101690 102790
B6401 98962 1100 97862 2013 99875 100975 99725 100825
Blow Mould.
E5201 100712 1100 99612 2013 101625 102725 101475 102575
E5201S 99462 1100 98362 2013 100375 101475 100225 101325
P5300 (PE-100) 103621 1100 102521 2013 104534 105634 104384 105484
PE Scheme

P5200 (PE-63) 100491 1100 99391 2013 101404 102504 101254 102354

P5200UV 101991 1100 100891 2013 102904 104004 102754 103854

P5100 (PE-80) 102377 1100 101277 2013 103290 104390 103140 104240
Raffia HDT-9 101061 1100 99961 2013 101974 103074 101824 102924
M5002L 99633 1100 98533 2013 100546 101646 100396 101496
M5005L 99633 1100 98533 2013 100546 101646 100396 101496
Inj. Mould. M6007L 96883 1100 95783 2013 97796 98896 97646 98746
M6007LU 98383 1100 97283 2013 99296 100396 99146 100246
M5018L / M5025L 98597 1100 97497 2013 99510 100610 99360 100460
Film 71501S / 71601W / 2W / 2S 94339 1100 93239 2013 95252 96352 95102 96202
PE Scheme

Drip 71601D 95339 1100 94239 2013 96252 97352 96102 97202

73005T / 73204T 103826 1100 102726 2013 104739 105839 104589 105689
Roto Mould.
73005TU / 73204TU 105326 1100 104226 2013 106239 107339 106089 107189
Extr. Coating 72307E 105652 1100 104552 2013 106565 107665 106415 107515

M212S 110994 1100 109894 2013 111907 113007 111757 112857


Injection Moulding

M304 105994 1100 104894 2013 106907 108007 106757 107857

Impact CP

M307 / M315 105494 1100 104394 2013 106407 107507 106257 107357
M310 107744 1100 106644 2013 108657 109757 108507 109607
PP Scheme

M312 106194 1100 105094 2013 107107 108207 106957 108057


M110 101063 1100 99963 2013 101976 103076 101826 102926

Homo Polymer

R103 100201 1100 99101 2013 101114 102214 100964 102064


T103 105763 1100 104663 2013 106676 107776 106526 107626

F110 103273 1100 102173 2013 104186 105286 104036 105136
F135 108873 1100 107773 2013 109786 110886 109636 110736

All Rates are subject to 18% GST on final bill value.
Stock Point Rates are Ex-Warehouse

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